#That be so funny if sandy is the person who helps Mk the most in season 5 to help cool his rage
i-am-a-fan · 2 months
Crazy how in lego monkie kid blue has now come to mean death, chaos, and destruction while Sandy is still there. Like the number one Blue guy ™. And he’s the calmest member of the team who only shows his violent strength when pushed to the point of needing to use it, and even then he’s fully in control of it.
Really silly that pigsy also introduces him as a violent warrior that even he fears and would have preferred to have never contacted again. Someone that, before the group met him, meant death and destruction to pigsy.
Crazy that he was the only one to keep getting silver stars when under training in season four. Showing that he’s the perfect balance of grace and power. Showing that balance is possible if you want it and work for it.
So silly that his color pallet is his complementary color with orange, a color that’s been associated with Mk and Wukong, and blue.
Anyways that’s just something I noticed.
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chubbyheadquarters · 1 year
Genre: Yandere Pronouns: Gender-Neutral TW/CW: Yandere Tendencies, Stalking, Guilt-tripping, etc. Character(s): Mk
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He loves spending time with you, dreamily looking at you and listening to whatever you may be talking about. You could be talking about the most technical thing and he'll remember it all, word for word. What can he say? Your voice is absolutely entrancing. That's why Pisgy uses it to his advantage, since he'll actually get the work done if you ask him to.
He has such strong feelings for you, it's not even funny. He could go on about how kind and supportive you are, how gorgeous you are, what you told him the day before- Literally anything that has to do with you. The others find it cute at times, but sometimes, it can get a bit much when that's all he wants to talk about.
Mk trusts the others when it comes to you, since you see Sandy, Tang and Pigsy as guardians, whether it be as dads or uncles. He knows Mei and Red Son would never try to hit on you, since they're his best friends! Best friends don't hurt each other like that!
He hates when your attention isn't on him. It's not as bad as Wukong, since he's somewhat good at hiding it, but not as good as Macaque. He'll do what he can to pull your attention back to him and jump for joy if you do. If not, he'll wait patiently, albeit sadly, for you to finish talking to that other person.
He'll stalk you when you leave the shop, whether it be a trip to the store, maybe when you're heading back home, heck, even a simple walk garners his full curiousity. He needs to know what you're doing, what you're getting, see who you're talking to. He can keep in mind what snacks or drinks you like and get more affection. And he can keep track of the workers who may be getting a bit too bold...
He hates how wrong a part of it feels, cause the other part makes him so happy! He's seen how healthy relationships are portrayed in media, and he knows that his feelings are more... intense than others. He's thought about going to someone to talk about it, but decided against it. Doesn't need some stranger hearing about you. They might try to steal you away from him.
It absolutely does not help that Monkey King somewhat encourages it. "You just have a strong love for them, that's all!" Macaque is also no help and even adds more fuel to the fire. "Show them a few moves, give them a taste of how great you'd be as a partner. No need to fear what you feel." Mk takes those words to heart and believes them with all his heart.
Should you start showing interest in anyone, he'll become devastated. His brain will kick into show off mode, upping the things he can show off. If that doesn't work, he'll stay cooped up in his room. He can't bear going out there and seeing you talk happily about someone else. Usually that worries you enough to call off your day out and spend it with him. And yes, he absolutely soaks that time up.
If that doesn't work, then he'll resort to guilting you into not going. He doesn't want to! But he refuses to lose you to some random person who could end up hurting you! He's been with you for longer, given you so much of his time and love, so why should they get any? They don't deserve you. They don't love you as much as he does!
The confession can go one of two ways. The first one being that you accept his feelings and everything's good. The second one's a simple rejection, one that's taken surprisingly well. But truthfully, he's making sure that every person you pursue/pursues you breaks up or leaves. He won't hurt them, but he's very persuasive when it comes to their safety.
He will NEVER kidnap you, nor will he ever force you to do something you hate or find uncomfortable. He can't even imagine doing so, since he wants you to be HAPPY with him. He will break if you begin to hate him.
He's sure it'll just take a little while, but you'll see his love for you soon! He knows it! And when you do, you'll be able to go on the best dates, exchange all the kisses you want, cuddle in bed, exchange sweet words to each other, etc. And the future-
Don't worry your pretty head about it! He's got it all planned out! From the perfect wedding and honeymoon, to the place you'd both start living in and how many kids you'll have/adopt-but if you don't want kids, that's totally okay! You can get a pet! If you want it to be just the two of you, then he has no complaints whatsoever.
He'll do anything he can to make you happy, to gain your love, to even have you in the same room as him. It's sickly sweet, disgustingly so at some points, and can sometimes turn a bit sour, but you won't notice it. He'll always have the perfect excuse. After all, you see him as adorable and innocent Mk! And if that's what you want, then that's who he'll be.
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell Of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 5
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black-furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 5: By Your Side
“Next is the bag of chips, why he likes pizza flavor I will never know,” Mac muttered as he pushed his cart through the aisles.
The two teenagers in his care, at this point Mei might as well be one of his, had opted out of the grocery trip and decided to do their own thing on the other side of town. Still well perfectly within hearing distance, but he smartly decided not to eavesdrop on their conversations, he would rather not have two very creative, and vengeful, kids out to get him.
After he had grabbed the bag of chips and placed it in with all the many, many items in the cart, some of them were not even for him and the two kids as his friends tend to make themselves at home at times. He feels like he should be charging his friends for the amount of stuff he gets for them no matter how rich he may be.
‘Who even needs this many ghost peppers, 3 bundles of apples, a bag of soft sponges, industrial nail filer, and a goddamn indestructible chew ball,’ he internally ranted in his head as he went through another aisle, ‘What am I, their parent?’ They have their own damn jobs!’ He then looked through some of their teas available and his nose scrunched up as he picked up a box of passion fruit tea. “Who the fuck even likes passion fruit tea? That shit is way too sweet,” he grumbled to himself.
“Well store bought ones usually don’t have that same ‘Oomph’ as homemade ones,” a deep voice said.
“You’re telling me,” Mac agreed as he side glance at the man who was reaching for one of the teas on the top shelf as he couldn’t contain his eye twitch. ‘Okay, been in this city for gods knows how long, and in the span of less than a year I managed to find ones that are descendants or reincarnation of most of the fucking crew. What the actual fuck is this sort of luck?! I know that there are historians willing to sell their soul for even a trace of this, so what kind of fucked up luck am I getting that I just stumbled upon them.’
“Hm,” he, the overgrown beast of a demon that shared too much resemblance to Sha Wujing, titled his head to him. “Is there something the matter?” His eyes widen as he tries to look over his body and pants, “Do I have cat hair on me?! I thought I managed to clean the last of it off before I left.”
“No, no,” he waved him off, “just thought you looked familiar, that’s all.”
“Oh well in that case,” the large man shifted his basket to his other hand and stuck out his right, “my name is Sandy, it’s nice to meet a fellow tea lover.”
Macaque stared at the hand for a bit before giving a small smirk and shaking it, “Name Macaque and right back at ya big lug.”
“Personally I like the Biluochun Tea,” Sandy said as he plucked up a box of Chamomile, “but unfortunately they have yet to fully bloom in my garden so I am making do with a substitute,” he joked.
“Then how about Kuding?” Mac recommended.
“I may like the taste of bitter, but I don’t want that to be my only taste,” he admitted.
“Well I think it’s pretty good.”
“Let me take a wild guess and say that you don’t like sweet things.”
“I only tolerate for my kiddos,” he mumbled as he put the box of Junshan Yinzhen Tea, he already had a batch of Kuding growing out in the garden, so there is little point in grabbing a weak ass store brand tea that held not even the same resemblance to how it truly tastes. He tried a box out of sheer curiosity and immediately chuck that so far away, that thing that called itself Kuding tea is a disgrace to the true masterpiece.
“You have kids,” the demon piped up as he walked alongside the monkey.
“Technically one, but with the number of times she stays over, I might as well claim that hellion,” he grumbled as the two goes out of the aisle and towards the meat.
“Awww, that’s sweet,” he put his hand to his very muscular chest, “the only little ones I have are my adorable cats,” he then proudly showed off his wallet which had an assortment of different kinds of cats.
“Cute,” he admitted as he took in the collection of cats, “was this an all at once thing or more of a gradual.”
“Oh some were gradual, others were in groups, and some was just picked up,” he said as he put up his wallet, “Like one day I come home and find Mimi, one of my older ones, carrying the most adorable blue kitten,” he began to tell his tale of Mo as the two continued their shopping together.
“I’ll be with you in just a moment,” Pigsy yelled out as he served a tray full of steaming hot noodles to his other customers.
“Man, this place is packed today,” Mac said as he took the only seat on the counter, which was by the entrance. The place was brimming with customers, either loitering outside waiting for their order or just chatting amicably inside.
“Yeah, lunch hour kicks my as-butt each time,” he had to suppress a groan and put on a customer service grin as he watched another group stroll in. “Be with you in a minute!”
“I thought you had some staff? I know the last time we came in, we saw a driver leaving with the food,” he asked as he straightened out his lavender dress covered with floral print.
“Well,” Pigsy said after he finished taking orders and began making the food, “I had to fire that lazy bum after he called off so many times, a few I get, but how does 4 out of the five days you work help?! And you still expect me to pay you for a full two weeks of service?” He grumbled harshly as he then took a few of the clean bowls out.
“Yikes,” Mac grimaced, “…want some help?”
The owner paused and sharply looked towards the monkey, “you offering?”
“Yeah, don’t really have anything better to do, besides,” he showed off two more clones, which barely made people bat an eye as they were too engrossed in their meals and phones, “I am basically a one man army.”
Pigsy looked so wistfully at that power and quickly asked, “are you any good at customer service?”
“I volunteer at a theater,” he raised an eyebrow.
“You're hired,” the shorter demon threw an apron at him, “you’ll get paid by the end of the day.”
“Instead of that, how bout next time I drop by, food is on the house?” He bargained as he put on the apron.
“Deal,” he instantly agreed and he could feel a wave of relief wash over him as he now could focus on cooking instead of everything at once. “Next time why don’t you talk to Tang about how free meals work, maybe then his lazy butt can finally start paying me.”
“Why don’t you just not give him free food?” Macaque smirked as he saw a faint blush on the pig’s face.
“Shut up,” he muttered.
The monkey said nothing more as he put the apron on, turned to the group of people that was just seated, took out a notepad, and gave his most theatrical smile “Welcome to Pigsy Noodles, what can I get started for you?”
“So anyway, I have been looking through some of the books that I saw in an antique store, and let me tell you that I scored the motherload!” Tang excitedly said as he talked beside the lake. “Guess what I happened to find.”
“What?” The creature prompted him as he casually floated in the water.
“You have money? You actually have a job,” the other being questioned, “and you still let Pigsy pay for your food?”
“It’s a journal that tells the tale of someone who got trapped in the spiritual world after a failed ritual!” He exclaimed as he steadfastly ignored the previous question.
“Pffftt,” he sputtered out a laugh.
“I don’t know about you but isn’t it usually a bad thing when someone gets trapped somewhere,” Macaque drawled out as he chewed on a plum as he stretched out on the grass with a baby monkey clinging onto him. Ní, who decided to chill in her rabbit form for some reason, also nodded as she laid down on the sunlight grass. “Also, you haven’t answered my question.”
“Well she obviously is alright since she wrote this book and all,” the historian tried to defend himself as he still didn’t answer.
“It’s true, you agree with me right Shu,” he turned to the water demon.
“Absolutely,” the Shui Gui cheekily said.
Tang shot a smirk at him.
“He agrees with anything he finds funny,” he rolled his eyes.
“Well anyway,” he took out the book and showed it to them, “this book illustrates how Chi-Chi journey through the treacherous parts of the realm, tricked many dangerous beings, gazed upon the beauty of the uncharted, and met so many spirits and immortals along the way!”
“Is that so,” Mac hummed.
“I would give an arm and a leg to meet an immortal or even a spirit,” he said unblinkingly then he went back to his fanboy mode, “I would have so many questions to ask them!”
The 2 immortal beings shared a look at each other as the monkey then put a hand over the spirit’s mouth to stop him from saying anything.
“Don’t you even think about it Kappa,” he warned him.
The drowned spirit just gave him a cheeky grin as he raised his webbed hands in the air.
“I swear,” Macaque grumbled as he put down his hand, “how the hell did the two of you even become friends?”
“He fed me some beef jerky,” he happily explained, “and that was the start of a beautiful friendship.”
“And he never once comments on why you always hang around the lake and not anywhere else?” He incredulously said.
“Adrenaline junkie I swear.”
“You say something?” Tang called out as he paused his fanboy mode.
“Just talking about your obvious crush on Pigsy,” Mac facepalmed when the spirit just had to say that of all things.
“It’s not a crush!” Tang marched up to him with his ears redder than an apple, “Can’t someone just appreciate another person's attractive qualities?”
“Yes, yes you can,” he agreed.
“Good,” the fanatic crossed his arms, “then you can safely assume that-.”
“Butttt you have a fancy for the pig,” the spirit ended.
“The sheer irony is actually ridiculous,” Mac said to himself as he slowly petted the infant.
“Ooo oo,” the baby macaque cooed.
“No, you cannot eat my tail.”
“You know, I’m getting real tired of those idiots' constant fighting,” Macaque grumbled as he petted a very fat and very fluffy cat.
“Tell me about it,” Sandy nodded his head as he drank some tea. “They have been at it for almost the second they met each other.”
“I swear I am so close to just shoving them both in a closet alone and letting them deal with it.”
“Yeahhh, that might not work so well,” Sandy drawled out as he set down his cup.
“Why? Cause it won’t be right,” he mocked.
“Well there’s that, but also there’s the fact that it would absolutely do nothing at all and just lead to them bickering more,” he pointed out.
“You, unfortunately, have a point,” he slumped back as another cat crawled on top of him.
“Also, I may have already tried that.”
“Wait? Really?” He sat back up and looked at the blue demon’s sheepish expression.
“Let me just tell you that seeing it on t.v does not really work the same way as real life,” he still remembered how they were both mad at him for locking them in a room together.
“Tell me about it,” Mac already knows the pain as both MK and Mei went through this phase as they tried to do the most ridiculous stunts or experiment with dangerous chemicals. Luckily he managed to stop or save them in time, but there were a few times where he was preoccupied or just missed it. Let it be known that they both learned their lesson after breaking bones and a fierce rash all over their arms. He still doesn't know what they were trying to prove with the lacquer tree. “Oh yeah, how did it go with flicker the other day? Didn’t give you too much trouble?”
“Oh nothing I couldn’t handle,” Sandy smiled at the mention of his newest client, “Can’t tell you much cause of confidentiality and whatnot, but he is open to another session.”
The monkey nodded, “that’s good, Gods know he needs it, now if Raki was more amenable to the idea, but she is the most prideful person I know and that is including her husband.”
The blue demon winced, “yeahhh I can see how that might be a bit difficult.”
“You're telling me.”
“Focus,” Macaque yelled out as he nimbly dodged a flying kick, “remember that when you strike, you make sure that strike will be your last.”
Mei didn’t say a word as she growled at her missed shot and jumped towards him then fainted for an upward cut then quickly proceeded to go into a low roll as MK came up from behind with a high kick.
“Good plan you two,” he praised as he simply jumped above MK’s head and said, “but try going for a grapple next time, it would have been more effective to topple me over rather than try to catch me off guard in the air.”
MK flipped backward and attempted to grab onto his tail, which he quickly realized was a mistake as he felt the tail wrap around his arm and flung him to Mei, who was charging at him.
“If I was an unskilled fighter then that would have been quite an effective weakness to exploit, but it’s too bad I’m not,” he mocked the two as he caught Mei sword with one hand and MK escrima stick with the other and casually tossed them back to the edges of the tree line.
“Oh come on!/We almost had him!” Both teens yelled out as they simultaneously punched a tree in frustration, which left a handprint etched into the wood when they took it out.
Only Macaque noticed this as both of the kids elected to split off from each other and try to attack him from both sides. “Guess they have adapted quite well to my energy,” he mused as he watched them run towards him, “Probably should tell them to take it easy else they’ll break their bones, again.” He then easily began to dodge from both of their attacks as they gave it their all to finally hit the damn monkey.
And this how it continued, with both seventeen year olds working together to finally land a hit on the speedy monkey, only for it to fail every time.
“You're getting better,” he said as he looked down on the two exhausted teenagers trying to catch their breath.
“One day,” Mei took a long deep breath before continuing, “one day, I don’t know when, but one day I will punch that damn smug off your face.”
“Ditto,” MK raised his hand in the air then dropped it then pushed his loose hair out of his eyes.
Mei saw this and gave a faint snort, “you know I can help with your hair-”
“I’m not putting pigtails in my head again,” he deadpanned.
“Come on, I can even get fluffy to join.”
“How about no,” he bluntly said as handed them two cold water bottles, “take a breather breezy, starlight. We can resume in a few minutes.”
“Okayy,” they moaned out.
“Awww, but I bet you would look cute in pigtails,” they all turned to see Minsheng hop in with a few others as well, “I know there will be a lot of demons just willing to pay for a pic, just think of the money.”
“Remember the glitter,” Macaque growled out.
“The bunny paused and crossed their arms as their friends laughed behind him, “ Well I’m just saying.”
“It took them ages to get all that out,” Daiyu stated, it didn’t even come off until a full month has gone by, and yet they still found small patches in their fur.
“Almost killed him when he tried to hug me with that on him,” Bohai huffed as he glowed a bit at the horrible image of him even having a speck of that abomination on him.
“They looked like my gremlin’s arts and crafts masterpiece when they were five,” Yanyu chortled.
“It was indeed horrible,” Ahmed lowly chuckled out as he slowly trailed behind them all, then all demons, and adult human, in the vicinity paused.
“Oh right this,” the bluenette human almost hit herself at how quickly she forgot, “we did come here for a reason.”
“Voices gettin to ya,” the long-furred monkey easily asked the lion demon.
“They have been a bit annoying,” he gave a weak chuckle.
“I feel ya,” he turned to his kids, “go towards the tree line with the rest of them, it seems that class will have to be cut short.”
“Okay?” Both were very confused, but obliged by the demon words as they walked over to the group, only to be pulled back by Bohai. “Hey!/What?”
“Oh trust me,” the jellyfish demon said, “you do not want to be anywhere near Ahmed at the moment. He’s a bit...unhinged.”
“Him? But he’s a total softie,” Mei shot a look to him.
“He let Mei put ribbons in his mane,” MK added.
“Oh there’s no doubt about Med squishy heart, but there are times where he just has to cut loose, ya feel me,” the vulture just received confused looks.
“Just watch,” the bunny demon grinned and took out a bundle of golden carrots, and began to eat.
“What do you mean-,” she was cut off by Macauqe voice.
“Come at me you overgrown cat.”
They saw Ahmed give a grateful nod before he went on all four, not even caring about his messing up his robes, and his body started to spasm as he let out a fierce roar that made everyone in the vicinity cover their ears.
He then flickered out of view and the monkey quickly had both his arms crossed in front of him as a plume of dirt and dust gathered around him without warning. It was only when it was settled that the demons and humans saw that the once flat field now had a decent crater in the middle with both lion and monkey. Ahmed gave a low snarl as he saw that the monkey was not harmed.
“Aww baby cub claws not working,” he mocked him as he sent a hard kick to his jaw, “how bout I help ya there.”
He growled as he quickly grabbed the monkey’s leg and flung him to the ground, he gave a nasty grin as he saw blood trickle from his head.
“Wouldn’t get too cocky, haven’t you already tasted the blood trickling out of your jaw?”
The lion stilled as he tasted the metallic tang covering his tongue, he let out a low growl in frustration.
“First blood to me,” was all Mac had to say before the lion gave a roar and lunged at him, thus the fight beginning once more.
MK and Mei were stunned silent as they watch the vicious battle as each time Ahmed tried to throw an attack it would either get dodged or redirected, but if he did manage to land one blood was always shed. Macaque was the same way as each time he managed to strike him down they swore that they heard bones loudly breaking.
But neither side gave in.
“Terrifying right,” they were slightly startled by Yanyu’s voice and couldn’t help, but fall over as they saw, not only her, but everyone casually laying down and/or eating.
“Oh don’t give us that look,” Daiyu said as she hummed and watched the lion attempt to claw the monkey's eyes out, “it’s only some bloodshed, nothing major. Though it would be more thrilling if a certain spider bitch was involved, I would love to see her blood splattered out,” she lowly huffed.
“What she means to say is that Macaque has this well in hand, this isn’t his first time dealing with ol Meddy when he’s primal,” Bohai tried to comfort them.
“Primal?” MK questioned.
“Basically it’s when someone instinct takes over,” Minsheng explained as they munched on their carrot while watching Mac throw him harshly to the ground, “sometimes it’s a good thing like you stuck in a corner and you got a colony you need to protect behind you, it’s one hell of a boost let me tell you. Other times not so much.”
Both kids blinked at that lackluster answer.
“What they mean,” Bohai continued as they casually looked away from Ahmed sinking his teeth into Macaque shoulder, “is that other times the bad times, to put it bluntly, it’s when the voices get so loud that it begins to control your entire being until you finally get rid of it. If you're lucky, it can be as easy as sleeping, if not well,” he looked at where the six-eared monkey had ripped his shoulder away from Ahmed red stained fangs and proceeded to knock out a few teeth in retaliation. “That.”
“He becomes bloodthirsty,” Mei quietly says.
“Yeah,” Yanyu softly brought them down next to her as she gave them a bag of popcorn, “it’s not pretty, but he just has to let it out.”
“But why is Dad the one fighting him?! Why not any of you!” He half shouted in nervousness and anger as he looked towards the demons, specifically Daiyu.
“Well I don’t know about you, but I don’t have a death wish,” Bohai bluntly stated.
“Here here,” Sheng raised his hand.
“Tried that once and I was beaten in a minute flat,” the vulture huffed, “if Mackie wasn’t there then my body would have been a nice dinner to the rest of the wake.”
“Thus their first meeting,” the bunny added.
“Wait, Mac Mac first time meeting Ahmed was when he was beating the shit out of Daiyu and then to each other,” Mei asked.
“Yep,” they collectively said.
“And he is literally the only one able to fight against him?” MK questioned.”
“Yep,” they repeated.
Both teens took a glance as the monkey continued his vicious strikes against the lion, who attempted to decapitate his head every time, but each time he missed he instead decimated any boulders in the unfortunate vicinity into dust. The primal lion retaliated with his own thundering roar, but Macaque was fast enough to dodge the attacks that uprooted a grove of trees.
“Well there goes any small lingering doubts on how he was able to go toe to toe with the Monkey King,” Mei deadpanned as she slumped and stuffed her hand into the popcorn.
MK followed suit as he ate some popcorn, “you’re telling me.”
“He is kicking major monkey ass right now.”
“I am so happy that he is going easy on us,” the ponytail boy whispered out.
“Holy shit, no kidding,” she agreed, “just think, we could have been less than paste on the side of the road with a single hit if he actually tried to let loose with us.”
“Nahh, you don’t have to worry about that,” Min waved their worries off, “other than this, the only other time he actually lets loose is around his exes.”
“I’m sorry, his WHAT?!/Wait? WHAT?!” Mei and MK sat up as Mei continued, “what do you mean exes?!”
“Dad dated?!?!?” MK followed suit.
“Oh yeah,” Yanyu grinned, “I even met some of them, and let me tell you that he has horrible taste in partners.”
“I don’t think it’s his fault that most of them fall on the insane scale and not in a good way,” Bohai deadpanned.
“By insane you mean impulsive as shit that tries to fight anything that moves, then yeah,” Daiyu nodded.
“It’s weird hearing those words coming from you,” the adult human teased.
“Hey, I may like fighting, but even I have my own limits. His partners take the entire train and then the second one charging at em.”
“I’m still trying to wrap my head around Dad dating,” the seventeen year old muttered as he gripped his head as he looked towards the blood stained battle. “This I can get, but dating?”
“…I am so never gonna let this go,” a twinkle of mischievous appeared in Mei's eyes as she looked at them, “sooo if you had to guess, which one is his most insane, or worst, partner.”
“I have to say Hui, that scorpion bastard seemed nice enough, but she was a raging alcoholic that always tried to get into the celestial realm for some booze” Sheng started as they stuffed the rest of the carrot in their mouth.
“Ju. He was a fishy one, that turtle was always looking for his next meal, no matter where it came from,” Bohai grumbled.
“Might have something to do with nature,” Yanyu teased.
“Shut up.”
“Both of ya are brain dead if you forgot who really takes the crown,” the winged demon interjected.
“Who then?”
Daiyu and Yanyu just looked at each other before saying, “Lemur bitch.”
“Fair point,” both aquatic and land demons replied.
“Who?” Mei asked, but it was met with grimaced faces.
“Just,” Bohai began, “just pray you never meet him, Shun is-,” he was cut off by a loud yell.
“WE DON’T TALK ABOUT HIM!” Macaque screeched while all his ears flared up, his eyes twitch violently with a wild look. “NEVER!” He repeated as he pressed his foot and staff on the lion’s back, who was just growling out and thrashing wildly under him.
“Yeahhh, let’s just say that after him, doc swore off on dating,” Yanyu sighed as she ate a handful of popcorn.
“But what did he do?” MK said as he was careful to avoid the name.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
“But I really do,” Mei leaned in.
“No you don’t.”
“But I-,” she got a mouthful of popcorn stuffed in her mouth.
“You don’t,” Yanyu pulled back her hand, “now let’s watch them beat the shit out of each other. 20 on Mufasa knocking him out this time.”
“I’ll add to that,” Min added.
“Well I bet 25 that Dad will knock him out!” MK shouted, “there’s no way he’ll lose.”
“And I’ll double that,” Mei joined in after she swallowed the popcorn, “no way pops is losing to an overgrown cat!”
“Get ready to eat your words.”
“The only thing I’ll be eating is some delicious double truffle swirl ice cream with your money.”
“Let’s just see about that.”
(Minsheng soon regretted those words as both Mei and MK happily ate their ice cream alongside a bandaged, but still a very conscious monkey, and a bruised up lion who was contently knocked out.)
“And that should be the last of it,” the eighteen year old boy grinned as he then noticed a violet headband hanging next to a stuffed monkey, “whoops, can’t forget that.” He quickly snatched it up and proceeded to put his hair in a ponytail then began to look around his room.
The room, once filled with clothes spread all over the floor, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, pictures and posters covering the walls, now laid bare with only a few boxes left to the side filled with them all. MK couldn’t stop the sad grin that formed on his face as he took in the sight of his room-old room, he was going to miss this, but he felt that it was time to move out and try living on his own for a while.
Knock Knock
“Sorry I’m not in right now, leave a message,” he jokingly said despite fully knowing who is on the other side.
The door swung open to reveal Macaque fondly rolling his eyes, “Where’d you get that snark from, I’ll never know.”
“Neither shall I.”
The monkey looked around the room, “so it looks like you're about done, you gonna bring it all over to Pigsy?”
“Most of it, yeah, but I have a separate pile I'm donating or giving to Yan munchkins,” he pointed to a few boxes titled ‘Donations’ and ‘Yanyu Gremlins.’
Mac smirked at the name as he gave a little walk around the bare room and noticed that where the bed used to be was a splatter of red paint and a dent in the wall, “huh, so how did this happen?”
MK froze as he saw what he was looking at and gave a nervous grin, “so remember when Mei was over and we had a bunch of paint for that art project.”
“The one about the deities or the one about nature?”
“Nature, and well remember how you found us covered in paint in here.”
“After I told you to keep it in the kitchen or outside so it won't be too hard to clean up, yes.” He deadpanned.
“And we did at first,” he put a finger up, “buttttt I left some of my materials in my room and it was alot, so Mei followed, but we kinda forgot that we still had wet paint all over us and we began to freak out. One thing led to another and Mei may have accidentally used too much force as she was panicking and let to the dent in the wall, which then made us panic even more, so we had the idea of moving the bed to cover the dent, which worked...except now the covers had paint on it and well....”
“Is how I found the both of you freaking out on the bed covered head to toe in paint,” the monkey snorted.
“In hindsight, we probably should have taken off our shoes before walking inside,” he scratched the back of his neck and sat against the wall opposing the window.
“That would have been a smart idea, took us ages to get it all cleaned,” he smirked as he sat beside him.
The teenager sighed as he looked out the window, “I'm gonna miss this.”
“Pfft, who says you can’t come back?” He playfully ruffled his head, “this isn’t a goodbye, but a see you later, you're always welcomed back home anytime.”
“Even if I screw it up time and time again,” he leaned into the touch.
“Even if you managed to wreck the whole country and have a bounty coming from the heavens that could feed nations for lifetimes,” Mac shot back.
MK laughed at the image, “Havoc in Heaven’s sequel, now with more monkeys.”
“And dragons,” the demon added.
“Mei would kick so much ass.”
“She absolutely would,” he chuckled as he continued to thread his fingers through his son's hair.
It was silent and, like so many times before, the two of them took only comfort from it.
“Dad,” MK quietly began.
“Yes comet.”
“… I’m scared,” he curled up into him, “like super duper scared and I have never left you ever since you saved-,”
“You would have-,” Macaque interjected.
“Saved,” he emphasized, “me and I can never thank you enough for just being there but I really want to do this and I really want to try to do things on my own! But I don’t know why I am so scared-wait I do, but it just so stupid and I can’t believe that I feel this way, cause you won’t just up and leave, but I-,” he stopped as he felt his Dad arms encircle him.
“It’s a scary step and I know change is terrifying, but I am so proud that you want to do this. It will be hard, no doubt, and at times it may seem like the whole world is against you, but know that you still have tomorrow waiting for you. So,” he tilted his son's head, “keep your head held high and look towards the stars, cause that right there is your limit starlight.”
MK smiled at his father's words.
“Also I think you may have forgotten something,” he showed off his six ears fluttering. “I have six ears for a reason, so if you ever need help or just need me, just call and-,”
“You’ll come running,” he grinned as he pushed himself further into the monkey's soft fur.
“And don’t you forget it,” he pushed his face into his son's hair and gave a soft kiss on top.
“I won’t,” he whispered out and clutched onto him tightly as both curled up in content.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Smoke, Flasks, and Unfinished Tasks
Hey. So. Remember THIS fill from like... a week and a half ago? Because of the comments I received I decided to rewrite it as a multi-chapter fic. The first chapter has the same premise but is completely written (barring a couple lines) and has many new scenes. Like a hint as to where the trio is maybe?
AO3 Link!
Summary: It had been over a year since MK had become the Monkie Kid. Months since Mei formed an unlikely bond with the Monkey King. Fewer months since Red Son had defected from his parents and was desperate to prove to everyone he could change a second time. In all that time a routine was set, communication alleys were formed, and agreements were made. Things had been going well.
Now the trio was missing without a single clue to where they had gone. And they weren't the only ones.
Warnings: None for this chapter, but perhaps mind the tags on AO3 for future ones.
Chapter 1: Thunder and Lightning
They were late. They had made sure to remind him of their plans multiple times last night... and they were late.
Sun Wukong, The Monkey King himself, would have been starting to get angry if he wasn't so worried. He wouldn't be surprised if Mei was late, it wasn't odd for her get distracted by some new thing she wanted to show him and take the time to get it before coming by. But Red Son and MK as well? That wasn't normal. MK had only been late to training once, that had been during the entire incident with Macaque training tricking him (they don't talk about that anymore), but even then he wasn't this late. Not to mention Red Son's thickheaded determination to show off just how serious he was about joining their side. He'd made promise after promise and did his best to keep his word in attempt to impress them, even going as far as going far over and earlier than what he promised.
The three of them were supposed to come to Flower Fruit Mountain for the day. Some training for MK, video games with Mei, and Red Son just tagging along so someone could keep an eye on the new comer (by Red Son's own insistence). They never showed. Didn't even send him an e-mail. He'd waited almost a hour, a personal record for patience, but not a peep from any of them. Something was wrong.
That was why he found himself standing outside of Pigsy's Noodles in the middle of the day disguised as a human, tail wrapped around his waist as a "stylish belt". Though, in retrospect, a mysterious man with flawless eyeliner falling from the sky without a single injury was not the most inconspicuous way to arrive. He didn't take the time to think about that, instead entering the noodle shop with a hastiness in his step he couldn't hide.
"Welcome to Pigsy's Noodles, home of the lon-oh..." The chipper greeting from the shop owner was cut off, a mix of annoyance and confusion taking over the tone. Pigsy looked over the counter at him and the ever present Tang turned around in suit. "It's just you. Ain't you supposed to be not here? With the trio?"
"Yeah," Wukong started, laughing oddly as he rubbing the back of his neck. There was an awkwardness he wished he could get rid of, something that didn't really belong on him. But things had always been tense between him and his once-younger brother and the tenseness had only grown since their separation after the journey. After he trapped the Demon Bull King. After he vanished for 500 years... after he came back. "See, funny story about that! I was waiting for them and you know how impatient I am but I was doing my best to not be so I waited for almost an hour and they kinda never... showed up?"
"What do you mean never showed up?" Pigsy questioned carefully, coming around he counter and brandishing a ladle in one hand.
"They did leave pretty late," Tang offered quickly, awkward smile showing he could sense the tension between the two old friends. "Red Son was fixing some of the equipment in the kitchen, maybe they ran into a demon and are on their way to the island right now! Maybe you just... missed them?"
"Yeah!" Wukong agreed immediately, laughing harder to hide his worry. Tang didn't seem convinced by his own explanation but Wukong as more willing to believe that without question than think about what the alternative could mean. "Yeah, that's probably it! I'm sure they're just fine, but if it makes you feel better I'm going to take a look around. If they make it there before I do they're sure to come home when they realize I didn't wait for them. Yup, totally sure of it. BYE!"
He ran out the door, jumping on his cloud faster than anyone could follow and took off in the direction of his home. He didn't miss the odd frown on Pigsy's face at his overly quick reaction.
They weren't anywhere he could see on the way to Flower Fruit Mountain. They weren't on the island or in any of the surrounding areas. There were no boats or any sign of a pogo ride on the staff on the sandy beach. There was just... nothing.
He only waited for another 10 minutes before the concern (not worry, he was not worried the three were very capable adults despite him thinking of them as his kids kids, one was even an ancient demon who nearly bested him centuries ago for Heaven's sake) took over once again and his somersault cloud was getting more distance this day that it had in years. He zipped back and forth over the ocean, looking for any sign of bodies people, boats, anything, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found absolutely nothing in the calm and clear water. But this only raised more questions. They had left Pigsy's, there were witnesses, but had they made it to- Sandy! He was so focused on them coming by that he forgot how they would get there!
"I'm sorry, elder brother," Sandy said with a frown. "They weren't going to come by today, see?" He held up his phone, way too small for his massive hands, a text from Mei reading "Took ur boat yestday, srry! Will return tmm! *heart heart heart cat*" Well. That at least explained how they were supposed to get there without going to Sandy.
The Monkey King, changed back to his usual form, took a half shaky breath and sipped the tea the fish demon had offered him the moment he opened the door. Mo sat in his lap, purring softly as he no doubt sensed the tension in the air. "Then where are they..?" He wondered out loud. He hadn't seen one of Sandy's boats anywhere, they stuck out like a big blue sore thumb just like his still-younger brother.
"I don't know," Sandy answered, standing and stretching before giving the shorter man a wide smile. "But I'll do anything to help!"
He'd returned to Pigsy's shop immediately after that, not bothering to change back into his human disguise. That took so little energy and time but it was still energy and time he didn't want to waste. It had just started to sprinkle rain, the weather station having planned this for some time now. He had sent Sandy out to check all the waterways in the area, just to be safe, and he hoped that his search would be fruitless. He really hoped he sent Sandy on a wild goose chase...
"Are they back?" He demanded the second he opened the door, startling the 2 customers in the shop in addition to Tang and Pigsy. "Pigsy, Tang, did they come back?"
The dawning worry on the two men's faces was enough of an answer for Wukong to immediately run out, ignoring the shouts that followed him as he flew off again.
It was starting to rain harder. They weren't at Mei's house.
It was starting to downpour. He didn't see them at any of the food stalls.
The downpour worsened. They weren't at the anti-gravity arcade.
It was a torrential downpour. Red Son's apartment was empty.
There was electricity in the air. They hadn't been taken to the hospital.
Thunder and lightning. He carefully flew around DBK and PIF's hideout. He heard them talking about their next plan to "knock sense" into their son. They weren't there.
It was when he was nearly struck by lightning, nothing that would have actually caused him real harm but would have hurt like he'd been hit by a truck, that Sun Wukong finally decided that he wasn't going to find the trio. Not like this. Running around without a plan was not helping. He wouldn't find his kids like this.
So he made his way back to Pigsy's, soaked to the bone and brain fuzzy. Numb almost, not from the cold but in a mental exhaustion he couldn't explain. He walked in with his head down, dripping icy water from his fur, and was greeting with an almost as cold hiss before he could say anything.
"Where are my kids, Wukong?"
He looked up and took in the sight before him. Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and Mo were all gathered in the shop. He hadn't even noticed it was closed until that moment. Sandy had a towel over his shoulders, as did the little blue cat, and they sat sipping a bowl of hot broth each.
"You said they'd come home. So, where are they?"
Wukong grit his teeth, continuing to avert his eyes from the furious gaze of his once-brother. "Idon'tknow..."
"What was that?" Pigsy almost yelled, stepping forward to grab he tails of his soaked cloak to drag hi down to eye level. "You said they'd come home! Where the FUCK are my kids, Sun Wukong!?"
"I don't know!" He grabbed Pigsy's hands, not gripping them or moving to remove them just holding them, grip shaking as he tried to keep his tone level. "I don't know, Pigsy, I looked everywhere but... I couldn't..."
For a split second there was nothing but disbelief and fear in the shorter ancient's eyes and it hurt Wukong more than he thought it would. Far more than he prepared himself for. Everything from the entire day came forth to hit him like the lightning truck he barely missed and he collapsed to his knees, mental exhaustion finally taking it's toll and tears began to mix with the rain water running down his fur as he looked off into nothing. He came to the horrifying realization that he really had no answer.
"I don't know where they are Pigsy..."
"You ok, bud?"
MK groaned as the Monkey King grabbed him by his arms and stood him up, brushing all the dirt from his clothes. Training had been going well, Red Son and Mei battling each other in the new Monkey Mech game as he continued to have his butt handed to him. But he had gotten a single hit in on his mentor, matching his last training session, and he looked so proud of him! "Yeah, we gonna go again?"
"Nah, I think making a new crater with your own body twice in one day is more than enough," Monkey King laughed out, guiding MK toward the small house he called home now. "Besides, I want to kick your butt in Monkey Mech too!"
"Hey! I'll totally kick your butt!"
"Prove it Monkie Man!"
Despite the lighthearted banter between them something just felt... off. MK couldn't quite put his finger on it... now that he really gave it thought...
Didn't the weather station call for rain today?
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