#Tera Toma
gender-goth · 9 months
day 2 of @infectedwires 50 follower event — ✮
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scream/screams, blood/bloods, bleed/bleeds or bled/bleed, stab/stabs, wound/wounds, eye/eyes, teeth/teeths, ab/abscess, stare/stares, stretch/stretches, contort/contorts, limb/limbs, tear/tears, hole/holes, dark/darks, obscure/obscured, claw/claws, razor/sharp, gore/gores, horror/horrors, body/bodys, body/horror, gut/guts, vis/viscera, sang/sanguine, scratch/scratches, scar/scars, final/finals, final/girl, killer/killers, slasher/slashers, blood/curdling, gro/grotesque or grotesque/grotesque, gore/grotesque, rot/rots, rot/rotting, de/decay or deca/decay, [REDACTED]/[REDACTED]'s, ___/___s, ??/???s, tera/toma or tera/teratoma
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The One With A Distorted Face, The Obscure One, [Prn] Of Obscurity, [Prn] Who Hides Their (Grotesque) Face, The One Covered In Blood && Guts, [Prn] Who's Limbs Stretch && Contort, The One Of A Horrifying Presence, [Prn] Who's Features Are Off-Putting / Strange / Not Right, [Prn] Who Is Covered In Eyes / Teeth / Mouthes / Etc., The Killer, The Entity, The One Who's Body Twists In Agony, The One Carrying A Bloodied [Insert Weapon], [Prn] Who Has Teeth / A Hole / Etc. For A Face, [Prn] Of Razor Sharp Claws && Teeth, The One With Long, Nimble Limbs, The One With A Masked Face, The Slasher, The Killer / Slasher / Horror / etc. Who Is The Talk Of The Town, [Prn] Who's Face Makes Other's Scream (In Terror)
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this was really fun for the trickster to do! I am definitely stealing some of these for myself :3
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cocteautwinslyrics · 8 months
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Kapten ARM Suratman
Danramil 03/Kebakkramat.Menghadiri
undangan forum kordinasi forkopincam
dengan tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat
se Kec Kebakkramat Tahun 2023.Di
Resto teras apta jln Pulosari - Malangaten
Dusun Kloloan, Desa Pulosari, Kec
Kebakkramat, Kab Karanganyar.
Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut al:
1.Joko Sutrisno SH MM Camat
2.Kapten ARM Suratman Danramil 03/
3.AKP Ridwan SH Kapolsek
4.Bambang Kesbangpol Kab
5./PTU Budi Santoso KBO Narkoba
Polres Kra
6.Kepala Desa Se Kec Kebakkramat
7.Perwakilan toga dan tomas SE Kec
8.Ketua Ormas SE Kec Kebakkramat
9.Serda Sutarno Babinsa Desa Pulosari
10.Paguyupan Sedekah... Baca
0 notes
mariaa82 · 1 year
Tips Memlih Kursi Goyang Minimalis
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Memiliki kursi goyang minimalis di kamar tidur Anda bisa memberi Anda banyak kemudahan. Itu juga dapat menambah tampilan chic ke kamar Anda. Ada banyak desain kursi goyang minimalis yang tersedia saat ini. Anda dapat memilih dari berbagai macam warna dan pola. ORKA
Gaya Kursi Goyang Klasik
Dirancang oleh Anker Bak dan diproduksi oleh Carl Hansen & Son, Kursi Goyang Minimalis ORKA adalah penemuan kembali klasik yang dihormati waktu. Dirancang untuk menjadi perabot yang fungsional namun bergaya, ini adalah pilihan sempurna untuk kehidupan modern. Menampilkan alas yang ramping dan ramping, bantalan busa yang kuat, dan sepasang sandaran tangan ukiran tangan, kursi ini sangat cocok untuk keluarga dan tamu. Apakah Anda ingin melengkapi rumah atau tempat kerja Anda, Kursi Goyang Minimalis ORKA dapat dengan mudah menjadi favorit keluarga untuk generasi yang akan datang. Apel
Dirancang oleh Anker Bak, kursi goyang minimalis Apelle adalah gaya modern dengan gaya klasik. Garisnya yang sederhana dan bersih menjadikannya pilihan tepat untuk ruang tamu kontemporer, lobi hotel, atau butik. Ini tersedia dalam 22 kulit berbeda dan berbagai sentuhan akhir. Ini juga tersedia di kursi berlengan atau meja samping.
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Bagian belakang yang melengkung dan rangka baja tubular memberi kursi tampilan yang ramping dan modern. Ini tersedia dalam berbagai lapisan logam termasuk hitam, krom, atau emas mawar. Ini juga dilengkapi dengan kursi yang nyaman dan bersuspensi yang memberikan pengalaman goyang yang menyenangkan.
Desain Kursi Goyang Abad Pertengahan
Dirancang oleh Henri Lavallard Boget, Kursi Goyang Beton HAUTEVILLE dari Lyon Beton adalah penghormatan pada kursi goyang abad pertengahan, tetapi dengan sentuhan kontemporer. Dibangun dari pelari tulangan dan kayu lapis, kursi adalah perabot yang fungsional dan bergaya. Bahannya juga diamplas dengan sempurna, menghasilkan hasil akhir yang halus dan juga nyaman untuk diduduki.
Kursi Goyang HAUTEVILLE adalah yang pertama dari rangkaian tempat duduk beton dari Lyon Beton. Ini adalah desain yang ramping dan nyaman, cocok untuk area bersantai. Desainnya yang minimalis melengkapi dekorasi kontemporer. Perlu anda perhatikan desain furnitur ketika membeli rumah baru.
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Apakah Anda sedang mencari kursi goyang untuk kamar bayi Anda atau untuk duduk di ruang tamu Anda, Kursi Goyang Minimalis Saulsberry menawarkan desain modern dengan harga yang terjangkau. Kursi dan sandaran punggung dilapisi kain pelapis lembut dan rangka kayu lapis larch memberikan alas yang kokoh. Kursi dapat dipasangkan dengan ottoman untuk menyediakan area tempat duduk yang lebih luas.
Tampilan Modern Kursi Goyang Tradisional
Dirancang oleh Tomas Vacek, kursi goyang Haluz adalah tampilan modern dari kursi goyang tradisional. Ini memiliki bingkai kayu abu dengan cabang willow mengisi kursi dan sandaran. Pembalap
Kursinya lebar dan rendah. Konturnya terinspirasi dari desain mobil balap. Kursi goyang modern ini merupakan tambahan yang sempurna untuk teras luar ruangan atau area kolam renang. Ini juga ideal untuk ruang pembibitan. Profilnya yang ramping dan rendah memberikan kenyamanan maksimal.
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Kursi goyang berlapis modern ini memiliki fitur putar 360 derajat. Kursi dilapisi dengan campuran poliester abu-abu. Kursi juga tersedia dalam warna yang lebih gelap, tweed yang lembut. Ini juga memiliki ottoman yang menyimpan di bawah kursi. Fedro
Kursi Goyang Minimalis Fedro sangat ideal untuk penggunaan indoor atau outdoor. Ini ringan dan mudah ditumpuk, artinya Anda dapat membawanya ke mana pun Anda berada. Banyak pebisnis yang membangun properti secara besar - besaran dengan memberikan furniture kursi goyang, bisa anda cek di idrumah.com.
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dilfzas · 3 years
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i’m literally having a hard time breathing over this why has this sent me into a haze
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noctorias · 6 years
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Toma Tera -Muse
It's like she's from a beautiful daydream.
A commission I did for my lovely friend. And I'm so happy she loves the drawing
Art © Noctorias Character © @sharpamethyst
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anissapierce · 2 years
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..... The only gross part abt this is willingly eating warm candy corn
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bamudaba · 2 years
Los 25+25 mejores discos de Argentina 2021
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Alexis Tavella / Aguabembé
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Axel Filip / Sendero
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Cande y Paulo / Cande y Paulo
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Ca7riel / EL DISKO
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Cirilo Fernandez / I K E
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Clara Cava / Martes 13
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Clara Presta / Pájara
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Diego Schissi Quinteto / Te
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Doble Valentina / Un Amoroso Asunto
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Gativideo / BOUTIQUE
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Juan Arabel / Trigo
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Juana Aguirre / Claroscuro
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Juana Sallies / Paralaje
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LA LOU / Planes para Hoy
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Lucas & The Woods / Cultura Pop (Extended)
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Manuel Bayala / Petit Alzheimer
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NICKI NICOLE / Parte de Mí
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Nicolás Carou / Antes, Último
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Paco Amoroso / SAETA
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Pako Galvan / Medio Juan
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Sofía Campos / Lugares Imaginarios
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Tomas Latorre / Fuera de mi piel
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Yotam Silberstein & Carlos Aguirre / En el jardín
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Zoe Gotusso / Mi Primer Día Triste
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Bhavi / CINEMA
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Connie Isla / 2020
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Florencia Ruiz / Aullido
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Francisco del Pino / Decir
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Francisco Sonur / Morning Trials
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Guadalupe Álvarez Luchía / Terraza
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Isla de Caras / Una Caricia
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Juan Bayon / Silencio Ensordecedor
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Kaleema / Útera
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La Vida Secular / El hilo que nos ata entre todos
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Luciana Morelli / Lo abismal, el agua
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Malena Villa / Ni tan Bien
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Mia Zeta / Realidades
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Milagros Majó / Füryü
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Nashy-Nashai / Déjà Vu
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Natalia Freibrun / Jaula y Delirio
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Neo Pistea / PUNKDEMIA
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Pablo Juarez / Encuentros
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Santiago Arias / Evocación de Carnaval
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Sergio Zabala / Gris de Fantasía
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Sofia Rei / Umbral
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Tomás Cabado / Para las esporas
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Vincent Segal, Tomas Gubitsch & Sébastien Surel / Camara pop
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Vita Set / Affaire
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sucremortis · 3 years
Illustration Terms of Service 2021
Going about my maintenance rounds and updating my ToS for 2021, soon to be 2022!
NOTICE: These terms and conditions of service are likely to be edited, altered, or drastically changed during the course of their use. Please check back frequently and ask the artist (me) if any questions arise. The entirety of the agreement can be read under the cut, cus it's gonna be a long one.
Several terms and phrases that stand in for others may be used over the course of this agreement. Please familiarize yourself with the following:
the artist/illustrator: @tera-toma, @teratomart or any other social media handles or names of the creator of this agreement, Charlie
the client: The intended recipient of any directly commissioned artwork produced by the artist.
the work/product: The result of any directly commissioned artwork produced by the artist, including, but not limited to writing, illustration, or character design images.
adopt/adoptable: An original character design produced for the sole purpose of being "adopted" by clients, where clients purchase ownership of the design and regard it as their own character for illustration, roleplay, writing, or other purposes.
This agreement is broken into three sections:
SECTION 1: Terms and Conditions Regarding Original Illustrations
SECTION 2: Terms and Conditions Regarding Original "Adoptable" Character Designs
SECTION 3: Prohibited or Blacklisted Content and Users
SECTION 1: Terms and Conditions Regarding Original Illustrations
By purchasing a commission, you, the client, agree to the following conditions:
At all stages, including (but not limited to) drafting, sketch, ink work, flat colors, rendering, and completion, you will allow me, the artist, to post, advertise, and use the work in personal advertisements and social media posts. Social media sites include (but are not limited to) Twitter, Tumblr, DeviantArt, Toyhou.Se, Instagram, and others.
At all stages (see above), you, the client, will allow me, the artist, to privately post the work among friends, in private discord servers, or other forums.
You, the client, will allow me to use entirely original work for commercial purposes, only if the work is 100% original content. I, the artist, will never use your original characters, designs, or purchased designs for commercial purposes.
You, the client, will not use the work for commercial purposes under any circumstance.
You, the client, understand that my rates, initial fee, or other prices are subject to change at any moment. Changes that are made after the initialization of commissioned work will not affect current clients.
You, the client, acknowledge that co-owning and/or co-payment of the work is permitted only with express permission from me, the artist. Please inquire about co-payment or co-ownership of freelance work.
You, the client, acknowledge that I may cancel, mute, block, and/or refuse further or current business with any clients who fail to understand these terms and conditions, are rude or otherwise uncouth, exhibit repeated and unreliable communication, fail to provide payment in a timely manner, associate with users/circumstances on my blacklist, or for any other reason, at my, the artist's, discretion.
You, the client, acknowledge that if cancellation is requested, refunds will not be administered for the work.
You, the client, acknowledge that if cancellation is requested in the case of flat-priced work, that an appropriate refund will be given based on the percentage of completion.
You, the client, acknowledge that if cancellation is requested at any time, the work requested under said cancellation will not be posted publicly to any forum, social media site, or otherwise, either by me, the artist, or by you.
You, the client, acknowledge that unwatermarked or full-resolution files of the work are not to be publicly posted under any circumstances, with few exceptions. Exceptions include uploading to Toyhou.Se galleries with a clear and highly-obscuring watermark or re-uploading with a peronal, clear, and highly-obscuring watermark besides my own. In these cases, please provide clear and obvious credit to me, the artist.
General statements:
Virtual currency is not accepted as payment in any situation.
Unpaid or canceled freelance slots will be re-released to the public.
SECTION 2: Terms and Conditions Regarding Original "Adoptable" Character designs
By purchasing an originally created design for the purpose of ownership, you agree to the following conditions:
At all stages, including (but not limited to) drafting, sketch, ink work, flat colors, rendering, and completion, you will allow me, the artist, to post, advertise, and use the work in personal advertisements and social media posts. Social media sites include (but are not limited to) Twitter, Tumblr, DeviantArt, Toyhou.Se, Instagram, and others.
At all stages (see above), you, the client, will allow me, the artist, to privately post the work among friends, in private discord servers, or other forums.
You, the client, will not use the work for commercial purposes under any circumstance.
You, the client, understand that prices are subject to change at any moment. Changes that are made after purchase of the work will not affect current clients.
You, the client, acknowledge that co-owning and/or co-payment of the work is permitted only with express permission from me, the artist. Please inquire about co-payment or co-ownership of freelance work.
You, the client, acknowledge that unwatermarked or full-resolution files of the work are not to be publicly posted under any circumstances, with few exceptions. Exceptions include uploading to Toyhou.Se galleries with a clear and highly-obscuring watermark or re-uploading with a peronal, clear, and highly-obscuring watermark besides my own. In these cases, please provide clear and obvious credit to me, the artist.
You, the client, acknowledge that full-resolution or unwatermarked work is not to be altered or edited in any way by the client. At any time, edits, color adjustments, or other changes can be requested from me, the artist, for a small fee.
You, the client, acknowledge that the work will not be resold for an amount larger than its purchased value. Exceptions to this include if the work has additional artwork (personal or commissioned), writing, or other content that was not attached to the original work.
You, the client, will not sell, develop or claim ownership of any conceptual work of the adopt. This includes refining concept sketches into new designs, incorporating alternate concepts into the current design, or claiming ownership of alternative concepts.
You, the client, will not produce "duplicate" versions of the work for any purpose. This includes color-swaps, "twin" designs, "brother/sister/sibling" designs, or other designs that highly resemble the original.
You, the client, acknowledge that I may cancel, mute, block, and/or refuse further or current business with any clients who fail to understand these terms and conditions, are rude or otherwise uncouth, exhibit repeated and unreliable communication, fail to provide payment in a timely manner, associate with users/circumstances on my blacklist, or for any other reason, at my, the artist's, discretion.
General statements:
Virtual currency is not accepted as payment in any situation.
Unpaid or canceled adoptables will be re-released to the public.
Designs can be reclaimed, voided (in the case of Closed Species), or otherwise retracted at any time, only in the event of egregious events.
SECTION 3: Prohibited or Blacklisted Content and Users
This section consists of several lists of prohibited, blacklisted, or "will-not-draw" content. Please review and acknowledge the following content.
"Will-Not-Draw" Content
Content in this list is unavailable for freelance work due to skill limitations or personal choice.
comic pages/sequences
pixel art
portraiture/fanart of living or deceased people
portraiture/fanart of living or deceased animals
animated work
mecha designs
robot designs (some exceptions apply)
most underage characters or designs (please inquire)
My Little Pony designs
Sonic-universe designs
architectural backgrounds/scenery (some exceptions apply)
anthropogenic characters (some exceptions apply)
fetish work (any)
NSFW or explicitly pornographic work
graphic depictions of self-harm
graphic depictions of substance abuse
Blacklisted Content
Content in this list is strictly prohibited from request to be represented in any of my work. Additionally, any users who are found to associate with the following content are subject to being permanently blacklisted from my business.
content for the purpose of directly ridiculing or insulting other users
other users who closely associate with users already present on my Blacklist, known personal abusers, racists, or LGBTQ+phobes
alt-right/republican/conservative views or political propaganda
racism/racial discrimination, either fictional or nonfictional
LGBTQ+phobia/queer discrimination, either fictional or nonfictional
representation of stereotypes, including racial, mental health, or other
discrimination based on mental/physical/other disabilities
discrimination based on body shape/type, especially fatphobia
pornographic depictions of living people
zoophilia/pornographic depictions of living/realistic animals
Blacklisted Users
Users in this list are strictly prohibited from doing business with me. At any time, if clients are found to be distributing work, adoptable designs, or otherwise associate with users on this list, they may be subject to being permanently blacklisted from my business.
crowley/lucivore/gurocore/"Harper" blacklisted for personal reasons, block evading, stalking, and repeated design/art copying/stealing.
ashlooloo/"Ash" blacklisted due to close association with Harper.
perfect10n1sm/"Nord"/"Nordy" blacklisted for personal reasons, abuse, and potential stalking/block evading.
rockavampy/"Vampy" blacklisted for personal reasons.
veryyamyam/timethot/"Billy"/"Joe"/"Rat/t" blacklisted for personal reasons.
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polturn · 5 years
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A bloody fun sketch page commission of @tera-toma‘s OC Soul Goodchild. 
Looks to be a kind n gentle fellow! Wouldnt hurt a fly! 
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blinkpen · 5 years
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crayon chibi commision for @tera-toma - i somehow forgot to get around to posting it sooner, despite really liking how it game out, BWUH
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apenasumparanoico · 5 years
Na natureza selvagem!
Na natureza selvagem, esse filme que foi uma indicação de um amigo que de longe foi um dos filmes que me marcou, não so pela trilha sonora perfeita ou a historia fascinante. Mas sim por eu compartilha de sonhos semelhantes. Todo esse sentimento de liberdade  desde quando eu me posso lembra sempre esteve comigo e talvez o  melhor sem dúvida nenhuma esse seja o maior motivo do filme ter me impactado tanto, mas o motivo de eu escrever sobre esse filme  foi exatamente por ser muito mais do que uma historia de um jovem que deixou tudo pra trás, se desprendendo de uma sociedade vazia até começa uma viajem sozinho até o Alaska, não é o destino, mas sim o caminho!
Logo no começo do filme você se  depara com uma imagem tipica de familia tradicinal americana, mas não era um dia comum, aquele dia era realmente  muito especial era o dia da formatura do filho mais velho e esse não era qualquer filho mais velho, tinha algo diferente nele, e não eram sua ótimas notas em seus boletins embargo até porque um pedaço de papel repleto de números considerados altos bastente, uma assinatura bonita no carimbo com tinta fresca escrito aprovado não diz muita coisa,  mas pra ele dizia que algo esteva muito errado naquilo tudo, na formatura e naquela familia e ai que tudo começa o único motivo e conhecermos essa história  foi exatamente o que ele fez  daí.
Doa todo seu fundo de facudade, deixou sua casa, abandonou seu carro e rasgou sua identidade, vestiu sua mochila e saiu o destinho ele tinha, mas  está no caminho a maior beleza dessa história......."O âmago do espírito humano pede novas experiêmcias ".
Maioria  das pessoa não pensam porque estão aqui no real sentido da vida, não porque estão vivas, mas sim pelo que vivem e existe uma grande diferença por  início muitas vezes acabamos passando  tempo todo vivendo uma vida que não é nossa, acredito que se existe um sentido ele está em deixar para trás tudo que não  faz o coração bater mais forte e colocar a nossa frente só que faz os pulmões se  encherem de ar puro, e assim conseguir sentir cada suspiro de ar ate percebermos que estamos vivo e esse é realmente a única coisa que importa.
Muitas vezes você se torna envenenado pela sociedade e acaba se forçando ser o que não é, seguindo um caminho que não faz sentido para você, apenas é preciso se encaixar em um lugar onde nunca pertenceu ao seu propósito. A vida esta nisso, sem um propósito a vida não faz sentido, durante todo o caminho esteve presente para viver cada momento, mas ele carregava dentro de si o seu grande objetivo. Mas para maiora das pesoas não fazia sentido, porém para ele fazia e isso era o bastante para dar sentido a tudo a caminhada. Acho que  ponto é viver e sentir cada passo da caminhada dentro de você.
Então percebemos que aonde chegamos que aquele lugar e feito de pessoas e que  as palavras e atitudes pode mudar toda uma trajetoria e mesmo sabendo disso está errado pensar que a alegria da vida tem sua principal fonte nas relações humanas.
O conceito de liberdade para cris era completa liberdade na natureza, mas talvez se eu ou você fizéssemos o mesmo não seria a mesma coisa a mensagem da história não  e necesariamente abandonar a cidade que você vive que vai ganhar tudo e caminhar até o Alaska, talvez seja esse se for exatamente isso que você deseja fazer, mas a real mensagem e não ter medo de correr todos os riscos para fazer o que realmente te dá vontade de viver e tudo começa com uma decisão, a partir do momento que  ele toma uma decisão tudo muda. O poder de uma decisão é tão forte que faz com que ele de fato renasça a partir daí o filme é dividido por fases da sua vida o nascimento, adolescência e á fazer adulta e por fm a sabedoria , todo esse processo se eu pudesse destaca um único ponto seria a solitude. Existe uma grande diferença entre a solidão e solitude, a solidão surgiu da falta que se sente das relações humanas já solitude exatamente e a percepção da felicidade que não esta nas realações humanas e assim viver feliz mesmo se em certos momentos, mas em plena solitude. Em toda sua jornada ele cria conexões verdadeiras com as outras pessoas e por mais que esse não seja sua verdadeira intenção ele acaba marcando a história de cada pessoa que cruza seu caminho, se em alguns  momentos temos a sensação de que ele  reage de uma maneira insensível principalmente  nos instantes despedida é por conta de sua solitude que interpreta aquela situação de outra forma e maneira.
Entender o real significado das coisa exatamente isso saber da nome para elas, se conectar com essência e viver novas experiências o que nos faz vivos é onde nós descobrimos humanos. Compartliha a verdadeira felicidade com as pessoas ao nosso redor que realmente nos importa é o que muitas vezes traz sentido a caminhada, na minha visão era isso que ele queria transmitir com aquelas últimas palavras no caderno velho de viagem.
Quando ele vê toda sua trajetória completa e plena ele percebe que não tera possibilidade de compartilhar isso com as que fizeram parte dessa jornada, então ele perceber e seu último momento e deixa com seu último legado uma frase no meio de seu livro de plantas silvestres " A FELICIDADE SÓ É REAL QUANDO ELA E COMPARTILHADA", o motivo de nós sabermos de hisória e porque ela foi compartlhada.
Acho que você imagina como terminou essa história, mas por fim quero deixa uma única pergunta com sorriso no rosto e se tudo tivesse acontecido como você gostaria que tivesse acontecido você veria o que vê agora?
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Kapten ARM Suratman
Danramil 03/Kebakkramat.Menghadiri
undangan forum kordinasi forkopincam
dengan tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat
se Kec Kebakkramat Tahun 2023.Di
Resto teras apta jln Pulosari - Malangaten
Dusun Kloloan, Desa Pulosari, Kec
Kebakkramat, Kab Karanganyar.
Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut al:
1.Joko Sutrisno SH MM Camat
2.Kapten ARM Suratman Danramil 03/
3.AKP Ridwan SH Kapolsek
4.Bambang Kesbangpol Kab
5./PTU Budi Santoso KBO Narkoba
Polres Kra
6.Kepala Desa Se Kec Kebakkramat
7.Perwakilan toga dan tomas SE Kec
8.Ketua Ormas SE Kec Kebakkramat
9.Serda Sutarno Babinsa Desa Pulosari
10.Paguyupan Sedekah... Baca
0 notes
grimorio--wiccan · 5 years
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Bolas de energía
Centrarse es crear un centro de energía en tu ser al cual siempre podrás dirigirte para energizarte y ayudarte eventualmente a hacer un Chi Ball sin estresarte, ya que centrarse es el poder principal de las artes marciales.
1. Primero que todo debes protegerte con una burbuja de luz blanca para protegerte a ti y a la energía que estas por crear.
2. Siéntate en una silla con los pies sobre el suelo. Mira las palmas de tu mano, observa las líneas que crean la piel, los dedos, las palmas. Ahora toma tus manos y colócalas al nivel del pecho, confortablemente para ti, a fin de trabajar fácilmente durante el ejercicio.
3. Toma tus manos y enfrenta las palmas una con otra, mantenlas próximas la una a la otra y siente la energía, el calor que se genera.
4. Ahora, lentamente aparta las palmas unos 10 cm. Una de la otra y permite que la energía se expanda dentro de ese lugar. La energía es calida y puedes sentirla crecer dentro de las palmas.
5. Moldea esa energía con tus palmas hasta formar una pelota redonda y entera.
6. Con tus manos en esta posición respira una vez a través de tu nariz y respira con tu diafragma, de una manera profunda e intensa. Lleva el aire hasta tu plexo solar, profundamente. Luego exhala el aire por la boca, lenta y uniformemente.
7. Haz dos inspiraciones más
8. A la cuarta inspiración la has de soplar hacia las palmas, hacia el espacio que hay entre ellas.
9. Le estas dando a la esfera de luz que estas construyendo, tu Energía de Luz.
10. Siente la energía ir hacia el espacio entre tus manos, el latido entre ellas, tomate un instante para sentir esa energía crecer suavemente, poderosamente.
11. Permite a tus manos formar una pelota alrededor de esa energía que has creado.
12. Dirige tus manos hacia el plexo solar.
13. Suavemente empuja esa bola de energía dentro de tu plexo solar.
14. Siente la bola moverse dentro tuyo y como late dentro tuyo.
15. Toma una nueva y profunda inspiración haz que la energía de la bola circule a través de todo tu cuerpo, desde la cabeza hasta los pies. Siente como flota dentro de ti.
16. Esta será la energía con la que se ha de crear la bola de Chi.
Esta energía es la base de tu habilidad para centrarte.
Centrarse sirve para enviar energía y para darte poder, es decir, permanecer calmo y sereno en todo momento.
¡Todo lo que necesitas hacer para activar este centrado de energía es tocar tu plexo solar! ¡Pruébalo! Sentirás un suave flujo de energía dentro de ti que puede moverse en tu interior para ir a ese lugar donde percibes ansiedad y suavemente crear calma.
Es un lugar de poder que puedes mover hacia cualquier lugar de tu cuerpo para sanar y calmar.
Esta energía es permanente. Nunca te dejara y te ha de servir siempre que la necesites.
1. Primero te proteges con una luz blanca. Llama tus guías.
2. Toca suavemente tu plexo solar para darle la señal de que estas activando tu centro de energía
3. Luego junta tus manos formando una pelota de energía. Moldéala dentro de tus manos de la medida que quieras.
4. Le das color y el diseño que desees, puede ser dorada o a rayas, como tú desees.
5. Se lo comunicas mentalmente, y le dices, que deseas que sea de determinado color, con rayas, lo que tú quieras.
6. Luego tomas una profunda inspiración a través de tu nariz y la expiras dentro de tu bola de energía.
7. Abres la pelota con tu mano dominante y luego determinas lo que quieres poner dentro de ella: el nombre de la persona, la cantidad de tiempo que será usada y cualquier otra información necesaria para la sintonización.
8. Tomas luego otra respiración profunda y la diriges al interior de la pelota.
9. Ahora cierras la misma con tu mano dominante y tomas otra inspiración la diriges hacia la bola de energía.
10. Tomas otra inspiración la soplas sobre la Chi ball, intentando mentalmente que le llegue a la persona a la que se la envías.
11. Si tienes mas de que una sintonización que hacer, puedes mandar 2 Chi balls con sintonizaciones separadas, como cuando mando Chi balls con la sintonización MelChizedek Gold Light, que indico entonces que la primera bola de Chi, con la sintonización Gold Light se envíe y abra primero y luego que sea recibida, que la segunda Chi ball con la activación de Merkaba Rainbow Light sea abierta, en segundo lugar.
Este sistema usualmente y se indica al receptor lo que puede suceder en la sintonización el tiempo que la misma estará disponible para que la use cuando lo necesite.
12. Una vez que has enviado la Chi ball toma una inspiración de limpieza, y agradece a tus guías
13. Para recibir una sintonización a través de una Chi ball, es tan fácil que solo basta el intento. Te proteges con Luz Blanca, llamas a tus guías y luego pides por la Chi ball: Pido ahora recibir la sintonización Sanación en (Tera Mai, usui, etc. reiki) que viene de (persona que la envío).
Acepto esta energía con amor, luz, paz y gratitud. Visualizas la pelota de energía frente tuyo y la abres con tu mano dominante, sacando la energía enviada hacia fuera, derramándose dentro de ti, comenzando así la iniciación.
14. Luego, agradeces a tus guías, cierras la pelota, y, si esta establecido que quedara por algún tiempo especificado, indicas que luego la has de usar. Estará allí donde tú la pongas hasta que la solicites nuevamente.
15. Luego, una vez utilizada, la envías al universo. Esta es la llave de la Sanación y la sintonización dar en reciprocidad, compartir con la intención de hacerlo.
Las Chi Balls pueden ser enviadas con energía sanadora dentro de ellas.
Envialas exactamente como fue explicado, explicando la energía que se usa, para tratar cual enfermedad, el nombre del destinatario y su ubicación lo que has hecho es dos cosas.
Has activado energía de gran poder dentro de ti que contribuye a mantener tu salud espiritual, paz y serenidad y te has procurado a ti mismo una herramienta poderosa para enviar energía, Sanación y sintonizaciones sin absorber ninguna energía negativa en el proceso.
Te has provisto de energía protectora, la has enviado de una forma compasiva y poderosa a aquellos a los que sirves con tu práctica y trabajo.
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@tera-toma said :seomeone said shitty valentines
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deathand-themoved · 5 years
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(2/???) More mystery design reveals! The last one is part of a special series of one I’m working on as a collab with tera-toma on dA! i am doing the sketches, he is lining, and we both colour one side!
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