#Teeth Whitening Park Ridge
dentistparkridge · 11 months
Common Cosmetic Dental Treatments That Millennial Take
Invisalign in Park Ridge has become a discreet way for millennials to straighten their teeth. These aligners are customized to fit the patient’s mouth and gradually move the teeth without causing any trouble or ulcers. Furthermore, Invisalign in Park Ridge Clinic offers this treatment cost-effectively.
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nevervalentines · 4 years
If u did the dare me kind it will make me very happy, i love your writing and i love them sooo
a teeny tiny snippet of a dare me wip, half gallon of milk and all 
Addy sees her again for the first time in six years in the aisle of the grocery store.
Beth is cradling a half-gallon jug of milk under one arm, hip propping open a glass freezer door.
This is a fantasy Addy has toyed with for so long. She has played her thoughts over its potential again and again until it felt nearly like a memory. For the vivid colors of everything she had imagined, the moment it actually happens is ghostly, translucent. She can feel the instant passing even as it unspools out in front of her.  
It’s a twilight zone. Addy’s carefully spun fictions splitting and streaming around the reality.
They don’t meet again on the mats, or in the dim lighting of a party, or rain soaked on her front stoop, but here – at the lip of aisle 7, Beth juggling a plastic jug while she considers endless stacks of Styrofoam egg cartons.
Beth still doesn’t see her. Her lips are moving, like she’s reading the packaging to herself, silently. She looks older. Her cheeks fuller, her hair lighter, the way it gets when she’s spent a whole summer in the sun.
Baggy sweatpants sit low on her hips, her crewneck pullover a dreamy blue. She isn’t wearing makeup and it feels like a novelty to see her here, like this, face bare. Beautiful. Addy can see the creases at the corner of her smile. If she didn’t know better, she would mistake them for laugh lines.
Addy is frozen beside a wire rack of chips. Tinkling muzak pipes through the speakers, filtering down through watery, fluorescent lighting.
Beth deliberates. Decides. Withdraws a dozen eggs in a cardboard carton. As she moves, her sleeve slips up her arm, revealing an expanse of her pale, narrow wrist.
At the sight of it, of her skin, an intimate battleground she used to know better than anything, Addy takes a reflexive step back. The beginning of a retreat. Her leg jars the shelving, just barely, but the hollow metallic echo is enough to draw Beth’s attention.
Beth looks up, eyes fixing on Addy. There is a beat of silence. Addy can tell the exact moment Beth sees her, really sees her. Her face flickers through a sickening slideshow, like a stream of light ghosting from the mouth of a projector.
First, surprise. Her fairytale lips fall into a perfect ‘o.’ Her knuckles whiten around the handle of the milk jug.
Next, hurt. Just a breath of it, enough that if Addy hadn’t spent years studying this landscape, she would miss it.
Then, worst of all, interest. Keen. Familiar.
Beth smiles.
She takes a step forward. The freezer door swings shut.
“Addy Hanlon. Of all the gin joints –” She shifts the weight of the milk to her hip, the eggs tucked under one arm. One hand stretches out. Addy realizes, belatedly, it’s meant for her to take.
“Beth,” Addy says. Then. “What are you doing here?”
Beth withdraws her hand, and her mouth twists. “Same as you, I would assume.” She shrugs. “Late night grocery run. Is that a problem?”
Addy is embarrassed to find herself already stumbling. Six years. A lifetime for a 23-year-old. And in thirty seconds, Beth Cassidy already has her on her back foot.
She feels at once completely and utterly 17. She can’t remember what to do with her hands.
“No, of course not. I was just –” she trails off, searching, “Surprised.”  
“Same small town,” Beth says. She shrugs. “We always used to come here. Only a matter of time, I guess.”
Addy almost loses the train of conversation, too busy trying to re-remember the shape of Beth’s collarbones. A hint of them peaks above the scoop of her collar.
Flatly, she says, “I guess.” Too busy with: the ridge of her knuckles, the arch of her brow, her weight shifting from foot to foot, like the milk is getting heavy.
“It’s been—” Addy starts.
Beth cuts her off. “Yeah.”
The sight of Beth haloed by linoleum and fluorescence smash-cuts Addy back to high school. Beth driving them to the townie grocery store on the edge town, jeep tires spraying gravel in the parking lot, a little stoned. They would raid the aisles for Little Debbie snacks and pork rinds to spit back up later. Would buy Smirnoff Ice at the register with the clerk who never carded if they flashed cleavage and big smiles.
Beth, then, tilting her head at Addy at the mouth of the dairy aisle, smiling her just-for-Addy-smile.
Beth, now, waving a hand in front of her face.  
“Hanlon? Anybody home?”
Addy jars back to present, finds her palms clammy. “Sorry?”
A little amused now, eggs swapped to the other hand. “I just asked if you were back all summer?”
“Just for July,” Addy says. “Trying to keep Faith happy.” She looks around, like she’s seeing the store for the first time. “It’s my first time home in months.”
It feels so pedestrian to talk like this. A casual catch-up conversation, like you would with anyone you fell out of touch with after high school. Something about it feels dirty, almost taboo.
“How about you?”
“Same,” Beth says. She turns now, starts to walk. Without thinking, Addy follows, falling into step a pace behind. “I have a month before my masters program starts up, then it’s back to school.”
Reflexively, Addy reaches out to take the half gallon jug of milk from Beth’s arms, just to relieve her of the weight. Beth’s eyes flash wide, but she says nothing. This close, Addy can smell a hint of her perfume. Like she didn’t wash yesterday’s floral blush from her pulse points, from the side of her neck.
They steer toward the register, already in step.
“Grad school. Wow. Congrats, Beth.”
Addy finds she means it. Beth flashes her a smile, a little shy, cheeks dimpling. “Thanks. I heard you weren’t doing too bad yourself.”
“Who said?” Addy has been careful not to ask after Beth, and only comes back to Sutton Grove when its necessary, too scared to peel back the scab of old wounds.
That sly Beth grin, eyes shifting. “I have my sources.”
Steps echo off the tile floor as they dodge through the aisles. Just past 10 p.m., the grocery is all but empty, humid night air crowding the floor-to-ceiling windows of the storefront, reflections warped and watery in the glass.
They play at small talk, the rhythm of it unreal in the ghost town of empty aisles.
Only the sign above register three is lit, the decal peeling off the plastic, yellow light flickering. A lone employee stands at the till, flicking through his phone, blue light throwing his cheekbones into sharp relief.
Beth rests the eggs on the conveyor belt and Addy crowds in behind her to set the milk next to it. Their hips bump. Beth smells exactly the same. It’s such a mind-fuck that the simple, incidental press of warm hip on warm hip is enough to send her reeling.
Addy is suddenly certain she is going to die in a fucking Save-A-Lot outlet on the edge of town.
White teeth digging into a full bottom lip, Beth looks up at her through her lashes. Addy burrows her hands deep in the pocket of her hoodie, nods toward the register.
“You gonna pay?”
A hum. Beth produces a wrinkled bill from the waistband of her sweatpants. A pale flash of skin, the divot of her navel. “Always in a hurry.”
When she turns to the lone employee, Addy thinks she catches her wink.  
Addy trails her to the parking lot, to an unfamiliar car. Beth pops the trunk, old-fashioned style, key-in-lock, and dumps the lone plastic bag into it.
With their mission completed, silence falls over them. They turn to one another under the pooled light of the lot’s sole floodlight. They shuffle their feet in the gravel. Beth seems so small like this. Her sleeve falls over her fingertips, and she pushes it back absently with one hand.
Addy looks hard at her forearm, stops herself from reaching out to touch.
She has a terrible idea and speaks before she can stop herself.
“So Riri is throwing a party. Kind of a reunion?” Addy’s voice tilts up into a question. They don’t need to mention that this used to be the kind of thing Beth would never need an invite to, let alone need to be told about it. “Nothing crazy, just drinking wine and talking about,” Addy flaps a hand, “the good old days.”
The cliché feels stale on her tongue and she immediately regrets it.
Beth looks at her evenly, silent.
Addy shrugs, fixes her gaze on the edge of the lot, where the shadows around the dumpster are deep, scrubby grass poking through asphalt.
“You could come, if you wanted.” She makes the mistake of looking back into Beth’s cold eyes. “It could be like old times.”
“Wine, huh?” Beth’s voice is pitched, low, grating into the air between them. “That’s a change from trying to shotgun a watermelon Four Loko in the 7/11 parking lot at 1 a.m.”
Addy laughs before she can stop herself, remembering the night. “I think that’s the closest I’ve ever come to dying,” she says. A lie. “I think I saw God that night.” Possibly true. She can remember the world turning topsy-turvy, street lights glinting like stars against a murky, smog filled sky.
“Oh yeah?” Beth is smiling now, too. “What did she look like?”
Addy crinkles her nose. “A little like you actually.”
Beth snakes out a hand – that pale, pale wrist flashing in the dark – and sneaks Addy’s phone out of her pocket. She adds a contact, lightning fast, extends the phone. Addy takes it, heart stuttering, fluttering.
“Text me when. I’ll be there.”
Beth climbs into her car without looking back. Pauses to fix her hair in the rearview mirror before she starts the ignition.
Addy watches Beth peel out of the lot, driving fast, rear lights flaring like the embers of a cigarette on an inhale.
She plunges her hand into her pocket for her keys and hears a rustle. Pulling out a paper, she looks down at her grocery list. She didn’t buy a goddamn thing.
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Dr. Sonia Vulakh at Montvale Dental Group offers convenient options for professional teeth whitening in Park Ridge, Bergen County & Saddle River, NJ. Whether you desire in office or take home option, your treatment will dramatically brighten and whiten your smile without sensitivity. For more details, visit the given link.
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Dental Implants Park Ridge Illinois | All in Four Dentist - North Shore Dental Group
A regular visit to your dentist can help in catching dental problems such as- decay, gum disease, trauma, or cancer at an early stage. At this point, the treatment seems more affordable and treatable. You must talk with your oral health care specialist or hygienist about any special conditions in your mouth and ways in which your medical conditions affect your teeth.
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Well, you can always pay a visit to the North Shore Dental located at Park Ridge Illinois for all your dental needs. They have highly trained experts for- Cosmetic Dentistry, Same Day Dental Crowns, Invisalign, Laser Perio, Perio Services, Sleep Apnea, and Tooth Extractions, and Dental Implants Park Ridge Illinois. Moreover, you can greatly benefit your overall health with dental implant treatments that replace your missing tooth.
Cosmetic Dentistry at Park Ridge
To enhance the appearance, cosmetic treatments are an important quest. Everyone wishes to have a straight and white tooth. Straight teeth can ultimately reduce jaw problems, snoring, plaque, and gum disease (that has a link to heart problems and diabetes).
Advancements in the dental industry have made treatments aesthetically pleasing for anyone.  You can find the best cosmetic treatments from teeth whitening to Lumineers porcelain veneers from North Shore Cosmetic dentist  Park Ridge IL. Porcelain Lumineers are affixed to your front tooth to improve the appearance, the process is comfortable and instantaneous. One can access a number of cosmetic dentistry options available at North Shore dental to suit your lifestyle.
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biluata · 7 years
Our Hearts Run on Gasoline - Quakerider One-shot
Words: 4,356
Request #2: Robbie and Daisy meet at an illegal street race
No Powers AU Meet-Cute with Dramatic Action and Sweet Moments
Read on Ao3: Here
Racing was in Robbie's blood. His father knew it from the day Robbie was born, just like his father before him. All the Reyes men were racers, and Robbie was no exception.
As the night was reaching eleven o'clock, Robbie rolled up in his custom '69 Charger at the crowded parking lot of an abandoned furniture store in East Los Angeles. Reggaeton blasted through the warm, night air and the beats hummed through his chest. Several tricked-out cars painted in obnoxiously loud colors filled the space and were proudly shown off by their owners to the flocks of people gathered around. While some were just there to dazzle with their sweet sound systems and fancy LED light shows, there were a few mean-looking vehicles who came to play.
Robbie grinned as he reached and gently patted the dash of his beloved Charger, Lucy. She might be a classic beauty, but she could still give all the other guys a run for their money. He and his Uncle Eli had made sure of that.
Robbie pulled up into an empty spot where several of his friends had already gathered around to laugh, chat and drink the night away.
"There he is!" Juan announced as he draped one arm over Robbie's open driver window while the other hand held his beer high in the air. "The man! The myth! The legend! The Ghost Rider!"
Cheers erupted from his friends as they raised their beers then chugged them down. Robbie chuckled as he parked his car and got out. "You know that's just a stupid nickname," he said, pushing Juan and his gaudy, bright orange-and-black bowling shirt aside.
Juan laughed then held his beer bottle close to his mouth like a microphone. Robbie rolled his eyes. Not this shit again.
"They say he sold his soul to the Devil in order to get his sweet ride," Juan continued in a deep voice reminiscent of an old radio announcer. "You never see him coming until you already lost. He is. . ."
"The Ghost Rider!" Ricky, Mateo and Felipe hollered by the trunk of his car. They all immediately bawled into hysterical laughter, holding on to each other to keep themselves from falling over.
Robbie shook his head with grin. They teased, but it was all in good fun. These were his people after all, his friends. Ever since Uncle Eli got sent to South Ridge Penitentiary four years ago for attempted manslaughter, they had been there for him like no other. Besides Gabe, these guys were his family.
"Honestly, you guys, that's enough," Lisa chided with a roll of her eyes, pushing the three aside and walking up to him and Juan. Robbie smiled, but quickly averted his eyes. She was wearing an outfit that was highly appropriate for the summer heat, but also highly inappropriate for public eyes. Between her white crop top and her pale jean short shorts, she was showing enough skin to make a nun collapse on the spot.
She stopped only a few feet in front of him, but his nose was still overpowered by the scent of her floral perfume. "H-hey, Robbie," she said in a high-pitched tone. Lisa leaned against his car, twirling one of her long brown curls and batting her dark lashes at him.
"Uh, hey, Lisa," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. To say she had a crush on him was obvious. Robbie wasn't a complete idiot. And Lisa was a sweet girl, very pretty, too. The only problem was she was Juan's cousin, and if Juan was like a brother to him, Lisa was like a little sister.
He had tried dropping hints over the years that he was not interested, but to no avail. She still kept showing up to the races, to his work, and even to his home with a sweet smile, googly eyes, and sometimes a delicious baked good. He liked her. She was a good friend, but that's all she would ever be. At this point, Robbie could only pray she'd meet a guy someday who would make her forget all about him.
"You know, I'm here, too, cuz," Juan scoffed from beside him.
Lisa shot him a scowl before turning her big hazel eyes back to Robbie and flipping on her charming smile. "So, how are things? Did Gabe finally decide to come this time?" She asked, glancing around.
A stabbing pain pierced his heart and he bowed his head a little. Gabe never approved of Robbie's street-racing hobby. Besides the fact it was illegal, it could also be highly dangerous. One bad blowout and that could be the end for any driver. He's seen it before, has even gotten close to crashing himself a few times, but ultimately Robbie decided that the rewards were better than the risks.
Robbie had been trying for years to get Gabe to come with him to the races, to maybe see why he enjoyed it so much, but to no avail. It turned out tonight wasn't going to be any different.
He sighed. "Nah, he said he had homework to do."
"On a Friday night, are you serious?" Juan asked.
"Oh, hush," Lisa said, smacking her cousin's arm. She then gave Robbie an empathetic smile and placed a tender hand on his shoulder. "That's too bad, but, hey, at least he's such a good student."
Robbie smiled. That was true. Gabe was one of the smartest kids in his school, and he really couldn't stay made at him for that. He was going to go places, which is more than he could say for other kids in this city.
"What your brother is, Reyes, is a nerd!"
Robbie groaned as his shoulders sagged. Ramirez, he thought bitterly.
Manolo Ramirez strolled up to Robbie's car looking like a Latino Elvis Presley with his black hair gelled up into a tall pompadour and his floral shirt only half-buttoned up. He wore a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses despite it being night and had two gorgeous women hanging onto him, one under each arm. They were so similar, they had to be twin sisters who seemed to have just walked out of the cover of a fashion magazine.
Robbie sighed. Manolo was a decent racer, could even give Robbie a run for his money at times, but he always had to appear like the biggest fake and asshole in the world.
"Hey, Manny," Robbie said, forcing a smile on his face. He brushed off Lisa's hand as he stepped closer to his rival.
"Tonight is the night, Reyes," Manny stated with a flash of his shiny, whitened teeth. "You're going down!"
"Funny, Manolo!" Juan called from behind him. "That's what I was telling your sister last night!"
An explosion of hooting laughter and hollering erupted within a ten-foot radius around Juan. His friends jumped around the small space, howling and ramming into each other as if they lost their damn minds. Robbie stifled the laugh that bubbled through his chest with a grin instead.
Manny's face was so red, his head could have ignited into flames any moment. He ripped his sunglasses off, eyes like poisoned daggers.
"Hey, Reyes," Manny said with a scowl that matched the acidic contempt in his voice. "You better watch your friend's mouth before either of you gets a fist in it."
A hushed "ooh" fell across the crowded group as their eyes glanced between Manny and him. Robbie let out a soft chuckle. "Manny, it's just good fun," he explained. Everyone knew Juan talked a lout of his ass. Robbie often took everything his friend said with a grain of salt. "Relax."
Manny sneered as he slipped his shades back on. "Whatever, man, I'll see you on the streets!"
Robbie shook his head as Manny walked off with the twins in tow. Every conversation with that guy was like dancing on broken glass.
"Eh, forget about him, Robbie," Juan said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "You know, for a guy with a lot of beautiful women around him, he hardly seems to get laid, huh?"
Robbie chuckled. "You may be right about that."
"You two are the worse," Lisa announced as she wedged herself in between them.
Suddenly, a cacophony of cheers, hoots and whistles rang through the night. Robbie straightened up, eyebrows scrunched together. What in the world? His eyes scanned the scene, widening when they found what everyone was making noise about.
A sleek cherry-red '62 Corvette slowly rolled onto the lot, sparkling magnificently even in the dim streetlights. Robbie bit his lower lip. Lucy may be his baby, but even he could recognize what a good-looking car this little beauty was. It was gorgeous from its smooth curves to its shimmering chrome adornments. His hand twitched. The mechanic in him was already itching to get a look under the hood and see how it ticked.
The crowd of watchers slowly backed up as the newcomer made their way through the lot and parked only a few spots away from where Robbie and his friends were.
"Who do you think it is?" Juan whispered. "You think it could be Lucas?"
Robbie shook his head. "Nah, Lucas is too much of a scrub to have a ride as fly as that. Maybe, it's another hotshot from Miami?" Those guys always rolled into town in the summer like they were such a big deal, but Robbie would knock them down a peg or two.
The driver's door popped open and a woman with short dark hair dressed in all black stepped out. Robbie raised his brows. Okay, he was not expecting that.
She slammed the door to the Corvette shut then turned, scanning the lot. Electricity danced across his skin as her heavy-shadowed eyes seemed to land on him. Was she looking at him? She had to be, because soon she was strutting his way.
Despite her small demeanor, the woman walked with her shoulders back and her head high. With each hard steeped of her heeled boots, it was like the ground shook beneath her. She oozed a confidence and swagger that warned anybody and everybody she was not one to be messed with. His heart rate began to pick up speed and he'd be lying if he said he didn't find her tough-girl act to be a little sexy as hell.
She stopped in front of Robbie and his group of friends, shoving her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket and jutting her hip to the side as if she didn't have a care in the world. "Are these where the races are at?" She asked, taking her time to eye every single one of them. His heart jumped as her dark eyes settled on him, slowly looking him up and down.
"Um, yeah," Robbie answered, cringing as his voice cracked a little.
The woman nodded as her hands shuffled around in her pockets. When she pulled them back out, in each hand was a thick wad of twenty-dollar bills. "I want to join."
"In that?" Juan asked, nodding to her Corvette as everyone laughed.
Robbie smirked. Juan was right. She had a pretty sweet ride, but his Charger could easily smoke her.
"Don't worry," she said with a grin, her eyes flicking from Juan to him. "Lola has a few tricks up her sleeve."
He raised his brow. This could be interesting. "Okay, you see Big Bass over there by the pimped-out Scion XB?" Robbie gestured over to where the large Latino man, both tall and wide, in a blue sweat suit was chilling with a few scantily-clad women and a police monitor. "He runs these races. You should talk to him."
She nodded her head. "Cool, thanks." Her eyes roved over him one last time before she spun around and walked off.
"Tourists," Lisa spat quietly from beside him that garnered a few chuckles from his friends.
"Aw, come on, cuz," Juan cooed, draping an arm over her. "You're just jealous, because she kept giving Roberto the eyes."
Robbie's ears began to burn as Lisa's face turned a bright red, as well. "Wh-what? No!" She exclaimed hastily, shoving Juan so hard he nearly fell on his ass.
"Yeah," Robbie choked out, rubbing the back of his neck. "She was probably just trying to figure me out, you know, examine the competition."
"Right," Lisa said, nodding her head and smiling sweetly at him. His stomach churned. Crap. He didn't want to give Lisa the wrong idea, but he was also pretty sure that woman (no matter how hot she was) was not checking him out.
He scratched his chin. Although, if she was . . .
"Hey, hey, Robbie!" Big Bass called, shuffling his large figure over. "Homicide in Monterey and the cops are moving in. Now's the time, you in?"
Robbie's gut clenched as he nodded his head. It was a damn shame they could only race at the cost of somebody's life, but that's just how their world had to work. Robbie dug into the pockets of his jeans and pulled out several hundred dollar bills which Big Bass happily accepted.
"Cool, man, I'll see you at the start." Big Bass said then hastily headed off.
This was it. His time to shine.
"You got this, Robbie!" Lisa cheered, giving him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah, I got a lot of money riding on you, man!" Juan teased with a pat on his back. "So, don't fuck this up!"
Robbie laughed as he brushed Juan aside and opened the door to his Charger. "I don't plant to," he stated as he got in and slammed the door shut.
"Yeah, that's my boy!" Juan hollered.
The crowds of people quickly rushed to get out of the way as Robbie and the others drover their cars to the hastily thrown together starting line.
Manny was already there in his tricked out '08 Chevy Cobalt SS. Robbie chuckled. The damn thing looked like it just rolled off the set of a "Fast and Furious" movie with its silver paint job and shimmery purple flames on the side. Yep, it was a very Manolo-style car, alright.
Robbie sidled up his Charger alongside him. "Nice flames," he teased. "Think they might help?"
Manny sneered at him. "I hope you got a good look at my ass, Reyes, because that's all you're going to be seeing." He lowered his sunglasses down, pointing two V-sign fingers at his eyes then then over towards him.
Robbie snorted as he shook his head then noticed as the red Corvette pulled up on his right between him and Little Emilio's Honda Civic. So, he was going to be racing her after all. Robbie sat there admiring the fierceness on the newcomer's face as her hands tapped hastily on something in her dash. Her fingers moved with such a graceful dexterity, it was more like she was playing a piano than a car. He grinned. Yeah, this could prove to be a very interesting race.
He focused back up front as Big Bass came to stand out in front of the four cars. "Alright, alright, you guys know the rules, one lap around, first one back here is the winner, and if I--"
Robbie tuned him out. After nearly four years doing this, he knew the man's words by heart.
"We got this, Lucy," he whispered to his car as he did before every race. She had rarely failed him before, tonight wasn't going to be the exception despite what Manny jeered. Robbie gave Lucy's dash a gentle pat as Big Bass finished his speech and stepped off to one of the sides where the crowd of people from the parking lot gathered. His friends stood off to his left, clapping and giving him thumbs-up.
"Ready, racers?" Big Bass hollered.
Robbie revved Lucy's engine, which let out a guttural roar and flared the flaps on her blower. They were ready.
As Big Bass raised his arm to the sky, it was as if the world fell silent. Robbie couldn't even breathe as he waited, his stomach a churning mess and his foot twitching over the pedal.
Everything happened in slow motion and at the speed light at the same time. Big Bass' hand fell and Robbie took off faster than a bat out of hell.
He sunk back into his leather seat, hands tight on the wheel, as Lucy surged forward. His heart sputtered into overdrive, coursing energy through his veins. Everything was a blur around him with the only fixed point in his universe being the open road ahead and the needle climbing on his speedometer.
The biggest smile grew on Robbie's face as butterflies swarmed his chest. He swore there was no better feeling in the world than going fast in a car. With the windows down and the air rushing across his face, he was flying. It was magical, the indescribable connection between man and machine that made his whole body tingle. Whenever Robbie got in the driver seat, it was as if his heart and Lucy's engine became one.
Robbie shook himself from his euphoric stupor as the first turn came up ahead. He checked his rearview mirror to see he had gotten a good head start with Manny trailing at least a car behind and the other two lagging just behind him. Shifting gears, Robbie easily made the turn and maintained his lead.
They raced through the near empty streets of East L.A. like demons in the night, lacing the air with the acrid smell of burning rubber and exhaust. Although Manny would catch up with him at the turns, Robbie would still easily pull ahead. He laughed. Manny was probably fuming by now underneath those ridiculous shades.
The racers made one last turn and they were down to the final stretch. Robbie revved Lucy's engine and she roared like a black jaguar. This was it. There was no stopping them now.
He glanced at the rearview mirror and his eyes widened. While Manny was still behind him, Ms. Corvette was rapidly catching up to them. Fire and smoke spewed out of the back of her car, sending her forward at breakneck speeds. Robbie's jaw dropped. Were those rockets?! God, she hadn't been kidding when she said that her car had a few tricks.
Manny seemed to finally notice her sudden approach as his eyes bugged out to the size of saucer plates before narrowing into snake-like slits. "Not today, bitch!" He spat over the rushing wind.
As the newcomer tried to pass Manny by, he swerved his car into her. The harsh sound of smashing metal filled the night briefly followed by the shrill screaming of tires. Robbie's stomach dropped and his fingers went cold as the Corvette quickly spiraled out of control. Her brakes screeched as her car skidded into the brick exterior of a store, grinding in a spray of sparks to a halt.
Robbie couldn't breathe. His body was numbed. Was she okay? How could she be after a crash like that?
He glanced forward where victory only lay a few yards ahead then back to the steaming Corvette. His heart panged tight in his chest as he slammed on his brakes and peeled his car off to side of the road.
Robbie gritted his teeth as Manny passed him by with resounding hollers and whoops followed by Little Emilio. Once they were gone, he peeled Lucy around and sped back to the Corvette. Screeching to a standstill a few feet away from the wreck, Robbie wriggled out of his seatbelt and threw open the door. He hopped out, only stopping for a moment to slam his door shut before rushing over.
The air stunk heavy of burnt rubber and leaking fuel. His gut heaved, but he managed to make sure his dinner didn't make a second appearance. Glass littered the ground along with a few torn pieces of metal. Luckily, the car wasn't on fire, but steam billowed out of the front like an active volcano. His heart was beating faster than a jackhammer as he slowed down near the driver's side. Robbie held his breath and prayed that he wasn't about to find a dead body.
The woman lay in the driver's seat with a deflated bag on her lap and several bits of shattered glass in her hair. She was pale, her eyes half-closed and a line of blood trickling down her forehead. A sweeping coolness ran through his body when he saw the rapid rising and falling of her chest, and he damn near collapsed onto the ground. She was alive, a little battered and bruised with a few cuts on her face, but alive.
"Hey, hey, stay with me, you're okay," he said, gingerly resting a hand on her shoulder.
The woman jolted awake as if his was lightning. She gasped for air, her wide eyes searching around until they landed on him. His heart fluttered wildly in his chest. Her chocolate brown eyes, even if they were reminiscent of a deer in a headlight, were gorgeous. He hadn't been able to notice it before, but now, with their faces only a foot apart, he could truly appreciate how mesmerizing they were. They even had little flecks of gold that shimmered like stars.
"Wh-what?" She coughed out.
Robbie blinked his eyes. Right. There were important things to worry about right now. He took in a deep breath. "You were just in an accident," he explained in his gentlest tone. "But, it's okay. You're okay."
She nodded her head, but her eyes still seemed dazed. Shakily, she undid her seatbelt and Robbie backed up as she opened the driver's door.
"Hey, hey, take it easy," Robbie said, offering a hand as she slowly staggered out of her car. The woman swatted it aside with her left hand, but immediately doubled over, crying out in pain. His body tensed. "Hey, let me take a look?"
She watched him warily, considering him like a wild animal and wondering if he would bite. She said nothing as she held out her left arm. Robbie slowly unzipped the sleeve of her jacket and smoothed it back. He then held her arm in one of his hands while the other softly tapped up her arm. When his fingers touched halfway to her elbow, she flinched, sucking air sharply through gritted teeth.
Robbie nodded. "Your arm's fractured, but not completely broken. I could take you to the hospital."
His shoulders jumped at the harshness of her voice. The woman roughly brushed him off with her good arm, but she still winced at the pain the movement caused her injury. "No hospitals. I-I can't."
He held his arms up, showing her his palms. There was a dark fear in her eyes like an animal caught in a corner. His head tilted a little. Was it just something against hospitals, or was she afraid she could be arrested if she turned up at one? Either way, she probably wasn't going to tell him. "Okay," he agreed. "No hospitals."
She nodded, her body slowly relaxing once more.
"But you really need to get that checked out," he said, stepping closer.
She stepped back. "I'll be fine." She looked away from him and her eyes widened. "But Lola won't."
Robbie followed her gaze and immediately cringed. The once beautiful Corvette was now in a terribly dismal state. The windshield was gone with only a few shards of glass hanging around the frame. The front end was concaved in where it hit a street sign and the hood now stood up like a pitched tent. The right side rested against the wall, but if the missing side mirror was any sign, Robbie figured it wasn't looking too pretty, either. At least, the left side was only dented in slightly from when Manny bumped into her, and it seemed like the back end was fine, as well. All in all, it could have been worse.
"Shit!" She muttered under her breath, running a hand through her short, dark locks. "Coulson is going to kill me."
Robbie cocked his head to the side. Coulson? Who was Coulson? Her boyfriend? Her really handsome auto-enthusiast boyfriend? He sighed as he shook his head. What was he doing? Now, again, was not the time for such thoughts.
Tears brimmed in her eyes that threatened to spill over any second, but she bit her bottom lip and took in a deep, shaky breath to force them back. He raised his brow. God, she really was tough.
"Hey, it'll be okay." Robbie walked up to her as she examined the front end of her car and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I'm a mechanic and I've been able to fix up cars in much worse states than this."
"Wait, really?" Her narrow eyes flicked between his face and his hand, but she didn't make any moves to oppose. "You can fix her?"
He nodded. Robbie still remembered when his uncle rolled Lucy into Canelo's one night. Poor thing was barely a car at all, and now it was the baddest ride in all of East L.A. If he could do that with almost nothing, he was certain he could fix her Corvette.
"Yeah. Well, it might be a little heard to get some parts, depending on what we are working with, but I could probably get it done in a few weeks, one month tops."
The woman tilted her head as she stared at him like he was one of the strangest puzzles she's ever seen. The kind of puzzle where you have no idea how it got put together but the end product was undeniably amazing. Robbie grinned. It was great to see her being in his place for a change.
"Thanks," she murmured.
He smiled as he removed his hand from her shoulder and held it out. "I'm Robbie. Robbie Reyes."
She slowly accepted his hand, sharing a small, dazzling smile back that made the stars pale in comparison. "Daisy."
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Tooth cavities might create larger dental concerns when not dealt with at correct time in our famILy dental care park ridge IL . It is due to this factor that client should maintain going to dental center in fixed interval. Dentist at Chicago can in fact detect the dental issues and recommend best treatment at right time. Our Medical Professionals at famILy dental care park ridge IL  Dental Treatment can help preserve solid dental health and wellness as well as health. Sometimes the signs and symptoms of such issues can be determined quite easily yet in various other situations, they can not be detected so conveniently as well as in such cases, just a specialist dentist can recognize the problems as well as suggest ideal treatment. Based on our best dentist in park ridge IL, it is constantly much better to see the oral clinic every six months.
Some of the symptoms of the infected teeth are: Serious tooth pain. Severe level of sensitivity in teeth while alcohol consumption or eating hot or cool. Fever as a result of dental concerns. Swelling in periodontal and its result on face. Severe discomfort while eating or chewing. Feeling added pressure on jaw bones.
In instance of any of the above symptoms, the client should go to the oral center with no delay for teeth whitening park ridge IL. Physicians at northshore dental can suggest required treatment at right time for the clients dealing with any dental problems. In case of any type of kind of infection, appropriate treatment has to be taken at right time. periodontist park ridge IL suggests not postponing the facility check out in situation of fever, excessive swelling or pain while consuming. This can be signs and symptoms of infection which need early therapy. In case of delay, it may spread to head or neck.
In case of emergency situations, infection you may go to dentist near you with no hold-up. Pediatric Dentist park ridge IL at Northshore dental  the treatment meticulously analyzes the problem of the infection before suggesting needed treatments. The contaminated tooth might be recovered with various types of dental therapies. This infected tooth can be treated with root canal therapy as well as gum treatment and so on. A physician might also recommend antibiotics if it is required. Teeth extraction as well as teeth replacement might likewise be carried out by a professional doctor for far better results.
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centralparkpawsblog · 4 years
How to Use Coconut Oil to Naturally Clean Your Dog’s Teeth
Even though we feed the same foods, treats, and chews to our dogs, Ginger’s teeth are way worse than her siblings.
We get her teeth cleaned annually at the vet, but six months later, the plaque is already making its way back.
Whereas, Calvin, our 12-year-old, has excellent teeth and has never needed to get a dental done.
Not only does Ginger not have good teeth, but she also has a hard time going to the vet by for dentals. She gets very anxious and panics.
The last time Ginger was in for a cleaning, she had an absolute melt-down crying, and she wouldn’t go into the kennel.
Our vet is amazing, so when as soon as Ginger panicked she took her to her office to get her calmed down, then gave her some medicine to relax her a bit.
But because it is so traumatic for Ginger to go in for dentals, I started to look for home remedies that could help improve the health of her teeth.
Coconut Oil for Your Dog’s Teeth?
One of the ideas that came to me was trying coconut oil.
I had just read an article regarding coconut oil pulling to improve dental health in humans, and though I know dogs can’t do pulling, I thought there still might be a way to use it for dogs.
Using coconut oil for cleaning Ginger’s teeth is very appealing to me, because of coconut’s many other health benefits.
Plus, coconut oil is a natural product and not full of chemicals or allergens.
Additionally, it is available in an organic form, which is strictly a personal preference.
And, if my dogs ingest any of it, I don’t have to worry about it causing GI upset since they consume coconut oil for other reasons regularly.
Is Coconut Oil Safe for Dogs?
Not only is coconut oil safe, but it also has a lot of health benefits.
Amongst the many benefits, coconut oil aids in promoting good oral health.
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, coconut oil reduces plaque and gingivitis, plus it prevents tooth decay[1].
Because coconut oil is a natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory, it can fight off the bacteria responsible for plaque, as well as reduce and repair gum damage.
Coconut oil is safe for dogs to consume, and in proper amounts carries benefits such as:
Natural flea preventative
Promotes good skin and coat health
Kills Staphylococcus – a bacteria responsible for causing most infections
Aids in maintaining a healthy weight
What Kind of Coconut Oil Should You Use?
The best coconut oil to use is virgin coconut oil, which means the oil is unrefined and made from fresh coconuts.
Additionally, if you can find one that states centrifuged coconut oil, which is the extraction method, that is the purest variety of the different coconut oils.
However, it is also the most expensive.
If centrifuged is not available, look for cold-pressed, which is the next best variety.
Product Recommendations
Dignity Coconuts Raw Coconut Oil (Centrifuged)   Check Price
Parachute Cold Press Virgin Coconut Oil   Check Price
How to Use Coconut Oil to Clean Your Dog’s Teeth
Coconut oil has the greatest amount of lauric acid of all the different oils.
In fact, coconut oil contains almost 50% lauric acid, which is responsible for killing bacteria and viruses.
Additionally, lauric acid is effective at fighting bacteria responsible for bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease3.
What You Will Need
Finger Brush, Dog Tooth Brush, or Damp Gauze
Coconut Oil
First, put a small amount of coconut oil on the tool of choice.
Then, gently but firmly hold their head as you brush their teeth in small circular motions, being sure to clean the back molars.
After you finish brushing your dog’s teeth, rinse the brush with warm water.
Product Recommendations
BOSHEL Dog Tooth Brush and Finger Brush Kit   Check Price
Fomate Double Sided Toothbrush   Check Price
Using Coconut Oil on Dog Toys to Improve Dental Health
If your dog is resistant to you brushing their teeth, try using a dental chew bone with a light coat of coconut oil smeared on it.
As your dog chews on the bone, the coconut oil will spread onto your dog’s teeth, and the chewing motion will act as the brush to help work the oil in and clean the teeth.
Unfortunately, this method will not be able to clean all of the teeth evenly like brushing, but it will still help improve your dog’s dental health.
It is essential to find a toy with ridges or nubbins.
The added texture will aid in keeping the oil on the bone and act as a brush as they chew.
Product Recommendations
Great bones that work for aiding in cleaning dog’s teeth are:
Nylabone DuraChew  Check Price
Wisedom Dog Toothbrush Stick   Check Price
gelugee Dog Toothbrush Stick Check Price
Benefits of Using Coconut Oil on Dog’s Teeth
In addition to fighting plaque, gingivitis, and tooth decay, coconut oil has other oral hygiene benefits too.
A few of the advantages of using coconut oil on your dog’s teeth include:
Freshens breath
Safe to use
Reduces inflammation
Whitens teeth
Generally works well for dogs with allergies
Your dog may prefer the taste of the coconut oil to dog toothpaste
Plus, besides oral health, coconut oil can be used topically for:
Minor cuts and skin abrasions
Improving the overall health of your dog’s coat and skin
Killing and preventing fleas
Finally, if you use essential oils on your dog, coconut oil works as an excellent carrier oil.
Coconut Oil Dangers, Cautions, & Dosage
Although coconut oil has many benefits, there are few things to be aware of before using it with your dog.
First, start with a small amount and watch for allergic reactions. Though it is rare, your dog still can react negatively to it.
Second, if you start with too high of a dose to begin with, it can cause diarrhea.
For brushing your dog’s teeth with coconut oil, you only need a small amount as it will quickly liquefy and spread easily over the teeth as you clean.
When brushing your dog’s teeth, there’s no reason for concern if your dog ingests some, but be aware if you are also using it daily as a supplement to cut back a little on the days you are brushing their teeth.
Using coconut oil to brush your pup’s teeth does not take the place of veterinary dental care.
But it will help keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy in between dental procedures.
I like using coconut oil since two of my dogs, Calvin and Sophie, have food allergies.
Some of the commercial dog toothpaste flavors contain allergens, like poultry. And the varieties that don’t contain chicken are ones my dogs don’t care for, which is why coconut oil is the ideal option for us.
If you have a dog that doesn’t love the flavor of their toothpaste, has food sensitivities, or if you are looking for a more natural dental solution, you should give coconut oil a try.
So far, it has been working great for our family.
The post How to Use Coconut Oil to Naturally Clean Your Dog’s Teeth appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/pet-care/coconut-oil-clean-dogs-teeth/
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dentistparkridge · 1 year
How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Improve Your Smile?
Learn more about how cosmetic dentistry can improve your smile. Teeth whitening can remove stains and discoloration, while dental veneers can cover chips, cracks, and stains, improving the shape and size of teeth. These are just a few examples of how cosmetic dentistry can enhance your overall appearance.
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dentistparkridge · 1 year
Common Cosmetic Dental Treatments That Millennial Take
This article delves into cosmetic dentistry treatments that are popular among millennials. Invisalign is a highly anticipated treatment that can align teeth without braces. Teeth whitening and dental veneers are also commonly desired. If you're a millennial looking to enhance your smile, learn more about these treatments and their benefits.
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dentistparkridge · 6 months
Best cosmetic dentistry services in Park Ridge
For Best cosmetic dentistry services in Park Ridge, look no further than "Park Ridge Smiles." With a skilled team of experienced dentists and cutting-edge technology, they specialize in creating beautiful smiles through procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, and smile makeovers. Trust Park Ridge Smiles for a radiant and confident smile.
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dentistparkridge · 2 years
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Teeth Whitening in Park Ridge
Teeth Whitening in Park Ridge is a great option for you if you have stained, dull or discolored teeth. Contact our Dentist or Dental Team in Park Ridge IL.
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Get the best Teeth Whitening and Veneers in Park Ridge, must visit the Montvale Dental Group. Our dentist provides the many services such as Veneers, teeth whitening. For more information, please click on the website.
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dentistparkridge · 2 years
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