#Tails is my favourite girl in sonic
sheepgirlbulge · 1 year
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source: https://twitter.com/S2_Lina_/status/1033719266657296385
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akarisandraws · 3 months
What's your big opinion on every Sonic character don't skip any detail
Dude, do you know how many sonic characters are there?
Like a lot. So im gonna keep it on the main ones LOLL
Maybe i'll add to this tho. We'll see.
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Sonic: He's my favourite character of all times! Such a funky fella. I love his way of thinking, (as in everyone deserves second chances and freedom is important) and of acting, with the whole attitude. He gives me a sense of freedom that i haven't felt from any other media at all! Its quite impressive honestly. I could write pages upon pages on how Sonic as a character is like the peak of literature in my eyes, but this post would get way too long. In summary tho, i like almost every aspect of Sonic the Character.
Tails: The baby! I also really love tails! I think his role as a sideckick is very endearing, and is a great balance to sonic in all possible ways. One problem with modern Tails, though. He's portrayed as a coward. And like??? That's not who he is?? Like C'mon sega.
Knuckles: He don't chuckle!! Final part of team Sonic, and Sonic's first rival! I really like the knucklehead. But as is the norm, Sega screwed him up badly on Boom. I despise that they're supposed to be the same Knuckles. Because they're not. I like Boom Knuckles, as his own character, but granted, Boom is an acquired taste.
Amy: Honorary part of team sonic! I love her! Mostly on the IDW Comics. I think they handle her excellently in there. I know that Amy is a hated character by the fanbase because most say that her only purpose is to be the "girl character love interest" and i can agree up to some point in some games, but in IDW she's sooo much better. We stan IDW Sonic.
Shadow: Yet another case of Sega making character assassination. Shadow's like, one of the most complex sonic characters there are, If not THE most complex one. And i love that! Though im very sad that Sega hasn't been able to replicate that SA2 Magic quite as well. Will SonicXShadow (heh) give him justice? Stay tuned.
Rouge: MY GIRL!! Ok so controversial opinion, Rouge's my second favourite sonic character, just because i think its hilarious that she (once) was the leader of team Dark. So She commanded a killing machine and An alien experiment. What a girlboss! 10/10 Character.
Omega: Gotta be honest, not much of an omega fan. But i really like his dynamic w/Rouge and Shadow. It's pretty sweet that they become friens :)
Cream: The other baby! I think she's the sweetest character. Like fr. I really want to see her more often on the games! Though i get why in recent games she hasn't appeared. Suddenly the adventures got way too serious. Still want her back in the games though!
Blaze: Fire princess! I fr am so salty that she isn't as much in the games. Like, what gives? She's such a successful character (With good reason btw) and you arent like, putting her in the stage?? outrageous. But yeah, i really Like Blaze. Her contrast and similarities with sonic are great! They make a great duo too.
Silver: The sweetest most unhinged boi in the sonic canon. I find it very funny that in his first appearance he was all angsty and stuff, but now he's full on optimism and sunshine. I love the juxtaposition on that behalf. Boi is cute but he can mess you up.
The Chaotix: Oh i love the found family trope. Espio's my fave for sure. He's the funny ninja, what else do you want? Though Vector and Charmy are great too. Vector has such a cool ass dad vibe. And Charmy... is Charmy. if yk yk.
AAAAND I think i'll leave it there. Should i include someone else? lmk.
Thanks for the ask!
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
Sonic Characters At Parties
In the spirit of the fact it's my birthday, teehee -wanted to make a headcanon post about what the characters do/how they they act at parties (not necessarily birthday ones!)
Sonic: This man is the life of the party (Pt. 1) - in the wise words of Kesha, the party don't start until he walks in. He's loud, he breakdances, he belts in karaoke, and he shovels food in his face. Get him on the music because he's about to play the sickest beats. However, this comes at the cost of Sonic needing a total 'me' day to himself after. He fucks off and runs to spend time all day by himself in nature to recharge his social battery.
He's a professional troll when invited to fancy gatherings - and will find a way to play innapropriate music on the speakers.
Tails: A lot more muted compared to his friend, but he tries to get involved with the party in every way he can. He'll join Sonic on the dance floor and somehow can do a robot dance better than Omega can (everyone is still trying to figure out how that works). He won't sing karaoke unless he's singing in a group though, and in the case of birthday parties - this fox WILL find a way to sneak an extra slice of cake. Will also help Sonic in his music antics at fancy gatherings.
Knuckles: In most instances, he stands awkwardly by the snacks like an NPC in the corner not knowing what to do with himself until he's dragged to the dance floor by his more extroverted friends. Sonic drags Knuckles into a dance battle and they become the centre of the attention because these boys can DANCE. Somehow they end the night on the karaoke stage singing a duet of Breaking Free from High School Musical - screaming the lyrics to each other off-key, but pouring their souls into the performance.
Amy: She planned the party - without her - there isn't a party. She knows everyone's favourite snacks and everyone cheers when they see her reveal whatever cake she made for their birthday. She's a fellow life of the party (Pt. 2) - getting herself involved with the dancing and while not the greatest singer- gives her all in karaoke. She's also insanely good at party games and you know for a fact that she's going to find a way to incorporate truth or dare into the night.
Rouge: Girl has a mission, okay? And that's to stir up as much chaos as possible. She's life of the party (Pt. 3) - and uses the opportunity to get as much gossip as possible. She causes trouble and has so much fun doing it - last time, she managed to make a food fight break out and it was the time of everyone's lives. She basically wins almost any party game she joins but that's usually because she's shamelessly cheating. Either way, she also enjoys dancing and singing in the karaoke - and has got a pretty decent voice actually.
If she's ever invited out somewhere high class, girl is leaving that party several times richer.
Shadow: He warps in, takes a slice of cake, and leaves. Rouge signed his name in the happy birthday card, that's enough right?
He made one exception to this on Rouge's last birthday party where he actually joined in on things. He spent the first half brooding in the corner with a plastic cup of punch until the Sonic and Knuckles dance battle broke out. Sonic taunted Shadow to get involved - and get involved he did. No one could have been prepared for how fucking good Shadow was - putting Sonic and Knuckles to shame. Was that the end of the surprises? No, because he busted out broadway vocals during karaoke. Perks of being the Ultimate Life Form.
Silver: In complete contrast to the above hedgehog, Silver has a great time at parties - but he sucks ass at dancing. He's giving it his all but he's totally off time and his movements are just... very bizzarre, or they're just giving nothing. They're the equivelent of the "go white boy go" meme. But he's trying his best and he's having such a good time that no one can fault him. He also doesn't mind giving karaoke a try but isn't amazing at it either, but nothing can kill this man's vibes.
Blaze: She's a lot more reserved in parties compared to her friends and tends to stand off to the side a bit while everyone else is being loud and wacky. She CAN dance... but her dancing style is more ballet than anything else. She joins in a bit but usually goes off the dance floor after a couple of dances, happy to linger by the snacks. However, she has beautiful vocals in karaoke - and the party takes a moment to slow down as Blaze treats them to a soft ballad.
Omega: Doesn't even wanna be here, but hey - Rouge drug him to it, what's a robot to do? He doesn't care if it's someone else's birthday, HE'S the one who gets to destroy the pinata. He might join in a dance or two with enough coaxing and his hidden bluetooth speaker function often comes in handy. But overall, would much rather stay at home with Shadow.
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molinaskies · 1 year
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog is the stupidest game I've ever played and I fucking loved it.
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Spoiler highlight reel below the cut ✨
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awh love her forever
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Okay... to be fucking fair... I, too, wouldn't have invited Charmy to my birthday party
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This... This makes a lot of sense for her
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AWH TAILS BABY. I've enjoyed how games and comics lately have been leaning more into Tails' age, especially with his character acting, without dumbing his character down even a little bit. He's a genius, but he's still a kid, and I love that. I think this fleshes out his character a lot
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I audibly cackled when my Sega GameGear came on screen lmfao
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(Referring to Amy's hammer, which breaks in the opening act of the game)
Although this conflicts with my personal headcanons for how Amy's hammer works, the prospect of her owning multiple massive fuck-you hammers that she rotates between is hilarious to me.
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fucking Family Guy death pose LMAO
send this screen shot to your non-sonic friends without context
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Great to know. On the streets of Eggmanland is my personal favourite
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How do we pressure the sonic social media team to write and publish this book like we pressured them to crowdfund the sonic toaster?
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They really said ALLY🏳️‍🌈✨ and I agree and approve. #inclusive language 💕
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Oh look it's that one King Ice collab
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I know why this is here... but I personally think it's funnier to think that Eggman sells casino equipment and other daily wears in order to fund his schemes
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This is the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen. Headcanons confirmed thank you
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Shadow buying Amy concert tickets is adorable. Good characterization for him.
Also, a (perhaps unintentionally cruel) headcanon I have is that Shadow has unrequited romantic feelings (or, at least, a significant soft-spot) for Amy. Sonamy is endgame, but Shadow and Amy share an endearing friendship that both are extremely grateful for
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Why would he care about this??? lmfao, if he was the murder, this would have been his dead giveaway tbh
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Damn, girl
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What are they?!?!???
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Look at me and my best friend, Tails, everyone!
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This is so dramatic--and for what? 😂😭
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Loving the continuity 😭 #sonic frontiers !!
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We stan a powerful girl...
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...and a powerful boy who has her back!
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He's so proud of himself 😭 but he did so wellll 💕
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Love them and all of you! Thanks for coming to my hedge-talk. This game is a silly little gem.
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scruffyplayssonic · 6 months
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 56: The Writer's Barely-Disguised Fetish (part 1)
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon!
…sigh. Buckle in, kids. This one is going to be a bumpy ride.
Episode 56: The Writer's Barely-Disguised Fetish (part 1)
I mean, where do I even start with this one? Over its 23 year long run, there were sooooo many different fetishes that popped up in the comic at one time or another. I’d even go as far as to say that if you have a particular favourite fetish that it probably showed up in ArchieSonic at some point.
Are you into magical girls?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
Are you into furry love triangles?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
Are you into feet pics?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
But maybe you’re more into cannibalism.
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
How about tickle torture?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
What about leather and whips?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
Or maybe asphyxiation and/or drowning?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
How about vore?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
Whatever the f*** this was?!
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ArchieSonic’s (clap) got (clap) you (clap) covered (clap) fam.
But hey, no kink shaming here. I’m all for encouraging the kind of things you sick, twisted readers are into. 😀 But what about the writers themselves? What kind of weird stuff are they into? Well… look, I’m not going to say that Ken Penders has a fetish for tickle torture, but I will point out that he wrote that Tails scene I showed you earlier, and also drew this... “political statement.”
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I’m just going to let you come to your own conclusions with that information. 
There is other stuff we could look at as well though. I’m not sure whether or not the rest of this stuff technically counts as “fetishes”, but considering the number of times it got written into the comic, I don’t think we can completely rule it out. For this section I’d like to concentrate on the three writers who contributed to ArchieSonic the most: Ken Penders, Karl Bollers, and Ian Flynn.
Ken Penders is first up, and there’s a lot to explore here during his time on the comic from 1994 - 2006. First of all, he had a habit of introducing zillions of new characters (usually echidnas). But as was pointed out by former ArchieSonic writer and colourist and current awesome person Aleah Baker, that topic might be a little too broad. So let’s break that down into several smaller categories. The first one is “Introducing secret family members that no one knew about and/or were supposed to be dead.” There were so many instances of this!
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Sonic’s long-lost parents!
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Sally’s long-lost brother and mother!
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Antoine’s father!
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Knuckles’ father!
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Knuckles’ mother!
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The League of Extroadinarily Racist Grandpas!
This is in stark contrast to both post-reboot ArchieSonic and the current IDWSonic run, where very few of the cast have family members making appearances.
Another one Penders loved to pull out was introducing unnecessary new characters who were there for the single purpose of replacing already established characters, usually those that were introduced in the games or SatAM. ‘Wait, who did Penders want to replace?’ you may be asking. Quite a few people, actually. For starters, he wanted to get rid of Princess Sally. Do you remember this infamous moment from the Endgame saga?
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Sally eventually recovered from that fall, but Penders’ original intention was the death fake-out to be for realsies. Ken wanted Sally gone, as he felt that having King Acorn back gave us a character that served the same purpose as leader of the Freedom Fighters, and that Sally, in Ken’s own words, “cramped Sonic’s style.” Fortunately SEGA intervened and demanded that Sally live, partially because they were using her for marketing SEGAWorld Sydney. I got to visit that place as a kid, fun times. 
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It wasn’t long after this that Ken pulled Sally’s long-lost brother Prince Elias out of his hat, whom I can only assume was also designed to serve a similar purpose to Sally.
Is that not bad enough? Well then how about the time when Ken killed off Dr. Robotnik and planned to replace him with this guy?
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Meet Dr. Ian Droid (ugh, I hate the pun), a guy who basically boils down to “Dr. Robotnik but cooler because he was made by me, Ken Penders.” Who is this guy? What are his motivations? Buggered if I know. He was supposed to be the villain of Ken Penders’ original series, The Lost Ones (which only ever had a single issue released), and Knuckles: 20 Years Later (which was scrapped and replaced with the Mobius: 25 Years Later storyline).
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Dr. Droid was implied to be a time-traveller who had fought Sonic and Knuckles in the past… or future… or whatever! We didn’t really find out anything else about this guy in the single issue he showed up in - a crossover with Image Comics. We should all be grateful that this bland knock-off never showed up again.
Lastly, whether or not he intended this, Ken Penders largely replaced the Chaotix. With whom? Why more echidnas, of course! The Chaotix may be an independent team nowadays, but back when they were first introduced ArchieSonic established that these guys were Knuckles' crew. I’ve talked about this before, but as the Knuckles series progressed the Chaotix tended to make fewer appearances, often becoming background characters whose page time was eaten up by Julie-Su, Constable Remington, and the League of Extroadinarily Racist Grandpas. Even in a three-issue arc called “The Chaotix Caper,” the Chaotix spent a large chunk of it hospitalised while Julie-Su and Remington investigated the case they had been working on.
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Penders even used this arc to write Charmy out of the story for the next few years aside from a few brief cameo appearances.
Were there any other “fetishes,” Penders constantly wrote about? Well yes, and it’s a big one: daddy issues. There was King Max of course, a jerk mostly known for making typical boomer calls such as demanding Sally agree to an arranged marriage with Antoine or lose her right to the crown, or calling for all the robots who used to be Robotnik’s mindless slaves to be disassembled.
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Obviously, Sally’s relationship with him was rather strained. But it was Knuckles’ father Locke, introduced and mostly written by Penders, that was quite possibly the most controversial character in the entire series. On the one hand, he was something of a guardian angel (pardon the pun) to Knuckles, watching out for him from afar and secretly helping him in his most desperate times. But wow, did he ever go about it the wrong way. Locke took Knuckles away from his mother at a young age to train him to be the next guardian of the Floating Island, and when that training was complete Knuckles had to watch his father yeet himself into a wall of fire, leaving him completely alone.
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Obviously Locke didn’t actually kill himself but instead took up residency in a secret base called Haven where he could spy on his son all day long. But Knuckles didn’t know that and was left alone to suffer. When Knuckles finally reunited with him and wanted to know everything he’d been kept in the dark about up to this point, Locke was surprisingly forthcoming and finally came clean with the big secret.
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Before Knuckles was born Locke had a vision of him in battle against forces he couldn’t comprehend, so Locke decided the only way to ensure his future son’s survival was to pump himself full of steroids before impregnating his wife and then blasting Knuckles’ egg with radiation from a Chaos Emerald. You all know the meme:
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Penders was famously upset by other writers’ interpretations of Locke, especially when Ian Flynn became head writer of the comic and killed Locke off.
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Penders had already previously written Locke’s death to take place during the future events of the Mobius 25 Years Later arc - and dedicated the story to his own late father - but despite his insistence otherwise, this was not considered to be the canonical future of the series but rather and "elseworlds" or "what if?" story.
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It’s quite possible that this incident was the reason Penders decided to copyright all of “his” characters and start writing The Lara-Su Chronicles. But no matter what Ian wrote for Locke, nothing can be as bad as what Penders himself wrote for him:
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Ick. I’m sorry, I thought I got all the gross stuff out of the way at the start of the post.
Tumblr has a limit to the number of images you can put in a single post, so I’m going to have to save Mr Bollers’ and Mr Flynn’s fetishes for next time. I’ll try to have that one out for you tomorrow. 🙂
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mack-anthology-mp3 · 1 year
Aotearoa Music Month
It's almost the end of NZ Music Month, here are my personal favourite Aotearoa artists and a few song recommendations :)
(If you listen to one song from the list make it Old Peel)
Aldous Harding. Words cannot explain the sheer bonkersness of Aldous Harding. One of her earliest songs shares the name but seemingly little else with Titus Groan, the gothic-fantasy novel by Mervyn Peake, and the music video for 'Lawn' features her in a prosthetic lizard tail. Performing live, she often stares straight ahead as though she is not quite sure why you're all looking at her. Her songs, sometimes joyous (The Barrel, Fever, Lawn), and sometimes yearning (Pilot, Party) sometimes just bored (Ennui), are all unmistakably her. Her last few albums have been produced by PJ Harvey collaborator John Parish, and her band includes multi-instrumentalist H. Hawkline (Cate Le Bon collaborator). 2022's Warm Chris was my favourite album of the year, I listened to it almost everyday for two months, the standout line (from 'Fever' being 'the weather/opened up like a birthday card' which is just beautiful. Her best song, though, I think is 'Old Peel', a 2021 single in which the percussion is Harding banging on a coffee mug with a stick. And she does this live as well.
2. The Beths. The Beths are one of those wonderful indie bands whose music all sounds so cheerful but the songs are all about the crushing weight of your insecurities. They've released 3 studios albums and an EP, but I reckon their debut, Future Me Hates Me, is their best one - standout tracks are the title track, 'Happy Unhappy' and 'Uptown Girl'. Their sounds is a mix of contemporary indie pop (lots of chirpy backup vocals) and classic indie rock dirt, especially on 'Future Me Hates Me', though their new stuff is pretty heavy live. They also use a lot of the old NZ made amps and gear that was made here in the 60s and 70s when it was too expensive to import stuff( ask any adult who was in a band here when they were younger and they'll probably have one). 'I Want to Listen' from last years' 'Expert In A Dying Field' is really lovely, if you aren't in the mood for songs about not knowing if you're lovable cos they've got a fair few of those.
3. Voom. Voom are probably on the lesser known side, but their 2006 album 'Hello, Are You There' is right up there with Grandaddy and Built to Spill. It's one of those albums with like 17 songs but some of them are less than a minute long. Beautiful indie rock, full of classic stuff like 'Jimmy's Got A Boner' 'My Friend Satan' and 'I'm Leaving Forever'. The best song on the album is 'B Your Boy', which I could listen to for a very long time, and we're going to cover it in my band and I'm so excited. It's just a perfect song.
Those are my top three (at the moment) honourable mentions are -
Reb Fountain - I saw her live. It was scary. I loved it.
Marlon Williams - last year he invented a genre, Māori disco pop, wrote the most danceable song of the year (My Boy), and played bongos on 'Come To Me' (Björk cover) live.
Vera Ellen - Some nice pissed off indie rock. 'I Want 2 B Boy' is very cool.
Pickle Darling - very vibey bedroom pop, lots of delightful little tunes. Also they work at a record store in my hometown and is always really friendly when I'm in there :)
Tiny Ruins - I'm not the most familiar with their stuff but one of my friends tells me to listen to them all the time so they must be good. Indie folk.
The Clean - Dunedin sound band, not super familiar with them but they have a song called 'Point That Thing Somewhere Else' which sounds like Sonic Youth but somehow even cooler.
Dimmer - 'I Believe You Are A Star' sort of like Portishead, by ex-Straightjacket Fits musician Shanye Carter. loudest show I've ever been to.
This one song called 'Gaskrankinstation' by the Headless Chickens, it's hella dark but pretty damn cool. post-punk.
Special Mention to Flying Nun Records, the actual coolest record label.
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prowerprojects · 9 months
AU & fic ideas masterpost
I just thought I'd put it down for myself, but if any of those interests you, feel free to ask me questions about them! (Most of them are Tails-centric because of course they are)
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General ideas & aus building off the mainline setting
I probably wouldn't actually write fics about those but but some of them hardly qualify as "aus" to me. Also most of those don't have actual names
Sunflower au – this is just my general Tails-centric au where I dump all of my worldbuilding headcanons. I base some of the other aus off it.
Roadtrip au – this one is about Tails and Sage as adults going on another soul-searching roadtrip.
The one with Tails's parents – ok I firmly believe that Tails doesn't need parents in canon and I'm glad that it's left up to interpretation, but I was like "what if he has a human name because one of his parents was a human?" And then it kinda happened.
Parents au – similar name to the other one but this one is actually about Knuckles, Amy and Sonic coparenting Tails together. Everyone is older in this au, except for Tails.
Tailswap – this one is just Tails getting bodyswapped with a version of himself from another universe where he only has one tail. They try to swap back (It's not compatible with some of the other aus because alternative universe Miles has different parents)
Bodyswap au - another bodyswap idea, but this time it's the core four getting swapped around. It's just shenanigans all the way through.
Storybook au - this one is just the classic "characters get trapped in a book and have to finish the fairytales to get out", this already kinda happened to Sonic, but this time it's with 6 more people. (Each for a chaos emerald). Each of them is the main character of their own fairytale and they only recover their memories when they get to the end of their story and get the chaos emerald (this part is inspired by the iseakai stories Sonic Channel is doing rn)
Sickfic idea - Tails gets sick for the first time after meeting Sonic. This one I kinda do want to make into a fic.
Memory loss idea - basically Sonic gets a... very specific fantasy version of memory loss (accident in Tails's lab). It's meant to explore how unconventional Sonic and Tails's sibling dynamic is to an outsider, except the "outsider" here is Sonic himself.
Hanahaki idea - I honestly don't have anything specific for it, but maybe I'll come up with something.
Anti au - basically Sonic & his closest friends (at least Tails and Amy, I'm not sure what I want to do with Knuckles here) are... well not evil necessarily, but they cause destruction with no regard for others, they just want to have fun mostly and don't care who gets in the way. Eggman is still not a good person, but he's not as open about his villainy and tries to present a good image to the public. I need a better name for this.
Alvin and the Chipmunks crossover - I just feel that the aatc cast would fit so perfectly into the world of Sonic. I don't know.
Aus that are more explicitly alternative universes
Superhero au - this also doubles as a high school au. It's the classic teenage superhero thing, but it's probably my favourite au and I have a lot of stuff for it.
Magical girl au - magical girls! and boys. Chaos emeralds help the characters transform so it's only 7 people getting the power. Each of them gets a unique power that they can use even without the transformation (for example for Sonic it would be his speed, etc.)
Tangled - au based specifically on Tangled the Series. It's mostly me putting the Sonic characters into scenes from the show and amusing myself with it.
Wizard of Oz - not actually based on the Wizard of Oz, mostly its vibe. Cream and Shadow are the main characters there.
Actual Wizard of Oz au - au where the characters take on the roles of the Oz characters from the first book. It's kind of supposed to be a comedy, all the characters know they're doing a parody.
Aus that are based on specific adaptations
Ever After High au - that's what it is. I'm having a bit of a trouble assigning the characters fairytales, especially Knuckles (he's a very important character there)
Magic School au - eah au is too complicated with assigning the characters and all, so I've decided to also make a regular magic school au
Aosth au with Amy and Metal Sonic - exactly what it says it is. Except Amy has a plot with Scratch and Grounder, while Sonic and Tails try to fight Metal Sonic. It's mostly about Scratch and Grounder leaving Robotnik and Amy becoming a freedom fighter in her own right.
Au based on the Martin Adams novels (with Amy and Metal Sonic) – Metal Sonic here is actually the character that already exists in the novels, I'm just making them into this universe's version of Metal Sonic. But this au is actually mostly about Sonic & Tails's relationship. Sonic has a quarter life crisis.
Boom au where Tails does become Eggman's lab assistant - ok so you know how in like episode 3 Tails offers to become Eggman's lab assistant for the return of his robot, but then the team gets him out before he signs the contract? But what if they were too late? This au is mostly Tails and Eggman being insufferable to each other, also it could be an interesting challenge to rewrite s1 episodes to be without Tails.
Au where Aosth Tails ends up in the Boom universe - exactly what it says it is. It's mostly shenanigans.
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jupitercl0uds · 10 months
hi! i'm ash
they/them/xe/xem • panromantic • asexual • non binary • autistic (with suspicions of having adhd) • english • atheist quaker • a tad bit silly
been on the tumbler since 2021 so i know my way around here but i dont get every little reference (i get most and for the ones i dont i just nod and smile along). i am still a teenager so some Classic Posts are older than me and most are from when i was in primary school.
i dont really have a sophisticated tagging system, but if it helps, spouting to the void is my text post tag. i dont even strictly use it for text posts tbf
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blogs i run:
this one (obviously)
@blues-amazing-blog - oc blog (currently on hiatus)
@wswe-autism-fic - fanfic blog (for waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular). i also treat this as an alt account for fandom stuff sometimes
@knuckles-with-a-keyboard - silly little blog where i pretend to be boom!knuckles (i really really love this blog its so fun)
@jupitercl0uds-art - my art blog (shock horror)
@nonbinary-sticks-the-badger - my sonic blog
external links (whoops forgot to add this)
maybe one day ill set up a linktree idk
twitter (i only use this for posting from my switch now)
spotify profile
dm me on discord: jupitercl0uds
i think thats it
click this link for more external links including some of the above ones but specifically how to contact me if i cant use tumblr
omg i love so many things its not even funny. a few important ones are waluigi (special interest), sonic the hedgehog (special interest AND hyperfixation (omg please kill me)), art (like, as a general thing, but particularly visual) and you WILL find me randomly posting oh-so-passionately about something ive never even mentioned before.
i do animation and illustration but that's over on my art blog. also all my animations are WIPs. you probably won't find anything other than a few weird lip syncs from when i was like 11 (i got into animation because of gacha life and animation memes). most of my art is sonic atm lol.
i also read and write fanfic! my wattpad and ao3 is jupitercl0uds :D
wattpad is mostly old stuff, crack and occasional reposts of my ao3 stuff. ao3 is mostly whatever is on my mind at the moment and WSWE.
occasionally i get all heated up about actually important stuff. that's usually sandwiched inbetween my regular goofy goober behaviour. for the basic gist of it: very left wing, the tories are cunts, vote green, free palestine. you also need to understand the weight of that sentence because i hate swearing.
i have other socials too but i dont really use them that much. got bored of twitter and i forget about all my other accounts. only ones i use now are whatsapp (lmao), tumblr and i guess ao3 and wattpad. theres no real point in linking something i havent used in months
anyway, have a nice day and please go to bed on time!
faves (non-exhaustive)
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AUTISM BOY!!!! ANXIETY GUY!!!! MILES 'TAILS' PROWER!!!! he's been my favourite sonic character since i was little!!!! except for that brief period where it was amy because i found out tails was a boy and i, as a 7-year-old girl who had just learned about misoginy, decided amy was better because she was a girl. and that briefer period where it was cream because she had confetti in sonic dash.
my favourite iterations of him are scu tails, classic tails and sonic boom tails!!! i h/c him as autistic, having anxiety, low self-esteem but also being really cheerful and nonchalant about a lot of stuff. i enjoy trans tails of all kinds, but i believe in cis gnc tails.
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NON-BINARY ICON!!!! TOP SURGERY GUY!!!! WALUIGI!!!! call me thomas jefferson cause i have an entire binder on this guy. waluigi is THE blorbo from my spin-off-party-shows. i got into him because 'hahahaha! it is the funny garlic man's funny rose partner!' and that became 'they could marry me and i'd say yes on the basis that we'd get to see each other everyday, even if i only love him as a friend.
im very passionately hateful about 'hot' waluigi. shut up. waluigi is perfect. i hope he can be canon one day <3 i h/c him as autistic, transmasc non binary and really into gothic lolita. i interpret their relationship with wario as romantic partners and waluigi being super super poor. also, wlw mlm solidarity with rosalina!!!!!
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dr starline i love a bisexual icon as much as the next person but starline is not it. i want him to Suffer. which is why i then go on to make loads of fanart of him where he's crying over something. in the one shown above, i have just kicked him in the balls (full image). i also would love to be a VA for him because that'd really piss him off. good style tho. you go girl.
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manjimutt (sorry but i only have 1 image of him)
hello to the other living yokai watch fan out there. i hate manjimutt. when i was younger i felt sorry for him, cause i was like 'oh, poor guy, always going to jail!!!' no. die. i do not like him. i hate manjimutt. i do like saying his name tho. MAnji-mutt! i think i hate him more than starline, because at least starline has redeeming qualities. the only redeeming qualities manjimutt has is pity because hes not actually committing crimes. thats it. hes not a nice person. hes just a guy. hit him with a wooden plank (har har).
that poor poor poodle though
posts i like
idk posts on my own blog i like a lot. idk if thisll be A Thing because im literally only doing tthis because of the first post on the list
recognising a url and the chaos that followed
stuff about my lgbtq+ identity idk
can you call me that slur?
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crusherthedoctor · 11 months
Amy Rose
do I like them: It's complicated.
If I had to sum it up, generally I do appreciate her and what she brings to the table, and I acknowledge how far she's came. But recent portrayals and circumstances (ie: the fans who have a collective meltdown every time Amy isn't in something) have made it hard to remain enthusiastic about her.
5 good qualities:
She has a strong design.
At her best, she inspires other characters to be their best.
She's more understanding than fans make her out to be. (Eg: her non-aggressive reaction to Elise bringing Sonic back to life.)
Her Advance animations are cute.
She's a good big sister figure for Cream... when Cream is allowed to show up. >:[
3 bad qualities:
She often tends to be at one extreme ("Marry me or I'll beat the shit out of you") or the other ("I can't acknowledge my crush on you because I need to be a Strong Female Character").
In general, I'm not a fan of the "girl so mad she scares everyone... even the villain!!!" trope. And Amy falls into that trap on occasion. Mostly in Sonic X.
Not her fault, but the Sonamy VS Sonally wars are extremely tedious, and that's without taking into account that I don't care for either of these ships (though Sonally is the worse of the two IMO).
favourite episode/etc: Most would go for her Gamma and Shadow moments in SA1 and SA2 respectively, but I'll instead go with Heroes, since aside from the very unfortunate moment with Team Sonic that everyone remembers, she's really not that bad in Heroes beyond that, and it's nice to see her help Cream and Big find their pals.
otp: None to be found here.
brotp: Cream! But I'd also like to see more moments between Amy and Tails that aren't about Sonic.
ot3: None here either.
notp: Sona-
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best quote: "Oh my god!"
Because it's funny.
head canon: After getting some lessons from Vanilla, Amy has become a very skilled cook/baker. When she's the one baking, no one can resist her treats.
Additionally, part of the reason she set up her fighting club in Battle is because she was inspired by her own growth in SA1, and wants to help others find that satisfaction for themselves.
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anwn · 1 year
btw. who r ur favourite sonic characters and why
least original first pick of all time but shadow is def up there as my fav character hes so cool and i know i was doomed to like him from the start bc. so much stuff about him is right up my alley like the whole "artificial being defies the role that was thrusted upon them to find their own purpose and what it means to be them" is so my bread and butter like thats my shit right there. the sci fi existential angst. other than that i find his backstory w maria very touching and earnest. very upsetting
i also love dissecting characters psyches so i have a lot of fun peeling the layers of that little fella's brain.
aesthetically he also just looks really cool. scrumptious character design. and maybe thats just me but theres a kind of sophistication in the way he carries himself (like the way he speaks or moves). i love how these quirks can easily be traced back to shadow's upbringing, all while characterising him as this almost restrained, kind of formal little hedgehog. I think they also kinda prevent him from appearing generic in presentation. actually I feel infinite gratitude towards the person at sonic team who pushed for shadow to use boku when sa2 was still in the works. thank you
rambling but yeah anyways hes my fave. little guy driven by love and spite
UMMM knuckles and rouge are def favorites as well behind shadow.
not gonna ramble as much but knuckles and all the lore surrounding him is genuinely so interesting. also the fact he has this duty as the last of his kind he never gives up on makes for a very cool character too. plus his theme goes so hard and I love listening to it
as for rouge I love the kind of attitude she has and I feel like there's so much you can explore w her bc she's actually quite mysterious, to me at least.either way she's just a girl who wants all the jewels and who am I to deny her that....
love the progression of her friendship w shadow as well btw.theyre so sweet. team dark my beloved
I think that's about it I obviously love a lot of the other characters (amy sonic and tails hello :) but this is getting long and im not sure if i could get into the details anyway
special mention to that little creature bokkun from sonic x tho i know hes just a side character comic relief but he is also my silly little imp creature guy. love him
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whitecatindisguise · 2 years
Hi! So I don’t really know how Tumblr works and I’m probably doing this wrong or sending it to the wrong place…..butttt - but I’ve enjoyed reading movie Tails headcannons and thought I’d ask you on your opinion on an idea! (Also - LOVE your fanfics! You really know how to deliver and hurt and comfort sandwich :,) )
What animated films do you think Sonic, Tails and Knuckles would each like most and watch in the Wachowski household?
Don't worry, you sent it to the right place (if you wanted to send an ask, that is 😉)
(ngl, when you said you're probably doing this wrong I immediately went like this gif:
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Also, aaaaaaaaaaaah, I'm so happy every time someone tells me they like my fics. Like, every single time. I'm not lying. Somewhere there I know I'm a good writer, but someone from the outside confirming that for me is really giving me the dopamine I need.
And hurt-and-comfort sandwich, I'm going to keep that phrase thank you very much dnxjndnsnd
As for which animated movies the SCU trio would like...
I think Sonic might enjoy Cars, since the main plot is car races and we all know he is all about the speed 😁😁😁
Knuckles might really get into Mulan, the plot of "making your family proud" being really close to his heart. Or maybe Inside Out, which is really good at explaining how emotions work, and might help him to express his emotions better.
And Tails' favourite, I think, would be Encanto, because the main character is the girl who is different from her other family members. I think he might find Mirabel inspiring, seeing that being different doesn't mean you're worse than the others.
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coyotiii17 · 1 year
Sonic Frontiers Review
Hello I finished Sonic Frontiers and now I'm crying. So I think it's the perfect time for me to reviewe this god damn game. Let's just start with one thing I wanted to do from the beginning since I started playing this game. Like I said, so far, my favourite sonic game was Sonic Generations. And I was wondering if this game would ever beat it. So what's the answer to that question? Yes, it absolutely beats Sonic Generations. Sonic Frontiers is officialy my favourite sonic game. Not only, because it has something that I always wanted, which is open world, but because it's really well made game that entertains for hours! Of course, it's not perfect, but I'll get to that later. Let's list positive sides of this game. 1. GAMEPLAY It's honestly really fun, especially with open world formula. Many fans were worried about it, but they did such a great job with it. We have 5 islands where we can run freely and do what we want, stunts, challanges, stages, SO MUCH THINGS. So it never gets boring. And let's be real, who never wanted to run around big fields with Sonic's speed. I did, that's for sure! What I also like is that the open world feels like and actual world. We have days, we have nights and even different weathers! It makes those islands more 'alive'.
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2. STAGES Like I said, many fans were worried about open world, but we got stages too, which is great! And let's be real when it comes to stages in Frontiers. They're not as good as stages in Sonic Generations for example. But in this case, I understand. Because this game is not just stages. There's more they needed to work on. And stages, even if quite short and easy when it comes to red rings, are still fun! And it's fun to fully complete them. 3. MINIGAMES Aside from this normal gameplay where we just run around and complete stages, there are also minigames we can find on our way! Like for example pinball unlocking our way to third Titan, or this weird hacking game or FISHING! Those minigames are simple, but super fun and can really diversify the gameplay. I fell in love with fishing game, because it made me relax when story made me sad :'> Also I love Big.
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4. CHARACTERS The characters were actually fixed!! Are you tired of Amy being only a sonic fangirl? Or Knuckles being a dumb comic relief? Or Tails being a coward? This game fixed that for you. Amy is still crushing on Sonic, but she's this sweet girl that wants to help others and will be stubborn if you're not willing to help. Knuckles is the responsible Guardian of the Master Emerald, but he still likes to crack jokes and just have fun. And Tails is the smart fox he always was, who wants to be truly independent and be his own hero. Eggman is not just a joke anymore, but truly an evil scientist that wants Sonic dead. And Sonic. Sonic is still this chill dude that loves joking around. But he still knows when to stop and get serious. Especially seeing his friends in distress. The moment when he saw that Knuckles is upset and at first wanted to just start with jokes, BUT he stopped himself and listened to him. This was brilliant. The same with Tails. Seeing him as this big older brother cheering up Tails made me really emotional. That's how it's supposed to be. There should be time for fun moments, but also serious things.
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5. SAGE Sage is the new villain. And seeing the previous villain from Sonic Forces, really made me worry. But God, Sage is just so.... so amazing. She was so hostile and cold towards Sonic, trying to just murder him with those giants. But then she started to understand him more and more while the story progressed. And another great thing about her? Her relationship with Eggman. Seeing her call him father and Eggman call her his daughter... We've never seen something like this. We've never seen this side of Eggman. And when she sacrificed herself in the end, I actually wanted to cry. Especially seeing Eggman look into the sky, visibly upset. I never thought I would feel so bad for him. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO HURT ME SO MUCH.
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It's been a while since Sonic had some interesting plot. Discovering the backstory of the Ancients. Titans. And the Koko. It was so exciting to see more and more of it. Also, why do Ancients look like Chaos? :0
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The music in this game is just so good! From the peaceful soundtrack you can hear while running around the islands to exciting soundtracks you can hear while battling Guardians TO EVEN MORE EXCITING SONGS IN TITAN BATTLES. COME ON THOSE ARE MINDBLOWING! Shout out to my favourites: 'Undefeatable', 'Break Throught It All', 'Find Your Flame' <3
8. FIGHTING MECHANICS Sonic was never a fighting game, but this concept works in Sonic Frontiers and it's honestly really great. All the cool moves Sonic can make while battling enemies (of course if you unlock them). It just makes me want to fight those enemies more and more.
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9. SUPER SONIC AND TITANS The last one is the best thing in Sonic Frontiers. Super Sonic, something that the previous game DIDN'T EVEN HAVE. But he returned and absolutely destroyed all fans. Usually Super Sonic was only in final battles in the end of the games, but here, we have 5 super battles! That's just- IT'S A LOT. Not to mention every battle is unique. While fighting Giganto we have so much freedom while flying around and hitting him and doing crazy combos. With Wyvern, we need to be more careful and actually understand this boss to defeat him. With Knight, we also have a lot of freedom, but in the middle, we also need to think a bit to land a hit on him. Overall Super Sonic in Sonic Frontiers is actually portrayed as this powerful being that will literally beat the living shit out of you and slam you into the cliff if you keep messing with his friends.
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So that's all when it comes to positive things (I hope I didn't forget about something). So now the negative things. Like I said, this game is not perfect. 1. THE END The final boss disappointed me and I wanted to make a rant about how it's not even a boss fight, but I've actually read that it's like that only in normal mode. If you have a hard mode, there's going to be a real battle, but a really hard one that will get you an achievement. I- don't know what to say about this. Why delete the whole thing from this one mode? It's the final battle! It should be there, no matter what mode you're playing on. If I didn't read that just now, I would have thought that there's no battle at all and it just ends so fast! ESPECIALLY that beating up Supreme was so easy and fast that even Sonic said 'That's it?'. So I really thought there's more. But I'm gonna say more about it, after I actually play this fight. Maybe my opinion about it will change I dunno. 2. WEIRD CONTROLS OR SOMETHING Overall playing is super fun, but on stages, controlling Sonic is just so weird and hard to control, because he ends up all over the place. I even saw some mods already that fix the issues. 3. 2D SECTIONS Oh my God here we go I've never been a huge fan of 2D sections in modern games even tho there are exceptions where they do work. In Sonic Frontiers we can see 2D sections on some stages or some part of open world. I honestly don't really like them in open world, since we're supposed to feel free there, but if you found yourself in 2D section you need to either turn back or complete it (or fall somehow). I personally sometimes felt trapped when I got into them. But 2D sections in stages is the worst thing. I'm just gonna say it right now. I don't have anything against 2D sections if they work. In Sonic Frontiers... they don't. For some reason Sonic feels just so much slower in them. And it's just... not really fun and I don't understand why it is that way.
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4. LACK OF SOME SONIC'S ABILITIES Why did they get rid of drift? I know they added it on this one stage (or maybe more of them, idk), but drift should be something that Sonic always has, especially since some stages really need this ability. Ok, maybe I get it, there's just not enough buttons yikes- This is also something minor, but what really bugged me is that Sonic can't run on water while boosting. Which makes me sad, because I loved doing that in Generations.
5. CAN'T BATTLE WITH TITANS AGAIN Why, just- WHYYY. Battling with Titans is one of the most exciting things to do in this game! I don't want to play the whole game again just to fight Knight for example. This option should be here, since you could do that in previous sonic games. And yeah, there are saves. You can just save the game before the battle with Titans starts and then just make a new one. But there's only 4 saves. One is autosave. So you only have 3. That's how I ended up with saves with Giganto's fight, Wyvern's fight and also Supreme's fight. But I can't fight again with Knight- I've heard something that they will probably add this feature, but I'm not sure-
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There are probably things I forgot about or they were just so small they don't bug me that much. Overall, positives of this game are much more stronger than the negatives! Sonic Frontiers is definitely one of the best sonic games that ever came out. And personally, it's my favourite from all of them. This game is beautiful and made me so emotional it's not even funny. I wish I could forget it and play it again, because that was truly an experience! Although I'm definitely going to still play it and unlock more and more achievements. And we're actually going to get 3 DLCs so there's still more ahead of us! I really recommend this game to everyone who loves Sonic and recently had a lot of doubts when it comes to his future in modern games. Thank you for reading my review and remember that a lot of things said are very opinionated! You do not have to agree with everything I'm saying! And now....
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Time to watch Sonic Prime now :')
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rollflasher · 1 year
Let's get it out of the way: the Sonic series :P
Oh you little bastard but of course you would ask me that :P
Favorite character: Zavok of course! :D Ok but in all seriousness, I think it's not a secret that title belongs to Sonic and Shadow for me :P
Least Favorite character: The Deadly Six
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Sonknux, Blazamy and Sonamy. Sorry I can't metnion more because I don't have particularly strong feelings for the rest of the ships. (Honorable mention for Sonic X Ground)
Character I find most attractive: Stupid sexy Ground, no wonder Sonic kisses it so much (:P)
Character I would marry: No.
Character I would be best friends with: I wish I could say Sonic, but maybe that would be Tails.
a random thought: Sonic needs a new anime.
An unpopular opinion: Eggman and Sage's dynamic is the definition of wasted potential.
My Canon OTP: Even if I like Sonamy, I'm not sure I can answer with it since I'm not that crazy about it anymore, sorry.
My Non-canon OTP: Sonknux of course! :P
Most Badass Character: Sonic himself, Frontiers is a prime example if there was any doubt in recent memory :P
Most Epic Villain: Eggman of course.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Ships like Sontails for obvious reasons.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): This could apply to the WHOLE cast if you think about it, but just for the hell of it I'll say Eggman in Frontiers. I already ranted about it so I won't repeat myself.
Favourite Friendship: Sonic and Shahra surprisingly! I just really can't get over how compelling I find these two. I know Shahra can be seen as a bit boring for some people but I really like it when Sonic offers support to a character undergoing emotional grief, in general Sonic being an emotional support friend for girls is a big weakness for me. In general I like how cute their interactions are, the idea of Sonic not being her master but her guardian, their pinky swear, the whole undertone of helping someone move on from a toxic relationship and the best of all, the complete lack of a romantic chemistry. I dunno, I just think they're neat.
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Character I most identify with: Well...oddly enough, I would say Sonic himself. It sounds stupid since he's not meant to be relatable but really, even if it's in an idealized way, I feel like a lot of my personality is defined by Sonic himself one way or another. Even if I could relate more to things such as Tails' issues, I always felt much more identified with Sonic.
Character I wish I could be: Guess at this point answering Sonic is redundant :P
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badnikbreaker · 1 year
some fun facts about my sonic —
raised tails more or less and has cared a lot about the little dude from the start, but also like...ugh, man, sonic’s still a little kid and he’s never really had family before, let alone somebody he’s supposed to be taking care of, and the kit slows him down SO much!!!  there’s definitely an adjustment period, and sonic’s kind of a bitch at the beginning.  still, whenever tails got too down on himself, sonic was always quick to turn it around and encourage the kid; even apologized a few times, which isn’t that common nowadays and was EXTRA not - common then!  and it says something that it never even occurred to sonic to abandon the little guy.  you can see a holdover of some of this energy with how they talk to each other even now; there’s soooo much brotherly love underscoring it, but also they’re total smart - asses to each other.  due to how hazy sonic’s childhood memories are, he doesn’t totally remember the fact that he was a brat to him as a kid.
doesn’t like bodies of water but does like the rain; he likes to stay in and read on rainy days, but you can also sometimes find him out on a run, and one of his favourite moments are when he’s on a run and there’s a surprise storm — it’s exhilarating and calming both, racing through the the rain around him!  if he slips, though, pretend you didn’t see it.
is dumb as hell about romance; this is admittedly at least partially amy’s fault.  sonic was a little bitch to her at the beginning, but also she was constantly disrespecting his boundaries and etc. and unfortunately that stuck, even once amy calmed down and sonic matured past his ‘ew girls’ phase.  (  to be clear, this isn’t me insulting either of them; they were kids!  kids make mistakes!  )  his view of romance is that it’s this crazy Other thing, wholly disconnected from friendship or ‘normal’ bonds.  friendship makes him freer!  he actually has had crushes on other people, he just doesn’t process them as being romantic in nature because that care for people had made him feel free and excited rather than cornered or boxed in the way he thinks romance would / the way amy made him feel as a kid.
even taking that into account, tho, it takes a lot for crushes, even assuming he Did have the emotional intelligence to process them as that, to bloom into actual romantic love.  he needs a really strong bond with you before he can develop anything beyond a dumb baby crush that’ll fade out on it’s own in no time.
he’s like kind of partially a little bit a deity at this point?  in the literal sense?  but like, don’t worry about.  please don’t ask him about it he doesn’t get it either and he really doesn’t want to
tails: why did you let eggman hit you with a missile sonic gesturing at his badly wounded chest: free top surgery tails, knowing he’s going to have to salvage this into something manageable: i hate you soooooo much
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random-tree · 2 years
Was trying to get into something sillier while waiting for the next toh episode, so was just looking into some sonic stuff, stumbled onto a Imposter Syndrome fandub and now I'm watching that green girl sonic that Tumblr joked about being trans and blue tails have a crisis of identity only to be knocked out by their creator
Why do all of my favourite media involve clones having crises
Anyways now I'm fascinated by the idea of twin grimwalkers because of how siblings can sometimes keep you in "check" but also be your greatest ally in an abusive situation, and how I just like these green and blue fellas dynamic
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wildcard-rumi · 1 year
You've probably done it before but :) Sonic for the fandom ask game! ^^
I actually haven't. Tbf I've got basically no asks for the past few months.
5 Favourite Characters:
Shadow The Hedgehog (When written well)
Silver The Hedgehog
Miles 'Tails' Prower (When written well)
Blaze The Cat
Sonic The Hedgehog (When written well)
3 OTPs:
I honestly don't really ship any of the characters in the Sonic series. Don't really know why, but I've never really felt like romance was needed, I just enjoy the friendship and found family between the characters.
I guess the characters I've come closest to shipping are probably Tangle and Whisper from the IDW comics 'cause those girls are pretty dang fruity and it's adorable.
Funniest Character:
I think, consistently, probably Eggman because even when the games had crappy writing, he still had some pretty good lines and Mike Pollock really made them work as best they could.
But also, I quite like Sticks from Sonic Boom, more specifically, the cartoon. But she's great because her character type is the type that could easily become very annoying if not handled correctly but they managed to make her really funny and I hope to see her in more stuff.
Prettiest Character:
I guess probably Blaze? I dunno, I like her colour scheme and her outfit and hairstyle have a regal feeling to them, which makes sense considering she's a princess. Also, maybe Rouge? Her outfit's great, especially the boots.
Most Badass Character:
Shadow, and that's excluding the whole using guns and riding motorcycles from his game. He was already badass, they didn't need to make him do all that stuff.
Character I'd Like As My BFF:
Honestly, it would probably have to be Sonic actually. And to clarify once again, well he's written well. So get the Meta Era Sonic out of here, not him. He's honestly one of the sweetest characters. It's really endearing how much he cares about his friends, but also, he cares too much and ends up putting himself in danger for them. But even without that, he always encourages them when they're down or anxious, he listens when they need someone to talk to, if they've got a sort of rivalry he will playfully tease them and egg them on because he knows they'll do the same right back.
It's honestly kinda funny how, when I was a kid Sonic was the coolest thing ever, but now that I'm an adult, he's the cutest. I just wanna give him a hug.
Character That's Ruined My Life:
It's probably a tie between Shadow and Silver.
Shadow, because his introduction into the series was easily one of the best and he was written so well (like do y'all remember that Shadow actually suffered from PTSD and you can see him experiencing those symptoms??? Sega doesn't.). And then he got an overly edgy game of his own and became a meme of Edgy The Hedgey and then Sega started to actually write him that way and it sucks. Like, honestly after seeing how the main cast were fixed in Frontiers, I am begging for them to fix Shadow next. He needs it. He needs it so bad. Write him well again, please. I am screaming and crying and biting, write him well.
And Silver, because he has so much potential. Like he had the misfortune of debuting in Sonic 06, a game well-known for being just a little bit of a trainwreck... But his personality and convictions and struggles were all really engaging and could very easily work for other stories. But then he appeared in the two Rivals games with some weird changes and it seems like the only storyline they had for him was "His future timeline is in danger so he comes back to Sonic's time to fix it" and the idea of him doing that over and over and over again... That just seems kinda cruel... Which sucks because I know Silver can be so much more.
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