thisgirl-writes · 4 years
Professor’s Assistant - Part 6
Summary: College Junior, Sophie starts to develop a crush on her Political Science professor. Will it drive a wedge between her boyfriend Cody and her? Will it stay just a silly admiration?
Word Count: 1,626
Warnings: Swearing
Author’s Note: Niamh is pronounced “nee + iv”. It’s Irish. It means “radiance, lustre, brightness." The daughter of the sea god Manannan” 
Part 5
The sunlight shines through the apartment window, making you groan at the brightness. You realized that you had slept on the couch and that Tori was asleep in the chair next to you. You tried to pull the blanket back over your head to block out the sun that was coming through the windows.
You were almost asleep again when you heard the rustling of pots and pans in the kitchen. The events of last night are a little bit fuzzy, you don’t really remember much after dancing to a couple songs with Tori, who was now waking up in the chair.
“Cody can you please keep it down? My head is killing me” You mumbled as you rubbed your temple in attempts to ease the pounding in your head.
“Well whose fucking fault is that?” Cody replied loudly as he started purposefully banging pots and pans together to create more noise.
“Please, stop, please?” you attempted again, almost begging this time. Cody ignored your pleas and kept making noise. “Cody, what are you making for breakfast?” You asked giving up on getting him to do things quietly.
“I’m making ME bacon and eggs. I don’t know what the fuck you two are having” 
“Seriously Cody?”
“Well if you can be out all night, you can fix your own breakfast.”
Just then, Tori sat up, looking sleep deprived and pissed off.
“The LEAST you could do is be quiet while your girlfriend and her guest are trying to sleep, since you aren’t going to be a good host and make breakfast for everyone.” Tori stated.
“No one asked you! Who even said you could fucking stay here” Cody fired back at Tori.
“Listen here fucker, I stayed to make sure my best friend was okay while your sorry ass was sleeping.” Tori yelled back.
“I was sleeping because it was 3 in the fucking morning when you brought her drunk ass back! She should have never been out with you!”
“Oh! So, this is my fault now?”
“Enough! The both of you! Can’t you just get along for once?” You plead in attempts to get the two most important people in your life to stop arguing.
“Soph, I’m sorry. I’ll leave now” Tori said as she pulled you into a hug. “You know you can always come stay with me” she mentioned just loud enough for you to hear. You simply nodded and hugged her back.
“Good riddance, bitch” Cody says to Tori as she walks out the door.
“So lovely to see you again, dickhead hope to see you never”
You sighed heavily as Tori walked out the door. You still didn’t remember how the two of you got home last night, you had every intention of texting her later and asking her.
You made yourself a cup of coffee and some toast as you prepared yourself for the argument that was about to happen. Lately it seemed like the two of you had not been on the same page. A few small disagreements were normal, but they were never this intense and never this frequent.
“Cody, please just say something?” You asked him as you sat down at the small kitchen table that seemed to fit perfectly in the apartment you shared. Cody ignored you and kept staring at his phone. “At least look at me?” Once again, Cody ignored you still. Whatever was on his phone was apparently more important that talking out your issues. You made one more attempt to get his attention. “CODY JAMES FUCKING LOOK AT ME” You yelled as you slammed you closed fist on the table causing his coffee mug bounce off the edge of the table hitting the floor.
“What the actual fuck Sophie?”
“I was trying to get your attention so we could talk instead of you staring at your damn phone all morning” You shot back.
“Maybe I don’t want to fucking talk right now!”
“Cody, we need to talk about whatever this is that is causing us to argue right now!”
“You know what the problem is!” He yelled back at you. You just stared blankly at him, clearly not know what he was referring to. “Don’t play stupid right now”
“I’m not playing, I don’t know what the fuck you are so pissed off about!” You shouted back as you stood up from the table.
“Of course, you do! It’s about her!”
“Yes her! Every time you hang out with her something happens”
“You are overreacting right now, and besides she is my best friend!”
“So, she’s a bad influence on you!” Cody shouted.
You had enough of him trashing your only friend. You turned to walk away when you felt his hand take hold of your wrist. Instinctively, you shook your arm trying to loosen his grip.
“Let go of me Cody!” You shouted back at him, still trying to break his grasp on your wrist.
“You started this, You’re the one who wanted to talk. You DO NOT get to walk away from me. Not right now!” His grip tightened as he spoke.
“CODY JAMES LET GO OF ME NOW!” You screamed as you continued to try to escape his grasp.
“Listen here Sophia Niamh, you wanted to talk, so we will fucking talk, and that means you aren’t going anywhere until we are finished!” His tone was almost sinister, a tone that you have never heard him use before. It was enough to stop you in your tracks.
“If you would let go of my fucking arm then we can talk.”
“Fine, then let’s get to the bottom of this shit then”
It seemed the hours had passed before either one of you spoke a single word. Both of you needed that silence to calm down from the scene that just happened in the apartment. You opened your mouth to speak but Cody cut you off.
“Are we gonna talk or sit here in silence until one of us falls asleep”
“Well, you’re the one who seems to have issues, so talk” You spat at him
“Oh c’mon Soph. This is bullshit”
“No, it’s not. Just tell me why you were so mad last night/this morning?” You finally asked while looking from you new cup of coffee. Cody rolled his eyes at the question. You sat in silence, just waiting for his answer. “Cody, I asked you a question.” 
“I know I heard.”
“Then what’s your answer?”
Cody released a heavy sigh and stood up from the table and made his way to the fridge and grabbed a beer.
“It is only 12:30 Cody. Do you really need to be drinking right now?”  You asked out of annoyance and concern.
“I do if we are gonna talk about this shit”
“Okay so spill you answer” You pushed for an answer. He rolled his eyes before he started to answer.
“Fine. I don’t like what’s her face”
“She has a name Cody, and she’s my best friend.”
“Well I don’t like her. She is constantly trying to get you to breakup with me” After hearing his response, you got up from your seat and made your way over to him. You wrapped your arms around him before you replied.
“Sweetie, she may have tried, but obviously she hasn’t succeeded, now has she?”
“Well no, but I still don’t like her, and she is a bad influence on you” You rolled your eyes and unlatched your arms from around his waist before you replied.
“Cody, how is she a bad influence? I would have gone out anyway. Who is to say if it wasn’t someone else. Someone who might not have made sure I got home okay!” You defended Tori from Cody’s words.
“I don’t care. I don’t want you to hang out with her again”
“You can’t be serious?!? You can’t stop me from being friends with someone!”
“I can sure as hell try!”
You stopped responding, you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that Cody was trying to get you to stop hanging out with the only person who hasn’t abandoned you. You just stood there, with an empty stare upon your face. Cody just stared back at you before opening his mouth to speak.
“Fine! I won’t stop you from hanging out with her, but” You didn’t let him finish that sentence.
“But what, Cody? Are you going to tell me I can’t go out in public with Tori now?” The question dripping with sarcasm.
“That’s EXACTLY what I am saying! Only here. Not even her apartment!”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Cody and Tori had never seen eye to eye, and you knew Cody didn’t like Tori, but until right now he had at least tolerated your friendship with her.
“You’re fucking joking, right? Because you do not seriously think that you can limit my friendships!”  You shouted at him.
“I am 100% serious! End of discussion!”
“No not end of discussion, this is not okay Cody!” As you spoke, he took steps towards you.
“It is the end of this discussion because I SAID SO!”  Raising his voice as his reply finished, causing you to take a step back and hit the wall you didn’t realize that you were close too. After a few seconds he took a deep breath before he spoke again, “I’m headed out for a few hours. End of discussion.”
You were at a loss for words. You stood in silence as Cody walked out the door of the apartment. Standing there in the now silent apartment, questions started running through your mind. Was this really the best thing for you? Did Cody mean well, was he right? So many questions, it was starting to make your head spin.
Tag List:
@smilexcaptainx @patzammit, @denisemarieangelina, @jbug491
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kfawkes · 7 years
You asked for a prompt, here you have one XD 3. Hesitant Kiss - The type of kiss where their lips brush against each other’s a few times, breath fanning across each other’s faces as one waits for the other to make a move. I love that list
[HI! Sorry, because this is late af ;.; as always lol. I should come with a warning lmao. Since I always write for Shakarian I think I am going to take a stab at Shega! I don’t think I’ve done Shega before… and I’ve only written James a littleeeee, so I might not be that great at him and encourage any comments about him. ANYWAY, lets see how this goes!
Also, it’s a little short like most my Mass Effect stuff rn, :D Hope you like!!!
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There were a lot of things on Shepard’s mind currently. What to do tomorrow when she assaulted the Illusive Man’s base was the top of her list, with the Reapers tagging along closely behind… but mostly she was thinking about James food and the next time she could break away from this terminal to go see, er… eat some. 
It was late, very late and she’d been up for at least 30 hours… but this needed doing and it always had to be her, didn’t it? The short answer was yes. But that didn’t make it any easier, in fact it just–
Knock, knock, knock, knock
She wasn’t exactly sure who it would be, but she begged the universe to not have it be an emergency because all she wanted to do was sleep and eat and… But when that door opened it was none other than James Vega.
Now, if you asked her about this she’d flat out deny it, but once she saw him she felt her heart almost stop; and that was not a feeling she was fond of. No, it was weak and if there was one thing Jane did not like; it was that. 
But damn was he cute…
Another thing Shepard wasn’t too fond of was the emotional connection she now had for the guy… A physical attraction was one thing– just look at those shoulders, but ever since Mars, well, she’d been feeling a whole lot more than just lust.
What started out as a fun, playful friendship had blossomed into full on feelings for him, and it was more than a little embarrassing. If anyone knew how inappropriate this all was, it was Jane Shepard. She was his boss essentially, but… he was just so damn flirty and so cute and she was totally going to get fired, wasn’t she?
Good thing no one else can stop the Reapers, right? she joked to herself before coming back to reality… The reality being James standing at her door just after 12 am with the most adorable smile she’d seen him wear to date.
“James.” She finally said with eyes wide as she pulled her lip in anxiously scanning him up and down. 
“Hey, Lola… you busy?” James raised a hand to the back of his head, rubbing his short hair every which way as he stretched his neck side to side.
Jane took a deep breath in, sending him a soft smile as she nodded stepping to the side. When James passed she could smell him, and felt another annoyingly persistent chill wash over her. Knock it off, Jane… focus, she reminded herself once again to no avail as she followed him deeper into the room.
“So…” She tried sounding casual but could tell her one syllable came off a little forced and that only made her follow up more difficult. “is everything okay?”
They’d never had a problem talking before, but on more than one occasion Jane had been more than a little awkward… Just another aspect of this crush of hers she disliked.
“Don’t worry so much.” He replied soft and smooth, staring straight into her emerald eyes unblinking.
She let out an almost awkward laugh before starting again, wanting to ignore the way that voice made her feel… “Not that I mind the late night visit, but what exactly are you doing here?” 
“Don’t really know yet,” He paused looking away from her before continuing. “but I needed to see you. Couldn’t stop thinking bout you, Lola…” 
James was facing the fish tank, and sounded confident and flirty like usual but he also seemed slightly unsure of himself somehow. One thing Jane knew for sure was that he’d never said anything like that before; which surprised her more than anything else. He’d insinuated things, sure– but this was a whole new level, and she couldn’t hide the shock of his confession from her face. 
Shepard pulled her arms tightly across her chest, hugging away the butterflies she felt fluttering as she pressed her lips together eyeing him suspiciously. “Is that so?”
“Yup. Then here I was, knocking on your door.”
“Mind if I ask what you thought would happen once you got here?” Jane asked again narrowing her eyes further, pushing that feeling as low as she could; but it fought back. 
James turned towards her then, the smallest smile in the corner of his mouth as he stepped closer. Everything told her to get out, to run or something as silly as that sounds. 
But right then even though she knew she shouldn’t… there was nothing she wanted more. 
“Don’t know that either, Lola…” He whispered innocently as he stopped in front of her; far closer than he usually stood she noted. 
“So you just… showed up here in the middle of the night with absolutely nothing on your mind?” Jane cooed back just as softly, holding her eyes lighter than she should. “Let me ask you something… do you really expect me to believe that?”
He laughed as he licked his lips, not breaking his eye contact while he shake his head slowly back and forth. “No,” when he finished this time he was whispering close to her face, breathing down her neck. “I don’t.”
James was so close that she could feel the chills running over her like electricity. He was almost touching her, moments from tasting her; and honestly she didn’t know how much longer she could bare it.
But still nothing happened…
He was just seconds from her lips, breathing her in and scanning her freckles like a puzzle to be solved. Jane breathed out softly, her tongue lightly tracing the bottoms of her teeth while she hover, lips lightly brushing against his… wanting so desperately to feel them on hers fully.
And then at the same time they closed the space between them, their lips finally pressing together– fitting just perfectly, and in that moment nothing mattered at all.
Not the Reapers. Not the Illusive Man… absolutely nothing. Finally that feeling she’d denied for so long had been set free and god damn did it feel good.
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