carlyraejepsans · 2 years
Hey sans did you see all the stuff that happened while you were asleep cause. Woof. It’s a lot.
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
So. Back again, already. Bad Buddy, Ep 1, Part 3/4 was particularly short; have a little bonbon of a ramble. Due diligence: I’m current on this show, which means I’ve watched up through Ep 11, and there are likely to be some spoilers for later eps in here, along with some opinions about what we saw in the preview for Ep 12, the final ep. Mmhm. Anyway, if you don’t want to be spoiled, drive on by, watch the show (GMMTV on Youtube), and come back later.
OPEN ON the scene we left at the end of part 2, in which Korn and the Engineering secondary backup hobbits have discovered their mistake of coming up from behind on someone who they thought was Wai and kicking him face-first into the pavement, only to discover – much to their chagrin – that it’s not Wai at all, it’s actually the beast (lol) who took down Pat the last time they tried this throwdown. If Pran was going to adjust his smiley/frowny-face door sign right now, it would definitely be the frowny face as he picks himself up off the ground and wants to know wtf is going on, much like everyone else who’s suddenly found themselves in a completely different clusterfuck than the one they were anticipating. Korn, however, figures fuck it, this guy’s a friend of Wai’s, he’ll do, and charges Pran. This is what you get for playing your cards so close to the vest, Pat – none of your bros know that Pran’s supposed to be untouchable, and now you’re not gonna get your socks washed, and it’s gonna be your own damn fault, Mr. Mysterious. So, we’re three-on-one, Korn/Mo/Chang vs. Pran, and Engineering is actually not doing as well as they really ought to be, for a bunch of assholes with this much practice picking fights. I’m beginning to think that Engineering’s mouth is maybe writing checks that their fists can’t cash. Pran manages to knock them all down and make a break for it, leading Korn to yell at him not to run. I’m not sure if this is HILARIOUS or creepy – sure, bro, he’s going to hang around for you to try to kick his ass some more. OK. But at the same time – did you really expect him to be so cowed that he would just stop and let you whale on him some more just ‘cause you said? How are you treating other people, all the time, if that’s a reasonable expectation, in your experience?
Pran’s now dodging down an alley with Engineering in hot pursuit when Pat pops up out of nowhere, grabs him, shoves him around a corner into an even smaller side alley, and puts him up against a door (up-against-the-wall trope, MY BELOVED) with one big hand over Pran’s mouth and a finger of his other hand up to his own lips in the “silence” gesture. Remember that, we’ll see it again. Engineering runs past without seeing them, there’s a sudden moment of silence followed by a Musical Cue of Significance, everything slows down a tiny bit, and we close in on Pat and Pran, whose faces are thisclose together and … OK. Look. I have to take a minute here to talk about Nanon Korapat and his FACE. Those of you here from the Word of Honor Reax series are familiar with this sort of thing, given Zhang Zhehan and HIS face, but I have to tell you, both Nanon Korapat and Ohm Pawat must have won some sort of genetic sweepstakes when it comes to microexpressions, because both of their abilities to emote via glossy eyes and minute facial maneuvers are going to knock your socks off through the course of this show. We see it with both of them in this shot, but particularly with Nanon. On first watch - when we don’t have all the backstory on these two, nor on where Pran has been that he transferred “back” from, nor why he went there in the first place – I think it’s easy to miss some of what’s going on. This scene really rewards going back and re-watching with all that info in your back pocket, because you can better understand this whole series of emotions that Pran goes through, flickering across Nanon’s face, lickety-split, as Pran realizes that Pat has just saved him, as some of Pran’s protective walls start to crumble (primed, very likely, by his Moment with the watch the night before (in Part 1.2)), and as Pran comes to the absolutely horrified realization that his emotional armor’s been breached, before he manages to shove Pat off of him and away – and Nanon does all this with half of his face covered because Pat’s still got his hand over Pran’s mouth. THIS GUY, y’all.
Let me also point out that in amongst the whole fistful of emotions, I absolutely believe that this early, Pran is already starting to fall for Pat again, and I haven’t seen anyone this pissed off about his own stupid gay crush on some wholeass idiot since teenaged Lan Wangji as brought to you by Wang Yibo.
It’s going to be delightful.
ANYWAY, Pran is immediately distrustful of whatever subterfuge Pat must surely have up his sleeve, but my guy, let me tell you - right now, he’s just trying to make sure his little sister doesn’t cut off the laundry service. Give him a couple of episodes, he’ll have waaay more skin in the game. There’s some arguing, and Pa conveniently pulls up in the getaway family car, which Pat practically shoves Pran into. That doesn’t last long before Pran makes Pa pull over, because he’ll walk from here, thanks, but not before Pat shoves a clean shirt at him to change into so that Pran’s mom doesn’t find out about the fight, because Pat knows she’ll blame him. And let’s be clear – she wouldn’t be entirely wrong about his responsibility for what happened, but he’s not wrong that she’d blame him no matter what the circumstances actually were. (Which is. Ugh. One of the reasons I’m going to be super-disappointed with Ep 12 if we do get a break-up and a timeskip, because of the way it just undercuts the potential for some exploration and development not only of Dissaya’s relationship with her own son, but with this kid next door, who’s grown up knowing how much she doesn’t trust him - particularly how much she doesn’t trust him with her son - and what potentially happens when, in the face of that, she could see what Pat really feels for Pran, how he takes care of Pran, how he holds Pran together but also is willing to ultimately let Pran go – rather than clutching on to him – if it seems like that’s what’s best for Pran.) (Also I desperately need some fic of holidays in the future, when everyone has come home with their significant others - including Wai, who’s still Dissaya’s favorite child, even if she didn’t birth him, and the two of them stay up late at night in the kitchen after everyone else is asleep, talking around this whole thing as an undercurrent as they talk about other stuff, because it’s the same journey both of them had to go through re: Pran and “protecting” him (from Pat) and dealing with their own feelings of hurt and anger rather than projecting that onto Pran. Wai is Dissaya is Wai, the curtain is the slap is the curtain, it’s just that Wai may be at about a 9, but Dissaya’s turned up to 12.)
Anyway anyway, Pat also wants a “thank you” as Pran stalks off – taking the shirt with him, let’s be aware – but I’m with Pran on this one: I don’t know that you deserve thanks when all you did was rescue him from the assholes you basically unleashed on him, buddy. We learn that the reason Pat had a clean shirt to offer Pran – and the reason Pa was there in the getaway family car in the first place – is because she’s brought a load of Pat’s laundry to drop off at his dorm room (:hands:). She proceeds to give Pat whatfor – as he knew she would – calls him a gangster, wants to know exactly wtf is wrong with him, and tells him to get over the stupid video that was posted online of Wai flipping them off, because nobody respects him (Pat) anyway, before she reiterates her directive to leave Pran alone and huffs off back home. We finally get a flashback that shows us what this is all about, as we see Baby Pat and Baby Pa bicycling to the lake, where Baby Pran also shows up and is met by Baby Pat trying to assert his territory (which I don’t think Baby Pran looked like he was interested in fighting about before Baby Pat started in on him, honestly) before the incipient fight is interrupted by Baby Pa drowning, whereupon Baby Pran jumps in the lake and saves her. Once he’s got her out of the lake, Baby Pat shoves him away to grab her, and Baby Pran looks affronted, but I have to extend Baby Pat a little bit of grace here, because that’s his baby sister who just almost drowned, and everything we’ve seen does seem to show that he actually cares about her, so I can forgive this hindbrain urgent need to make sure that she’s safe and to comfort her while she cries. Baby Pran leaves, but he’s dropped his watch, which is The Watch, which Baby Pat finds after spending a moment staring after Baby Pran with some kind of significant look on his babyface.
Cut back to present day, and now we see Pran in his bedroom at home – why tf are any of these families paying for dorm rooms when these guys seem to spend all their time at home, anyway? – and there’s a tap on the window. He gets up, open the curtains, sees nothing, closes the curtains, turns away from the window, whereupon Pat bursts through his curtains (there is a curtain theme already going on with Pran and privacy/secrecy vs. the breaching thereof, I’m telling you) and ends up with one hand over Pran’s mouth and gesturing for silence again. This is twice in Part 1.3 that we’ve seen this pose with the two of them, which is interesting, given the promo shot for the series overall is a shot of the pair in this pose, but with Pran covering Pat’s mouth and gesturing for silence. So, we’re building this pattern of Pat demanding silence in the moment, but an overall of theme of Pran demanding a general silence and secrecy about whatever is going on between them.
Pat tells Pran he comes in peace, but no, he really doesn’t, because he’s there to talk about this situation with Wai, by which I mean he’s got the fucking balls to look Pran in the face and tell him to lie down and give up Wai to Engineering – to stop protecting his best friend so that Engineering can kick the shit out of him. And Pat’s also got the nerve to be like, offended, that Pran’s not willing to do this - his tone of voice implies Pran is being super unreasonable when Pran won’t agree. Bro, you are not looking good, here. At all. Pran, faced with this asshole batshittery, is understandably like, well, how about this: You guys leave him alone, and I’ll stop kicking your asses. Pat, continuing to (NOT) win hearts and minds, wants to know if it’s really SO HARD to understand his point of view, and Pran, again understandably, is all, YES, it actually is, and also, I don’t want to talk to you, you psycho, so get the hell out of my room. Pat continues to insist that he’s there because he doesn’t want to fight with Pran – just, you know, fuck Pran’s friends, and not in the happy fun way (as Brian Kinney would say) – while Pran is clearly having a hard time believing this is actually happening. As a reasonable person who’s also not poisoned by toxic masculinity, I’m on Pran’s side of this one, watching in disbelief as Pat continues to try to get him to back off. I mean, I can’t reiterate enough how many times, in about two minutes, we watch Pat try to convince Pran to walk away and let Engineering assault his best friend in order to salve Pat’s pride. This is exactly the kind of thing that makes people – including Wai and Pran’s mom (have I mentioned yet how they’re the same person?) – not trust you, Pat. In general, or with their baby boy. During the course of this cursed conversation, we do learn that Wai and Pran have been close friends since before Pran came back, not just since starting classes at the university, so presumably they were friends at wherever Pran was banished off to for three (?) years, so that’s nice.
Scene ends with a staredown, neither Pat nor Pran willing to back down, and then we smashcut to the next day, with the Sharks and the Jets lined up for a rumble. This will mean we’ve seen literally three fistfights in this episode, but nobody has been to a class yet. Pat and Pran are directly faced off as the leaders of their factions, with Korn and Wai faced off against each other as their seconds. Pat demands Pran turn Wai over to Engineering and magnanimously promises no one else will get hurt. Pran looks at Wai, looks back at Pat, crosses his arms over chest and, in front of everybody, refuses. Pat blah blahs about the insult to his manly pride and how he needs satisfaction, everyone looks around at their backup, preparing for a fight, and end Part 3.
Next time, on Part 4: Korn breaks down whatever fragile peace they’ve managed to accomplish by yelling for everyone in Engineering to get everyone in Architecture and then launching himself at Wai to punch him right in the face out of nowhere. :hands: (lit. and fig.) Will someone please give this gd trashfire gremlin the spanking he’s so obviously begging for and calm him down? (Preferably Wai, as that appears to be who he’s fixated on.)
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on-a-lucky-tide · 4 years
Hello Rawr! Thank you for all the prompts, they have been so much fun to read. I finally have one to send you. How about Geralt/Eskel, fluff 40 "I want a baby". They are in Corvo Bianco and everything is peaceful and Eskel finally feels ready to try again with being a Dad.
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Eskel and Geralt settle at Corvo Bianco. They’re happy, but there’s just one thing missing...
Once Geralt made himself comfortable in Corvo Bianco, it took six months for Eskel to retire from the Path and settle down alongside him. Yennefer won the sweepstake and Lambert handed over the handful of orens with an irritable grumble. One summer evening he sat with Geralt on the balcony, a goblet of red wine in his hand, sun setting behind the mountains and he just… decided. He swapped his swords for a scythe and woven basket, his armour and gambeson for linen and wool, and set to work helping Geralt build a new life. Their new life.
The vines flourished, binding in the rich, dark Toussaint soil, and produced their very first crop. They made more money than they could spend—Geralt bought some race horses to try and get rid of it all, only for the damned things to win the tournies and rake in more—and they wanted for nothing. 
Well, almost nothing.
When Eskel wasn’t traipsing, bare-footed, around the estate in search of something to fix and tend to, he spent time with the locals. His amber eyes and scarred face caused consternation at first—he was used to it—but their workforce quickly came to associate his battered visage with a kindly smile and hearty laugh. The children were particularly taken with him. They took it in turns to hitch rides on his broad shoulders, stretching up to reach the ripest apples high in the trees or clamber up into the hayloft during hide and seek, and pestered him for stories. He was the best weaver of tales that Geralt knew, and often he found himself sitting cross-legged with the children around the fire as Eskel recounted one of his contracts with wide sweeping arms, monster noises and a hushed, conspiratorial tone.
Geralt wondered what could have been had it gone differently with Deidre. Eskel never got the chance and bore the scars of his loss for everyone to see. He’d never had someone call him ‘father’, or run to him after nightmares, or rely on him in the way a child did. Uncle Eskel, yes. Ciri loved him. Perhaps as much as a father, but it wasn’t quite the full thing. Not really.
One evening they sat on the veranda, bare feet propped up on the railings with a large bottle of wine on the table between them. The sun had long set and Barnabas had lit some special candles to ward off the insects, despite their protest that it really didn’t matter, they were—“Witchers, yes, I know, Master Eskel, but if it’s all the same, I’ll light the candles,” he said, with a good-natured eyeroll.
Eskel had been brooding. It wasn’t the tense, dark brood that Geralt used to conduct in his youth, but a pensive, thoughtful brood that sometimes broke out into a small smile. A few hours passed in companionable silence; Geralt would occasionally reach over and touch Eskel’s hand, or vice versa, just enjoying the fact that they could. It was summer and he was right there. Not at the other side of the Continent, not dead, not leaving, never again.
“Geralt,” Eskel said, finally. “I want a baby.”
Regrettably, Geralt was halfway through a hearty mouthful of wine and proceeded to snort it out his nose. Eskel raised an eyebrow with an impatient twist of the lips but waited. Geralt coughed and then, eyes watering, looked over at that expectant face. “Just like that, huh?”
“No, not just like that,” Eskel placed his goblet down and folded his arms across his chest; one hand leapt up almost immediately to dab at the scars on his face. “I’ve been thinking and… I want to… I want to see what it’s like, and… I think I’d be a good father; we’ve got all this wealth and nothing to spend it on, not really. I…” 
“Eskel,” Geralt grinned, stroking the backs of his fingers down a bare forearm until the very same pondering hand dropped into his. “I get it. I was joking. C’mon, I know you’d be an amazing father.”
“And you,” Eskel said abruptly, and then looked surprised at himself. “I mean, would you—uh…? Could the baby be… ours?”
The silence was so heavy even the overactive crickets in the field below fell still. Eskel had just said the Witcher equivalent ‘I want to have your babies’ and both were mute for different reasons. Eskel from mortification and fear of rejection; Geralt from sheer, overwhelming joy and… well, just plain shock. 
“Yes,” Geralt squeezed Eskel’s hand and watched his shoulders deflate, releasing the coil of tension that had gathered the moment he spoke. “Ours. I’d… yeah, I’d like that.” 
Eskel grinned—broad and beautiful, like the sun had settled there for the night rather than below the horizon—and he leaned across the table to place the softest kiss upon Geralt’s lips before slumping back contentedly into his chair. Tomorrow they’d head into town and visit the orphanage to see the matron there. 
War had left thousands of children starving, homeless and without a single pair of caring arms to hold them or a heart that loved them. Eskel had both in absolute spades, and Geralt would gladly lend his share.
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theoddcatlady · 7 years
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Guess who’s going on a cruise in December? This bitch right here! :D
Finally, all these years of entering contests and putting my name into prize draws has paid off! I’ve always wanted to go on a cruise guys. A whole two weeks out on the beautiful blue sea. Away from stupid work, away from all my responsibilities, and more importantly- away from freaking winter.
I’ll make a special tag for my cruise album so you all can keep up on it. Hearts!
The more I read about the features this cruise is having, the more I’m getting hyped for it. I’ve been going to tanning booths to make sure I have a bod that isn’t pasty white. My mom’s super jealous, but I only got the one ticket, and I’m the one going on that boat!
Seriously though. Dream come true. Twenty four hour buffets and room service. Fancy dinners every night with waiters that dance on the tables. A stop on a vacant island in the Bahamas to spend a day chilling on the beach, sipping drinks and swimming with dolphins. Spa. Hot tub. Shows every night. I will never be bored.
Maybe I’ll get lucky and come home with a hot babe too ;)
12:41 PM
Gonna be boarding soon! And get this- it’s the maiden voyage!
The ship’s called the Maenad, which is such a weird name, I know. But it’s sooooo pretty! So white and clean! I just hung out with this super sweet couple. The girl’s name is Adrienne, she’s a blogger too, I’ll try to link you to hers later, and her fiance’s name is Emery, and he’s. A. Hunk. He’s got the bod of a god (hehe it rhymes!). He’s got a super sexy voice, so low and smooth. And his smile, holy shit, his smile! I’m in love.
Sucks he’s taken, but I’ll just BFF it up with Adrienne.
1:16 PM
Well, boarding happened late, and hooooly crap you guys will not believe it.
Two guys got into a fist fight like, right as we began boarding. I don’t even know what caused it! Maybe they got their bags switched or maybe they just got cranky, I dunno. But the big guy just turned around and started whaling on the other dude. The other guy started squealing before he went for the cheap hits, like kidney punches and groin shots. By the time security managed to pull them away, the big guy’s face was purple because the little dude managed to get him in a headlock. Little dude was apparently tougher than I thought, even though his nose was smashed in and bloody.
I doubt they got let on the boat with that attitude. :P
The room’s… almost perfect. I thought I was getting a room with a balcony, buuuut guess not. Oh well, it’s still a cruise, and I still got internet! Paid out the ass for it, but can’t seem to upload any pics. Ugh. You’ll have to wait till I’m home. I’m gonna chill until dinner.
6:39 PM
Disappointed again. Dinner was cold. I just wanted to enjoy the buffet dammit! If I wanted cold, chewy nuggets I’d go to McDonald’s.
Ugh. I guess first day was always damned to go bad. I’ll just watch TV, if I can get a connection. Although good news, I found out Adrienne and Emery are right down the hall from me! We’re totally going to hang out tomorrow.
2:21 PM
So glad I have Adrienne around. Because otherwise today would be laaame.
Spa’s closed. Which was my plan for the first day! Adrienne is super bummed too. Lunch isn’t as bad today, at least it’s not cold. Poor Adrienne though, she went for the Chinese noodle things and ended up biting down on a chicken bone. She ended up just having some soft serve ice cream while crying about how her teeth hurt.
Tonight’s the first dinner though. Fingers crossed we get them dancing to What Does the Fox Say!
8:07 PM
No dancing. And my soup had a really bad aftertaste, super bitter. Dessert made up for it though, brownies! I ended up sitting with Adrienne and Emery. Emery’s a pilot! Like actually licensed and everything, he even owns his own plane. I asked if he could take me up sometime and he laughed and said it was only a two seater, but maybe!
Ugh, I think the couple across the hall are having a fight. I think their names are Evan and Corine. They’re about my age too but they’re always at each other’s throats! Even before boarding they were bickering with each other. So dumb. Why am I the only one single on this stupid boat?
3:21 AM
Had a supersuper bad nightmare oh my god I almost want to jump off the boat and start swimming home.
There was all this screaming, and these poor kitties, oh those poor kitties, people kept grabbing them by the legs and pulling, just pulling, while they cried and tried to get away. Their bones popped and snapped and then they just tore apart like paper and sparkly lil bits flew out of them, confetti. It was glittery confetti like the stuff at my twelfth birthday party.
I wanna go back to bed and never wake up.
12:31 PM
Ugh. Slept something awful last night. I just couldn’t get comfy.
Turns out I had a nightmare too, judging by my post? I don’t remember it. So. WEIRD. I’m gonna spend today in my room. Just order in lunch and dinner. I need some me time. Meditate. Think of nice, happy thoughts.
Like Emery’s smokin hot body on top of mine. Yum.
10:23 AM
The spa’s open! I’m gonna hit that up with Adrienne today. She invited me to go with her, gossip about the super cute but so gay guys giving us massages and doing our nails. Ugh. I cannot wait. It’s going to be AMAZING.
3:21 PM
It was not amazing. It was not even subpar.
I’m gonna be honest and say it as it is: it was fucking awful.
First off, waaaayy overcrowded. There were a bunch of these really old wrinkly bitches with their saggy boobs practically hanging out of their bathrobes, yelling and teasing the poor masseuses and manicure people :(
The one doing my foot massage, I can’t remember his name, but I’ll call him Blue Hair because he has this really screwed up blue hair. You know the kind of hair where someone’s bleached and dyed it too many times? So ugly. He. Was too damn rough with my poor feet! I’m not even gonna go to dinner I’m so sore. He was so bitchy too, called me a whiner and that my feet smelled like cheese. My feet do not smell like cheese!
I was about to kick his stupid face when a really fat old woman started yelling at him about why she wasn’t being helped at this very second and how her feet were killing her and that she was going to complain to the people in charge when he like snapped? He got up and started yelling back at her, and it escalated so fast all Adrienne and I could do was watch.
Finally the old lady had enough of his sass and punched him across the jaw. Blue Hair was super twiggy so he hit the floor with a really loud thump. I didn’t see if he got up, I think the old lady was about to stomp on his head when someone finally pulled her away and out of the spa. I got the hell out of there, ditching Adrienne and just going to hell with this.
It was for the best though, Adrienne wasn’t mad or anything. She said she went in for the mud bath and oh my gosh was it bad. It smelled like actual feces and then someone started screaming about how there was blood in their mud. Like. A lot of blood.
Adrienne says someone probably was on the rag when they got in and just didn’t care, but ew! I was looking forward to it and now you can’t pay me to get near that spa ever again.
5:31 PM
Going to dinner again with Adrienne and Emery. Apparently tonight’s gonna be a dancing night! So excited. This is one of the main reasons I wanted to come, dancing waiters on the tables sounds like so much fun! I’m wearing my cute dress, I would be showing you guys pics but one, impossible to upload, takes too long, and I haven’t taken a good selfie all day! Ugh. Bad selfie days are the wooorst.
Oh, there they are now! Better go!
9:50 PM
That couldn’t have gone any worse.
First off, dinner was like, nearly optionless? The first night there was like a million choices, from exotic to elegant, but tonight I literally sat down and got handed an appetizer without so much as being handed a menu. I don’t even want to know what it was. It was some piece of dried out meat. Tasted a bit like pork, but maybe it was fish? Emery said maybe it was shark and that made me laugh, which helped.
Main course was burnt black steak. Not even Emery could joke about that, I swear his perfectly tanned complexion went gray when he realized the hunk of charcoal on his plate was meant to be steak. He flagged over a waitress and asked what the big deal was.
“Chef’s choice, fuck off and hit up the buffet if you’re going to be a bitch about it.”
I was floored. I heard wait staffs were so nice on cruises! I don’t think even Emery knew how to react.
The dancing though. I really, really hope the accident wasn’t as bad as it looked.
Our stupid waitress got up on Evan’s and Corine’s table, taking off her apron and swinging it above her head as some old tune crooned out of the speakers. Evan was super into it, making crude comments about the waitress’ panties while Corine fumed.
I’m not sure if it was the feedback from the speakers that made the waitress stumble or if Corine finally snapped and sucker punched her, but the waitress tumbled from the table with a scream. She slammed into the floor with a painfully loud crack and I saw blood pooling around her head.
We all got shooed out, the host apologizing and saying we’d all get a special dinner sent up to our rooms as an apology and that the woman would be fine.
BTW- still waiting on that special dinner. I’m so hungry I’d eat that excuse for a steak.
… Okay maybe not that hungry. My stomach’s still churning from the meat that may have been shark.
6:32 AM
Dinner was delivered ten minutes ago. It was the same damn steak from last night. It was so cold now though that it was practically rock solid, and I swear it started to smell a bit. It went into the garbage. I’m nauseated and super tired. I can’t get the sound of the waitress’ head hitting the floor out of my head. I really, really hope she’s okay.
Corine and Evan are having the LOUDEST SEX EVER in the room across the hall. I’m pretty sure the mainland can hear her orgasming, oh my god, SHUT UP.
12:13 PM
I think I saw someone get divorced at the buffet.
I was loading up on lukewarm french fries and half cooked chow mein noodles when the quiet argument turned up a few notches. I turned to see this middle aged couple screaming at each other while their little kids stood to the side, eyes like a deer’s in headlights.
No one even bothered to get in between them, I think she was mad about him letting their kids eat nothing but garbage all week, and he was mad she had a stick up her ass. It ended with her ripping off her ring and pitching it into the ocean. His face went purple with how pissed he got, screaming about how that was a family heirloom and all that shit. I got the hell out of there, they can get this damn plate back later.
12:31 PM
Holy shit the angry guy threw his wife overboard.
Emery ran in my room looking sick. He was tanning with Adrienne on the top deck when the woman, apparently her name was Delia, ran up there and she looked terrified. Angry husband Donald ran up after her and grabbed her by the hair. Emery tried to get up to break it up but he wasn’t even finished crossing halfway when Donald dragged her to the edge and threw her over his head into the ocean, telling her to ‘go find the fucking ring!’
I am. So glad I didn’t see that. I don’t know if she’s even okay, can you fall from the top deck to the ocean without, ya know, breaking every goddamn bone in your body?!
Emery’s hiding in here for now, he wants some comfort. Adrienne needed to be alone.
His hair’s so soft, I wanna pet it all day.
Christmas Eve and I’m so homesick.
I don’t want to go to the special ‘dinner’. Knowing what luck we’ve had so far, someone’s probably going to get frikken impaled on a dropped knife or something. So just buffet. Which has gone dramatically down in quality for how little we’ve been out here. It’s cold, it’s undercooked, it’s overcooked, it has a horrible aftertaste. I’m going a little crazy.
I just wanna be home.
At least tomorrow we’re on the island. Won’t blog until I’m back on the boat. Don’t think I’ll have signal.
10:19 PM
Okay, so the island was kinda nice at first. I saw no sign of Donald or his kids. Or Corine and Evan. But Adrienne and Emery were there! Emery helped me apply suntan lotion, and his hands were like a god’s. Adrienne got a bit pouty but she was happy after we went swimming together. She’s such a good friend. <3
So much was a lie though. There was no wait staff to bring us drinks. The dolphin meet up had to be booked ahead of time, which none of us knew, and by the time it was noon people were getting a lil testy. I mean, we were promised a beach haven and all we got was basically the same crap you get at home, except it’s salt water.
I heard yelling about half way through the afternoon and went to check it out. I thought it was just two guys rough housing in the water until I realized what the teenage girl next to them was screaming.
“Help! He’s gonna kill him! Oh my god, someone help!”
I ran into the water, Emery hot on my heels. The one guy was holding the other underwater, and I nearly puked when I realized the other guy had stopped struggling. I tried to shove the guy’s attacker but it was impossible, he was so much bigger than me and I just couldn’t move him. Emery tackled him so hard he sent them both down into the water, and I dragged the drowning guy up, trying to smack his chest to help push the water out of his lungs.
He wasn’t breathing.
I think the attacker was put in custody. The girl said they were just horsing around to get her attention when the victim accidentally hit the other guy in the dick. Apparently that was worth murder.
I want to go home.
I think I just heard Emery at the door, so I’ll end this post here.
I slept with Emery last night.
It didn’t mean to happen, it just did! He came to me for comfort because apparently Adrienne was being all cold, we were close, I set a hand on his thigh, our eyes met and just… fell into each other’s arms.
He told me this morning he’ll break off the engagement with Adrienne after we get back home. I’ve apparently showed him what it’s like to be with someone who cares. I feel so bad for Adrienne but… Emery’s so nice guys. He’s the perfect man. He listens, we have sooo much in common, and I’m sure Adrienne will understand that maybe he and I have something that we never thought we’d find with another person.
I still had awful nightmares though. Maybe it’s the guilt.
I shouldn’t feel guilty though. I shouldn’t.
12:58 PM
I’m suing this cruise line when I get home I swear to god THERE WAS BUGS IN THE FOOD
I was eating with Emery, having a good time, he took a forkful of noodles and was about to put it in my mouth when I saw the carrot start to twitch. And then it exploded and squirmed and buzzed IT WAS A FLY. There was. A fucking fly. IN THE FOOD.
I puked all over Emery and I’m so embarrassed, but just seeing it writhe while impaled on a fork was too much. I’m not eating another damn thing on this cruise. No way. I’ll starve myself until we get back home. We’re docking on the first. I’ll make it that long.
6:00 PM
I’m starving but oh my god I can’t stop thinking of that fucking fly. I almost caved and ordered room service twice but just. Flies. I can’t stand flies. They make me itch. Emery hasn’t been in to see me all day and I’m super depressed. Today’s the worst. I’m hungry, I might’ve just lost my new boyfriend, and I just want to be home.
11:23 PM
I think I heard someone die.
Corine and Evan were arguing, and then they were sexing, and then I heard Corine laughing while someone was choking and gasping. There was a thump and something dragging, and I’m too scared to get out of bed.
This is the worst fucking cruise.
9:42 AM
Adrienne knows.
She’s been at my door for half an hour, knocking and saying she has to talk to me. No way. No how. Am I opening that door. She sounds like she’s been crying, but I swear to god she’s going to kill me. I don’t know if I was imagining Corine murdering Evan last night but I’m paranoid as hell. I just keep closing my eyes and hearing that choking or seeing that poor kid get drowned by his friend.
Everyone on this ship is crazy.
10:30 AM
She’s left for now. Oh my god my stomach hurts. I’m so hungry. But if I leave I’m gonna get tossed overboard like Delia.
3:02 PM
She’s brought reinforcements. I hear Corine out there too. I’m so scared.
3:30 PM
They’ve gone for now or they’re just being really quiet. They probably think I have to leave sooner or later or have food ordered in. The only time I’m having that door open is when I’m all packed and disembarking this stupid fucking ship. This is a nightmare.
10:45 PM
I don’t hear anything. I’m scared to go to sleep. I’m scared to die. I’m praying. I’m praying so hard right now.
They broke into my room last night. But they didn’t kill me.
Adrienne and Corine just wanted to talk. And all we did was talk. And I feel so bad for thinking they wanted me to get hurt. I’m so selfish and stupid, I only cared about what I felt to not see what was going on right in front of me.
Corine is Emery’s ex. They were engaged too. She showed me pics on her phone of her wedding dress, and she’s so pretty. But he left her for another woman. She had no idea he was going on this cruise too until she saw him while they boarded. It’s why she was fighting with Evan in the first place.
Adrienne was tricked too. Emery left Corine for her, saying that he found out how to love again.
What a sack of shit.
I’m still refusing to eat, but the alcohol on board is better than nothing. We’re just drinking and bitching about men. We all got tricked by a sweet smile and nice words. What a cunt.
Corine’s suggested we confront him all together. I’m all onboard. I’ll take the wine bottle with me, it might be mostly empty but it’ll mean business.
It took a lot of talking. A lot of arguing. A little bit of force. But we all decided it wasn’t fair only one of us get Emery. So we’re going to share him.
Corine gets his chest. The chest she used to rest her head on as he promised to fly her to the moon.
Adrienne gets his arms. The arms that used to hold her tight and make her feel safe.
And I get his head. The head which has such beautiful lips that spilled nothing but poison and such soft hair that I love to pet. They’re better now that they’re silent. We’re all in Adrienne’s king sized bed, with our favorite parts of Emery. It took some tugging… but the pop of his bones coming loose was the most satisfying of sounds.
We’ll never lose Emery again. He’ll always be a part of me.
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