#THE DRAMA of a red berry sauce
glassrooibos · 3 months
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Everything stays right where you left it huh guys
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krisbeecream · 4 years
Teach Me to be Brave Ch. 5
Read on AO3
The day whizzed by Manon in a blur of assignments and overheard excited chatter about Paris’ new dynamic duo. She moved from class to class without a thought, but the narrative of the students around her remained the same buzz of excitement and wonder. Before she knew it, the final bell was ringing, and it was time for her to take her leave and head home.
Emotionally, Manon was exhausted. Her body, of course, was largely unaffected by her gymnastic endeavors the night prior as a result of the magic in the suit. She found, however, that keeping up appearances and watching her every word very carefully to avoid any and all suspicion from her classmates was more weight than she was used to carrying on a daily basis.
“What’s for dinner tonight, then, Manon?” Remy elbowed Manon in the ribs to pull her from the mental fog she appeared to be lost in. The spunky brunette jolted and shook out her jumbled thoughts before turning to her best friend who was watching her pack up her things with a quirked eyebrow.
“Tonight’s menu features a Taleggio, Ham, and Cornichon baked croissant with a summer berry tossed salad accompaniment,” Manon declared in a fake fancy accent, putting on airs about her culinary creation-to-be. A strange, high-pitched, muffled whining noise was suddenly heard from the back corner of the room, and Manon turned to see Chris gripping something in the pocket of his black hoodie with all his might before he loudly coughed.
“What are you looking at, Chamack?” he bit, though the tips of his ears were tinging red with clear embarrassment. Manon rolled her eyes and turned back to her conversation without acknowledging the obnoxious boy.
“Chris, would you mind hanging back after class for a minute?” M. Agreste called out to him.
“Again?” Chris groaned. Manon couldn’t help herself, and she twisted around to stick her tongue out at him, hopeful that maybe their teacher had caught wind of his actions that day.
“God, my stomach is yowling. That’s either going to be really gross, or it’ll star in my hungry daydreams for weeks to come…” Remy grabbed the attention of his experimental chef bff again as he rubbed his stomach performatively.
“Who says you get any?” Manon scoffed, acting offended. Elise laughed her bright, sunshiney laugh as she hung off her boyfriend beside Manon.
“Your mom is lucky that she gets to try it! It’s definitely gonna be better than those bacon onion tempura lollipop abominations you brought for lunch yesterday.”
“When she bit into it, it brought a tear to my eye,” observed Remy. He dramatically brushed a finger across his bottom eyelid as if he were crying right then.
“Sometimes they’re hits, sometimes they’re misses! You still gotta take the shot,” Manon winked. All laughed as they slid their respective backpacks onto their shoulders and made to leave the room.
“Have a good evening, M. Agreste!” Manon called as they exited. Their spirited homeroom teacher looked up from his computer to smile warmly and wave to the trio.
“Goodnight, guys! Good luck on problem #6,” M. Agreste flashed a devilish grin at them, and Remy groaned in response. “Ready, Chris?”
The bully nodded reluctantly and headed for the front of the room as the teacher stood to close the door. Manon was silently disappointed that she didn’t get to hear the beginning of her rival being chewed out by an authority figure. She decided to try to watch his behavior tomorrow to see if he’d really given it to him.
The group of friends chatted casually on the stroll towards home, as they did every day after school. They all lived within the same neighborhood, so they were able to walk together most of the way before diverting onto their respective streets. Manon expounded on her recent trip to the produce market across town in search of the perfect, crisp cornichons she needed for her sandwiches. Elise updated the gang on her latest modern dance routine that she was cooking up for competition, flip-flopping on which moves were too complex for her to pull off in a fast-paced sequence like that. Remy filled them in on how his twin pet frogs were currently in a fight, refusing to occupy the same half of their tank at the same time. Manon suggested couples counseling.
“They’re not a couple, they’re brothers!” Remy shouted, his voice reverberating off the tall buildings surrounding the group of friends.
“That doesn’t always stop a relationship in the animal kingdom….” observed Elise.
“You are not allowed near Erlân and Ramón ever again.”
“Aw, come on! They love me!”
“Nuh uh. You’re a bad influence with those utterly impure frog thoughts you just aired.”
Manon rolled her eyes at her lovestruck besties as they bickered good-naturedly beside her. She loved them so, but thinking of that fact reminded her that, since last night, she was keeping a very large secret from them. Guilt quickly soured her mood.
“H-have a good night, guys. I’ll let you know how the croissants turn out! Maybe there will be enough leftovers for me to bring them for lunch tomorrow.” Manon tried to keep her voice even and cheerful as she turned rapidly down her street, breaking off from the group to hide her conflicted face.
“Oh, uh, bye, Manon!” Elise called at her rapidly retreating pal with a confused wave. She shrugged to Remy, and they continued walking and discussing frog technicalities.
“Are you feeling okay, Manon?” Tikki poked her little bulbous head out of Manon’s backpack to speak into her charge’s ear. A look of concern was plastered on her adorable face.
“Huh?” Manon startled, almost forgetting she had Tikki in there. “Sorry, Tikki. I just don’t like lying to people. It makes me feel… dirty.” The girl frowned.
“I’m sorry to hear that you’re upset, Manon. It’s a tough job to be a superhero, and it’s a lot of responsibility to have foisted on you all in an instant. However, Ladybug chose you because she knew that you could overcome the obstacles and thrive.” The kwami patted Manon’s shoulder with her tiny paw.
“That’s right! Ladybug chose me.” Manon looked confused, struck by the thought. “How does she assume these things about me? Do I know Ladybug?”
Tikki shook her head dismissively, “I am not allowed to speak the name of my previous owners to those who don’t already know it. It’s a magical spell placed on the Miraculous to protect secret identities if a kwami is captured, so don’t even ask,” she chuckled. “And anyway, I think maybe you should just get inside and look in your physics book.”
“I promise I’ll get the homework done, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Manon replied, twisting her head to look at the little bug creature over her shoulder with a curious quirked brow. “Science is usually my worst subject, but M. Agreste is a good teacher.”
Tikki shrugged and nodded. As they came upon Manon’s building, the girl keyed her code into the pad next to the front door and took the elevator to her floor. Once inside her apartment, she flopped her bag down on the couch and set about getting her dinner ingredients out of the fridge.
Tikki watched her new Chosen as she worked, a look of determination and excitement on the teen’s face like a great artist struck with inspiration. Manon turned the TV on for background noise, pulled out a cutting board, and began slicing up deli meat, cheese, and tiny pickles while the oven preheated. The brunette danced gracefully about the kitchen, pulling armfuls of sauces and liquids from the refrigerator, several spice jars from a tall cabinet, bowls from the dishwasher. Tikki caught the sparkle in Manon’s eye as she made various concoctions from citrus juices, vinegars, creams, seasonings, and oils in little bowls.
Twenty minutes later, the sandwiches were in the oven, roasting the croissants to a golden brown while the cheese melted. Manon wiped sweat from her thick brows and took down her hair from the ponytail she had tied it back into, shaking it out to her shoulder blades with a sigh.
“Phew. I hope this one works!”
“You look so alive while cooking! Is this a hobby of yours?” Tikki questioned, hovering over to the tired girl.
“Yeah!” Manon perked up instantly at the mention of her special interest. “I’ve been cooking things by myself since I was little, because my mom was always gone at night working. Over the years, I think my tastes have strayed from the norm, though…” she trailed off with a light giggle, reminiscing about the strange dishes she had come up with just in the last month.
“I think you have great taste,” Tikki beamed, “and I can’t wait to try a tiny bite of that sandwich when it’s done.” The hungry kwami rubbed her hands together and licked her lips, looking at the oven.
Manon laughed and felt herself relax slightly. She had really come to love cooking. Someday, she thought maybe she could open a restaurant, or maybe a bistro, to showcase her unique recipes. That is, if enough people actually liked them. She made a mental note to pinch off a tidbit of her sandwich to slip to Tikki during dinner later without her mother noticing.
Right on cue, Manon heard her mother’s key unlock the apartment door as the oven timer was about to ring out. Quickly telling Tikki to hide, Manon slipped on an oven mitt and pulled the tray out of the hot oven just as Nadja entered.
“Hey, Mom!” greeted Manon.
“Hi, Sweetie. How was school?” The pixie-haired talk show host replied to her daughter.
“Ah, nothing to write home about.” Manon shrugged, deciding not to vent about Chris and his goons today. She wanted to keep her spirits up to enjoy dinner.
“No new drama with that boy today?” Nadja asked anyway, like she had read Manon’s mind and decided to pry.
“Ahhh,” chuckled the girl, “He gave some trouble to Odette, the girl who got akumatized last night? She’s in my class.” With her face turned away from her mother, Manon frowned briefly as she glossed over the detail that she had been targeted by them as well, and may have even made herself an enemy of the group with just a few sentences.
“That’s a shame. I hope she didn’t let him get in her head. He seems too stupid for her to trouble herself with.” Nadja shook her head and looked up at the ceiling. She had heard plenty of earfuls about Chris Lahiffe and his jerky jock pals over the years, ramping up now that he and her daughter were in high school. Nadja had even had some talks with various teachers and Principal Mendeliev regarding the rambunctious behavior, but the problems always returned in time.
“Exactly, Mama. Plus, M. Agreste held him after school when we were leaving. Here’s hoping he got expelled!” Manon’s optimism was a bit misplaced in vengeance, but Nadja decided to let the girl have her fantasy. “And he seemed kinda jealous when he heard me talking about these sandwiches,” Manon grinned with pride as she plated the croissants and poured homemade dressing on the salad she had crafted. Nadja lit up, hunger in her eyes.
“You’re too good to me, Manon.”
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The croissants were a success in Manon’s book. She may sometimes find out that not every idea was as delicious in execution as it sounded in her head, but lately she had been right more often than wrong. Even Tikki agreed, having eagerly gobbled up the bite Manon offered to her when Nadja’s back was turned during dinner.
After the dishes were cleared, Manon packed the remaining few croissants into a container and slid it into her lunch bag for the next day. It was time to start her homework, she realized with a groan. The teen slung her backpack over her shoulder and marched into her bedroom to begin.
Flicking on the light, Manon was greeted with the comfy, familiar sight of her room. Three of the walls were an ashen grey color, accented by the fourth wall which was almost neon teal. Leaning against the accent wall was her dresser, tall and white with several keepsakes and curios on top such as Ladybug merchandise and little Japanese keychains made to look like miniature foods. A bookshelf stood proudly next to her queen-size bed, full of fiction novels about girls who go on adventures and participation trophies from various sports Manon had played as a child, but never exactly excelled at.
Her desk was triangular in shape, placed in the corner with a large, plush rolling chair at it. The great window beside it gave her a view of the streets below and the buildings surrounding, as the apartment was on the 7th floor. Manon placed herself elegantly in the chair as she tossed her bookbag onto the ground beside her before slumping and groaning at the idea of homework once more. She flicked on her lamp, which was clipped to the bookshelf between the desk and her bed in order to provide light to both.
As Manon flipped open the heavy textbook to read her first homework question, a yellow piece of paper stuck to the page caught her eye. Lifting it to catch the light, Manon read the mysterious note curiously. It seemed to be an address, though Manon didn’t recognize it, and a time, 8 p.m. Her heart leapt into her throat when she saw the initials in the bottom right corner:
Her eyes snapped to the clock on her bookshelf instantly. 7:36, it read. Manon’s golden eyes blew wide as she glanced rapidly between the note and the clock, urging her brain to form thoughts. Once she managed to push through her shock, she flipped open her personal laptop on the desk and speedily hopped on a navigation website. The walk time to the address was almost half an hour.
Manon stood before she even finished thinking, twisting her long hair into a braid lightning fast, two strands of cowlicked hair hanging loosely over her forehead as they always did when her hair was pulled back. The frantic girl grabbed her backpack and tore through the apartment to the front door.
“Are you going out, Manon?” Nadja turned around from where she sat on the couch to look at her fleeing daughter.
“Oh! Mom! Ah, yeah! Remy is having…” her mind blanked briefly, “relationship issues? With his frogs! Not Elise. We’re gonna help him! But I gotta go right now so bye!” Manon blew a kiss to her confused mother as she tugged on a light jacket to face the brisk evening ahead, and then she was gone.
Tikki floated along behind Manon down the hallway of the large building as the girl decided the stairs would be faster than the elevator. The kwami looked sheepish.
“Oh, right. I did tell you to check your physics book, didn’t I? Sorry, I got a little distracted by the food.”
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btsybrkr · 4 years
Please Come Dine With Me
In today’s world of Netflix originals, glossy reality series and big budget drama, it’s easy to forget about TV’s old reliables. You know, the programmes with nothing to say, but so much to give. They’re the television equivalent of an ex that you can’t help but miss, despite having brought absolutely nothing to each other’s lives. The absolute king of this brand of TV can only be Come Dine With Me, the dinner party contest that began broadcasting in 1892 and has been playing simultaneously, on all 26 branches of Channel 4, at every hour of every day ever since. Seriously, flick through the channels, I can almost guarantee it’s on right now.
Come Dine With Me, now in its 37th series (I’m actually not making that bit up), must unironically be one of the best things to ever air in this country. During a casual viewing, it seems that nothing much happens, but a quick Google search unearths an absolute goldmine of unforgettable moments. Some have already been cemented into pop culture history, destined to be repeated on ‘100 Greatest...’ clip shows until the sun swallows the Earth whole - like the man who decided to sample a sauce he was making by nonchalantly shoving the whole whisk into his mouth, or sore loser Peter Marsh’s ‘you won, Jane’ speech, which is, in my opinion, a hundred times more brutal than anything Ricky Gervais could or would ever come out with whilst presenting an awards ceremony. Others are unfortunately never spoken about, but remain a vivid memory in the consciousness of the lucky viewers who caught them, such as the moment a particularly eccentric contestant, known only as DJ Dom, drafted in indie musician Badly Drawn Boy to help him cook for his ‘Madchester’ themed dinner party, before telling the viewers “All done, just got to go and change me kecks!” and coming back downstairs in the exact same outfit, right down to the bucket hat. Or the iconic Preston week from series 7, in which we were introduced to so-posh-it-hurts Valerie Holliday, whose pronunciation of the word ‘pheasant’ (or fezzaaaunt, as she might say) is superglued to the insides of my brain, where it will stay for the rest of my days. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
I’m sure we’ve all, at some point, had the ‘who would be invited to your dream dinner party?’ conversation with our friends or family, but what we should really be asking each other is “who would be on your dream episode of Come Dine With Me?”. If you think about it, they’re two very different questions, with very different answers. Of course, I’d love the chance to sit and speak with Tom Hanks, Mac Demarco and Phoebe Waller-Bridge over a glass of wine and a really good burger, but do I think it would make entertaining TV? Well, yeah, probably. But not on Come Dine With Me. That’s a horse of a very different colour.
Anyway, here’s what my dream episode of Come Dine With Me might look like. Narrated in your brain by Dave Lamb, probably.
Today, we’re in Blackpool, where our first contestant, 23-year-old chronic timewaster Betsy (that’s me!), is gearing up to host the opening night of the week, and we’re sure it’s going to be an absolute belter. Let’s see what her fellow dinner party guests make of the menu.
“A cheeseboard? As a starter? What’s that about?”, asks living soundbite and reality TV icon, Gemma Collins. She’s unimpressed with the menu, largely on the basis that it pales in comparison to the sort of luxury she’s used to, such as the gourmet camel penis she could have been tucking into on I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! In 2014, had she not packed it in after three days. Actually, I think the celebrity version of Come Dine With Me might be the only reality programme that Gemma Collins is yet to appear in. Maybe we should be writing to the powers-that-be at Channel 4 and getting them to sort that out, since I’ll surely be making a strong case for her appearance here. Anyway, who’s next?
Our third contestant is equally disappointed with the offerings. “I don’t fuck with stilton”, states the self-proclaimed second coming of Jesus, Kanye West. Yes, he’s an odd choice for a daytime cookery/popularity contest, especially since I’m almost 100% sure he doesn’t cook for himself under any circumstances, and is probably only popular among people who’ve never had to try and sit through an actual conversation with him, but who cares? Kanye does what Kanye wants. And if Kanye wants to appear on Come Dine With Me, then that’s his business, and he’ll shit in the Yeezys of anybody who disagrees. Or pay someone else to do it for him, obviously. Anyway, onto contestant number four, who can surely only be disappointing after that… can’t they?
Of course not!! Contestant number four is TV’s shouty queen-of-clean Kim Woodburn, who is really excited to get her teeth into some red hot beef. Not the food kind, either. The kind of beef she dished out to Philip Schofield, while he was asking her questions about the beef she dished out in her fondly-remembered ‘chicken-livered bunch’ rant from Celebrity Big Brother. She’ll be glad to know I’m not serving any chicken livers at my dinner party, I’m sure. Not that she’ll be particularly enamoured with my cooking skills overall.
“It all looks terribly common, darling”, she says, as she holds the menu in one Marigold-wearing hand, and a glass of an expensive gin in the other. Suit yourself, then, Kim.
Contestant number five hasn’t bothered to read the menu yet, but that’s because he’s been busy begging the Channel 4 producers on set for another series of Deal Or No Deal now that his hefty I’m A Celebrity paycheck is all but gone. Yes, it’s Noel Edmonds, TV’s favourite bearded arsehole. After Alan Sugar, of course, but I’ve already written a bit about him on here, so there’d be no point in putting him in this one as well. You know, someone I knew a few years back once told me that Noel Edmonds did a guest lecture at his university, in which he offered some lucky students the chance to spend their summer doing a couple of months unpaid work experience on his radio show. Imagine that! Spending day-in-day-out with Noel Edmonds, without even a penny in compensation. I know they say ‘life’s not fair’, but that really would be pushing it. 
Anyway, that’s everyone, and as I anxiously pour boiling water into five chicken and mushroom Pot Noodles, my all-star dinner guests begin to arrive. First at the doorstep is Kim, who I greet with open arms. 
“Wonderful to meet you, luvvie”, she says. The worried glance she gives the camera afterwards tells me otherwise. Perhaps she’s unimpressed by my unshiny door handle. That’s not a euphemism. 
Gemma and Noel arrive soon afterwards, both carrying bottles of champagne that I couldn’t possibly ever afford myself. They’re not to share, of course, they were bought in anticipation that the wine I’m providing wouldn’t be up to standard, which it is, because I’m serving all my courses with a glass of Summer Berries Echo Falls. It’s £5.99 a bottle and gets you absolutely Bankered. 
We mingle in the living room, eagerly anticipating the arrival of my final guest. Just as Gemma, Kim and Noel begin bonding over the trials of being paid many thousands of pounds to sit around and simply exist for the viewing pleasures of mere mortals like myself, Kanye West teleports himself into the room, in a futuristic flash of lightning and to the tune of his 2010 hit Power, blowing a massive hole into the entire left side of my house in the process. It’s true what he says, you know - the man really is a genius.
We take our seats at the dinner table, as soon as the rest of my guests are done with the obligatory search through my knicker drawer (cue a comeback for Kim’s famous How Clean Is Your House? catchphrase, “Oh, you dirty devil!”) that happens on every edition of Come Dine With Me. You know, despite everything else on the programme, that’s the one bit of it that I’ve never really understood. Every single one of the show’s 1,647 episodes includes a bizarre sequence in which the contestants go running around the host’s home, rifling through their personal belongings and mocking them for the cameras. I’m sure the point of it is supposed to be to give the guests a chance to ‘get to know’ the host, but then I’d have thought that spending five nights eating and chatting with them would be a fairly effective way of doing that. Besides, can you imagine catching your guests doing that in real life? I wouldn’t be sitting them down for a meal and rating them for a chance to win £1,000, I’d be throwing them out, maybe even calling the police, depending on what exactly they were doing with the belongings in question. Not that I have time to think about that right now, I’ve got a cheeseboard to prepare!
First topic of conversation is, of course, TV, and as we tuck into our Ritz biscuits and Tesco Value mature cheddar, Noel gives us his opinion.
“My main issue with television these days is that I’m just not on it enough.” A valid viewpoint. We take a moment to collectively long for the days of Noel’s HQ, a drunken nightmare that was somehow harnessed and broadcast to the masses by Sky1, way back in 2008. Noel’s HQ has been mostly lost to time, except for the presence of a video on YouTube entitled ‘Noel Edmonds speaks with passion’, which is well worth a watch if, like me, you enjoy four minute long videos of TV presenters struggling to stifle their own belief that they might just be The Best Person Ever. There’s a great bit in it where he angrily declares to his delighted audience, “I don’t get paid a penny for doing this show”. Noel, I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you for your sacrifice. 
Speaking of The Best Person Ever, Kanye is noticeably quiet. But then, Kanye isn’t here to share his views. Kanye isn’t particularly here to do anything. Kanye is simply here to observe - to greet his subjects, and work out what makes them tick. Kanye can sense our excitement to be sat in his presence, and Kanye enjoys this. It feeds Kanye. Far more than my meager dinner offerings ever could.
I press Gemma for her own opinions on TV, as someone who is literally always on it. Gemma Collins gets where Domestos can’t. It may sound like I’m being flippant, but in all honesty, I love Gemma Collins. I’m not even sure why, I just know I do. She’s famous for the sake of being famous, and she’s bloody good at it. She’s also quite possibly the most quotable public figure since Shakespeare himself. Maybe even more than Shakespeare. Think about it. What inspires you more? “To be or not to be?”, like anyone knows what that actually means, or “Nah, fuck this, I’m out of here. Get that fire exit door. Am off.”, a poetic sentiment, which conveys an emotion we’ve surely all felt at some point in our lives? I know who gets my vote.
Kim misunderstands the question “what do you think of television today?” as “how clean do you think my television is?”, and responds by pulling out a five pack of dusters and a can of Mr Sheen, and getting to work on the flatscreen in the corner of my living room. Oh well, at least all that cleaning will make her hungry in time for the main course. Speaking of which, maybe it’s time I got on with that.
Despite their disappointment with the starters, the main course - Super Noodle sandwiches, with a generous side-helping of curly fries - appears to delight all my guests, except Kim, who mutters under her breath that it all seems very tacky. I won’t let it get me down. It’s my heartfelt belief that anything can be a sandwich filling if you’re brave enough, and my other three guests agree with me. Kanye lets out a satisfied ‘hm’. Excellent. 
We sit down to dessert, and another glass of Echo Falls. The wine is going down surprisingly well, especially with Kim, who has started subtly rolling her eyes at the conversation between myself and Gemma Collins, who are bonding over how much we love Gemma Collins. Kim purses her lips. Her Spidey-senses are tingling. There’s conflict afoot. 
I quiz Noel about an article that I saw in 2015 and have never forgotten. It was featured on The Independent, and was headlined ‘Noel Edmonds says that ‘death doesn’t exist’ and that ‘Electrosmog’ is more deadly than Ebola’. I know that this sounds like something I just came up with, but I regret to tell you that is absolutely something he said. In real life. I’ll give you a minute to take that in.
Noel Edmonds reaffirms this view to me, speaking with the same unnerving passion he did in the YouTube clip I mentioned earlier. I nod politely. I begin to wonder if everyone’s had a little too much Echo Falls, and if I can really handle another four nights with these people. It’s at this moment that, for the first time all night, His Almighty Westness speaks. 
“I really feel what you’re saying right now”, he tells Noel. We wait together for the next part of the statement, but it never comes. Kanye West outstretches his arm to Noel Edmonds. They shake hands. None of us can quite believe it. And for a moment, Noel and Kanye are right. It does feel as though death doesn’t exist. Nothing exists outside of this dinner party. Everything that matters is happening around my dining table at this very second. 
The silence is broken by Kim Woodburn tutting into a wine glass. 
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake,” she drawls, rolling her eyes, “What a load of nonsensical tosh.”
“Excuse me?”, asks Noel, still hand-in-hand with Kanye West, an alliance he is clearly eager to keep going for as long as possible, on the off chance that he fancies funding another series of Noel’s House Party, “I don’t see you bringing anything to the table here, Kim.”
She widens her eyes, taking another generous gulp of Echo Falls - and I know exactly what she’s about to bring to the table. A big old fight. 
Gemma Collins throws in her two cents. 
“I think we should all calm down a little bit, d’ya know what I mean? I’m having a lovely meal at a fan’s house, I can’t be arsed with an argument.” Wise words, as always, Gemma. Wise words.
It all kicks off.
“You can be quiet, you talentless, orange foghorn!”, sneers Kim, “You’ve contributed nothing to the conversation this evening, other than talking about yourself.”
Gemma’s eyes seem to cloud over with anger, as her complexion quickly transitions from Dulux shade Tangerine Twist to Cranberry Crunch. She knocks the rest of her wine back. Everything goes quiet again for a moment, as Noel, Kanye and I watch the two TV divas stare at each other. It’s like a scene from an old Western, but with diamonds and veneers.
With a violent roar, she launches herself across the table, grabbing Kim by her fake ponytail. I jump up to hold her back, as Kanye leaps from his seat to hold Kim from Gemma. There’s a mad blur of acrylic nails and tufts of bleach blonde hair flying between them, some of it landing into the banoffee pie I had worked so hard on. Noel stands back, arms folded, watching the action in dismay. If you could see the whole picture, it might resemble a renaissance painting, the sort that could be hung in a gallery anywhere in the world and analysed for it’s artistic importance. ‘Nous aimons le boeuf’, it might be called. French for ‘we love the beef’. Doesn’t really matter it means, though, to be fair, as long as it sounds clever and artsy.
Noel shakes his head. 
“What the hell am I doing here?”, he asks, frustrated, “I’m a huge TV star.”
Security eventually intervene, somewhat reluctantly, given the fact this is the most action they’ve seen on a shoot for Come Dine With Me, possibly ever. Producers watch back the footage of the fight on an iPad, sat on my sofa, attempting to mask their delight at what they’d caught on camera.
Kanye eventually stands up, soberly taking in the scene in front of him. Is this how Jay-Z felt as he left the elavator?, he wonders.
“I’m gonna take off”, he informs everyone, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room in the aftermath. But before he can teleport out of the room again, possibly blowing a hole in the other side of my house, the producer speaks up.
“Same time tomorrow? It’s Gemma’s night.”
Four more nights of this… four more nights, all for the chance to win £1,000… is it worth it? 
Of course it is. It was a blast. Same time tomorrow, indeed.
To see some highlights from the iconic Preston week of Come Dine With Me, click here. To see Noel Edmonds speak with passion, click here. To follow me on twitter, click here, or here for instagram :)
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darkenigma32 · 5 years
REALLY LONG CHARACTER SURVEY. RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog  !  good  luck  !
TAGGED. @qcaesitr TAGGING. Anyone that wants to do this, you have my permission!
FULL NAME: Riff Zelfer Hendrixsen
NICKNAME:  Riff, Sis/Sister (Holly), Snipes (in certain TWD AUs)
AGE: 26-30′s
BIRTHDAY: November 5th, 1987 (Guy Falkes Night in the UK)
ETHNIC GROUP: White British
LANGUAGE(S): English, Latin, Italian, Russian (A little)
CLASS: Middle / low class.
HOMETOWN / AREA: Manchester, England
CURRENT HOME: A small flat in Manchester, England (When not traveling)
PROFESSION: Consulting psychologist/therapist
HAIR: Jet Black
EYES: Sapphire/Navy Blue (Grey when under lighting)
NOSE:  Button
FACE:  Heart shaped
LIPS:  Natural.
SCARS: Small one on her right shoulder 
HEIGHT:  5 in, 6ft | 170.18 cm
WEIGHT:  128 lbs | 58 kg
BUILD: Athletic 
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: Shoulder-length hair
USUAL FACE LOOK: -_- (Stoic and reserved)
USUAL CLOTHING: All-black attire of a Fred Perry short sleeve polo shirt with dark-red/grey stripes at the tips, M-65 field jacket, boot-cut jeans and a pair of combat boots.
FEAR(S): Being powerless and helpless to her family/friends/ allies, being alone, the unknown
ASPIRATION(S) : To help people, stop crimes before they start, to help bring a light in the darkness
POSITIVE TRAITS: Calm, kind, honest, brave, selfless, witty, focused, dedicated, intelligent, humble, patient, observant, reserved, merciful, rational
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Moody, stubborn, overprotective, impulsive, closed-off, paranoid (sometimes), vengeful
ZODIAC: Scorpio
SOUL TYPE(S):  Warrior
ANIMALS:  Wolf, Eagle, Owl
VICE  HABIT(S): Wrath/Vengeance.
ALIENS?: Same as above.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful/Neutral good.
FATHER: Unnamed father (Deceased)
MOTHER: Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
SIBLINGS: Several (Platonic symbolically)
EXTENDED FAMILY: Nate Hendrixsen (Uncle, deceased), unnamed aunt
NAME MEANING(S): Her parents were fond of music, naming her after the guitar term ‘riff’.
BOOK: 1984 by George Orwell (Sort-of relatable for Riff these days)
MOVIE: The 007 series
5 SONGS: ‘Throne’ by Bring Me The Horizon, ‘London Calling’ by The Clash, ‘The Messenger’ by Johnny Marr, ‘Bones Exposed’ by Of Mice & Men, ‘Fight Inside’ by RED
HOLIDAY: Halloween, Guy Falkes Night (In her home country)
MONTH:  November 
SEASON: Autumn 
PLACE: Waterfalls
SOUND: Birds & Nature
SCENT(S):  Ozone, green tea, saltwater, herbs
TASTE(S): Vanilla, Green tea, berries, Alfredo sauce
FEEL(S):  Rumble of a bass guitar, the thrill of adrenaline, the birds chirping, wind blowing in her face
ANIMAL(S): Dogs, Birds, Cats
COLORS: Black, red, grey, white
TALENTS: Martial arts, psychology, guitar/bass player, parkour, negotiator 
BAD AT:  Being open in personal matters, Riff’s really closed off about her past in general.
HOBBIES: Martial arts, meditation, parkour, music, traveling, the fine arts, reading/studying psychology
TROPES:  The Atoner, The Stoic, Shell-Shocked Veteran, The Drifter, Tranquil Fury, The Mentor
AESTHETIC TAGS:  #Nature, #Music, #Travel
MAIN  FC(S): Kate Beckinsale as Selene in the Underworld film series
ALT FC(S): Nico Robin (Pre-timeskip) in One Piece
VOICE CLAIM(S): For the moment, it’s her main face-claim, but will be changed in further research.
Q1: if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?:  The title would be ‘Drifter’, filmed in a action/spy drama and it would portray Riff’s upcoming as a consulting psychologist and trained assassin. (It might be part of the ‘Assassin’s Creed’ series as a oneshot miniseries)
Q2: what would their soundtrack / score sound like?: Rock/Metal/Alternative with a mix of Video Game scores/BGMs (I.E: Jesper Kyd of Assassin’s Creed and Yoko Shimomura of Final Fantasy XV)
Q3: why did you start writing this character?: I was bored out of my mind, as this used to be a personal blog based of my intrest for music/video games/cartoons... I started RPing with other blogs as a self-insert, but eventually changed my mind and decided to change that into a personal OC.
Q4: what first attracted you to this character?:  Nothing, Riff started as an alias name for my self-insert, but ended up becoming a OC with her own backstory and personality,
Q5: describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse: Morality-wise, I don’t approve of Riff killing people out of justice/vengeance, but it really bugs me sometimes when others inflict the ‘Worf’ effect on her. (I understand it’s to avoid god-modding, but I want a equal chance where Riff can at least land a serious hit in fairness.)
Q6: what do you have in common with your muse?: We love rock/metal/alternative music! 
Q8: what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?: It varies. I love interactions with muses/characters that make Riff think deeply into her morality, to challenge her conflicting self-esteem/confidence... Sometimes, her trying to show love is a challenge.
Q9: what gives you inspiration to write your muse?:   Complete solitude, room isolation, loud music (But not loud enough to blow out my eardrums or give me headaches), sometimes watching TV shows/cartoons online to help inspire Riff’s character.
Q10: how long did this take you to complete?:  About an hour or two, I had to revisit Riff’s bio and headcanons to be accurate.
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bandstolookup · 2 years
tumbleweed jones
chris rayburn
v don
james brown and the famous flames
paul martin
the eyes
the moment
the mannequins
the pepper pots
berry tweed and the chasers
from the jam
the ganders
the sha la la's
the broken vinyl club
the distillers
serpent power
julian cope psychedelic odin
sharon tandy
the spencer davis group
syd barrett
inez & charlie foxx
the truth
iron butterfly
back to zero
lalo schifrin
quincy jones
booker t & the mgs
crystal jacqueline
fit for a king
sworn in
hands like houses
the cream of rare soul
the action
mark murphy
graham day and the forefathers
paul weller
crown of thornz
the jeevas
new hearts
crispian mills & the jeevas
buried treasure
purple hearts
school of braja
the artwoods
eddie holman
operation two folds
king new breed
the magnolias
gemma & the travelers
ian page and the affair
bobby guy
ray charles
mel williams
the chords
the lambrettas
the velvet hammer
carrie cleveland
anthony meynell
mark mortimer
the greyhound all stars
mick talbot is agent 33
johns children
rod stewart
misty woods
eleanor rigby
lord shani
gabor szabo
buried giants
the color morale
no warning
i see stars
for all those sleeping
amanda palmer
comeback kid
the word alive
jamestown story
her bright skies
the circle jerks
sick of it all
agent orange
the casualties
the Jesus and mary chain
hey monday
max frost
common enemy
soul butchers
pink guitars
facility men
charit way
sara elizabeth
tokyo monsters
the morning light
near miss
the outline
red fish
rock kills kid
so they say
sparks the rescue
straight faced
superman please don't
the starting line
the white noise
rare earth
white caps
5 am
6 dogs
kassi ashton
jacob banks
jon connor
jay critch
drama relax
dimelo flow
kayak jones
young culture
keep flying
voices in vain
pure heel
jamie n commons
jax jones
joey t
jay rock
leven kali
ari lennox
lil durk
lil mosey
lil poppa
main breaker
chronic failure
county kings
flood the tower
tempus fugit
brixton sons
joe bonamassa
the viva noir
bighorn sheep
the gypsy parlor
dotson moon
night slaves
black & white cat black & white cake
coffin hook
westward journey
eerie shores
speed dial
grandfather clock!
jenn desantis
eleni degeorge
conquer divide
old again
which witch
will haven
sirens and sailors
michael delano
yellow sauce
bud redding
for your health
frail body
jungle tooth
rad ops
breakfast for dinner
sidney jeanne
blunted lip
grizzly run
chronic nostalgics
orange grove ave
ian mccuen
mike turnwall
cardboard homestead
nicotine jones
crystal godzilla
the surfin cadavers
wicker men
no warning
trail of lies
apocalypse tribe
one step closer
wild side
restraining order
choice to make
stand alone
last dance
world of love
scarecrow show
on the cinder
nicky vibez
jupiter trolley
the gennies
regular sex
velvet bethany
the dead south
legendary shack shakers
danny olliver
tsunami tsurprise
wyndup kid
cheap peach
pkew pkew pkew
bastard bastard bastard
hold out
type relevant
best sleep
dan meissner
why not
black sabbitch
the impurity
tony rocky horror
advance base
the painfully alone
sinai vessel
the last reign
a silent ending
tina panic noise
the clever slang
toy box brigade
the serftones
the dead star band
the strangest ways
the big lonesome
bobby and the love
nuke fun
alien static
midnight anomalies
mirror tricks
96 bitter beings
the native howl
locust grove
the living braindead
14 trapdoors
skate cobain
night mall
makeout tactics
tortoise forest
gunthers radio
citrus maxima
dragged under
forget the sorrows
farewell jupiter
soma slumber
x-press 2
soular plexus
earth rider
johnny revolting
lay down & die
the ay effs
short fictions
worst things
rabbit jaw
jurassic clark
book a boulder
rust belt brigade
no cover
cody barcroft
shannon vanderlaan
kerry fey
luis mojica
jq bess
michael cirrito
jammin jesse
the abruptors
kman and the 45s
working class stiffs
worn from war
timothy alice
the grumpy monkey company
vee da bee
amber martin
brittany rose
adapt or die
of desolation
the cryptics
not 4 nothing
a very special episode
we were blank
mind chaser
casper skulls
some ska band
the drew thompson foundation
the mars volta
digital afterlife
of night & light
creating a sinner
AC anton
lexxi raine
dope city kid
lost like lions
blackend blue
digital ladies
eyes of the blind
tiger the lion
bear the bronze
the toasters
the same sun
toxic holocaust
sergio michel
x method
wasted space
philip stephen
stress dolls
the nigh
sun pilot
the weather might say otherwise
robin bank$ and the new spectacular
nine layers deep
smitten for trash
nylon otter
respect the space
night goat
sons of luther
no time to think
jaali cypher
amateur hockey club
partners on shanley
sheer terror
wrong the oppressor
brook pridemore
lich king
the barksdales
lucky 33
the clockers
paper plates collective
tri state area
flower ambrosia
nerds in denial
over & out
jenn desantis
real movement
james kibby
silent planet
invent, animate
fucked & bound
haunted horses
passed out
candy ambulance
i met a yeti
yung dialysis
parade chic
take two
ray and the roaches
adjacent jason
vit fana
dj juku
west ferry
glen pine
wake up
otherworldly entity
the slackers
todd hembrook
deal's gone bad
time toad
tom foolery and the shenanigans
tyler okun
dead prez
oscar welsh
between friends
sonic fuzz
flamingo haze
daily basis
suburban living
2morrows june
the social act
anti cimex
alwz snny
javen oliver
savage hands
wild side
chris grey
KTA boys
young nudy
lil spleen
utah saints
carry on cupid
kai shaw
andre lauren benjamin
jack wild
NLE choppa
lil thirteen
into the wake
bear no shame
a rocket to the moon
animal chin
ann beretta
august premier
autopilot off
blueline medic
cadillac blindside
days away
animal sun
common vision
kurt morton
forgive durden
miracle at st anna
anaal nathrakh
the morning of
nevada rose
ghost town
kane hodder
kidding chaos
mid carson july
october fall
oh honey
phantom planet
slick shoes
teen idols
the a.k.a.s
the aeffect
the cab
the causey way
til tuesday
the friday night boys
the hippos
the hush sound
the impossibles
the pietasters
the stereo
big sean
this providence
will connolly
the four freshmen
the northern
stephen lynch
utah noir
bob moulde
will roland
the nicholas
san holo
ocean wisdom
gage moyers
shayne dupont
naked eyes
voices in your head
don diablo
james dooley
dennis leary
elijah blake
zeni n
maurice west
a will away
northern ghosts
free throw
from indian lakes
future teens
heart attack man
holy fawn
into it over it
moving mountains
you blew it
oso oso
as tall as lions
brian bonz
death threat
fight fair
hit the lights
honor bright
hot rod circuit
kevin devine
lux courageous
no redeeming social value
orange island
outsmarting simon
plugin stereo
scraps & heart attacks
small towns burn a little slower
the color fred
the dear hunter
the gay blades
the receiving end of sirens
tony hendrik
john mcinerney
marcus mouya
blue stahli
white shag
YBC bam
OG stevo
china mac
dexter freebish
stretch and bobbito
blackjesus yoshua
jacob Sutherland
vikram dhakal
chris standring
liam wheeler
diamond saints
xavier alexsandria
the secret sisters
aia litt
oui lele
brian nhira
nacho picasso
the morning
sol d' menta
dom kane
marcy x
jeddy hart
hatem a
dr john
masio gunz
tom jarmey
j4 krazy
trevor taylor
the secret handshake
cirith ungol
james flamez
susan salidor
pat godwin
the empty pockets
stacey q
yung q
none of us
alix j
brandon christian
matthew larkin
earth trance projector
the pricks
the kan
the yellow pumpkin
jonny english
the lava boy
dario nunez
elements of style
manic movement
hot boys crew
sasha primitive
imminent the strategic...
al jourgensen
carrington right
voices experiment
tray day sadd
rappa nui
hendrix garcia
breaking the static
das butterschnitzel
sven wittekind
mr j
jack alien
yung saadi
stan green
wilson quick
el paso
black door
roger gunn
make mama proud
wrecked religion
thoweda rosas
awkward L looper
crucified priest
smiley loks
sumo brix
death plus
allen w brown
black therapy
2 official
in flagranti
black v neck
twyn t
marc vedo
mila falls
breaking pangea
faux paz
itgang simmie
the resolute
young will
street corner talking
daniel richards
marek stelmach
full frontal lobotomy
danny mcmaster
stephen kramer glickman
bad boys blue
a la carte
andreas martin
wolfgang petry
ute berling
donny brooke
goons of doom
fuck on the beach
presley river
the lenores
armored saint
the edwin davids jazz band
charred walls of the damned
cult of luna
save us from the archon
secret eyes
set sights
cut up
siren and sailors
sky eats airplane
eyes of the sun
downfall of gaia
god dethroned
harms way
if these trees could talk
king diamond
kissin' dynamite
lizzy borden
daniel rodriguez
mercyful fate
monte pittman
mother feather
motor sister
necromancing the stone
the ocean
sacred reich
rivers of nihil
serpentine dominion
shai hulud
twitching tongues
six feet under
tribal (swe)
40 grit
a love ends suicide
angel blake
the absence
arma gathas
barn burner
across the sun
the arcane order
as you drown
beyond the sixth seal
blood divisions
born from pain
brimstone coven
cancer bats
coal chamber
beyond the embrace
bison b.c.
brian still
broken hope
the cory smoot experiment
beyond the shore
callenish circle
culture killer
darkness dynamite
dave brockie experience
the devils blood
don jamieson
the crimson armada
cryptic slaughter
darkest era
get scared
steve wilkins
glue gun
dawn of ashes
diabulus in musica
the fallen
forever in terror
eryn non dae.
fragments of unbecoming
fueled by fire
galactic cowboys
glorior belli
grave pleasures
the great discord
hail of bullets
evergreen terrace
flotsam and jetsam
hallows eve
in extremo
hate eternal
house of heavy
0 notes
littlerose13writes · 6 years
Lightbulbs by LittleRose13
Day 4, The 12 Days of Shipmas - Wrapping presents🛍
In which Scorpius regrets opening the mulled wine before all the presents are wrapped. 
Words: 1,936 Pairings: Scorpius/Albus
20th December, 2027
The Potter/Malfoy’s living room was decorated beautifully for Christmas. Garlands of holly lay across the wooden mantelpiece, studded with crimson berries and frosted with glistening snowflakes. Pale gold fairies nested amongst the leaves, glittering and twinkling.
Even though they would only be spending Christmas morning in their apartment, there was a large and generously decorated Christmas tree in the corner of the room which also housed iridescent, live fairies. Beneath the impeccable tree, the chaos started with an unwieldy pile of unwrapped presents in front of which Albus was sitting.
Spread all around him were several rolls of wrapping paper, three automatic spellotape dispensers, various bows and decorations, ribbon in every colour, a large, half-empty glass of mulled wine and a pair of scissors, which Albus kept misplacing and loudly asking Scorpius “where the fuck are the fucking scissors?” despite him having sat on them every single time.
Scorpius sat demurely on the floor behind Albus, leaning on the coffee table with his own glass of wine and using his best peacock feather quill to fill in Christmas cards and gift tags for all of their family and friends. The system was supposed to be that Albus selected a present from under the tree, told Scorpius what he’d picked up, wrapped it up while Scorpius wrote the matching card then the two were united and placed in the ‘finished’ pile.
The trouble was that Scorpius was taking much longer to fill in the cards as neatly as possible than Albus was taking to wrap the presents. After sitting around waiting for ten minutes before he could start wrapping the second present - and going overboard on the decoration on Lily’s present in the meantime - Albus abandoned Scorpius’ system and just started wrapping any present he could see.
“Who’s this one for?” Scorpius asked his fiancé, holding up a cylindrical present wrapped in golden paper patterned with stars and a sprig of real holly (taken from the mantelpiece) spellotaped haphazardly to the front.
Albus considered the gift in question for a second, his head on one side.
“It’s either a box of lightbulbs for Grandad Arthur or one of those floating bath candle things for Aunt Angie.”
“Well, which?” Scorpius was poised with his quill hovered over a blank card.
“I’m pretty sure it’s the candle,” Albus guessed randomly, having no idea.
Scorpius looked at him suspiciously for a second before gently shaking the present. “That didn’t help me.”
“It’s for Aunt Angie, I’m sure.”
“Well, if she asks me why we gave her lightbulbs for Christmas-”
“You can blame it on me.” Albus smiled and reached back into the gift pile for another present to wrap. He selected one and held it up suspiciously. “We bought someone a sieve for Christmas?”
“It’s an art installation for Dad.” Scorpius sighed, took it from Albus and turned it the other way around, placing it back on the coffee table. “You were there when I bought it.”
“I was?”
“Yes. You said the gallery was pretentious and only agreed to come in if I promised to buy you an ice-cream from Fortescue’s.”
“I did?”
“You had gingerbread flavour with chocolate sauce.”
“Oh yeah, that ice-cream!”
Scorpius rolled his eyes fondly at his fiancé.
“How exactly do you expect me to wrap this?” Albus picked up the sieve/art installation again, turning it around and considering the obscure shape.
“Oh, just as neatly as you have all the other presents,” Scorpius muttered, finishing the gift tag he was writing with a flourish.
“Scor, I offered to write the cards instead and let you do the wrapping.”
“You were just going to write Merry Christmas from Scorpius and Albus once then charm it onto every tag.”
“That is exactly what I was going to do. Then I was going to distract you from wrapping the presents. Why does it matter what the tags say? Nobody reads them anyway.”
“I do!” said Scorpius, affronted. “I’m writing a personalised pun in everyone’s card, it’s really quite enjoyable.”
Albus shrugged and cast the art installation aside, opting instead for a rectangular box which contained a pair of adorably tiny shoes for one of Teddy’s twins. He was already bored with wrapping presents and it was only because of Scorpius’ insistence that they sit down and do this together that he was even still doing it.
Opening the box to look at the shoes, Albus placed his first and middle fingers into a shoe each, making them ‘walk’ across the table and stop at Scorpius’ writing arm. The shoes gently tapped their way up Scorpius’ arm and over the back of his neck, then round to underneath his chin.
“Albus!” Scorpius complained and put his quill down. He looked down at where Albus was still waving the baby shoes around under his nose and grinned up at his fiancé. Albus’ arm had ended up wrapped around Scorpius’ shoulders and he snuggled into him.
“You can’t be cross with these tiny things can you?” Albus made the tiny shoes dance around in front of Scorpius’ face, until one fell off and landed on the floor.
“I don’t know why we bought the twins shoes. Those girls have been barefoot every time I’ve ever seen them.” He picked the fallen shoe up and reunited it with its pair.
“That’s what happens when you live by the beach and do toddler yoga every morning,” Albus explained with an eye roll as he replaced the shoes into their box.
Scorpius watched him. “How many presents left to wrap?”
“I don’t know, like a hundred.” Albus scooted back over to his fiancé with a sulky expression.
Scorpius frowned. “We don’t know that many people.”
“Whatever, I’m bored of wrapping. Can we finish the rest with magic and go to bed?” He nibbled Scorpius’ earlobe.
“No! We’re wrapping them by hand, I want to start a tradition.”
“Actually Scor, I’m wrapping them by hand.” He picked up one of his first attempts, where the automatic spellotape dispenser had proved to be a bit too exciting. “It’s harder than it looks.”
“It can’t be that difficult without magic? Let me have a go.”
“Okay fine, you’re on.” Albus reached into the present pile and picked out the matching shoebox for Teddy’s other twin. He placed it in front of Scorpius and added a roll of wrapping paper, some scissors and a spellotape dispenser. “Best wrapped present wins.”
Scorpius raised one eyebrow. “Wins what?”
Albus paused for a second, then wriggled closer to Scorpius to whisper in his ear. “If you win, I’ll do that thing you like with my tongue.”
Scorpius’ eyes widened and he smirked. “And if you win?”
“You tell me,” Albus challenged.
“If you win, I promise to marry you next year.” Scorpius smiled angelically.
“Isn’t that literally what this means?” Albus grabbed Scorpius’ left hand and span his engagement ring around, before interlinking their fingers.
“It’s subject to demonstration of present wrapping abilities I’m afraid,” Scorpius said, squeezing Albus’ hand.
“Damn, I suppose we’ll have to cancel the venue then.” Albus kissed Scorpius.
“That thing you do with your tongue is rather a good prize,” Scorpius wiggled his eyebrows, their faces inches apart.
“A better prize than marrying me?” Albus bit his lip.
Scorpius closed the gap between them and simply kissed him in response. Albus smirked and pulled away from him, pushing the second shoebox closer to his fiancé and grabbing his own.
They sat with their backs to each other, each wrapping a separate shoe box. Albus cut the wrapping paper as precisely as he would have done a shrivelfig in potion making and tried to fold every corner accurately. He wasn’t too liberal with the spellotape and he even added a red ribbon to coordinate with the emerald green paper (the holly leaves seemed a bit hazardous to hand to a two year old). He wrote Pippa on a gift tag in his neatest handwriting and tied it to the ribbon with a slightly lopsided bow. Overall, he was rather proud of his attempt; it was certainly his best one so far.
“Have you finished yet?” said Scorpius impatiently from behind him.
“Yep, prepare to be amazed.” Albus turned, holding his nicely wrapped present in both hands and met Scorpius’ eyes.
“Ta-da!” Scorpius sang, holding his own wrapped shoebox out.
Albus looked down at Scorpius’ own wrapped gift. “What the fuck, Scor?”
Scorpius flinched and gazed at him with wide, grey eyes. His box was wrapped impeccably with scarlet paper, every corner crisp and even. Silver ribbon circled the middle of the box neatly and a large and sparkly silver ribbon decoration sat in the middle. A wooden gingerbread man tag was tied from the ribbon with a small card attached to it. The card read This present is full of sole! Merry Christmas Clemmie, love Albus and Scorpius xxx
“You used magic!” Albus accused.
“I did not! My wand is over there.” Scorpius pointed to where his wand was on the other side of the table.
Albus eyed him suspiciously. “Well, I think it’s safe to say you’ve won. Guess we can’t get married.” He pretended to sulk and Scorpius scooted over behind him, wrapping his arms over Albus’ shoulders and whispering into his ear.
“What are you talking about, my little drama queen? You think I won’t marry you after you do that thing with your tongue?” He nuzzled into the crook of Albus’ neck.
Albus turned in his arms and pulled Scorpius into him, pressing their bodies close together and kissing him deeply. Scorpius kissed him back just as passionately until his hands were wondering, one into Albus’ dark, messy hair and one under the buttons of his shirt.
Albus stroked the exposed skin of Scorpius’ lower back where his top had risen up and Scorpius shivered involuntarily beneath his touch. He hummed with pleasure as they kissed, the vibrations of his lips sending Albus his own involuntary shivers as he continued to trail his fingertips over Scorpius’ spine in a way that was full of hidden intent, and Scorpius knew it.
He briefly pulled his face away from Albus, just long enough to smile breathlessly and Albus watched his eyes light up in that familiar way they did. Albus smirked at his fiancé as Scorpius’ fingers buried themselves deeper into his’ hair and he leaned in, almost overpowering Albus and knocking him backwards onto the floor. He shoved a hand out at the last minute to catch himself, his wrist taking the full force of his actions, but in that moment, all he could think about was how badly he needed to be kissing Scorpius again.
“Let’s do the rest by magic,” Scorpius said hurriedly, leaning over and grabbing Albus’ wand out of his back pocket then aiming it at the present pile, a quick flick wrapping them all.
Albus broke their contact for just a second to admire Scorpius’ spellwork. “Not bad considering that wasn’t even your wand.”
Scorpius shrugged. “Hmm, the ribbon isn’t curled evenly.”
“I really couldn’t care less right now,” said Albus, pulling Scorpius to his feet and out of the room.
When Christmas Day came and the family were exchanging presents, Albus and Scorpius exchanged smirks when Harry and Ginny wondered who had wrapped each of their presents, as they were so different. One was vaguely stuck together with spellotape, and the other was perfect, almost as if it had been wrapped by magic.
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trendsdresscom · 4 years
Sarah Powell battles with a broken jumpsuit popper and gets stuck in a new gym top
From Red Online
Sarah Powell is the founder of Celebrate Yourself, a framework which encourages people to celebrate who they are. She is an accredited wedding celebrant conducting bespoke ceremonies and has developed the wellbeing and self-help tool, self-celebration. She co-hosts two podcasts, Jules and Sarah with Jules Von Hep and also Wobble, a podcast about body confidence and happiness. She lives with her husband Jon, has a mother called June and loves faux fur, The Archers and tea. Here she takes us through the routines, dramas and minuate of her life.
Tossing the old pastries on to the flat roof has backfired horribly. Imagined little blackbirds gently swooping down to collect crumbs for their chicks. Fancied myself as a modern day Julie Andrews. Instead have attracted a group of very rowdy pigeons. Banged the mop on the ceiling to scare them off. It never ends. Thrilled to have my £3.99 eBay synthetic silk dressing gown returned after leaving it in a hotel last year. Did have to email to enquire. Wonder what would have happened to it. May well have found it’s way back on to eBay. Oven baked risotto for tea. A revelation. Didn’t have to stand ladling stock over it for 2 hours. Utter joy.
Made the greatest toast. Crispy, melty but not soggy. Shall think about it all day. Eyeliner pencil is very blunt. More of a dirty stick than eyeliner. Also very painful. Conceded and finally sharpened it. Transformed. Can’t believe have waited so long. Went to pick up a parcel from the corner shop. Couldn’t face drying hair so went out with it wet. A sure fire way to get flu, if Nan’s are to be believed. Made the terrible mistake of having a coffee. Was completely off my face. Wrote 89 emails, changed the bed and made a chilli in less than 40 minutes. Terrifying. Had to have a coconut jam ring to bring me round. Chilli for dinner. In a white top. Highly perilous.
Made a terrible cup of tea. Left the bag too long, practically dissolved. Very black. No amount of milk could save it. Bought a terrific new black jumpsuit from New Look. Had to go up a size but it’s comfy and looks better so who cares. Went to bed with passably clean hair. Woke up and it’s utterly filthy. Can’t do a thing with it. Apparently dry shampoo before bed is the thing. Must investigate. Made the chilli into pasta sauce for lunch. Had it with pasta shells for a bit of fun and topped with a lot of grated cheese. More cheese than chilli in the end. Wore the new jumpsuit out and one of the poppers broke. Not even a subtle one, was right across the crotch. Will attempt to fix it. Perhaps pliers are the thing.
Got stuck in a new gym top. It came in two parts: an undervest with a breathable netty layer over the top. Both were attached at one shoulder and could not make head nor tail of it. In the end scissors and cutting the two apart was the only option. The relief was overwhelming. Desperate for beans on toast but have no bread. Or cheese. All went on the chilli. Beans on their own seems a bit sad so ventured out. Got to the front door to find a ‘Sorry We Missed You’ card. Have been in the house for eight hours. EIGHT. It never ends. Saw a blackbird eating a berry on the tree outside. A welcome relief after Monday’s escapades. Can definitely feel a cold coming on. Nan’s really do know best.
Tried and failed to fix the broken popper. The pliers proved to be very ineffective. Decided am actually worth a fresh popper so took it back to exchange. Couldn’t find the New Look bag so took it in a tote. They didn’t seem to mind. Went to get a manicure. Couldn’t help but notice a white rabbit sat in the corner on a chair. Seemed happy enough. Turned to look again and there were two of them. What a thing. Greggs cheese and onion pasty on the way home. Wasn’t quite hot enough so warmed it through in the oven. Totally worth the extra effort. June in London for the weekend. Said a policeman winked at her at the station. She was disappointed not to be offered a cup of tea on the train upon departure, but rather after lunch. Said she was gasping. Couldn’t spit on sixpence.
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The post Sarah Powell battles with a broken jumpsuit popper and gets stuck in a new gym top appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/2020/02/11/sarah-powell-battles-with-a-broken-jumpsuit-popper-and-gets-stuck-in-a-new-gym-top/
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naschkater-com · 5 years
Jeder liebt Kuchen und deshalb ist es sehr naheliegend, Süßigkeiten mit Kuchengeschmack heraus zu geben! Auch wenn am Ende schwer zu definieren ist, wie denn der Kuchen tatsächlich schmeckt und wie viel von dem Aroma in der Süßigkeit zu bemerken ist…
Cheesecakes und insbesondere Strawberry Cheesecake ist einer der beliebtesten Kuchengeschmacksrichtungen, die zum Beispiel für Kekse, Schokoriegel, Marzipan, Joghurts, Tee und Liköre verwendet wird.
Kuchen bietet viele verschiedene Aromen
Neben Cheesecake habe ich viele weitere Kuchensorten  gefunden, nämlich Strudel, Käse-, Streusel- und Zupfkuchen, Pancakes, Cupcakes, Birthday Cakes, Red Velvet und Brownie als Tee-Aroma. Sogar ein deftiger Kuchen ist dabei: Flammkuchengeschmack für Kartoffelchips!
Die vielen englischen Bezeichnungen geben schon einen Hinweis darauf, dass viele der populären Kuchengeschmacksrichtungen aus den USA stammen.
Was zeichnet nun den Kuchengeschmack aus
Bei den Joghurts und Tees mit Kuchengeschmack ist es einfach: hier sind es vor allem kleine “Teig”-Stückchen, also Klümpchen mit weicher Konsistenz. Bei den Käsekuchen ist es die säuerliche Komponenten, die an die Zutat Quark erinnert. Erdbeere ist bekanntlich ohnehin eine der beliebtesten Aromen und zu ihrer Süß passt dann auch das Säuerliche des Käsekuchens. Bei Apfelstrudel ist es die typische Aromenmischung aus Apfel, Rosinen und Zimt. Der typische amerikanische Birthday Cake zeichnet sich weniger durch einen Geschmack aus, als durch die bunten Streusel.
Aber seien wir ehrlich: Für die meisten Geschmacksrichtungen wäre die Zusatzbezeichnung Kuchen nicht erforderlich. Sie dient eher dazu, beim Kunden eine attraktive Vorstellung von einem vollen, abgerundeten Aromabouquet zu erzeugen und durch das Bild von einem saftigen Kuchen positive Assoziationen zu wecken.
Und das zeichnet schließlich gutes Marketing und verdient Respekt!
Auswahl von Produkten mit Kuchengeschmack
Nestles “Kitkat” mit der Geschmacksrichtung “New York Cheesecake”
Candy Farm “Almost Pancake” Schokoriegel im Anschnitt
Neu entdeckt: Zugleich innovativ und elegant, ein Marzipanbrot von Niederegger der Geschmacksrichtung “Pancake Ahornsirup”.
Shokomonk Rasberry Cheesecake
DAs ist echt frech: Hier wird von Lidl 1 zu 1 die Hello-Schokolade von Lindt kopiert: “Whats up”-mit der ähnlichen Aufmachung und den ähnlichen Geschmacksrichtungen Strawberry Cheesecake, Crunchy Nougat und Salted Caramel.
Nestlé Strawberry Cheesecake Explosion Schokoriegel
Zum Valentinstag 2019 bietet M+M die Schokodragees mit dem Geschmack “Weißer Cheesecake” an! Lecker!
M+Ms mit der Geschmacksrichtung Birthday Cake – so etwas Tolles gibt es natürlich nur in den USA!
Eine Abwandlung – aber auch von den Machern der Cookie Dough Bites: Red Valvet Cake. Schmecken scheußlich nebenbei bemerkt.
Ich hatte ja zwei Packungen mit Cookie Dough Bites gekauft (Red Velvet und diese) und beide Sorten schmecken scheußlich. Beide sind mit Zucker ummantelte, unregelmäßige Kügelchen und haben ein intensiv künstliches Keksteigaroma mit Plastik-Nachgeschmack. Lieber frischen Keksteig bei Spooning in Berlin kaufen! 🙂
Continentel Bakeries Gronau American Spirits Cheese Cake 300G
Gefüllte “Birthday Cake”-Kekse von Budi’s Best Cookies im Regenbogen-Outfit.
Keks: Köstliche Oreo Red Velvet (Roter Samt) mit Cream Cheese-Füllung und rot gefärbten Keksdeckeln.
Oreo Strawberry Cheesecake als Limited Edition gefunden im Juni 2019 bei Lidl.
Oreo Birthday Cake-Geschmack mit bunten Streuseln
Cream Cheese Bällchen mit Sauce/Dip
Ehrmann wirbt auf seinen Verpackungen für ein Gewinnspiel, bei dem in bestimmten Joghurts eine Glückskanne versteckt sein soll. Die Geschmacksrichtung ist übrigens auch ganz lecker.
Das schmeckt dem Candy-Blogger: Philadelphia der Sorte Strawberry Cheesecake.
Brunch mit Strawberry Cheesecake (wirklich gut) und XYZ.
Danone Cheese Berry Harry Quark-Joghurt-Creme
Schwartau Corny Müsliriegel Strawberry Cheesecake Limited Edition. ©naschkater.com
Corny All you need is confetti Rasberry Cupcake Style
Crunchips French Bistro Flammkuchen-Geschmack
Eiskrem von Langnese “No Drama Lama” mit der Geschmacksrichtung Cheesecake, Rasberry und Salted Caramel
Sehr schicke Verpackung und eine witzige Sorte: Apfelkuchen / Aplle Pie – nur warum aus London und nicht Apfelstrudel aus Wien!? Ich bin entsetzt! 🙂
Das ist schön: Lemon Cheesecake-Geschmack für einen Smoothie – mit viel Zitrone. Originell, aber kräftig teuer mit 2,99 Euro.
Omi’s Apfelstrudel-Schorle. ©naschkater.com
Herrliche Schweinerei: Ein Sahnelikör mit Strawberry Cheesecake-Geschmack. Leider nicht online bei Berentzen-Shop vorrätig – habe es schon probiert… Immerhin gab es dort noch Pistazien-Sahnelikör. Auch nicht übel.
Geile Marken-Kooperation zwischen Nestlés Coffeemate und der Kaffeehauskette “The Cheesecake Factory”.
Wenn das keine Süßigkeit ist: Meßmer-Tee mit den Geschmacksrichtungen Strawberry Cheesecake und Schoko-Kirsch-Brownie!
Sprudelbad von tetesept “Blueberry Cupcake”
Erdbeerkuchen, Kardamom,
Lebkuchen als Geschmack habe ich in dieser Betrachtung außen vor gelassen, weil das an dieser Stelle den Rahmen gesprengt hätte und ich einen eigenen Beitrag zu Lebkuchen verfasst habe.
Strawberry Cheesecake & Co: Kuchen als Geschmacksrichtung Jeder liebt Kuchen und deshalb ist es sehr naheliegend, Süßigkeiten mit Kuchengeschmack heraus zu geben! Auch wenn am Ende schwer zu definieren ist, wie denn der Kuchen tatsächlich schmeckt und wie viel von dem Aroma in der Süßigkeit zu bemerken ist...
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loveminimag · 7 years
The Mini has come highly rated in a list of the 250 Things That Make Britain Great
The list, which is published in the May issue of Best of British, was commissioned to mark the magazine’s 250th issue.
Compiled from suggestions by the magazine’s readers, contributors and staff, the list also recognised Aston Martin, Jaguar and Rolls-Royce along with Black Cabs and the Routemaster Bus. Famous Mini drivers Paddy Hopkirk and Mr Bean also made the list, alongside Sir Stirling Moss and the late John Surtees. Asked why the Mini was rated so highly, Hopkirk, who won the 1964 Monte Carlo Rally in a Mini Cooper S, said: “The original Mini was a classless car, a cheap family saloon that was also bought by Bentley owners and the likes of Twiggy, Princess Margaret and Peter Sellers. Although there’s a difference under the bonnet between the original car and BMW’s MINI, it still has bags of personality and a romantic image.” Other people, places and things on the list that make Britain great include the Queen, Sir David Attenborough, the NHS, driving on the left, caravanning, and fish and chips. Best of British is the UK’s top nostalgia monthly. It is available from WH Smith and other newsagents. Further information can be found at http://ift.tt/1v7BVax       The 250 Things That Make Britain Great are: 1. Volunteers 2. The Queen 3. Sir David Attenborough 4. Houses of Parliament 5. Sir Winston Churchill 6. The NHS 7. The English Language 8. Marmite 9. Village Fetes 10. Our sense of humour 11. Fish and Chips 12. The Great British Breakfast 13. Macmillan Cancer Support 14. The Royal National Lifeboat Institute 15. Pubs 16. The BBC 17. Red phone boxes 18. Real ale 19. The Beatles 20. Giving up your seat 21. National Museums 22. Brilliant architecture 23. Stunning scenery 24. Cornwall 25. The Mini 26. London Underground 27. Town and city parks 28. Springtime 29. Dad’s Army 30. William Shakespeare 31. Tornado 32. The Brompton 33. Isambard Kingdom Brunel 34. Blackpool trams 35. Our rich musical heritage 36. Ealing Studios 37. Pickles the Dog 38. Tunnock’s wafers and tea cakes 39. The Great Little Trains of Wales 40. The Routemaster Bus 41. Sunday roasts 42. Our friendliness, generosity and kindness to others 43. The Lord Mayor’s Show 44. Bulldogs 45. Cricket 46. Charles Dickens 47. Seeing off the Nazis 48. The Royal & Ancient 49. Bobby Moore 50. Doctor Who 51. A good old cup of tea 52. A murmuration of starlings 53. Cockney Rhyming slang 54. King Edward potatoes 55. Corner shops 56. Our patience 57. The South Wales accent 58. Laura Trott 59. Greasy spoons 60. Llandudno, especially Haulfre Gardens 61. Only Fools and Horses 62. Country cottages 63. Diana Dors 64. Our resilience when times are hard 65. Stephen Hawking 66. The seaside 67. Emmeline Pankhurst 68. The Proms 69. Sir Isaac Newton 70. The Brontë Sisters 71. Aston Martin 72. Alan Turing 73. Our openness and generosity of spirit when newcomers make an effort to fit in 74. The Scouts and Girl Guides 75. Beatrix Potter 76. Melton Mowbray Pork Pies 77. National parks 78. The RSPB 79. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 80. Buckingham Palace 81. Morris Dancing 82. British Cheeses 83. The Victoria & Albert Museum 84. Flying Scotsman 85. Coronation Street 86. Steam Rallies 87. Stonehenge 88. The WI 89. Strawberries and Cream 90. The Lake District 91. Beer gardens 92. Big Ben 93. Wimbledon 94. Dame Judi Dench 95. Armed Forces 96. Cornish pasties 97. James Bond 98. The Spitfire 99. Stephen Fry 100. Black cabs 101. The Rolling Stones 102. Dame Maggie Smith 103. Red post boxes 104. Harry Potter 105. Scrumpy Cider 106. Match of the Day 107. Beefeaters 108. Joanna Lumley 109. Sue Ryder 110. Mary Berry 111. Unpredictable weather 112. Jessica Ennis-Hill 113. Morecambe and Wise 114. The Two Ronnies 115. Dame Helen Mirren 116. Tom Baker 117. David Jason 118. Worcestershire Sauce 119. Carry On films 120. Jaguar cars 121. Tony Hancock 122. Michael Palin 123. Chelsea Pensioners 124. Football 125. Rugby 126. Comic Relief 127. Great Ormond Street Hospital 128. Charles Darwin 129. Sir Joseph Bazelgette 130. Monty Python 131. Compulsory Education 132. Sherlock Holmes 133. HP Sauce 134. Mr Bean 135. The Jurassic Coast 136. Record collecting 137. Dry Stone walls 138. Hot Cross buns 139. British Film Institute 140. Rolls-Royce 141. The Grand National 142. Bradley Wiggins 143. Lords cricket ground 144. The Red Arrows 145. Ballroom dancing 146. Andy Murray 147. Seb Coe 148. Midsummer afternoons 149. John Surtees 150. Cumberland sausages 151. Mr Benn 152. Blackadder 153. Haggis, neeps and tatties 154. The Telegraph crossword 155. Roald Dahl 156. James Herriot 157. Driving on the left 158. Churches 159. The Boat Race 160. Bertie Bassett 161. Heritage railways 162. Arboretums 163. Countdown 164. Our coastline 165. The Union Flag 166. Caravanning 167. Queuing 168. Branston pickle 169. The Bisto kids 170. The National Trust 171. The Sky at Night 172. Magna Carta 173. Our seats of learning 174. Our gardens 175. Bangers and Mash 176. Alexander Fleming 177. Stan Laurel 178. Alfred Hitchcock 179. Charlie Chaplin 180. Cream Teas – Devonshire or Cornish 181. Fudge 182. The London Marathon 183. Arctic Roll 184. The Loch Ness Monster 185. The World Wide Web 186. Treacle Sponge and Custard 187. Pork Scratchings 188. Help For Heroes 189. Thomas Telford 190. John Logie Baird 191. Laurence Olivier 192. Mowing the lawn 193. The Queen’s Christmas Message 194. TV dramas 195. Wind-up radios 196. Hovercraft 197. Peter Kay 198. Twiglets 199. Salt and Vinegar crisps 200. Jumble sales 201. Billy Connolly 202. Sir Michael Parkinson 203. The Science Museum 204. Sir Steve Redgrave 205. Cancer Research 206. Nelson��s Column 207. The Presumption of Innocence 208. Band Aid/Live Aid 209. Riding for the Disabled Association 210. Chas & Dave 211. The Pennine Way 212. National Railway Museum 213. Sir Michael Caine 214. Tartan and Tweed 215. Alan Bennett 216. Julia Donaldson 217. Paddy Hopkirk 218. Enid Blyton 219. Age UK 220. Barry Cryer 221. The Natural History Museum 222. English Heritage 223. Battersea Dogs and Cats Home 224. Wallace and Gromit 225. Quality Street 226. Sir Stirling Moss 227. John Lewis/Waitrose 228. Bernard Cribbins 229. Brian Blessed 230. June Whitfield 231. Jorvik Viking Centre 232. Sir Bruce Forsyth 233. Walnut Whip 234. Sir Tony Robinson 235. Art Deco lidos 236. Saucy Seaside postcards 237. Dame Patricia Routledge 238. Ironbridge Gorge 239. Roundabouts 240. The BT Tower 241. Morse Code 242. Guide Dogs for the Blind 243. Steak and Kidney Pudding 244. Bletchley Park 245. Chocolate Orange 246. Bobbies on the beat 247. The Goon Show 248. The Shipping Forecast 249. David Coleman 250. Best of British Magazine via Blogger http://ift.tt/2s6X6Mb
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