coconut530 · 5 months
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*vibrates at the speed of light* ❤️💜💙
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hi yes i saw hazbin requests were open??? Anything involving pining Lucifer. Or lucifer seeing reader dressed super nice for like a fancy party or something (full makeup, fancy revealing dress, that sorta thing) for the first time. Maybe feelings are revealed? I’m a sucker for pining
I love that we are all so disgustingly thirsty for this man. He deserves it ❤️‍🔥 but seriously tho…all my Lucifer posts have gotten at least 100 likes in the first day that they’re posted. Like damn yall, we need to talk about our husband more! We all have such good taste 😌 I love our little short king. Thanks for the request. Enjoyyyyyyy~
Notes: fem!reader, reader wears a dress in this one
TW: suggestive themes, hardcore pining, heavy making out
🪽The King of Pining🪽
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This morning, Charlie invited everyone to the lobby of the hotel, shouting out that she had great news and a wonderful idea. Husk and Angel grumble about their annoyance with it being too early in the morning and them being way too sober for group activities right now as they plop down on one of the couches. The rest of the group files in, finding spots to relax as Charlie bounces up and down in her spot, bitting her lip and clenching her fists out of pure excitement. You follow along, deciding to stay standing and a bit behind the group, glancing back to see Lucifer coming to join the pack, standing just behind the couch that sat Vaggie and Nifty. You stare at him for a moment and when he finally glances your way, you offer him a sleepy smile and a quick wave of your hand. A small smirk finds its way to his lips as he nods his head at you, quickly looking away after.
“So…what’s the news?” Vaggie finally speaks up once everyone is settled and all eyes are on Charlie standing front and center. “Sooooooo, I had a brilliant idea that will be equally fun and beneficial to the hotel. Ready? Ready for it?” Charlie looks around the group, looking as if she might burst into flames of enthusiasm any moment now. “WE ARE GONNA HOST A BALL!!!”
Angel smirks as he nudges Husk beside him. “Heh, balls.” “She said ‘ball’, jackass. Singular.” Husk spits back, rolling his eyes as he scoots away from Angel a bit.
“It’ll attract new recruits for the hotel! We can mingle, talk about all we have to offer. AH! It’s gonna be soooooo funnnnnn.” Charlie is yelling now, she can’t control herself in the slightest.
Charlie goes into explaining the details- it is to be a huge party with a formal dress code that everyone and anyone is invited to. It’ll be here at the hotel, with an open bar (Husk wants to die) and music! The group lets out noises of mixed emotions, Nifty and Angel shouting out of excitement and anticipation while Husk and Alastor both let out noises of dread. You, on the other hand are nervous but looking forward to having a fun night and getting to know the hotel staff and residents better. As Charlie’s speech ends, the group begins to disperse and talk amongst themselves.
You watch as Charlie approaches Vaggie, shyly dropping to her knees in front of her on the couch so that they are eye level with each other. “Will you…be my date to the ball, Vags?” You can’t help but smile as you watch Vaggie laugh, her cheeks and nose slowly changing color. “Of course, you goofball. You’re my partner. There’s no one else I’d rather go with.” They share a long hug, a beautiful positive energy radiating off of them.
“They’re just adorable, aren’t they?” The low, charming voice that sounds right next to you causes you to flinch a bit, now turning to see the king of hell himself standing beside you. “Oh! Hey. Yeah. They are pretty cute. They make a great couple.” You look back to the two girls holding hands and giggling but Lucifer keeps his eyes on you, taking this opportunity while you’re distracted to examine all the little details of your face up close. Hopefully no one else catches sight of him in this moment of utter hopeless romanticism.
When he finally snaps out of it, he lets out a sigh before putting on his best smile, clearing his throat just to get your attention again. “Speaking of great couples~” And as soon as your eyes land on him again, your lips curved up ever so slightly, his courage quickly leaves him. Lucifer freezes for a moment, mouth going dry as he tried to find a way out of this. Say something you idiot.
“I-I ha! I uh…I wonder what other great couples we’ll see at this party. Maybe some of hell’s highest royalty?” Nervous chuckles just keep rolling from his lips and he’s really hoping you don’t notice the way his hands are shaking as they rest on his cane. One of his trembling hands comes to the collar of his shirt, lightly yanking it down as if that would help bring air back to his lungs, the air you’ve sucked out of him with one simple glance.
“Hm. Yeah. Maybe.” You reply plainly, looking back to Vaggie and Charlie and before you can converse with Lucifer any further, he’s walking off with his tail between his legs, eyes wild and full of doubt. “You’ll be there. You are the king of hell after all, I’m sure everyone will be too focused on you and Charlie to notice any other royals. Are you uhm…planning on going with anyone?” You ask, still watching the two girls near the couch. Your voice stops Lucifer in his tracks, making him pause for a moment as he listens. He turns slowly back to you, wearing a bashful smile as he tucks both his arms behind his back.
“No, actually. I hadn’t even thought of it.” He lies, watching as you finally pull your gaze from his daughter and relax it on him. He slowly saunters back your way, unable to control his wandering eyes. “And what about you? Do you have anyone in mind that you’d want to go with?” And now his nervousness is rubbing off on you, making your voice shake as you respond. “Me? No, no…I’ll probably just tag along with uh…”
As you look around the room, it seems all couples have already paired up. Vaggie and Charlie sat on the couch still, Charlie’s legs strewn over her girlfriend’s lap. Angel and Husk seemed to be having a bit of an argument over what they will wear together. Angel wants to wear all pink but Husk is like FUCK NO. Even Sir Pentious was trembling in front of Cherri, as he looked to he asking her out. Obviously, Alastor is bringing his shadow along. That’s kind of a date…right?
“Uhm I mean, who knows? Maybe I’ll meet someone there.” The pride that inflated Lucifer’s chest just seconds ago seems to suddenly be punctured and drained by your lack of acknowledgment to his flirty hints. He wants to ask you to be his so badly it’s making his chest hurt now. Not his for the night, not his during the party, his all the time, any time he needs you. As he opens his mouth to speak, he hesitates and then decides to let out a heavy sigh instead. “Well..I will see you there.” And with the tip of his head, he finally turned and left you standing alone in a herd of conversing couples.
~night of the party~
You figured there’s no harm in showing up fashionably late tonight. At least, that was your excuse for showing up late. In reality, you were fully ready before the ball even started but your legs were so weak and shaky, you couldn’t find the strength to get yourself out there. So instead, you’re sitting in your room, fully clad in your nicest dress along with some accessories, sunken into your plush bed as you try to steady your breathing. Maybe if I stay here long enough in this dress, I can just say I was there but not actually go…
A knock on your door has you straightening up in your spot, a warm surprised feeling lighting up your chest. “Come in.” You respond, wondering just who was coming to see you right now. You assumed it was Angel trying to get you to come out and start partying with him. To your surprise, the princess of hell pops her cheerful little face inside your room.
“(Y/N)! I was wondering when you’d be coming…out…there. Oh my gosh! You look so gorgeous EEEEE!” Charlie steps into your room now, her big yellow eyes shining with enthusiasm and hope as she fangirls over your getup. “Oh, thank you. You look stunning yourself.” Charlie watches your eyes fluttering all around the room, unable to focus. “Yeah…I’m coming. Just…feeling anxious I guess.” Taking a deep breath, you finally stand, straightening out your dress and checking your hair in a mirror quickly. “Oh stop it! You look flawless, (Y/N). Let’s go have some fun.” Charlie quickly links arms with you and drags you out to the lobby full of people, lights and music.
Within just a few minutes of joining the party, you find yourself looking around a sea of strangers all on your own. Seems the princess of hell has a line of guests wanting to meet and greet with her. Understandable, but you’re starting to get overwhelmed. You’re desperately looking for a familiar face, needing a buddy to help you feel included and secure. As you swim through sinners and other residents of hell, head turning side to side, you finally spot Lucifer after nearly an hour of wandering around alone.
Sure, His typical white suit is nice, very flattering on him. But, oh boy, did he look fantastic tonight, heavenly even. For this special occasion, Lucifer was dressed in a deep red suit with accents of white and no hat, instead sporting his pretty, slicked back blonde hair. You’re not quick to rush to him, I mean are you trying to look desperate and pathetic? No, just stay calm. But once again, you two share a glance from afar and give each other a small wave of the hand. Lucifer looks…pained. He looks like he might just collapse to his knees and start vomiting. His shift in body language causes your smile to drop, your expression shifting to one of concern as you mouth to him ‘you okay?’.
From Lucifer’s point of view, the room became silent, empty, dimly lit with you there at the center of it all under this glowing golden ray of light. You looked angelic, innocent and sweet, elegant but also nervous and out of place and adorable and fuck it, he can’t wait. He nearly pushes the sinner trying to talk to him aside, rushing to you as his brain became overloaded with ideas of what to say to you.
With each and every stride he takes, your cheeks flush deeper shades of red. With every step, his knees begin to feel more and more like jelly. Finally, he’s joined you in the spotlight, the rest of the party fading away before both of your eyes as you stand just inches apart. Now, it’s all wandering eyes and heavy breathing from both of you. Licking your lips first, you force words out to break this awful silence.
“Wow! Y-you clean up well. You look nice, Luci.” As your voice reaches his ears, his dream-like state abruptly ended. The room floods with loud music, chatty people and bright lights again. He seems to perk up at your compliments, feeling like a dog in heat as his eyes travel up and down your lovely outfit. You watch as his eyes finally leave your waist and come up to meet your own gaze.
“Holy hell. You look absolutely divine.” He scoffs quietly, wondering how an angel like you ended up down here. “Oh, Lucifer.” You swat a hand at him and you can feel your face burning up, sweat starting to form on your upper lip and forehead. “Stop it. You flatter me.”
Lucifer looked as if he might pass out, becoming more and more flustered the more you blush. Although, a pleased smirk graces his face because oh~ you like when he flirts with you, huh? It’s okay, he’s hella into you too.Together, you’re just a ticking time bomb of gushy feelings and sexual tension. He figures if he wants to have any chance of confessing his feelings to you tonight, his best option is to lead you out of the way and put a little distance between you two and the crowd. So, he reaches out and gently takes your hand, pulling you along to the now vacant bar with an extremely forced and up tight grin.
Husk is standing behind the counter, looking not as irritated as you’d thought he would tonight. Luci pulls out a stool for you, gesturing for you to sit before he does because he’s a gentleman and ladies always go first. “Hey. Whatcha want, doll?” Husk ask you first, giving you a wink after you answer. “And for you, sir?” He eyes Lucifer who shakes his head, politely refusing his offer. As Husk begins whipping up your drink, yet another tense silence falls between you two.
“Are you having a good time?” The blonde finally speaks up, side eyeing you. “Eh. I’m not a big party person. I’m not a fan of big crowds either so…not really.” At long last, your unhappy and disappointed attitude brings all of Lucifer’s courage and gall to his mouth. Now’s his chance. “Let’s get out of here then.” He blurts out as Husk slides your drink to you, the bartender giving you an awkward look. “What? But all these folks wanna meet you.” Once you look over to him, a devious smile makes its way to Lucifer’s thin lips as you take your first drink. “And? I’m the king of hell! I do as I please.” He teases and now you’re both smiling brightly, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you push his arm playfully. “I love Charlie but I hate this party. Let me finish my drink first, yeah?”
Lucifer continues to side eye you and also scan over the entire room, checking out the scene as you sip on your drink. You can see his casual glances and the way he quickly diverts his attention as soon as you catch him staring. Now you’re the one feeling some bravery. You quickly and smoothly slip your hand into his, letting your thumb rub back and forth across his knuckles as you try to quickly suck down the rest of your drink.
The grip you have on each other grows stronger, tighter with each second that passes. You notice Lucifer bouncing his leg now, growing impatient and needy. As soon as a slurping noise comes from the straw at the bottom of your glass, Lucifer is trying to pull you up off your seat. He’s not worried about hiding his eagerness from you at this point, not when you’re looking like you do now and getting so blushy and shy at his flirtatious comments. He has to shoot his shot, he has to try. You’re the only person who’s made him feel young and love sick again after Lilith, he can’t afford to let you slip away too. That would crush him more than the weight of the embarrassment and discomfort he is feeling right now.
Lucifer leads you to the library, doubting anyone would be occupying it at the moment and he is correct. Finally, alone together, his hand in yours still, fingers interlocked. His big eyes, full of worry and second thoughts stare deep into yours as he gives himself a moment.
“Oh, my. Where do I even begin?” His other hand comes to yours, holding them both oh so delicately. “You…I’m so….” You nod, smiling to give him some encouragement to continue. “I want you so bad. I want to hold you, I just want to touch you already. I need to kiss you. (Y/N), I love you-“
You’re not sure what came over you but now your hands are exploring his blonde locks, your lips moving feverishly against his. Besides the faint, far away music playing, all you two could hear was each other’s soft gasps and the smacking of wet lips. At first, Lucifer was very engaged in the kiss but he was hesitant to touch you, unsure of where to put his hands. Like hell he wants to rest his claws on your hips or your butt, but he waits for you to give him the okay, his hands balled into fists and held up near his shoulders.
Finally letting him have his way, you guide his hands to your torso before breaking the kiss to whisper, “It’s okay, Luci. You can touch me.” It’s more of a whimper than a whisper but Lucifer isn’t complaining in the slightest. The tone of your voice and the feeling of finally touching your perfectly soft body had his eyes glowing bright red now.
Quickly and without warning, he crashes his lips back into yours sloppily, his long forked tongue gently gliding across your lip, giving the slightest bit of attention to your teeth. He would devour every bit of you right now if you only asked. He wished you would ask right now. He’d even beg for it…You happily let your mouth open more, inviting him in as his arms slowly stretch their way around you until he’s holding you tightly against him. Lucifer squeezes you tightly as he savors your taste for a moment, pulling a soft whine from you before loosening up.
With your eyes closed, you tried to just follow his lead and do your best at impressing and arousing him but he’s sort of doing the same. He hasn’t been with anyone like this in so long, he’s rusty as hell. So, yall are an absolute mess. After about a minute of wild making out and rapidly moving hands, you’ve found yourselves on the floor. The two of you sit up on your knees, holding onto each other as if your lives depend on it. Your hands held his cheeks so tenderly, pulling his face as close to your own as you possibly could.
Lucifer couldn’t help but smile against your mouth, a soft laugh leaving him as he remembers all those nights he dreamt of this exact situation- you looking beautiful and magnificent as always and him having the freedom to let his hands roam your darling figure. He’s been craving you, dreaming of you, wishing for you, praying for you. The laugh that escapes him results in you pulling back to get a look at him. And fuck was he gorgeous- hair a disheveled mess, the purple shadow on his eyelids smudged ever so slightly, his once impressive suit now wrinkled and shifted awkwardly on him, his lips still shiny from your saliva, his breathing loud and heavy and his smile just kept getting bigger, toothier.
“What are you laughing at?” Lucifer rests his forehead against yours, his eyes moving across your breathless, flushed face, just dying to know what’s on your mind now. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for ages, darling. More than I’ve wanted anything in my entire existence, I’ve wanted to be alone with you like this.” A breathy giggle leaves you, your hands shaking as they travel down from his face to his biceps.
“Oh really? Why don’t you stop telling me and…keep showing me?” You tease, your hands coming to rest on his puffed out chest. Your touch combined with your sweet flirting and breathy voice has all of his wings popping out momentarily. You can’t help but laugh at this, but Lucifer is all business right now. You told him to show you, and oh darling, he’s gonna teach you a whole lesson on how beautiful and ethereal you are to him…and he’s gonna teach you with only his hands and his mouth.
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nanamimizz · 1 year
tags: 18+ minors dni, fem reader, condom usage, established relationship, raw sex, creampie, mating press, overstimulation, dacryphilia, cervix fucking (mentioned once), manhandling - let me know if i miss something
synopsis: it’s your three year anniversary and barou knows exactly how to celebrate it, you don’t think you can take it.
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Barou’s neat freakiness was well known but no one knew just how far it ran. In the same way, Barou had a specific routine for his day by day so did he have specific rules that would not be broken. Roll towels -do not fold them over, pair all socks immediately and keep all baskets in the washroom. He has rules about personal care too, his long warm-ups and cool-downs, and brushing his teeth three times a day.
And most of these things charm you in a way - seeing how detailed his red gaze makes you laugh behind your hand in a way that Barou thinks has no reason to be that cute. Well, all but one rule makes you laugh like that. Barou Shoei in the three years you’ve been dating after meeting at a high school reunion that ended with phone numbers being exchanged to tonight’s dinner coming to an end has been maintained without room for budging.
He always has to wear a rubber.
It was nice the first couple of months, even with being on the pill at first it made you almost purr seeing how adamant he was on it. After a year the charm had half worn off, any pleas fell on deaf ears after he had pulled you aside for a quickie only to realize his condom had expired. What resulted from that was you getting your thighs fucked and coming around nothing from the silky head of his cock nudging against your clit. The second year you had admitted to him that you no longer planned to take the pill, clearly subtlety wasn’t the strongest trait in the men of his family as it only made him more adamant on condom usage. 
It wasn’t until tonight - it’s your third anniversary and you both were changing for bed. He was in the bathroom, his hair down and smelling of soap as he looked at how you gently hung the pretty dress you wore for him but Barou can’t help but think about how much prettier you are dressed in ultra-soft leggings and a dark green long sleeve. He catches one last glimpse of you before turning back to the sink for the task of brushing his teeth. He had left his wallet on the counter, letting it flap in any way it wanted to and his eyes were caught on the raunchy yellow packaging almost neon in the soft lighting you installed in the bathroom.
Barou thinks profoundly for a moment and thinks about you and all the ways he loves you. He’s introduced you to his sisters that call him a loser whenever you are in their presence. You tell them to apologize as they whisk you away and he can catch their half-assed “sorry big brother sho!” on the air while he rolls his eyes at their antics. He gets you soy milk instead of cow milk, and he doesn’t call you a donkey or peasant. That might seem like a weird thing but for Barou that’s a big deal - is probably what you would say in his defense which makes him huff amusedly as he spits out the toothpaste in the sink. 
Barou takes the condom out of the folds of his wallet and it lands in the trash with a satisfying ‘flick’.
He comes out of the bathroom and he feels his shoulders drop at the sight of you carefully running a lint roller over his blazer before you zip up the covering, and tuck it away in the closet like you did with your own dress.
Yeah, Barou Shohei doesn’t need anything holding him back tonight.
Three years is a long time, and his hand twitched at the idea of finally having you the proper way, the right way. It’s apparent in the way he kisses you, big hands settling on the curve of your ass in those oh-so-soft leggings of yours that always make him ask you to walk in front of him. You gasp and whine when his tongue makes its way into your mouth - a king on a conquest and you concede without a battle. Your hands curl themselves into his shirt, fisting the fabric as Barou bends his back to have more of the taste of honey on your lips until his teeth ache. He’s sucking your tongue, tracing your teeth, groping, and grabbing at your cute ass. Barou delights in the wet and thin little sounds you make, and he pulls away when he has to not because he wants to. He takes joy in the thin glossy strings that trail after him.
You panting - all soft and thin little sounds that drive him crazy and you’re quick to bring a hand to cover your face when he squeezes your ass again. Barou is back to bumping heads with you, nudging your head with a hungry look in his eyes that makes you want to run and hide.
Lest you are found in the lion’s maw.
“More - I want more, I want to devour you.” He mumbles and you can feel the bass in his chest when he presses his own lips to yours and you gasp when you are met with tongue and teeth. You can only let out shudders of his name, gasps,, and whines because he keeps going until you feel your knees folding when met with the edge of the bed. A hand much bigger than yours goes from your ass to your chest and you find yourself flat on the bed. 
From above you, Barou is mighty, and from beneath him, you are divine.
“What’s - what’s gotten into you tonight?” You ask with swollen lips and stolen breath. Barou shakes his head, reaching under your comfortable clothes, and groans at the soft skin under his palms. You smell like the expensive lotion you splurge on, notes of jasmine and peonies are in the air and he thinks about how sweet the smell of your cunt would mix with them.
“It’s our anniversary you’re dumb if you think I’m not going to fuck you tonight.” He gruffs out, red eyes looking at the way you bite your lip and flush at his vulgar word choice. How someone as delicate as you got with him he’ll never know but he’s for sure not going to ruin his gift with insolence. Your shirt is off, his hands tug at the band of your leggings and he can’t help but let out a curse at the sight of pretty lace meeting him. He can see the curls of your hair through the sheer fabric and you hide behind your hand as he finishes tugging off your bottoms.
“You wear pretty things like this for me and you still thought I wouldn’t fuck you tonight?”  He almost growls at you and in return you turn away, unable to meet his gaze. Your undergarments look all the more dainty under his fingers when he tugs away the fabric and there’s a groan that is ripped from his chest when he sees the sticky strings of slick that cling to the gusset of the panties.
Your clit is hard, flushed among the petals of folds and your thighs jolt at his touch. His fingers can’t help but strum at it fast and rough, making you whine his name all high and pathetic. Red eyes look at how you shine in the soft golden lamps of the bedroom and moan at how just being played with the littlest bit makes you leak down his palm.
“Fuck, fuck you’re leaking it’s like you’re in heat for me.” He mutters from above you, letting a finger shallowly enter your cunt. Laughing when you tense up hips hiking and thighs popping shut, there’s something wicked in his vermillion gaze.
“You’re fucking cute, huh? Acting like you haven’t taken fucking my cock before?” He can see the sweat that drips down the side of your cheek and fights the urge to lick it up. You shake your head and it’s like your whole body trembles when you feel his finger sink further inside of you.
“It’s not that - just everything ah! Everything is sensitive t-today.” You gasp out and your eyes shut and you feel the telling sign of tears because Barou had slipped in another finger, curling it up into that spongy spot on your upper wall.
“Yeah? You need it bad, huh?” He asks you all mocking and cruelty because he knows, keeping a thumb at your clit and you feel like your brain is gonna melt out of your ears. You whimper into his smug grin and he laughs at your scrunched expression because you’re about to come for him. Despite being covered by your hair he can see how warm your ears are when your hands come to grip at the forearm of the hand that’s fucking your cunt with almost cruel precision. There are tears in your eyes as you cum with a squeal of his name - he can see his reflection in the shine and there is something vicious in his stomach that groans in approval at your pleasure-stricken face.
Barou tries very hard to be gentle with you, leaning into his better nature with tentative steps but right now with his head swimming with all the things he wants to do to you - he can’t help but want to be a villain. There’s nothing gentle with how he lets your orgasm crash and burn through you, your nerves buzzing and burning as you tremble beneath him. Your thighs are still shaking and your nipples are tight, his cock slaps against your folds; he moans with you at how the strings of your cum cling to the silk skin of its ruddy head. It rubs into your folds, and you feel tears drip down your cheeks because when one orgasm fuzzes out you still have more pleasure to traverse.
“Ah- wait, where’s the condom Sho-” You began to ask and you can only squeak when you feel the bare head of his cock being pressed into the opening between the petals of your cunt. Your hands had gone to clutch at his biceps - you had gotten your nails down for dinner tonight and Barou can’t help but moan at the sting.
“Not wearing one, I’m, fuck,” His head is in and Barou feels like the floor just swallowed him when he feels how hot you are. Barou is most familiar to your body, has seen it, and touched it the most intimately over the years. He’s felt your warmth and felt your slick when it would drip down to his balls but this..this was different. It feels like a punch to the gut, how you take him - a tight little fit because you’re in that time of the month when all your body can think about is cock. It’s like hot silk, pulpy and needy with how it drools around him and there’s a shiver that racks down his back when he feels a drop of your slick drip down a particularly sensitive vein down the left side of his cock. “I’m fucking you raw.”
His words are heavy in the air and you only let out soft girlish sounds when he pushes the rest of his cock in, long and heavy as it twitches inside of you. You’re losing your mind, it feels like the first time all over again and you feel like you’re going to sob your heart out with each inch that slips inside of you. Swallows around nothing and groans as he presses against your forehead when he feels himself slip the base. Is this how he could have had you for the past three years?
But it isn’t enough. Not like this.
 His hands go to grip your thighs so tightly you mewl at the sting, red eyes lock on where your bodies are joined and you feel the ache in your joints as his hands force your thighs further and further apart.
“A-ah, Shoei what are you doing?” You ask voice wobbling and thin as you feel yourself being manhandled, your weight shifting higher and higher on your upper back. The world tilts on its axis as you feel your ankles meeting the sturdy skin of his defined shoulders. The angle makes everything slip further - the head of his cock meeting a special sponge-like spot that makes you moan high and thin. It makes his cock twitch, eyes snapping up to watch how you keep the tears coming and you’re trembling all over.
“Trying to see what I've been missin’ all this time - tryin' to fuck you the right way.” He grunts out, voice thick and rough, racked with lust that he can’t contain. The first thrust feels like a freight train and you squeal like a mouse at the feeling of it, an adorable little tidbit but it isn’t what he wanted. He fucks you deeper, harder he’s sure there will be indents of his hips on your cute ass that ripples each time your bodies smack against each other. It’s too much for you, the weight, the length, and the strength of his cock. You’re too delicate at times and he feels your dainty hand come up to his pelvis, nails swiping at his stomach accidentally and he tries to [push past the way the sting makes him moan.
Barou wanted you to sound like a whore, just for him, just for tonight.
“You holdin’ out on me? Begged for my dick like this for years and now you have it you can’t take it?” He grunts at you, hiking you further up until you’re bent into a shape you’ve never been in. Your ankles are freely hanging in the air and your hands grip his biceps. Your shoulders and your cunt feel like a river - you don’t know how you’ll live with the embarrassment that you like being manhandled like this.
Barou feels like a beast and less of a man, he should have fucked you like this from the beginning because he can feel how you pulse, how you moan in time to the flutters of your walls and the throbs of your clit. You’re soaking him from tip to balls and he groans when he feels your slick drip down to his inner thighs. Thighs twitching at the idea of you creaming on his for the first time makes him ignore the burning in his core because Barou thinks if he’s denied that he’ll kill someone and he is desire is realized faster than he thought.
You fall apart with a wail - something too loud and deep in your chest he’s sure the next house overheard you and the thought makes him pump into you at an even pace. The stimulation makes the pleasure endure and it’s like watching the fibers of your mind being frayed right in front of you. Your cum is milky, thin, and opaque and Barou watches it froth at the base of his cock even spilling into the trimmed black hairs of his crotch. He moans because fuck, fuck this is what he’s been waiting for.
There’s a fog in your eyes and you wonder if you even have a brain anymore and when the too-hot pleasure pain from Barou’s thrusts keeps up you know you do. You peek down at where you two are connected and moans so weakly he wonders if he broke you. There are red scratch marks on his biceps and you gasping, stuttering over your words because God this is the best sex of your life.
“Di-did you cum, ah, Shoei?” You ask with a rocky voice and you whine in between the syllables because you feel the bump as the head of his cock meets a wall it’s never touched before.
“Nah - that’s just, fuck,” you twitched around him when he bumps into the wall of your cunt again,” that’s just fucking you and this messy cunt you got.” You moan with him at the same and your eyes have black rims around them from the remnants of mascara that you couldn’t get off but most certainly had cried off looking up to meet him. Barou doesn’t think you’ve ever looked more prettier than right now, and he thinks about how he’ll get to have this view again and again until you get sick of him.
Maybe that’s the thought that gets him - in time with the shuddering ache at his core of fucking you like an animal and he spills into you. You gasp his name, whining it out and Barou’s never felt like more of a man than right now as you watch how his cum leaks out of you; cunt swollen and puffy he can’t help but huff when he feels his cock twitch at the thought of filling you again. Your legs are still over his shoulders and he turns his head to press a kiss to the delicate slope of your calf.
“Hope you’re ready for the next round,” he mutters into your scented skin nipping at the delicate line of your ankles. “I still have more I want to devour.”
What a foolish thing you are, you’ve always been in the lion’s maw and what a lovesick thing you are turning away bashfully but still presenting yourself for him. Greedy things the two of you really.
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oldhalloweentape · 25 days
🪨Venture (OW II) x (fem) reader ⛏️
(Gamer Girl Reader Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(Request here! Yeah so, here’s this! Not much to add, I’ll probably start working on the Junkrat headcanons now there aren’t any more asks for Venture at the moment)
- I think the idea of Venture, a very outdoorsy and adventurous person with you, a girl who is more inclined to stay inside and play your games could be really cute :))
- Despite their keen interest in getting out of there and exploring they’d happily stay inside to spend some time playing games, especially with you!
- In their opinion, it’s like exploring whole new world’s without the hassle of exerting themselves physically (they like doing it nonetheless ofc) besides giving themselves a hand cramp or two.
- If there’s a game you especially like in particular, they take notice and either play it with you or play it later if it’s single-player only— 80% chance of them becoming obsessed with it as well.
- Lore??? Yes please, they want it so bad that they can make a billboard of everything so they can try to “crack” the game franchise.
- 100% buys merch for you AND themselves, cause I feel like they’d do it either due to them wanting to be supportive or partaking in the games fandom themselves.
- Specifically, I think they’d like certain games such as:
- Tomb Raider: I mean, look at it— It has artifacts, parkour, and a badass main character (I can see them crushing on Lara Croft as a little kid, can and will die if you ever cosplay as her). Self-explanatory.
- Minecraft: Endless possibilities, worlds, scenarios, they can make blocky replicas of real-life historical architecture— “…You wanna put our Minecraft beds together?”
- Spore: A little more niche with this one but this game is all about literally building up an organism and giving them culture and civilizations, come on they’d totally love a game like this… Dig it even.
- Assassin's Creed Unity: This game literally helped with the reconstruction of THE Notre Dame— THAT’S how accurate and intricate the amount of detail that went into the world-building of this game is. It’s like a love letter to them.
- Stardew Valley: As much as they like adventure (and Stardew provides that in the mines anyway) it’s nice to play a game that’s focused on something as simple yet intricate as this… That and I know a clueless player who still has fun regardless when I see one.
- BG3: It has adventure, mystery, a medieval aura, great character dialogue, and animal companions that are all so different and so charming… A large, HOT, silly tiefling woman (again if you cosplay as her they will not recover) who could throw them against the wall like they’re a bag of half-empty chips. 10/10.
- ANYWAYS, back on you two, if you make time to do what they like they’ll do so in return. Making an effort as they try to get a few pointers from the Queen of gaming herself— D.Va.
- Helps happily of course thinks y’all are adorable and reassures Venture that when she’s done with them they’ll know everything there is to know when it comes to dating a gamer girl. It’s so fucking stupid but the intent that Sloane had for wanting to impress you is still apparent.
- The information helps surprisingly, to woo you successfully, which D.Va actively boasts about whenever she can after asking how y’all are doing.
- For sure goes on mall dates with you to get gaming stuff, prefers it over online shopping. Buying things like shirts over your shared favored games, and sharing them. Loves to be able to smell you on them (not in a creepy way) while away at work for a prolonged period.
- Loves to distract you from playing your games, sitting behind you, arms wrapped around your waist as they lean against your back, head either on your shoulder or the top of your head.
- Sometimes feeling a bit flirty and kissing the back of one of your ears, rubbing your sides, mumbling honeyed and lustful words, things like “You look gorgeous to me right now mi corazón, how about you put that controller down and let me prove it?”
- They’re like a spoiled cat when it comes to your attention, I would know because I have three, and one is currently making my other arm fall asleep.
(There!! Sorry if this came out a little later than it should’ve, I’m a little exhausted from some real stuff, and I stayed up over midnight for this one. The Venture effect lol)
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Can a request a yandere fashion designer x reader ?
thank you for requesting, anon! i struggled a little with this one but i really hope you still enjoy it! also you never specified what type of fashion designer so.. ufufu
i want my fashion designer to specialize in lolita fashion 👉👈 but feel free to imagine any kind of fashion!
🌻 yandere fashion designer x gn reader!
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- a well known fashion designer who was renowned for their high quality clothes in their online store, yet they lacked one thing.. a model! they’d been modeling their clothes themselves but having an actual model would be ideal. the only problem was.. they were incredibly picky with who could wear their clothes. thats why you were so surprised when they suddenly contacted you to work as their model..
- but you just had.. something.. some unique charm about you! they needed to have you. they’d pay any price, just name it! you were oh so captivating, you’re the perfect model! it doesn’t matter if you’ve never worked as a model, please just let them design all of your clothes!
- you finally accepted and you were called to an apartment instead of like.. a proper shooting location. they were treating you like a guest instead of a employee.. but when they finally asked to measure you, they seemed to take a bit longer than expected and getting way too close.. they said they wanted to be sure they measured you properly but was that really the reason why?
- they were acting super familiar. complimenting you, making comments about every small detail they found cute.. the conversation went from clothes to just you. as it should! you made even their worst designs look like their magnum opus! huh? oh right! you were here to model, haha! here, they already chose some outfits! why don’t you let them help you change- oh okay..
- getting their camera ready, some of the shots they wanted to take were.. they were just for reference! this was completely normal! they just wanted to see what angles worked best! they definitely didn’t want a separate, private album full of photos of you! not at all! ahaha! what gave you that idea? ..it didn’t? oh, nevermind then!
- once you were done with modeling, it seemed like a lot of the clothes you wore were part of matching couple outfits? thats surely a coincidence though! its not as though they’ve been meticulously planning an outfit that will suit the both of you! alongside your payment, they insisted they give you the clothes you wkre. its fine! they’re all about your size anyways! don’t ask how they got your estimate sizing though, just take them! make sure to show it off to everybody!
- it was odd how some clothes never seemed to show up on their website but.. don’t stress the details, doll face! they just finished about.. maybe ten or so designs and they want your opinion! these would be tailored exactly for you, after all. well, they’ve been tailoring clothes specifically for you for a while, this is just the first time they’ll be exactly fitted to your measurements.
- hm.. maybe you should come see them in person! its better that way, doll face. just come on by and you can discuss it together over tea! doesn’t that sound nice? you could even model a little for them! so don’t worry about a thing! just enjoy the strong aroma of freshly made tea.. this is what you always order at cafes, right?
- they finally dropped the act when your eyes started drooping, catching you before you fell over. they seemed even more infatuated with you somehow.. you have pretty eyes, my little doll! ah.. they wanna style your adorable hair so badly! don’t worry. they finally let you visit their new and improved studio, isn’t this so exciting? it’ll be just the two of you from now on!
- by the time you woke up, you were in what looked like a warehouse filled with clothes. your dear fashion designer had been quite busy from the looks of it. the sound of a photo being taken was heard and they finally showed up.. they felt bad for tying you up but it had to be done! what if their doll got hurt if you tried to run? please bear with it for a little while!
- they had already taken a few photos of your peaceful sleeping face.. at last, they were free to take as many photos of your cute face! and in whatever outfits they wanted! you had indeed been changed into different clothes and now you two were matching, just like a couple! now, little doll. its time for the final photoshoot to begin! just the two of you.
come on, you signed up for this! didn’t you read the contract? it clearly said that they could call for you at anytime for photoshoots and you had to stay for its entire duration! you’re going to be such a cute little doll for them, aren’t you? they’d hate to hurt their precious model after all!
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kyogre-blue · 12 days
Played about 2.5 hours of Wuthering Waves tonight. I was hoping to unlock the dailies, but I only made it to Union level 4, which I think is too low, but whatever.
My impressions are fairly mixed, but given how many gachas I've now started and dropped pretty much immediately, WW is doing quite well for itself.
I have to say tho that I deeply pity it for how much it will be compared to Genshin.
For positives, I think WW has a rather solid opening section. I focused on the main story to advance the Union level faster, but it seems like you get your main tutorials out of the way fairly quickly and can go and explore from there. Given the complaints I have about being railroaded in other games, that's nice.
Additionally, I think the story is nice if unremarkable. It's paced better than Genshin early parts imo, which were ridiculously rushed, and it benefits from having multiple characters who talk to each other and have different personalities. Yangyang, Chixia and Baizhi invite the harem jokes, but they are a friend group who decide to look after this amnesiac they found. They frame it as a combination of responsibility and friendliness, which I think works. Aside from that, yes, the game certainly leans into the MC being someone super special and important, but it's treated as an actual mystery and the current driving point of the narrative. Plus, the male MC is rather cute, so I can forgive a lot.
Compared to a whole bunch of other gachas, I am actually mildly interested in seeing where this is all going.
For the neutral points, WW actually has a fairly different tone and vibe than Genshin. The colors are more muted, the music is notably less upbeat, and there is a vaguely scifi aesthetic underlying the setting. It also has a lot more... what I read as Chinese cultural influences. You do start in the China region, but there's also stuff like the goofy gourd gadgets everyone has. I have a general impression of what mythological thing is being referenced, but it really does come off as goofy. However, those details are kinda... cute? narm-charm? I guess, when you consider that it's a Chinese developer. It also just has a different flavor from the most common settings, which is always a nice change.
For the negatives, I think the game does lack a few points of polish compared to Genshin. The movement controls feel kinda floaty, the designs (especially the adult female ones) are just not as competent or appealing, the proportions on the models look a bit off at times, and there are even minor bugs, with stuff like dialogue boxes being unable to fit all the lines of text (with no log feature in the scenes themselves), the auto advance moving too quickly and cutting off voice lines and sometimes even making it impossible to read the text fast enough, some awkward visual elements, textures loading kinda poorly, etc.
All of those are very small details and I'm not going to stop because of them, but they do create a certain impression in accumulation.
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The bottom of the image was also the bottom of the screen. A line or two of the text is just invisible, and this happens quite often.
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Weirdly sized and spaced apostrophes.
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Bad spacing on the wishing menus.
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Weirdly poor textures on this guy. This happens once in a while. There are also very obvious cases of pop in that can get quite distracting during story scenes.
For the spacing stuff, I do play in windowed mode, but like... that's an option they give you. It shouldn't be like this.
All that aside, I'm going to continue for at least a while, though I plan to take it very casually, maybe even as a non-wishing account. The exploration and story can probably be cleared even with welfares... I hope.
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 months
ill try to keep it brief 1/20397
lovebrush chronciles is an otome game deisgbed by team/company I AM ACTUALLY NOT SURE DESPITE YOU SEEING IT EVRRYTIME YOU ENTER THE GAME HOLD ON neteaze games (passion of gamers) and it is about altnerate universes, time fuckery, and school life.
the game begins introducing itself as a regular otome school life sim (my condolences to the fans who fell for william first sight only to find out hes not an actual love interest trust me i see u i feel u) but then WHAM BAM!! just when u thougut ur girl best friend was lookin kinda cute she gets X_x in this summon circle and you jump in to save her only to find out youre now in a royal cage surrounded by people that needa sacrifice you to save themselves from their own doom. oh and youre not in your own world anumore good luck have fun
so now here goes the different plots and paths with the love interests. the way i playrd it was as they introduced it, which was ayn aklaid lars claerence. no cael route yet which rips me apart every night. the love interests seem to have consistent values throughout most universes despite all of their diferet upbringings which i find pretty cool considering schoollife and royaltylife are two completely drastic diferent things, and also i nejoy how mc is written with more character and an amazing design to match the rest of the beautifully drawn cast
on that topic the art is GORGEOUS. i have never seen such beautiful detailed art in a game before and i assure you it will not disappoijnt. the graphics and smoothness of the game are especially a great touch. THERES A MINI STORY FOR EACH CARD BTW SR AND UP ITS SO GOOD becasenit feels as if the creatoes actually put care and give a shit into whar theyre writing and drawing and even in little events the absolute quality and depth of the cast shines theough its just i cannot express how much you need to play tjis game if you like dating sims ITS FREE TOO??,×*#&@ IMSO SAD WHY ID OBEYEME GETTING SM ATTENTION WHEN THIS IS SITTJNGHERE HUH dont get me wrong i too was in that hole but trust me brother there is only one man worth it there and obeyeme sure as hell isnt gonna do it justice with its 200+ chapter peobably plotline
anywya its 11 pm and ibhave no idea how to organize this post so ill just go through the cast
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he is my plaything
ANYWAY ayn is so maahh hes the stupid cat that sleeps on me at night HE USED YO BE MY FAV AND WAS EXACTLY MY TYPE OFF THE BAT ITS SO IRONIC HES MY LEASY LIKED NOW but hes still very good and god you need to see this
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^^ bisexual dilemma
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i like him as a side piece, he has a nice personality but it doesnt stick out to me as much as the rest but i heavily respect the enjoyers of him
Aigh now
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HHHRHRGGGHWH HHRGGBW WHWHWBW W SLSOPE9282B3BDND BSHSJW W GHENRBR .R FJJGGW HJ W..B GHN.F. H . THROWSUP aklaid my dear my darling ! i lvouou my little STARBOY my favorite my self sacrificing devoted prince who acts soo nice but is the cause of his own decay. smooochh I ADORE HIM dude one time he almost dies and mc is like "i am so sorry" and hes smiling qhile saying "nono! this is the happiest ivebeen" GET THERAPY
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lars is my favorite lesbian
im onsessed w him hes always fun no matter where he is and yet they still dont dumb him down the moments where hes serious only add to his character his charm is unexplainable his rizz unatainable you could never
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my TRUE favorite lesbian
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i have run out of images but cael caught my eye since the beginning and i dont know whats wrong with him is he my parental figure my wife my side piece my worst enemy my hater my lover my killer my doomer my caretaker my one-time-leave-you-for-nine-months
i genuinely cannot stand him hes the one who i always run to and check on firstin efents and stories not claerence not lars not alkaid but fucking CAEL.
i cant help it maybe in the end my heart really belongs to him because im still waiting for his route and for him to show moreemotion and maybe break down or slowly go through the agony of learning to accept love despite everything despite you
this is the only part i feel a little uneased about in the writers hands.. they are very capable hands.. but will they do him right.. hes so stupidly simple but not it makes me grit my teeth and die
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genshin-scenarios · 1 year
Hi hello how are u? I love your writing and still waiting for adopt a Wanderer scenario! Could i maybe request a flower arranger reader and wanderer works as doll maker both works together sometimes (looks like the one he made in the game) Hmm maybe worried wanderer since he hasn't seen the reader for long (miss them) or maybe they injure themselves and he take care of the reader (preferebaly fem reader but it's up to u ofc) have a nice day 🥰
Tysm for sending this in!! It was such a cute prompt to work with 💕 hope you liked the rest of the Wanderer series as well! 👉👈
Notes: In the end I didn't really use any referral to pronouns in the fic, so it can be read as gender neutral too!
Also mentions of blood (reader cut their finger by accident) but it's nothing serious.
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Of course, being a doll maker was only a civilian cover for Wanderer, who would often disappear during random periods to complete missions for the Dendro Archon. What he didn't appreciate however is how you're the one that's been occupied as of late - dragged into helping with some Amurta scholars' research project.
At least he's fairly quick with his work; what could possibly be so urgent that you'd have to be in the rainforest for two weeks?! And you had the nerve to ask him to help cover for you while you were gone… You're lucky he likes your company enough to go through with all this, and that he was competent enough to not mess up your business.
It's nothing much, just completing orders that you've designed beforehand to give to the clients that booked your arrangements. You'd even prepared the vase for each of them in advance to make things easier.
He can understand why you preferred this instead of scholarly work though (which you too had the potential for). Being able to interact with clients of different backgrounds and stories, then to translate their intentions into your craft; it's complicated at first glance, but simple in action because of the experience you have under your belt.
He still remembers the first time he entered your store, simply drawn in by the Inazuman specialities you imported recently, only to be met with the sight of you meticulously arranging them into a vase. Your actions were featherlight and evidently professional, but it's the soft smile you wore as you took delight in your work that gave him pause.
They looked like fireworks.
"Ah, sorry about that." You'd apologised, asking him if there's anything you could help with. Instead of faking an order, Wanderer instead asked if the arrangement on the table was for anything in particular.
"I'm… a traveler from Inazuma." He settled on explaining. "The sight of those flowers caught my attention, is all."
Your eyes immediately brightened then, glimmering with curiosity. "May I ask if this design is to your liking, then? I was told to base it off the fireworks from Naganohara… though I've only witnessed their work once before during Liyue's Lantern Rite."
From the bright focal blooms to the filler flowers that make a sea of darker hues, it was hard not to feel nostalgic when he looked at the arrangement. From then on the both of you hit it off pretty well, considering his track record - exchanging stories about travels (you went to Liyue every year or so to deliver large shipments) to questions about his hobbies, Wanderer always found it odd that he never found your inquiries too annoying. Maybe it's the way you hold yourself and your straightforward curiosities that charmed him.
Eventually you touched on the topic of new business opportunities now that regulations on the arts have lightened a little. "Perhaps you might even make a living out of your own craft, " You thought aloud to him one day.
"You mean sewing dolls?" Wanderer gave you an odd look. Sure, he's mentioned that he used to be a doll maker when you asked if he had any creative skills, but he hadn't expected you to actually remember that detail. Who would be interested in a toy as useless as that?
It seemed to be a spiteful twist of fate that decided who would enter your shop next; a toyseller you're acquainted with because he liked to keep his shop fresh with new blooms every week. From there, Wanderer was swept along in your rhythm as you managed to arrange a trial session for him to test out his product. Something about a wooden Aranara carving not being very play-friendly, and that cuter designs would probably be more favourable amongst children.
Fast forward to now, where you've been friends for a while and you've finally returned from that research trip - you'd apologised to Wanderer for the trouble before offering to make dinner to make up for it.
Your home doubles as a second office of sorts, less occupied with personal items and moreso with notes of larger projects that you'll have due next month.
Wanderer chooses to ignore the sewing thread that's sticking out from one of your drawers, definitely not related to the doll he once gifted you when you asked to make a trade of crafts - out of curiosity for what this sharp-tongued man could make with his hands, and you were not disappointed. His craftsmanship was delicate but precise, and if he was to be bold enough to make a guess… were you trying to make another doll to give back to him? He'll just leave you to it and pretend to be surprised later.
"Should I help?" He asks as he watches you fish out ingredients in the kitchen. Then a cutting board and knife, and the chopping begins. "I can do that while you worry about cooking over the stove."
"It's fine, I– Ow?!" You curse, dropping the knife as you turn to the sink and run your hand under the water. It takes a moment for him to realise you've cut yourself. "Ugh… I'll be fine, it's just a small cut."
Wanderer is already searching for your first aid kit though, recalling where you placed it the last time you found him with a bruise on his shoulder (it really didn't hurt, but he couldn't exactly explain his puppet background to you without scaring you away).
With a sigh, he tells you to face him and hold still while he applies an ointment to soothe the sting, and quickly wraps up your finger with the gauze. "You shouldn't use a blade if your mind is distracted with something else." He secures it, then starts putting everything away with an efficiency that has you dazed. "I mean, what would happen if you took your entire finger off?"
"I doubt I would manage to do that!" You exclaim, before letting a laugh escape your lips. "Thanks for worrying, though. It's kind of cute to see you fret, but of course I'll be more careful." You reach towards the knife again to pick it up and wash before resuming the dinner prep. "Now let me just–"
"Let's not." Wanderer smoothly steals the item from you, doing it in your stead. "I'd rather not taste blood in my meal, thanks."
In truth, he was just really against the idea of you cutting yourself again, but that doesn't matter when he's hiding this behind his usual quippiness. You make an offended noise, crossing your arms. "My hand slipped one time!"
You forget you're talking to someone who'd drag you to the hospital if you so much as got a cold. "I said I'll do it. Aren't you tired from running around the rainforest all week?"
Your eyes widen. You completely forgot that you wanted to tell him about the trip! Was that why he's been looking at you as if you've forgotten something? "Right, so last week when we first arrived, we…"
…By the time you're done talking, dinner is ready and waiting to be served. Maybe this is what they mean when they say to look out for pretty faces - sharp cunning and even sharper tongues. If Wanderer wasn't so subtly thoughtful at times like these, you might've thought that he hated your guts for real.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 2 months
I would love to know about the Daenys and Tyland age-gap meet cute
A lot of the more...I guess super narrativey bits aren't that solid yet; which makes sense given my energy is mostly on my Roycegaryen multi-generational opus about breaking toxic daddy issue cycles & the healing powers of both love & revenge, with Daenys/Daeland/The Red Princess & Aldreda/Aldricent/A Fair And Handsome Seal Lord being more incidental atm. There's some details that exist though!
Current thought process is they meet after Tyland is brought to King’s Landing to get formally appointed as Master Of Ships, so probably a month or 2 after Corlys has resigned/taken his family & fucked off. Daenys would be hovering around 14 & Tyland is...about to turn 19? I feel like I have them as 5 years apart.
The why of her being in the part of The Red Keep where the non-Hand members of the small council have apartments for themselves & any applicable family is pretty loose & it'll really depend on how her pre-Tyland stuff gets established. Its either "I'm bitter that my friend Laena is gone & I want to go be a bitch to the guy who took her dad's job" or "I'm so fucking nosy & I want to gawk. If anyone asks, I'm going to go meet Cassana." Either way, she winds up meeting him while servants are bringing stuff to & from his rooms & his particular ass is insisting he organize his books & knickknacks himself. Daenys proceeds to be her crouching bimbo, hidden judgey manipulator self, & Tyland just...takes it at sincere face value. He's nice & respectful beyond just "power imbalance deference" & makes it obvious he's paying attention to her in a significant way. This kinda rattles Daenys because she really only gets that from, like, 4 people & 1 of them is dead.
It doesn't really get romantic right away/it takes a few years, but his being genuine charms her enough that she keeps seeking Tyland out & they become friends. And then it's all friends-to-lovers from there, & secret weddings, & political intrigue & Daenys just wanting to have a nice time & Daeland have 6 kids.
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collar-shocked · 21 days
could you perhaps do headcanons for how lawrence would react if he walked past someone that somehow peaked his interest on a late night walk?
It really depends on the kind of person he is passing. If his interest is simply peaked, he'll do his best to get a whiff upon passing them, as well as see how many details on their being he can spot before they part ways. As they head their way, he will peer at them from over his shoulder and brood, feeling regretful for not stopping them. He walks home the rest of the way angry.
But, what if he does muster up the courage to stop them? They're passing by fast, so it's never clean. It's always a grab of their arm. It's always a weird sound replacing a "Hey" or a "Can we talk?". It's always intense staring as they pass by. Sometimes he'll step in front of them, bearing his most charming smile- one revealing gums and pulled lip-corners. Sometimes he'll simply wave, and feel content, if not unspeakably happy upon a wave back.
But, what if he finds them really interesting? He becomes both the greatest liar, and the most honest he's ever been. A smaller, cute person coming his way? He will stop their tracks just to tell them so. That they are cute. Nearly expressionless, but very sincere in his language. This is the bait. From this point, he does all he can to keep them talking. Coax them into a handshake, one that is very sweaty and long-winded, as he wants to soak up each and every wrinkle upon their hand. Wants, needs to obtain them, passively. But is more than willing to get forceful if he must.
If they are bigger, and intimidating? Well, then he is "losing his footing" just as their scents meet. Practically throwing himself against the poor fool, just to touch and feel and be felt by them- an awkward, embarrassing, delicious opener to what may be a lovely conversation. Oh, to have someone care about him like that. To ask if he's okay, to check on him, to make him feel special like that.. Surely this was a meeting meant to happen. They're just so considerate 💙
Other times, if they're too pretty or too charming, he will withdraw and shy away. Cross the street so he doesn't have to pass them, but he does watch them from his new distance. And sometimes, he will feel attached to them just because he finds them interesting. The vibe he picks up can be just centered enough for him to feel comfortable- like, had someone present themselves in a way he can enjoy. He'd stop them just to show off the silly trinkets in his pockets, if they let him. The validation is nice once they give him the thumbs up he's looking for.
And sometimes he can't help but to turn around as they pass him by. He can't help but follow their shadow, keep on their scent- discover where they nest from afar. Check back regularly. Take routes and paths that would guarantee their continuous meetings, until all that's left in their place is a splat upon the concrete, and a very dizzy man questioning why he got so angry so fast after such a delicate, soft rejection. They didn't deserve that. But neither did he.
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Heyyy can you write danny and reader kissing ? Thx bye bye
lots of love (daniel park x reader)
details: fluffy drabble, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and daniel are dating
summary: daniel gets rewarded by his partner for the many nice things he's done for them.
a/n: thanks for the cute request :] <3
Daniel wasn't sure what was up with him today, but he wasn't going to question it when every single one of his acts of services expressed to you was met with your sweet smile. Honestly he was starting to convince himself that he'd just be like this for the rest of his life if it meant he could see you smile like that.
"Devoted to them for the rest of my life..." Like a doting husband.
He blushed at the thought. What was he thinking? You two were still highschoolers with uncertain futures in the making. He shouldn't be committing to such a heavy decision at his age. Still, the thought was nice.
A happy sigh passed his lips and you were quick to notice.
"Are you daydreaming again?"
"Sorry," he replied with a laugh, going back to sweeping the floor.
You smiled and went back to your own chore of tidying the classroom by sorting out some books. "You don't have to be sorry, I was just pointing it out. What were you daydreaming about, by the way?"
"Um..." He quietly cleared his throat, unable to stop the pink that was beginning to color in his cheeks. "Nothing much." In an attempt to avoid further questioning, he asked, "Do you want to take a break? We should go get a drink of water or something after our hard work."
The playful look you gave him made his heart race but he calmed when you went along with his suggestion.
He set his broom down and made a beeline for the door of the classroom. "Okay! I'll run and go get some water bottles for us--"
"Nuh-uh. You've done more than enough for me, today." You stepped towards the door, clearly intending to block it.
Daniel kept walking over anyway. "But--"
"Nope." Once you stood in front of the door, he stopped moving to pout. "Stay right where you are. I'm going to get the water bottles."
There was a momentary lighthearted staredown, although Daniel was only using his puppy eyes. That, combined with his pout, made for his ultimate charming tactic. Or at least that's what he hoped. Thankfully, it worked either way and he brightened up as soon as you huffed.
"Okay, fine, you can come along."
"Thank you!" He hurried to follow you out when you left the classroom.
"Seriously, though, you've done way too much for me today."
Daniel cheekily remarked with, "There's no limit, is there?"
You lightly elbowed him. "Yes, but I'm starting to feel guilty. I mean, you even gave me a shoulder massage earlier."
Maybe that was a little over the top, but oh well. He continued to tease, "Well, that's just because I'd do anything for you."
"Daniel, you are too much sometimes, you know that?"
"In a bad way or--" Before he could finish, you grabbed his collar and slightly pulled him down to your height to kiss him. He quickly melted into the kiss and his hands found themselves resting on your hips.
Usually he was unsure of where to place his hands whenever the two of you kissed, but at the moment it came naturally to him. Seemed like something really was up with him today. He could only hope it'd last so long it became a part of him.
After you pulled away, you leaned in to his ear and quietly said, "I'll give you more kisses later~"
His cheeks colored in pink the same way as before and a big grin formed on his face while you properly pulled away this time and continued to walk off. He trailed after you like the lovesick puppy he was.
bonus extra writing below that i thought was funny but scrapped lol (original plan for this drabble/oneshot was daniel being awkward about a first kiss)
"Be gentle... and fast. Be manly... but kind. Got it?"
"Zack, that sounds awfully familiar to something you've told Vasco before."
"Hey, if a piece of advice works, there's nothing wrong with repeating it. And it's not like you have any advice, Jace."
Jace's smile cracked. "Yeah... but still. Daniel asked how you kiss someone."
"And? My advice still applies?"
Daniel rubbed at his nape, glancing between his friends. "Uh, but Zack, how exactly do you kiss someone in a manly way?" He was only met with silence and Jace awkwardly looking away.
Eventually, Zack managed to mutter, "Well... you just..."
Jace sighed and lightly slapped Zack's arm, making the latter glare at him. "Stop making shit up, you're just going to confuse poor Daniel."
"Daniel, just talk to your partner about it. Learn together or something. That's the best advice I can offer."
"Ah, okay! Thanks, Jace." Daniel politely bowed his head at Jace and then nodded at his other friend. "You, too, Zack."
"Anytime, Daniel," replied Jace as Zack gave him a thumbs up and a, "Come back anytime for dating advice!"
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spookfished · 4 months
nov 2023 media roundup
hello again :3 welcome to the world from 2024!! im doing backlogs of media reviews lol. well i was really busy. and then i was super busy playing umineko!! looking back at this month, it seems like i didnt read a whole lot this month, but then i forgot that ruzhui is literally 300 chapters long. so.. a couple of these i read uh quite a few months ago by now so the review might be a bit stale. however i had like 80% of this written for several weeks so theres only a couple! this will be posted on my neocities at some point
ruzhui by please dont laugh: f/f. after a terrible breakup, college yun an is happy to leave her life behind for some TIME TRAVEL! but while disguising herself as a man to avoid discrimination, she gets looped into a matrilocal marriage with businesswoman lin buxian?! intended as a fluffy palate cleanser after pdl's previous work a clear and muddy loss of love, i think it still kinda ended up getting mired in politics two thirds of the way in, when a lot of us were here for the moments with miss malewife yun an and her powerhouse wife? on the other hand, its hard to stretch out fluff for an entire 300 chapters without contriviances. i also really enjoyed how it managed to balance like. idk. 'returning to the simple emotions of the past' with 'holy shit guys the past actually sucked ass lmfao'. its a pretty relaxing read, so id recommend checking it out if youre into f/f!
the devil comes courting by courtney milan: f/m romance. can romance bloom while trying to create the first telegraphic encoding for chinese...? sooo cute im a huge fan of courtney milan as always. surprisingly goes into some pretty heavy topics including like. forced assimilation via child stealing?????? i thought it was well handled though the ldr stuff and the way amelia grows as a person was soo nice
the marquis who mustnt by courtney milan: f/m romance. the son of a conman returns home for one final trick. meanwhile, naomi just wants to take her medic class. the two become engaged on false premises and of course, catch feelings. once again extremely cute im very charmed. also liked the pottery details :3 i think in every fake engagement the whole 'pretending to themselves they dont have feelings' is a little ridiculous so i liked that they just like. acknowledged it at the outset. i think its honestly more compelling to be like 'yes my feelings are sincere and true however X still outweighs '. loove a guy shackled by duty
wandering souls by cecile pin: follows anh and her two siblings, refugees of the vietnam war. ok honestly i dont remember a lot about this book :( sorry but i did like it! its a really fast read and made me really sad so id recommend. (DISCLAIMER: AMERICAN) i also feel like i dont read a lot of non-american diaspora books so thats pretty interesting as well. nice prose also :]
detransition baby by torrey peters: a trans woman who yearns for motherhood, her detransitioned ex-boyfriend, and his pregnant partner struggle to find a way to live--together, or apart? ok sorry this is another review written in january so its kinda weighted more negatively. i had a LOT of thoughts about this in november but i forgot most of them. this novel is a deep look into a very specific kind of queer subculture--a subculture which is both very white and very annoying. sorry. the characters feel like a vivid, true-to-life depiction of the poeple i try to avoid at my little liberal arts college. however, it ALSO feels like the kind of really good gossip that you love to hear secondhand. also, the author shoehorns in discussions of race in ways that are really jarring and also, kinda bad? i honestly really loved the inner voices of all the characters which is why it sucked when i got to suddenly read a copy-pasted twitter thread about intersectional oppression instead. (especially coming from the mouth of a cis wasian woman..?) it feels all the more tokenistic since we immediately go back to the inner struggles of ames and reese instead. ugh. however, it sparked some really interesting conversations with me and my friends. i also got to learn more about ah i guess transfem detransition? as opposed to transmasc detransition. they are very different! um but i guess id recommend?
surviving romance: action/horror webtoon?? the woman living in the body of a romance novel character is determined to get her picture-perfect happy ever after-- at all costs. everything goes according to plan until the day zombies attack the school. chaerin is forced to bond with the faceless extras of her story, and find out what is rotting at the core of *love every day*. very solid writing!! i like how the author gradually introduces characters, and how the tension ratchets up as more people to care for becomes more people that can be lost. definitely goes into some orv-lite type themes, which i appreciated. i guess my only complaint is that despite the solid execution it didnt really ~wow~ me in any way... still worth checking out though :3
run away with me girl by battan: f/f romanceish? two high school lovers meet again after midori decided that their relationship was just a childish whim. but even though midori has decided shes straight (and is married with a kid on the way!), maki still has feelings for her. dude soooo cute the art style is not personally my thing but i felt like all of the characters were really grounded and the introspective parts were really interesting. some beautifully atmospheric parts! would recommend :3 witch hat atelier kitchen (reread) by shirahama kamome: a spinoff of witch hat atelier, where the two teachers qifrey and olrugio make food together after hours! gorgeous art as always, and some cute recipes too! i reread this since an official english translation came out lol. monotone blue: short furry m/m about apathetic, aloof cat hachi, who meets aoi--a shy transfer student who happens to be the only lizard in the whole school. pretty lighthearted for the most part, but also heavily implied a sexual assault scene?? or at least the vibes?? in a way that treated it far too lightly and left a bad taste in my mouth. possibly worth reading for the art, but idk :/ definitely falls into the romance trap of having a love interest go "ill save you from these bad guys!" for like a cheap plot device and then not really going into it
parasite: class-focused comedic thriller? the kim family finds a way out of choking poverty by working for the extremely affluent park family. its almost too easy--until it isnt. man everyone says parasite is so good. AND IT IS!!! i cant believe i took so long to see this movie i got to see it with some friends over thanksgiving break and it was so good :] had me stressed for my fucking life sitting at the edge of my seat. has a lot of meat to bite into analysis-wise but is also just so crushing in many ways.. the ending stuck in my head for a long time. rewatching it this january was honestly more stressful in some ways haha
revolutionary girl utena: allegory-heavy commentary on shoujo and princess narratives and the nature of heroism and-- f/f. utena is a girl who aspires to be just like the prince of her dreams. she is somehow wrapped up into an engagement with anthy himemiya, who calls herself "the rose bride." ahhhh i still havent watched the last two episodes actually. people always say "utena is a fantastic show but PLEASE mind every single trigger warning" and its true! utena tackles some really heavy subjects in a way that is delicate, understated, and vicious. i watched a bunch of these episodes late at night in the computer lab and they honestly left me breathless. has so many layers of symbolism to dig through that it can honestly be overwhelming, but also very compelling just on the surface! watch utena. also watch this amv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THN3gYKYojs
the wonderful story of henry sugar: a netflix adaptation of one of roald dahls stories (within a story). it was cute :3 not a lot of sticking power lol but i think this is the first wes anderson production ive ever watched. very visually distinctive!
video games:
lethal company: cooperative horror game about trying to collect garbage in a dystopically capitalist world ft. proximity chat! dude this game is blowing tf up i tried playing it with neil but 1. we are huge pussies 2. its really only feasible with 3+ people
TILT by nanoray: anime breakcore is one of my truly guilty pleasures. i see the anime girl on the cover and cringe a little bit HOWEVER nanoray is a really good artist. the intro is so liquid... i think the album as a whole really just sweeps you up into a groove. some of my favorite tracks are into and DOGWALK2000 THE LONELIEST TIME by carly rae jepsen: i was so mean to carly rae jepsen in middle school. im so sorry miss jepsen i was just so tired of hearing call me maybe everywhere. im now a changed man. just a really well constructed pop album 👍admittedly not as iconic to me as emotion, but joshua tree and talking to yourself are my favorites atm SAYONARA WILD HEARTS OST: ive never played sayonara wildheart, but i think its a rhythm game about girls fighting each other on motorcycles? with bisexual lighting and tarot cards? but anyways this is a synth-y lush pop album thats super fun! it feels like it tells a story (probably bc it does) and it always makes me want to listen all the way through :3 my favorites are sayonara wild heart and their clair de lune remix
anyways if you read to the end, thanks as always! its really interesting to try and condense my thoughts about something into one paragraph.. sometimes its easier than others huh! im almost done with the december one so please look forward to that 👍
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conchelle · 1 year
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Okay it's time to talk about my thoughts on Dekapari (bootleg machine translation edition)
I'm gonna be honest I'm not quite sure where to even start with this one. But it is certainly the something of all time
So to start things off. I do genuinely enjoy this game. It still has some of the classic Towelket jank, but as always it's nothing game breaking. The music choices are great. The first scene in particular really does a great job at setting the tone.
In general the game just looks good. This game has brand new sprites for almost about everything. If you're familiar with the Towelket series you'll know the creator often likes to recycle their own sprites which isn't a bad thing at all. But it's definitely a breath of fresh air to see brand new sprites for just about everything this time around.
The characters all have unique sprites as well. I like the detailed shading and they're all pretty cute and nice to look at.
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This game definitely feels a bit like a return to form for the Towelket series. It definitely does feel like ever since Nekoashi Otome the games have gotten more fantastical and wacky with its setting. Not to say the other games weren't extremely silly was well but they definitely took place in a world that was meant to more or less meant to reflect our own until the whole plot that changes that sense of normalcy happens.
Not to mention this game features some of the more classic and iconic Towelkets as important characters like Conchelle, Lasagna, Moochasu and Paripariume. PPU being what the game is named after and having probably her biggest role since Towelket 2. Yeah she's appeared in a lot of other games, but it's almost been a running gag that she inevitably fades into the background.
This game's Lasagna is definitely one of my most favorite Towelket characters of all time. Like, she is such a genuinely fun character to have around and easily steals every scene she's apart of.
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The writing for this game is pretty engaging for what it is. It definitely follows some of the classic Towelket story beats like the whole midpoint where they gotta go to the TV station for whatever reason but it's all done in a way where it doesn't feel painfully repetitive.
Part 2 of this game kiiiiind of loses focus of the plot- just a little bit but it's all entertaining regardless. It has probably some of the funniest and most charming parts of the game which is fun. Part 3 gets us right back on track to the main conflict which is perfect and gives the story plenty time to progress before the big finale.
If you've played any other Towelket game you would definitely be aware of how the story has a habit of kind of swerving off the road with its story progression and by the time it gets back to the main plot there game kind of just...ends. Thankfully! This game didn't have that problem at all.
However I do have a few issues with the story. There's a certain plot point in part 1 that's brought up and it's just never properly developed despite being built up as something important.
I was a bit confused on why it was even included in the first place if the creator decided they were ultimately going to do nothing with it and after digging in the files a bit and reading back on some of the development logs...yeaaah it's pretty much a scrapped plot point that was left in anyway.
For some context, this game was released in three parts. So of course, once something was written in and released the creator couldn't really go back and change it. The issue lies in just the fact that according to the creator themselves, they did end up changing where they wanted the story to go half-way while they were working on part 3.
admittedly, the story never felt like it took a sharp turn from what was already being built up and its overall themes. Everything felt pretty consistent except the inclusion of that particular plot point that was clearly meant to be something pretty significant to the story- so much so that I went back and tried to see if I just missed an alternate ending or something. But unfortunately that really didn't seem to be the case.
It's such a shame too since it does just feel like a big hole in the story that's left unsolved. My only hope is maybe we get some kind of write up or even update that expands on this...? Not likely but who knows, the Towelket creator is kind of unpredictable.
Another criticism is that even after 14 years the battles are still just kind of lackluster. In past games there has been some experimentation and some interesting ideas that could have been really been fun if executed properly but it seems that at this point battles are just one of those things the creator isn't all too enthusiastic about experimenting with. It's a shame but eh, what can you do?
Despite those issues I did still overall really enjoy this game. I hope it gets a proper translation someday though it's pretty far off on the list of games that need to be translated.
I'm not gonna put this game on my Towelket rating for now since I feel it's pretty unfair to put it against the games that came out a whole decade ago
My only hope for the future is that we get more Lasagna like this one. She's a very good Lasagna
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tadbitfooled · 7 months
ship bias
Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!
I shall give for all 4 of my mains with either a detailed explanation or a really vague shallow reason, in no particular order
Durante Faust
Lae'zel - because he needs a tough lady to top him I mean. Uh. I just think the whole opposite things with him being a silly avoiding responsibilities kind of guy and her super serious, very responsible-ness would be a fun balance.
Rolan just because Durante flustering him sounds fun
now for a type of character, he would need someone with a firm hand but not a tight grip, someone forward and sure of themself, but also able to have fun and play around a little bit.
Wyll - just because Durante seems to be the type to play romance but be keen to avoid it, but I think Wyll could break that because he's so damn charming
Karlach - Could be cute. They would have fun together and once again, lady to top him. But I think it could be an interesting dynamic to say the least.
Gwenifar van Hol
Oh, someone who's super flirty and charming because she does not ever get the hint that someone's flirting with her because she just...Doesn't register the idea someone could find her attractive. And they just keep trying and she just thinks they're being nice it'd be hilarious.
Halsin - I feel like Halsin would appreciate how she does so much to help others. And Gwenifar would appreciate his wisdom and his whittling. She likes to paint so it'd be cute if he whittled figurines and she painted them.
Gale because sage4sage nerd bullshit. But also I think they'd just be super soft and cute, and the sheer irony of cleric healer with a god who values all life x wizard with a chronic pain condition whose goddess told him to blow himself up is great.
Shadowheart - I have no exact reason but they vibe really well in the game and I think Shadowheart having someone who's supportive but also able to say 'hey you need to think this through' is really good for her.
Um for spice reasons because of Ilmater vs Loviatar stuff...Someone involved in Loviatar like Abdirak...idk like. spice.
Talilah Bluethorn
A drow would be fucking hilarious her father would have an aneurism but don't be like. An overly cruel drow or something. A little nerd drow would be fantastic.
Alfira and her girlfriend, Lakrissa because they'd all be adorable and make a really nice cuddle pile thanks
An arranged set up would be hilarious due to her father's bloodline. She would not be interested in it at all and it'd be funny if they weren't too and both tried to sneak out of the event, helped each other, and then one of the elders is like 'oh so great you two met' and they're like 'what.'
Wyll because folk hero and Talilah has that heroic background with what her entertaining troupe would do (steal from the rich, give to the poor) and just they would have such a fun dynamic with his charm and romantic attitude and how she could match that with some playfulness.
Astarion because I really enjoy the thought of them finding each other annoying when they first meet because he held a knife to her throat and she headbutted him, but then they like each other's humor and find each other attractive and eventually go 'uh feelings have been caught.'
Shadowheart - amnesia buddies. They're both struggling with abusive gods and trying to figure themselves out so it would be a mutual situation, with being able to give each other the push they need to get on the path they need to be on.
Wyll - look. He's charming, heroic, but also needs support but is fully capable of giving support back. Sure, he needs a few wake up calls to his situation but he would be so gentle with Tavinkas and gods know that's what he so desperately needs.
Someone just able to be gentle and supportive. He desperately wants to have gentleness in his life, as it was never something he was allowed to have.
I want the angst of Gortash and Durge thanks. They've both been dealt bad hands and Gortash just went with it but Tavinkas decides to find a new path and leave him behind. Just drive that dagger in.
Gale because Tavinkas does like intelligent conversation and learning things and I think Gale would be very good for that. Tavinkas is skilled in magic but I think he'd like to learn the finer points of it and Gale would be delighted to discuss it.
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eviltext · 10 months
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i went to a local art gallery the other day! it deserves a good long chatty post so here it is !
so this gallery is riiiight in the middle of the busiest part of town, aka the main road, so it's really accessible and approachable for locals and tourists alike. it's dedicated to the work of a local family of artists: Irina Lebedeva, a widow who works on quilts, her late husband Mikhail who made sculptures from found objects and graphic art, and their son Dmitriy who is a ceramic artist.
the building itself has a history that goes wayy back. built in the first quarter of the 1800s to serve as a protestant church (chapel?) for a wealthy merchant's wife, it's one of the oldest in town (among those that were built for people to actually live in). it was later sold a couple of times and seemed to be the hottest venue for balls and socialite gatherings. they retained the house's inital floorplan, keeping their changes minimal and mostly purely for function, allowing it to serve as kind of a blank canvas for the art displayed inside. i have mixed feelings on this decision. sure, i love old houses and their charm, but i'm not too fond of the old staircase that's severely eroded. a nice detail they kept functional was all the old vents and a quaint little balcony with a view:
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however the bare brick walls don't work too well with the quilts (i keep trying to type tapestries and correct myself. they're quilts.). bare brick is kind of a busy backdrop for the bold and bright fabrics.
moving on to the artworks themselves, the quilts are stunning to look at. they were made by Irina Lebedeva, who has been making fabric art since she was a kid who locked herself up in her parents' closet with scissors. by about 12 she made clothes for herself and her dolls. her quilts are colorful, heavily patterned and very masterfully made. most have an abstract geometric pattern,
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others tell a story (cell division and night city lights were my favorite)
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or showcase a scene. and some of them are huuuge! the sizes range from about the size of a large pillowcase to around the size of a door frame.
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Irina Lebedeva is a remarkably skilled artist and craftswoman who still continues to work to this day.
her late husband Mikhail is also an artist in his own right, though his works are a bit more grounded and familiar to gallery goers (?). it's stated on the information stands that he made sculptures from found objects like old screws and buttons and such. i wasn't able to find a lot of these on display apart from this horse:
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most of his works featured in the gallery are very quaint depictions of the town and its people. old houses, a busy market, churches, fountains and cozy little nooks in the town's underbelly. these are done in a charming graphic style on toned paper.
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it really makes me want to pick up some charcoal and the wad of packing paper i used for plen-air sketching some years ago. well, someday i'll do it! it's interesting to note that both he and his wife are alumni of the college i studied at!
their son Dmitriy is a ceramic artist, and his work has a special place in my heart as i'm aiming to be one as well.
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he works with red clay and uses primarily traditional techniques. these not only yield a whimsical and cute look to his sculptures, but serve to keep these ancient practices alive for longer. among the techniques he uses are milking and blackening for finishing, apart from the usual glaze or burnishing. most of the sculptures he has on display are also whistles! this is also part of a traditional local craft.
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what i like about applied arts is that they are allowed to let go of the snobbism and elitism or fine art. they're also very approachable to the general public. the bulk of applied artists come from a humble upbringing. also the sculptures can be silly and funny-looking!
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one of my favorites from these is the little guy #8, which is simply named "beast" <- pretty on the nose lol that is definitely a beast.
the centerpiece of the gallery is a sculpture group by Irina Lebedeva, which depicts many of the most instantly recognizable buildings in town.
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any local would be able to tell you what most, if not all of these buildings are! we have the old round mosque and minaret, the big orthodox cathedral in town, most of the old merchant mansions, the old market with its thick columns are all cherished parts of the town's image. of course, they aren't really arranged this way in real life. but this composition serves as like a bite sized look into the history of the town.
what's also a sweet touch is that this gallery is a venue for many master-classes and art lessons! i really love that this project continues this recent trend of leaning into the approachable artistic aspect of the town's identity. as a gallery it's open to the public only a few days a week, but when it is, it's extremely affordable and accessible to most of the townspeople. however it's not wheelchair accessible. being located on the second floor of the building, access is blocked by the aforementioned eroded staircase. but all in all, it's a sweet little spot to go and shield yourself from the town's bustle if you don't really have anything to do. and if you catch it open.
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kfanopinions · 1 year
KB Ideal Type (Tarot Reading)
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okie dokie! this was interesting to do since i had no idea what to ask jk i'll share what questions i asked as well as the cards that came up with what i found. so please like always take it with a grain of salt and enjoy! ^^
Q: what is KB from OnlyOneOf's ideal type?
Page of Cups || Knight of Swords || The Hierophant
-> someone imaginative -> creative (may not know how creative they can be) -> shy/naïve -> someone who leaps into action -> isn't afraid to lend a helping hand -> there for others -> wise/has some wisdom -> people look up to them -> stable person/someone who has their sh*t together
Q: what is the energy this person embodies?
Vulture Spirit -> nothing is wasted
-> through their triumphs and struggles they have gained knowledge to use at their disposal -> very strong regenerative type of energy
Q: any chart information?
*this is information about the person but i'm wording it to fit what he would like in a person*
1st House || Pisces || Saturn || Square
-> someone who knows their self-worth -> even if their personality rubs someone the wrong way they own who they are -> someone who knows to take care of themselves and doesn't always bend over backwards for others (this person may need to keep this in check) -> someone who uses everything that has happened to them (good and bad) to their benefit and to grow from
astro dice - possible chart info/signs
signs - sagittarius // libra // gemini chart info - this is anything that might be of significance in any way pluto // sagittarius // 1st house
Oracle Cards
i used two different decks asking the same question... 'what can you tell me about kb's ideal type?'
stay optimistic about your love life - positive thinking and faith will bring you romance worth waiting for - divine timing is at work in your love life coffee cup || not today || stabbed in the back || love
-> could be someone that started off as a friend (or he might have an ideal type within his friend group) -> again this feeling of someone standing their ground. setting boundaries and not letting people walk all over them -> they may have suffered some kind of hurt but that has only made them stronger which is an admirable quality (maybe he might like someone who takes the hurt and turns it into gold?) -> someone who he finds attractive -> a person that gets him like there is just this instant connection
now this just for fun. they are possible facial details, eye colors, love messages etc. that this person may have or want to convey. this is for fun so please take this with a grain of salt ♥
charms and letters
-> cute -> sweet -> likes nature -> maybe into astrology or they like to stargaze -> perhaps someone that likes rock music (?) lol skulls came up and a guitar so maybe he likes rocker types? -> name could start with a vowel or have many vowels (letters: O, O, I, I, I, U, and D)
hair style || bangs // 3/4 part // eccentric hairstyle (this could be the cut or color) eye color || green eye // blue eye // honey brown hair color || light blonde hair // reddish blonde // warm espresso (dark brown) // burgundy // purple brown face details || thick/bushy eye brows // strong jaw (nice jawline) // longer face // beautiful long eyelashes personality || cheerful // good sense of humor // sensual // nervous/worrier love messages he (kb)/they (ideal type) want to convey || i'll be there for you always // you are the most beautiful person. inside and out // you are super smart! let's stay up and talk more!
Q: how can kb bring his ideal type into his life?
9 of Wands || The Star || 4 of Cups || 6 of Pentacles || 10 of Cups
-> getting rid of what isn't necessary. out with the old and in with the new -> manifesting. stating what he wants to the universe/wish on a star -> seeing what is in front of him. working on his relationships with those he cares about. sharing in the wealth -> enjoying the relationships he has both romantic and friendship -> being their for people he cares about -> getting rid of someone who wasn't there for the right reasons (there was just a shadow figure in the background of the 10 of Cups which makes me think someone was hanging around or it's like an ex)
*hope you liked it ^^*
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