#Sustainable Solutions Competition
kuramirocket · 2 years
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Juan Méndez, Naomi Jiménez y Alejandro González
With an original model of 10 small, fully sustainable homes designed to temporarily accommodate homeless families, a group of UNAM students in the United States won first place in the Sustainable Solutions Competition, organized by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The pumas students in Louisiana beat the 15 finalists from various academic institutions around the world, and placed themselves in the first place above the University of California and Zhejiang, China.
Of the total group, 12 members are students from the Faculty of Engineering (FI), one from the Faculty of Architecture (FA) and another from the Faculty of Chemistry (CF), reported team captain Juan Josué Méndez Espina, a sixth semester student of Civil Engineering at FI.
Small dwellings are called transitional houses because they are sites for temporary accommodation in a small community, he explained.
“A transitional house is a social project for homeless people who arrive in one of these houses, integrate into the community of several houses, and later reintegrate into the economic sector of society,” he said.
It is not a hostel, which is a large place where several people and families meet to shelter, but a small, single-family home of up to four people, so that individuals can be independent within the community. “It is a great process of social reintegration,” he said.
In the competition they presented the project of 10 small round houses with solar panels on the ceilings and conditions to save water, which must be very economical in addition to the community being totally sustainable, Méndez Espina said.
Alejandro Gonzalez Olvera, from FI, from the sixth semester of Civil Engineering, narrated that the contest took place in two stages: One regional (which they won last May in Texas and where they faced more than 20 universities in the United States and Mexico), and now it is international, in which they competed with another 15 finalists.
“The triumph in the regional phase gave us the pass to attend the international competition, in Louisiana, where we faced universities from several countries, such as China, India and the United States,” he said. “It’s a worldwide recognition,” he said.
Mendez Espina said that they joined students of Architecture and Chemistry to have and apply a complete concept of sustainability, which involves other knowledge besides engineering, such as the application of mycorrhizal fungi, which are in symbiosis with the root of plants outside the houses, which improve soil characteristics, make it trap more water during rain and capture more carbon dioxide from the soil, and generate healthier vegetation.
The pumas students also won the Fan Favorite Award, in which they were above the 15 finalists in terms of popularity of the project.
The team participants, in addition to the three above, are: Laura Mosquada Brizuela, Luis Eduardo Gonzalez Mosquada, Oscar Daniel Ortiz Martinez, Jesus Collantes Rios, Ingrid Guzman Montijo, Alejandro Santiago Silva, Jose Manuel Soberanes Sanchez, Osmar Valdes Gachuz, Jesus Garcia Quintero, Juan Jose Ramos Texta, Jose Rodrigo Silverio Retana and Brenda Eugenia Monroy Coria.
For students, winning this award means setting the tone for more Mexican students to compete and participate in sustainable engineering, as it is the first time a Mexican university participates in this competition, reaches the finals and wins the competition.
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artisticdivasworld · 2 months
Strengthening Foundations:
Navigating Customer Demands and Expectations for Robust Trucking Relationships Type your email… Subscribe The trucking industry stands as a pivotal pillar in the global supply chain, its wheels turning the gears of economy and commerce. Yet, amidst its crucial role, trucking companies face the perpetual challenge of balancing customer demands and expectations with operational efficiency and…
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satgururoadlines · 6 months
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nnctales · 9 months
Ultra-Low Carbon Concrete: Paving the Way to Sustainable Construction
Introduction In the face of mounting environmental concerns, the construction industry is embracing innovative solutions to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices. Among these solutions, the concept of ultra-low carbon concrete has gained significant traction. This cutting-edge material not only addresses the environmental challenges posed by conventional concrete…
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sunshinesmebdy · 4 months
Pluto in Aquarius: Brace for a Business Revolution (and How to Ride the Wave)
The Aquarian Revolution
Get ready, entrepreneurs and financiers, because a seismic shift is coming. Pluto, the planet of transformation and upheaval, has just entered the progressive sign of Aquarius, marking the beginning of a 20-year period that will reshape the very fabric of business and finance. Buckle up, for this is not just a ripple – it's a tsunami of change. Imagine a future where collaboration trumps competition, sustainability dictates success, and technology liberates rather than isolates. Aquarius, the sign of innovation and humanitarianism, envisions just that. Expect to see:
Rise of social impact businesses
Profits won't be the sole motive anymore. Companies driven by ethical practices, environmental consciousness, and social good will gain traction. Aquarius is intrinsically linked to collective well-being and social justice. Under its influence, individuals will value purpose-driven ventures that address crucial societal issues. Pluto urges us to connect with our deeper selves and find meaning beyond material gains. This motivates individuals to pursue ventures that resonate with their personal values and make a difference in the world.
Examples of Social Impact Businesses
Sustainable energy companies: Focused on creating renewable energy solutions while empowering local communities.
Fair-trade businesses: Ensuring ethical practices and fair wages for producers, often in developing countries.
Social impact ventures: Addressing issues like poverty, education, and healthcare through innovative, community-driven approaches.
B corporations: Certified businesses that meet rigorous social and environmental standards, balancing profit with purpose.
Navigating the Pluto in Aquarius Landscape
Align your business with social impact: Analyze your core values and find ways to integrate them into your business model.
Invest in sustainable practices: Prioritize environmental and social responsibility throughout your operations.
Empower your employees: Foster a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and contributes to the social impact mission.
Build strong community partnerships: Collaborate with organizations and communities that share your goals for positive change.
Embrace innovation and technology: Utilize technology to scale your impact and reach a wider audience.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a thrilling opportunity to redefine the purpose of business, moving beyond shareholder value and towards societal well-being. By aligning with the Aquarian spirit of innovation and collective action, social impact businesses can thrive in this transformative era, leaving a lasting legacy of positive change in the world.
Tech-driven disruption
AI, automation, and blockchain will revolutionize industries, from finance to healthcare. Be ready to adapt or risk getting left behind. Expect a focus on developing Artificial Intelligence with ethical considerations and a humanitarian heart, tackling issues like healthcare, climate change, and poverty alleviation. Immersive technologies will blur the lines between the physical and digital realms, transforming education, communication, and entertainment. Automation will reshape the job market, but also create opportunities for new, human-centered roles focused on creativity, innovation, and social impact.
Examples of Tech-Driven Disruption:
Decentralized social media platforms: User-owned networks fueled by blockchain technology, prioritizing privacy and community over corporate profits.
AI-powered healthcare solutions: Personalized medicine, virtual assistants for diagnostics, and AI-driven drug discovery.
VR/AR for education and training: Immersive learning experiences that transport students to different corners of the world or historical periods.
Automation with a human touch: Collaborative robots assisting in tasks while freeing up human potential for creative and leadership roles.
Navigating the Technological Tsunami:
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and upskilling to stay relevant in the evolving tech landscape.
Support ethical and sustainable tech: Choose tech products and services aligned with your values and prioritize privacy and social responsibility.
Focus on your human advantage: Cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence to thrive in a world increasingly reliant on technology.
Advocate for responsible AI development: Join the conversation about ethical AI guidelines and ensure technology serves humanity's best interests.
Connect with your community: Collaborate with others to harness technology for positive change and address the potential challenges that come with rapid technological advancements.
Pluto in Aquarius represents a critical juncture in our relationship with technology. By embracing its disruptive potential and focusing on ethical development and collective benefit, we can unlock a future where technology empowers humanity and creates a more equitable and sustainable world. Remember, the choice is ours – will we be swept away by the technological tsunami or ride its wave towards a brighter future?
Decentralization and democratization
Power structures will shift, with employees demanding more autonomy and consumers seeking ownership through blockchain-based solutions. Traditional institutions, corporations, and even governments will face challenges as power shifts towards distributed networks and grassroots movements. Individuals will demand active involvement in decision-making processes, leading to increased transparency and accountability in all spheres. Property and resources will be seen as shared assets, managed sustainably and equitably within communities. This transition won't be without its bumps. We'll need to adapt existing legal frameworks, address digital divides, and foster collaboration to ensure everyone benefits from decentralization.
Examples of Decentralization and Democratization
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): Self-governing online communities managing shared resources and projects through blockchain technology.
Community-owned renewable energy initiatives: Local cooperatives generating and distributing clean energy, empowering communities and reducing reliance on centralized grids.
Participatory budgeting platforms: Citizens directly allocate local government funds, ensuring public resources are used in line with community needs.
Decentralized finance (DeFi): Peer-to-peer lending and borrowing platforms, bypassing traditional banks and offering greater financial autonomy for individuals.
Harnessing the Power of the Tide:
Embrace collaborative models: Participate in co-ops, community projects, and initiatives that empower collective ownership and decision-making.
Support ethical technology: Advocate for blockchain platforms and applications that prioritize user privacy, security, and equitable access.
Develop your tech skills: Learn about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and other decentralized technologies to navigate the future landscape.
Engage in your community: Participate in local decision-making processes, champion sustainable solutions, and build solidarity with others.
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and critical thinking to navigate the evolving social and economic landscape.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a unique opportunity to reimagine power structures, ownership models, and how we interact with each other. By embracing decentralization and democratization, we can create a future where individuals and communities thrive, fostering a more equitable and sustainable world for all. Remember, the power lies within our collective hands – let's use it wisely to shape a brighter future built on shared ownership, collaboration, and empowered communities.
Focus on collective prosperity
Universal basic income, resource sharing, and collaborative economic models may gain momentum. Aquarius prioritizes the good of the collective, advocating for equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. Expect a rise in social safety nets, universal basic income initiatives, and policies aimed at closing the wealth gap. Environmental health is intrinsically linked to collective prosperity. We'll see a focus on sustainable practices, green economies, and resource sharing to ensure a thriving planet for generations to come. Communities will come together to address social challenges like poverty, homelessness, and healthcare disparities, recognizing that individual success is interwoven with collective well-being. Collaborative consumption, resource sharing, and community-owned assets will gain traction, challenging traditional notions of ownership and fostering a sense of shared abundance.
Examples of Collective Prosperity in Action
Community-owned renewable energy projects: Sharing the benefits of clean energy production within communities, democratizing access and fostering environmental sustainability.
Cooperatives and worker-owned businesses: Sharing profits and decision-making within companies, leading to greater employee satisfaction and productivity.
Universal basic income initiatives: Providing individuals with a basic safety net, enabling them to pursue their passions and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
Resource sharing platforms: Platforms like carsharing or tool libraries minimizing individual ownership and maximizing resource utilization, fostering a sense of interconnectedness.
Navigating the Shift
Support social impact businesses: Choose businesses that prioritize ethical practices, environmental sustainability, and positive social impact.
Contribute to your community: Volunteer your time, skills, and resources to address local challenges and empower others.
Embrace collaboration: Seek opportunities to work together with others to create solutions for shared problems.
Redefine your own path to prosperity: Focus on activities that bring you personal fulfillment and contribute to the collective good.
Advocate for systemic change: Support policies and initiatives that promote social justice, environmental protection, and equitable distribution of resources.
Pluto in Aquarius offers a unique opportunity to reshape our definition of prosperity and build a future where everyone thrives. By embracing collective well-being, collaboration, and sustainable practices, we can create a world where abundance flows freely, enriching not just individuals, but the entire fabric of society. Remember, true prosperity lies not in what we hoard, but in what we share, and by working together, we can cultivate a future where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.
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astroyongie · 13 days
Why Do I Behave This Way ? - Psychology Answers
Note: we are finally to start another topic, this time with why do I behave this way. for this section we will go through the following questions: “Why Can't I Focus?”, “I Am Getting Old, Why Do I Keep Wanting Things?” “Usually I Am Well Behaved.. So Why Did I Lost My Temper?” “Why Do I Lie To People When They Ask Me Something?” “I Have Phobias: wWhat Can I Do?” “Last Week I Did Something Dangerous.. Why?” “Why Do I Keep Watching The Same Shows’” “Why Do I Embarrass Myself In Front Of Important People?"
“Why Can't I Focus?”
What happens in the unconscious brain: 
Everyone knows what attention is but few really knows how it works
In psychology, attention refers to the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on a discrete aspect of information, whether considered subjective or objective, while ignoring other perceivable information.
There’s several types of attention such as: sustained, selective, divided and alternating. 
The information received from our senses passes through the brain's processing system, but is weakened so that it can pass through the system at an unconscious level
Which is the reason we are able to do things without fully paying attention to it or through mechanical actions. Yet our subconscious is still able to visualize the entire information, it just processes it to keep the most important information. 
For example in some cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder, their brain/subconscious is unable to filter the information which makes them sensitive to stimulus and more aware of their environment. 
To resume it all, our attention is a dynamic and competitive system. During the processing of information, our attention amplifies some information while inhibiting others. 
To the question, why can't I focus, can have several answers. Anxiety and other psychological disorders or symptoms can have an impact on the brain processing system,  but the most common known impact is screen time 
The problem with screen time, such as phones or laptops or tv, it's the fact that they put all the things that attract attention together in a practical package, and add some addictive brain chemicals for fun.
One can be more sensitive when looking through a phone. you are receiving a text and your brain’s attention focuses on that.  After the text, you will see other notifications and this process is proven to have the same effect than opiates drugs have. 
Of course the process of focusing can also have other origins and will depend on your health and your environmental factors around you. 
If you are interested in more of these topics you can check the works of Broadbent, Cherry, Skinner, Treisman and Helmholtz as they have the best insight on attention and perception theories in psychology and neurology.
So what can we do?
The first thing we can do is try to understand why it is causing us to lose focus. Is it the screen time? Is it an underlying medical condition? Is it your emotions? are there any other bio-environmental factors? by pointing out what is causing the trouble, we can start working on it
We humans, we possess a limited quantity of attention and thus it's important to try and care for it the best we can
Some solutions can be used to try and regain focus on your everyday tasks such as: limiting screen time, using a reward recompense system with your causes of losing focus, setting boundaries and limits to when and where to use screen time, helo through medication and/or therapy depending on each one case 
You can also re-learn to stay focus. For that you can start doing simple activities like: studying (without screen time), reading, practicing yoga or meditation, playing board games or doing cognitive exercises specialized in attention. 
Now, you know where to work to become a better version of yourself 
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Shutters, in your opinion what are some of the best designed operators? (as in their kit and playstyle)
Gladiia - I've already said in another post that Gladiia is the perfect unit, and I stand by it. She's extremely effective with only minimal investment (E1L1 with skill level 7 will have her do most pulling jobs) but then somehow just gets stronger and stronger AND STRONGER the more you invest into her. Gladiia never learned what 'Diminishing Returns' meant, the economics student that tried to teach it to her got shoved into a locker when he tried. She's a viable M9 unit, wielding utility, damage, tank, and even heal support for some fucking reason. She even keeps getting stronger when you raise other units (Abyssal Hunters). She's fun, she's strong, all of her skills do something unique, she enables strategies absolutely no one else can do, and best of all: she's free.
Saria - Saria is the best case study of how to make a powerful—even overpowered—kit in a genre that mostly cares about DPS without any DPS. Like Gladiia, all of her skills are good and provide unique utility, but unlike Gladiia nothing about her module upgrades or talents or skill numbers is immediately going to tip you off that Saria's incredibly powerful; she just is. You just use her and you realize this is one of the best units in the game, hard carrying your lineups from her sheer versatility and healing power, with some SP utility or debuffs to boot.
Stainless - I would put him on this list for the sheer versatility, fun, strategic potential, and truly clever design his S3 has, but his S1 and S2 are also really fucking good too and stand on their own merits. Like Saria, Stainless is another operator who impresses me by standing out via sheer utility in a DPS-focused game, but unlike Saria, Stainless doesn't bring sustain or bulk, he simply has an array of gadgets that expand your possible map solutions AND operator picks to a wild degree. I finished most of Il Siracusano's EX stages by using Stainless clears—the way this guy enables bad operators with bad skills like Tachanka S1 cannot be matched by anyone. This is my single favorite operator gameplay wise to have come out in the last 2 years, insane how he and Dorothy are the least popular 6 stars when they're both so much more fun than their competition.
Gravel - You know what Gravel does. I think Gravel's kit was a marvel of its time, some truly inspired game design. You see, when Arknights first came out the primary faces of Tower Defense was Plants vs Zombies and Bloons. Gravel's low redeployment time and usage of throwing herself at the enemy team to constantly delay them simulated the feeling of having a mobile character in a genre about putting down towers that don't move, while Gravel also took advantage of enemy targeting priority being based on last deployed unit to act as bait for ranged enemies. She was the best unit to show off how Arknights differed from its competition, by taking advantage of all the design decisions that made Arknights a different beast of tower defense. Simple, effective, and unforgettable.
Hellagur - Hellagur's another example of an operator that does just one job just like Gravel, but approaches it in a way that emphasizes Arknights' unique approach to tower defense: Hellagur holds one spot, often right in front of the enemy gate and without support from his team. As the first Musha, he introduced a highly aggressive playstyle that was all about risk evaluation. You ask "Can Hellagur handle this?" and then see if he can. if he can't, you either buff him or try another approach. If he can, he often solves a big section of the map by himself by simply blocking a whole gate, freeing up the rest of your squad. High risk high reward is a common trope of game design because of how engaging that feeling of ramping tension can be; when Hellagur gets brought down to 1/3rd HP as he's dueling a particularly strong enemy, time slows down a little as you nervously watch him to see if he can handle it, and if he does and reaches back to full health before the next enemy comes, that release of tension and anticipation is its own special high.
I love this ask! Really fun question!
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The beginning of this ideological war has been the questioning of the public and the criticism of the state as the source of all waste and constraint of prosperity. According to the growth imaginary, public services support irresponsibility; they block the indispensable impetus of individual competition; the unemployment subsidy and social assistance keep people dependent on the state; education gratuity pushes vagrancy. Even worse, the welfare state policy demoralizes and retracts the poor to improve themselves, promotes the shrinking of responsibility, discourages them from studying, seeking work. It makes them opt for leisure which leads them to lose dignity and self-esteem. Accordingly, there is only one rational solution: the suppression of the welfare state and the revival of charity of the family and the neighborhood, forcing individuals to assume their responsibilities to avoid dishonor.
Degrowth and Educative Deconstruction of the Neoliberal Subject: Alternatives to Build up a Sustainable Society
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Amazon and Apple have an illegal price-fixing conspiracy
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A class action law firm has filed a suit against Apple and Amazon, accusing the companies of price-fixing Ios devices through an agreement that blocks third-party sellers from Amazon unless they’re authorized by Apple. The suit should be a slam-dunk — but even more, the conduct it accuses Apple and Amazon of should never have been permitted in the first place.
40 years ago, antitrust law underwent a revolution. The pro-monopoly “scholars” of the Chicago School of Economics, led by the Nixonite criminal Robert Bork, argued that antitrust enforcement should limit itself to punishing companies that used market power to raise prices.
Proponents of this “consumer welfare” standard claimed that they just wanted to bring some “objectivity” to the question of monopoly. They said that asking the courts to tame corporate power led to an inconsistent, chaotic world where you couldn’t make a commercial plan without the fear that some judge would block it, because it smelled like an antitrust violation.
The pro-monopolists were unabashed about their support for monopolies. Bork and co. claimed that monopolies were “efficient” and could unleash wonders if we’d only let them dominate their markets and end pointless “wasteful competition.” This sentiment is echoed by today’s robber barons — think of Peter Thiel’s “competition is for losers” or Warren Buffett’s unslakable lust for businesses with “wide, sustainable moats.”
But the monopolists claimed that they weren’t in it for themselves. They said that they wanted to rule without challenge on our behalf — that they would lower prices, improve efficiency, and make us all better off. Indeed, they exhorted regulators to go hard after monopolists that raised prices.
This was a smokescreen. The monopolists insisted that appearances were deceptive: just because a company attained a monopoly and raised prices, we shouldn’t assume that the price-rise was due to the monopoly! Maybe the cost of materials or labor went up. Maybe the moon is in Venus?
So, the monopolists said, regulators must ardently pursue monopolistic price hikes, but this was not the same as “price hikes committed by monopolists.” They argued for the use of abstract and complex models to distinguish the two — models that they alone knew how to make and could charge handsomely for. In an absolutely unforeseeable turn of affairs, these models always proved that the price-hiking companies that commissioned them were innocent.
You know Franklin’s maxim, “it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer?” Substitute “monopolist” for “person” and you’ve got the judicial theory of the monopolists. They argued that “good” monopolies were so freaking awesome for all of us that regulators should approach their job with the utmost of care, lest the accidentally squash one of these invaluable monopolies and deprive us all of their genius.
The monopolists were also part of the broader deregulation movement, the Reaganite notion that “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” They advocated for a smaller, weaker DoJ and FTC, stripping them of headcount and capability.
The result is that, 40 years later, even obvious instances of monopolies using their market power to raise prices are ignored by regulators. When Apple and Amazon struck their 2019 bargain to put Apple in charge of who could sell its products on Amazon, it was obvious that Apple was going after discounters.
Three years later, that’s exactly what they’ve done, with the incontrovertible effect that people are paying more for the same goods because of market power — the only thing trustbusters were supposed to prevent.
Despite the massive red flags this conduct threw off, the Trump administration’s monopoly regulators let it commence. In that regard, they were no different from their predecessors all the way back to Reagan, who were so demoralized, underfunded and/or corrupt that they rarely bestirred themselves, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
The Biden administration’s trustbusters are different. FTC chair Lina Khan, DOJ antitrust chief Jonathan Kanter and White House antitrust czar Tim Wu have made it clear that antitrust is no longer in a coma — it’s awake, it’s back, and it’s pissed:
But it’s much harder to unwind existing monopolies than it is to prevent them in the first place: “if you wanted to get there, I wouldn’t start from here.” Demonopolizing America is a generation-long project, and in the meantime, companies like Amazon and Apple will get away with murder:
The Apple-Amazon scam reveals the lie at the core of the “consumer welfare” theory: that companies will use their market power to help their customers, not pad their wallets. We’re told that Apple and Amazon are rivals — they compete for music, video streaming, etc — but there’s one area they absolutely agree on: monopolists should fuck over their workers and customers in every available way, to the greatest extent possible.
Both companies agree that their workers shouldn’t be able to form unions. They agree that new market entrants shouldn’t be able to make compatible products that make it easy for their customers to quit. They believe that they shouldn’t have to internalize the planet-destroying costs of their business. They believe that they should be able to use their platform status to rip off their business customers’ products, clone them, and then relegate the originals to page ten million of their product listings.
Same with Google: Apple and Google are meant to be great rivals, but the single largest deal Google and Apple do every year is the billions that Google pays to Apple to let it monopolize search on Ios and spy on Apple customers. Apple claims it’s different from Google because it has ethical standards that keep it from spying on you, but those ethical standards are for sale for the low cost of $15 billion.
This is why right wing crybabies who wet their pants over “woke” corporations are fucking idiots. Every large corporation agrees on everything that matters: low pay for workers with no labor rights; no monopoly enforcement, no environmental standards and no taxes. Everything else is a rounding error.
Disney putting a gay character in one of its movies doesn’t make it “progressive” unless you think a “progressive” future is one where our lives are still dominated by 150 untouchable billionaires, but we replace half of them with queer people, women, and/or people of color.
Remember: Rupert Murdoch sold Fox to Disney. Either that deal was made possible by a secret, Romeo-and-Juliet style romance between Bob Iger and Murdoch, whose great ideological differences were bridged by cosmic love…or they had the same ideology all along;
“Social justice” isn’t compatible with corporate power. As important as workplace discrimination and media stereotyping are, fixing these without fixing corporate power is not “progressive.” Gay billionaires like Peter Thiel and far-right woman politicians like Katalin Novák don’t represent social progress.
The conservative coalition of bigots and billionaires depends on the latter reliably rooking the former. There is nothing surprising about “woke” companies pouring millions into the election campaigns of “Big Lie” politicians:
These politicians are Trumpy conspiratorialists second. Their first priority is unlimited corporate power: the power to crush workers, rip off customers, wreck the planet and dismantle all democratically accountable institutions. That’s the same priority as every major corporation. There’s no such thing as a “progressive” multinational.
Globe-spanning, price-gouging corporations want you to believe that inflation was caused by giving workers enough money to survive during the pandemic, not by their price-fixing and decades of offshoring:
Which is why the right can never be “populist.” They can never be on the side of “working class” people, even the white, straight, Christian male working class. Corporate power works solely in service to its shareholders — and the more workers and customers have, the less shareholders have.
That was always the point of neoliberalism: stripping us of economic and social gains of the post-war era and sending us back belowstairs, to tug our forelocks for our social betters:
Image: Andrés Moreira (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/andrix/6373149829/
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
[Image ID: An old-timey cash register displaying $999.99. Its makers' mark has been replaced with Apple's 'Think Different' wordmark; one of the decorative arrows has been replaced with Amazon's arrow-tipped 'Smile' logo. A modified version of Monopoly's Rich Uncle Pennybags is popping out of the cash drawer. He wields a scythe and his face is a skull-mask. Perched atop a protrusion on the register is a trustbuster era editorial cartoon image of Roosevelt, swinging his 'big stick.']
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The guest PT 19
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Jack and Belle walked through the hospital trying to figure out how they would practice the operation when they head the Prof talking to Hetty.
"I was a young man about town with all the trappings. But not the wherewithal to clad myself as I'd have liked. And Astley Cooper let me know that. He was very particular about shirts." The old man whittered.
" Astley Cooper?" Jack asked.
" Yes. "Oh, McGregor," he'd say, "Wearing a cheap shirt again today"?" He laughed.
"Sorry, sir. The man you worked with... You worked with Sir Astley Cooper?" Jack asked.
" Did you happen to see the..." Belle followed him into he room.
"Operation on the aortic ane?" He asked.
" Yes. How did you-?"
"Doctor Sneed asked in passing this morning I assume it's another competition between the two of you." He waved his hand towards Jack.
"Could you tell me about it?" Belle asked.
" Sit down, Dr. Dawkins, Lady Belle, Port?"
"No. Thank you. Do you have any clinical notes?" Jack prompted.
"Oh, God. Somewhere. No matter, I remember it clearly." Jack's eyes flick to Hetty who nods and started looking through the notebooks, "It was rainy that day and I'd forgotten my coat and Cooper said I look like a drowned rat. He was a brilliant bastard."
" The surgery, sir. How did he do it?" Belle asked.
" The challenge is to tie the ligation tight enough to fix the aneurysm, but loose enough to sustain blood flow through the body." The words drifted off as the Prof fell asleep.
" What's he been drinking?" Jack called to Hetty .
"The old Parsons." She replied looking up from the desk.
" Old... That'll knock out a bloody whale." Belle groaned. Jack disappeared for a moment and the women hear him rummaging before coming back with a large syringe. He injects it into the professor's arm and he shoots awake.
"Mother of God!" He shouts
" Sir. What was the ligation? How did he tie it?" Jack was rushed in his words.
" What was that you gave me, Dawkins? It's quite moreish."
" Please, sir, try to remember. What was Cooper's solution?" Belle stood from her seat.
" He didn't have one. Patient died. Bloody awful mess." The prof sighed.
Hetty looks up, a notebook in her hand. The three of them dart from the office making their way through the corridors.
"What on earth? Dawkins! What are you doing here? Gaines has been-" Sneed came rushing up to them but Belle thought quickly.
"Go, I'll find you in a moment." She shoves Jack away and turns back to Sneed. Jack and Hetty rush up to Jack's room where Hetty begins reading through the pages.
"Principle challenges to..." Hetty stops reading aloud.
"What?" Jack feels his stomach clench with fear.
" Here, he goes on about a lovely Sauternes he drank in 1817. Something about a duck pâté. Oh. 'The spinal cord and the aorta. It's extremely dangerous if you...'Some muck all over it. I think it's the pâté. And the rest is all in Latin." Hetty lowers the notebook as Jack drops into the wooden chair in front of her
"For God's sake!" He growled holding his head in his hands.
" You love her, don't you? Then I can see why you wouldn't want to do it." The nurse sighs.
" I will kill her." He says with tears in his eyes.
"What if she dies and you don't try?" She asks. Across the room Belle steps inside, closing the door behind her.
"How is any of this fair?" Jack asks.
" Fair? You've never really loved anyone, have you?" Hetty looks at him with pity, "You peel the skin off your heart and it always hurts. No matter what you do." Belle blinks, she knows that pain all too well. Hetty looked to her.
"You can read Latin," She nods, "You can read Prof's notes."
Belle runs her eye over the old language,
" Yes. Yes. Disagree with that. That's just plainly wrong. I don't need these. Found it from First Principles. What's important is to get the hand positions." Come on Sneed is getting a body ready in the morgue."
"How-? Nevermind let's go." Jack and Belle run from the room leaving Hetty alone. Her heart breaking for too many reasons.
"Cut into the linea alba." Belle said
"All right. I've got that far." Jack replies
"Good. Now, make a small aperture into the peritoneum, insert your finger into the abdomen." She continues, "Pass your finger between the intestines to the spine. And now, push the needle with the ligature behind it." Jack did as she instructed with Sneed watching him.
" So, just shove a needle through y/n's entire body without piercing anything?"he said looking between Jack and Belle.
" Take care not to nick the aorta..." She said.
Jack pushed the needle and his fingers through the corpse, every movement a struggle.
"I can't. ...or break the spinal cord. I can't do this blindly. I will paralyse her or I will kill her." Jack looked up at Sneed.
"No, it's doable. Watch. Belle rushed forward, taking Jack's place, "There. Ligation's tied. No damage to the aorta or the spinal cord." She smiled
" Assuming that I can do this, how do I tie it tight enough to fix it, but not so tightly, it cuts the circulation off completely?" Jack was looking for hope in her eyes
" We'll fill the aorta with water and try." Sneed suggested as he darted across the room.
" Come on, we are so close." Belle huffed when Jack moved away from the heart. His mind was exhausted and hope was slowly fading.
"Move. Clamped." Belle shoved him aside and started working.
" Belle. Please, Belle, stop." Sneed tried to pull her away from the organ.
" No!"
" Stop. It doesn't work. No. It doesn't work. I'm so sorry." Sneed pulled her back and Belle collapsed against him tears falling from her eyes.
"We can't do it." She finally admits.
"No, no we can't give up we just need more time." Sneed says.
"Why do you care? All you've done is try to hurt her." Jack growled through his tears. Belle looked up at Sneed's face, seeing the same look in his eyes that she saw in the mirror.
"You aren't the only one who has fallen in love with y/n Jack."
"my turn daddy, my turn!" The boy shouted, gleefully reaching up to him. Jack swapped the children and copied his spin with the boy before lifting the girl up with as well. All three turn to you, their smiles wide.
You run through a door and find yourself standing in a meadow, bathed in a golden glow of the setting sun. Not too far away there is a blanket laid out on the grass, a whicker basket in one corner and food dotted around. It feels peaceful, like a dream. Giggles of children caught your ear and you turn, seeing a crystal clear pond with two young children splashing in the water. With them Jack was playing, his shirt sleeves and trousers legs rolled up to keep them out of the water. He lifted the small girl up and spun her around in the air. She giggled even harder.
"Come mumma, play with us!" The children giggled more. You feel.ypurself walking, the grass soft below your feet, but no matter how far you walked or how fast you could not close the gap between you.
"Y/n?" You hear Jack's voice, but it isn't from the man by the pond, instead it is like it comes from the sky. Twisting around you try to find a way out of the meadow. Trees, tall and dark surround you.
Panic fills you and you start running as fast as your feet would take you until you hit hard against the tree trunks. Your body falls backwards but you don't feel the ground instead you feel yourself landing on your bed. Your modern apartment bedroom, now around you.
"No not again." You sigh as you stand and walk out to the living room. The TV played in the corner and you can hear movement in the kitchen. Approaching slowly you held your breath until you saw Belle and Fanny. The two women were cooking and chatting.
"Why are you here?" Fanny asks, her face hard.
"You aren't welcome here." Belle hissed at you.
"What? How do I get back?" You ask. Both girls smiled at you and pulled out modern pistols.
"We kill you silly." They spoke in perfect unison.
"Jack?" You spin on your heels and dart for the apartment door. The corridor is long, stretching on. You run as fast as your legs will allow you. There is an open door at the end and you can see Jack's fingers clutching at it.
It was becoming harder to run, like your feet were tacky and sticking to the ground until you could no longer move forward. Looking down you see your feet. The carpet had grown and lifted around your feet, moulding onto you and holding you still.
"Jack I'm coming!" You shout.
"Jack! Jack please help me!" You call out to him.
"Fanny l, my dear. I know in your eyes I must look like a failure after losing the gold." Oliver perched on the edge of an armchair, across from Fanny in the parlour, "but if you would still have me I would be humbled if you agreed to come to England with me."
"Oh, Mr Twist, of course I will." Fanny giggled.
"you must call me Oliver, please. I have a friend on the ship, the captain, he can marry us once we are at sea." He smiles, as Fanny blushes. Across the room Lady Jane and Edmund share a rare moment of tenderness. He pats her hand that was laid on his chest.
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @mydeputyghostwagon
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canadian-car-shipping · 2 months
Exploring The History And Success Of A Canadian Car Company
Buckle up, gearheads! Today, we are revving our engines and taking a thrilling ride through the fascinating history and remarkable success of a Canadian car company that has left an indelible mark on the automotive industry. From its humble beginnings to conquering international markets, this company's journey is awe-inspiring. So, fasten your seatbelts as we dive into the exhilarating world of innovation, challenges, triumphs, and everything in between!
Impact On The Canadian Automotive Industry
Established decades ago, the Canadian car company has played a pivotal role in shaping and driving the automotive landscape within Canada. Its presence has bolstered the economy and fostered a sense of national pride in producing quality vehicles on home soil. The company's commitment to innovation and excellence has set new standards for the industry, inspiring others to push boundaries and strive for greatness.
This company has become an integral part of Canada's automotive sector by providing jobs, investing in research and development, and supporting local suppliers. Its impact ripples through various communities across the country, creating opportunities for growth and advancement. As a beacon of success in a competitive market, this Canadian car company continues to pave the way for future automakers to follow suit.
Expansion Into International Markets
The Canadian Car Company's expansion into international markets marked a significant milestone in its history. It opened up new opportunities for growth and global recognition, and by venturing beyond national borders, the company showcased its ability to compete globally.
With a strategic approach, the Canadian Car Company penetrated various international markets, adapting to different cultural preferences and regulations. This adaptability was crucial in establishing a strong presence in diverse regions worldwide.
The Canadian Car Company successfully introduced its vehicles to consumers worldwide through partnerships and collaborations with local distributors and dealerships. This approach not only boosted sales but also solidified the brand's reputation on an international level.
Expanding into international markets allowed the Canadian Car Company to showcase its commitment to innovation and quality across borders. The company's dedication to excellence resonated with customers globally, increasing demand for its vehicles.
Key Innovations And Technological Advancements
One key factor contributing to the success of this Canadian car company is its continuous focus on innovations and technological advancements. From the early days of manufacturing vehicles, they have strived to stay ahead of the curve by integrating cutting-edge technology into their designs. This commitment has allowed them to meet evolving consumer demands and set new industry standards.
The company's investment in research and development has led to breakthroughs in fuel efficiency, safety features, and overall performance. By harnessing the power of innovation, they have created cars that are not only reliable but also environmentally friendly. These advancements have positioned them as a leader in sustainable transportation solutions.
Moreover, this Canadian car company has incorporated advanced software and connectivity options into its vehicles through strategic partnerships with tech companies and suppliers. This forward-thinking approach has created smart cars that offer customers a seamless driving experience.
By staying at the forefront of technological progress, this Canadian car company continues to push boundaries and shape the future of automotive engineering.
Success Stories And Notable Achievements
One of the most renowned success stories in Canadian Car Company's history is its groundbreaking introduction of electric vehicles to the market. This bold move not only revolutionized the industry but also solidified the company's position as a forward-thinking and environmentally conscious automaker.
In addition, the company's commitment to innovation has led to numerous accolades and awards for its cutting-edge designs and advanced technology integration. Its dedication to pushing boundaries and setting new standards has earned it a loyal customer base around the globe.
Furthermore, their strategic partnerships with key players in the automotive sector have paved the way for collaborative projects that have further enhanced their brand reputation. These successful collaborations have resulted in mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties involved, showcasing Canadian Car Company's ability to thrive in competitive environments.
These notable achievements are testaments to the Canadian Car Company's unwavering commitment to excellence and continuous growth in the automotive industry.
Challenges faced by the company
Navigating the competitive landscape of the automotive industry, the Canadian Car Company has faced its fair share of challenges. From economic downturns to shifts in consumer preferences, staying ahead of the curve requires continuous innovation and adaptability.
One significant challenge has been balancing sustainability with performance in an environmentally conscious market. As regulations tighten, the company continues to address the delicate balance between investing in eco-friendly technologies and maintaining high-quality standards.
Moreover, global supply chain disruptions and fluctuating raw material costs have posed logistical hurdles for production and distribution. Finding efficient solutions to minimize delays and optimize operations remains a top priority for sustained growth.
Despite these obstacles, the Canadian Car Company's commitment to excellence and resilience has propelled it forward. By embracing change, fostering creativity, and prioritizing customer satisfaction, this iconic brand continues to make waves domestically and internationally.
As we reflect on its journey through history filled with achievements, innovations, and challenges, overcome, one thing is clear - the legacy of this Canadian car company will undoubtedly continue shaping the future of automotive excellence for years to come.
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collapsedsquid · 26 days
1. Emphasize long-term thinking: Yudkowsky is known for his advocacy of long-term thinking and existential risk mitigation. Lesson: In business, focusing on long-term goals and sustainability rather than short-term gains can lead to better decision-making and more enduring success. Consider the long-term implications of your actions, investments, and strategies. 2. Foster a culture of learning and intellectual curiosity: Yudkowsky promotes intellectual rigor, continuous learning, and rational thinking. Lesson: In business, cultivating a culture that encourages learning, critical thinking, and intellectual curiosity can foster innovation, adaptability, and problem-solving. Encourage your employees to seek knowledge, challenge assumptions, and embrace a growth mindset. 3. Embrace interdisciplinary approaches: Yudkowsky's work spans multiple disciplines, including cognitive science, philosophy, and computer science. Lesson: In business, incorporating interdisciplinary perspectives and embracing diverse skill sets can lead to innovative solutions, fresh insights, and a competitive edge. Encourage collaboration across different fields and encourage employees with diverse backgrounds and expertise. 4. Communicate effectively: Yudkowsky is known for his clear and concise writing style and his ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. Lesson: In business, strong communication skills are essential. Develop the ability to articulate your vision, ideas, and strategies clearly to stakeholders, customers, and employees. Effective communication fosters trust, alignment, and collaboration. 5. Embrace rational decision-making: Yudkowsky is an advocate for rationality and systematic decision-making. Lesson: In business, applying rational decision-making frameworks, basing decisions on data and evidence, and minimizing cognitive biases can lead to better outcomes. Embrace critical thinking, employ analytical tools, and encourage a culture of reasoned decision-making.
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argumate · 4 months
China's domestic demand is very weak because – as almost everyone now acknowledges – households retain (in the form of wages, interest and transfers) a very low share of what they produce. That is why they consume a very low share of what they produce.
That is also why China relies so heavily on its trade surplus to support its manufacturing sector, which represents an extraordinarily high share of China's total GDP. Without the net foreign demand contributed by its trade surplus, the economy would slow sharply.
But the international competitiveness of China's manufacturing sector is itself dependent on the low share of GDP retained by Chinese households. That is because of the huge direct and indirect transfers from the household sector that subsidize manufacturing.
This creates a quandary. In the medium term China must increase domestic demand, which it can only sustainably do by reversing these transfers and increasing the share of GDP retained by Chinese households.
But as it does so, it's manufacturers can no longer maintain their international competitiveness, and so China's trade surplus will drop, partly because Chinese will consume more but mainly, in the short term, because China manufacturers will sell less.
The solution to China's deficient domestic demand, in other words, can only come at a short term cost to its manufacturing sector, and given the sheer size of its manufacturing sector, that would be extremely painful for the overall economy.
This is not just a Chinese problem – it is a problem for all manufacturing surplus economies. The Japanese have been wrestling with this for over 30 years, Germany and South Korea are currently struggling to resolve it, and the US suffered in the early 1930s.
In every case an economy that must raise the wage share of GDP to rebalance domestic demand cannot do so without a short-term manufacturing contraction, made worse by the fact that in [China] the manufacturing share of the economy is disproportionately high.
Pettis of course, I'm in awe of this guy
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sunshinesmebdy · 4 months
Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Embracing the Power of the Moon in Aries
The vibrant energy of the Moon in Aries brings a dynamic shift to the world of business and finance. It’s a period characterized by bold initiatives, decisive action, and a surge of entrepreneurial spirit. As an astrologer and business consultant, I’m here to guide you through this potent transit and maximize its potential for your success.
Understanding the Moon in Aries Influence:
Fiery Leadership: This transit amplifies leadership qualities, encouraging assertiveness, initiative, and a willingness to take calculated risks. It’s an ideal time to step up, present your ideas confidently, and lead projects with courage and conviction.
The Moon in Aries ignites the inner CEO within! This fiery transit throws open the curtains on your leadership potential, boosting your assertiveness, initiative, and appetite for calculated risks. It’s prime time to shed self-doubt, step onto center stage, and confidently pitch your ideas. Lead projects with the conviction of a lion, unafraid to break new ground. But remember, true leadership isn’t a solo act — leverage your team’s strengths, delegate wisely, and inspire others with your fiery vision. Now go forth and conquer, leader!
Innovation & Creativity: The fiery energy sparks creative thinking and encourages out-of-the-box solutions. Businesses can leverage this time to brainstorm new products, explore niche markets, and implement innovative marketing strategies.
The Moon in Aries is creativity’s jet fuel! Unleash your inner inventor and ignite a brainstorming inferno. Dive deep into niche markets, explore unconventional possibilities, and let your ideas dance outside the lines. This is the perfect time to launch new products that disrupt the status quo, experiment with bold marketing campaigns, and implement innovative solutions that leave your competitors gasping for air. Remember, innovation thrives on a healthy dose of risk, so don’t be afraid to color outside the lines and ignite the spark of change!
Competitive Drive: Aries thrives on friendly competition. Utilize this energy to engage in healthy market competition, negotiate favorable deals, and strive for excellence in your industry. However, remember to stay ethical and respectful, avoiding aggressive tactics that could damage your reputation.
The Moon in Aries throws down the gauntlet, igniting a healthy competitive spirit within! Channel this fire to excel in your market, but remember, it’s a friendly duel, not a scorched-earth battle. Leverage this energy to secure favorable deals, negotiate with confidence, and push your industry boundaries. Remember, sportsmanship matters — compete fiercely, but ethically and respectfully. Think of it as a collaborative climb to the top, not a ruthless push to the bottom. By striking the right balance between ambition and integrity, you’ll emerge victorious, reputation intact and fire still burning bright. So, ready, set, go (with grace)!
Impulsive Decisions: The downside of Aries’ impulsive nature is the potential for hasty decisions and reckless investments. Before making significant financial moves, ensure thorough research, careful analysis, and a balanced perspective.
While the Moon in Aries fuels your fire, remember, impulse control is your armor! This transit can tempt you to dive headfirst into risky investments or hastily close deals. Don’t let the flames cloud your judgment. Before venturing into financial territory, douse the inferno with thorough research, careful analysis, and a healthy dose of skepticism. Seek diverse perspectives, consult trusted advisors, and prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term thrills. Remember, calculated risks are one thing, but reckless gambles can leave you singed. So, channel your fiery spirit wisely, and remember, slow and steady wins the financial race under this potent transit.
Tips for Harnessing the Moon in Aries Power:
Initiate New Ventures: This period favors launching new businesses, products, or marketing campaigns. Channel your creative spirit and develop strategies that stand out from the crowd.
With the Moon in Aries’ spotlight shining bright, it’s go time for bold initiatives! This is the astrological green light to launch that business you’ve been dreaming of, unveil that innovative product you’ve been tinkering with, or unleash a marketing campaign that blazes a trail unlike any other. Tap into your boundless creativity, ignite the spark of differentiation, and develop strategies that make your brand stand out like a supernova in a crowded galaxy. Don’t be afraid to break the mold — remember, Aries thrives on trailblazing and the world awaits your unique brand of brilliance. So, unleash your inner entrepreneur, channel your fiery spirit, and get ready to launch into the stratosphere of success!
Negotiate with Confidence: Don’t be afraid to express your value and negotiate assertively, ensuring you secure fair deals and partnerships. Remember, confidence is key, but stay respectful and collaborative in your approach.
Under the Moon in Aries, your negotiation game levels up! Don’t shy away from expressing your worth and confidently advocating for your goals. It’s okay to bring the fire, but remember, it’s a negotiation, not a battle. Assert your value with respect, collaborate to find win-win solutions, and remember, confidence is key to securing fair deals and partnerships. Think of it as a dance, not a duel — move with grace, power, and a clear understanding of your worth, and you’ll emerge victorious, leaving behind a trail of satisfied collaborators, not scorched earth. So, channel your inner diplomat warrior, and go forth and negotiate with confidence!
Invest Strategically: The Moon in Aries can be a good time for calculated investments, especially in innovative sectors or emerging markets. However, conduct thorough research, avoid impulsive decisions, and prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term gains.
While the Moon in Aries ignites the fire of investment fervor, remember — it’s a calculated burn, not a reckless inferno! This transit can offer fertile ground for strategic investments, especially in groundbreaking sectors or burgeoning markets. However, don’t let the fiery energy cloud your judgment. Conduct meticulous research, analyze trends with a cool head, and prioritize long-term stability over fleeting gains. Think of it as planting a financial seed — nurture it with knowledge, patience, and a sprinkle of calculated risk, and watch it blossom into a sustainable garden of success. Remember, impulsive bets might bring quick thrills, but informed decisions fueled by Aries’ fire will be the true key to unlocking long-term financial prosperity. So, invest wisely, fellow warriors, and let the Moon in Aries guide you towards a future as bright as your ambition!
Delegate Tasks Wisely: Delegate tasks wisely to capitalize on the team’s diverse strengths and prevent burnout. Encourage initiative and creativity within your team, fostering a dynamic and collaborative work environment.
Under the Moon in Aries, delegation becomes your secret weapon! Instead of trying to be a one-person whirlwind, tap into the diverse strengths of your team. Delegate tasks strategically, matching talents with workloads, and watch the collective fire ignite. Don’t micromanage, instead, encourage initiative and creative solutions. Foster a collaborative spirit where ideas flow freely, fueled by the shared energy of the transit. Remember, a united team with individual flames burning bright is a force to be reckoned with! By delegating wisely, you’ll not only empower your team but also avoid burnout and ignite a dynamic engine of productivity that propels everyone towards shared success. So, step back, empower your warriors, and let the collective fire of Aries work its magic!
Maintain Balance: While embracing the impulsive drive is important, remember to maintain a healthy balance. Take time for reflection, consult with trusted advisors, and avoid letting your enthusiasm cloud your judgment.
The Moon in Aries is a potent brew of impulsiveness and drive, but remember, even the fiercest warrior needs moments of calm! Don’t get swept away by the whirlwind of action. Breathe, reflect, and consult trusted advisors to ground your ideas and avoid rash decisions fueled by pure enthusiasm. Think of it as adding water to the Aries fire — it tempers the flames, allowing them to burn brighter, stronger, and for longer. Prioritize sleep, healthy habits, and moments of introspection to maintain balance. Remember, true success under this transit demands not just fiery drive, but also the wisdom to channel it strategically. So, embrace the passion, but fuel it with balance, and watch your Aries-fueled endeavors burn a path to lasting success!
Remember, the Moon in Aries transit is a fleeting opportunity to inject your business with dynamic energy and entrepreneurial spirit. By understanding its influence, employing strategic planning, and maintaining a balanced approach, you can turn this fiery transit into a catalyst for success and propel your business to new heights.
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Why does it seem capitalism is so ill equipped to deal with climate change?
Also, do you think those suffering from scarcity and homelessness deserve to die because they can't figure out how to do capitalism properly.
Why does it seem capitalism is so ill equipped to deal with climate change?
The perception that capitalism is ill-equipped to address climate change arises from the fact that majority of businesses focus on a short-term profit orientation, which often leads them to prioritize immediate financial gains over long-term sustainability. This can result in environmentally harmful practices, such as over-exploitation of resources and inadequate investments in cleaner technologies. Additionally, capitalism's pricing mechanisms can sometimes fail to account for the true environmental costs, causing goods and services to be underpriced in terms of their impact on the environment. The competitive nature of capitalist markets can exacerbate this by pressuring companies to cut costs and bypass environmental regulations to maintain competitiveness, often at the expense of the environment. While capitalism can adapt and incorporate sustainable practices, addressing climate change effectively within its framework requires regulatory and structural adjustments to align economic incentives with environmental preservation.
Unfortunately, the reality is that although most people do consider the environment a priority, they do not prioritize it highly in practice relative to other important qualities. Now this behavior isn't exclusive to the environment, we see it in a lot of aspects such as the classic, a large percentage of people said they would pay more for a local business or USA-made product than one made by China or a large business," yet in practice a very small percentage of people choose the more expensive locally made products over the cheaper alternatives. This effect is what leads to most businesses focusing on a price-leadership model. This is why you see a very large disparity between Capitalist nations success of environmental preservation because societies have varying beliefs and priorities.
TL;DR -> Most consumers prioritize other things over preserving the environment, which leads to producers to prioritize other things over preserving the environment. This is what Adam Smith commonly referred to as the "Invisible Hand".
Also, do you think those suffering from scarcity and homelessness deserve to die because they can't figure out how to do capitalism properly.
No, homeless people do not die nor deserve to die because they can't figure out how to "do capitalism properly." Homelessness is a complex social issue with various contributing factors, and it is not solely a result of an individual's inability to participate in a capitalist system. While economic factors play a role in homelessness, it is important to recognize that homelessness is a systemic problem that requires comprehensive solutions, including social services, affordable housing, mental health support, and addiction treatment. It is not appropriate or accurate to attribute homelessness to an individual's inability to navigate the capitalist system. Instead, addressing homelessness requires a broader societal commitment to providing support and resources to those in need.
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sophiyablogs · 6 months
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Transform Your Academic Path With Us
In today's fast-paced academic environment, juggling multiple commitments can often leave students overwhelmed. If you've found yourself struggling with your online finance class, fret not – we've got the perfect solution for you. Welcome to TakeMyClassCourse.com, where we specialize in providing top-notch assistance for students seeking to excel in their finance studies. When the challenge of managing your coursework becomes too daunting, our dedicated team is here to make your academic journey smoother. If you've ever wondered, Can someone take my online finance class for me so that I can complete my assignment on time ? – the answer is a resounding yes, and we're here to show you how.
Why Take My Finance Class?
Embarking on a finance course is undoubtedly a demanding task. From complex calculations to in-depth analyses, the coursework often requires a level of dedication that can be difficult to sustain amidst a busy schedule. That's where TakeMyClassCourse.com steps in to alleviate your academic stress. Our team of experienced professionals understands the intricacies of finance, and we are committed to helping you not just pass but excel in your online finance class.
Key Features of Our Services:
Expert Tutors: Our team comprises seasoned finance experts who are well-versed in the nuances of the subject. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, ensuring that you receive top-quality assistance throughout your course.
Customized Approach: We recognize that every student is unique, and so are their learning needs. Our services are tailored to meet your specific requirements, ensuring that you receive the support you need to succeed in your finance class.
Timely Submission: We understand the importance of deadlines in the academic world. With TakeMyClassCourse.com, you can rest assured that your assignments and projects will be submitted promptly, giving you the peace of mind to focus on other aspects of your academic journey.
Affordable Pricing: Education should be accessible to all, and our pricing reflects that belief. We offer competitive rates without compromising on the quality of our services, making academic assistance within reach for every student.
How to Take My Finance Class with TakeMyClassCourse.com:
Visit our website: Navigate to https://www.takemyclasscourse.com/take-my-online-finance-class/ to explore our services.
Contact Us: Reach out to us through the contact form on our website, and let us know the specifics of your finance class requirements.
Get a Quote: Receive a personalized quote based on the scope of your coursework and the level of assistance you need.
Sit Back and Relax: Once you've enlisted our services, you can focus on other priorities while our experts take care of your finance class.
At TakeMyClassCourse.com, we take pride in being the go-to solution for students facing the challenge of balancing a demanding finance class with their busy lives. Don't let the stress of academia hinder your success – take your finance class with us and unlock the door to a brighter academic future. Remember, when it comes to excelling in finance, we're here to make it possible for you. Take the first step toward success today!
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