#Sulley Monsters Inc
wowifinallywatched · 2 days
Monsters at Work Characters and what they represent
Tylor: Going through hardships to realise what truly matters, Who you want to surround yourself with and what you believe in, Even if it may not be exactly what or who you planned for yourself
Val: Continuing to show up and be grateful for your friends, Your family, Your job, Your life and most importantly - Yourself - with excitement and positivity.
Fritz: Never being afraid to show your Love and affection for those you truly care about and taking serious care and responsibility for the job you've been given, especially when it comes to your team.
Roger Rogers: Not letting anyone, even family, hold you back from your dreams and what you believe in. Also forgiving someone (if they deserve it) when they've realised their mistake and re-building that relationship.
Duncan: Portrayel of hard exterior who says they only care about themselves but in reality they have a soft inside and do care about their weird little family (Example A: Love for his mother) (And Gilfs) (A classic we adore) (ALSO THE MANAGER POSITIO-)
Cutter: Never let anything stand in the way of what you know, what you deserve and what you love. (even if it's over some Pulpy orange juice)
Mike and Sulley: You don't need qualifications, A degree, To 'know someone' or be a part of the popular crowd - You just need a Dream, Determination and hard work. They literally started from the mail room and now they run the company. If that's not 'Starting from the bottom now we're here' then I don't know what is.
George Sanderson: 2319!!!! I REPEAT- 2319!!!!!
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dawn64 · 2 months
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Day 5: Alternate Universe
Lore time! In this universe, James P. Sullivan is a huntsman and Belle is a monster from the Monsters Inc world who despite being considered one of the scariest monsters, she could not bring herself to actually scare children and instead is ahead of her time, as she makes them laugh and recieves gifts from them in form of flowers and books she cherishes which is how she grew a love for them. Sulley had been tasked to slay the monster that was intruding in homes, but he instead ended up falling in love with her.
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waezi2 · 2 years
The brilliance of the “Sulley scaring Boo” scene.
Re-watching Monsters Inc and this movie is far better than I recalled. Especially because of how we are NOT shows a monster scare a child till much later in the film.
Sure, we see monsters enter doors to scare children and then leave once they got a container filled with scream energy, but we are not shown how exactly the monster does it and how the child react. We know what's going on, but we don't see it. Because of that, the watcher of the film is not completely aware of how messed up it is.
That is, till Sulley accidentally scares Boo.
Sully is this big lovable guy, a giant furball of friendly energy. He is very mellow.
But he is also this:
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This is the first time we see a monster in action and it is utterly horrifying. This is when we are slapped in the face with what the monsters does. It just got very VERY real.
Sulley screams the kid-robot right in its face like he would a real child. And Boo unfortunately stands nearby and is therefor also screamed right in the face by Sulley.
And then Sulley sees how sad and frightened Boo is. It slowly sinks in for him that this is what he does to children, barging into their room and probably makes it difficult for them to sleep as they are terrified of the devil-bear-creature.
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Rainbow Wheel Ahoy
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After 12 hours and loads of suggestions, these were the 24 top suggestions (three for each color).
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flyingmycolours · 1 year
Custom Care Bear - Sulley Bear! (Monsters Inc.)
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I was a little bored last week, just chatting with some friends on a discord server, and I felt like sewing, so I asked if anyone would like a custom Care Bear.  One of our group members, the always creative @thrawnsromcom , had an interesting suggestion -- a Monsters Inc themed bear based on Sulley. 
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 I just so happened to have a 2018 “Easter” Wish Bear in a lamb costume, as seen in this pic:
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l had got her as part of a bulk lot, and honestly had no idea what to do with her.  She ended up being perfect to “cosplay” as something else!
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I used a felt-layering technique to make the tummy symbol, with sparkly embroidered outlines.  The pupil of the eye is also embroidered, and scraps of blue fabric from the M made for the perfect foot claws.
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The horns are custom made, out of purple cotton.  The hood can still be pulled back, showing regular Care Bear ears underneath.
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The old lamb ears were repurposed to make Sulley’s tail! 
Finally, I made a “Little Mikey” plushie to go along with him.  I found the pattern for Little Mikey at the linked youtube video, though I had to modify it a bit due to how tiny the “plushie’s plushie” ended up being.
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Little Mikey’s eye and mouth are also hand-embroidered.
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Still wish I could have figured out how to give him Sulley’s purple fur splotches (I don’t think I could have pulled off dyeing him without messing up the rest of his fur), but I think he turned out pretty good, all things considering :D
Thanks again, @thrawnsromcom for giving me such a great idea!  I hope you love your bear just as much as I enjoyed making him!  
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kratosfan6632466 · 10 months
Raise your hand if you fell In love with sulley from monsters inc 🙋🏻🙋🏻
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thorinsbeard · 8 months
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A movie for every year since I was born: Monsters Inc (2001)
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coco--rock · 3 days
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thatdoodlebug · 2 months
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im waiting for randall to finally be in monsters at work, then my life could be complete idk
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retshirou · 22 days
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it probably wasn’t a good idea trying this in front of the two guys who did something similar before
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spajderserdel · 10 months
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i wasn't planning to draw it in ship way, but it turned out to be in ship way?;?;;😭😭
i really love monster university,,, this little college vibe,,
i rewatch it at least once a year and i feel like its very underrated :((
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dawn64 · 2 months
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Day 3: Highschool/College
Sulley and Belle's first day at Disney College! (added shadowing on them to make it look like they're part of the pic)
@twisting-echo (thanks again for the pngs)
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caecaesclubhouse · 6 months
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I like to think I'm funny: Monsters Inc/University edition
(Pls don't criticize me this is all just a joke)
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james-p-sullivan · 4 months
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kratosfan6632466 · 10 months
I rlly wanna make a smut fic for sulley now
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mikewazowskikinnie · 27 days
Anyways enanan lighting analysis time
Also in these clips the lighting shows so much, in the first clip the lighting is cold, dull and a similar colour to johnny’s fur, showing how johnny himself has become more shallow and cold as time went on (after MU), whereas in the first clip, the lighting is orange, warm and illuminating his face, showing johnny’s act of kindness that lured tylor into the whole mess, the light illuminating johnny’s face shows how tylor sees him as a good person/monster.
And the lighting being a similar colour to his fur shows his narcissism as he genuinely believes he’s doing the right thing and being the “hero” of monstropolis
Or im just reaching idfk-
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