#Studying TEFL online
trustedteflreviews · 2 months
"Their customer service is second to none."
tefl online pro review, submitted by Nadine. TEFL Online Pro was an excellent online study experience. They were professional and kind and took the stress out of studying online by keeping things light and fun while making sure that I progressed successfully through the course. Their customer service is second to none. It was also excellent bang for my buck. The course goes into a lot of detail…
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claudiasharon · 10 months
...send help?
tl;dr I might get a job in Japan teaching kids English. OMG.
I have an actual job interview. OMG. Guys, gals, and enby pals, A JOB INTERVIEW. Granted it is not in my field of study but it would be a work abroad IN JAPAN job. Teaching English. Just like my cousin David before me. xD
But seriously, I am SHOOK. I also applied and got a response from a Korean company for teaching English online to South Korean students. They are interested in me and I replied back to their email but WOW.
Also, I would have to get a TEFL certificate to teach english as a foreign language. BUT. Guess what? I have experience editing and proofreading English books, essays, and articles written by non Native English speakers, so that is sorta similar lol.
AND I would be teaching kids! OMG.
This is like, amazing if it actually happens. If not I will just teach online after I get the certificate (which I'd have to charge the cost of to my currently $0 balance credit card bc it's pricey) but I am like, WHAT????? What is going on?
HOW DO I INTERVIEW OMG. It has been ages since I interviewed and it was easy back when I was younger.
I have to wear conservative attire and hide my tattoos for the Japanese interview+working there. Thankfully I do not need to know Japanese for this, but if I get this job and am able to go there? I WILL LEARN IT DAMN IT.
The pay in South Korea for English teachers is more than in Japan, and Korea seems to cover a lot of expenses compared to Japan, but if this is somehow doable? I'll do it!
Can you image? Me? In a foreign country that IS NOT CANADA. Holy shitballs y'all.
I would need a feminine wardrobe though, which sucks bc ick dysphoria but I am still AFAB and couldn't take my T and stuff so I'd have to stop it for A YEAR because it is a year contract.
BUT I would be going to motherfucking Japan. Like can you imagine? For an American that has only ever been to American states and Canada (Toronto and London) this is AMAZEBALLS.
If this happens idk what I will do. Probably die from omging myself. Hahahahahaha.
I doubt it'll come to fruition because I would have to figure out how my son would be taken care of while I was gone tbh, plus if he could come with me and my hubby too or if I would have to go alone idk.
So it is still in the air if it'll happen and I still need to get hired but holy crap a step closer to getting a job AND traveling? I am amazed.
*dies from shock*
Also, if y'all are interested in learning how to get a job teaching English online or in another country than your own (native speakers of English are preferred usually) and have a bachelor's degree (IN ANYTHING EVERYONE) and are able to pay about $2,000, message me and I will give you my resources. The $2,000 is in USD and is for the TEFL certificate you would need. It is less than $2,000 actually but yeah. OMG.
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🌻My Language Goals🌻
This is gonna be a pretty long post, so I'm going to stick most of it under a read-more link! My goals for languages are shaped a lot by my interests, so a lot of what I want to do is oriented by reading (specifically, I *really love* fantasy books!).
Broad strokes: - journaling is an aim in languages I'm not too confident writing in yet - watching youtube/tv shows is smth I enjoy in languages I'm better at - I think making small presentations about myself or writing about my day would be useful in languages I'm more of a beginner in - I need to study/use more vocabulary
🍃 English (native, C2)
English is my native language, so it's hard to envision a major goal with it... Long term: Teach English abroad :D Short term: Learn grammar, attend TEFL course
🍄 Czech (heritage, ~C1-C2)
Czech is my heritage language. While I speak it fairly well, I do make occasional errors and often lack confidence. I feel like using it more would be good for me. Long term: Be confident writing, read more, speak more confidently (and more like someone my age), read more Short term: Read Časodějové, practice writing in a journal, make new friends in Prague through LGBT events
🌷German (~C1)
German is the language I've been passionate about for the longest. I think I'd like to live/study in Germany someday. Long term: Broaden my vocabulary, speak more confidently, start reading poetry, keep reading, maybe write something? Short term: Finish reading Das Fjordland, practice writing in a journal, practice talking to myself
Spanish (~B1-B2?)
I learned Spanish until I graduated high school. I know it fairly well passively, and I feel like it would be a shame to forget. On the other hand, I strongly associate it with school and grades, which makes me nervous about using it. Long term: Maintenance, pretty much Short term: watch tv shows/youtube videos
Esperanto (~B1-B2?)
I started learning Esperanto in 2021 during Covid, mostly just to have fun. I think it's super cool, and I'd love to get a chance to meet other Esperantists. Long term: Go to an Esperanto congress, enter Esperanto writing contests Short term: Find and participate in Esperanto events online/in person, practice writing in journal/talking to myself
Polish (~B1?)
I'm learning Polish mostly because of my partner. Their dad used to only speak to me in Polish. Besides that, I'm interested in Polish rock music and reading in Polish (especially The Witcher). Long term: Read, strengthen grammar + vocabulary, learn false friends from Czech better, converse more confidently Short term: attend summer course in Poland, write in journal
Russian (~A2-B1??)
There are books I want to read in Russian, and those are my primary motivation! However, there's also a lot of music I like in Russian, and I'm also interested in it because of how much I understand already. Long term: Read Monstrum by Pavlina Grad, read the 3rd book of The Witcher, speak well enough to impress my friend (he is unfortunately hard to impress), get through Russisch in Übungen Short term: Get through the first part of Russisch in übungen, read the first chapter of The Witcher, read 50 pages of Monstrum
toki pona (~A2-B1???)
I started learning toki pona in 2021 because of covid. I don't particularly have a goal, but I'd love to try and use it to talk to people! I feel like I'm stagnating a bit on my own. Long term: no real goal here, just fun! maybe conversation? Short term: start to join calls on discord, send a message in toki pona, engage in biweekly translation challenges
Korean (~A1-A2)
I'm curious about Korean because it's really different from the languages I already know! I really love the way Korean grammar is structured, and it always makes me happy to read something and understand. I have some Korean friends as well, and I hope to someday be good enough to talk to them a bit. I also am exploring Korean food a bunch lately -- I'm vegan, and I've found The Korean Vegan's videos inspirational for quite some time. Long term: Be able to read books, talk to friends Short term: Read a short story in Korean (& learn vocab), write a journal entry
Scottish Gaelic (~A1-A2)
A friend and I agreed to learn Scottish Gaelic a few years ago, but he gave up quite fast. I feel obligated to continue, even though I'm not all that good at it (fathast :P). Long term: Be able to read books in Gaelic, read The Little Prince Short term: Complete the Explorer section on Duolingo, write a journal entry, make a presentation about myself
Zulu (~A1)
I became curious about Zulu after reading Trevor Noah's memoir Born a Crime, and at the same time a friend of mine also got interested (although I don't recall precisely how). A third friend of mine ended up actually taking a Zulu course at the same time! The end result was a pact to study together. Long term: Be able to use Zulu with my friend who also is learning it, work through the resources I have (duolingo & TY zulu) Short term: (longer short-term) complete the Rookie section on Duolingo, do a lesson in my TY zulu book
Japanese (~A1)
I have a lot of friends who are very interested in Japanese. One of them is also a linguist and has repeatedly told me about how elegantly structured the language is... Fundamentally, I have given into peer pressure. Long term: Be able to have basic conversations with my friend, read a bilingual book of short stories in Japanese Short term: Complete Busuu A1 course, make a presentation about myself + what I like/dislike + what I do every day
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Tefl Online
Online TEFL courses typically require around 120 hours of study, including both coursework and practical teaching experience. Make sure you have the time and resources to complete the course.
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bluealexa · 8 months
So I am trying to study to get a tefl cert so I can try and work online (one way to get work and stuff rolling with a hand injury, use my own keyboard and mouse without that awkward moment in an interview to explain that I cannot type on a laptop)
Trying to do an assignment right now with word counts and... this is rough. I need to be within 10% of the assigned word count on the use and formation of tenses and just... It has been over a decade since the last time I checked my word count like this.
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uniprep · 2 months
Career Abroad: Launching Yourself into a Global Adventure
Have you ever dreamt of building your career on foreign soil, immersed in a new culture and language? The concept of a study abroad is no longer a fantasy for the privileged few. In today's globalized world, skilled professionals are increasingly sought after by international companies, and there are more opportunities than ever to take your talents overseas.
This blog post is your one-stop guide to navigating the exciting world of international careers. We'll delve into the reasons why you might consider working abroad, explore popular career paths, equip you with essential resources, and address the challenges and rewards that await you on this incredible journey.
Why Go Global?
The reasons to pursue a study abroad are as diverse as the destinations themselves. Here are some of the top motivations:
Professional Growth: International experience can give your resume a significant edge. You'll gain exposure to new work practices, develop intercultural communication skills, and potentially learn a new language, all of which make you a more valuable asset.
Adventure and Exploration: Immerse yourself in a new culture, explore breathtaking landscapes, and broaden your horizons. Living abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for personal and professional development.
Higher Salaries: Depending on your field and chosen country, you might find jobs offering higher salaries or more attractive benefits packages.
Improved Work-Life Balance: Some countries boast a strong focus on work-life balance, allowing you to dedicate more time to personal pursuits.
Don't Be Afraid to Forge Your Path
This blog post has focused on some well-trodden paths for a career abroad, but remember, the possibilities are truly endless. The world is brimming with exciting start-ups, innovative NGOs, and niche industries seeking passionate individuals with unique skill sets.
If your dream job isn't readily advertised, don't be discouraged! Network with people in your field already working abroad. Consider freelance global opportunities or remote work possibilities for companies with a global presence.  The key is to leverage your skills and experience, showcase your adaptability, and confidently approach potential employers.
Building Your Global Network
In today's interconnected world, building a strong online presence is crucial. Craft a compelling LinkedIn profile highlighting your international aspirations and language skills. Join online forums and communities specific to your industry and target countries.
Attending international conferences or industry events can be a fantastic way to connect with potential employers and collaborators face-to-face. Social media platforms like LinkedIn can also be powerful tools for networking which will help you to understand Life Abroad.
Embrace the Journey
Remember, a career abroad is a journey, not a destination. There will be bumps along the road, moments of frustration, and days where you miss the familiar. But these challenges are also growth opportunities. Embrace the chance to learn a new language, navigate unfamiliar situations, and develop your resilience.
With an open mind, a willingness to adapt, and a thirst for adventure, a career abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. So, start planning, researching, and taking that first step toward launching yourself into a global adventure!
Popular Career Paths for Global Citizens
The good news? There's a career abroad for nearly every skill set. Here are a few popular options:
Teaching English as a Second Language (TEFL): If you're passionate about languages and education, TEFL positions are widely available worldwide.
Information Technology (IT): IT professionals are in high demand globally. If you have expertise in coding, web development, or cybersecurity, you'll find a plethora of global opportunities.
Business: Multinational companies require personnel with international business acumen. If you have a background in marketing, finance, or management, consider an overseas business role.
Healthcare: Skilled nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals are needed around the world. Research visa requirements for your chosen country.
Essential Resources for Your Job Hunt:
International Job Boards: Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor offer international job listings.
Government Websites: Many government websites provide information on work permits and visas for foreign workers.
Professional Associations: Networking with professional associations in your field can connect you with global opportunities.
Challenges and Considerations
Working abroad isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Here are some realities to keep in mind to understand Life Abroad:
Visa Requirements: Obtaining a work visa can be a complex process. Research visa requirements well in advance.
Cultural Differences: Adapting to a new culture can be challenging. Be prepared for differences in communication styles, work ethic, and social norms.
Cost of Living: The cost of living can vary significantly between countries. Research living expenses to ensure your salary can comfortably support you.
Embrace the Adventure!
Building a study abroad requires planning, determination, and a spirit of adventure.  Despite the challenges, the rewards are immense.  Embrace the opportunity to grow personally and professionally, explore new horizons, and become a global citizen.
Ready to take the plunge? Start your research today! There's a world of exciting career possibilities waiting for you.
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sonakshisrivastava · 6 months
Start Your Teaching Journey with Trinity CertTESOL Online Courses
Start a fulfilling career as an English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) teacher with OI Digital Institute's Trinity CertTESOL online courses. Our accredited programs, backed by Trinity College London, provide a solid foundation for aspiring educators, equipping them with the skills to teach English to speakers of other languages. Why Choose Trinity CertTESOL Online Courses? Globally Recognized Certification: The Trinity CertTESOL, accredited at Level 5 on the National Qualifications Framework, holds international acclaim, respected and recognized by language schools worldwide. Undertake courses such as Trinity DipTESOL, Teaching Teenagers, Teaching Younger Learners, and Short Courses for Teachers to diversify your teaching expertise. Accreditation by Trinity College London: OI Digital Institute ensures academic quality, being moderated and validated by Trinity College London. Trinity College's esteemed history since 1877 adds credibility to our teacher training programs, guaranteeing high-quality and accredited education. Pathways to Teaching Excellence: Obtain a TEFL qualification and unlock a world of opportunities in education. TEFL has evolved beyond funding international travel; it's a dynamic career path offering exciting prospects. Choose from two recognized pathways - Cambridge University CELTA and Trinity College London CertTESOL - both leading to Level 5 UK Qualifications and Credit Framework certifications. Comprehensive Teaching Provision: Explore articles and FAQs on breaking boundaries in TEFL, teaching English abroad, understanding teaching qualifications, and becoming an English teacher. Our Teaching Provision ensures you are well-informed, guiding you to make choices aligned with your career goals. Flexible Learning Options: Balancing work and education is made easier with part-time and full-time Trinity CertTESOL online courses. Our fully online delivery allows you to study from anywhere in the world, providing the flexibility needed for busy professionals. Unique Experience and Practical Knowledge: Immerse yourself in a unique teaching experience where you learn to teach English by instructing real learners. Small classes with personalized support ensure a profound understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of EFL teaching. Find Your Teaching Potential with Trinity CertTESOL Online Courses: Whether you're starting your teaching career or looking to enhance your skills, OI Digital Institute's Trinity CertTESOL online courses are your gateway to becoming a confident, creative, and qualified TEFL teacher. Join a global community of educators and embrace the transformative power of effective language teaching.
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Breaking Barriers: Uni-Prep.com TEFL Course Opens Doors to International Teaching
Uni-Prep.com, a leading online education platform, is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Certification Course. This innovative program is designed to empower educators worldwide, breaking barriers and opening doors to international teaching opportunities.
The demand for qualified English language teachers is higher than ever, and Uni-Prep.com recognizes the importance of providing a comprehensive and accessible TEFL certification. The new course is meticulously crafted to equip educators with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in diverse teaching environments around the globe.
Key Features of Uni-Prep.com TEFL Course:
Comprehensive Curriculum: The TEFL Course offered by Uni-Prep.com covers a wide range of topics, including language acquisition, lesson planning, classroom management, and effective teaching techniques. It is designed to provide a solid foundation for both novice and experienced educators.
Flexible Learning: Uni-Prep.com understands the importance of flexibility in education. The TEFL course is entirely online, allowing participants to study at their own pace from the comfort of their homes. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for working professionals and individuals with busy schedules.
Global Recognition: Upon successful completion of the TEFL Certification Course, participants receive a globally recognized certification. This credential opens doors to a myriad of teaching opportunities in countries around the world, making it a valuable asset for those aspiring to teach English internationally.
Experienced Instructors: Uni-Prep.com TEFL course is led by a team of experienced and qualified instructors who are experts in the field of English language teaching. Participants can benefit from their expertise and receive guidance throughout the program.
Aspiring educators, career changers, and those with a passion for teaching English can now embark on a fulfilling international teaching career with Uni-Prep.com TEFL Certification Course. By breaking down barriers and providing a top-notch education, Uni-Prep.com is shaping the future of global education.
For more information about Uni-Prep.com TEFL Certification Course, please visit www.uni-prep.com/tefl
About Uni-Prep.com:
Uni-Prep.com is a leading online education platform dedicated to making quality education accessible globally. With a commitment to excellence, Uni-Prep.com offers a range of courses, including TEFL Certification, to empower individuals and educators on their learning journeys.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Call: 1-888-244-1106
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lead-academy · 6 months
Complete 120-Hour TEFL/TESOL Certification Online Course
The 120 hours TEFL/TESOL certification online course provides aspiring English teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to teach English as a foreign or second language. The course covers a wide range of topics, including lesson planning, classroom management, student assessment, grammar, phonetics, and cultural awareness. The course combines theoretical and practical components, giving trainees the opportunity to apply the learned concepts in a real-life teaching environment. Upon completion of the 120 hours TEFL/TESOL course, graduates will have the confidence and competence to deliver effective and engaging English-language lessons to a diverse range of learners, making them highly sought after by language schools around the world. The online format allows trainees to study at their own pace, in their own time, and from anywhere in the world. Graduates will receive a globally recognized certificate that is widely recognized by employers in the teaching industry.Here is the course link:https://lead-academy.org/course/120-hours-tefl-tesol-course
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trustedteflreviews · 4 months
"Excellent online study experience"
tefl online pro review, submitted by Paula S. Excellent online study experience. From start to finish, everything went smoothly, and there was support from the school’s team whenever I needed it. Emails and DM’s (through the school website’s internal messaging system) were answered at most within a few hours and at all times of the day and night. That 24/7 support was crucial because it helped…
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tefl-institute · 1 year
TEFL Certification Courses in South Africa By TEFL Institute
The TEFL Institute offers comprehensive TEFL certification courses in South Africa. Our courses are internationally recognized and provide practical training and support to help you become a confident and effective English teacher.
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fahadventure · 1 year
If you’ve come across my articles on TEFL, Home Workout, Digital Journeys 1 and 2 , you are welcome for a different treat today which will talk briefly about my journeys of acoustic music works from the scratch and can give you ideas here and in the next few articles on acoustic guitar for beginners, how to play acoustic guitar chords, finding good acoustic music shop, some acoustic guitar songs which are easy to play and finally a technique to tune your acoustic guitar and ukulele without any acoustic guitar tuner.
Background: Let’s start with a small history check of 2008, when I was just a teenager cadet, studying in Mirzapur Cadet College and was looking at my other fellow multi-talented batchmates and seniors doing lots of productive things and learning more. Artcell, Aurthohin, Black, Warfaze were some of the renowned popular Bangladeshi bands of that time that we would listen to, all day long, accompanied by some Indian and Pakistani bands like Jaal and English bands like Backstreet Boys, Greenday etc. Some of my friends had huge fascination for singing and music altogether, but none of us could take it to the next level. At those times, we were given small vacations after every 2 or 3 months so that we could meet our family and cherish few of the things that we couldn’t do for the limitations and restrictions there.
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Beginner phase: So, in the same year during vacation, I got a guitar from my sister as a gift at a cheap price. Afterwards, started looking for teachers (as Youtube was not prominent for learning anything by then), started learning the basics through them (I had to learn from several teachers as my vacations were inconsistent with their time) and practiced them after going back to cadet, with my seniors and 2 of my batchmates periodically. A typical starter pack might include doing some hand and finger exercises, knowing how to draw the basic chords and hold them practically, names of the notes, finger picking and plucking tasks, RPGO etc (will explain and talk about all these in the following articles). A lot of my friends got inspiration through us and started learning without having a guitar, as their mentors were right in front of them! Remember there are only 12 notes namely, A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G# (# are called sharp) and 14 chords (A-G, all Major and minors). Right now, in 2023, I have learnt playing some advanced versions and stored them in my own Youtube Channel.
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Mistakes to avoid: As a beginner, you might face a lot of difficulties and have rush of blood, enough to take bad decisions. Please remember, learning anything like playing guitar needs focus, practice, patience and a little bit of time. Don’t try to cover a song immediately after the day you bought a guitar. Whether you’re a righty or lefty, take some time to adjust your hands and fingers to hold it and get used to doing things it has never done before. There are plenty of online videos on hand exercises. Buying a cheap or normal guitar with good sound is also very important, as you don’t want to lose your money while experimenting on the fancy guitars and damage it. Slowly, master the chords one by one, enrich your knowledge on what major and minor chords are why they are called so. I’m hopeful that within a month or two, you’ll be able to perform on stages with these knowledges. I have kept my Youtube channel just as a part of my hobby, but in future I have ambitions to earn through them as well! It’s very important to earn views at first with contents with quality just like the one I got with one of the popular songs, Bondu! (21K views already 😱).
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Last words: If you like to sing as a hobby like me and don’t want to pursue your career as a guitarist, still learn it! It’s one of the easiest instruments to learn and impress your friends or (girlfriends/boyfriends!). You can perform on stages and get the extra attention, wherever you’re shining. If you’re residing in Dhaka, Bangladesh, you can find good acoustic music shops in Science Lab, Bashundhara City etc or you can even order online through some facebook pages. There are several easy-going acoustic guitar songs that you can find in Youtube channels like. Finally, if you don’t know how to tune a guitar, you can buy an acoustic guitar tuner from one of the aforementioned shops or you can simply use one of your natural organs, ‘ear’ as the tuner if you have a pair of good listening ones. I have a video that I made for tuning ukulele but you can use the same technique for your guitar, if you’re out of network and don’t have the access to tune guitar from elsewhere online. That’s all for today.
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Tefl Online
Online TEFL courses typically require around 120 hours of study, including both coursework and practical teaching experience. Make sure you have the time and resources to complete the course.
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thedrakesteelforge · 1 year
Happy New year!
We now have 365 days of 2023, We will probably spend half of them still writing 2022 though.
So, This post is going to be a little run down of my year, so I can reflect on my behaviour, attitude, and progress to help myself figure out any new years resolutions. Maybe I can figure out what i need to change to become the person i want to be.
So, The easiest way I can think of is to write the most notable things down each month however, I have forgotten so much of this year. All of the mundane days have faded away. Throughout the year I have had my good days and bad days. these are unavoidable.
At the beginning of the year, my grandmother passed away. She was a huge part of my life. she raised me since I was very young.
After her passing, I was only allowed a few days off work to grieve, while someone else in the company got over a month off to grieve for someone that passed in their family. This made me realise, this is not a company I want to keep working for. I'm sure of that.
However, I feel like I was an emotional support pillar for my family. We did become closer during this time. I was the one that broke the news to other members of the family. 
I think my grandma would be proud of that if she saw me.
After my grandmother's funeral, I remembered all of the conversations I had with her. My dreams, goals and desires. she was always so supportive, however, for months prior I wasn't doing anything to even achieve these dreams. I wasn't saving money or teaching myself anything I needed to know.
I took a long hard look at myself. These conversations and emotions wouldn't go to waste. so I started saving and studying.
As the new year is upon me. I am proud to say, I have saved and surpassed the minimum required to move abroad. I also have been more or less consistent in my studying.
to be truthful I don't remember much of March. I checked my camera roll and noticed this was the month I met my online friend in Newcastle. 
I showed her around the city, we had a nice time and we planned for me to visit London.
I believe around the end of this month I fucking finally opened up my TEFL courses and started working on them.
At the beginning of the month, I finally finished my TEFL course and was awarded a certificate. I can now teach English to people abroad. 
A big victory. this made me realise... I was just heavily procrastinating. I wonder what I could do if I just put my 100% into something, because, Jesus... I think I only put about 50% on most days. 
Towards the end of the month, I visited London. This was the first time I had travelled so far from home by myself. I had an amazing time and saw some great places and id love to go there again.
During May, I successfully went to the gym 10 times. it's not a lot, but it was consistent in the first half of the month. I did abandon it for a few weeks before continuing it again in May. 
Conversations with my online friend quickly died after my trip to London. it seemed like we both lacked the interest to spend the money to visit each other again. She had her plans and I wanted to save.
June / July
for these 2 months, I honestly can't think of anything significant that happened. if something did happen then, I'm sorry about that event but.. well... be more eventful.
I continued a somewhat decent activity in the gym but it quickly fell for the coming months. Although I haven't been working out, I haven't gained a considerable amount of weight. I am currently at 76kg so at most that's a 3kg increase.
This year my friends didn't forget my birthday. I usually don't celebrate it because my friends are busy. However this year, I went drinking with my friends and stayed over at theirs. 
I got blackout drunk.. that usually doesn't happen. I don't remember leaving the bar and my next memory is vomiting at their house.. so good night I guess. 
Another unremarkable month. However, after a few conversations with my friend. I opened my mind to other ways to study languages and took a leaf out of his book and started online classes.
on the 15th, I had my first class with an online teacher. I was super nervous but we have had consistent classes since then and I have noticed some good improvements.
erm... well... I'm sure something happened. but other than studying and working. I can't remember or find anything significant that happened this month. Sorry, October.
I had been applying for English jobs abroad and got an interview. I was super happy! after the interview, they said to contact them if I didn't hear back within 2 weeks.
I didn't hear back for 2 weeks so I emailed them. they didn't get back to me for over a month. I didn't get the job but they were still looking for something for me as each placement came up.
Not a no, but not a yes either.
Christmas! the first one without my grandmother. I have to say, the grief is almost none existent now. Things that remind me of her don't bring tears or make me feel sad. I currently use the unfinished scarf she made me and I feel okay. 
However, I feel like I am struggling to relate to my family's persistent emotions. I believe I kept my emotions to myself to not bother those around me, however, those around me don't try to do the same.
My grandfather and I made the Christmas dinner. the first roast dinner this year and.. fuck it was nice! too many dishes to wash but it was so good.
In regards to my studying, I have been using a website with 1000 words and I got to 420 :D. 
Although there have been some major things this year, I don't feel like I have done many things to warrant a particular month being memorable (for good reasons). a majority of days have been mundane. although unavoidable, next year I want to make each month have something worth remembering.
I swore to myself that I wouldn't let my conversations with my grandma go to waste. And so far, I kept that promise. Not only did I start and keep studying, and finish my qualification, I got lessons, saved up enough, AND I applied for jobs. If I can be proud of anything it should be this.
I have worked for another year at my company. I'm not as bitter or angry now, but I am still resolute in my decision to leave within the next 4 months. I just need something else.
Procrastination. My biggest issue. It almost feels like general disinterest in doing things. even ones I enjoy. Currently, I'm avoiding a game I enjoy because I don't have the time to binge-play 6 hours of it in one day. 
only giving 50% - I don't think I give my all to anything I do. some days I work hard at work, others I give my usual 50%. when I study I get distracted and spend way longer than I need to. 
depressive episodes - I notice when I start feeling down. I become super indecisive, I stop cooking, and finding something to eat is a chore. games are less fun, I stop talking to my friends. it is much easier to just sit and let life pass me by as I stare at my computer screen watching youtube on x2 speed. even the videos I watch I don't care about. All while hating each moment because I know I can do something about it. it's just easier not to.
The resolutions
My resolutions need to be something realistic, tangible, goal orientated and something I can do consistently. Each is to tackle an issue I think I should overcome. 
In no particular order
Read more - This includes audiobooks. In December I started reading the books I own. So I challenge myself to finish them all.
Study every day - there is so much to learn, keep learning. Don't stop. Languages, Coding, Marketing, Streaming, Study something.
Exercise on days off work - working out at home is still a workout. Get it done. Use the walk to the gym to listen to an audiobook.
Stop talking - I feel the need to always be talking about something at work. I don't like silence, so I need to learn to embrace it.
Give my all to things that deserve it - I need to put effort into the things that will enhance my life. Games and tv shows won't. An hour or two per day is enough.
Keep my room clean - Easy, keep it clean
Get to Japan. All this hard work has to lead somewhere.
Don't be harmless - I need to stand up for myself. listen, think, then speak and get your point across. Become an authority figure you would listen to.
Where will I be in 365 days, if I focus on completing each of these goals. I think i'd love the person i'd become.
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edujournalblogs · 1 year
Online English Tutor?   What is it?  How to become one?
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An English Tutor is an English teaching professional, who works with students individually or in small groups, usually to assist the student to supplement their regular English education to acquire certifications or to help students gain firsthand knowledge of the subject.  Tutors can be hired by training institutes, or they can perform in their individual capacity as tutors either individually at home or virtually.  They provide extra support and assistance for English learners of all ages either through one-to-one or in a small group setting.  Since they offer individualized engagement with the learners; they provide a personalized learning experience.
If you wish to pursue a lucrative career in teaching, you must have a passion for teaching, get along with learners and share your knowledge, educate and develop their interests and skills and finally, prepare them to choose their career path ahead.  Interpersonal skills are traits that are often used to successfully interact and communicate with learners.
Essential skills required to become a good English tutor are:
=> Eloquent English language skills
=> Interpersonal skills
=> Leadership
=> Responsibility
=> Punctuality
=> Active listening
=> Patience
=> Empathy
=> Flexibility
=> Lesson Planning and execution
=> Teamwork etc.,
By incorporating an effective teaching strategy into your teaching process, you could have more opportunities to engage your learners in the learning process and support their academic accomplishments.  Tutors with a passion for teaching can inspire their learners to a great extent.  Such a tutor must have a robust knowledge of the course curriculum and should plan the concepts well in advance.  .  Complicated usages can be avoided and explained in a simplified manner. They can use various mediums to communicate the content of the course.  When any project work is assigned, distinct steps to address any potential concerns must be addressed.  Always stay updated with new technologies and teaching methods that can best help students to increase their knowledge reinforcements.
Are you ready to teach English in ESL and EFL classrooms?
Aspiring teachers wanting to upgrade their skills in the English language can benefit from this TEFL (CELTA) / TESOL / IELTS certification course (ie., an international teaching program for teachers that equips with innovative teaching techniques and the learning process to prepare you for international teaching career).  Successful candidates will receive a globally recognized certification that has acceptability the world over and will add value to their resumes. The demand for TEFL jobs has been growing rapidly in South East Asian Countries, China, Taiwan, and Thailand over the years. The extensive curriculums in TEFL courses prepare aspirants to become English proficient teachers as ESL or EFL teachers.   English as a Second Language (ESL) is the practice of learning English by non-natives in a country where English is widely spoken. viz., United Kingdom, USA  ie., They are mostly migrants who want to get acquainted with the English language in English speaking country, Eg., French students being taught English in the UK (ie., English Speaking Country),   whereas English as a Foreign Language (EFL)  is the practice of studying English in a country where English isn’t the dominant language viz., France, Germany. In other words, it is the study of the English language as an additional language by users of different native languages in a non-English speaking country.  Eg., Chinese students being taught English in china (ie., a non-English speaking country).   EFL/ESL teaching jobs galore in your dream destination as well as online platforms.  This program will benefit those who are  :
=> Teacher who is looking to teach abroad
=> Aspiring teacher looking to start a teaching career
=> Housewives looking to start a career in teaching.
=> People from other professions looking to switch to the teaching profession.
=> People looking to settle abroad.
How to become an Online English Teacher:
Though earning a graduation degree is not a pre-requisite for becoming an online English tutor, certifications like TEFL / TESL does help to earn a job.   In general, the following are the pre-requisites for an Online English Teacher:
Finesse your English language skills: If you have a skill in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, you can probably start your career as an English tutor.
Get your certification: These are courses like TESL, TEFL, and TOSEL where the certifications will help you to learn skills that are necessary to be a good teacher.  You will learn how to simplify the language and grammar for your learners, the materials used for teaching, the different methods of teaching, the different learning styles, planning the lessons, etc
Design your teaching environment: You need to arrange for the resources such as a computer, an internet connection, a handset with a microphone, a webcam, teaching aids like Authoring Tools, a whiteboard, LMS, Zoom, Skype, Blogs, and Social Media, chat, etc
Prepare your online profile and resume: Highlight your teaching experience, the subject area where you specialize viz poetry, novels, grammar, spoken English, and literature, etc, present role, qualifications, certifications, etc Moreover, it’s a good idea to create online profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc so that the learners can get in touch with you directly for joining a new class.
Browse and apply for jobs: Hunt for jobs in the online job market and give interviews.
Identify students who are interested to join your class and schedule classes accordingly: Find the most reliable and promising opportunities that will enable you to find students.
The internet has added a new dimension to the teaching profession and one of the biggest beneficiaries has been online English tutors.  Perhaps, as the classes become more assessable, more and more learners are coming forward to access the opportunity and develop their skills in the English Language.  Previously, English Teachers worldwide have been leaving their homes to make their living abroad, but now, online teaching has gained popularity and it’s worth considering this as a composite way of teaching abroad.   Teachers should be well versed in grammar, literature, phonics, novels, short stories, poetry, drama, essays, spoken English, etc.,   This gives them the benefit of sustaining themselves in a strong and competitive job market for the long run.
URL : https://www.edujournal.com/online-english-tutor-what-is-it-how-to-become-one/
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