#Steddie snippet
munsonkitten · 3 months
when eddie’s comfortable at home with steve, he doesn’t bind his chest. he knows it doesn’t make steve see him any differently, and he has to admit: he has great fucking tits, whether he likes them on himself or not. he can understand why steve appreciates them for what they are.
so he makes a little game of it. he wears tight white tank tops and tshirts, things he’d never wear outside the house. he leans over steve every chance he gets, every time steve’s sitting down and eddie can ensure his chest is at face height. he washes the dishes in them, lets water splash and make the thin fabric even more see through, acts all innocent went steve comes in to help and sees his nipples through the wet tank.
and steve takes the bait. comes up behind eddie, presses against his back and takes eddie’s tits in his hands to squeeze. he licks his nipples through the fabric, getting them even more wet and visible. he slides his hands up under the shirt to pinch and press and squeeze, drawing the prettiest little sounds out of eddie’s mouth.
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libraryofgage · 2 months
CW: there is some Major Character Death here, but it's time loop, so they don't really die
Anyway! Here's a little sneak peek at one of the extras for my Modern Steve in 80s Hawkins AU
This part specifically is from the Upside Down's POV about all the previous loops ^_^
The following are just a few of the loops written about in this extra! There's a lot more than Steve and Eddie predicted in the fic lol
It decided to just pick someone. It stretched the web as far as it could, weaving itself into the other dimension so time in that place could be flexible enough for the Upside Down to peek through. People and places and times rushed over it, billions of lives and billions of experiences.  Many were bad, more were good, and even more just were; they were just simple moments of mundanity that the Upside Down treasured for their unfamiliarity. People didn’t seem to like those moments, though. It watched as they expressed disdain for something boring, dreamt of something exciting. The Upside Down decided to choose someone with a life that overflowed with those simple moments. It wanted someone who yearned for a new experience. It needed someone good (a person who felt a fundamental urge to do good things), someone who could be dropped in the middle of chaos incarnate, look around, and decide to fix it. The Upside Down chose Steve Harrington. --------- The Upside Down decided to give Steve a guide for the third try. It dropped Steve in the woods, right after the tunnel digging had started, and sent a healthy demogorgon to help him.  He didn’t immediately run away, but Steve took off when the demogorgon opened its petals to greet him. He didn’t pay attention to unfamiliar woods, tripped down a slope, and bashed his head against a sharp rock. That was, perhaps, a more embarrassing death. Even the Upside Down felt embarrassed watching it happen.  It generously repaired the web, deciding to not count this attempt. --------- The Upside Down pulled Steve to Hawkins before sending him back in time. It gently guided him to the town through his parents, making them dream of a small town and idyllic nature walks and fresh air. It watched as he followed his parents into a new home, eagerly connected its web to the door so he would travel to a week before Vecna made his move, and held its breath. Steve didn’t die this time, but he only lasted three days. He was confused by the door at first, of course. That was expected. He was easily excited once he realized he’d time traveled, and he reacted as the Upside Down had expected: Steve accepted the fact and decided to explore. He didn’t get involved with Nancy or the kids, though. In fact, he never saw them. He ran into another boy first, someone named Eddie, according to Nancy’s memories. The Upside Down didn’t see a problem at first; if Steve was around Eddie, then he’d be there when that first girl died, and his goodness would take over. Steve was there when the girl died. He saw her float to the ceiling, saw her arms and legs break, heard Eddie’s panicked worries about being blamed for everything. And his goodness did take over. It just took over in the wrong direction. He took Eddie (and Wayne, a man that was part of Eddie’s family web) and brought him home, walked him right through time so he wouldn’t get caught for a murder he couldn’t disprove. The Upside Down had been stumped by that one. It didn’t know how things could go wrong quite like that. Shouldn’t Steve have wanted to fix the root of the issue? Why had he just removed himself and two people from the situation?
The Upside Down spared Steve and Eddie one more glance, and then it repaired the web. ------ A few failed attempts later, Steve met Robin for the first time. It was in the past, before he met Eddie, at the video store. They seemed to recognize something in each other and immediately hit it off, trading jokes and friendly barbs that evolved into getting pizza together later. In that attempt, Steve didn’t get the chance to meet Eddie before taking Robin to the future the moment Vecna started killing people.  It was so unexpected that the Upside Down didn’t repair the web right away. It watched Steve and Robin live their lives, laugh and cry and struggle together, and eventually end up in the same senior center. They never changed; they only grew closer and leaned on each other when that feeling of something missing rose up their throats and made their eyes sting. The Upside Down couldn’t watch them die, though, and so it finally repaired the web to try again.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
here to share something I’ll never post because it was just for myself but it’s one of the funniest things I’ve written.
Backstory: omegaverse, teenage parents steddie, steve wasn’t involved with upside down (well he did go to the Byers but noped out when he found out he was pregnant!) and only Eddie’s friends know. (Steve dropped out of Hawkins High, never really met The Party)
Anyway enjoy ~
Lunch rolls around and he’s listening to Grant and Jeff whine about not seeing Eleanor after Gareth bragged about seeing her. He rolls his eyes, “you do know she’s still sick, right? He only got to see her, he couldn’t even hold her”
That causes his two friends to shut up and Gareth laughs, “they can’t help it Ed, she’s just so adorable”
“Who’s adorable?”
He looks up and finds Dustin and Lucas sitting down, “eh just my-“
“His baby….cousin” Gareth
“His…cat” Jeff
“I don’t know who we’re talking about are we even sure it’s a she?” Grant
Eddie rolls his eyes and pointedly stares at Grant, because, what the fuck kind of excuse is that? He looks between the two freshmen and thinks ‘at least it’s not Wheeler Jr.’
So he clears his throat and catches all of their attention, “Gareth’s right, she is my baby….cousin” both Gareth and himself had a ridiculous long pause between the words, “she’s sick right now and only so many people can hold her”
I’m not quite confident enough to post anything more than small snippets of my abo fics (I’m a fucking sucker for these okay?!)
if anyone wants to use this or wants to know more, you can always message me or send me an ask!
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eddiemunsxns · 1 year
Steve needs to.
Steve needs to latch his mouth on Eddie’s throat after they’re done, not too firm or feather soft, teeth holding on as he exhales through his nose.
Steve needs to feel Eddie’s pulse shift from rabbit quick to syrupy slow while they lie there skin to skin.
Steve needs to use soothing nips to feel the blood dance against his spit soaked lips.
Steve needs to pull Eddie’s still slick hand to the back of his head, threading those talented fingers into Steve’s hair to fix him in place, holding on while he drums a mindless rhythm into his skull.
Steve needs to trace his tongue against the fiery vein underneath his lips until Eddie melts further into him.
Steve needs Eddie to do that thing where he murmurs out Steve’s name so husky and tender into his ruined hairline like a well known prayer.
Steve needs it so so much it sets his own blood ablaze.
Steve needs Eddie to understand why he needs it so bad.
Steve needs him to know before he opens his mouth to release Eddie’s strong, steady heartbeat with one last fragile press of his lips.
Steve needs it, all of it, to remind him of what he almost didn’t have.
What would have been lost forever, if he didn’t make it in time to save Eddie that day.
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After Vecna, Eddie remembers that time he got high in the junkyard and saw Steve fight off alien looking dogs whose faces opened up. He was lying in his hospital bed when he told him about his bad trip in the junkyard.
"Jesus Christ, you were there?! You saw that? You're lucky you didn't die," Steve scoffed.
"That was real?!" Eddie exclaimed. "So, I did see you fight with that nail bat. Sexy."
"I said Pepsi. Can I have a pepsi?" Eddie asked.
"Uh, sure, man," Steve said, looking oddly at him before leaving the room.
"Goddamnit, I fucking hate pepsi."
A/N: Someone, please tell me to stop coming up with Steddie scenarios and get to work on my multichaptered fanfic. I have a problem. 😂
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hitlikehammers · 2 months
For the Wednesday wip meme, I'd love to see a bit of 'feelings freeze' ? :")
Ooooo, do you mind more than a MINI snippet, if it's still just a snippet?
“Nancy called him paranoid,” El carries on, mostly thoughtful; clinical. “I thought he was smart. He wanted to keep track of everyone. So, we had to check in.” Her eyes fix on Eddie then, sharp with it. “Morning, afternoon, before bed. With the radios.” And right. Yeah. And you know what, Eddie’d been feeling softer for Wheeler for a second there, largely for the sake of sheer intimidation for her skill with a firearm but you know fucking what? If she wanted to think Steve was paranoid, he hopes she’s been fucking paranoid about someone decking her, maybe. Because someone, named Eddie goddamn Munson, would very much like to. Right fucking now. “Dustin didn’t check in.” That shakes Eddie back to the present. Squaring with Nancy being a shithead—possibly where he brother learned the basics—can wait. This is about Steve; and just thinking it at the fore of his mind again, when it never left the bulk of his mind, or any single part of his heart, makes him feel a little…faint. The whole of his head that hadn’t had a reprieve like his brain did—and rightly fucking so, because there is not reprieve from this feeling, this, this shattering fear underneath the bone deep resolve— “The salt had a hole in the bag.” Eddie blinks at her, again: this time because he cannot follow, and doesn’t think he wouldn’t have been able to on his best day, but more pressing for the way her voice is kinda far, kinda background-based, against the way his pulse is thrashing again, all of a sudden, but then: no reason for it to have stopped, either way. Steve, he’s; Steve’s still— Eddie heart doesn’t deserve the fucking luxury of calm until Steve’s next to him. Until Steve���s safe. Until he can tell Steve— Say it now, please, please say it now because by fucking god I will bend heaven and earth and every alternate reality that dares to poke its fucked up head in our way, I will burn the whole goddamn universe so that it fucking lasts, please just say it it, if you still mean it, if you ever could still— “How they found you in the boathouse.” Eddie blinks toward Eleven then, his heart painful in his throat all of a sudden and okay, okay; they’re moving. They have a plan. They’re getting closer to what’s left of it, the fissures in the ground, the remnants of the gates Eddie’d scouted from below; exploited to be here and then: the radios. The checki-ns. The salt-crumbs leading to them. Right. Right.
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munsonkitten · 8 months
Steve hovers.
Eddie doesn’t really blame him. Not after what happened last time.
He doesn’t trust himself either, not really.
So Steve hovers in Eddie’s space while they assemble their weapons. Eddie’s on Molotov duty this time around, pouring kerosene into glass bottles that Steve holds steady. He took over Robin’s task with one look between her and Steve, and one clap on Eddie’s shoulder accompanied by a ‘you’re with me, Munson.’ Robin’s over with Nancy and Max now, counting ammo and loading guns.
Steve follows Eddie when he says he has to go take a leak, following him through Hopper’s new front door and down the hall to the bathroom. He follows Eddie just about everywhere these days, never letting him out of his sight.
It’s a bit annoying, the complete lack of privacy. Well, not complete, as Steve stands on the other side of the closed door, but still not much either. It feels like Steve can hear his every breath, every shuffle of his feet against the linoleum floor.
He pulls down his jeans, sits down on the cold porcelain seat and drops his face into his hands. His hair falls forward, and he knows he should find a hair tie to pull it back at some point, but he hasn’t done that yet. He doesn’t want to think about the looming battle. He doesn’t want to get ready for it.
“You know,” Steve says when Eddie comes back out of the bathroom. “No one would blame you if you just hightailed it out of Hawkins. If you go find Wayne and keep him safe, you know.”
“What, and leave you all behind? I’d be the asshole of the century, Harrington,” Eddie mutters, wiping his hands on his pants.
“Eddie, you almost—”
“I know, Steve,” Eddie snaps. “I know. I almost fucking died last time. Okay, but what? I should just run while all my friends are dying here? Because that’s what’s gonna happen, you know that, right? We’re all going to fucking die, and I’m just supposed to, what? Be completely alone after you all do and I don’t?”
Steve doesn’t say anything, just crosses his arm over his chest, and shrugs.
“Say I should leave again and I’ll kill you myself,” Eddie says, pushing past Steve with enough force to push him into the wall.
Then he stops, shakes his head, and turns. Steve’s still standing there with his arms crossed protectively over his body. There’s a quickly masked hurt expression on his face when Eddie first looks at him, and his heart breaks in two. He shouldn’t be fighting with Steve, not when he’s just trying to save him.
He sees it on his face, clear as day, that Steve doesn’t want to have to carry Eddie’s lifeless body out of the Upside Down again. Especially not now when they’ve had a year to get close and become friends. When Steve spent weeks after that first time trying to nurse Eddie back to health, hidden away in his big empty house, keeping Eddie a secret from the outside world, all while learning secrets about Eddie in the process.
They’ve become close, and Eddie shouldn’t be fighting with him when this could be their last day on earth.
“I shouldn’t have said that,” Eddie says. “I didn’t — I don’t mean that. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Probably not,” Steve agrees. “But it’s okay that you did. I won’t mention it again.”
“Really, I’m — I’m sorry, man,” Eddie says. “I don’t know what got into me.”
“You’re stressed out, man,” Steve says, like it’s so simple, like it excuses what Eddie just said to him. “Once I told Henderson I was gonna knock his teeth into his skull. Shit happens.”
Eddie covers his face with his hands and takes a breath. He’s not a violent person, but he is stressed. He doesn’t think he’s ever had very many good outlets for his feelings other than music, but he hasn’t been able to listen to the stuff he wants to at the volume he prefers the last few days, not with everyone congregating in one place, cooped up in Hopper’s new house. He doesn’t have his guitar, doesn’t even have a notebook to write lyrics into.
Everyone’s a little bit snappish. Everyone’s scared. They’ve all said things they don’t mean, turned around and hugged it out with tears in their eyes. He saw it happen being El and Hopper earlier, saw it between Max and Mike yesterday. Even Nancy, always so calm and collected, yelled at Jonathan for moving her shoes.
Now it seems like it’s Steve and Eddie’s turn.
“C’mere, man,” Steve says softly, opening his arms up for Eddie.
Eddie falls into his embrace, lets Steve wrap himself around him.
It seems like, over the last year, they’ve both been finding reasons and excuses to touch each other. Eddie used to pretend there was something on Steve’s shirt just so he could run his fingers over his chest. Steve used to tell Eddie, long after his wounds healed, that he wanted to look at the scarring on his back to make sure everything was still looking okay. It would result in tender caresses that sent shivers down Eddie’s spine.
It’s never been stated. It’s never been acknowledged.
They never talk about the times Steve comes over and crashes in Eddie’s bed with him, pretending to accidentally fall asleep while they’re smoking together, as if Steve doesn’t put on his pajamas and curl up with his head on Eddie’s pillow each time. They never mention the wrestling, down on the ground with Eddie straddled over Steve’s stomach, never mentioning it when Steve flips him over and pins him down with his hands wrapped around Eddie’s wrists.
The hair washing, back when Eddie couldn’t reach above his head. The hair washing even long after Eddie could. The hands over foreheads checking for fevers, the hands spread over matching scars to make sure nothing’s gotten infected, the hand holding between them on the couch during scary movie scenes that don’t actually scare either of them.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie says again. “You’re my best friend.”
Steve squeezes him a bit tighter, presses his forehead to Eddie’s. They breathe each other’s air for a second before the front door slams open and they jump apart.
Someone walks through the house, out of their line of sight. Eddie doesn’t know who it is, or where they’re going, but he grabs Steve’s hand and pulls him into the bathroom. He doesn’t want to be seen, not with tears streaming down his cheeks and his hands shaking the way they are.
He wants to be alone with Steve for just a little while longer.
All this hovering and Eddie still can’t get enough of him.
They sit down with their backs against the side of the bathtub, arms brushing between them. Eddie reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
“You’re covered in kerosene, dude,” Steve says, shifting a few inches away from him.
“I washed my hands,” Eddie says around the cigarette in his mouth. He lights it, giving Steve a look that says see? It’s fine when he doesn’t go up in flames.
They sit there for a few seconds before Steve snatches the cigarette out of his fingers.
“I thought you quit,” Eddie says, just like he says every time Steve does this.
“I told you,” Steve says, bringing it to his mouth. “I only smoke when I’m with you.”
“You’re always with me,” Eddie shoots back.
The smile Steve gives in return makes Eddie want to kiss him right here. They don’t do that, though. Eddie… Eddie’s never done that. Never kissed anyone, even though a year ago he said he’d do all the things he wants to do before he dies again. He told himself he wouldn’t die a virgin again, and he laughs to himself now at the memory.
It’s not like he cares about the concept of virginity, or anything. It’s a social construct, and all that, but he’d be a fucking liar if he said he didn’t want to have some kind of sex with someone at some point.
“What’s funny?” Steve asks.
“Not funny, just… You know, it’s like… The last time I almost died, I thought to myself, great, I’m about to die a twenty year old, never-been-kissed virgin, with no high school diploma, and all I’ve ever amounted to in my life is shredding Master of Puppets in hell. Told myself I’d fix all that before I die again.”
Eddie sighs, takes the cigarette back from Steve and brings it to his lips.
“And the only thing that has changed,” Eddie continues as he blows smoke out of his mouth. “Is that I’m twenty-one now instead.”
“Well,” Steve says slowly. “I can’t fix the high school diploma or the whole amounting to anything part of it. But…”
Eddie holds his breath. There’s no way Steve’s about to say it. There’s no way they’re finally going to acknowledge that something is going on between them.
“But,” Eddie repeats. Prompts. Says it so Steve knows he can keep going, that he doesn’t need to be afraid.
“But I could fix the never-been-kissed part. If you wanted me to,” Steve says. “And, um, the rest of it.”
“The rest of it,” Eddie says slowly.
“If you wanted,” Steve says again. He shrugs, looking down at his hands in his lap. “I… If not, that’s — it’s fine. I just thought, you know.”
“Yeah,” Eddie whispers. “I know.”
Silence stretches between them for a few minutes while they finish the cigarette. Eddie drops the butt into the toilet and flushes it. Wayne always gets on him for doing that at home, but what Hopper doesn’t know won’t hurt in the next twelve hours before they all die.
“Fuck it,” Eddie says. He pushes to his feet and offers a hand to Steve. “Let’s go on a supply run.”
“A supply—” Steve starts, confused. He looks at Eddie, the look that Eddie is giving him, the words he’s not saying, as he takes Steve’s hand and pulls him up. Understanding dons on Steve’s face, and then he smirks. “Oh. A supply run. Got it. You… you’re sure?”
Eddie shrugs. “As I’ll ever be.”
Read the rest on AO3
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steddie-island · 2 months
intro to wayne for wip weekend pls 🥰🥰
“Does Dustin have an older brother?” Wayne asked. Eddie really needed to figure out the secret to Wayne looking threatening even when he was drinking out of a fucking Garfield mug.  “I’ve told you, he’s an only child.” Eddie looked at the clock on the stove. “And you’re making me late, old man.” “You’re not dating Dustin, and he doesn’t have an older brother.” Wayne was clearly ignoring his comment about being late. “You can tell me you’re going to your boyfriend’s, son. You’re an adult, you can make your own decisions.” Eddie shifted uncomfortably. “I… am going to my boyfriend’s,” he said. “Which is… also… still… Dustin’s?” Wayne watched him for a few more long seconds before something seemed to click. “Eddie…” 
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madaboutmunson · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
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Here is a treat as I haven’t posted something in forever.
[captions welcome]
I went for:
“Eddie doesn’t like the show and he’s gonna make it a problem!”
Other things:
I’m working on a lot of different events and projects right now. I’m still writing a fic that turned into a bit of a beast, but once it’s finished I’ll be posting chapters on a more regular basis for it.
So here is a snippet from that mini beast
ITICHBS (it’s a secret 🤫 😂)
rockstarSteve x photographerEddie
Eddie goes to type back, but he feels the car slow to a stop. A crunch of gravel and muffled voices. Moments later, his door is opened.
"Mr Munson?" The woman asks as Eddie steps out and nods. The car is swarmed by athletic people sporting black security uniforms.
The woman in front of him makes eye contact with her team members and then looks back at him, "Your agent said you were staying?"
"I-I am. Just not here." Eddie says nervously. He was supposed to be, that's what Marney had advised, but Eddie had dug his heels in and got an airport hotel instead, at his own expense, "I'm so bad at waking up for flights, so," he scratches the back of his neck, "the closer, the better."
She folds her arms and levels him with a look before scanning him up and down. "You don't want to spend the night? Stay in Steve Harrington's house?" She almost laughs out the last question.
Eddie figures it's something ingrained in him that is making him nervous with all these official-looking uniforms around him, "Not if I wanna keep this job," he says with a forced laugh, looks down and rubs his stomach, "I should really learn that fast food doesn't always agree with me." He raises his eyes to her to see if his performance has landed, and though he's not sure she believes the story, she seems happy enough to accept it for some reason. She extends her hand to him.
"Buckley. Head of security here for Mr H. This is my team. Get to know their faces and names if you care to. If it's not one of us telling you, it's not mandatory." She says and waves him through the huge ornate gates that slowly open as she signals to the house.
Eddie quirks an eyebrow at that. Mandatory? If it's not one of us? What did that even mean? She didn't look like your typical bodyguard or security guard that Eddie had seen over the years, but knowing he'd be meeting her at the gates, he'd done his research.
Robin Buckley. She'd only ever worked with Harrington, no one before, no one in-between. She wasn't a waif by any stretch of the imagination, but she was not your typical heavy-set build either. However, the footage Eddie had unearthed last night definitely sent the message home that she is not to be fucked with. She easily kept the crazies at bay, and Harrington's humanising posts about how safe he felt with her around, made her a fan favourite. Even though she was often the only thing standing between him and his adoring followers.
He'd seen three times caught on film she'd intercepted a weapon or projectile aimed at Harrington. One effortlessly caught out of the air, cool as anything. Then there was a guy with a gun who had been leg swept to the floor, had his wrist snapped, and was disarmed in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it display of prowess. You could see on the video Harrington hadn't seen any of it. Busy leaning back into the crowd for a selfie at the barrier with a fan's phone. Her team carried that guy away, and she just fell back into step beside him. The third was definitely the most terrifying. Mainly due to the fact, there were so many different views of the same event because it happened whilst Harrington had been singing one of his most famous songs. It looks like a fan rushes the stage, not uncommon, but as Harrington shuts his eyes to croon to the crowd under the spotlight, something catches the light in the fan's hand, and if this had been a movie, you'd swear this would be the singer's last scene. But it wasn't. From out of nowhere, Buckley's big black boot steps into the light and puts the assailant in a choke hold from behind. They were out for the count in seconds and pulled back with her into the darkness.
Hope you liked it 🥰
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withacapitalp · 2 years
First I would love to see a snippet of the Labyrinth AU.
Second omg don’t be too shy to talk to me ☺️🥰
Oh my godddd the labyrinth AU
Okay firstly this AU isn't my original idea. We were talking about it in the server a little while ago, and it totally took my entire life over. The OG for this is @santababysteve I just piggybacked onto this idea. She's the brilliant one to plant the seed. Secondly....you're too cool I'm sorry I still go read your stuff randomly whenever I need one of my comfort fics
ANYWAY SNIPPET TIME. Sorry it looks weird I copied and pasted right from my google docs.
“Did you love me before tonight?” Eddie asked, unable to turn around and look Steve in the eye. It was easier to stare out at his kingdom, at a world that catered to his every whim. It was easier than hearing the answer. 
Except, no answer came. Steve stayed silent.
But that was answer enough in its own way. 
Impulsively Eddie flipped around, leaping and gliding back onto the bed. He landed heavily on his knees over Steve’s legs, tucking his wings in and  pinning the human down, grabbing both of Steve’s wrists tight enough to bruise. 
“Do you think you could fall in love with me again?” Eddie asked in a mildly desperate tone, facing Steve nose to nose, staring deep into his eyes. He wasn’t running away this time, wasn’t hiding from the truth. He wouldn’t hide this time, but he knew what he needed. 
He needed the answer to be yes. 
If Steve said yes, then Eddie would give him whatever his heart desired to make it happen. Money, gold, jewels, all of the power a mortal could ever even dream of having. He would make Steve royalty, burn the rest of the world to the ground, whatever it took to get that love back. It had been the most precious thing Eddie would ever get to own, and he hadn’t realized how badly he needed it until it had slipped through his fingers. 
All Steve needed to do was say yes. All he needed to do was give Eddie some hope that he could repair what he had broken between them. Just a touch of hope, and the whole universe would belong to them both. 
“Not like this,” Steve finally managed to whisper, his voice cracking halfway through. He let his eyes slip shut and rested his forehead against Eddie’s with a shaking breath. 
“Not like this,” Steve repeated softly.  
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skepsiss · 6 months
WIP Wednesday: you remember that?
I was so freaking confused for a moment xDDD I was like "Do I remember what...?? That I posted it??? Yeah... like 15 minutes ago....????" I understand now..... This is a fic for @/thefreakandthehair Winter Fanwork Challenge! My prompt was "You remember that?" I've decided (foolishly) to do a 4 part series that all link to each other! It'll be the same story (more or less) from each Fruity Four's POV! (Steve, Robin, Eddie, and Nancy) all being home for the holidays.
“Oh! On the contrary!” Eddie hollered back and Steve drowned out the rest of whatever he was saying in favour of greeting Nancy. “Glad to see you guys made it in one piece,” Nancy half-laughed as she closed the front door snugly behind them. Robin had already peeled off her outerwear and was carefully shaking her hair out to get rid of her hat-hair. Steve wasn’t far behind her as he watched Robin and Nancy embrace.  “It’s good to see you, Nance,” Steve said quietly, giving her a hug as well before walking into the living room with the group. “---and that, pray tell, is the absolute fucking reason why Dante is an asshole.” Eddie was still jabbering as he pushed a cookie into his mouth. He loved him, but Eddie really was a motor-mouth.
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starrystevie · 1 year
here, have a little snippet of my angsty steddie (virgin eddie and pining steve) spending their last night on earth together wip, just as a little treat 😌
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messessentialist · 11 months
tagged by my beloveds @wormdebut and @wynnyfryd!! late to the party, but here we all are. 
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Wayne’s brow smooths out where Steve hadn’t noticed it was pinched. “It’s not really mine, either. Ed’s an adult. Guess you’d better ask him.”
I’m not tagging that many people bc im lazy BUT:
@gorgeousgreymatter-x @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @aidaronan @withmyteeth @jkrockin @ricechex 
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munsonkitten · 10 months
Eddie locks his ankles behind Steve’s back, thighs squeezing his sides, and holds him there.
“Stay inside,” Eddie whispers.
“Okay,” Steve breathes, shaking but easy. So soft and so sweet.
He’s still shaking, just resting against Eddie as they try to breathe together.
“You okay, Harrington?” Eddie whispers. He runs his hands up and down Steve’s sides, over the scars that match Eddie’s.
“I think I’m falling in love with you,” Steve whispers, muffled into Eddie’s collar bone.
Eddie’s hands still, he freezes. Still blanketed under Steve’s trembling body, Eddie takes a deep, shaking breath.
“Pussy was that good, huh?” he jokes. Because there’s no way Steve meant that. There’s no way he even said it, nah, Eddie’s just hearing things.
Hearing things he wants to hear.
“No,” Steve says. He lifts his head. “I mean, yeah. Your pussy’s great, man, but no, that’s not — I just had to tell you, okay? It’s fine if you don’t feel the same, but you know, I have to be honest because we just… did all that, and it would be wrong for me to not tell you.”
“After we—” Eddie starts, but then all the words catch right up to his brain and he pulls Steve in for another kiss, so heated and full of all the words Eddie wants to say back.
Steve’s still inside him, still covering him with his body. It’s so hot in the room, and Eddie feels gross, but none of that matters because Eddie may feel gross, but he’s loved. Loved in a way he never has been, and that’s—
“Fuck, Steve,” Eddie laughs. He thinks he might start to cry, thinks he might be already. “I mean, hell, I think I’ve been in love with you since, like, middle school, so there’s that.”
“You didn’t even know me,” Steve points out.
“Didn’t need to. Knew you were pretty,” Eddie whispers, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of Steve’s mouth. “What about you? When did this revelation hit you?”
“At Reefer Rick’s,” Steve answers immediately.
“Oh yeah? Which time?”
“The first time, man. When you had that bottle pressed to my throat. Fuck, all I could think was that you were wild. Wild, but scared, man. Like an animal that shouldn’t be caged, I don’t know.”
“What the fuck, Steve? You’re telling me we could’ve been doing this the whole time?” Eddie jokes.
Steve shrugs. “Didn’t wanna scare you off. You, uh, you’re doing better now, than you were then, and even just, a few weeks ago, you know? And if I would’ve—”
“I would’ve ran,” Eddie realizes.
Steve shrugs. “I would’ve waited longer, you know. Just, you were lying there in nothing but a pair of fucking cut off shorts, squirming, man. You were squirming and whining, and fuck, you would’ve seen how hard I was if I didn’t say something first to beat you to the punch.”
Eddie laughs. “Can’t believe I got you that worked up.”
“You’re a fucking dream, Eddie Munson,” Steve says. “And I don’t wanna wake up from this one.”
And it’s fucking cheesy, it’s so fucking cheesy, but Eddie finds himself smiling, his grin overtaking his whole face. He can’t stop it, can’t contain it, doesn’t fucking want to.
“You sure know how to sweep a guy off his feet,” Eddie teases.
“Did that actually work?” Steve asks, his grin matching Eddie’s.
“Consider me swept, Harrington,” Eddie says with a wink. “My feet are thoroughly off the ground.”
Steve kisses him again, and he moves them, slipping out of Eddie’s messy cunt, but not letting him go, not going far. He grabs the joint and the lighter off Eddie’s nightstand and lights it up again, taking a hit before passing it over to Eddie. They lay on their sides facing each other, Steve’s arm slung over Eddie’s waist.
“Hoping to get me horny again?” Eddie asks as he brings the joint to his lips.
Steve laughs, ducking his head to hide himself in Eddie’s neck. “I’m hoping I’d get a second round without it, but hey, if it works, it works.”
“Don’t worry, baby, you can have as many rounds as you want,” Eddie promises.
Something has definitely changed between them, but strangely, as Eddie lays in his bed beside Steve, smoking the rest of the joint they were working through earlier, it feels like nothing’s changed at all. They’ve been in love with each other this whole time, been living in each other’s pockets for the entire summer. Steve’s seen Eddie naked before, he’s helped him bathe, helped him change his bandages, helped him brush his hair, and makes sure he’s eating.
All these acts of kindness have never been because they’re just friends, and Eddie knows that now, and he thinks he knew that before, too. He kisses the top of Steve’s head, noses against his sweat damp hair, and holds him closer.
Soon they’ll have to get up and clean up, to wash away the evidence of what they just did, and they’ll get in the shower together, not for the first time, but for the first time when they both know what it means, and Eddie will hold Steve close, and he’ll ask Steve to call him angel and sweet boy, and—
They’ll clean up later.
Now, though, he whispers a quiet, “Yeah, I love you,” and holds him tight, and hears the same three words whispered back.
excerpt from strange as angels on ao3
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hitlikehammers · 1 year
The fact is—and it’s one that they both recognize, but that only one of them really says out loud on the regular—but, well, the fact is this: both of them would do just about anything to avoid not being able to spend the night in each others’ arms.
They have a lot of trauma in their shared history, okay? So fucking sue them.
But that point almost definitely comes second as a cause to just…wanting. Wanting to be near. To feel warm skin nearby, to breathe in sweat and sleep and musk where they bury in close below the hairline, where they angle just so and wrap gangly and wild around one another like they’re still kids, desperate and needy and a little suspicious that it’s all a dream, that they have to cling as a rule in order to keep.
So Steve holds out a little to prove a point, sure, and Eddie’s so fucking theatrical it is hypothetically possible that he’s actually convinced himself otherwise, that Steve could ever really choose to leave him alone on the couch to toss and turn the night away while Steve did the same just as miserably a floor away: but it’s not like there was ever a point where they were actually going to end up sleeping anywhere but side by side in their goddamn oversized bed.
But because sometimes Eddie is a child, and impatient as hell like one: he jumps to the groveling—or if not groveling, then something—early on in the game. Steve hasn’t even wiped off the cream on his eyes, hell: his contacts are out and pitched for good measure, but his eyelids kinda still burn all the way to the lashes; he’s got a good few minutes left, here.
But Steve knows just from a single opening note that it’s the old Dragon Slayer Eddie’s dragged out in the last five minutes, and his heart pangs a little at the memories it stirs on command, because maybe they hadn’t had a proposal, but long before they were married on paper? They sure as shit were married where it mattered, for themselves and for their hearts and for their family, so there’d been a housewarming cookout—years ago, for a much smaller house than they live in now—where they’d exchanged rings and danced really fucking badly to the ambiance of bonfire smoke and charcoal off the grill, and they’d both planned to pick a song for the occasion to mark it, something to make theirs in a way that metal and top-40 wasn’t the best fit for—Eddie’d play his pick, serenade if Steve was lucky, maybe only one or the other; maybe he’d sing into Steve’s ear as they swayed, or maybe he’d strum away while Steve sat near his lap or cradled his face. And they’d planned out a very nice audio setup for Steve to stick a CD in for his choice, and Steve would say nothing about doing more than that in advance because he needed an exit route in case of emergency, and secrecy was always a solid choice if you had to back out last minute, no disappointment if no one expected anything to miss. Save that he’d known he wouldn’t have taken the exit route for anything, even if he had ended up needing it a little for the sweat on this palms, because Eddie loved his voice so much, for reasons to this day unknown, and Steve loved Eddieso much, for reasons every single day < I>so I> well known, that Steve was willing to put aside his refusal to sing for an audience for one night—the night which he’d believed at the time would be the closest thing to a wedding he’d get with the man he’d given his heart to, but that had actually turned out to be the firstthing like-or-exactly a wedding he’d get to have where he’d pledge his heart and soul to Eddie goddamn Munson, and somehow inexplicably mean it more and more and more, every single time.
Jesus H. Christ, but Steve never fails to be fucking suckerpunched by how much of a sap he is, this far and deep in love.
And so Eddie strums soft on the same fucking guitar, in the now, and it travels up the stairs soft and sweet and Steve remembers how it panned out, how Eddie’d played and sang and grabbed Steve’s hands to go to hips from behind and they’d swayed a little, and the tears had been unavoidable because after kissing Eddie hard enough to bruise on release, he’d lifted the guitar from Eddie’s hold and then Steve’s disc had started up and Steve had wrapped both arms around Eddie from the front that time, singing the same goddamn song into Eddie’s ear as they danced, as Eddie’d shaken; with laughed at the coincidence, the space their hearts met without even trying in the whole whirlwind cosmos that could still narrow down to just them two; and for the tears, and Steve had kissed them away and they’d been sweet for joy the whole fucking time.
He plays it for Steve every year. Now on both their anniversaries. All their anniversaries. Dates and weddings and marriage certificates and move-ins and first times and…everything. He plays for Steve, and Steve sings to him, and it’s exactly what they’d wanted: theirs.
But here’s the…the other thing: it’s genuine, and it’s beautiful, and it’s real and it’s everything and it tugs at Steve’s heartstrings. Hard.
Every time.
But Eddie fucking knows that. Intimately.
And that is how Steve learned early on that something could be wholly from the heart, and a million-percent real, while still being an absolute move on the chessboard of I-Eddie-Munson-Will-Never-Not-Also-Be-Puppet-Mastering-Dungeon-Douche.
It’s the, the…four-dimensional Trek-nerd chess shit they play as loving, hopelessly devoted spouses. The fuck else are they going to do with decades of experience, honed into expertise about each other? Not pick up on all the obvious goddamn tells?
Fuck that.
(or: oh hi the future-fic-married-rockstar-dildo-set!fic doubled in size and grew both more FEELINGS—evidenced above—and WAY more dildo-sex, which you can find in more horny absurd detail here.)
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