rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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Garlic Lovers Day
Garlic Lovers Day is dedicated to lovers of garlic. Garlic is an onionlike plant that is highly aromatic and has a distinct flavor. It is native to Central Asia and Northeastern Iran, and has long been used as a seasoning and for medicine in Asia, Africa, and in Europe around the Mediterranean Sea. It was used in ancient China, Rome, and Greece, and in the Americas wild garlic was eaten before Europeans arrived. In the United States it was only popular near the Gulf of Mexico and in ethnic neighborhoods in large cities, until the mid-20th century, when its popularity spread.
Garlic is used on breads, and infused in oils that season vegetables, meats, and pastas. It is also used in making things such as bruschetta and pesto. It was used to treat gangrene during World War I and II, and studies have been done to see how it affects cardiovascular health, cancer, and the common cold, but results have been inconclusive. Most garlic is grown overseas, and 90% of the domestic crop is grown in California. There are many types of garlic, most of which are varieties of hardneck or softneck garlic.
How to Observe Garlic Lovers Day
Celebrate the day by making a recipe that includes garlic, or picking up a garlic cookbook. You could also make some garlic infused olive oil. In many areas this is also a good time of year to plant garlic, as it should be done before the fall frost.
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Grillpfanne Gusseisen – die besten Modelle 2023 im Vergleich
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Grillpfanne Gusseisen – die besten Modelle 2023 im Vergleich
Kross angebratene Steaks mit einem perfekten Branding gibt es nur vom Grill? Nein, ein perfektes Steak kriegst du auch am Herd problemlos hin. Alles, was du dafür brauchst, ist eine Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen. Ich habe in den letzten Jahren mehrere Grillpfannen aus Gusseisen getestet und zeige dir, welche Modelle wirklich richtig gut sind. Du willst dein Grill-Equipment um passende Geräte erweitern?  Dann findest du hier eine Auswahl der besten Beiträge aus dem Grillbereich: Dutch Oven - die 22 wichtigsten Modelle 2023 im Überblick Optigrill – alle 2023er Modelle im direkten Vergleich Raketenofen – die besten Modelle 2023 im Test Mangal Grill – die besten Modelle 2023 im Überblick Keramikgrill – die 6 besten Modelle 2023 Grilltisch – die 8 besten Modelle für die Grillsaison 2023 Teppanyaki Grill - die besten Modelle 2023 im Vergleich Elektrogrill Balkon – die besten Grills 2023
Beste Grillpfanne Gusseisen für Induktion und Ceran
Ja, die Le Creuset Grillpfanne aus der Signature-Serie ist kein Schnäppchen. Aber diese Pfanne ist wirklich der Hammer. Ich selbst nutze sie bereits seit über 5 Jahren und sie sieht immer noch aus wie neu. Diese massive Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen besitzt eine extrem gute Wärmeleitfähigkeit, welche zusammen mit den sehr tiefen Rille beste Brateigenschaften hervorbringt. Zudem ist diese Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen emailliert und lässt sie sich dadurch super leicht reinigen. Kleiner Tipp für Steakliebhaber Im Gegensatz du anderen Gusspfannen ist der Griff der Le Creuset Grillpfanne so kurz, dass du deine Steaks zum Nachgaren im Ofen nicht aus der Pfanne nehmen musst! × Warnung verwerfen
Beste Gusseisen Grillpfanne für den Gasgrill
Die Steakpfanne von Burnhard ist ein absoluter Preis-Leistungssieger. Obwohl diese Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen weniger als 50 € kostet, ist sie wirklich empfehlenswert. Vor allem, wenn du sie auf deinem Gasgrill einsetzten möchtest. Dass gusseiserne Material ist sehr dick und massiv, wodurch die Pfanne eine etwas längere Aufheizzeit benötigt. Aber die Grillrippen sind tief genug um ein schönes Branding auf dein Fleisch zu zaubern. Einziger Nachteil dieser Burnhard Grillpfanne: Der Boden ist nicht absolut plan durch das eingestanzte Burnhard-Logo. Leider ist dieses je nach Charge nicht immer ganz so sauber verarbeitet wie ich es mir vorstellen würde. Deshalb würde ich die Pfanne nicht auf einem Ceran- oder Induktionskochfeld einsetzten um unschöne Kratzer zu vermeiden.
Empfehlenswerte Gusseisen Grillpfanne für Holzkohlegrill
Ich würde für meinen Holzkohlegrill von Weber immer zu einer runden Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen greifen, da der Grill ja auch rund ist. Deswegen ist mir diese Steakpfanne von Staub einen Kauftipp wert. Das massive Material überzeugt durch seine guten Wärmeleiteigenschaften und die Grillrippen am Pfannenboden sind tief genug um Fleisch oder Fisch kross anzubraten. Zudem hat die Staub Grillpfanne eine Emaille-Beschichtung innen, wodurch dein Fleisch nicht anhaften kann und die nachträgliche Reinigung in 2 Minuten erledigt ist.
Was ist eine Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen?
Pfannen aus Gusseisen haben viele Vorteile, aber einer ist beim Braten von Fleisch ganz entscheidend: Gusseiserne Grillpfannen speichern sehr viel Wärme und übertragen sie direkt auf dein Fleisch. Hierdurch erhält dein Steak ein Top Branding und durch die schnell eintretende Maillard-Reaktion trocknet dein Fleisch auch nicht aus. Hierfür besitzen Steakpfannen aus Gusseisen Rillen auf dem Pfannenboden, die einem Grillrost ähneln. Somit liegt dein Fleisch nur auf den Rillen, wodurch eine direkte Übertragung der Hitze gewährleistet ist. Anders als zum Beispiel eine Wokpfanne speichert eine Grillpfanne Gusseisen die aufgenommene Wärme für eine sehr lange Zeit. Durch die hohe Wärmespeicherung des Gusseisens kühlt die Pfanne zudem nicht so schnell ab, wodurch perfekte Grillstreifen auf deinem Fleische (von beiden Seiten möglich) werden!
Was muss ich bei einer gusseisernen Grillpfanne beachten?
Meiner Meinung nach sollte eine Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen vor allem zwei Anforderungen erfüllen: Sie ist aus massivem Gusseisen und gut verarbeitet! Hinzu kommen zwei oder drei andere Punkte, auf die ich persönlich einen besonderen Wert beim Kauf einer neuen Steakpfanne aus Gusseisen legen würde: - Ein planer Boden - Tiefe Rillen - Eine Ausgussnase - Feuerfeste Griffe - Keine Teflon-Beschichtung!!! - eventuell eine Antihaftbeschichtung aus Emaille Da die Pfanne auf dem Herd zum Einsatz kommen soll, ist ein absolut planer Boden Pflicht. Zudem sollte eine gute Gusseisenpfanne für Grill oder Herd tiefe Rillen haben, damit das Fleisch gut braten kann und nicht „im eigenen Saft“ vor sich hin köchelt. Auch eine Ausgussnase kann häufig sehr sinnvoll sein, um überschüssiges Fett oder Bratensaft abgießen zu können. Ganz wichtig ist eine hohe Hitzebeständigkeit, denn zum richtigen Anbraten muss eine Pfanne aus Gusseisen sehr hoch erhitzt werden. Deshalb solltest du auch auf feuerfeste Griffe oder eine Gusspfanne mit abnehmbaren Griffen achten. Ebenso ist eine Antihaft-Beschichtung aus Teflon ein absolutes No-Go.
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Grillpfannen aus Gusseisen liefern perfekte Grillergebnisse
Kann eine gusseiserne Grillpfanne einen richtigen Grill ersetzen?
Perfekte Grillstreifen (Branding) bekommst du auch mit einer gusseisernen Steakpfanne hin. Dennoch wird dir immer der leicht rauchige Geschmack eines Holzkohlegrill fehlen. Wenn du auf diesen nicht so großen Wert legst, oder eh ein Gasgriller bist, bekommst du auch auf deinem Herd ein Steak wie vom Grill gut hin.
Muss eine Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen eingebrannt werden?
Ich persönlich halte das Einbrennen einer Grillpfanne für vollkommen überflüssig. Wenn deine Pfanne eine Beschichtung aus Emaille besitzt, ist generell kein Einbrennen mehr notwendig. Grillpfannen aus Gusseisen ohne Beschichtung sind zudem bereits vom Hersteller eingebrannt worden. Hinzu kommt, dass dein Fleisch nicht auf dem ganzen Pfannenboden aufliegt wie in einer normalen Bratpfanne, sondern nur auf den Grillrippen. Hierdurch können schon rein technisch nicht so viel Fleischreste anhaften. Wenn du dennoch deine neue Gusspfanne für den Grill einbrennen möchtest, dann wirf einen Blick auf meinen Dutch Oven Test, indem ich auf das Einbrennen von Gusseisen genauer eingehe.
Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen Neuerscheinungen 2022
Wie verwende ich eine Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen richtig?
Jede Pfanne aus massivem Gusseisen neigt zu Spannungsrissen bei hohen Temperaturschwankungen! Erhitze deshalb deine Bratpfanne langsam und nicht direkt auf höchster Stufe. Nach 5 Minuten sollte deine Pfanne die notwendige Temperatur erreicht haben. Nehme nun ein Küchentuch, benetze es mit ein wenig Öl und reibe die Bratrillen der Pfanne damit ein. Danach kannst du dein zuvor abgetrocknetes Fleisch auflegen und von beiden Seiten angrillen.
Wie eine Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen reinigen?
Wie gerade bereits beschrieben, reagieren Gusspfannen sehr empfindlich auf Temperaturschwankungen. Lösche deshalb niemals deine noch heiße Pfanne unter fließendem Wasser ab! Sie könnte reißen und wäre damit hinüber. Warte lieber, bis sich deine Pfanne handwarm abgekühlt hat und reinige sie danach unter warmem Wasser mit etwas Spülmittel. Trockne sie danach gut ab und reibe sie danach mit einem Tropfen Olivenöl wieder ein. Dies dient dem Schutz vor Rost und Korrosion und bereitet sie bereits für den nächsten Einsatz vor.
Sind eckige Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen besser als runde?
Die meisten normalen Bratpfannen sind rund, genauso wie dein Kochfeld. Jedoch sind Grillpfannen meistens eckig. Warum das so ist? Beim Grillen in der Pfanne muss dein Fleisch eine Zeit lang ruhig liegen. Es wird nicht verrührt, sondern maximal versetzt oder gewendet. Eckige Grillpfannen bieten dir in diesem Falle über 20 % mehr Bratfläche als ein rundes Pendant. Zudem brauchst du dir über eine gleichmäßige Wärmeverteilung in einer eckigen Pfanne keine Sorgen machen, da Gusseisen die Hitze sehr langsam aufnimmt, speichert und erst dann an dein Grillgut weitergibt.
Grillpfannen aus Gusseisen Bestseller
FAQ – häufige Fragen
Für welche Gerichte eignet sich eine Grillpfanne aus Gusseisen? Grillpfannen aus Gusseisen eigen sich vor allem für das scharfe Anbraten von Fleisch aller Art. Das muss nicht immer ein großes T-Bone Steak sein. Auch Hühnchen Brust, Fisch oder Garnelen erhalten in einer Steakpfanne aus Gusseisen tolle Grillstreifen. Welche Gusseisenpfanne ist die beste? Die Gusseisen Grillpfanne Signature von Le Creuset ist unserer Meinung nach die beste gusseiserne Steakpfanne 2022. Die besteht aus massivem Gusseisen, ist somit unverwüstlich und muss nicht eingebrannt werden. Durch die hochwertige Antihaft-Beschichtung aus Emaille ist sie extrem leicht zu reinigen und die Grillergebnisse sind bei allen Fleisch- oder Fischsorten nahezu perfekt. Müssen Grillpfannen aus Gusseisen eingebrannt werden? Besitzt deine Grillpfanne eine Beschichtung aus Emaille, ist ein zusätzliches Einbrennen nicht notwendig. Unbeschichtete Pfannen aus Gusseisen werden häufig bereits vom Hersteller eingebrannt (preseasoned), wodurch du auf ein zusätzliches Einbrennen der Pfanne verzichten kannst. Sind Grillpfannen aus Gusseisen besser als aus Aluminium (Aluguss)? Zum Grillen von Fleisch in einer Pfanne eignen sich gusseiserne Modelle viel besser als Pfannen aus Aluguss. Aluminium-Pfannen sind leichter und heizen sich schneller auf. Jedoch besitzen sie nicht so eine hohe Wärmespeicherkapazität wie echtes Gusseisen. Als Folge kühlen sie beim Auflegen des Fleisches schneller ab, wodurch dein Steak nach kurzer Zeit nicht mehr brät, sondern eher köchelt.
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kuechenfans · 4 years
Sechs gebrauchte AMC Töpfe mit 6 Visiotherm +Steakpfanne und Sieb
Sechs gebrauchte AMC Töpfe mit 6 Visiotherm +Steakpfanne und Sieb
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Sechs gebrauchte AMC Töpfe mit 6 Visiotherm +Steakpfanne und Sieb Price : 500.00 Ends on : [readable_time]2020-01-27 15:20:47[/readable_time] View on eBay
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bestenbewertet · 6 years
Hier ist die Liste von 5 ► Besten Eisenpfannen Test 1. Turk 65528 Eisenpfanne Klick hier -- https://ift.tt/2tNFRCl 2. GRÄWE Profi schmiedeeiserne Bratpfanne Klick hier -- https://ift.tt/2lEVcBq 3. Turk 65230 Schmiedeeisen-Pfanne Klick hier -- https://www.amazon.de/Krüger-63028-Gusseisen-Steakpfanne-Rustica-schwarz/dp/B003VJV67I?tag=hbde0b-21 4. Turk 65930 Servierpfanne Schmiedeeisen Klick hier -- https://ift.tt/2yQ8JiZ 5. Krüger 63028 Gusseisen-Steakpfanne Rustica Klick hier -- https://www.amazon.de/GRÄWE®-PROFI-schmiedeeiserne-Bratpfanne-GLATT/dp/B00IA2AREE?tag=hbde0b-21
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… und nun sind wir wieder zurück!!! Wir haben 5 wunderschöne Tage und 4 Nächte auf der Ostsee-Insel verbracht. Wie man es von uns gewohnt ist, haben wir einiges erlebt und auch das Nähere Umfeld mal unter die Lupe genommen. Frei nach dem Motto: “Muss man alles mal gesehen haben!”.
Die Ferienwohnung war wirklich ein Traum. Zu einem absolut fairen Preis machten wir es uns auf 43 qm bequem und fühlten uns ganz wie zu Hause (verrückt im Urlaub, oder?). Obwohl die Wohnung wirklich klein war, hat es uns an nichts gefehlt. Mit ganz viel Liebe zum Detail und schlauen Staumöglichkeiten wurde hier eingerichtet. Das hat uns wirklich beeindruckt und ist wirklich weiter zu empfehlen! Das Meer sahen wir vom Wohnzimmer / Schlafzimmer aus. Wirklich Herrlich. Nur 100 meter bis zur Ostsee! Ein Traum.
Tag 1: Wir sind früh aufgestanden und haben nach der Koffer-Verstauung noch gemeinsam mit Oma und Opa gefrühstückt, bevor wir uns Los >>> Richtung Urlaub >>> machten. Circa 14.00 Uhr kamen wir dann endlich in Heiligenhafen an. Wir wollten natürlich ins Restaurant gehen, welches ich mir vorher schon ausgeguckt hatte, da unser Magen jetzt knurrte. Natürlich hatten wir Pech und wirklich alle Restaurants in der Nähe hatten geschlossen.(Danke Google, dass du sowas nicht immer anzeigst!). Also beschlossen wir direkt weiter auf die Insel zu fahren um dort im Supermarkt etwas einzukaufen.Nachdem wir in der FeWo ankamen und alles bestaunt hatten, beschlossen wir es uns heute hier genütlich zu machen. Wir räumten alle Sachen ein, kochten uns ein leckeres Abendessen und schauten uns einen Film über Fehmarn an, der in der Wohnung lag. Vom Balkon aus sahen wir das Meer ♥ Wir träumten in dieser Nacht gut!
Tag 2: Am Nächsten Morgen machte der Papi für uns Pancakes mit Marmelade. Das Kind sagte sofort: “Igitt. Das ess’ ich nicht!”. Zack. Wieder in der Realität angekommen. Okay, dann bekommt er halt Lion-Cornfalkes!!! Kaum war die Milch in der Schüssel, hieß es: ” Ich will das nicht!!! Ich esse nur die weißen…ohne Milch”. Uuuiuuuiiiuiii. Der Tag kann ja noch heiter werden! Egal, 1x tief durchgeatmet, bekam er sein Mortadella-Toast und alle waren glücklich. Nach dem ausgiebigem Frühstück spazierten wir zum Strand – bewaffnet mit Eimer und Schippe zum buddeln. Ratet mal, wer so richtig gut gelaunt war und sogar eine Sandburg gebaut hat? Yep. Der Mohrle. Es war recht kalt und ungemütlich, also beschlossen wir nach 1,5 Stunden ins Meereszentrum zu fahren. Das Gute an der Insel Fehmarn ist ja, dass alle Orte innerhalb von 10 Minuten zu erreichen sind. Das Meeresmuseum war richtig toll. Ich war hier als Jugendliche schon mal mit der Schulklasse zur Abschlußfahrt der zehnten Klasse. Nun stand ich hier, mit Ehemann und 4jährigen Sohn, der richtig euphorisch umher lief und gar nicht wusste, was ihm eigentlich am besten gefällt. Seepferdchen, Nemo, Dorie, … ach doch. Halt. Da war noch was! Der ganz große Hai !!! Wir saßen eine halbe Ewigkeit vor dem großen Aquarium um die verschiedenen Hai zu bestaunen. Wahnsinn. So wunderschön und doch angsteinflößend. Wir waren total begeistert! Danach ging es ins grieschiche Restaurant “Korfu” in Burg. Bifteki, Nuggets und Souvlaki brachten unsere Laune dann auf den Höhepunkt. Mama musste leider alle Ouzo’s trinken, da der Papa ja Auto gefahren ist. Ach, Kinder ich sag’s euch. Das war ein Spaß. Nüchtern rein… und volltrunken wieder raus. Das war natürlich besonders schön, weil wir noch Baden fahren wollten. Ich musste imer Auto so lachen, fühlte mich total besoffen und überlegte, ob man überhaupt besoffen in ein Schwimmbad rein darf. Gut, dass wir noch 40 Min. Fahrzeit hatten!!! Das Kind machte also im Auto seinen Mittagschlaf, Mama versuchte wieder nüchtern zu werden und so ging es Richtung Weißenhäuser Strand. Ich hatte mich bewusst für das “Suptropische Badeparadies” in Wangels entschieden. Es schien mir etwas mehr bieten zu können als das Einheimische “FehMare” in Burg. Und wir wurden wirklich nicht enttäuscht. Unzählige Wasserrutschen. Mein Kind ist erstmals mit einer Reifenrutsche gerutscht, zusammen mit Papa… und Mama allein hinterher.Das war der Knüller!!! Ich denke die beiden Männer sind in etwa 10x die Wahnsinns-Leiter hoch um dort mit dem Reifen wieder runter zu düsen. Es gab nur 1 Rutsche, die sich nicht benutzt haben, an diesem Tag. Wir waren danach so platt. Hatten aber den Spaß unseres Lebens. Ein richtig tolles Abenteuer, dieses Schwimmbad.Vergleichbar mit dem Aqua Mundo im Center Parcs, würde ich jetzt mal behaupten. Der Preis als Familienkarte für 3 Stunden Badevergnügen war auch absolut gerechtfertigt. Da haben wir wirklich schon Schlimmeres erlebt Preis-/Leistungstechnisch!
Tag 3: Ursprünglich wollten wir nach Flügge um den Jimi Hendrix Gedenkstein sowie den Leuchtturm anzuschauen. Aber Erstens: kommt es anders und Zweitens: … als man denkt. Wir fuhren also zum Campingplatz nach Flügge. Bis zum Gedenkstein waren es etliche Meter zu Fuß. Da es extrem kalt und windig war, beschlossen wir “nur” am Strand zu bleiben und Muscheln/Steine zu sammeln. Hat dann auch völlig ausgereicht, denn wir waren echt durchgefroren nachdem uns die Frische Meeresbrise um die Ohren wehte.
Mittag gegessen haben wir dann in Burg. Genauer gesagt im Restaurant Möwennest, direkt im Kaufhaus Stolz. Zu super Preisen bekommt man hier richitg gutes Essen!!! Top. Ich hatte eine Steakpfanne mit dreierlei Sorten Fleisch und der Mann aß davon die Variante mit Fisch. Das Kind hat dann im Kaufhaus selbst noch gut abgesahnt! Jede Menge Bücher (die alle auf 2,50-5,00 € runtergesetzt waren!!!), Schleich-Dino’s (1 großer und mehrere Baby Dinos) sowie ein “Ich packe meinen Koffer”-Spiel und ein paar Edelsteine, die er sich selbst ausgesucht hat in der Edelstein-Höhle. Den restlichen Tag verbrachten wir direkt am Meer vor unserer Ferienwohnung. Abends waren wir nochmal in Burg um am Yachthafen die Möwen zu füttern.
Tag 4:  Heute hatten wir etwas ganz Besonderes vor! Wir fuhren nach Grömitz um uns die Tauchgondel anzuschauen. Vorher sind wir aber noch eine Runde durch den wunderschönen Zoo geschlendert. Der ist absolut empfehlenswert. Besonders Kinder kommen hier richtig auf ihre Kosten. Die Fläche ist überschaubar, interessante Tiere sind zu sehen (u.a. Känguru, Kamel, Affen, Löwen, Seelöwen…), neben echt coolen Spielmöglichkeiten. Mittag gegessen haben wir direkt an der Seebrücke im Restaurant Klabautermann. Nach der Stärkung ging es dann in die Tauchgondel. Das war ein echtes Erlebnis, eben mal was ganz anderes! Wir tauchten 4 meter unter die Oberfläche der Ostsee und lernten auf Lustige Art und Weise viele nützliche Sachen über die Bewohner des Meeres. Leider sahen wir keine Fische, Quallen oder was man sich sonst noch so vorstellt. Trotzdem war es eine schöne Erfahrung, die man 1x gemacht haben sollte.
Tag 5: Der Tag der Heimreise ist gekommen! Wir wären nicht wir, wenn wir nicht in aller Frühe aufgestanden wären um zu packen, zu frühstücken und nochmal anderswo Halt zu machen, bevor wir uns aus dem Staub machen! Ganz früh am Morgen trieb es uns an die Steilküste in Wulfen. Ein wunderschöner, unbewachter Naaturstrand bietet einen tollen Blick auf die Fehmarnsundbrücke. Eine beeindruckende Kulisse. Ein letztes Mal Ostsee-Feeling. Das Wetter spielte leider in den letzten Tagen nicht so wirklich mit, so war auch an diesem Morgen starker Wind Programm.
Von dort aus ging es direkt weiter nach Hamburg, was ja im Grunde direkt auf dem Heimweg liegt. Wir waren im Hard Rock Cafè Mittag essen und schauten uns noch die Landungsbrücken auf St. Pauli an. Zwischen Gladbach und HSV Fans rief das Kind dann übrigens lautstark WERDER BREMEN — WERDER BREMEN — WERDER BREMEN. Ach wie herrlich unbeschwert Kinder doch sind. Wir schauten natürlich gleich weg und lachten in unsere Jacken! Sowas machste wohl auch nur 1x. Hamburg gefiel uns richtig gut, zumindest das was wir davon gesehen haben. Ich denke wir werden uns irgendwann mal die Zeit nehmen um die Stadt richtig zu erkunden.
Urlaub, du warst wunderbar ♥
Fehmarn ... und nun sind wir wieder zurück!!! Wir haben 5 wunderschöne Tage und 4 Nächte auf der Ostsee-Insel verbracht.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Garlic Day 
If you think you have enough garlic, add more. These flavorful bulbs improve just about every dish you could think to put them in, so get cooking!
Garlic is beloved by a variety of cultures, with many people saying that there can never be too much garlic in a dish or a meal. For those people who love garlic, then garlic day is the perfect day!
National Garlic Day celebrates the history of garlic, in addition to its glorious taste and its incredible health benefits. National Garlic Day helps experts and average people alike to explore the history of this bulb, learning how it came to be one of the most popular flavors in the world.
The appreciation of garlic is never greater than on National Garlic Day!
History of National Garlic Day
Garlic is known as one of the most essential flavoring bulbs that have been used throughout human history. Wild garlic has been traced back to Central Asia more than 5000 years ago. While today garlic is now considered a significant part of Mediterranean cuisine, the ancient Romans weren’t actually massive fans of it, although their soldiers did use it to inspire courage.
The earliest uses of garlic in cooking were by the people of the Medieval and Renaissance times. It was only used in small doses in sauces because it was considered to be a peasant-food since it is technically just a root dug up from the ground. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that garlic was recognized by culinary chefs.
Garlic is now included in many dishes from different cultures, ranging along the Mediterranean, Italian, and French cuisines, as well as a variety of others. In American cuisine, it is thought that food critics such as James Beard and Craig Claiborne popularized garlic during the 20th century.
Garlic is also known for its magical and medicinal properties! These stretch so far as to include the ability to ward off creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and demons, but this may also just imply that the person who has eaten garlic has a bit of bad breath!
In addition to magical powers, garlic is known to have herbal medicinal properties, including being able to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.
Today, garlic festivals exist throughout local towns in various places as garlic is used in many dishes all over the world.
So, why not grab a clove or two, peel them, and use them for the next dinner during National Garlic Day!
How to Celebrate National Garlic Day
To celebrate National Garlic Day, head on over to a local grocery store and get some fresh cloves of garlic or minced garlic. Bulbs can be found with the produce, while pre-minced garlic is sometimes available in a jar. Try out some favorite savory recipes and add garlic as a nice touch for a classic solution or a new twist.
Some of the best ways to celebrate National Garlic Day Celebration might include:
Join the Festivities at a Garlic Festival
Head on over to a garlic festival near you and enjoy all the creations people have made with this robust plant. Festivals are held throughout the year in Canada, Turkey, Australia, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other places.
Events often include different garlic-themed culinary treasures (garlic beer or garlic fudge, anyone?), garlic weaving, garlic poem-writing contests, garlic golf, garlic balancing games, and so much more.
Cook with More Garlic
Of course, the simplest way to celebrate garlic is to add more of it in the kitchen. It’s healthy, easily stored, and inexpensive. People on this day might choose to celebrate by using garlic in their recipes, which might include making garlic bread, a tomato sauce or garlic chicken. So buy a garlic press and get started adding it to recipes!
Visit the “Garlic Capital of the World”
Head on over to Gilroy, California, the garlic capital of the world, for those who truly want a taste of everything related to garlic. Hosting over three million visitors in its 30 year, garlicky history, this town’s festival offers games, crafts, competitions and various other activities all centered around the theme of garlic. Even in the off-season, there’s plenty to do, including shopping for garlic-related gifts at The Garlic Shoppe.
They even serve Garlic Ice Cream in this town!
Start Using Garlic for Your Health
Make some herbal remedies and see how garlic might bring improvement to health as well as life overall. For ease of use, garlic can be found at health food stores in pill form. Or, for even more zing, use freshly chopped or crushed garlic in salad dressings, marinades or even mixed with honey and hot water to create a potent tea. Garlic can also be used to create a homemade cough syrup.
Host a Garlic Party
Share this holiday with friends and family by hosting a garlic-themed party, handing out tasty treats and enjoying its savory flavor. Have guests bring their favorite dish that includes garlic. For entertainment, try some of the ideas inspired by activities at the garlic festivals.
And for a costume-themed party, ask guests to dress up as their favorite garlic-related character (fictional or otherwise), such as these:
Dracula, the vampire in Bram Stoker’s fictional tales, who is warded off when a character wears a wreath of garlic to keep her safe
Werewolf, another character which folklore reveals to be kept away by garlic
Garlic Junior, anime fans know this is a fictional demon that appears in Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone
Greek Olympic Athletes, in ancient times, these athletes were expected to eat a lot of garlic in order to improve their performance
Roman Soldiers, ancient guards and soldiers were rumored to have used garlic to give them courage and inspiration
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Garlic Lovers Day
Garlic Lovers Day is dedicated to lovers of garlic. Garlic is an onionlike plant that is highly aromatic and has a distinct flavor. It is native to Central Asia and Northeastern Iran, and has long been used as a seasoning and for medicine in Asia, Africa, and in Europe around the Mediterranean Sea. It was used in ancient China, Rome, and Greece, and in the Americas wild garlic was eaten before Europeans arrived. In the United States it was only popular near the Gulf of Mexico and in ethnic neighborhoods in large cities, until the mid-20th century, when its popularity spread.
Garlic is used on breads, and infused in oils that season vegetables, meats, and pastas. It is also used in making things such as bruschetta and pesto. It was used to treat gangrene during World War I and II, and studies have been done to see how it affects cardiovascular health, cancer, and the common cold, but results have been inconclusive. Most garlic is grown overseas, and 90% of the domestic crop is grown in California. There are many types of garlic, most of which are varieties of hardneck or softneck garlic.
How to Observe Garlic Lovers Day
Celebrate the day by making a recipe that includes garlic, or picking up a garlic cookbook. You could also make some garlic infused olive oil. In many areas this is also a good time of year to plant garlic, as it should be done before the fall frost.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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More Herbs, Less Salt Day
Enjoy More Herbs, Less Salt Day on August 20 by reassessing your sodium intake. We understand that maintaining a balanced, healthy diet is easier said than done — especially since the flavor suffers the most, but healthy eating is no longer bland and boring! Spices and aromatic herbs are a great way to reduce salt in meals and amp up the taste. Your taste buds won’t know what they are missing, and your body will be grateful.
History of More Herbs, Less Salt Day
The origins of More Herbs, Less Salt Day are unknown, but the holiday was created in an effort to make people analyze their diets and reduce the amount of sodium in it. As one of the key ingredients in most meals, and shaken on top of food, the recommended daily amount of salt is exceeded without most people realizing it.
Salt isn’t exactly bad for us, but as with everything else, too much of a good thing can do more harm than good. Sodium is an important electrolyte needed by our bodies for nerve and muscle function. However, excessive intake of salt can have negative results like hypertension, heart disease, and bloating. Cardiovascular disease can lead to a stroke, heart attack, and even death. The renal function of kidneys can also be severely damaged, as blood flow to the kidney tissue is disrupted. Tests done on mice also show a linkage with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease due to high sodium intake,
The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) recommended daily consumption of salt less than 1500 milligrams. Fast food utilizes a lot of salt and is a large contributor to increasing the intake of salt in our bodies. Many one-time fast food meals contain 2000 milligrams or more of salt! This is why it is important to prepare meals at home and control the amount of salt going into our meals. More Herbs, Less Salt Day aims to encourage people to enhance the flavor of their food using herbs and spices instead of heaping large amounts of salt. This way the taste won’t be compromised, and may even turn out better.
This is why it is important to prepare meals at home. It gives us control over how much sodium goes into our meals.
EAting less salt is an excellent idea for everyone regardless of age or overall health. Most Americans eat more processed foods than they should, which is the #1 culprit of adding additional salt to our diet but reducing salt is obvious when you add more flavor with fresh herbs. If you don’t have an herb garden, the good news is most grocery stores stock fresh herbs in the produce section. This time of year is perfect for fresh basil, cilantro, and parsley, but you can also find fresh rosemary, dill, sage, and other several herbs. On the other hand, a diet low in sodium is linked to increased cognitive function and overall health.
More Herbs, Less Salt Day timeline
6th Century This is Gold!
Moorish merchants trade salt in exchange for gold In the Sub-Sahara,
1997 The DRI
The Dietary Reference Intake is introduced, broadening the existing Recommended Dietary Allowances guidelines.
2009 Around the World
The average consumption of sodium in 33 countries ranges from 2700 to 4900 milligrams per day.
2020 Revised Intake
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults consume no more than 5 grams (just under a teaspoon) of salt per day.
More Herbs, Less Salt Day FAQs
Is salt good for humans?
Salt is an essential nutrient for the human body, balancing fluids in the blood, and regulating blood pressure. It also supports healthy muscle and nerve functions.
What is the difference between sea salt and table salt?
The main differences between sea salt and table salt are in their tastes, texture, and processing.
Which salt is lowest in sodium?
Celtic salt has the least amount of sodium and the highest content of magnesium and calcium.
How To Celebrate More Herbs, Less Salt Day
Read food labels
Prepare a no-salt seasoning blend
Grow fresh herbs in your garden
Find out how much sodium is in your grocery food, and adjust accordingly, or cut back completely. Some brands have more sodium in their products than others, so be a wise shopper!
Get experimental and use different herbs and spices to create the perfect seasoning that you can use instead of salt. It will take time to get right and get used to the absence of salt, but with the variety of ingredients easily available, you’ll have a winning recipe!
Growing herbs in your garden is quite simple and less expensive than buying organic from stores. Rosemary, Thyme, and other herbs require little effort for planting, and can really elevate the taste of a dish as compared to salt.
5 Facts About Salt That You Should Know
A spoonful of salt
That’s a lot of salt
Higher risk of Osteoporosis
May increase the risk for stomach cancer
Salt is addictive
Consuming just one teaspoon of salt exceeds the daily recommended amount of sodium.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the average American consumes 3400 milligrams of salt daily. This is nearly 35% more than the recommended daily intake.
The more salt we eat, the more calcium we lose from our body through urination. This also makes us vulnerable to diseases like Osteoporosis.
According to a study published in the 2014 journal of Cancer Treatment and Research, a high-salt diet is linked to stomach cancer.
Some studies found that salt affects our brain the same way some drugs and cigarettes do.
Why We Love More Herbs, Less Salt Day
It encourages smart grocery shopping
Home cooking
Herbs and spices are fantastic!
The amount of preservatives, additives, sodium, and more that go into prepackaged food is insane! Holidays like More Herbs, Less Salt Day encourage people to be mindful about their grocery shopping, and be smart about what they are buying, and eating.
The only way to minimize sodium intake and control how much of it we are consuming is to switch to cooking meals at home.
The taste, aroma, and lightness of herbs and some spices are phenomenal! Meals become more appetizing, like simmering pasta sauce, the smell of garlic, etc.
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rabbitcruiser · 11 days
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National Garlic Day 
If you think you have enough garlic, add more. These flavorful bulbs improve just about every dish you could think to put them in, so get cooking!
Garlic is beloved by a variety of cultures, with many people saying that there can never be too much garlic in a dish or a meal. For those people who love garlic, then garlic day is the perfect day!
National Garlic Day celebrates the history of garlic, in addition to its glorious taste and its incredible health benefits. National Garlic Day helps experts and average people alike to explore the history of this bulb, learning how it came to be one of the most popular flavors in the world.
The appreciation of garlic is never greater than on National Garlic Day!
History of National Garlic Day
Garlic is known as one of the most essential flavoring bulbs that have been used throughout human history. Wild garlic has been traced back to Central Asia more than 5000 years ago. While today garlic is now considered a significant part of Mediterranean cuisine, the ancient Romans weren’t actually massive fans of it, although their soldiers did use it to inspire courage.
The earliest uses of garlic in cooking were by the people of the Medieval and Renaissance times. It was only used in small doses in sauces because it was considered to be a peasant-food since it is technically just a root dug up from the ground. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that garlic was recognized by culinary chefs.
Garlic is now included in many dishes from different cultures, ranging along the Mediterranean, Italian, and French cuisines, as well as a variety of others. In American cuisine, it is thought that food critics such as James Beard and Craig Claiborne popularized garlic during the 20th century.
Garlic is also known for its magical and medicinal properties! These stretch so far as to include the ability to ward off creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and demons, but this may also just imply that the person who has eaten garlic has a bit of bad breath!
In addition to magical powers, garlic is known to have herbal medicinal properties, including being able to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.
Today, garlic festivals exist throughout local towns in various places as garlic is used in many dishes all over the world.
So, why not grab a clove or two, peel them, and use them for the next dinner during National Garlic Day!
How to Celebrate National Garlic Day
To celebrate National Garlic Day, head on over to a local grocery store and get some fresh cloves of garlic or minced garlic. Bulbs can be found with the produce, while pre-minced garlic is sometimes available in a jar. Try out some favorite savory recipes and add garlic as a nice touch for a classic solution or a new twist.
Some of the best ways to celebrate National Garlic Day Celebration might include:
Join the Festivities at a Garlic Festival
Head on over to a garlic festival near you and enjoy all the creations people have made with this robust plant. Festivals are held throughout the year in Canada, Turkey, Australia, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other places.
Events often include different garlic-themed culinary treasures (garlic beer or garlic fudge, anyone?), garlic weaving, garlic poem-writing contests, garlic golf, garlic balancing games, and so much more.
Cook with More Garlic
Of course, the simplest way to celebrate garlic is to add more of it in the kitchen. It’s healthy, easily stored, and inexpensive. People on this day might choose to celebrate by using garlic in their recipes, which might include making garlic bread, a tomato sauce or garlic chicken. So buy a garlic press and get started adding it to recipes!
Visit the “Garlic Capital of the World”
Head on over to Gilroy, California, the garlic capital of the world, for those who truly want a taste of everything related to garlic. Hosting over three million visitors in its 30 year, garlicky history, this town’s festival offers games, crafts, competitions and various other activities all centered around the theme of garlic. Even in the off-season, there’s plenty to do, including shopping for garlic-related gifts at The Garlic Shoppe.
They even serve Garlic Ice Cream in this town!
Start Using Garlic for Your Health
Make some herbal remedies and see how garlic might bring improvement to health as well as life overall. For ease of use, garlic can be found at health food stores in pill form. Or, for even more zing, use freshly chopped or crushed garlic in salad dressings, marinades or even mixed with honey and hot water to create a potent tea. Garlic can also be used to create a homemade cough syrup.
Host a Garlic Party
Share this holiday with friends and family by hosting a garlic-themed party, handing out tasty treats and enjoying its savory flavor. Have guests bring their favorite dish that includes garlic. For entertainment, try some of the ideas inspired by activities at the garlic festivals.
And for a costume-themed party, ask guests to dress up as their favorite garlic-related character (fictional or otherwise), such as these:
Dracula, the vampire in Bram Stoker’s fictional tales, who is warded off when a character wears a wreath of garlic to keep her safe
Werewolf, another character which folklore reveals to be kept away by garlic
Garlic Junior, anime fans know this is a fictional demon that appears in Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone
Greek Olympic Athletes, in ancient times, these athletes were expected to eat a lot of garlic in order to improve their performance
Roman Soldiers, ancient guards and soldiers were rumored to have used garlic to give them courage and inspiration
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Garlic Lovers Day
Garlic Lovers Day is dedicated to lovers of garlic. Garlic is an onionlike plant that is highly aromatic and has a distinct flavor. It is native to Central Asia and Northeastern Iran, and has long been used as a seasoning and for medicine in Asia, Africa, and in Europe around the Mediterranean Sea. It was used in ancient China, Rome, and Greece, and in the Americas wild garlic was eaten before Europeans arrived. In the United States it was only popular near the Gulf of Mexico and in ethnic neighborhoods in large cities, until the mid-20th century, when its popularity spread.
Garlic is used on breads, and infused in oils that season vegetables, meats, and pastas. It is also used in making things such as bruschetta and pesto. It was used to treat gangrene during World War I and II, and studies have been done to see how it affects cardiovascular health, cancer, and the common cold, but results have been inconclusive. Most garlic is grown overseas, and 90% of the domestic crop is grown in California. There are many types of garlic, most of which are varieties of hardneck or softneck garlic.
How to Observe Garlic Lovers Day
Celebrate the day by making a recipe that includes garlic, or picking up a garlic cookbook. You could also make some garlic infused olive oil. In many areas this is also a good time of year to plant garlic, as it should be done before the fall frost.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Warnemünde (No. 6)
The Warnow is a river in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Germany. It flows into the Baltic Sea near the town of Rostock, in its borough Warnemünde.
The source of the Warnow is in Grebbin, a small village 10 kilometres (6 mi) north of Parchim, at the western end of the Mecklenburg Lake District. It flows north through Sternberg, Bützow and Schwaan before reaching Rostock.
In 2003, Germany's first modern toll road, the Warnow Tunnel was opened, connecting the port of Rostock on the east bank with the west bank of the river.
There is in Indaial, a city of Brazil, a river with the same name. When Hermann Blumenau came to America and started to explore the country, he gave this name to the river in the Brazilian city because it resembled the river in Germany.
The origins of the name are uncertain. Recent work suggests a non-Indo-European (perhaps specifically Hattic) element ar(i)n ('spring, stream'), giving rise to the Slavic form Warnow through the prosthesis of /v-/. The Warnabi, a medieval Slavic tribe, probably derived their name from the Warnow. The ancient geographer Claudius Ptolemäus mentioned a river around 150 CE whose location would correspond to the Warnow, which he called the Χαλοῦσος (Latin: Chalusus). The river also appears in a few medieval sources under names along the lines of Goderak: Guðakrsá ('God-field's river') in Knýtlinga saga chapter 119 and Saxo Grammaticus's Gesta Danorum in the phrase ad Gudacram amnem ('to the river Gudacra'; xiv.25.16). Meanwhile, Arnold of Lübeck's Chronica Slavorum mentions that Berno, Apostle of the Obotrites 'pro Gutdracco Godehardum episcopum venerari constituit' ('instituted the veneration of Bishop Godehard in place of Gutdracco'). This Gutdracco is otherwise unknown, and there is some suspicion that the name of this god arose as a folk-etymologisation of the name of the river.
Source: Wikipedia  
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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Food in Germany (No. 2)
Breakfast (Frühstück) commonly consists of bread, toast, or bread rolls with butter or margarine, cold cuts, cheeses, jam (Konfitüre or more commonly called Marmelade), honey and eggs (typically boiled). Common drinks at breakfast are coffee, tea, milk, cocoa (hot or cold) or fruit juices. It is very common to eat hearty toppings at breakfast, including deli meats like ham, salted meats, salami and meat-based spreads such as Leberwurst (liver sausage),Teewurst or Mettwurst and cheeses such as Gouda, Frischkäse (cream cheese), Brie, Harzer Roller, Bergkäse and more. Most bakeries tend to sell belegte Brötchen (sandwiches from bread rolls), especially in the morning, for people on the go.
Traditionally, the main meal of the day has been lunch (Mittagessen), eaten around noon. Dinner (Abendessen or Abendbrot) was always a smaller meal, often consisting only of a variety of breads, meat or sausages, cheese and some kind of vegetables, similar to breakfast, or possibly sandwiches. Smaller meals added during the day bear names such as Vesper (in the south), Brotzeit (bread time, also in the south), Kaffee und Kuchen (listen (help·info), literally for "coffee and cake"), or Kaffeetrinken. It is a very German custom and comparable with the English Five-o'clock-Tea. It takes time between lunch and dinner, often on Sundays with the entire family.
However, in Germany, as in other parts of Europe, dining habits have changed over the last 50 years. Today, many people eat only a small meal in the middle of the day at work, often also a second breakfast, and enjoy a hot dinner in the evening at home with the whole family.
For others, the traditional way of eating is still rather common, not only in rural areas. Breakfast is still very popular and may be elaborate and extended on weekends, with friends invited as guests; the same holds for coffee and cake. Since the 1990s, the Sunday brunch has also become common, especially in city cafés.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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National Food Day
National Food Day is observed annually on October 24. One of the targets that Food Day aims to help people is to “Eat Real,” which is defined by them as “cutting back on sugar drinks, overly salted packaged foods and fatty, factory-farmed meats in favor of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and sustainably raised protein.”  National Food Day involves some of the country’s most prominent food activists, united by a vision of food that can be healthy, affordable and produced with care for the environment, farm animals and the people who grow, harvest and serve it.
In 2012, there were 3,200 events taking place from community festivals to a national conference in Washington, D.C. to thousands of school activities.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) initiated National Food Day 2011. It is a nationwide celebration of healthy, affordable and sustainably produced food and a grassroots campaign for better food policies.  This project builds throughout the year and culminates on October 24 of each year.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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Garlic Lovers Day 
Garlic Lovers Day is dedicated to lovers of garlic. Garlic is an onionlike plant that is highly aromatic and has a distinct flavor. It is native to Central Asia and Northeastern Iran, and has long been used as a seasoning and for medicine in Asia, Africa, and in Europe around the Mediterranean Sea. It was used in ancient China, Rome, and Greece, and in the Americas wild garlic was eaten before Europeans arrived. In the United States it was only popular near the Gulf of Mexico and in ethnic neighborhoods in large cities, until the mid-20th century, when its popularity spread.
Garlic is used on breads, and infused in oils that season vegetables, meats, and pastas. It is also used in making things such as bruschetta and pesto. It was used to treat gangrene during World War I and II, and studies have been done to see how it affects cardiovascular health, cancer, and the common cold, but results have been inconclusive. Most garlic is grown overseas, and 90% of the domestic crop is grown in California. There are many types of garlic, most of which are varieties of hardneck or softneck garlic.
How to Observe
Celebrate the day by making a recipe that includes garlic, or picking up a garlic cookbook. You could also make some garlic infused olive oil. In many areas this is also a good time of year to plant garlic, as it should be done before the fall frost.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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National Homemade Bread Day
National Homemade Bread Day is an annual food feast celebrated on November 17th of each year. Homemade recipes will have it’s own distinct taste and smell. Bread being a stable food has been existed since several centuries ago. There would be no other thing that can beat the smell of the freshly baked bread taken from the oven. You can taste and smell the rich aroma of the bread baked in the home now on the National Homemade Bread Day. The Day encourages each one of us to bake bread at home as the tradition of baking fresh bread that existed as a daily routine for most families are forgotten.
“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” – Mother Teresa
History of National Homemade Bread Day
There is no proper mention of the history, origin, and the founder of the National Homemade Bread Day. However, the bread has been one of the oldest prepared foods, and thus it has a long tradition. It is one among the oldest prepared food that dates back to the Neolithic era. Colloquially the bread is referred to as the “Staff of life.” Bread is the staple food prepared by cooking a dough of flour, water and adding additional ingredients frequently. It may include salt, fat and leavening agents such as yeast and baking soda. Although bread may contain other ingredients like milk, egg, sugar, spice, fruit like raisins, vegetables like onion, nuts like walnuts or seeds such as poppy seeds.
The introduction of the bread-maker machine has made everyone at home to bake homemade bread. The freshly baked bread is prized for its rich taste, aroma, appearance, quality, and texture. The types, shapes, sizes, and textures of bread differ around the world when the proportion of the ingredients are varied. It is served in various forms such as with any meal of the day, as a snack, sandwiches, bread pudding, and more.
How to Celebrate National Homemade Bread Day
Celebrating the National Homemade Bread Day is quite simple. As with the name of the Day, you are encouraged to bake homemade bread. So it is necessary to learn about the bread, its ingredients, and how to bake it in detail. Once after learning all the things you can start making the homemade bread. Serve your family members with the homemade bread which is healthier, fiber-rich and lower in salt and additives. To be more creative, you can bake the bread in different shapes. You can even include different ingredients like nuts, and dry fruits to make the homemade bread tastes richer.
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