hidegsarki · 1 year
2022 legmeghatározóbb albumai
Nincs kerek szám, nincs sorrend, csak idei albumok, amik nagy hatással voltak rám.
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Undeath: It's Time​.​.​.​To Rise From the Grave
Korábban is szembe jött már, bele-belehallgattam, de végül ezzel az albummal ütött be nálam az Undeath cucca. Bírom a riffeket, a vokált, az (ön)ironikus élőhalottas szövegeket és persze a borítót (ami a dobosuk műve).
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Phobophilic: Enveloping Absurdity
Egy olyan listán találtam rájuk, ami a legjobb idei, elsőlemezes death metal zenekarokat szedte össze, és hát igazán rajta volt a helyük. Isteni a vokál és az egész atmoszféra, amit teremt a lemez, na meg plusz egy a filozófiáért a szövegekben és a dobtémákért.
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Municipal Waste: Electrified Brain
Egyetlen korábbi MW-album vagy akár dal nem fogott meg igazán, erre ezt végigpörgettem a megjelenésekor, aztán még rengetegszer azóta. Színtiszta thrash, semmi több, semmi új, ami valamiért nagyon betalált.
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Terror: Pain into Power
Régóta ismerem, követem a munkásságukat, minden lemezükön van erős dal, több is, de azért arra nem emlékszem, hogy kifejezetten vártam az éppen aktuális újat. Aztán újra keresztezte az útjuk Todd Jonesét, amit imádtam, ezért a producerkedése (új Nails híján) most már elég ok volt a lelkesedésre. Nem hiába: az egyik legextrémebb (legjobb?) lett a diszkográfiában, amit tök izgalmasan feszegeti a klasszikus hardcore határait borítóval, a Corpsegrinder-feattel vagy akár a Maggot Stomp-együttműködéssel és a Rok-féle designnal.
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Deadbody: The Requiem
Elfogult vagyok, mert szinte mindenért odavagyok, amihez Taylor Young nyúl, mindent meghallgatok, amit ajánl. Nyilván nem kicsit villanyozott fel, amikor a semmiből bedobták a tesójával meg a többi kiváló taggal, hogy nemhogy új bandajuk van, de mindjárt hallgatható egy teljes albumuk is. Formabontó agresszív zene, és az év klipje.
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Static Abyss: Labrynth of Veins
A már említett, új és ígéretes death metal formációkat felsoroló listáról vannak ők is, bár valójában régi motorosokról van szó: Chris Reifert és Greg Wilkinson már egy ideje tesznek-vesznek a színtéren. Brutális a duójuk. (És már veszik fel a folytatást.)
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Acephalix: Theothanatology
Soha korábban nem hallottam róluk, de, ahogy lenni szokott, szembejöttek instastorykban, na meg Paul Riedl révén, akinek a párja, Erika Osterhout a basszerosuk. Azonnal felpakoltam az albumot a csekkolnivalók lejátszási listájára, aztán hanyatt estem tőle. Menetelő, döngölő, pattogó zene, hozzá tökéletesen passzoló köpködő, skandáló énekkel.
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Faceless Burial: At the Foothills of Deliration
Nem kapott el első hallásra, bár közömbös sem volt, aztán csak többször visszatértem hozzá, még jobban megismertem magát a zenekart, és szépen lassan megkedveltem. Komplikált, egyedi módon közelít a death metálhoz, de nem lesz tech, vagy legalábbis nem olyan mértékben, amit már nem bírok.
Erős megjelenések még:
Tribal Gaze: The Nine Choirs
Fleshrot: Unburied Corpse
Immolation: Acts of God
Mortuous: Upon Desolation
I AM: Eternal Steel
Cryptic Dissolution: Morbific Reminiscences In Physical Forms
Autopsy: Morbidity Triumphant
Fugitive: Maniac
Seep: Hymns to the Gore
ZOUS: No Ground to Give
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scilessecretsanta · 6 years
Cowardly Confessions
Sciles Secret Santa gift for @static-abyss form @druidandwolfboy!
Cowardly Confessions
Stiles and Scott look up from the set of bags in the back of the jeep and at each other. Once the initial craziness of being back in existence started to subside looking at Scott was a whole new kind of strange. But now that school was over and these new challenges; “real world,” college, and impending adulthood was just on the other side of this last trip in Roscoe.
“Ok i get to drive to the airport but then after that he’s all yours … ” Stiles tenderly shut the back of the jeep and gave it a gentle pat.
“I still can’t believe you aren’t taking him with you … you love this thing more than … , i mean it helped … ”
There was a pause, there was always a pause when conversations veered too close to their last adventure with the paranormal. Things had seemed to settle into some final calm after the Wild Hunt took that crazy Nazi werewolf with them to … honestly who cares. The district took over the school finally and instituted some FBI assisted vetting measures, meanwhile unbenounced to most of the citizens, Deaton and a returned Derek and Braeden put a very concrete end to the Nemeton’s nonsense; and more publicly built a new very modern looking Hale mansion. Honestly the last semester of school passed in a quick blur of refreshing dullness as they got further and further away from the paranormal.
But now this pause, this pause had a new weight, it was Stiles last chance to fill in one of the pause that lingered from before … before everything
He blew it … of course he blew it …
But at least he had a back up plan, well more of a failsafe  … a coward’s last defense
Scott finally pulls his head up from the steering wheel of the jeep, the drive back from the airport wasn’t that long and ended at least an hour ago. The tears mostly ended about 15 minutes ago, but now the rest of his body was starting to assert it’s needs. At the very least a need to move into a more comfortable position to sulk in. he slumped back into the seat, he sagged away from the window and settled into a comfortable half sprawl across the bench seat of the jeep. From here he could also reach for the glove box, there was sure to be some kind of junk food in there!
There wasn’t, but there was a roll of duct tape and a letter.
If you are reading this i blew my last chance to tell you this face to face …
Look i know i’m not great at not being a sarcastic idiot about my feelings, and, well other people’s feelings. Add in the fact that the last time i tried to tell you this i disappeared from existence for a while … but now it’s very much “later” so it’s time to tell you …
I love you, i mean i know i tell you all the time, but this time, that time, all of the timei mean in the like Love you (notice the capital letter!) way …
So yea, that’s the thing i needed to tell you … the thing i spent most of that time in a magical train station having to work with Peter thinking about. God it was like my own personal hell. Trapped in my own head kicking myself for the latest in a long line of hiding how i actually feel about you, about everything, behind layers of attitude and sarcasm. And then the only person i find in that stupid place to help me is like the living embodiment of pointless sarcasm …
Then it was another clusterfuck of running around in the the dark saving a town that barely noticed us (thankfully honestly), and … and … and you never asked what i was going to tell you so i just … wet back to my human cowardly ways till it was too late. It was the last day of school and i still hadn’t told you.
And now here it is, we are meeting in like 3 hours to drive me to the airport. I have one last chance to tell you this before i fly across the country for school i’m not even excited about. And i’m so sure i’m going to blow it again i’m writing this …
Yes i Love you, i mean i’ve Loved you … forever it feels like. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to tell you, it had been there so long that i didn’t realize how important it was till it was gone. Thanks to Theo and and that colossal cluster fuck of poor communication and supernatural assisted blundering we … broke up … ? Or whatever, and of course we fixed it … but i got so scared that i would just ruin us again, that i decided to tear up the Plan and get myself as far away from you and the rest of the people i loved that i kept hurting.
So really what i was going to say before “tell me later?” was this
“Scotty, i Love you, like 100% Love you but i’m a total disaster, even when i’m not possessed by a demon i’m still a raging asshole to you, to me, and everyone around us like 90% of the time, so i’m ditching the “let’s go to Davis together” plan and i’m gonna go to Georgetown in DC and try and figure out how to be a good person that actually deserves you.”
So that’s that, and that’s why i’m leaving you Roscoe, i’ve owned thia guy for years and i’ve never even learned how to actually take care of him. I just throw duct tape and attitude at it and he still works for me. he deserves better and i know you’ll take good care of him because you’ve always taken good care of me. You and your mom are better people than Beacon Hills deserve and i hope Davis know’s what it’s getting.
Love, love and i’m sorry
I’m sorry this took so long to write. But this was important so i made sure to give it time. I’m sorry that meant leaving you hanging on your confession. To save you any more finger biting and nervous twitching i’ll start with this
I Love you too … capital letter and all …
And you aren’t a coward, or at least not anymore than i am, I maybe didn’t realize how strongly i felt till i felt it in others, there were days when i was with Alison that i couldn’t stop thinking about how it felt like i was cheating on you. But i was afraid to test you, i was afraid that if i popped the bubble of your fun jokes and telling me i’m the hot girl and … well i was afraid that if i asked the question then the whole thing would fall apart, so i never did.
And if you think your side of the Wild Hunt was bad … from the day you disappeared i had this ache, it took days before i started to figure out what it was … but when we realized what happened i knew why it felt so bad. We stood in the woods, all three of us and realized at the same time we missed some one we Loved, but at least they could say it out loud. I stayed behind in the woods and cried for an hour as these little shards of memory of you and what you meant to me started pouring back into my head.
I was so happy when it was all over, to just go back to the status quo, that i didn’t want to remind you of that day you disappeared, didn’t want to remind you that the last thing that happened to you before you vanished was your best friend blowing you off … and now that i know what you were going to tell me i feel like the coward. You knew something was coming and you tried to tell me not just something important but something that could have helped me find you, when i think about it i can see the feelings in your eyes, i can smell the scents i missed, i can see what i missed. I should have been able to sense how you were feeling and known it was more important than a “tell me later.”
So if you feel like you need to be sorry so do i.
Look neither of us are perfect, we are, as someone once told me “only human” i Loved you when the Demon controlling you had a sword in my chest, i loved you all through the Theo bullshit, and i will Love you through whatever nonsense you, me, or a demonic stump in the woods throws at us.
PS: as far as Roscoe goes … he knows you love him too, and actually he’s been helping me reconnect with Derek, he’s much more sensible now that Bradeene is testing him for fatherhood-readiness. We’ve been slowly sorting out the duct tape nest that is the engine and he taught me how to paint it so he’s looking fresh. Derek doesn’t say hi, but he did make a slightly less angry rock face when i told him about … our new capital letter …
PPS: oh and Davis was actually ready for me, turns out they have a little “paranormal club” of their own. One of the professors knows Deaton and he warned them they were about to get a True Alpha … they threw me a welcome party!
Awesome! So much awesome!
I’ll cop to being a bit of a brat and making you wait to get this before i call you but if my timing is right and my connections to local government as strong as i think they are i should be calling you about an hour after you get this. (remind me to thank your Mail Carrier Donna … )
We are both dumb idiot cowards! But considering what we went through to get here i’m just gonna say we were saving all our heroics to keep from … you know … dying(and worse!). maybe this is our reward for putting up with all that, and if that’s what it took to get to here i’m ok with that (… well no i will forever bitch about many parts of all of that bullshit.)
As much as things already feel different beyond just the lack of impending doom and being apart from you (and Roscoe!) for so long, and finally for non-magic reasons! i know things will change after this phone call. Now when i say i love you in the middle of a fight about anything from Mario Kart to monster bat demons i’ll know you understand what i mean, that you’ve always understood what i meant. Even better now i know that in those times when i want our hugs to go further, our sleep overs to get a lot more … adult-y that i can make that happen. All i need to do is use my words and just tell you.
Ok i don’t want to drag this out too long, you’ve got a phone call to get ready for … and so do I. i’ll be home for thanksgiving in a few weeks, and then winter break! I can’t wait to actually see you in person again!
Love !
PS: you let Derek near my Roscoe!!! Kidding, the way that dude loves his Camaro i trust him with the engine of my poor chariot. I can’t wait to see what he looks like! I miss him so much, Georgetown is actually working out well (see below) but i think i need my Roscoe back … January road trip to DC you me and the sexiest Jeep in history?
PPS: thanks for asking your new friends about DC, there is a little “pack” at our school too. No actual wolves but there are a few druids, two warebears (one of whom is basically a bear even when he’s not shifted), and of course some witches, they are excited to have their first “human” though i think i’m going to study with the druids, finally, i wish i’d learned more from Deaton when i had the chance!
PPPS: so i’m just gonna throw this out here now because i know that if i try and say anything about it on the phone later it’s just gonna be silence and crazy sounding giggles. But in addition to the capital letter we are adding on to things … i’m very excited about the more um, intimate developments so for the record i have been looking forward to having non imaginary sex with you. And yes … yes i’ve had A LOT of imaginary sex with you … which we should talk about … because if you thought i was a brat before … well lets just say that at least 50% of the imaginary times involve me getting a spanking for something … there now you have a sure fire way to get me to blush and shut up on the phone in … maybe 20 minutes?
If i’ve timed this right … kidding, i know i stuck it in the textbook you said you needed to read on your flight so unless you skipped doing your homework …
It took us a long time to get here … and i think we are better for some of the stops we took along the way to get here, i know Malia and Lydia are happy for us and i’m sure Alison would have been too (Isaac just laughed and then tried not to look a little jealous when we Skyped). And i’m glad Georgetown is working out, i Love you but sometimes you can plan too hard and forget that not everything needs to be a puzzle. If anything i think this is a good way for us to start this new stage of our relationship. We both have lots of studying to do in both the real world and the magical one and i’m sure if we were closer we would get … distracted.
I don’t know what’s next for either of us, and that’s kind of been the most freeing part of the last few months. Ever since that night i followed you into the woods our lives have been determined mostly by other people, now it feels like the two of us are onto something new and are for the first time in control of where we are going, or at least learning how to be. I’m really looking forward to our road trip (and not just for various assorted … sexy reasons) i’ve been making lists of packs and druids to meet along the way, and yes i got the invites to the 14 spreadsheets of other university magic and supernatural clubs, UFO sightings, national parks, “mystery spots,” and a few other i’m just not gonna look at (and you used to call me the nerdy one!).
After years stuck in a small town that seemed like it just wanted to kill me i don’t even know how to really process what my life is right now, thank you for being there for me, keeping me human when i needed to be, and reminding me how strong i can be … and for using up all your bravery running face first into danger with me even if it mean you didn’t have any left to tell me what we both should have known anyway …
PS: Derek says Roscoe should be ready for a January road trip … he says he needs to teach you a few things before he’ll trust you to drive it again. But don’t worry he knows that whatever happens we are going on our road trip … all i really have to do is start telling him what we’re gonna get up to in those roadside motels and he gets all grossed out and walks away.
PPS: yea i feel like if we’d ever had a moment of rest in High School we could have made for a really well organized pack, we just kept learching from one disaster to the next so we only really got to learn what we had to and not any of the other things that might have come in handy. Or any of the fun perks of living in this alternate reality.
PPPS: oh Stiles, you should hopefully be more directly aware of this by now … but i too have had lots and lots of imaginary sex with you, and yes the paddle has come out a few times, though i’ve got a few surprise accessories of my own. Oh and i’ve already been scouting out some good roadside motels for our trip … maybe for Christmas i’ll get us some of our own non imaginary toys to keep us entertained in those cheap motels …
-The End-
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wrtrgrl-spacewitch · 2 years
HD OwlPost Gift Claiming
I had some wonderful gifts this year's Owlpost.
This year I managed to contribute five gifts. Cover art for @digthewriter's Wanting Harry fic.
A Poem for SumThinClever / @welcome-to-the-fandomonium. First poem I've written in years and was very nervous about it: Enemies; to Friends; to Lovers
Message in a Bottle for Yuvika
Just Harry for @veelawings and beta'd by the lovely @staticabyss
Coffe, Curry and Company for Titti also beta'd by @staticabyss
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hidegsarki · 1 year
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Static Abyss: Labyrinth of Veins (2022)
Greg Wilkinson (gitár/basszusgitár) és Chris Reifert (dob/vokál) gyilkos duója. Imádom, ott is lesz az év albumai listámon.
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scilessecretsanta · 6 years
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A Breakup in Ten Parts
Sciles Secret Santa gift for @stvles-stilinski​ from @static-abyss!
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