#Skylanders Swap Force Starter Pack
wojciech-kac · 3 months
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unofskylanderspages · 2 months
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Under Master Eon's orders, Trigger Happy was assigned to a mission with Blades, Night Shift and Bouncer to stop Magus from using a machine that threatened all of Skylands. However Blades, who was still learning how to be a Skylander, was on the verge of ruining the mission due to his recklessness. After an attempt to teach the young dragon about the value of working as a team, Blades claimed that he didn't need anyone's help and went on ahead to stop Magus by himself, prompting Trigger Happy, Bouncer and Night Shift to follow after him. As they talk about Blades' behavior with Bouncer, Trigger Happy agreed with Night Shift that Blades would learn his lesson the hard way.
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fantasticalchaos · 8 months
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Swap Force 🔁 | Skytober #12
Skylanders Chosen: Wash Zone & Blast Buckler
My two swappers! (And the only two swappers I have ;w;)! Even if they’re starter Skylanders, I still hold them in high appreciation! :D
They’re talking about something. Maybe just some chill stuff, beating up enemies, etc.
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peachpaws0 · 2 years
I miss Skylanders
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yourlocaltoad · 10 months
🖤 and❔ :]
🖤 Who's your favorite villain?
hmmm Dr. Krankcase and Mesmeralda. Love krankcases personality, plus I am now besties with a bunch of people who love him, so I always see content of him. And with Mesmeralda I watch a lot of skylanders videos growing up (couldn't play the games lol) and saw so much hype for her that when I recently got to finally play swap force I already has like years of nostalgia and hype ready to squeal over her. Plus, she's a cool singing spider thing. Who doesn't love that
❔ Who was your first skylander?
Not counting the starter packs: Zoo lou, Blaster mind, and Barbella. Found them in a flea market a while back when I got my hands on trap team game and was hunting for any skylander I thought was a trap master. You can see by the list I gave ya that I was far off, lol
Imagine my shock when I walked up to the first life trap master gate and zoo lou didn't open the damn thing.
Ty for the ask! :)
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turqrambles · 2 years
I just read your new additions to Skela’s post and damn it’s crazy to think that you really don’t need to spend all that much to 100% the game
It all depends on what your definition of 100% is since the game does record what Skylanders you load into the game and all but...if you're an Achievement/Trophy Hunter that wants that Platinum, you can literally get the Platinum with the starter pack of every game and occasionally the addition of your system's online service.
...it's just not recommended for Giants, Swap Force, and Trap Team since those achievements require a Nightmare Mode run and I can't imagine doing Nightmare Mode Traptanium Kaos with just a Snap Shot, a Food Fight, and the Water and Life Traps.
But like...I call myself a Completionist when it comes to video games and even I think you don't need THAT many Skylanders to get the full experience. You just go onto eBay, find a Skylander lot, and you're good to go.
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royalbabble · 2 years
After looking into the history of Skylander's games, I'm honestly surprised that Swap-Force was considered a high point in the franchise because I remember hating that game.
I'm not sure if I just had a bad copy, but I consistently ran into glitches throughout my playthrough. And I really didn't like the swapping mechanic, mainly because I literally only had two Swappers from the starter pack.
And I distinctly remember hating the final boss. Kaos in his underwear is a massive step down compared to fighting the elemental hydra and Kaos turning into a giant Arkeyan.
I dunno, maybe I'll have a better opinion of it once I play through it again.
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thatone-churro · 3 years
feeling like shit just want skylanders back
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beardycarrot · 5 years
As cool of an idea as Starlink: Battle for Atlas is (my favorite description I’ve heard is “No Man’s Skylanders”), everything was just really prohibitively priced even if it caught your interest. If you’re reading this and have never heard of the game, you basically have a handful of (magnetic?) toy spaceship parts, a few weapons, and little pilot figures, which you can easily hot-swap to create custom vehicles and have your changes appear in the game. Basically Skylanders: Swap Force, but much more intricate.
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The starter pack has one ship, a couple weapons, and a pilot or two depending on the version you get, but if you want any additional parts, you’re going to have to pay quite a bit for them. These are sold in three kinds of packs: ships, weapons, and pilots. Each ship pack comes with the ship (consisting of a body and two wings, which you can combine with other ships), a weapon, and a pilot... and at launch, sold for $25. At time of writing they sell for five bucks less, but still, they ain’t cheap. The weapon and pilot packs are even worse, launching at ten and eight dollars (currently eight and six) respectively... and all each of them gets you is two weapons or a pilot. Oof. It’s a cool concept, but if you really want to get into the mix-and-match aspect of if, it’s gonna get expensive fast.
As luck would have it, I like to check CAG before bed, and just happened to be in the right place at the right time to take advantage of GameStop’s deal of the day... crazy, “nobody’s buying these things and they’re taking up too much room” discounts on Starlink packs! 
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In addition to the starter pack, I also got one of each of the ships available, missing only the one that comes with the non-Nintendo starter packs and the one exclusive to Target... but hey, I paid four dollars for each of them, so I’m more than happy with what I got. I also got all of the pilot packs for a dollar each, and due to availability, two of the four weapon packs at $2 each. Considering that the weapon packs are still normally selling for $7.99 each and I’ve already got a dozen weapons between all the different packs, I think my nephews are just going to have to be happy with an incomplete set. I might actually check whether they have the two ships I’m missing in their pre-owned stock, though.
So, in total, how much did I save compared to what GameStop will go back to selling these toys for tomorrow?
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Not bad! For the record, the total for the game and all these toys was already reduced $77 compared to what they would’ve cost at launch, so I’m counting that as a $184 discount. Granted, that comparison is nonsensical considering I never would’ve paid that much for a video game in the first place, and I should be taking into consideration that Amazon is currently selling the starter packs for under half their MSRP... buuut, I would’ve happily paid what I did for just the starter pack and two additional ships, so at this point I’m just milking my brain for all the happy little neurotransmitters I can.
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affectos · 5 years
So yesterday at Goodwill I found a pretty good deal: Skylanders SWAP Force starter pack in-box. Like they opened it, sighed, and never used it.  I don’t have an Xbox One, but I wanted the figures.
So, I opened it and after playing with the figurines for a bit, I plugged the USB Portal into my laptop for the lols...until it actually lit up.
okay, maybe that’s just because it’s having power supplied to it?
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ladala99 · 5 years
Spyro Reignited Countdown - Skylanders: Trap Team (Console)
While Giants was boring, Trap Team has the perfect mix of infuriating monetization, cheapness, and charm. Yes, charm!
Here is where I started to despise Activision and the yearly model. Here is where I never 100% completed the game. But here is also where there’s a lot of really great characters, both in figure form and in-game.
Toys for Bob is back and they toned down the knockback combat mechanics. It’s still more playable for melee characters than Giants was, but it’s not nearly as fun as the previous title.
Other than that, it’s par for the course. A lot of combat, some platforming, gated areas, the whole Skylanders deal.
The Gates
Here’s where it gets dicey. Elemental Gates return, but not in the same was as before. These are Traptanium Elemental Gates, which means you need a Trap Master of that element to get through.
If you were part of the fandom during this game’s hype cycle, you would have heard a developer state that ANY character of the proper element would open Elemental Gates as always. As the release date approached, however, an Activision person later said the state of matters that ended up being in the game: that you needed specifically a Trap Master to open the gate. Indicating that this was a change in plan, and Activision was likely the one to request it.
Looking at the design of the game, it shows. In previous games, elements that come in the Starter Pack have more leeway with hidden collectables and show up together in early levels. This happens in this game with both Water gates ( for Snap Shot, a Trap Master), and Life gates (for Food Fight, who isn’t a Trap Master). There’s also Trap Master-specific areas anyways, much like the Giants, so this game would have followed in that game’s footsteps pretty accurately if this change had not been made.
Also, in all games previously, Soul Gems are located in areas that either come with the Starter Pack, or are unlocked by that character. The Light and Dark dragons, however, have their Soul Gems locked behind Traptanium Elemental Gates that match their element. If you don’t have their respective Trap Master, you would not be able to finish their moveset in this game.
But also on top of that, if you truly want 100% you need a full elemental set of traps, sold separately. They’re cheaper than even regular characters and unlock gameplay for several villains, but if you want 100% you need them all.
And there’s two additional elements in this game.
All of this together means that you need to buy 9 $15 Trap Masters and 8 $6 Traps to 100% the game. Oh, and one Mini, which come in 2-packs for $15.
And what’s more is that in the way the game’s designed, you’ll find a hidden area only to be greeted with an Elemental Gate. And it’ll happen over and over. I don’t know if this is different in previous games or not since for those I built my collection quickly while in this one I stubbornly did not and still don’t have everything. But way more often than not you’ll be greeted with a Gate rather than a different collectable.
Old Figures vs. New Figures
They’re relatively balanced in combat. Not the greatest, and characters from this game generally are better than older ones, but old ones are still usable.
The figures from Swap Force seem to be a bit more affected than others. Possibly some developer rivalry?
But the change in Elemental Gates really devalued the old characters, and in fact a lot of the new cast as well. Their uselessness as keys and the fact that Trap Masters get bonuses against bosses (and there’s a lot of bosses), means that there’s little reason to use anybody but Trap Masters.
It’s not as unbalanced as a certain game to come, but it’s not particularly balanced, either.
The Collectables
We’ve got your standard Skylanders round-up: Treasure Chests, Hats, Story Scrolls, Legendary Treasures, and Winged Sapphires. This time, Legendary Treasures are just decoration again. Everything’s back to how it was in the first two games as far as findability.
There’s also Villains and Villain Quests to worry about, too. Villains tend to be in your path as bosses, but Villain Quests can be a bit more out-of-the-way. Villain Quests are like Heroic Challenges: specific minigames for that particular Villain that give them an upgrade. Although some of them are as simple as “jump in this pot,” while others are as complex as an Angry Birds reference.
There’s a ton. Each Villain you fight as a boss, and some are in the middle rather than at the end of levels. They aren’t too hard or particularly interesting, and tend to just use their powers against you rather than the environment. Then, after you Trap them, you can play the same way they did.
There are some exceptions, and those tend to be pretty fun. Like Chef Pepper Jack’s crazy fight. Or Dreamcatchers. Basically, the Doom Raiders have more interesting battles. And they actually get more complex in Nightmare Mode I understand, which is an improvement over just making everything take more hits and hit harder.
I’ve ranted about this above: the whole Elemental Gate thing. I don’t recall my opinion on the actual levels.
I do remember that the more interesting maneuvering and puzzles happen in the Elemental Gates. But that these areas are tiny compared to previous games. So like, they’re marginally more fun for about a minute and then they’re over and you’re back to the main path.
Now I’m going to get this mixed up with the TV show since that used a similar plot.
But I think the game goes about that Kaos freed the villains from Traptanium Prison to be his allies. Ha. Yeah, right. They go rogue.
But, you know, they’re causing trouble so it’s up to you, the Portal Master, along with your new Trap Masters, to take them down. And then they randomly reform in your possession so you can use them against their former allies and Kaos.
I really don’t remember the rest. It just wasn’t that memorable. The characters themselves, though - they were really interesting. Just not the overall story.
Unique in the Series?
It’s the only game with a Trap-like concept, where you have a selection of characters for one figure. It’s the only one with mystery elements that they tried to keep secret for a while. It’s the first game in which you can play as Kaos, (but later games make this not unique).
Other than that it’s pretty standard fare. Aside from the uniquely money-grubbing nature of it.
Many people have different opinions on what caused Skylanders’ downfall. I point to this game. With how Activision betrayed consumer trust by making the Elemental Gates need a Trap Master in particular, gating off parts of the game not designed to have such a high paywall, a lot of people quit the series or just accepted that they wouldn’t be 100% players anymore.
And if you’ve put someone past the tipping point of that, all motivation to continue getting 100% in future games goes down the toilet too. The remaining games are flashy and try to get consumer attention, but the damage had already been done.
This game convinced me that I’d never put too much effort or faith into games made by Toys for Bob again. It was a sinking feeling when they were announced as the ones to make Spyro Reignited. It looks like they’ve redeemed themselves, though, aside from another instance of Activision’s cheapness (the whole fact that only 1/3 of the game is playable out of the box without an internet connection).
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unofskylanderspages · 20 days
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Do You Feel Lucky? is one of Trigger Happy's epic spell cards in Battlecast. Flip a coin onto each enemy. On heads, shoot that enemy for 120 damage. On tails, shoot it for 60 damage.
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fantasticalchaos · 5 months
Excuse me for prying, but what exactly are your fandoms? 'cause for me, some of my fandoms include Sonic the Hedgehog, Twisted Wonderland, Genshin Impact and to an extent, Skylanders (most particularly because of the dragons, namely Spyro, Cynder, Sunburn, Echo, Camo, Whirlwind, Flashwing, Drobot, Blackout and Spotlight).
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Hello there!! It’s alright!! I would more than happy to talk about the fandoms I’m in! Hope you don’t mind the big clutter here underneath as I ramble on for a bit! Each are sorted into each category:
Wandering Ones
Vtubers (they need their own category)
I tried to the best of my knowledge on ones I believe I participate (or lurk) the most in, so I hope this helps!! 😊
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Major Ones
In which my fandom knowledge, and experience in them are pretty large and have spent a lot of time in (whether that be lurking or not)!
Skylanders = Especially with the Swap Force & the Dragons!!! One of the major fandoms I’ve been in since late elementary school, so it’s technically a childhood classic! I actually have Swap Force (only the starter pack ;w;) and Imaginators (along with the Boom Bloom pack & Crash Bandicoot pack) in my home that I play with my little sibling!! I also played Giants at a neighbour-friends house too!! Also one of the two fandoms I did for the inktober (most of it)!!
Twisted Wonderland = A mobile game I found since late 2020!!! Back when only the first 5 chapters were out in the JP server and part of the watching/reading translations! Preordered the EN game as soon as it’s announced too!! Right now I miss my dailies cause work and player burnout ;w; (I also need to catch up the story from the second part of Boom 6; Generally prefer the fan translations more since I’m more used due to being a watching a lot back before EN server was announced)
Dr. Stone = Major fan of the anime and picked up some of the manga and the later chapters at the local library I live nearby! I still need to catch up first and second half with Season 3!! In my words, a fun and (mostly accurate) educational sci-fi anime!! Reminds me of some of the edutainment kids shows I watched as a kid!!
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle = One of the few animes I was interested from the clips I saw during quarantine! During late July of this year, I had even motivation and time to watch the whole anime!!! A really comfy and lighthearted comedy I recommend! Also read a few manga I spotted at the library and discovered that she has other outfit jobs/classes in between chapters (Plus Princess’s design and outfits is S-tier!!!)
Monster High = Another childhood classic of mine (as I watched a lot of the episodes and movies on YouTube)! While I’m mainly a fan of Gen 1 since it was apart of my childhood, I’m open and happy seeing the other generations on my feed! :D
Ever After High = Another childhood classic!! Been around since the beginning I believe!! Really loved the aesthetic, clothes, characters and story in this one! I’m apart of the Rebels!
Vtubers (Please check the last section)
Wandering Ones
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I wander into a lot of fandoms! So, basically these are some fandoms that I have some knowledge and experience in to be sufficient(?) in (take it with a grain with salt). Others are ones I do know (childhood classics, actual ones I finished, etc.)
Sky: Children of The Light (Sky Cotl) - Been around since Season of Sanctuary, though I stopped playing since Aurora (and some seasons before that) due to burnout
Penn Zero Part Time Hero
Rise of the Guardians
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K - Almost finished season 1 back in like the quarantine days… I’m procrastinating hard
Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja (RC9GN)
Obey Me!
Wild Kratts
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Virtual YouTubers that use an avatar and do a variety of livestreaming content! Such as gaming, karaoke, zatsudans (chatting streams), art content, etc.
Note: If you are a new viewer and looking into them, please take your time to read the rules in their description box! If there isn’t any, either ask one of regular viewers from prechat (a chatroom made before the livestream starts where some fans can chill and chat as they wait until it starts) or probably on social media, or maybe some people you know that watch them (which is rare)!
Quick Legend:
✨ = Ones I watch the most, and are my oshi (fave)
🫡 = Means that they graduated. In vtuber terms, it means the person behind this avatar is no longer gonna be streaming or using that avatar anymore. It doesn’t mean that they are dead - they’re not using that avatar anymore and they can resume streaming (as long as it’s not their former avatar) As well as chatting with their friends and former co-workers offline.
Any other emojis are their oshi/fan marks! Usually to tell which vtuber you’re a fan of!
Also I tried hard to think who I watched the most too! I mostly support all of them group even tho I can’t watch everyone at the same time
✨Holostars EN - One of the main Vtubers I watch the most!!! (And probably the one that shows all the members since I watch at least a bit from anyone)
✨Regis Altare 🎇 - the one who reintroduced me back into Holostars back in Oct 2022 as well as introducing the EN branch! (From the HoloNiji Terraria collab with Alban Knox)
✨Axel Syrios ⛓️
Magni Dezmond 🧤 (🫡)
✨Vesper Noir 📗 (🫡)
Gavis Bettel 🎩
✨Machina X Flayon 🪫
✨ Banzoin Hakka 🔅
✨ Josuiji Shinri 🏹
✨Jurard T Rexford 🦖
✨Goldbullet 🦅
Octavio ♾️
✨Crimzon Ruze 💢
Holostars JP - How I was instantly pulled into the vtuber rabbit hole (and learn that timezones were a thing the hard way ;w;)
✨Kageyama Shien 🟣 - This one is the one that dragged me in through a clipper (a person who clips - and depending on the clipper, translates - a part in a livestream)! Funnily enough it was a Twst one, since I was looking for people reacting to it!
Aragami Oga 🐃
Yukoku Roberu 🍷
Nijisanji EN - The one who brought me back into the Vtuber Rabbit hole back in Sept 2022, right before my birthday
Luca Kaneshiro 🦁💰 - the one who brought me back
✨Shu Yamino 👟☯️
Ike Eveland 🖋️
✨Fulgur Ovid ⚡️🐑
✨Uki Violeta 🔮🌌
Alban Knox 🎭🕒
Kyo Kaneko 🤟
Doppio Dropscythe 🐣🎡
Nina Kosaka 🎰 (🫡)
Mysta Rias 🦊🕵️(🫡)
Yugo Asuma 🎧 (🫡)
✨Rin Penrose 👑🦈 - Idol EN
Juna Unagi ⚠️ - Idol EN
Kai Saikota ☁️ - Idol EN
✨Ayla Yew 💞🫵 - Nexstage Project
Zhuni Excel 📊🔫 - Nexstage Project
✨Unnamed 💙🤍 - Independent Musician
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zotips · 3 years
Skylanders SWAP Force Starter Pack - Xbox 360
Skylanders SWAP Force Starter Pack – Xbox 360
Price: (as of – Details) Embark on an exciting new adventure with the Skylanders and the SWAP Force. For generations, the SWAP Force protected the volcano that replenishes Skylands’ magic. That is until an epic battle caught them in an eruption that blasted them apart, sent them to Earth and gave them the ability swap powers. Only you can mix and match their tops and bottoms, put them on the new…
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downplaystore · 4 years
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Skylanders SWAP Force Starter Pack - Xbox 360
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asiaidea999 · 5 years
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Nintendo Wii U Skylanders SWAP Force Starter Pack 8GB White Handheld System via eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/Nintendo-Wii-U-Skylanders-SWAP-Force-Starter-Pack-8GB-White-Handheld-System/264506381450?hash=item3d95cf148a:g:yl0AAOSwkvldgpgn
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