#Sif :( They're gonna worry about you anyway!
sysig · 25 days
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Blood sugar levels (Patreon)
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thatwaywardwolf · 4 years
Norse Gods (and Others) as Welcome to Night Vale Tweets
Aegir: Your Man Card has been revoked. You aren't a real man. You have short tentacles and can't survive out of water. Here's your Cuttlefish Card.
Angrboða: Wow! This mom found the cutest way of telling her children about the heat death of the universe.
Aurvandil: Don't worry, the stars aren't watching us. They're looking outward at what's coming.
Baldur: The captain has turned on the "This is all a dream" light. Please return to your seat and wake up to whatever your real life has always been.
Bragi: Get into a good book this summer! We're going to force you into a good book this summer! You cannot escape the giant book we'll put you in!
Eir: You have nice skin. It really holds in all your blood and organs - no leaking or nothing. You look great.
Fenrir: Who's a good boy? Trick question. We all are. We are all good boys.
Freyja: There's more than one way to have been a cat.
Freyr: Parents, talk to your teens about deer. Ask them why the deer are gathering and staring. What do they know about these deer? Ask them.
Frigg: Today you will meet a beautiful stranger. Actually, hundreds of beautiful strangers. Everyone is beautiful and you know almost none of them.
Fulla: Whisper a dangerous secret to someone you care about. Now they have the power to destroy you, but won't. This is what love is.
Hati: This will brighten up your day! *points to the sun* Gonna explode eventually tho. It all ends in darkness. Anyway kids, I'm your substitute today.
Heimdall: Pick and choose your battles. Choose your lifetimes. Decide carefully on your universe.
Hel: When a person dies and no one will miss them, the mourning is assigned to a random human. This is why you sometimes just feel sad.
Hodr: I like my coffee like how I like my nights: dark, endless, impossible to sleep through.
Idunn: You wanna be that way? Fine. Seriously, it's just fine. I like you for you who are.
Jörd: Sponsored Tweet: Moss. Look into it for a variety of helpful uses.
Jörmungandr: Today is a great day to go to the beach, say city officials through gritting teeth. Nothing is waiting in the water. Nothing, they say. Nothing.
Kvasir: Not all books have to fit conventional narrative structure. Some books can just be a mossy log, or a bowl of overripe stone fruit.
Lodurr: The heart wants what it wants. What it wants is blood.
Loki: You miss 100% of the bank robberies you don't commit.
Mímir: Believe in yourself. You are an ancient, absent god, only discussed rarely by literary scholars. So if you don't believe in yourself, no one will.
Nanna: Today's forcast: Sunny with a chance that for a moment you'll feel really great about yourself and your life. Savor those moments as they come.
Njordr: One day your ship will come in. It will have tall masts and cannons. You will be its captain and your first mate will be a robot dolphin named 7C.
Nótt: As you look into the night sky believing you are alone in the universe, a creature somewhere in that sky is looking back believing the same.
Norns: Please make note of your emergency exits. Please contemplate all possible futures.
Odin: Don't let numbers tell you what to do. You are blood and earth, not theory and chalk.
Rán: The ocean is full of things that would kill you and other things that would ignore or not understand you. The ocean is not dissimilar to here.
Sif: Make like a tree and shelter a bunch of birds.
Sigyn: Listen to your inner child. It's the one that whispers-sings nursery rhymes when you feel alone in a dark hallway.
Sinthgunt: Stars! They're just like us! Volatile, mysterious, and alone.
Skadi: Trying to get blood out of a stone is actually pretty easy if you loosen up your definition of "stone".
Sköll: The fault is not in our stars, but in the moon. That idiot rock ruins everything.
Sleipnir: Whoever it is that keeps dreaming about horses, please stop. Your imagination is seeping into our reality and it's affecting traffic.
Sól: Be careful in the summer sun. Wear sunscreen and regularly check your skin for strange marks, ancient glyphs & burrowing insects.
Sons of Ivaldi [Brokkr, Eitri, and Sindri]: Parents:Talk to your kids about the magical properties of different metals.
Surtr: Mandatory fire drill this afternoon. When you hear the siren, burn as many things as you can.
Thor: "I believe in you. You got this buddy," said the voice coming suddenly from inside your closet late one night. "Achieve your dreams, champ."
Tyr: Ask your doctor about dogs. Have a long conversation about how good dogs are. Show each other pictures of dogs.
Üllr: Fishing, hiking, and staring with blank terror at an empty sky. And what are your hobbies?
Útgarða-Loki: The tournament begins today. Those who do not win will be eliminated.
Vidarr: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear, because humans haven't existed for 1000s of years, did humanity ever make a sound?
Yggdrasil: You can tell how old a tree is by telepathy.
Ymir: Be all that you can be. Manifest every possibility inherent in your atoms. Radiate cosmic energy.
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