#Shy berry
saladelektra · 4 months
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rosenfey · 6 months
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⊱ — 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑 by @theviridianbunny to make some of my ocs in this picrew, thank you bunny! ♡
🌹🍄 𝚏𝚊𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚎 /circle of spores druid • 🗡️✨ 𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚊 /warlock + acolyte 📜🪶 𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚊 /life domain cleric + mage • 🌷💀 𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚊 /necromancer
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⊱ — 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔: @fantasmagoriam, @dekarios, @mercymaker, @katsigian, @kelemvorr, @gortash, @rindemption, @seluned, @feykiller, @habit, @utopianoverlord, @dravanias, @druidgroves, @hungryblackbird, @leviiackrman, @florbelles, @swanfey, @lavampira, @sephiratales, @shadowglens, @nocticulas, @elluvians, @nokstella, @pinkfey, @dameaylin, @ehlnofaey + you!
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Valenshy, who are your best friends?
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Is it normal to consider my boss my friend?
ooc: wowie i wonder who those other horses are!
asdfghjkjhgfds another ask finally answered, sorry it took me so long! I just wasn't here how to portray what i wanted to story wise with such little dialogue and space (if that makes any sense).
Mentally, i'm doing meh, not as bad as last week, but i do feel upset and tired.
i hope it's clear that the textboxes are valenshy speaking!!
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gameboy-berry · 7 months
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Know the difference.
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varians-goggles · 10 months
the reason ive become an extreme wet cat hugo truther is because back then i was still reading on wattpad and all the 7k fics depicted varian as a shy uwu flustered boi who turned into a tomato when hugo called him a babycakes pookie pie smth smth i forgot. with hugo being a muscular alfa male. and it didn't sit right with me but i wasn't gonna hate on it obviously.
but now the truth(/hj) is reaching us and it's that hugo's a sopping boyfailure wet cat and varian literally committed more crimes than he did at 14. it has fullfilled me. the edits that blur hugo's face and add a tw at the beginning and stop putting him on this "hot badass" pedestal. he has been microwaved to hell and back in people's brains. couldn't be happier.
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shy-cryptic · 1 year
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Drawing things that I want to be real #12
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grimm-haven · 10 months
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Where was Rosabelle? Oh, she's just hanging out with a friend from high school, Rey. She has always had a bad temper, and there was no better way to cool down than going out for a night swim.
Beginning of Rose Gen // Previous // Next
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angelfoodscake · 1 year
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ocs (who i forced to be friends)
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thimbleb3rries · 5 months
I'm considering 👀👀 making a playlist AJDISJSKSK for an OC AHDTSRAKHJGJ
But I have never made a character centered playlist and have no idea how it works
Like. Do I put songs that remind me of them? Songs that I think they would sing/sound like them? Songs that they would listen to? Songs that fit their vibe/aesthetic/energy/feeling idk? Songs that fit their lore? Songs that lyrically describe how they think/things they go through/gone through? Songs that make me imagine movies of them in my head? All of the above???? 😃 Or like, different playlists for all of those things lmao???
How many genres can I use/does it have to sound cohesive?
I'm overthinking it definitely but also I want it to be good idk auugh I also just generally suck at listening to music because I don't understand symbolism that often lmao
But I love finding songs that make me go "omg that's so them"
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mmmatchasims · 10 months
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Tamber: Nuh-uh! I'm telling you, last year in health class they told us you have to pee afterwards, otherwise you get an HDMI.
Citrine: *snorts*
Cherry: UTI.
Tamber: I did what?
Cherry: Never mind, Tam.
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berisims · 1 year
Not me just now noticing I had anonymous asks turned off 🧍
Anons, you are now welcome in my inbox, I'm sorry I accidentally marginalized you oh god
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aufdemzauberberg · 8 months
all those time machine story archs always see some kind of universe-theatening disaster unfolding because person a couldn't refrain themselves from doing something drastic like shooting person b. It's like, what the fuck. I'd probably just go to a concert and smoke some weed.
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nebulouscoffee · 8 months
✄ what’s your editing process?
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in "Who We Are" ? what was the hardest scene to write?
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line -> for "Home"
Thank you so much!😊
✄ what’s your editing process? - answered here :)
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in "Who We Are" ? what was the hardest scene to write? - I remember being so excited to write Ezri's joining, which ended up being a ton of fun- as well as this (not yet posted) fallout between Jadzia and Julian. Plus the climactic zhian'tara ritual! A scene that's been quite hard to write is one where Jadzia sort of snaps and is... actually very mean to Ezri (hard because it's tough to find the balance between painful and still in-character; in canon it was Garak, who can easily be cruel- but while I think Jadzia can be uncaring sometimes she isn't usually mean like that, so what would it take to push her? how can I make it convincing?) - and ofc that climactic zhian'tara ritual lol, because HOWWW can I capture the sheer madness of Jadzia Sans Dax But Not Quite Idaris hosting the spirit of Technically Now Dead Past Host Jadzia Dax. Nothing is good enough!! Nothing!!!
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line -> for "Home" - omg Home :') can't believe it's been two whole years since I sat down and thought "well maybe I should try writing a fan fic" & then accidentally gave birth to a 100k word monster lmao. I haven't actually read this one since last December, so I'm not sure these are in fact my fav lines- but people seem to comment about this exchange between Kira and Garak a lot, and I do like it!
“Nilvi isn’t even a Cardassian fruit,” he said randomly.  Kira knew. It was Amlethi; plucked from their soils and grown on Cardassian worlds. Jiruoub berries were Amlethi too; yet they’d fed her three years in the Resistance. Korman weeds brought by Cardassian invaders now blanketed moba orchards, inexplicably helping the indigenous trees grow. Two of the seven spices in Seven-Spice Hasperat were Cardassian.  Years ago, Kira would’ve defiantly relished a five-spice version, shamed her peers who didn’t. Now, she just thinks they’ve all been through too much to punish themselves with bland hasperat. Maybe time couldn’t heal all wounds. But it could turn her hasperat from a political statement into lunch. “My father enjoyed it,” she remembered. “So did my mother.” Garak paused. “You’ve met her, you know.”
This digs into a lot of things I find fascinating about their dynamic, and what they might have in common despite being from opposite sides of an Occupation- but it's also an important character moment for both of them; a recognition of how much their lives have changed, their worlds have changed, they have changed. The nilvi fruit does have symbolic weight in this fic lol- it's the thing that starts off the whole series of unfortunate events, yes, but also when it's first mentioned in chapter one, it's via Garak reminiscing about it as a symbol of cultural pride, unity, and Cardassian wealth, and with casual nostalgia. Him saying this now is a display of how much the events of the fic have forced him to confront that nostalgia- now, the fruit has become a symbol of Cardassian greed, entitlement and violence (both on a larger, planetary scale, and a personal one). I also really wanted to write this moment of peaceful self-awareness for Kira- there are things she will never truly heal from, things she'll never forgive (a lot of which are quite literally personified in the man she's currently sipping springwine with) - but that doesn't mean they can't come to take on new significances. I remember I was thinking about how maize is a dietary staple in most African countries, and red and green chillies are so famously associated with various Asian cuisines- yet, neither of those things is native to those lands. Every country from Sudan to Sri Lanka is filled with tea stalls that are now a crucial part of the culture - but shai/chai never used to be made with tea leaves until those countries were colonised. This is not a "silver lining on the cloud" type thing, of course- quite the opposite; neither Bajor nor any real-world nations should ever have been colonised (& this is why I included that "inexplicably helping the indigenous trees grow" line- the exact sort of thing that would get paraded around as a defence of colonialism! Just like railways, languages, European architecture, fusion art, etc. Whether Cardassian activity was poisoning the soil or inadvertently helping something grow, it doesn't matter- it had no business being carried out in Bajoran territory.) But this is an aspect of occupations I hadn't seen explored all that much in ds9 fanworks; that inevitable intertwining of cultures- so I wanted to write more about it, and given I drew a lot of inspiration from stuff I see around me I'm always so pleasantly surprised by how many people responded to it, I'm very glad it resonated
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
I’m so tired of and confused by how electronic devices nowadays act like every regular person has, I don’t know, the nuclear launch codes on said devices?
My new laptop has a fucking finger print scan???
I had to create a PIN when setting it up, instead of just immediately getting the “lol nope” option, I had to create the stupid pin and then go to the security settings to remove it again because fuck me I don’t want to type shit every damn time I open my laptop.
And alternately, I could have a facial recognition thing so my laptop automatically unlocks when it recognizes me like putting a sticker over the webcam ain’t the fist thing I do lol.
This is just completely unreal to me, quite honestly. Nothing, virtually nothing, on my laptop would ever be worth needing a finger print scan to access??? Do I look like I carry state secrets with me, or what?
I’ve never even had a PIN on my phone because I could never comprehend why the smartphone addicts who barely put it down would have a PIN on it. They literally can hardly put it down why would you wanna have to put in a number each time before opening it?
I don’t want to type out a password every time I open my laptop. I didn’t even do that when I was in art school and took my laptop to class every day. I genuinely don’t want to be that paranoid a person or have that little faith in humanity.
But a fucking finger print scan. I’m not in some fancy-ass American spy movie, y’all, I write fanfiction.
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nerdupthesims · 10 months
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I never seen the shy trait do this, but it is adorable.
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leafsimming · 1 year
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Year 6, Fall
miyuki prefers to stay out of the spotlight but she did her part by voting for orion to secure the crown. a win is a win
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