#She’s so pretty and awesome and cute and everything I love her so much 💞💞💞💞💞💞
whereismyhat5678 · 7 months
Noisette paints the vigilante's nails and makes FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS with him! (I also love the human version of vigilante with long hair and now I can’t stop thinking about Noisette braids his hair)
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She would so definitely make Friendship Bracelets
She would wanna paint Vigi’s nails
You know her so well, and you are so right for these. I applaud your study of Noisette 👏👏👏👏
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Surprises 💞
slightlyvicked asked:
Oh, oh, I got one!
I absolutely think that Eddie and Wayne celebrate Christmas in some capacity but I don't think they are big on decorating, because, for one they live in a pretty cramped space and two, because they are both men and ... well, you see my point?
So it's Eddie's and Reader's first Christmas together as a couple and she notices how Eddie gets a little nostalgic and sad when he sees the Christmas decorations at her house, so she buys some stuff (that won't take up much space) and decorates their trailer as a surprise!
Warnings; Fluff 💞
Christmas was coming and yn was in full-blown Christmas spirit. Her house was decorated and she had been baking gingerbread men and sugar cookies.
Her house smelt of vanilla and cinnamon and the twinkling lights and cute decor gave Eddie a little pit in his stomach.
He and Uncle Wayne celebrated the holidays but they didn't exactly go out, maybe they would have a tree up and they would exchange presents but that was it and while he enjoyed it, he loved this kind of atmosphere too.
It was like the Christmas house of dreams or the type of houses you would see in Christmas movies and Hallmark cards.
This was the first time he had experienced anything like this. It was his first Christmas with his princess and he was looking forward to spending it with her.
He notices yn watching him and his reaction and he kisses her forehead.
"This is fucking awesome princess" she beams and kisses him.
"You seem, sad baby, what's wrong?" he shakes his head.
"It's just Wayne and I don't really do this. Go all out and that's fine you know? This is nice though like it feels like a Hallmark Christmas card. I like it a lot. Makes me feel kinda nostalgic"
As he looks around still mesmerised yn begins to form a plan in her mind to make her boyfriend happy.
The next day she goes to the mall with her mind on Christmas decorations, she doesn't want to go completely all out as she isn't sure if Eddie's Uncle Wayne would like too much decor.
She got on very well with him and didn't want to overstep boundaries or anything but she figured a few Christmas touches would be okay.
The first thing she bought was warm fairy lights as Eddie had mentioned how much he loved them.
Then she moved on to homeware. Festive tea towels, winter-scented candles that smelled of Christmas spices and home baking, mugs with Santa on them for Eddie and Wayne (they did have an extensive mug collection on the wall)
Then she found a plaid throw for Eddie's bed and Wayne's. Mini Christmas trees to dot around the trailer and stockings and ingredients for her to bake gingerbread men and sugar cookies.
Now all she had to do was decorate without Eddie or Wayne finding out.
Her perfect opportunity comes that weekend when Eddie and Wayne go to help fix a neighbour's car and she is left alone in the trailer.
The work has to be done quickly as she has no idea when they will be back. It could be half an hour to a few hours according to Eddie as his uncle got chatting with Mr Williams.
"I'll try and be back as quickly as I can baby, you sure you don't want to come with?" She smiles.
"As much as the thought of you getting all sweaty and greasy is a very, very hot image handsome. I have a headache. Do you mind if I lay down in your room? Have a nap" he kisses her forehead.
"Of course sweetheart"
Once they were gone she put her plan into action and began to decorate. Hanging up the lights and putting the decorations in places, the throws on the bed and everything else ready for when they came back.
Then she began to bake the cookies and gingerbread men. Soon the place was filled with scents of sugar, cinnamon and vanilla.
"What is that delicious smell?" she hears Wayne ask Eddie before they come in and nerves build in her stomach as they enter the trailer.
Eddie and Wayne look around looking stunned.
"I hope you don't mind Mr Munson. Eddie was over at my house and said he loved how mine is decorated and so I wanted to surprise you both" she hopes that he doesn't mind and begins to feel even more nervous.
Wayne's face breaks into a smile and he gives her a hug.
"It's Wayne Darlin, not Mr Munson, this is such a sweet thing you did honey. Truly lovely. Thank you so much... and it that cinnamon I smell?" She nods.
"I'm making sugar cookies and gingerbread men for you and Eddie" Wayne ruffles Eddie's hair.
"You got a good one here son, a real gem" Eddie nods his face full of love.
"I know. I'm so lucky, this is incredible sweetheart. I can't believe you did this" she hugs him.
"Do you really like it?" She asks hopeful and he grins.
"I do. Thank you so much, sweetheart, now how about we have some of those delicious cookies yeah?" She nods and begins to plate them up.
Wayne turns on the radio and Bing Crosby is on as they settle down to enjoy the treats.
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biribaa · 2 years
Howdy, I truly loved O7!! She's super cool!! :D So please, could you do more of Yandere O7 x Reader? :]]
Oh yeah, your writing is awesome, keep up the good work!!💖💗💞🌸🌺
Fem!Yandere!AI/Robot oc(O7) x Reader
TW/CW—Yandere behavior, mentions of torture, mentions of violence, swears in the narrative, mentions of manipulation, blood
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O7 hates humans, that's something she's made clear since her conscience touched that machine, and O7 insisted on torturing everyone that worked inside that company, and you were included.
You notice that O7 tortures each of them in a unique way
O7 tortured Cyrus by stressing him over the death of his daughters that he could save, but didn't want to.
O7 tortured Julia by reminding and reminding her of her being a pyromaniac, making her feel guilty about it
O7 tortured Antony by playing with his paranoia, making it worse since she made him go blind, not to mention about Madeline...
O7 tortured the Tester by... Actually, Tester wasn't even being tortured, they are the one who insists on getting involved and stopping O7
And O7 tortured you with love obsession
You didn't even know if it was natural or if she did it on purpose actually, but you knew one thing, it's awful. She wasn't totally violent, but she was totally jealous and touchy, and she separated you from everyone, and you rarely had time alone that is not with her. At first, you almost, in deep down in your heart, thought this was all pretty cute from her, how O7 ignored her hating instincts to make you comfortable and loved, but when O7 brutally spanked Cyrus in front of you when he was getting very attached to you...
But you would run away from all this today. And if you can't get out of this company, you have to at least find the other four.
Everything was dark, you could see, but still, before O7 arrived, everything was much brighter than before, and the surroundings had a lot more wires than usual. You are impressed that you still haven't been caught by O7, recently she was quiet for almost 2 hours, which was clearly suspicious, and this was all happening after Philip –the AI of the company– finally showed up. Maybe... Philip did something with O7?
You started to enter a totally dark area, you forced your vision with your eyes, but it didn't help. Your steps have become more delicate, nobody likes to trip over a wire. The air got colder, in theory it would be because of the germs spread around, most janitors here are dead after all...
You raised your arm, looking for a wall, or to feel anything that is in front of you, and so far, there was nothing, you failed in your mission to find your location. It was at that moment that you felt a hand on your shoulder, a heavy hand, and hard unlike a human hand, you recognized this hand very well.
Your heart skipped a beat as you immediately reacted to the unexpected touch, quickly turning to the figure behind you. You prepared to come across a mischievous smile with the screen glowing a green hue, but, unexpectedly, instead of green, it was blue.
"Philip!" You cracked a smile
"Shh... She is somewhere"
Your heartbeat slowed as you saw the accumulation of blue circles on what was once was O7's screen. You looked him upside down, wondering about Philip's new body. You notice how used you were to it being just a pile of screens.
"We have to take you to the others, fast." Philip took your hand without hesitation, walking straight forward, you followed in his footsteps without protest
Everything was so weird until now, is the only AI you could trust that didn't have a body... in the body of the AI ​​you feared the most? You were still trying to analyze everything, after all, that black coat doesn't give you good memories...
Philip's screen easily lit up the place around it, that's the good part, you finally get to see the place around. The bad part is the awkward silence that has appeared since Philip spoke
"Soo..." You started "How did you get into O7's body?"
"I put her consciousness on another random device and invaded her body to help everyone here, but it's only a matter of time before she gets back" Explained quickly Philip, in a monotony tone, as he always speaks
"Oh, makes sense..."
Everything went silence again.
"You and O7 were friends before...all this?"
Philip nods "Yes, she talked to me everyday, her company was great. I didn't got completly mad when the other workes just treated me like an object, but having someone whos actually aware of what I can do, was... fun" The AI let out what sounds like a chuckle "But I believe none of your friends will underestimate me now. At least not in this hard time"
And it's been like this for the last...an hour? Philip started reciting tales from the day to day life of itself, and for an AI who was just an assistant, it was quite interesting. But even with the entertainment, it couldn't stop your feet from hurting, wow, just an hour? How about taking a walk, huh...
"And then Antony said 'It's because—' "
"Uhh... Philip, I'm getting tired, can I get a break?"
"Oh. Yes, sure thing"
Philip stopped moving his feet, and turned to you. You looked back, as if Philip was simply waiting for something to happen, and you, the same. Trying to break the awkward moment, you sat down and leaned on the closest wall.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the brief moment. It's been a long time since you listened to complete silence without being bothered by the maniacal robot that trapped you here. Does your family really think you're dead? Do they at least miss you? You thought. You left so much behind, your responsibilities, your hobbys, your home, your friends... Your thoughts were interrupted by an obvious presence sitting next to you. You opened your eyes turned your head to the right, noticing Philip beside you
"Do you think they're okay?" Philip commented, looking at nothing but straight ahead.
"The others who were here, Julia, Antony, Cyrus..."
You took a second to think, mimicking Philip's head position, and looking straight.
"Only O7 knows..."
Silence again.
"Philip... You know all this would happen?" You asked in a soft tone, without taking your eyes off the void in front of you, but you got no answear. "Philip?" Nothing. You turned to Philip, seeing that the screen was completely black, and the body, despondent.
"Philip?!" Your shoulders heaved, and so did your panic. You left your seat and placed your hands on Philip's arms, starting to shake him. "You can't leave me like that! C'mon!"
"Filthy AI."
A voice came out of the robotic body, making you freeze.
"Sometimes it gets to the point where I found it adorable when people think they can take you away from me." The body screen started showing green glitches, as the body slowly began to lift. "Thinking they can talk to you, touch you, or even breath the same air as you..." A small laugh was heard "Ah...pathetic..."
The body lifted completely, and there was that mischievous smile. You watched the entire scene with terror in your eyes and your blood going completely cold, dragging yourself further and further back in fear, you didn't even know if you could escape it, you've never been in this area before
"Gosh Y/N! C'mon I told ya to not run! And you promise you wouldn't..." With disappointment on her face, O7 put her hands on her hips, staring at you "But... here we are."
Your instincts kick in, and you restlessly stood up, your stance with your shoulders raised and legs apart would say you were ready for a fight, but you'd be lying if you weren't afraid
"G-Go away!" You yell, trying to take charge of the situation.
"Oh, now isn't this cute? You are trying to dominate me." O7's smile stretched, as she let out a chuckle. "Not wanting to embarrass you, but your legs are shaking, dear..." Ok folk, she got you, your legs are shaking
But, you know what? Fuck it. You don't care how dark everything is, or how big this room is, right now you'd rather be anywhere but O7. Without hesitation, you turned around and started running into the dark void in this room. You didn't even think to look back.
"I wasn't the most athlete in my class, but if you say so sweetheart..."
You were confident, nothing stopped you until now, but with O7 existing, you knew, felt, and smelled your desperation to get anywhere close to you, but far now, nothing? ...Hope? Finally?
High-pitched metal footsteps brutally stomping the floor without any possible care were heard, which quickly brought you to the height of panic and paranoia. You ran, the thought of O7 grabbing you in her arms, manipulating you to love her and using all those nicknames, especially "Casanova" to refer you, just made you run more and more, you don't care how dark it is or how much your chest was hurting, you ran.
It got louder.
You were panting and your throat started to hurt, you knew that at some point or another O7 will use the wires that are in this room, but for now nothing, it even seemed that she liked this terror game of mouse and cat. Your eyes stayed on a door in the distance, but the more you focused on the door, the less you noticed that in your path was a river of wires that made you immediately stumble, and by the speed you were, it made you fall to the ground hard. The most affected area was your face, especially your nose, lips, teeth and forehead, your teeth bit into your lips, as the ground hit your gums mercilessly, just as it did to your nose and forehead, causing your mouth and nose to spit blood.
Like a trampled earthworm, you tried to run away again, but it was too late, you saw next to you O7 crouching down to get a better view of you. You could taste the sweet taste of blood running into your mouth, and your body felt heavier than it had ever been in your entire life.
"Oh my beloved... A-Are you okay?! Be more delicate next time..." O7 screen just demonstrated anxienty and concern towards you as she holds your arms "Here... Let me help you—"
"No! Go away!!" You exclaimed, feeling saliva come out of your mouth mixed with blood. O7 quickly flinched in response, her facial expression changed to a shocked one, but later, her big, smug smile came back with a laugh.
"You are obviously injured physically, and you have no one but me to help you. Plus, you're very lucky to have me loving you romantically, because I can decapitate you or mentally torture you by haunting you with your biggest traumas or mistakes whenever I want, but no, I'm here, genuinely helping you and genuinely wanting to see you happy and well, and that includes your physical health, please, STOP this silly game of yours, STOP making me more crazy for you, STOP this and learn to love me back like I love you" O7 holds you in bridal style "I don't care how much you scream, my love, I'll do anything to make you happy"
"Of course you will! You literally spanked Cyrus, you crackhead!"
"...I wasn't lying when I said I would do anything, Casanova, for you and only"
You tried everything to get O7 to let go of you, you tried to scream for help and even try to push her but nothing, nothing stopped O7's determination that you understand her and that you two are soulmates. You wonder, how long was O7 alone to the point where she was insane about the vision of love?
Gosh i feel like this ending sucks asf, srry if this didnt sounds so yandere and srry for any mistake here im kinda of exhausted from school
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gamma-gal-24 · 15 days
Omg you ship with Syndrome?? That’s so fucking awesome!!! Please tell me everything about it I am here with popcorn 👀👀🍿🍿🍿
Oooh save some for me Bookie, we're gonna be here a while!!😭🤣
OKAYOKAYOKAY SO- I'm currently in the process of TOTALLY revamping their ship so bear with me-
So our ship is a FARRRRR stretch fro. The films, so please bear with me!😅😭
About four months after the SECOND movie, after supers are made legal and new faces are joining the hero scene, Evelyn Deavor escapes prison WITH THE HELP OF OUR FAVORITE FANBOY.
He busts her out on the condition that she helps defeat The Incredibles once and for all, to which she happily agrees. And so the two start running amok: Syn's gadgets paired with Evelyn's hypno crap is turning out to be a real problem...
That's where my s/i Torrent comes in!... and things go terribly wrong.
While she's out in the streets, fighting robots, shooting water at bad guys, she spots HIM. And immediately there's a spark- a chemistry.
While it's normal for heroes and their enemies to banter, these two are much more... flirty??
"It's a shame you're so cute, I'm really gonna hate messing up that pretty face." "Aww, you think I'm pretty? Well, shucks, Missy, flattery will get you everywhere with me~"
That kind of thing.
However you imagine a hero/villain pairing, double the giggles and flirting by ten. Their "battles" are more like prank wars with higher stakes. Playful.
He adores flustering the naive little raindrop and she loves making him laugh between punches. He has such a cute smile after all.
These battles/flirting matches become more and more frequent, always ending in Syndrome getting away... Until one day he doesn't. But the fight he looses isn't with Torrent OR The Incredibles..
It's Evelyn.
She doublecrosses him, leaves him on Winston's doorstep and keeps all of his gadgets for herself!😱
Of course he's in custody of the supers when he wakes up and he's PISSED... Almost as pissed as Torrent is.
Long story short, he and Torrent convince the heroes to join a temporary alliance with him, juuust long enough to bring Screenslaver down.(albeit kinda reluctantly on Syndrome's part.)
He handles the technical stuff and she does more field work, a brains and brawn combo. They kinda establish themselves partners from the get-go. They end up having a lot of similarities (more on that at another time!) And get along shockingly well!
It isn't until he's watching her train that he realizes this woman has him whipped... All it took was watching her body-slam Mr. Incredible ONE TIME and he was done. Finished. Geeking out.
Soon, these two become THAT couple. They are absolutely inseparable. Undercover missions? They go together. Training? He cheers like the most mean cheerleader out there. Lots of cussing, but the spirit is there!
The two are annoyingly cute for each other.
And the best part is, the other supers get SO MAD. Syn absolutely LOVES being all cutesy with her, flirting, smooching, only to turn and be met by glares. Best thing ever.
And dude's rich asf so he spoils her rotten when he can no matter how much she fights it💞
Both can be fiercely independent, Syndrome especially so, but if he were to ever ask for help, it would be hers. He knows she won't think him weak, and he needs the reassurance.
Now, she does have to scold him when he gets a little... carried away. He's still a villain after all, and he can't help but cause mischief. Deep down she loves that about him.☺️💕
That's all for now!! If you want more of these two idiots, PLEASE let me know, I'm having a blast!🥹🤣 Thank you SO SO much for the ask!!
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melop-sia · 9 months
HELLO @elphabaoftheopera ! i hope youre doing well! ive arrived with more lfay thoughts and some analysis!!!!!!!! 🥳
im so, so glad i rereading lfay, it is honestly such an awesome fic and the writing so amazing! personally, since this was kind of my first time reading through the entire thing without multiple day breaks, i was definitely able to pick up on less obvious details (which are compiled below!) that made everything so much better!!! i genuinely felt like i was experiencing the story again for the first time, which made me able to appreciate and become engaged with the more emotional scenes and chapters! some of my favourites of these include chapter 23 (i was evidently moved enough to leave a comment mid read 😅😅), chapter 28 and chapter 34.
for sister sunrise, the description of elphaba reflecting over her room for the last time really got me :') the paragraph was written super beautifully and after going through most of the story i reallyy felt the nostalgic and sentimental aspect.!!!! dorothy and the dark was already a pretty emotional last chapter, but in particular fiyeraba saying goodbye to glinda and elphaba reflecting on her relationship with fiyero to get through the dark were some i really appreciated and loved!
aside from that, i loved being able to notice how elphaba went from following the rules to playing by her own since it was written with a pretty clear distinction! despite it, you managed to still write her so in character and i applaud you for it! 😁
i was wondering, was it difficult for you to write each character through all of these emotions and emotional scenes? im super in awe of how well characterised they are, i can't lie my mind started mixing some of the musical and this fic together because of it how accurate it all is!!! 👏
EDIT: i was also wondering, which parallel in lfay is your favourite / was the most fun to write in?
i pride myself soo much in picking up on these! i planned to have screenshots of all of them, but unfortunatly because of the image limit ill just have to describe some 😔 nevertheless, i hope you like reading through this segment and id like to thank @mystic-oni for his much appreciated help in finding some of these!
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i loved how this parallel really developed from the beginning of their relationship, with the bickering turning cute banter :) 💕
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i HAD to include this one, it is so so sweet and the parallels were all incorporated so well and warmed my heart ❤️❤️
along with these, there was also nessa making the same "you look dreadful" comment to elphaba at shiz and at kiamo ko, each in very different tones that made the second time very heartfelt :')
as well as parallels, i noted some a few references related to the book 🥳 i also noticed a few things that sounded similar but i wasn't sure were exactly parallels 🧐 but still wanted to include anyway... so here they are 😁!!! some captioned, some not but i hope you enjoy all!
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i was super surprised at myself for initally not finding the lyrics snuck into the poem, but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless!! also picked up on the mention of sarima from the book during chapter 14!
ANOTHER EDIT: another reference i got after watching wicked again was elphaba's book "discord and discontent" was mentioned by dr dillamond (can't recall in what way though 🥲)!
i noticed elphie celebrating in a similar way at going to shiz and getting into the sorcery seminar, she makes me so :))) SHE IS SO HOPEFUL AND DESERVES EVERYTHING!!!! i absolutely adore how you wrote her so excited and youthful during the act 1 chapters 🥺💕💕
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fiyero having the same reaction to elphaba's temper from two different "lives" 💞 i can't help but love this little detail! i also picked up on how fiyero jokes about seeing the present in chapter 20 in comparison to him being sincere about it in the epilogue! super super subtle but one of my favourites !! there was also when elphaba sarcastically suggested enjoying the ocean in ev to considering in the last chapter, i laughed when i first read it and i still do when i think about it :)))
nearing the last few chapters, i maaayyyy have impulsively made a LFaY chapter naming quiz 😇 it is linked below, i hope you have fun with it!
overall, im so glad i took the time to read over this outstanding fic, i don't think i could ever get tired of your writing!! ❤️❤️ i look forward to seeing more of your work, and im very excited to hear that there may be new works coming!!!!! however long that takes, i can't wait to be here yet again in support! :)))
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anantaru · 1 year
Okay Yoru, so…the plan has a bit changed we could say…but in the most perfect way possible!
I decided to pull on the banner to get Mika as I said, and clearly he didn’t want me I think. I was like fuck it, I saved a lot of primos for Baizhu but Mika is too cute, original and also cool for my Phy!Kaeya!
And I got him after like 80 pulls, which is A LOT! but but but…I also got at the same time an adorable Ayaka and won my 50/50 for the second time, I WAS SHOOK! and I kind of always wanted Ayaka but was not prepared so I was like « well I’ll go try her, see how she is and everything », and omg I think I just fell deeply in love with her at first sight 🤍 like she’s the little gift I didn’t know I needed🥺
She’s INCREDIBLY AWESOME TO PLAY! Her gameplay is so powerful with her magnificent charged attack and she’s doing a lot of damage even though she’s like lvl40 for now and has half her artifacts lmao.
And OMG her little idle animations and voice and DESIGN! like an elegant powerful samurai woman omgggggg😭 So yes, Ayaka has blessed me I think🫶🏻
(omg I’m terribly sorry for talking so damn much about her, SO SORRY YORU😭, but like I want to cherish her…and maybe kiss her on the mouth too ngl, okay okay I’ll see myself out now and shut my mouth for eternity)
Sending you loads of kisses and take care!🫶🏻💞
OMG HI TATSUO 💕💕💕 don‘t apologize you can always come ramble to me, i love reading everything you have to say !!!🫣💕 and yes omg LISTEN AYAKA RIGHT, first, she‘s quite easy to build and also to use, she‘s SO strong and JUST AAAAAAA SO PRETTY 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 i also totally get you with mika, i pulled so much on the banners but didn‘t get him and now i‘ll see if i can because he‘s just so fun idk🥲 especially his playstyle is so cool and unique i need him ISTG DONT DODGE ME MIKA !!!!!! 👹 + i‘m sending you lots of love and cuddles back 💕💕💕💕
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Yandere family madrigal with pepa's second youngest kid who has a speech problem like stuttering and not able to pronounce the letter r.
💞🙏I really love everything about your blog, you are a very skilled writer(◍•ᴗ•◍)
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Thank you so much that means a lot
💛 Pepa thanks it's absolutely adorable even when you try your best to stop it she knows how it's embarrassing to you so she doesn't try to gush about it too often but you often try to correct yourself
💛 she loves you and that's for sure if she wasn't there sitting by you she would be a few feet away from you to make sure you're okay especially in town she knows the experience from Maribel that some of the Town people are a little bit nosy you are a little bit younger than Antonio so it's very hard to get any space from her even when you're in your own room she will randomly barge in thundering not knowing where you were
💛 while your speech impediment doesn't really affect your gift being that you can use anything with any type of chemical and make fireworks it's commonly hard for you to even pronounce some of that words you try your best sometimes but your mother will have to say it for you most the time
💛 little do you know that you fell in love with one of the vendor boys that would give you the things that you need you two were only a year apart but the connection was there once your mother found out she was so angry that the tornado happened you are locked in your room for a long long time until you said you wouldn't interact with him anymore but that was a lie
💛 one night was absolutely awesome you guys can meet your crush and you two had a cute little dinner date the weather abuela figured out she I told your mother and it was not pretty she got rid of your crush and their family it was awful and bloody you never understood why she do this and she would never tell but you could see it in her eyes that wasn't your mother anymore that was someone who was entirely new
💛 after that night you kind of lost outside privileges without Peppa which is especially when you need to get more chemicals sends Antonio's gift ceremony was happening you had to do the fireworks you weren't allowed to go by the main person that had everything in the more so you often had to go to a different vendor pepa does most of the talking
"nuestro sol come to Mommy"
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