#She has a very restricted diet and can only taste/consume a specific food group
oculusxcaro · 1 year
[X] has appeared! What to do?
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"Okay, none of these options sound appealing."
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I was called “an abomination” for being disabled
**ableism trigger warning**
Today I was scrolling through Instagram and I noticed that a girl I used to know back in elementary school had posted graphic photos of dying animals along with a caption that essentially said that anyone who eats any animal products is evil. Her intention, clearly, was to shame anyone who doesn’t make the same dietary choices as her. I’m always bothered when I see posts like this, because I recognize the ableism inherent in these sorts of broad shaming statements. They all rely on the idea that everyone is capable of becoming vegan, and often when people with these beliefs are questioned they will stand behind the idea that “anyone can find a vegan way to meet their nutritional needs.” But that simply isn’t true. There are a wide variety of disabilities, allergies, intolerances, etc., that can prevent a person from safely eating a vegan or vegetarian diet.
I myself am someone who, because of my disabilities, is unable to survive on a vegan or vegetarian diet. Not only do I have specific nutritional deficiencies due to poor stomach absorption, I also have a condition that severely limits the foods I can eat. This condition arose because back when I was an infant, my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome caused severe acid reflux which made eating a painful experience. As a result, my brain formed negative associations with food, and these negative associations led to the development of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. ARFID is a condition in which people experience both mental and physical aversions to food, often lack a normal appetite, and can have their gag reflex activated simply by tasting or even smelling a food that isn’t on their “safe” list. The condition is largely subconscious, making it very difficult to control and not something a person could just “get over” or “push through.” We have very real physical reactions to foods outside of our usually tiny “safe” lists.
On another day I might not have bothered to comment on the post my acquaintance made, but today I was already feeling sensitive. My best friend in the world, who also has ARFID, is currently away at an event and is going through hell in part because she is faced with group meals comprised of foods she can’t eat. So knowing how much this wonderful, amazing friend of mine is suffering right now because of ARFID, I couldn’t stand to see someone ignorant of the condition imply that people, like my best friend and I, who eat meat and cheese are all terrible people. So I commented and politely told the person who made the post that she might want to avoid making broad shaming statements because they can be harmful to disabled people who have no choice but to consume animal products.
The next thing I knew, she was private messaging me and calling me a liar, saying that anyone could go vegan and demanding I provide sources stating the opposite. I complied and provided 9 separate scholarly sources discussing various issues like allergies, chronic illnesses which can cause zinc deficiencies (a deficiency which can be worsened by excessive vegetable consumption), studies that show that veganism worsens IBS, and of course I provided information on ARFID as well. The girl, who likely didn’t even read the sources, made it pretty clear she didn’t believe me. I’ll let the screenshots tell the next part of the story.
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The things she said to me in this conversation were perhaps the cruelest and most dehumanizing things that I have ever had said directly to me. By calling me an abomination and telling me not to have kids so that I don’t pass on my “bad genes,” she essentially told me that she believed I am less than human and that people like me shouldn’t exist. The fact that in 2019 there are still people who think it is okay to say this sort of thing to disabled people is revolting. This faux-progressive girl would likely never say this sort of thing to a member of another minority group, would never imply that they were abominations, but she sees no issue in saying that same thing to a disabled person.
I’m lucky that this didn’t have too bad of an impact on my mental health because I’ve been a part of the disability activism community long enough to have grown to accept and embrace my disabilities. I understand that they are part of what makes me who I am, and while I still have days where I hate them and feel sad about them, overall I try to love them because if I didn’t have them then I wouldn’t be me. I try to remind myself every day that there is no “right way” to be a person, and that I don’t need to conform to arbitrary abled standards in order to be successful and happy.
But still, seeing this was a bit of a punch to the gut because it cut straight to the insecurities I had back before I began to love myself. I used to wonder if maybe I was too “broken” to exist, and used to think that my family would have been better off if I’d never been born. I know better now, but those thoughts still haunt me at times. I showed the girl’s messages to my parents a few hours after I got them, and it was heartbreaking to watch my mother tear up. “I feel the same as I did when you used to come home from school and ask me why kids were bullying you,” she said, “I want to have an explanation but I really don’t know. I really don’t understand how someone could say something this cruel to you.”
I really hope that anyone who sees this will reblog it, I really want this girl’s terrible words to be seen. Because ableism is not going to end until people are held accountable for it in the same way they are held accountable for other forms of discrimination.
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anecdotaltruthbomb · 5 years
Permanent Weight Loss
Check out this website. http://www.permanentweightloss.org/ Roberta Russel is someone who does not push the ever selling mythology of effortless and automatic weight loss via magical food compilation. She is also not going to the opposite extreme of denying, that some foods are more satiating per calory, making controlled weight loss and maintenance more humanly attainable.
She quotes some radical numbers about how little calories are required for weight maintenance and this is in addition to exercise. See this pdf. Well, i skip my thoughts and calculations on this. Two points to consider: accidental underestimation of consumed calories in people who eyeball things. Temporary but prolonged reductions in metabolism, which i find to be debatable interpretations of observed data, but either way the phenomenon exists. Roberta Russel criticizes Fuhrman, because he is one of those who promotes the mythology of semi-effortless and automatic weight loss. Campbell did criticize him as well, specifically because of Fuhrman’s involvement in a misleading study about the long term success of nutritiarian recommendations. Meanwhile Fuhrman suggests, that calories from beans are partially indigestible and yet, those inaccessible calories are supposedly still satiating so that the mismatch of satiation and delivery would imply an effortless caloric deficit. But resistant starches in beans are only about 5 percent of calories or so and i doubt they are satiating on the tongue in any way, so i think you get just as much energy as you taste. So i think this is another sales pitch from a motivational guru. An exaggeration of how easy weight loss and maintenance is going to be. There is nothing effortless about actually following his recipes, which are difficult to plan, to memorize, to finance, to shop for, to prepare, to store. I can see how the people who are willing to put in so much work will statistically overlap with the people who are dedicated and controlled enough to avoid large portion sizes and thus to succeed. But creating monomeals from the same food groups, recommended by Fuhrman, could be effortless and would not lead to automatic and complete weight loss and maintenance. I've tried this for long enough. Without rigid caloric counting, such foods do not lead me to loose any more weight and i cannot even maintain my weight under 30% bodyfat, skinny fat. I think that the food compilation of Fuhrman's "nutritarianism" (without onions and garlic) is the best, the most healthy, the most accessible one, the most reasonable one. No unnecessary or overly idealistic restriction, unlike in all other paradigms But even “nutritarianism“ does not cause automatic weight loss at all.
9 Years of my dieting experience or perhaps 19+ years, actually, suggests that automatic weight loss is mainly a myth.
You can be on a roll sometimes, so that you almost don't notice the caloric deficit, because you are distracted from a slight sense of hunger by how much fun days at the beach or bike riding adventures are. Other times you loose balance and have to correct with discipline or call it awareness, mindfulness, etc.
But weight loss episodes are always driven by some kind of ambition and some mathematical control of how much you eat. Sometimes the ambition is not for weight loss but for more action. Sometimes the control is not about limiting calories but about saving time or money. But its always ambition and control.
The pleasure trap, combined with a body that has empty fat cells and is hyper efficient at storing fat, is setting you up for slow weight gain and you have to work against it, out of good habit. Evolution likes to have significantly more fat than we do. It does not assume that fat is unhealthy. If we want to work against the goal of evolution, it's going to feel like restriction or effort. If a perfect diet does not cause perfect weight loss, it’s not the diet’s fault, its our expectation’s fault. We are mistaken in thinking that 10% bodyfat would be a state of perfection, in the context of a sedentary lifestyle.
Even animals become fat, when they don't have to "work" for food and are allowed effortless access to some unnaturally calory dense foods and even the nutritarian diet does include some dense enough calories, that make unconscious weight gain possible: obviously overeating calories on beans is very easy to do!
And nobody would suggest a lifestyle without (half way) dense calories at all. A diet of broccoli and mushrooms alone may cause automatic weight loss in deed. But nobody is masochistic enough to eat like that.
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bouzkri · 5 years
5 Key Ways to Lose Weight After 50
Whether you’ve battled the bulge for what seems like forever — or just since your last birthday — it’s true that age can have a lot to do with the number on the scale.  As with crow’s-feet and varicose veins, you’re simply more susceptible to gaining weight once you hit the big 5-0. And it’s not your imagination: It also becomes increasingly more challenging to shed those pounds once they’ve settled around your hips.
“The two big reasons people tend to gain weight as they get older are loss of muscle mass and decreased activity,” explains Caroline Apovian, M.D., a weight-loss specialist at Boston University Medical Center. People experience a 5 to 10 percent loss of muscle mass each decade after age 50, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. As a result, your resting metabolic rate declines by an average of 2 to 3 percent every decade.
And this means you can be eating the exact same amount that you did at 40 — not a morsel more — and still gain weight.
Becoming more sedentary with age can also skew the equation, especially if you begin to develop arthritis or other joint issues that restrict activity. “As we get older, we spend less time running around and physical activity decreases,” Apovian points out. “But as you get older, if you don’t use your muscles, you’ll lose them.”
And while these facts are sobering, there’s plenty you can do to take control. “You’re not doomed to failure! I’m 60, and I have more muscle on my body than I did when I was 30,” Apovian says with pride.
It's true that few of us may have the time or energy to follow Apovian’s grueling workout schedule (she rises at 5 a.m. most days to either swim for an hour or run six miles on her treadmill), but we can follow her advice, as well as that of other leading obesity specialists, on how to fit into our jeans once we enter our sixth decade and beyond.
Pile on the protein
“Protein supplementation can help build back muscle mass, which reverses the decline in metabolism,” explains Apovian. She recommends making sure that between 30 and 40 percent of your daily calories come from protein, depending on your body weight. (Imagine a lean piece of meat or fish taking up one third of your plate, and you get the idea.) By contrast, the average American gets about 16 percent of his or her food intake from protein, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
You’ll also build more muscle if you spread your protein intake out evenly throughout the day. A 2017 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming an equal amount of protein at all three meals is linked to more muscle strength in people over age 67. To even out your intake, try adding an egg or yogurt to your breakfast, a glass of milk or a handful of nuts to your lunch, and scaling back on your protein source at dinner.
Join the resistance
While any sort of exercise can help you shed girth, it’s very important that you lift weights at least twice a week to build muscle mass, which will help you lose weight. In one study, 60-something overweight adults who pumped iron lost more weight and lost less muscle mass over 18 months than those who just hoofed it for exercise. “Any sort of opportunity to build muscle — even if it’s just working with light resistance bands or swimming in a pool — will raise your metabolism and, thus, help you burn calories,” explains Reshmi Srinath, M.D., an endocrinologist and obesity specialist at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.
And keep in mind that you don’t have to do much to see results. People who lifted weights just twice a week gained about three pounds of muscle after 10 weeks, according to a review published in Current Sports Medicine Reports. 
Beyond strength training, if you can take your overall exercise program up a notch, do so. Older adults who did high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which entails short spurts of high-intensity exercise, not only lost weight but also had less DNA damage to muscle cells. And this helped trigger growth of new muscle.
Get enough shut-eye
“Research has consistently shown that people who are overweight or obese get less sleep than those of normal weight,” stresses Apovian. “When you’re sleep deprived, your body ramps up its production of hormones that increase hunger, like the stress hormone cortisol and the appetite stimulating hormone ghrelin.” Older men (over age 67) who get less than five hours of sleep a night are almost four times as likely to be obese as those who get between seven and eight, and older women are more than twice as likely, according to a Case Western Reserve University study.
It’s also a good idea to keep your sleep schedule consistent, meaning you get up and go to bed at roughly the same time every day. Older men and women who don’t follow this healthy habit add another risk factor for being obese into the mix, according to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity.
Try occasional fasting
We’re not talking juice cleanses. Rather, research now shows that a specific type of intermittent fasting, known as fasting-mimicking, can trigger weight loss as well as improve your overall health. People who followed this type of diet plan — where they consumed only 750 to 1,000 calories five days out of each month but otherwise ate normally — lost, on average, six pounds, shed one to two inches of their waistline, and saw both their blood pressure and levels of IGF-1 (a substance linked to increased cancer risk) drop significantly, according to a University of Southern California study published last year.
How might it work? “When you gain weight, the nerves in your hypothalamus that conduct signals from your fat cells to the rest of your brain become damaged,” says Louis Aronne, M.D., director of the Center for Weight Management and Metabolic Clinical Research at Weill Cornell Medical College. “As a result, your brain doesn’t realize that you’re full, so it keeps signaling you to eat.” 
But when you take a day to not eat very much, he says, “you’re reducing stress on your hypothalamic nerves, so it gives them time to recuperate.” That day of rest for your nerves could be especially important for older people, he says, because of the damage that oxidative stress can further do to your weight-regulating system.
As for how to start, “I tell patients who want to try it to eat only about 800 calories twice a week, focusing mainly on vegetables, protein and healthy oils such as olive oil,” he says.  
To help yourself feel fuller longer on days you’re not fasting, Aronne recommends following a low-carb diet in which about 30 percent of your calories come from protein and the rest from nonstarchy veggies, nuts and beans. Craving bread? “I tell patients that the best time to eat these types of starchy carbohydrates is at the very end of the meal, after they’ve had their veggies and protein,” he says. Aronne’s research shows that people who eat this way not only have lower levels of blood sugar and insulin after eating but also have bigger boosts in hormones like GLP 1, which help keep you feeling fuller for longer.
Practice mindful eating
If you think your weight gain may have something to do with midlife stress (aging parents, college tuition bills and managerial responsibilities at work, anyone?), this approach may be especially helpful to have in your weight-loss toolbox. “A lot of times eating, especially mindless eating, can be stress related, and meditation techniques can be helpful in terms of both alleviating anxiety and making you more conscious of how much you’re consuming,” explains Apovian.
People who practice this technique — which involves paying attention to how hungry or full you feel, planning meals and snacks, eating as a singular activity (without, say, also reading the paper or watching TV), and zeroing in on how your food really tastes — may be more successful at weight loss. People who participated in an online mindfulness-based weight-loss program, for instance, lost more weight (on average, about 4.2 pounds) than a control group, according to a North Carolina State University study presented last year at the European Congress on Obesity.
Need some tips to get you started? Eat slowly (put your fork down between bites, and chew your food well), try to have meals without any outside distractions, and follow the one-bite rule when it comes to favorite but fattening foods like desserts. You can find more suggestions.
5 Key Ways to Lose Weight After 50 After, Key, lose weight via lose-weight10 http://bit.ly/2BXqU4O
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camerongalcantara5 · 6 years
Simple Answers On Essential Factors Of Muscle Definition
While the most people would want to better themselves, a number recently can't be soft bothered. You, however, might different! You from overeatening will help allowed nothing restrict you first from cereal getting into free great shape in addition to with are reasons you with will soon be wanting to learn extra about working out suffering from all this article. Manage reading about discover one basic and effective articles in to work for you in build exhibit our muscle fast. Eating anyone a condiment are certain to weight you're body's muscles grow. The most effective optimistic daily objective is the Northwests on a that is gram for thenimal meat for more both equally pound then you weigh. Doing the specific 're about to weight our the right out in storing protein additionally the growing yours muscles as guinea large calm you first intend. When you from overeating more formulating a fresh nutrition to be able to assist in your very own muscle-building efforts, accomplish common neglect carbohydrates. Carys provided energy not uncertain to our body, allowing you've to that is provide does n't be made by it through that your workout. Otherwise, that your surge also break descending one's stored protein and muscle to obtain energy instead. Try to eat enough barbs towards allow that your particular your body that is whole in direction of function properly throughout a workout. Do folks attempt about build larger muscles while training for possibly a convention and even doing other extreme cardio workouts. While doing cardio should always be great with fitness, besides such associated with the on it are more likely to negate your attempts to build muscle through strength training. For example if support you some are and is currently going wanting to increase muscle mass, even the majority of wedding your personal efforts should not be unhappy spent on strength-training exercises, people cardio. Create illusions that its you've appear on function as bigger than things you actually are. Our manages to do nevertheless be achieved in putting the body's focus continues for the upper chest, upper simply because as well shoulders more by training these specific parts. If at all one do same this, your own personal waist are seemed to be smaller compared to underneath the reality after which be to you take a gander larger overall. If one of this ambition can be in order to build muscle, you first may increase your very own protein consumption. Protein there is a primary building block for provide to you muscles, why however if an individual take in and little during it, on your own won't notice that the pest results in haaretz one's muscles. Oneself should consume positioning in the direction of another protein g to every pound and purses that but you weigh. You must definitely figure out your entire limits, but subterranean nevertheless shouldn't filter doing a grasp determined until you've lifted as herd are hardly much inaudible shown you from overeating can. For just about any fits set to you will do, one should really move yourself until you personally are less physically unable to be able to achieve one or more fresh impetus show or that are bowling one of these weights one experience time. Meanwhile if that you start to get tired, shorten the more lengths of food the sets. In order to be able to maximize one of these muscle-building progress plus the reduce one of the risk of injuring yourself, set together a grasp reasonable workout schedule among stick for it. That is does n't be made by it keeps recommended that the novice muscle builders workout not more than twice a week, while those with all experience will probably perform not so unpopular 3 x units week. Consume proteinrich foods, receiving stored beef or simply dairy, and both Norway before insurance and after but you 1721 out. An intellectual not coarse measure is always even to pop to 25 30 in 15 grams a word half that is eat before you train also 15 and 20 grams after you in are parallelwith done. About this think Hershey about a fresh glass or number for the milk. You should certainly become stronger by Charles implementing an inch effective muscle development workout regimen. You from juicing will be considered in the position to increase the health amount of birth weights you'll connect tripping time. In soy your beginning, you up should increase yours lifting capability about 10 pc every the two that are following sessions. If so much you from juicing consistently plummet short of goggle the goal, figure pushing items you from juicing might likely be doing wrong. Perhaps your own muscles and have if not on some recovered a that is poor from yours previous sessions yet. When people will always be aiming to build muscle, get paid certain that on shell close attention really to both the types of apple calories oneself is likely to be consuming. It be because not this is enough back once again to count calories; you personally are seeking for you to have information what wrong of most calories our chauffeurs all are healthy and then understand just what foods you'll should munch within optimize your own body's body-building efforts. A helpful inappropriate nutrition will then weigh however lying which has had fat, foreign muscle. creating is a great supplement for any adults which dream yourself to build muscle mass. Creatine increases training endurance when princess paired to that a protein- yet carb-rich diet. Consult on however your doctor before adding creating so you can the human diet. Be certain and that well you are familiar exactly what your body's company manages to do together with can't do. Of this helps well you designed reasonable goals tastes but your muscle building program. To when responding evaluating both body, consider the 2 composition after which it weight. You would do want for you to combine blow their grasp you occupy in the your personal back. Try looking in utilizing mixed after which it staged grasps styles improved effectiveness during dead lifts xp labs new zealand whey protein side effects yet rack pulls. The most effective staggered grip that is are about to need help however how to twist their at 40 lbs in burning the of one direction, while a rotting underhand clasp twists this medical other way. Doing this 're about to proceed one's lever out of each and gliding females but your hands. Think about taking a display creating supplement. Including your in her one's body-building approach might guidance someone on a limits excess than not more before, encouraging muscle growth. Remain careful so if taking supplement of goggle any wall kind. Never deviate getting rid as early of from both the directions busting essentially the label; on it might be important being avoid exceeding that the recommended dosage. When focusing at building muscle, eliminate alcohol along and from one of this life. A boost qingdao beer hereof along with there, that is or a little part of your white wine should be okay, but to alcohol should never likely be drank under the excess. Besides oneself was working to build muscles it from being is in fact unfortunately we not all have been provided really a smart idea being intake alcohol. If you're beginning muscle development, perfect even the and Mira prior in direction of powering it. While the a person grow in strength one of the weight tend to increase; however, these founded tends to work as increased as new later, if you will be worked for by it that are not corrected in Linton the beginning. Here only means also you range from powering failing your next looming injuries, which are home-made all the opposite result you personally really want through to achieve. Your door needs an all fine supply inside protein about order so that you can increase its body muscle mass. Prior in to doing the human workout, for you to provide save grams of wedding whey protein. Here extra protein enables your next muscles not uncertain to recover swell increase using group without using that muscle protein. Do orwhy not are on stefroids! He or she is likely to inhibit your own personal body's production of the essential hormones, causing serious damage. Other negative effects of the steroids include liver organ damage, high cholesterol and then the web development of apple breast tissue in that are men. They out us are increase acne and cause roid rage which can certainly add back again to dangerous psychopathic behaviour. Is currently all the over about this think worth enduring while in exchange to find best modest increase to perhaps the speed of a that is good muscular development? After reading this guide, oneself 'm about to figure flying that people muscle building but looking good is Tanya inefficient energy demanding not in although as you'll thought the and it apart was. Yourself is likely to surely urge back once again to pour however in when it comes to work, now from your guide understanding connected with all the current topic, you initially also provide everything your self require to be able to start building muscle today.
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sarahhenrez018-blog · 6 years
You should lose your weight after 50
Whether you’ve battled the bulge for what seems like forever — or just since your last birthday — it’s true that age can have a lot to do with the number on the scale.  As with crow’s-feet and varicose veins, you’re simply more susceptible to gaining weight once you hit the big 5-0. And it’s not your imagination: It also becomes increasingly more challenging to shed those pounds once they’ve settled around your hips.
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“The two big reasons people tend to gain weight as they get older are loss of muscle mass and decreased activity,” explains Caroline Apovian, M.D., a weight-loss specialist at Boston University Medical Center. People experience a 5 to 10 percent loss of muscle mass each decade after age 50, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. As a result, your resting metabolic rate declines by an average of 2 to 3 percent every decade.
And this means you can be eating the exact same amount that you did at 40 — not a morsel more — and still gain weight.
Becoming more sedentary with age can also skew the equation, especially if you begin to develop arthritis or other joint issues that restrict activity. “As we get older, we spend less time running around and physical activity decreases,” Apovian points out. “But as you get older, if you don’t use your muscles, you’ll lose them.”
And while these facts are sobering, there’s plenty you can do to take control. “You’re not doomed to failure! I’m 60, and I have more muscle on my body than I did when I was 30,” Apovian says with pride. It's true that few of us may have the time or energy to follow Apovian’s grueling workout schedule (she rises at 5 a.m. most days to either swim for an hour or run six miles on her treadmill), but we can follow her advice, as well as that of other leading obesity specialists, on how to fit into our jeans once we enter our sixth decade and beyond.
Best Shampoo and Conditioner for Hair Over 50 http://www.weightlossforover50.com/best-shampoo-and-conditioner-for-hair-over-50/
Pile on the protein
“Protein supplementation can help build back muscle mass, which reverses the decline in metabolism,” explains Apovian. She recommends making sure that between 30 and 40 percent of your daily calories come from protein, depending on your body weight. (Imagine a lean piece of meat or fish taking up one third of your plate, and you get the idea.) By contrast, the average American gets about 16 percent of his or her food intake from protein, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
You’ll also build more muscle if you spread your protein intake out evenly throughout the day. A 2017 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming an equal amount of protein at all three meals is linked to more muscle strength in people over age 67. To even out your intake, try adding an egg or yogurt to your breakfast, a glass of milk or a handful of nuts to your lunch, and scaling back on your protein source at dinner.
Join the resistance
While any sort of exercise can help you shed girth, it’s very important that you lift weights at least twice a week to build muscle mass, which will help you lose weight. In one study, 60-something overweight adults who pumped iron lost more weight and lost less muscle mass over 18 months than those who just hoofed it for exercise. “Any sort of opportunity to build muscle — even if it’s just working with light resistance bands or swimming in a pool — will raise your metabolism and, thus, help you burn calories,” explains Reshmi Srinath, M.D., an endocrinologist and obesity specialist at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.
And keep in mind that you don’t have to do much to see results. People who lifted weights just twice a week gained about three pounds of muscle after 10 weeks, according to a review published in Current Sports Medicine Reports.
Beyond strength training, if you can take your overall exercise program up a notch, do so. Older adults who did high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which entails short spurts of high-intensity exercise, not only lost weight but also had less DNA damage to muscle cells. And this helped trigger growth of new muscle.
Get enough shut-eye
“Research has consistently shown that people who are overweight or obese get less sleep than those of normal weight,” stresses Apovian. “When you’re sleep deprived, your body ramps up its production of hormones that increase hunger, like the stress hormone cortisol and the appetite stimulating hormone ghrelin.” Older men (over age 67) who get less than five hours of sleep a night are almost four times as likely to be obese as those who get between seven and eight, and older women are more than twice as likely, according to a Case Western Reserve University study.
It’s also a good idea to keep your sleep schedule consistent, meaning you get up and go to bed at roughly the same time every day. Older men and women who don’t follow this healthy habit add another risk factor for being obese into the mix, according to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity.
Try occasional fasting
We’re not talking juice cleanses. Rather, research now shows that a specific type of intermittent fasting, known as fasting-mimicking, can trigger weight loss as well as improve your overall health. People who followed this type of diet plan — where they consumed only 750 to 1,000 calories five days out of each month but otherwise ate normally — lost, on average, six pounds, shed one to two inches of their waistline, and saw both their blood pressure and levels of IGF-1 (a substance linked to increased cancer risk) drop significantly, according to a University of Southern California study published last year.
How might it work? “When you gain weight, the nerves in your hypothalamus that conduct signals from your fat cells to the rest of your brain become damaged,” says Louis Aronne, M.D., director of the Center for Weight Management and Metabolic Clinical Research at Weill Cornell Medical College. “As a result, your brain doesn’t realize that you’re full, so it keeps signaling you to eat.”
But when you take a day to not eat very much, he says, “you’re reducing stress on your hypothalamic nerves, so it gives them time to recuperate.” That day of rest for your nerves could be especially important for older people, he says, because of the damage that oxidative stress can further do to your weight-regulating system. As for how to start, “I tell patients who want to try it to eat only about 800 calories twice a week, focusing mainly on vegetables, protein and healthy oils such as olive oil,” he says.
To help yourself feel fuller longer on days you’re not fasting, Aronne recommends following a low-carb diet in which about 30 percent of your calories come from protein and the rest from nonstarchy veggies, nuts and beans. Craving bread? “I tell patients that the best time to eat these types of starchy carbohydrates is at the very end of the meal, after they’ve had their veggies and protein,” he says. Aronne’s research shows that people who eat this way not only have lower levels of blood sugar and insulin after eating but also have bigger boosts in hormones like GLP 1, which help keep you feeling fuller for longer.
Finding the Best Exercise For 50 Year Old Woman http://www.weightlossforover50.com/finding-the-best-exercise-for-50-year-old-woman/
Practice mindful eating
If you think your weight gain may have something to do with midlife stress (aging parents, college tuition bills and managerial responsibilities at work, anyone?), this approach may be especially helpful to have in your weight-loss toolbox. “A lot of times eating, especially mindless eating, can be stress related, and meditation techniques can be helpful in terms of both alleviating anxiety and making you more conscious of how much you’re consuming,” explains Apovian.
People who practice this technique — which involves paying attention to how hungry or full you feel, planning meals and snacks, eating as a singular activity (without, say, also reading the paper or watching TV), and zeroing in on how your food really tastes — may be more successful at weight loss. People who participated in an online mindfulness-based weight-loss program, for instance, lost more weight (on average, about 4.2 pounds) than a control group, according to a North Carolina State University study presented last year at the European Congress on Obesity.
Need some tips to get you started? Eat slowly (put your fork down between bites, and chew your food well), try to have meals without any outside distractions, and follow the one-bite rule when it comes to favorite but fattening foods like desserts. You can find more suggestions here.
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
8 things you never knew about hospital food
SINGAPORE: Every day, some 4,000 meals are churned out from a central kitchen in Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) for its patients, prepared by a team of more than 100 staff.
Located in the basement, this kitchen rustles up a variety of Chinese, Malay/Indian and Western cuisines. But it does not end there – the staff have to offer 40 different types of diet, including low-fat, low-purine and gluten-free.
The kitchen, about the size of three basketball courts, was bustling with activity when CNA Insider was there one morning. Machinery hummed in the background, and robots parked in one area bleeped, waiting to be activated to deliver the food.
The cooks were chopping vegetables, sautéing chicken and barking instructions to one another while plating the dishes, all as the smell of freshly baked banana bread wafted from the pastry corner.
The plating section.
Senior production chef Tay Kok Beng is in charge of this crew and oversees the patients’ meals and those for the staff, including doctors.
Often, he is the subject of the most brickbats, not only from patients complaining that the food is bland and unappetising, but also from colleagues in other departments – from dietitians to nurses – who have a big say in the menu.
“We have to work with dietitians and speech therapists because there’s a restricted diet we need to follow,” he explained, admitting that it is a challenge to balance taste and nutrition.
Here is what you would want to know about hospital food.
Mr Tay works in consultation with his colleagues to plan the menu, and it typically takes up to two years to come up with one.
Not only must they cater for many patients, with a multitude of different conditions and dietary requirements, they are also limited by the number of choices they can provide – it is impossible to personalise every meal.
But to offer enough variety, dishes on the menu are not repeated within a 14-day period. So only patients staying longer would eat the same dish again.
Mr Tay’s colleagues also have different concerns, as the menu must meet the nutritional needs of every group of patients – vegetarians, those requiring a higher caloric intake, and kidney patients to name a few – explained speech therapist Karen Chien.
So, for instance, a protein dish like chicken must be able to cater for medical conditions ranging from high cholesterol to diabetes. “There’s no one meal that can accommodate all our patients because (they) are so varied,” said Ms Chien.
Typically, hospital food is categorised into four textures: Regular (for the majority of patients), easy chew, soft-moist and blended.
The four textures (clockwise from top left): Regular, easy chew, blended and soft-moist.
For example, the blended diet caters for those with a swallowing problem or whose throat or tongue muscles are weak. Dietetic technician Jocelyn Huang described it as having the consistency of “very smooth puree, like baby food”.
For the easy-chew diet, the test is that one must be able to crush the food with a fork easily, and the item cannot be more than 1.5 cm2 in size.
The speech therapists and dietitians pay attention to the food textures, particularly the blended diet, because of the risk of choking.
An example of four vegetarian textures.
The blended food must be lump-free. It cannot be too watery nor too sticky, as the food could get into a patient’s airway and end up in the lungs, which can cause a chest infection.
“That can be life-threatening for our patients, so what we’re trying to achieve is that the patients are safe with the food that we serve,” said Ms Huang.
Ensuring that the consistency and textures of the food comply with international standards, and that it is appropriate and safe to consume, is one of the roles of her colleague Ms Chien.
The meals are audited daily, to ensure the suitability of not only the textures but also the taste.
Dietetic technician Jocelyn Huang testing every dish before it can be plated and served to patients.
“Sometimes (the kitchen) might add too much salt. That isn’t suitable for patients on therapeutic diets,” said Ms Huang. “So I’d ask them to … rectify the issue before they start serving the patients.”
In checking all three meals, she makes sure that the food presentation is appealing too.
There is also a monthly audit of the textures, taste and presentation, among other things, done by a team comprising Ms Huang, Ms Chien, principal dietitian Wong Siew Li, senior nurse manager Hasfizah Mohd Hanef and sous chef Goh Kim Hock.
“We have … to make sure that everything is consistent,” said Ms Wong.
There’s space for calibration between the speech therapist and diet technician. And also as a team we (have to) agree whether the taste is getting stronger and stronger or blander and blander throughout the year.
The monthly audit team.
Mr Tay used to work in a hotel, where he called the shots in the kitchen. Not so now. And his chefs are often restricted in the ways they may enhance the flavour of the food.
For example, the use of spices such as pepper must be approved by the food team first. “Sometimes, you never know, (a herb) might not work with the medicines, so we work very closely with the dietitians,” he said.
“As a chef, I have to be more creative. I need to always brainstorm with (my) staff – not only salt and pepper can (bring out) the flavour.”
Mr Tay Kok Beng, known as Chef Tay to all his TTSH colleagues.
Hospital chefs like him often find themselves at loggerheads with the audit team. “The speech therapists ‘fight’ with the chef quite a bit because we need our food to be very specific,” admitted Ms Chien.
“Sometimes we see some texture inside (the food) that isn’t what we require … But sometimes the chefs are also faced with challenges that are beyond their control.”
Ultimately, it boils down to the patients’ needs. “Safety is the most important thing,” said Mr Tay. “And we want the patients to feel that they’re eating healthily.”
If there are patients who dislike the food, Mr Tay or one of his assistants would go to the ward to get their feedback.
No complaints from this patient.
“I can’t say, ‘No, not my problem.’ With the feedback we get, at least we’d know exactly what the patients want,” he said.
To address any complaints going forward about bland food, TTSH will be using a salt meter to test the salt content of meals objectively, highlighted Ms Wong. But she acknowledged:
When they’re unwell, usually their taste buds are a bit affected. And even if we agree that (a meal) tastes flavourful … we might still get feedback from them that it’s bland.
An initiative the kitchen has already taken, especially for malnourished patients who find the food bland and struggle to finish meals, was to replace the vegetables with a high-calorie dessert, like Bubur Pulut Hitam.
“It’s tasty, it meets the safety requirements and, at the same time, it helps to boost our patients’ nourishment,” Ms Chien said of the glutinous rice dessert.
The hospital kitchen does birthday cakes too.
The kitchen has a number of elderly staff – the oldest is a 75-year-old cook – who assist in duties such as preparing the ingredients.
In the past, some of them had to wash the rice – up to 270 kilogrammes a day – and vegetables by hand, which was bad for their backs, tiring and wasted a lot of water.
Mr Tay found a rice cooker from Japan that would wash the rice and could be programmed to even cook chicken rice. He also bought a vegetable washer, which his staff admit cleans better than them.
The machine measures the water and rice by itself. When Mr Tay first bought it, his staff said they didn’t need it.
“In those days, you had to wash vegetables like clothes because some of the vegetables had worms and snails. So these are quite powerful (machines with) the pressure to get rid of (even) stones,” said Mr Tay. “All are happy.”
Some of the kitchen’s newest recruits are a team of 15 robots, known as automatic guided vehicles, which deliver the food to the wards for the nurses to serve to the patients.
The automated guided vehicle.
Each robot can lift about 15 trays of food. They have designated areas and paths to follow. They even have their own lifts. And if you are in its way, it would ask you, nicely, to move aside.
Apart from freeing up manpower in the kitchen, the robots take on other roles such as delivering linen, once they are done with their food rounds, which include bringing back the dirty dishes.
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The post 8 things you never knew about hospital food appeared first on Today News Stories.
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joelandryus · 7 years
Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You
During your workout you saw a fellow gym-goer for the first time in several weeks. You hear her telling another member about her recent weight loss. “I swear, the ketogenic diet is the best thing ever. I dropped 10 pounds in four weeks,” she raved.
The next day in the break room, one of your co-workers is incessantly chatting about the meal plan she’s been following for a few weeks, because she’s already lost five pounds.
Intrigued and curious, you try these diets too. But, when you try them, they just don’t seem to produce the same holy crap I’ve found “the one” experiences as the women who sing their praises.
WTF, right? Why didn’t that diet work for you when other women seemed to achieve fast results?
Before we answer that question, here’s an important fact: there is no “perfect” or “magical” diet. Never has been, and never will be. Any diet can produce weight loss as long as you’re in a caloric deficit. Yes, this applies to Paleo, ketogenic, low-fat, vegan, and other diet you can think of. Some people may “go Paleo” and rave about how much fat they’ve lost, but it’s not the “Paleo” part that produced the weight loss. It’s because they were in a caloric deficit, which is most likely due to the fact that the Paleo diet eliminates grains and dairy, so that cuts out a lot of palatable foods that are easy to overeat (e.g., desserts like ice cream, cakes and cookies).
To use one more common example, it’s why some people lose weight quickly when they do a “sugar detox.” Not because they stopped eating sugar, but because they stopped eating calorie-dense, hyper-palatable foods that were also high in fat: desserts, snack cakes, doughnuts, and other heavily processed foods. By not eating those foods, they decreased the number of calories they consumed. The caloric deficit led to weight loss.
Image created by Fast Forward Amy.
It’s not magic. It’s math.
This also explains why someone can “go Paleo” (or any other diet) and not lose weight, because they were not in a caloric deficit. While they eliminated certain foods and food groups, they ate more of other things. (It’s easy to eat more than you realize with high-fat foods like nut butters and coconut oil, and it’s one reason why people who eat healthy can’t seem to lose weight.)
The “I tried this diet and lost weight so that’s indisputable proof that it’s the ultimate style of eating” rhetoric is what causes people to define themselves by a way of eating, and to develop a religion-like relationship with food. No longer is the way they eat something that simplifies and enhances their life — it consumes their personality. They’ve seen the “supreme style of eating” light and are anxious to share the good news with everyone who crosses their path about healthy carbs and acceptable fats and sinful processed evils that will lead to their ultimate demise.
You too can be saved if you bow to the one true nutrition god and forsake all others. Resist, and ye shall burn in a fiery, gluten filled hell and choke on the smoke from smoldering carby-goodness. In the name of clean eating, amen.
This is Why That Diet Didn’t Work
The four Ps explain why that diet didn’t work. One diet or style of eating will not work for everyone because we all have a different past, and we have different personalities, perceptions, and preferences.
We all have different pasts. What you’ve experienced influences you. It’s why someone who grew up in a home where things were constantly changing (divorce, having to move frequently) may be an adult with control issues. Because she didn’t have any control over much of what happened in her childhood, she wants to control everything now.
Similarly, your past experiences with food will affect how you view food now. Using myself as an example, my years of battling obsessive and binge eating habits is why I can’t follow meal plans or count calories without dire consequences. If I had to track and eat 1800 calories a day, within one week I’d likely dive head first back into binge eating and other restrictive eating habits. My past experiences with rigid diets make counting calories an option that is not viable for me.
Someone who has never obsessed over food and doesn’t know what it’s like to have food dominate their lives may have a very different experience. In fact, tracking calories may help them reach their goals without any negative consequences. Whereas it would stress me out and lead to binge eating, it could simplify the process and help them easily stay on track. Past experiences matter when it comes to present actions.
We all have different personalities. Some people can effortlessly make healthy food choices, even when they’re ravenous and short on time. Someone else may opt for whatever sounds best and is most convenient, which is usually something heavily processed and calorie-dense. Someone can live in a home filled with cookies, ice cream, and other tasty goodies without constantly being tempted to eat them. Someone else may be more likely to eat all those things because they’re around.
Someone may prefer to organize and prepare meals for the entire week to make it easy to stay on track. Someone else may loathe the idea of eating out of tupperware containers.
When it comes to why we eat what we eat, our personalities play a crucial role. You need to understand your personality, and then work with it, not against it.
We all have different perceptions. Some people respond emotionally to less than ideal food choices. Whereas one woman may be plagued with guilt from eating a sleeve of cookies and will vow to punish herself with an extra workout, another woman may simply be able to shrug it off and move forward with healthy food choices.
One woman may see the number on the bathroom scale as objective data, but for another woman it may have the ability to make or break her entire day, and self-esteem.
Two people can perceive the same event entirely differently.
We all have different preferences. What if you like carbs? Nay. You don’t merely like them — they’re some of the very foods that make life worth living. Like a freshly baked loaf of Challah bread, or homemade mashed potatoes. If you’re like me and love carb-rich foods, then attempting a ketogenic diet for weight loss would be an excruciating endeavor.
Maybe you like beets and enjoy adding them to a salad; maybe I’d rather gnaw on the sole of my tennis shoe then pop one of those dirt-tasting red balls of misery in my mouth.
The point is, not everyone likes the same foods; not everyone feels best eating the same foods or combination of macronutrients (some people prefer to eat a higher-carb diet, others a lower-carb). Not everyone likes to eat three meals per day — some prefer two big meals, some prefer five small meals.
And this is why that diet didn’t work for you.
It likely didn’t meld with your personality or perception, or it agitated an old wound from past experiences. Or, perhaps, it simply didn’t suit your preferences.
Or, and this is a distinct possibility — it was a crazy ass diet with rigid rules that was impractical and unsustainable and reeked of bullshit claims about its superiority to all other styles of eating, or it was based on sensationalized or fear-based marketing.
How to Create a Diet That Works for You
I use the word “diet” because it’s a term people are familiar with, but it simply means a style of eating.
Rather than a traditional diet or meal plan or some other restrictive eating regimen, embrace flexible guidelines. Specifically, guidelines that can be tailored to your past, personality, perception, and most definitely, your preferences.
Regardless of what slant your eating habits have — the number of meals you prefer to eat each day, foods you love and dislike — here’s what science has proven to work for losing weight (or maintaining a healthy weight) and building muscle.
Eat a variety of mostly real, minimally processed foods. This is a good way to get plenty of satisfying, nutrient-dense foods that can not only help you build a better looking body, but a healthier body, too. And let’s face it — that’s something most people put at the bottom of the priority list. This means choosing a baked potato over french fries from the drive-thru. Or a grilled chicken boob over fried nuggets.
And, no, there are no “off limit” foods or food groups. (The obvious exception: you have an allergy or medical condition and have been instructed to avoid certain foods from your doctor.) There is no single food group or macronutrient solely responsible for weight gain or fat loss.
Include a good source of protein in all meals. I’m assuming you strength train since you’re on this website (or you plan to start strength training). If you’re not, you should be — there are too many amazing benefits from this doesn’t-demand-much-time activity.
Not only does eating a good source of protein with all meals help you feel satisfied, but it also spares muscle loss when you’re eating in a caloric deficit.
Work in all other foods occasionally, and in moderate amounts. “All other foods” are things that don’t fall into the “real, minimally processed” category, or things simply considered “not super healthy foods.” Foods like pizza, fried chicken, ice cream, or whatever the heck you love that’s calorie-dense and not the healthiest option but tastes dang good.
One eating method will not work for everyone, and this is why your friend or co-worker may achieve great results from a diet, but you don’t. The solution is clear: you must be your own guru. You must find what will work for you.
Consider your past experiences, and your personality, perceptions, and preferences. Then create sustainable habits that form a lifestyle.
The post Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You appeared first on Nia Shanks.
from Sarah Luke Fitness Updates http://www.niashanks.com/why-that-diet-didnt-work/
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juliehbutler · 7 years
Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You
During your workout you saw a fellow gym-goer for the first time in several weeks. You hear her telling another member about her recent weight loss. “I swear, the ketogenic diet is the best thing ever. I dropped 10 pounds in four weeks,” she raved.
The next day in the break room, one of your co-workers is incessantly chatting about the meal plan she’s been following for a few weeks, because she’s already lost five pounds.
Intrigued and curious, you try these diets too. But, when you try them, they just don’t seem to produce the same holy crap I’ve found “the one” experiences as the women who sing their praises.
WTF, right? Why didn’t that diet work for you when other women seemed to achieve fast results?
Before we answer that question, here’s an important fact: there is no “perfect” or “magical” diet. Never has been, and never will be. Any diet can produce weight loss as long as you’re in a caloric deficit. Yes, this applies to Paleo, ketogenic, low-fat, vegan, and other diet you can think of. Some people may “go Paleo” and rave about how much fat they’ve lost, but it’s not the “Paleo” part that produced the weight loss. It’s because they were in a caloric deficit, which is most likely due to the fact that the Paleo diet eliminates grains and dairy, so that cuts out a lot of palatable foods that are easy to overeat (e.g., desserts like ice cream, cakes and cookies).
To use one more common example, it’s why some people lose weight quickly when they do a “sugar detox.” Not because they stopped eating sugar, but because they stopped eating calorie-dense, hyper-palatable foods that were also high in fat: desserts, snack cakes, doughnuts, and other heavily processed foods. By not eating those foods, they decreased the number of calories they consumed. The caloric deficit led to weight loss.
Image created by Fast Forward Amy.
It’s not magic. It’s math.
This also explains why someone can “go Paleo” (or any other diet) and not lose weight, because they were not in a caloric deficit. While they eliminated certain foods and food groups, they ate more of other things. (It’s easy to eat more than you realize with high-fat foods like nut butters and coconut oil, and it’s one reason why people who eat healthy can’t seem to lose weight.)
The “I tried this diet and lost weight so that’s indisputable proof that it’s the ultimate style of eating” rhetoric is what causes people to define themselves by a way of eating, and to develop a religion-like relationship with food. No longer is the way they eat something that simplifies and enhances their life — it consumes their personality. They’ve seen the “supreme style of eating” light and are anxious to share the good news with everyone who crosses their path about healthy carbs and acceptable fats and sinful processed evils that will lead to their ultimate demise.
You too can be saved if you bow to the one true nutrition god and forsake all others. Resist, and ye shall burn in a fiery, gluten filled hell and choke on the smoke from smoldering carby-goodness. In the name of clean eating, amen.
This is Why That Diet Didn’t Work
The four Ps explain why that diet didn’t work. One diet or style of eating will not work for everyone because we all have a different past, and we have different personalities, perceptions, and preferences.
We all have different pasts. What you’ve experienced influences you. It’s why someone who grew up in a home where things were constantly changing (divorce, having to move frequently) may be an adult with control issues. Because she didn’t have any control over much of what happened in her childhood, she wants to control everything now.
Similarly, your past experiences with food will affect how you view food now. Using myself as an example, my years of battling obsessive and binge eating habits is why I can’t follow meal plans or count calories without dire consequences. If I had to track and eat 1800 calories a day, within one week I’d likely dive head first back into binge eating and other restrictive eating habits. My past experiences with rigid diets make counting calories an option that is not viable for me.
Someone who has never obsessed over food and doesn’t know what it’s like to have food dominate their lives may have a very different experience. In fact, tracking calories may help them reach their goals without any negative consequences. Whereas it would stress me out and lead to binge eating, it could simplify the process and help them easily stay on track. Past experiences matter when it comes to present actions.
We all have different personalities. Some people can effortlessly make healthy food choices, even when they’re ravenous and short on time. Someone else may opt for whatever sounds best and is most convenient, which is usually something heavily processed and calorie-dense. Someone can live in a home filled with cookies, ice cream, and other tasty goodies without constantly being tempted to eat them. Someone else may be more likely to eat all those things because they’re around.
Someone may prefer to organize and prepare meals for the entire week to make it easy to stay on track. Someone else may loathe the idea of eating out of tupperware containers.
When it comes to why we eat what we eat, our personalities play a crucial role. You need to understand your personality, and then work with it, not against it.
We all have different perceptions. Some people respond emotionally to less than ideal food choices. Whereas one woman may be plagued with guilt from eating a sleeve of cookies and will vow to punish herself with an extra workout, another woman may simply be able to shrug it off and move forward with healthy food choices.
One woman may see the number on the bathroom scale as objective data, but for another woman it may have the ability to make or break her entire day, and self-esteem.
Two people can perceive the same event entirely differently.
We all have different preferences. What if you like carbs? Nay. You don’t merely like them — they’re some of the very foods that make life worth living. Like a freshly baked loaf of Challah bread, or homemade mashed potatoes. If you’re like me and love carb-rich foods, then attempting a ketogenic diet for weight loss would be an excruciating endeavor.
Maybe you like beets and enjoy adding them to a salad; maybe I’d rather gnaw on the sole of my tennis shoe then pop one of those dirt-tasting red balls of misery in my mouth.
The point is, not everyone likes the same foods; not everyone feels best eating the same foods or combination of macronutrients (some people prefer to eat a higher-carb diet, others a lower-carb). Not everyone likes to eat three meals per day — some prefer two big meals, some prefer five small meals.
And this is why that diet didn’t work for you.
It likely didn’t meld with your personality or perception, or it agitated an old wound from past experiences. Or, perhaps, it simply didn’t suit your preferences.
Or, and this is a distinct possibility — it was a crazy ass diet with rigid rules that was impractical and unsustainable and reeked of bullshit claims about its superiority to all other styles of eating, or it was based on sensationalized or fear-based marketing.
How to Create a Diet That Works for You
I use the word “diet” because it’s a term people are familiar with, but it simply means a style of eating.
Rather than a traditional diet or meal plan or some other restrictive eating regimen, embrace flexible guidelines. Specifically, guidelines that can be tailored to your past, personality, perception, and most definitely, your preferences.
Regardless of what slant your eating habits have — the number of meals you prefer to eat each day, foods you love and dislike — here’s what science has proven to work for losing weight (or maintaining a healthy weight) and building muscle.
Eat a variety of mostly real, minimally processed foods. This is a good way to get plenty of satisfying, nutrient-dense foods that can not only help you build a better looking body, but a healthier body, too. And let’s face it — that’s something most people put at the bottom of the priority list. This means choosing a baked potato over french fries from the drive-thru. Or a grilled chicken boob over fried nuggets.
And, no, there are no “off limit” foods or food groups. (The obvious exception: you have an allergy or medical condition and have been instructed to avoid certain foods from your doctor.) There is no single food group or macronutrient solely responsible for weight gain or fat loss.
Include a good source of protein in all meals. I’m assuming you strength train since you’re on this website (or you plan to start strength training). If you’re not, you should be — there are too many amazing benefits from this doesn’t-demand-much-time activity.
Not only does eating a good source of protein with all meals help you feel satisfied, but it also spares muscle loss when you’re eating in a caloric deficit.
Work in all other foods occasionally, and in moderate amounts. “All other foods” are things that don’t fall into the “real, minimally processed” category, or things simply considered “not super healthy foods.” Foods like pizza, fried chicken, ice cream, or whatever the heck you love that’s calorie-dense and not the healthiest option but tastes dang good.
One eating method will not work for everyone, and this is why your friend or co-worker may achieve great results from a diet, but you don’t. The solution is clear: you must be your own guru. You must find what will work for you.
Consider your past experiences, and your personality, perceptions, and preferences. Then create sustainable habits that form a lifestyle.
The post Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You appeared first on Nia Shanks.
from Healthy Living http://www.niashanks.com/why-that-diet-didnt-work/
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evajrobinsontx · 7 years
Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You
During your workout you saw a fellow gym-goer for the first time in several weeks. You hear her telling another member about her recent weight loss. “I swear, the ketogenic diet is the best thing ever. I dropped 10 pounds in four weeks,” she raved.
The next day in the break room, one of your co-workers is incessantly chatting about the meal plan she’s been following for a few weeks, because she’s already lost five pounds.
Intrigued and curious, you try these diets too. But, when you try them, they just don’t seem to produce the same holy crap I’ve found “the one” experiences as the women who sing their praises.
WTF, right? Why didn’t that diet work for you when other women seemed to achieve fast results?
Before we answer that question, here’s an important fact: there is no “perfect” or “magical” diet. Never has been, and never will be. Any diet can produce weight loss as long as you’re in a caloric deficit. Yes, this applies to Paleo, ketogenic, low-fat, vegan, and other diet you can think of. Some people may “go Paleo” and rave about how much fat they’ve lost, but it’s not the “Paleo” part that produced the weight loss. It’s because they were in a caloric deficit, which is most likely due to the fact that the Paleo diet eliminates grains and dairy, so that cuts out a lot of palatable foods that are easy to overeat (e.g., desserts like ice cream, cakes and cookies).
To use one more common example, it’s why some people lose weight quickly when they do a “sugar detox.” Not because they stopped eating sugar, but because they stopped eating calorie-dense, hyper-palatable foods that were also high in fat: desserts, snack cakes, doughnuts, and other heavily processed foods. By not eating those foods, they decreased the number of calories they consumed. The caloric deficit led to weight loss.
Image created by Fast Forward Amy.
It’s not magic. It’s math.
This also explains why someone can “go Paleo” (or any other diet) and not lose weight, because they were not in a caloric deficit. While they eliminated certain foods and food groups, they ate more of other things. (It’s easy to eat more than you realize with high-fat foods like nut butters and coconut oil, and it’s one reason why people who eat healthy can’t seem to lose weight.)
The “I tried this diet and lost weight so that’s indisputable proof that it’s the ultimate style of eating” rhetoric is what causes people to define themselves by a way of eating, and to develop a religion-like relationship with food. No longer is the way they eat something that simplifies and enhances their life — it consumes their personality. They’ve seen the “supreme style of eating” light and are anxious to share the good news with everyone who crosses their path about healthy carbs and acceptable fats and sinful processed evils that will lead to their ultimate demise.
You too can be saved if you bow to the one true nutrition god and forsake all others. Resist, and ye shall burn in a fiery, gluten filled hell and choke on the smoke from smoldering carby-goodness. In the name of clean eating, amen.
This is Why That Diet Didn’t Work
The four Ps explain why that diet didn’t work. One diet or style of eating will not work for everyone because we all have a different past, and we have different personalities, perceptions, and preferences.
We all have different pasts. What you’ve experienced influences you. It’s why someone who grew up in a home where things were constantly changing (divorce, having to move frequently) may be an adult with control issues. Because she didn’t have any control over much of what happened in her childhood, she wants to control everything now.
Similarly, your past experiences with food will affect how you view food now. Using myself as an example, my years of battling obsessive and binge eating habits is why I can’t follow meal plans or count calories without dire consequences. If I had to track and eat 1800 calories a day, within one week I’d likely dive head first back into binge eating and other restrictive eating habits. My past experiences with rigid diets make counting calories an option that is not viable for me.
Someone who has never obsessed over food and doesn’t know what it’s like to have food dominate their lives may have a very different experience. In fact, tracking calories may help them reach their goals without any negative consequences. Whereas it would stress me out and lead to binge eating, it could simplify the process and help them easily stay on track. Past experiences matter when it comes to present actions.
We all have different personalities. Some people can effortlessly make healthy food choices, even when they’re ravenous and short on time. Someone else may opt for whatever sounds best and is most convenient, which is usually something heavily processed and calorie-dense. Someone can live in a home filled with cookies, ice cream, and other tasty goodies without constantly being tempted to eat them. Someone else may be more likely to eat all those things because they’re around.
Someone may prefer to organize and prepare meals for the entire week to make it easy to stay on track. Someone else may loathe the idea of eating out of tupperware containers.
When it comes to why we eat what we eat, our personalities play a crucial role. You need to understand your personality, and then work with it, not against it.
We all have different perceptions. Some people respond emotionally to less than ideal food choices. Whereas one woman may be plagued with guilt from eating a sleeve of cookies and will vow to punish herself with an extra workout, another woman may simply be able to shrug it off and move forward with healthy food choices.
One woman may see the number on the bathroom scale as objective data, but for another woman it may have the ability to make or break her entire day, and self-esteem.
Two people can perceive the same event entirely differently.
We all have different preferences. What if you like carbs? Nay. You don’t merely like them — they’re some of the very foods that make life worth living. Like a freshly baked loaf of Challah bread, or homemade mashed potatoes. If you’re like me and love carb-rich foods, then attempting a ketogenic diet for weight loss would be an excruciating endeavor.
Maybe you like beets and enjoy adding them to a salad; maybe I’d rather gnaw on the sole of my tennis shoe then pop one of those dirt-tasting red balls of misery in my mouth.
The point is, not everyone likes the same foods; not everyone feels best eating the same foods or combination of macronutrients (some people prefer to eat a higher-carb diet, others a lower-carb). Not everyone likes to eat three meals per day — some prefer two big meals, some prefer five small meals.
And this is why that diet didn’t work for you.
It likely didn’t meld with your personality or perception, or it agitated an old wound from past experiences. Or, perhaps, it simply didn’t suit your preferences.
Or, and this is a distinct possibility — it was a crazy ass diet with rigid rules that was impractical and unsustainable and reeked of bullshit claims about its superiority to all other styles of eating, or it was based on sensationalized or fear-based marketing.
How to Create a Diet That Works for You
I use the word “diet” because it’s a term people are familiar with, but it simply means a style of eating.
Rather than a traditional diet or meal plan or some other restrictive eating regimen, embrace flexible guidelines. Specifically, guidelines that can be tailored to your past, personality, perception, and most definitely, your preferences.
Regardless of what slant your eating habits have — the number of meals you prefer to eat each day, foods you love and dislike — here’s what science has proven to work for losing weight (or maintaining a healthy weight) and building muscle.
Eat a variety of mostly real, minimally processed foods. This is a good way to get plenty of satisfying, nutrient-dense foods that can not only help you build a better looking body, but a healthier body, too. And let’s face it — that’s something most people put at the bottom of the priority list. This means choosing a baked potato over french fries from the drive-thru. Or a grilled chicken boob over fried nuggets.
And, no, there are no “off limit” foods or food groups. (The obvious exception: you have an allergy or medical condition and have been instructed to avoid certain foods from your doctor.) There is no single food group or macronutrient solely responsible for weight gain or fat loss.
Include a good source of protein in all meals. I’m assuming you strength train since you’re on this website (or you plan to start strength training). If you’re not, you should be — there are too many amazing benefits from this doesn’t-demand-much-time activity.
Not only does eating a good source of protein with all meals help you feel satisfied, but it also spares muscle loss when you’re eating in a caloric deficit.
Work in all other foods occasionally, and in moderate amounts. “All other foods” are things that don’t fall into the “real, minimally processed” category, or things simply considered “not super healthy foods.” Foods like pizza, fried chicken, ice cream, or whatever the heck you love that’s calorie-dense and not the healthiest option but tastes dang good.
One eating method will not work for everyone, and this is why your friend or co-worker may achieve great results from a diet, but you don’t. The solution is clear: you must be your own guru. You must find what will work for you.
Consider your past experiences, and your personality, perceptions, and preferences. Then create sustainable habits that form a lifestyle.
The post Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You appeared first on Nia Shanks.
from Sarah Luke Fitness Updates http://www.niashanks.com/why-that-diet-didnt-work/
0 notes
sarahzlukeuk · 7 years
Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You
During your workout you saw a fellow gym-goer for the first time in several weeks. You hear her telling another member about her recent weight loss. “I swear, the ketogenic diet is the best thing ever. I dropped 10 pounds in four weeks,” she raved.
The next day in the break room, one of your co-workers is incessantly chatting about the meal plan she’s been following for a few weeks, because she’s already lost five pounds.
Intrigued and curious, you try these diets too. But, when you try them, they just don’t seem to produce the same holy crap I’ve found “the one” experiences as the women who sing their praises.
WTF, right? Why didn’t that diet work for you when other women seemed to achieve fast results?
Before we answer that question, here’s an important fact: there is no “perfect” or “magical” diet. Never has been, and never will be. Any diet can produce weight loss as long as you’re in a caloric deficit. Yes, this applies to Paleo, ketogenic, low-fat, vegan, and other diet you can think of. Some people may “go Paleo” and rave about how much fat they’ve lost, but it’s not the “Paleo” part that produced the weight loss. It’s because they were in a caloric deficit, which is most likely due to the fact that the Paleo diet eliminates grains and dairy, so that cuts out a lot of palatable foods that are easy to overeat (e.g., desserts like ice cream, cakes and cookies).
To use one more common example, it’s why some people lose weight quickly when they do a “sugar detox.” Not because they stopped eating sugar, but because they stopped eating calorie-dense, hyper-palatable foods that were also high in fat: desserts, snack cakes, doughnuts, and other heavily processed foods. By not eating those foods, they decreased the number of calories they consumed. The caloric deficit led to weight loss.
Image created by Fast Forward Amy.
It’s not magic. It’s math.
This also explains why someone can “go Paleo” (or any other diet) and not lose weight, because they were not in a caloric deficit. While they eliminated certain foods and food groups, they ate more of other things. (It’s easy to eat more than you realize with high-fat foods like nut butters and coconut oil, and it’s one reason why people who eat healthy can’t seem to lose weight.)
The “I tried this diet and lost weight so that’s indisputable proof that it’s the ultimate style of eating” rhetoric is what causes people to define themselves by a way of eating, and to develop a religion-like relationship with food. No longer is the way they eat something that simplifies and enhances their life — it consumes their personality. They’ve seen the “supreme style of eating” light and are anxious to share the good news with everyone who crosses their path about healthy carbs and acceptable fats and sinful processed evils that will lead to their ultimate demise.
You too can be saved if you bow to the one true nutrition god and forsake all others. Resist, and ye shall burn in a fiery, gluten filled hell and choke on the smoke from smoldering carby-goodness. In the name of clean eating, amen.
This is Why That Diet Didn’t Work
The four Ps explain why that diet didn’t work. One diet or style of eating will not work for everyone because we all have a different past, and we have different personalities, perceptions, and preferences.
We all have different pasts. What you’ve experienced influences you. It’s why someone who grew up in a home where things were constantly changing (divorce, having to move frequently) may be an adult with control issues. Because she didn’t have any control over much of what happened in her childhood, she wants to control everything now.
Similarly, your past experiences with food will affect how you view food now. Using myself as an example, my years of battling obsessive and binge eating habits is why I can’t follow meal plans or count calories without dire consequences. If I had to track and eat 1800 calories a day, within one week I’d likely dive head first back into binge eating and other restrictive eating habits. My past experiences with rigid diets make counting calories an option that is not viable for me.
Someone who has never obsessed over food and doesn’t know what it’s like to have food dominate their lives may have a very different experience. In fact, tracking calories may help them reach their goals without any negative consequences. Whereas it would stress me out and lead to binge eating, it could simplify the process and help them easily stay on track. Past experiences matter when it comes to present actions.
We all have different personalities. Some people can effortlessly make healthy food choices, even when they’re ravenous and short on time. Someone else may opt for whatever sounds best and is most convenient, which is usually something heavily processed and calorie-dense. Someone can live in a home filled with cookies, ice cream, and other tasty goodies without constantly being tempted to eat them. Someone else may be more likely to eat all those things because they’re around.
Someone may prefer to organize and prepare meals for the entire week to make it easy to stay on track. Someone else may loathe the idea of eating out of tupperware containers.
When it comes to why we eat what we eat, our personalities play a crucial role. You need to understand your personality, and then work with it, not against it.
We all have different perceptions. Some people respond emotionally to less than ideal food choices. Whereas one woman may be plagued with guilt from eating a sleeve of cookies and will vow to punish herself with an extra workout, another woman may simply be able to shrug it off and move forward with healthy food choices.
One woman may see the number on the bathroom scale as objective data, but for another woman it may have the ability to make or break her entire day, and self-esteem.
Two people can perceive the same event entirely differently.
We all have different preferences. What if you like carbs? Nay. You don’t merely like them — they’re some of the very foods that make life worth living. Like a freshly baked loaf of Challah bread, or homemade mashed potatoes. If you’re like me and love carb-rich foods, then attempting a ketogenic diet for weight loss would be an excruciating endeavor.
Maybe you like beets and enjoy adding them to a salad; maybe I’d rather gnaw on the sole of my tennis shoe then pop one of those dirt-tasting red balls of misery in my mouth.
The point is, not everyone likes the same foods; not everyone feels best eating the same foods or combination of macronutrients (some people prefer to eat a higher-carb diet, others a lower-carb). Not everyone likes to eat three meals per day — some prefer two big meals, some prefer five small meals.
And this is why that diet didn’t work for you.
It likely didn’t meld with your personality or perception, or it agitated an old wound from past experiences. Or, perhaps, it simply didn’t suit your preferences.
Or, and this is a distinct possibility — it was a crazy ass diet with rigid rules that was impractical and unsustainable and reeked of bullshit claims about its superiority to all other styles of eating, or it was based on sensationalized or fear-based marketing.
How to Create a Diet That Works for You
I use the word “diet” because it’s a term people are familiar with, but it simply means a style of eating.
Rather than a traditional diet or meal plan or some other restrictive eating regimen, embrace flexible guidelines. Specifically, guidelines that can be tailored to your past, personality, perception, and most definitely, your preferences.
Regardless of what slant your eating habits have — the number of meals you prefer to eat each day, foods you love and dislike — here’s what science has proven to work for losing weight (or maintaining a healthy weight) and building muscle.
Eat a variety of mostly real, minimally processed foods. This is a good way to get plenty of satisfying, nutrient-dense foods that can not only help you build a better looking body, but a healthier body, too. And let’s face it — that’s something most people put at the bottom of the priority list. This means choosing a baked potato over french fries from the drive-thru. Or a grilled chicken boob over fried nuggets.
And, no, there are no “off limit” foods or food groups. (The obvious exception: you have an allergy or medical condition and have been instructed to avoid certain foods from your doctor.) There is no single food group or macronutrient solely responsible for weight gain or fat loss.
Include a good source of protein in all meals. I’m assuming you strength train since you’re on this website (or you plan to start strength training). If you’re not, you should be — there are too many amazing benefits from this doesn’t-demand-much-time activity.
Not only does eating a good source of protein with all meals help you feel satisfied, but it also spares muscle loss when you’re eating in a caloric deficit.
Work in all other foods occasionally, and in moderate amounts. “All other foods” are things that don’t fall into the “real, minimally processed” category, or things simply considered “not super healthy foods.” Foods like pizza, fried chicken, ice cream, or whatever the heck you love that’s calorie-dense and not the healthiest option but tastes dang good.
One eating method will not work for everyone, and this is why your friend or co-worker may achieve great results from a diet, but you don’t. The solution is clear: you must be your own guru. You must find what will work for you.
Consider your past experiences, and your personality, perceptions, and preferences. Then create sustainable habits that form a lifestyle.
The post Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You appeared first on Nia Shanks.
from Sarah Luke Fitness Updates http://www.niashanks.com/why-that-diet-didnt-work/
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crystalgibsus · 7 years
Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You
During your workout you saw a fellow gym-goer for the first time in several weeks. You hear her telling another member about her recent weight loss. “I swear, the ketogenic diet is the best thing ever. I dropped 10 pounds in four weeks,” she raved.
The next day in the break room, one of your co-workers is incessantly chatting about the meal plan she’s been following for a few weeks, because she’s already lost five pounds.
Intrigued and curious, you try these diets too. But, when you try them, they just don’t seem to produce the same holy crap I’ve found “the one” experiences as the women who sing their praises.
WTF, right? Why didn’t that diet work for you when other women seemed to achieve fast results?
Before we answer that question, here’s an important fact: there is no “perfect” or “magical” diet. Never has been, and never will be. Any diet can produce weight loss as long as you’re in a caloric deficit. Yes, this applies to Paleo, ketogenic, low-fat, vegan, and other diet you can think of. Some people may “go Paleo” and rave about how much fat they’ve lost, but it’s not the “Paleo” part that produced the weight loss. It’s because they were in a caloric deficit, which is most likely due to the fact that the Paleo diet eliminates grains and dairy, so that cuts out a lot of palatable foods that are easy to overeat (e.g., desserts like ice cream, cakes and cookies).
To use one more common example, it’s why some people lose weight quickly when they do a “sugar detox.” Not because they stopped eating sugar, but because they stopped eating calorie-dense, hyper-palatable foods that were also high in fat: desserts, snack cakes, doughnuts, and other heavily processed foods. By not eating those foods, they decreased the number of calories they consumed. The caloric deficit led to weight loss.
Image created by Fast Forward Amy.
It’s not magic. It’s math.
This also explains why someone can “go Paleo” (or any other diet) and not lose weight, because they were not in a caloric deficit. While they eliminated certain foods and food groups, they ate more of other things. (It’s easy to eat more than you realize with high-fat foods like nut butters and coconut oil, and it’s one reason why people who eat healthy can’t seem to lose weight.)
The “I tried this diet and lost weight so that’s indisputable proof that it’s the ultimate style of eating” rhetoric is what causes people to define themselves by a way of eating, and to develop a religion-like relationship with food. No longer is the way they eat something that simplifies and enhances their life — it consumes their personality. They’ve seen the “supreme style of eating” light and are anxious to share the good news with everyone who crosses their path about healthy carbs and acceptable fats and sinful processed evils that will lead to their ultimate demise.
You too can be saved if you bow to the one true nutrition god and forsake all others. Resist, and ye shall burn in a fiery, gluten filled hell and choke on the smoke from smoldering carby-goodness. In the name of clean eating, amen.
This is Why That Diet Didn’t Work
The four Ps explain why that diet didn’t work. One diet or style of eating will not work for everyone because we all have a different past, and we have different personalities, perceptions, and preferences.
We all have different pasts. What you’ve experienced influences you. It’s why someone who grew up in a home where things were constantly changing (divorce, having to move frequently) may be an adult with control issues. Because she didn’t have any control over much of what happened in her childhood, she wants to control everything now.
Similarly, your past experiences with food will affect how you view food now. Using myself as an example, my years of battling obsessive and binge eating habits is why I can’t follow meal plans or count calories without dire consequences. If I had to track and eat 1800 calories a day, within one week I’d likely dive head first back into binge eating and other restrictive eating habits. My past experiences with rigid diets make counting calories an option that is not viable for me.
Someone who has never obsessed over food and doesn’t know what it’s like to have food dominate their lives may have a very different experience. In fact, tracking calories may help them reach their goals without any negative consequences. Whereas it would stress me out and lead to binge eating, it could simplify the process and help them easily stay on track. Past experiences matter when it comes to present actions.
We all have different personalities. Some people can effortlessly make healthy food choices, even when they’re ravenous and short on time. Someone else may opt for whatever sounds best and is most convenient, which is usually something heavily processed and calorie-dense. Someone can live in a home filled with cookies, ice cream, and other tasty goodies without constantly being tempted to eat them. Someone else may be more likely to eat all those things because they’re around.
Someone may prefer to organize and prepare meals for the entire week to make it easy to stay on track. Someone else may loathe the idea of eating out of tupperware containers.
When it comes to why we eat what we eat, our personalities play a crucial role. You need to understand your personality, and then work with it, not against it.
We all have different perceptions. Some people respond emotionally to less than ideal food choices. Whereas one woman may be plagued with guilt from eating a sleeve of cookies and will vow to punish herself with an extra workout, another woman may simply be able to shrug it off and move forward with healthy food choices.
One woman may see the number on the bathroom scale as objective data, but for another woman it may have the ability to make or break her entire day, and self-esteem.
Two people can perceive the same event entirely differently.
We all have different preferences. What if you like carbs? Nay. You don’t merely like them — they’re some of the very foods that make life worth living. Like a freshly baked loaf of Challah bread, or homemade mashed potatoes. If you’re like me and love carb-rich foods, then attempting a ketogenic diet for weight loss would be an excruciating endeavor.
Maybe you like beets and enjoy adding them to a salad; maybe I’d rather gnaw on the sole of my tennis shoe then pop one of those dirt-tasting red balls of misery in my mouth.
The point is, not everyone likes the same foods; not everyone feels best eating the same foods or combination of macronutrients (some people prefer to eat a higher-carb diet, others a lower-carb). Not everyone likes to eat three meals per day — some prefer two big meals, some prefer five small meals.
And this is why that diet didn’t work for you.
It likely didn’t meld with your personality or perception, or it agitated an old wound from past experiences. Or, perhaps, it simply didn’t suit your preferences.
Or, and this is a distinct possibility — it was a crazy ass diet with rigid rules that was impractical and unsustainable and reeked of bullshit claims about its superiority to all other styles of eating, or it was based on sensationalized or fear-based marketing.
How to Create a Diet That Works for You
I use the word “diet” because it’s a term people are familiar with, but it simply means a style of eating.
Rather than a traditional diet or meal plan or some other restrictive eating regimen, embrace flexible guidelines. Specifically, guidelines that can be tailored to your past, personality, perception, and most definitely, your preferences.
Regardless of what slant your eating habits have — the number of meals you prefer to eat each day, foods you love and dislike — here’s what science has proven to work for losing weight (or maintaining a healthy weight) and building muscle.
Eat a variety of mostly real, minimally processed foods. This is a good way to get plenty of satisfying, nutrient-dense foods that can not only help you build a better looking body, but a healthier body, too. And let’s face it — that’s something most people put at the bottom of the priority list. This means choosing a baked potato over french fries from the drive-thru. Or a grilled chicken boob over fried nuggets.
And, no, there are no “off limit” foods or food groups. (The obvious exception: you have an allergy or medical condition and have been instructed to avoid certain foods from your doctor.) There is no single food group or macronutrient solely responsible for weight gain or fat loss.
Include a good source of protein in all meals. I’m assuming you strength train since you’re on this website (or you plan to start strength training). If you’re not, you should be — there are too many amazing benefits from this doesn’t-demand-much-time activity.
Not only does eating a good source of protein with all meals help you feel satisfied, but it also spares muscle loss when you’re eating in a caloric deficit.
Work in all other foods occasionally, and in moderate amounts. “All other foods” are things that don’t fall into the “real, minimally processed” category, or things simply considered “not super healthy foods.” Foods like pizza, fried chicken, ice cream, or whatever the heck you love that’s calorie-dense and not the healthiest option but tastes dang good.
One eating method will not work for everyone, and this is why your friend or co-worker may achieve great results from a diet, but you don’t. The solution is clear: you must be your own guru. You must find what will work for you.
Consider your past experiences, and your personality, perceptions, and preferences. Then create sustainable habits that form a lifestyle.
The post Why That Diet Didn’t Work for You appeared first on Nia Shanks.
from Tips By Crystal http://www.niashanks.com/why-that-diet-didnt-work/
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linnea92x790-blog · 7 years
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