#Sex Specialist in Pune
chaitanyaclinic · 2 years
What are the features and benefits of the Best Sexologist/Sex Specialist in Pune?
Offers reasonable and low cost counselling with proper treatment.
Pre or post marital counselling and management with less medications
Online booking and sexual health consultation (video) is available.
Why Choose Us - Chaitanya Clinic - Dr. Nanal
Many couple get treatment on problems such as couple sexual problem pre & post marriage geriatric (Old age) relationship, management of male & female sexual problems gay & lesbian sex problem, & counselling at individual levels. The most popular sex in Pune, provide the treatment for all of these sex related problems since the past few years.
Our Sex Specialist in Pune gives you full privacy and checks the patient with all modern equipment medical tools with electronic prescribing. We are committed to every age with our support staff and make the patient comforting. Our Sex Specialist is to make life rebuild and energetic every day with some goal. Dr. Nanal Sex Specialist in Pune is also a consultant as well as an experienced Sex Specialist who successfully treated people of all ages with personally individual and sex advice specialists. He is the most trusted Sex Specialist in Pune over the past year. A lot of problems are faced by the individual. We are helping people based on their various problems related to sex, premarriage pregnancy, and much more. Dr. Nanal is the best sex specialist who knows for treating Sex problems of all age groups. We give you complete privacy with a mission to get all affordable healthcare related to sex problems and one on one counseling for all sexual problems.
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drasmitadongare · 3 months
Male and Female Infertility: Risk Factors, Diagnosis & Treatment
Are you struggling with an infertility problem? You’re not alone !!!!
A recent report by the World Health Organization released in April 2023 states that infertility affects 1 in 6 people, globally. The same largely affects India, being the most populous country. The Indian male and female fertility rate in 2023 is at 2, lower than the replacement rate of 2.1: Right now, there is a large population in the reproductive age group. Eventually, the number of women entering the fertile age will decrease, leading to the population contracting. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant for at least a year with no success. Because fertility in women is known to decline steadily with age, some providers evaluate and treat women aged 35 years or older after six months of unprotected sex.
Fertility issues have become an important issue in the current world, and useful documentation of the majority of infertility is lacking. It has become common knowledge that approximately 700 million couples globally are infertile. In this Blog, Dr. Asmita Dongare says that various factors including medical, genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors contribute to infertility. With the help of several advanced infertility therapies, couples can achieve parenthood and have their biological child. Fertility declines with age both in men and women.
Women Infertility:
Infertility Diagnosis:
If you have painful, irregular, or heavy periods and are unable to conceive, it is essential to consult a fertility specialist in Baner, Pune. Dr. Asmita Dongare is one of the best gynecologists in Pune in which she has experience in handling difficult cases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She provides the highest quality services to the mother and child. Dr. Asmita Dongare suggests the below test for the women.
Blood tests- Levels of certain hormones like Follicle stimulating hormone, Lutenizing hormone, Estradiol & Thyroid hormones are checked that can provide vital information about infertility issues.
Ultrasound –This is an imaging procedure that is used to examine the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic area.
Tubal Testing – The tubal patency can be ascertained by various tests like hysterosalpingography, saline infusion sonography, or laparoscopy.
Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy – The uterine cavity, uterus, tubes, and ovaries can be assessed.
Medical history and physical examination: Understanding your medical history, lifestyle habits, and past reproductive experiences can provide valuable clues.
Infertility treatment:
Dr. Asmita Donagre suggests below treatment for women infertility based on the diagnosis
Lifestyle modifications – Quitting smoking and alcohol, exercise, and healthy weight management can improve fertility·
Medicines– Tablets and/ or injections to help make the eggs
Surgical management – Laparoscopic or hysteroscopic surgery to correct uterine abnormalities, fibroids, and blockages in the fallopian tube may be needed by certain couples.
Advanced Fertility treatments – IUI, IVF, and IVM may be needed by the couple depending on the cause of infertility.
Male Infertility:
Diagnosis of Male Infertility:
Semen Analysis – This gives us information regarding sperm count, motility, and morphology.
Ultrasound – Scrotal ultrasound helps to diagnose varicocele and any abnormalities.
Blood Tests – Levels of certain hormones like FSH, LH, and Testosterone, are evaluated. Follicle-stimulating hormone, Luteinizing hormone, and Testosterone are checked.
Male infertility treatment:
Lifestyle Modification – Reducing weight, having a balanced diet and proper sleep can improve fertility potential
Assisted reproduction techniques – like IUI procedures, and IVF procedures can help male factor infertility. Advanced sperm selection methods like MACS (Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting) and Microfluidics improve fertility outcomes.
Hormonal medicines – certain hormones may be needed to improve sperm production or correct any imbalance.
If a couple is facing difficulty in conceiving, the couple must meet a fertility specialist for further evaluation. Individualized and timely intervention can help- couples realize their dream of parenthood.
Please contact Dr. Asmita Dongare with any queries you may have regarding Infertility. She provides the highest quality services to the mother and child. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options call 9560506620 or Click on Book Appointment for online booking.
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dr-milindkulkarni · 7 months
Navigating the Complex Landscape of HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) Co-infection: Insights and Strategies
Explore the intricate connection between HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) co-infection, uncover the elevated risk factors, and discover cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment approaches. Dive into this comprehensive guide by Dr. Milind Kulkarni, a renowned HIV and AIDS specialist in Pune.
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Introduction Welcome to a profound exploration of the complex relationship between HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) co-infection, the heightened risk involved, and the innovative strategies for diagnosis and treatment. In this in-depth article, we'll delve into the expertise of Dr. Milind Kulkarni, a distinguished HIV and AIDS Doctor in Pune.
Get ready to embark on a journey of understanding, as we cover this vital topic through a series of engaging sections and frequently asked questions.
The Connection Between HIV and TB In this section, we'll unravel the intricate web of connections between HIV and Tuberculosis.
The Co-infection Dynamics The intersection of HIV and TB presents a unique challenge. Both diseases weaken the immune system, making patients more susceptible to infections.
Risk Factors
Immunodeficiency Individuals with HIV have compromised immune systems, which makes them vulnerable to TB bacteria.
Close Contact TB is contagious and spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Those living in close quarters with an infected individual are at an increased risk.
Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies Now, let's explore the methods and strategies employed for the diagnosis and treatment of HIV and TB co-infection.
Diagnosis Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) One of the primary methods of diagnosing TB involves injecting a tiny amount of TB protein under the skin. The patient's response helps in determining the presence of TB.
Sputum Testing Sputum samples are examined for the presence of TB bacteria. This is a critical step in diagnosing TB in co-infected patients.
Treatment Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) For those with HIV, Antiretroviral Therapy is crucial. It helps in boosting the immune system, which, in turn, aids in managing TB.
TB Medications Combination therapy with multiple antibiotics is used for TB treatment. It is essential to complete the entire course of antibiotics to prevent drug-resistant TB.
Insights from Dr. Milind Kulkarni Dr. Milind Kulkarni, a distinguished HIV and AIDS Doctor in Pune, emphasizes the importance of early detection, prompt treatment, and adhering to prescribed medication. His extensive experience underscores the significance of a holistic approach to managing HIV and TB co-infection.
FAQs How common is HIV and TB co-infection? The co-infection is relatively common, particularly in regions with a high prevalence of both diseases.
Can HIV treatment help with TB co-infection? Yes, effective HIV treatment can strengthen the immune system, making it easier to manage TB co-infection.
Is TB treatment different for co-infected patients? TB treatment for co-infected patients may involve a longer duration and different drug combinations to ensure effectiveness.
What can individuals do to reduce the risk of co-infection? Practicing safe sex, getting regular check-ups, and living in well-ventilated spaces can reduce the risk of co-infection.
Are there vaccines for TB and HIV? While there is a vaccine for TB (BCG vaccine), there is no vaccine for HIV.
What is the outlook for individuals with HIV and TB co-infection? With proper medical care and adherence to treatment, many individuals can lead healthy lives despite co-infection.
Conclusion In this comprehensive guide, we've navigated through the complex relationship between HIV and TB co-infection, exploring the risks, diagnostic methods, and treatment strategies. Dr. Milind Kulkarni's expertise has shed light on the importance of early detection and prompt, holistic treatment.
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dshseodelhi · 10 months
HIV, STI/STD Test, Counseling And Treatment In Pune
STD/STI/HIV Test, Counseling And Treatment In Pune
We offer reliable HIV/STD/STI testing, counseling, and treatment in Pune at a reasonable price. Get in touch with a specialist doctor today. Free home sample collection at your doorstep.
Get HIV & STI Testing, Counseling & Treatment Services at our Testing Center in Pune
Do you have concerns about your sexual health? Have you recently had unprotected sex or are you experiencing any unusual symptoms? You can count on DrSafeHands to provide dependable HIV/STD/STI testing, counseling, and treatment services in Pune through conveniently located HIV testing centers.
Pune, a vibrant city located in Maharashtra, India, is renowned for its rich culture, historical landmarks, and diverse population. Providing reliable healthcare services is essential, especially for sexual health, in a city like Pune.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV are major public health concerns in a city like Pune which has a young and vibrant population. Therefore, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of early detection of these infections and the benefits of testing. DrSafeHands offers dependable HIV/STD/STI testing, counseling, and treatment services in Pune, helping you take charge of your sexual health. You can opt for online HIV testing or visit DrSafeHands’ HIV Test Centers located throughout the city.
HIV & STI Early Detection Benefits
Detecting HIV and other STIs early is crucial for managing these infections effectively. One way to achieve early detection is through the Early Detection HIV Test (HIV RNA PCR Test), which allows individuals to learn their HIV status sooner, leading to early treatment for those who test positive. This early intervention can prevent the progression of the virus, reduce the risk of complications, and prevent transmission to others. It’s recommended that sexually active individuals undergo regular HIV testing as well as timely STD testing. If someone has had a risky sexual encounter, they should consider online HIV testing or scheduling an HIV test near them at a local HIV Testing Center.
HIV Early Detection Test (HIV RNA PCR Test)
An early detection HIV test is a highly accurate HIV test that detects the virus at an initial stage by spotting HIV RNA in the blood instead of looking for antibodies like traditional HIV tests. As such, HIV testing using this method involves the detection of the genetic material of the HIV virus.
An HIV early detection test is performed by taking a blood sample from the patient which is then sent to a laboratory for testing. HIV RNA PCR is a NAAT Test (Nucleic Acid Amplification Test). Compared to traditional HIV tests, early-detection HIV tests have a higher accuracy rate of 95–99%. It can detect the virus as soon as 9–11 days after exposure.
HIV Testing 4th Generation
The immune system produces antibodies and antigens to fight off infections like HIV. An antibody test identifies the antibodies that the body produces to fight the virus, while an antigen test identifies a viral protein called p24 antigen, which is produced by the virus soon after infection. An antigen can be detected as early as 18 days after potential exposure.
HIV Testing 4th Generation, which checks for both antibodies and antigens, is highly accurate and can detect HIV between 18 to 45 days after exposure. This test is effective in detecting HIV in 99% of those tested.
Testing for STIs & STDs
Regular STI testing & STD testing is important as it can detect a wide range of conditions, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes & Syphilis.
Early detection of STIs & STDs is key as it can prevent serious health complications and reduce the risk of transmitting the infection to others. Testing is also cost-effective compared to treating the disease at an advanced stage. Being aware of your STI and STD status allows you to take necessary precautions to protect your partner from getting infected and have an honest conversation about your sexual health.
Comprehensive Testing for HIV & STIs In Pune
If you’re looking for an HIV Test near you, you can get tested at one of DrSafeHands’ HIV test centers which are conveniently located throughout Pune. You can also opt for online HIV testing or STI testing. We provide home sample collection services, free of cost, making it even more convenient for you to get tested.
You can get tested in Pune for a range of HIV & STI tests right from the 3H STD Profile test, HIV Testing 4th Generation, and the HIV PCR RNA Test. Multiple packages for STD Testing for men as well as Tests for Women’s Health Issues are available. DrSafeHands offers:
Affordable Tests, Accurate Results, Home Sample Collection, Counseling With Experts
It is essential to undergo regular HIV and STD testing to detect any potential infections early and prevent complications. Do not allow stigma to hinder you from getting tested and taking charge of your sexual health. Take the necessary steps today to improve your quality of life.
For additional resources by the Government for HIV & STIs, please refer to the guidelines and initiatives of The National Aids Control Organisation (NACO): http://naco.gov.in/
Q — Can I get tested for HIV at home with DrSafeHands?
A — Yes, DrSafeHands provides a convenient home sample collection service for HIV testing.
Q — What should I do if I test positive for HIV?
A — If you test positive for HIV, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. HIV is a manageable condition, and early treatment can help prevent the virus from progressing to AIDS.
Q — What should I do if I test negative for HIV?
A — If you test negative for HIV, it’s important to continue practicing safe sex and getting tested regularly to prevent future infections.
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glowskinlaser · 1 year
Why are facials important for skin care this summer?
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It's time to face the blazing ball of fire after hibernating all winter. Sunlight exacerbates a wide range of skin issues, from acne outbreaks to premature aging, wrinkles, tanning, and pigmentation. The skin becomes dull from dirt and excessive sebum production, prompting you to look for the best treatment available. Because our skin's needs vary from season to season, we must adapt our skincare routines accordingly. In terms of skincare, facials are invaluable for unclogging pores and reviving the skin for a healthier, more radiant appearance. But unless people are made aware of the benefits, no one will make this choice. In this article, we will discuss why facials are important in the summer and also discuss the benefits of facial treatments. 
What is a facial? 
It's common knowledge that facials are great for the skin. In order to get rid of the grime and oil lodged deep into the skin, you need to exfoliate, wash, steam, tone, and moisturize.
You can tell a lot about a person from the company they keep. The operation will go off without a hitch after the cosmetician gets a solid handle on the skin. For glowing skin this summer, dermatologists recommend a variety of facial treatments, including medical-facials, hydrafacial in baner, bb glow treatment in baner, skin whitening treatment in Pune, and anti-aging facials. In terms of results, facials are at their peak for both sexes between the ages of 18 and 25. After the procedure, listen carefully to what the skincare professionals have to say.
Explain the role that facials have in summer skin care. If this is something you're wondering about, we'll fill you in on why.
helps in the extraction of embedded dirt and oil.
helps repair sun-damaged skin and restore its natural moisture balance.
helps in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.
possible improvements in skin tone and texture.
the benefits of getting a facial from a professional are numerous.
The following are just a few of the many advantages of getting a facial at a spa or specialized skin care clinic:
Adaptive care for your specific skin issues
Professional dermatologists tailor each patient's treatment plan to their specific skin type and concerns. Treatment of the underlying cause of acne and/or a trial of an acne facial treatment should be the first steps taken by anyone experiencing acne outbreaks.
Help from the Experts
Experts in a skin care clinic will recognize the skin of their patients and advise them on how to best treat it to restore its youthful glow and vitality. Also, pack the top products for their various skin issues, such as tanning, dryness, tension, and aging.
Cutting-edge innovation
Modern technology has made it possible to accomplish anything. The use of laser technology is a safe and effective treatment that will yield the desired results. Professional skin specialists recommend this for use on any skin type.
Inexpensive and easily obtainable
The convenience and accessibility of skin care products and services are typically what come to mind first. They take a step back, having paid the price, and vow to never let anything like this happen to them again. The good news is that modern skin care procedures have become widely available and inexpensive, allowing anyone to look and feel their best.
Once someone has had their first facial treatment, they may try to pass on some common misconceptions about it. You should be careful before accepting any of these, and they include acne, spending too much money, and skin patches or rashes. You should also seek out skin specialists or other trained professionals who can analyze your skin's condition and recommend appropriate treatments. If you are having problems with your skin, hair, or face, you should not pass up the opportunity to visit the Glow Skin and Laser Hair Clinic, the top face treatment in baner. With any luck, this will act as a reference and keep you up to date on important issues related to skin and laser hair treatment in baner.
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pradnyaayurveda01 · 1 year
Infertility Ayurvedic Treatment in PCMC
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Infertility is really a big and vast problem but if you get the right treatment, it will be surely resolved. Ayurveda is the best solution for Infertility and Pradnyya Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic multispeciality hospital for infertility ayurvedic treatment in PCMC, Pune. Infertility / IVF treatment for both males and females is possible with proven results in Ayurveda
Dr. Nyanisha Desai is an Infertility Specialist In PCMC. Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to enhancing fertility. Many factors, such as stress, pollution, improper diet and sedentary lifestyle to name a few, are affecting fertility in both men and women these days. To ensure that the mind and organism are ideally produced it is important to purify the body from toxins and to feed it with the optimum nutrients.
Fertility rates and population growth rates all over the world are continuously increasing, especially in developed countries. Advancing the age of women seeking to conceive in busy urban communities, and rising child-rearing costs in nuclear families, is a deterrent factor in fertility rates. Increased use of pesticides and chemicals is also recognized as a cause of male infertility in particular.
Today, many people opt for IUI or IVF with the growing number of male and female infertility. At Pradnya Ayurveda, Dr. Nyanisha Desai is the infertility specialist in Pimpri Chinchwad, treating infertility by conventional approaches such as Ayurveda therapies such as panchakarma, rasayana and vajikarana. After undergoing female infertility treatment in pimpri chinchwad, many of the failed IVF and IUI cases found fruitful results.
The terrain for planting a seed needs to be well nourished and cared for according to Ayurveda; hence good reproductive health of mother and father is key to conceiving and producing a healthy child. If you are facing such infertility problem, contact our experienced lady sexologist in pimpri chinchwad. She will provide the best natural treatment that will not only help to giving birth a healthy baby, but also improving your body naturally.
Therefore preparation of the parents is considered very important in Ayurveda pre-conception. It is considered that a minimum of 3 months and an ideal time of 12 months is necessary to boost the reproductive health of both mother and father, so that the sperm is in optimal condition, as is the mother’s egg and womb.
For conception to occur the female fertility cycle needs to be regular. Most women do have cycles of 28-34 days. Ovulation typically happens during a woman’s period between day 12 and day 16. One important factor is knowing your cycle. Keep a Charts record of your cycles. This can be very useful in choosing the best times to have sex, and in diagnosing a problem if one is due.
Ayurveda provides proven and time-tested approaches for infertility ayurvedic treatment in pimpri chinchwad. Treatments with ayurvedic fertility regulate the body’s metabolism. Maintain hormonal balance, purify reproductive organs. Improve lining and receptivity for the endometrium. Increase quality of the eggs and sperms and alleviate stress.
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healthguru · 1 year
IUI Treatment in Pune | IVF Specialist in Pune
Nakshatra IVF Clinic in Pune should be your first pick if you're looking for a successful IUI treatment  in Pune. Sexologist and reproductive medicine expert Dr. Ramit Kamate has more than 12 years of expertise. He is a well-known IVF specialist in Pune who also specialises in fertility therapy and sexual health care for both sexes. Additionally, he is skilled in normal vaginal delivery (NVD), tubectomy and tubal ligation, natural cycle IVF, and MTP.
Contact us: https://www.nakshatraclinic.com/
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IVF Center in Pune - A Complete Infertility Solution
For both women and men, aging, excessive exercise, diabetes, eating disorders, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, environmental toxins, cancer treatments, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), stress, obesity, and being underweight all contribute to infertility.
If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for more than a year after having unprotected sex but have been unsuccessful, it means that you or your partner or both are infertile. Infertility never stops you from being a parent. You can become a parent when you visit the best IVF center in Pune.
Let's see how you can become a parent after consulting the doctor at the IVF clinic. But first, we must understand what causes infertility and how to avoid it to be fertile.
For Women:
Abnormal Periods
Fallopian tube obstruction
Damage fallopian tube 
Celiac disease
Kidney disease
Ectopic pregnancy
Cysts in the ovaries
Sickle cell disease
Uterine fibroids
Uterine Polyps
Thyroid disorder
Pituitary gland dysfunction
Ovarian insufficiency
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
For Men:
Enlarged veins in the scrotum
Cystic fibrosis (CF)
Low sperm count.
Testicular Injury
Premature ejaculation
Low testosterone levels
Anabolic steroid overuse
Ejaculation in reverse
Cancer of the testicles
Heat exposure to testicles
How Can I Avoid Infertility Forever?
Consume a well-balanced diet
Maintain physical activity
Don't use drugs.
Avoid smoking
Limit alcohol.
Get checked for STDs.
Toxin exposure should be limited.
Don't overdo exercise.
Keep a healthy weight
Women's Infertility Diagnosis Process:
For Women:
Body temperature 
Pelvic examination 
Blood test
Ultrasound transvaginal
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) 
Saline sonohysterography (SIS)
For Men:
Analysis of sperm
Blood test
Scrotal Ultrasound 
Infertility Treatment Process for Female:
Fertility Medication - fertility medication that helps to stimulate ovulation.
Surgery - Surgery is only applicable to remove uterine fibroids and uterine polyps, treat endometriosis, and open blocked fallopian tubes.
Related blog: A Detailed Guide to Female Infertility
Infertility Treatment Process for Male:
Fertility Medications - used to treat erectile dysfunction and improve hormone levels.
Surgery - Surgery can help to improve the health of sperm.
Related blog:  A Detailed Guide to Male Infertility
The right time to take fertility treatment:
According to a survey, after the age of 35, the chances of increasing fertility begin to decrease and both men and women are recommended to talk to a fertility specialist to improve body function along with positive lifestyle changes.
Procedures Associated with Treatment
Before you prepare for the treatment, you should learn more about the treatment procedure, which includes a blood test and a hormonal balance check. Depending on her body condition, the woman may be prescribed fertility medication if necessary. Even the male partner must undergo sperm testing to determine the motility rate of the sperm, and if the results show that the sperm count is low, a donor is introduced to complete the process. the female partner will be undergoing numerous tests and observations.
Every month a woman produces an egg in the uterus and the body gets it for the reproductive process. Test Tube Baby Center in Nashik examines the eggs closely and once they are found to be mature; they can remove the eggs for further treatment. For effective results, the mature eggs are either mixed with sperm drawn from the male partner or kept in the laboratory for several days until the best sperm is found.
Pregnancy occurs after the embryo has successfully developed and transferred to the woman's uterus. With the efficient support provided by Test Tube Baby Center, the sooner you start, the more effectively you can control the situation rather than accepting any risk factors.
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Sexologist in Pune | Dr Pankaj Borade | Mind Matters Clinic
Sexology, which comprises sex-related attitudes, behaviors, and functions, is the study of sex. A sexologist is an expert in the identification and management of sexual disorders. Although sexual troubles affect both men and women equally regularly, few people are willing to discuss them in an open manner. It is essential to talk about the difficulties and concerns with partners and specialists because better treatment options are available.
Can it be cured?
The effectiveness of a treatment depends on its underlying cause. When it comes to treating dysfunctions brought on by stress, anxiety, and fear, counseling and psycho-education are beneficial. Physical needs usually necessitate the usage of medications. Most significantly, excellent communication between the partners is typically a prerequisite for a successful sexual relationship.
At the Mind Matters Clinic in Pune, you can consult a qualified sexologist who can treat a variety of sexual disorders for you. The conversation is kept confidential. One or two people may show up for the gathering. The therapist will ask questions in order to assess the problem and ascertain if a psychological or physical cause is to blame. Make an appointment with us if you're looking for the top sexologist in Pune.
For more details, visit us at: https://onlymindmatters.com/sexologist-pune/
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alisha21sblog · 2 years
Astonishing Facts about the Spoken English language
Language is our essential wellspring of correspondence. It's the strategy through which we share our thoughts and contemplations with others. Certain individuals even say that language is which isolates us from creatures and makes us human.
Spoken English Course in Pune
There are 2 billion English speakers on the planet
With 2 billion speakers around the world, English is the biggest language by the quantity of speakers. It is likewise the third biggest language by the quantity of local speakers.
As the most well-known language, English has the force of interfacing individuals from a wide range of societies, building connections and understanding. Subsequent to investing your energy and exertion in to learn English, you'll have the option to talk with around 20% of individuals on the planet.
English is the authority language of 67 nations
Truth be told, 67 nations! In certain nations where English isn't the most communicated in language, it is as yet an authority language. That implies, it's acknowledged by a nation's administration, and frequently showed in schools. That is a ton of the world covered with only one language!
English words used to have orientation
Assuming you communicate in Spanish, German or French, you'll be know about dialects where things come in three assortments: manly, ladylike or impartial. Nowadays, English things don't have an orientation. Be that as it may, sometime in the distant past, they did.
Up until the 1200s, rather than utilizing the articles "the" or "a", Old English had the manly article "se" and the ladylike article "website design enhancement". Language specialists doesn't know what ended up inciting the change. Nonetheless, Professor Anne Curzan claims in her book Gender Shifts in the History of English that English lost its sexes after the language was blended in with numerous others north of many years. A ton of this language blending occurred in the North of England, where the Vikings had a colossal effect in the wake of attacking between the 700s and the 1000s.
Since English has such complex punctuation governs, it's lucky that there isn't the additional entanglement of gendered things!
There are ~171,000 words in the English jargon
Spoken English Classes in Pune
Before we make sense of exactly the way in which profound the English language is, we really want to specify — there is positively no requirement for English students to be terrified by the quantity of words there are. As a matter of fact, research shows that you will actually want to comprehend around 65% of all writing in English with just the 300 most well known words.
At the hour of composing, the Oxford English Dictionary contains 171,476 words. Notwithstanding, it's difficult to discern whether these numbers are dependable, just in light of the fact that English has reused words from such countless different dialects. It's likewise shockingly challenging for etymologists to gauge what "matters" in general word… for instance, would it be advisable for us to incorporate plurals, diminutives and formations?
It's assessed that three words are added to the word reference at regular intervals, and around 1,000 words are added to the Oxford English Dictionary consistently. In 2020 alone, "Haha", "awesomesauce", and "shticky" were undeniably added to the word reference, which shows how adaptable and fun the language has become.
Shakespeare added more than 1,000 words to the English language
Changes in a language are typically down to the work of a huge number of speakers more than many years. It's very uncommon for one individual to be liable for a major phonetic shift, however in English, there is one special case — William Shakespeare.
The English language wouldn't be something very similar without the essayist of well known plays like Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. Through him, we were acquainted with words like "forlorn", "pundit", and "compulsion". Intrigued to see which words Shakespeare imagined.
The most well known diversion on the planet is in English
Hollywood and Netflix have opened up our psyches to splendidly recounted stories and mind blowing must-see TV. At the point when you learn English, you won't have to peruse annoying captions with odd interpretations any longer!
Diversion is likewise one of the least demanding and most fun ways of learning English! For instance, you could watch motion pictures with a notebook, stopping all through to look into new jargon. Or on the other hand, you could "shadow" your number one characters, by stopping the film when they offer something fascinating, and rehashing it cautiously
English is the most straightforward language on the planet to learn
Learning English isn't without its troubles. You'll need to fight with odd spellings and way to express words like "colonel" and "ensemble." However, there are many motivations behind why individuals consider English the most straightforward of the relative multitude of dialects to learn.
Advance training institute
Spoken English Training in Pune Best IT Training Provider in Pune
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chaitanyaclinic · 2 years
Chaitanya clinic is one of the leading clinic for treatment of sex problems in Pune. Dr. Nanal at chaitanya clinic is highly experienced, talented, and well-trained sex specialist in Pune. As a sexologist, he has vast knowledge in sex education, counselling, sex enhancement techniques that provide you for your right treatment. He is also consulting in adolescent sexuality &behavioural medicine education who diagnose sex related relationship problems, issue & offer counselling, and sex therapy to sort out it. He is practising as the best sex specialist in Pune and provide the proper treatment at the clinic. He also offers individual, couple counselling as well as sex advices for all age group of people.
Why Choose Us - Chaitanya Clinic - Dr. Nanal
Many couple get treatment on problems such as couple sexual problem pre & post marriage geriatric (Old age) relationship, management of male & female sexual problems gay & lesbian sex problem, & counselling at individual levels. The most popular sex in Pune, provide the treatment for all of these sex related problems since the past few years.
Our Sex Specialist in Pune gives you full privacy and checks the patient with all modern equipment medical tools with electronic prescribing. We are committed to every age with our support staff and make the patient comforting. Our Sex Specialist is to make life rebuild and energetic every day with some goal. Dr. Nanal Sex Specialist in Pune is also a consultant as well as an experienced Sex Specialist who successfully treated people of all ages with personally individual and sex advice specialists. He is the most trusted Sex Specialist in Pune over the past year. A lot of problems are faced by the individual. We are helping people based on their various problems related to sex, premarriage pregnancy, and much more. Dr. Nanal is the best sex specialist who knows for treating Sex problems of all age groups. We give you complete privacy with a mission to get all affordable healthcare related to sex problems and one on one counseling for all sexual problems.
What are the features and benefits of the Best Sexologist/Sex Specialist in Pune?
Offers reasonable and low cost counselling with proper treatment.
Pre or post marital counselling and management with less medications
Online booking and sexual health consultation (video) is available.
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drasmitadongare · 4 months
Fibroids and Fertility: What You Need to Know
Worried about fibroids impacting your baby’s dreams? Millions of women face the challenging reality of uterine fibroids. Female factor infertility can occur due to many reasons. It is highly important to regularly observe one’s reproductive health. Many women of young age have issues related to the menstrual cycle ranging from heavy periods, prolonged periods, irregular periods, intermenstrual bleeding, low back pain, anemia, pain during sex, bleeding after intercourse, etc. The reasons could be PCOS, endometriosis, uterine polyps or fibroids, or any other issue that can lead to infertility.
In this blog, Dr. Asmita Dongare has to consult one of the Best Female Gynecologists in Baner, Pune as a proper diagnosis is very essential in averting any serious health problems. Let us get to know in detail about uterine fibroids the way they can affect one’s fertility and also the wide range of treatment possibilities.
What are Uterine Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in the uterine wall. They are incredibly common, impacting up to 70% of women by age 50. And while most fibroids do not generate any signs, some women can experience heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, and even difficulty getting pregnant. 3 types of fibroids can occur depending on the location in the uterus such as:
Subserous (fibroids in the outer wall of the uterus)
Submucosal (fibroids within the uterine cavity)
Intramural (fibroids in the muscles of the uterus)
Not all women with fibroids face infertility issues. Based on the size and where the fibroid is located, assessment and treatment are necessary.
How to Fibroids hamper Fertility:
For many women, fibroids do not interfere with fertility. However, depending on their size and location, fibroids can affect fertility in several ways:
Distorting the Uterine Cavity: Submucosal fibroids, which grow into the uterine cavity, can disrupt the implantation of the embryo and hinder embryo development.
Blocking Fallopian Tubes: Large fibroids near the fallopian tubes can block the path of the egg, making it difficult for sperm to reach the egg for fertilization.
Interfering with Blood Flow: Fibroids may disrupt blood flow to the uterus, affecting the ability of the embryo to implant properly.
Causing Inflammation: In some cases, fibroids may lead to inflammation in the uterine lining, making it less receptive to a fertilized egg.
Fibroids Treatment Options:
For women facing fertility challenges due to fibroids, various therapy options are available. The approach depends on factors such as the size, number, and location of the fibroids, as well as the severity of signs. Some Therapy options may include:
Medication: Hormonal therapies or medications may be prescribed to control signs and manage the size of the fibroids.
Fibroid Surgery: Surgical methods such as myomectomy (removal of fibroids) can be considered, either through traditional surgery or minimally invasive techniques.
Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE): This method involves blocking the blood supply to the fibroids, leading them to shrink over time.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): In some cases, assisted reproductive technologies like IVF may be recommended to avoid any potential barriers to conception posed by fibroids.
What can you do?
Talk to our Gynecologist: They can diagnose fibroids and assess their potential impact on your fertility.
Consider therapy options: Depending on the severity, Dr. Dongare may suggest medication, minimally invasive procedures, or even surgery to remove fibroids.
Analyze fertility options: If fibroids are causing important challenges, helped reproductive technologies like IVF could be an option.
One need not worry about fibroids as several therapy methods are available to treat this disease. But the most important thing is to consult a specialist without any delay if women have any issues related to their menstrual cycle as it can affect one’s fertility possibility.
If You are looking for infertility treatment, Dr. Asmita Dongare is provide best Infertility Treatment in Wakad , pune . she has experience in handling difficult cases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She provides the highest quality services to the mother and child.
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ivforion12 · 3 years
IVF Center in Pune - Orion IVF Pune
                               Unexplained Infertility
The most recent research shows that mates who are of regenerative age face issues with barrenness because of various causes. The quantity of couples confronting barrenness issues in India is approximately 22 to 23 million, as per the current figures. The female barrenness examples involve more than 40 to 50 percent of this figure, while the gauge of male fruitlessness is 30 to 40 percent. Paces of barrenness in India are the development because of different reasons related to medication and method of living, which at times break down. The other possible clarifications for this increment incorporate the expanded utilization of contraception by ladies who are at present in their regenerative age.
Significant improvements in the therapy and treatment of sexual conditions have occurred throughout the most recent decade. We address in this investigation the standard tests led to treat unexplained barrenness. We will also address explicit assessments, for example, ovarian hold assessment, and the possible part of laparoscopy in the full test of unexplained fruitlessness.
At last, we audit the clinical choices accessible and address the proficiency and cost-viability of current treatments. The best consideration plan gives off an impression of being centered around explicit wellbeing factors, for example, sex, the adequacy of treatment, history of results, and costly models.
The yearly commonness of infertility seemed stable; nonetheless, with the expanding use of helped conceptive methods, the advancement rates have increased drastically. After their clinical evaluation, roughly 15 to 30 percent of spouses will be given a determination with unexplained fruitlessness.
Commonly, barrenness is described as the inability to conceive a child even after trying for one year, unsecured intercourse. Normally, the barrenness evaluation is embraced following 1 year of conceiving, however in life partners of broadened lady age (> 35 years) most experts attempt clinical assessment following a half year of insufficiency to consider.
Male infertility factor is the main purpose behind barrenness in around 30% of sets and a significant giver in another 20% to 30 percent. Barren companion determination includes authentic assessment, audit, and semen examination of the male accomplice. Critical chronicled factors include past legacy, a past of cryptorchidism, clinical and careful records, sexual maltreatment, and the utilization of cannabis, tobacco, liquor, or unlawful substances. Testicular inconsistencies, for example, a varicocele or nonappearance of the vas deferens might be recognized during the routine physical.
Ovulatory issues occur in 40% of infertile ladies, and in around 15 percent of sets with barrenness. Frequently a lack of ovulatory work happens in unpredictable periods and can be distinguished through a foundation in the vast majority. A lady with unpredictable periods for root factors, for example, polycystic ovarian condition, thyroid problem, hyperprolactinemia, and hypothalamic indications because of weight variances ought to be analyzed. Eumenorrhea-normal feminine periods by history is a profoundly dependable indicator of ovulation.,
Epidemiological studies have shown cigarette smoking, Irregular Body Mass Index ( BMI), and pointless consumption of caffeine and liquor decline richness in the female accomplice. To keep a standard BMI, limit the utilization of caffeine to not more than 250 mg a day, and limit liquor utilization to not in excess of 4 recommended drinks each week, the female accomplice ought to be prompted.
Before treatment of unexplained infertility is wanted an exhaustive yet time-effective assessment of the infertile pair. Life partners will play out a semen assessment, ovulation checking, ovarian save assessment, and picture examination to decide tubal and uterine factors prior to building up a proposal of unexplained fruitlessness. You should complete this test within 1 feminine period. There are diverse remedial techniques open inmates with unexplained barrenness, which incorporate eager administration with evolving ways of life, usable laparoscopy, COH (clomiphene citrate or gonadotropin) with IUI, and IVF (with or without ICSI). Pune's best IVF doctors are playing out a powerful part in helping accomplices to accomplish pregnancy with the guide of Pune IVF treatments. Since the presentation of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) medicines, life partners wishing to start their families in the coming years have gotten easier to deal with since barrenness issues. Some grounded
IVF wellbeing focuses in Pune convey such ART measures, which are prestigious parts of their offices, IVF accomplishment rates, sensible rates, specialist's qualifications, and IVF proficient mastery.
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Pediatrician in Kothrud -  Dr. Manisha Suryavanshi
Who is a pediatrician?
A pediatrician is a doctor who specializes in treating newborns, kids, and adolescents until the age of 21.
 What does a pediatrician do?
One of the numerous things you have to do to get ready for your little ones' arrival is to pick a specialist to regulate their medicinal services. A Pediatrician helps keep children fit by regular check-ups and examine their growth and development. They help from preventing illness by giving time to time vaccinations and general health advice. They also manage the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the kids under their care at each grade of development.
 Dr. Manisha Suryavanshi is a Pediatrician in Kothrud, she is practicing in Pune for 20 years at Suryaprabha Nursing Home, offering exemplary care to normal and sick newborns as well as children and adolescents. 1000+ happy kids have been treated successfully by her.
 Specialties of Dr. Manisha Suryavanshi- Pediatrician in Kothrud
 GENERAL PEDIATRICS:- They range from a general check-up to issues like allergies, asthma, child obesity, and diseases related to childhood.
 IMMUNIZATION/VACCINATION SERVICES:- Providing vaccination services to newborns, infants, children, and adolescents
 COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL PEDIATRICS:- Includes school health teaching for the benefit of underprivileged kids, and also for spreading awareness of health hygiene, social issues, sex education etc.
 NEW BORN CLINIC:- It includes routine child care and medication, vaccination as per need.
 COUNSELING OF PARENTS ABOUT CHILDREN REARING AND PARENTING:- It involves counseling to parents to prepare them and make them understand their changing roles and responsibilities of parenthood.
 BREAST FEEDING TECHNIQUES AND PROMOTION:- It explains the importance of breastfeeding and the techniques of performing it.
 CHILD HEALTH:- It includes factors like Proper nutrition, hygiene, sanitation and other factors that are essential for overall care.
 To book an appointment for your little one’s care visit us on https://www.suryaprabhanursinghome.com/contact/ or call us on +91 8805598244/ +91 8485841070
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Surprising Benefits of In-Vitro Fertilization Treatment
IVF is making your dreams come true in the world of infertility. For infertile couples, this is often seen as a last resort. Because they know that other treatments may disappoint them at first, but their faith in IVF will give them hope in the end. All you want from IVF is a healthy pregnancy. Additional benefits of in-vitro fertilization treatment may surprise you.
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IVF Treatment in Pune
The secret to a successful pregnancy is IVF. IVF is the best and most reliable option for people facing infertility. Let go of your worries and focus on the wonderful aspects of IVF that can give you a wonderful family. Welcome IVF so that a baby can come into your life.
Highest success rates:
Several fertility treatments are available, including intracytoplasmic sperm injection, intrauterine insemination, and in vitro fertilization. IVF has the highest success rate. Patients are first given fertility Medication; If this fails, IUI is advised. If that doesn't work, IVF is the last resort for a couple to get pregnant.
Safest method:
IVF is the safest method of treatment. It uses Medication as needed, not too much or too little. All along the path to parenthood. Patients are monitored regularly to see how their treatment is progressing. If they find any abnormality during the treatment, they get treatment at the same time.
Many Options:
Available Options Many people don't know that there are different types of IVF, including mini-IVF, traditional IVF, injection-free IVF, and needle-free IVF. You can choose the best treatment based on your needs and requirements.
For Everyone:
Everyone and anyone can use IVF. It can be used for same-sex couples, surrogate mothers, and infertile couples. It can be used by infertile couples regardless of the causes of infertility.
Low Risk:
Since the pregnancy is closely monitored at every stage, there is no risk of miscarriage or other complications. If there are any abnormalities during pregnancy, they are detected early in the process and are easy to treat.
Healthy embryos:
IVF is a method of artificial reproduction and embryologists are present to observe the fertilization of eggs outside the body. To select the best eggs among them, more than one egg is fertilized.
Other Benefits:
The benefits of IVF are numerous. In addition, you can enjoy additional benefits including the ability to choose a donor, pregnancy at your convenience, fertility preservation, increased chances of a healthy baby, etc.
A long time ago, people faced infertility. At Progenesis Fertility Center you can present your problems and get the best solutions.
book-an-appointment Now!!
Why Choose Pune (Progenesis IVF) As the Best Place for IVF Treatment?
The primary reasons for choosing Pune as the best IVF baby center are cost, treatment places, and modern technology. Let us discuss this in detail.
Pune is a top destination for test tube baby treatment. With an increasing number of technologies, medical services, and professional IVF doctors, the probability of IVF success is rapidly increasing as the country competes with other countries. Furthermore, affordable treatment plans with the highest success rate.
India is expanding globally and beating top countries in multiple health concerns such as cancer, brain disorders, and many more. Countries are doing well in infertility treatment as well, but why Pune? It is important to understand.
In vitro fertilization is a complex procedure that must be performed by a trained professional. In a country like India, there are a plethora of IVF specialists and fertility hospitals with an 80% IVF success rate.
However, there are numerous other factors that make Pune the ideal choice for fertility treatments, whether for domestic or international patients.
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