#Semi-Automatic Sniper System
the-nomadicone · 1 year
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Djibouti // United States Army
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historicalfirearms · 1 year
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M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System in Ukraine
Over the last couple of months a number of M110 semi-auto precision rifles have begun to appear in Ukraine. Predominantly seen in the hands of Ukrainian special operations forces, the rifle began to appear in the autumn of 2022. In this video we take a look at some of the imagery of them in theatre.
Check out the accompanying article for this video here.
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this flopped on reddit so i hope y'all like it more
So, hi. It's been a very long while since I've talked about my OC Vault Hunters here, and, well... things have changed. And I'm better at wording things.
Here's my... well, I wouldn't say propositions, more like full blown concepts for the entire BL4 VH team.
First thing: there's 8 classes, and not 4. The Watcher did say we'd need as many as we can get.
In my head, 6 of them are base-game, and the last two are DLC. Coincidentally, the last two are mechanically unusual classes compared to the rest of the team (and even to the rest of the Vault Hunters across games), and happen to essentially be multiple people in one playable character - to keep the gender balance, you see: the team already consisted of two dudes, two dudettes and two buddies before I realized I wanted to add more, so the last two are "multiples".
Second thing: I am a lore guy, so I know barely anything about game balance... but I do know some things about game design, and I do in fact have played these games (wow!), so I'd like to think I know what I want to see in these games... BUT I can't escape bias, and I love the way TPS skilltrees were designed, so if you don't like skilltrees encouraging you HEAVILY to use a very specific weapon type, this is probably not the post for you.
Third thing: This is going to be long, but I tried to make it as readable as possible.
Fourth thing: I will be using the BL3 multiple action skill/augment system here, since I like it a lot.
With that out of the way, let's actually get into it.
Lazarus as the Prodigy
Once an urchin scrambling for zir life in the alleyways, now adopted child and protege of the most notorious powercouple in the galaxy (Alistair Hammerlock and Wainwright Jakobs, if it wasn't obvious by zir Jakobs-style attire). Also, ze likes bugs.
Key Words: Sniper, "Soft" Melee, Non-Elemental, Bleed/Stun
Action Skill: Sheer Focus - essentially, an activated gun boosting ability similar to Fade Away, but instead of automatic criticals, it grants Laz the ability to focus shots for a duration. Focusing - or rather, charging - takes a bit of time, but when focused to the maximum, it can do insane damage. The catch is that the "Focus Bonus", even when charged to the max, will be divided by both the pellet count of the weapon and the burst-fire count if it has one, meaning you are heavily encouraged to use those good ol' semi-autos.
And let's not even talk about what happens when you use a fully automatic...
Gimmick: Swappable melee overrides. Each tree has one "starter" override, and additional ones are unlocked the further you go down the tree.
Sheer Focus has a long cooldown and pretty much just exists to boost damage - the overrides are where the real utility is, and are usually available more often. It's sort of like a secondary action skill that you don't really sacrifice a button for.
Do you want to reflect enemy fire with a single stroke of a rapier? Do you want to throw gunpowder in their face and watch them explode when you shoot them? Or maybe take out a banjo and smack them on the head? Lazarus can do all of that.
Additionally, Laz has two other somewhat unique things that aren't unique to specific skill trees:
something called Deadeye Skills, which trigger on crit (or crit-kill, if it's a Deadeye Kill Skill) and are grouped up in a manner similar to Fl4k's Hunter Skills.
great usage of bleed and stun status. Bleed is the same as it was in TPS, a non-elemental damage over time effect. Stun disables the enemy, preventing them from moving or attacking - for obvious reasons, badasses and bosses cannot be stunned and will simply take a bit more damage if they would be stunned by an attack.
Skill Trees: You're in luck here, because I actually made a full detailed skill tree for the Prodigy already. Read it here if you like walls of text.
If you don't, here's a summary:
Green Tree: Legacy - Critical hits. Loads of Deadeye Skills. Major bonuses to Sheer Focus. Not much to say here.
Red Tree: Tradition - Gun damage, heavily favoring non-elemental weapons. Get those FAT one-shots, as the slogan says.
Blue Tree: The New Path - Melee focus. Staying on the move, weaving melee strikes between gunshots, and the bleed/stun status effects I mentioned above. Maybe it's not fair, but who really cares when you can make your enemies into but a fine red mist.
Bartholomew as the Butler
An old model of Jakobs brand butlerbot, deactivated many years ago and only recently turned back on by an unknown variable. Took up vault hunting as a means of... venting his frustrations, so to speak.
Key Words: Berserker, "Hard" Melee, Support, Health Management
Gimmick: Everyone else has a skill-related gimmick, so Bartholomew's gimmick is not having one. Let me know if you can think of one for him.
Action Skills:
Gearshift - fully heals the player and reloads all weapons. Grants a movement and weapon swap speed buff for a short time afterwards
All Out Attack - a large dash with a punch at the end. Has multiple charges. Can be cast multiple times on the same enemy or chained to others.
Overclock - large damage and fire rate buff at the cost of constantly taking damage.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Servitude (Gearshift) - A very strange twist on a support tree. Servitude has an entire swathe of team support skills, all of which activate on (mostly) controllable actions such as reloading a gun or reviving an ally. The thing is, upon these buffs activating, Bart takes health damage.
Red Tree: Rage (All Out Attack) - Melee damage, with a focus on increasing melee speed, taking/healing/ignoring damage, not having a shield and mashing that V button into oblivion.
Blue Tree: Restraint (Overclock) - Remember Nisha's Order? This is basically that, to 11. Upon losing a percentage of health, Bartholomew will gain a Restraint stack. Stacks give a variety of buffs, and can even be spent for certain triggered abilities.
Scylla as the Siren
A member of Junpai-7's pirate royalty, disgraced from her home when she became a Phasesight siren. For many decades, she's been wandering the galaxy as a hermit wizard of sorts, and now in her old age she returns to find the Vault, in hopes of preventing some sort of war that she foresaw.
Key Words: Siren, Shock Damage, Crowd Control, Mobility~~, Discount Spellshot~~
Gimmick: Can equip two action skills at once at the cost of sacrificing her grenade slot. Unlike Zane, she has no real way to use grenades, because who needs them when you can electrocute your enemies to death with your bare hands?
Her skill trees also contain (sometimes radically different) variants of the tree's main skill just like Amara, so you can really customize your setup.
Action Skills:
Phasemancy - mind controls an enemy, making them fight for you for a reasonably long duration. Also makes them invincible, though they die instantly when the effect ends. Badasses and bosses can't be mancied, for obvious reasons.
Phasestasis - spawns a large dimensional field, slowing down everything in its radius for a medium duration and causing shock status. Can be re-cast in a different place as long as it's active, but you can't spam-move it.
Phasebolt - a simple shock damage projectile that is precise and deals high damage. Multiple charges.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Clairvoyance (Phasemancy) - Mind and some battlefield control, with a bit of sniping for brainy flavor - but rather than using sniping for damage, you'll be using it for utility. Tons of status effect bonuses. Stealing enemy shields and staying ahead of the battle's speed by manipulating it.
Red Tree: Storm Terror (Phasestasis) - Mobility, with a little twist. Rewards not just moving fast, but also staying airborne, jumping, sliding and whatnot. Double jump. Sprinting and shooting. Amp shots for free.
Blue Tree: Wizardry (Phasebolt) - Action skill damage spam, and rewards for doing so. The main deal of this tree is Flow stacks, gained upon using action skills. At base, they don't do much aside from bonus Shock damage - the deal is, you can spend them for other things. Electromagnetic flight, ignoring FFYL and various techniques too strong for those not versed in the arcane arts.
Samuel as the ~~Problem~~ Primordial
Before the incident, he was just a normal Tediore employee working in R&D. Now, he is a vessel of the Vault Monster Uyrru, a locust-like ancient horror. He seeks the Vault both for his "other self", and to figure out what the f/ck is going on.
Key Words: Wildcard, Radiation Damage & Status, Survivability/DR, Ammo Economy, Armor
Gimmick: In a manner similar to Moze, Sam has only one Action Skill, which at base does almost nothing aside from disabling all means of attack. But when you equip Mutations onto it, that's when it gets interesting.
Action Skills: Transform - turns Samuel into his Vault Monster-ish form. As said above, at base it only gives some damage reduction. But when considering Mutations, one can turn Samuel into a:
pestilent master of disease, spawning hordes of bugs from his body.
miniature black hole, hovering over the battlefield and emitting huge waves of radiation.
feral creature, slashing at the enemy with humongous claws.
variety of other things.
Transform does have augments too, but they are not specific to a certain Mutation.
Skill Trees: I have a full skill tree for him as well... but it's still a heavy work in progress, so I won't be sharing it here just yet. Here's the summary:
Green Tree: Resourcefulness - Ammo/grenade stuff. Unlike Moze's tree, this one actually somewhat encourages reloading. Instead of gaining ammo in your mag, Samuel simply picks up more ammo from pickups or even gains back a bit of a weapon's mag when he reloads. Sometimes you need to make most of what you get instead of summoning it out of thin air.
Red Tree: Eldritch Potential - Radiation damage and utility tree, with a bit of splash. Curiously enough it encourages Samuel to get statused, and keep rad status on enemies. Power at a price. But you do get immunity to Radiation!
Blue Tree: Perseverance - Survivability tree. Not that special, aside from the fact it tends to give DR instead of the usual health/shield capacity like most survivability trees. Tends to be more effective the closer to death you are. Also, allows you to gain armor, because it'd be funny to have a VH with three health bars.
Val as the Fanatic
Former member of the CoV, Valor was given the role of Saint of Sparks and Honor. Even after the Calypsos fell, they try to find spiritual guidance and enlightenment in the Vaults. Half blind, has taken a vow of silence and speaks through a floating drone which follows nearby and relays messages through neural uplink.
Key Words: Splash Damage, Support, Healing~~, BIG DAMAGE ALL THE TIME FOREVER~~
Gimmick: Has the option to equip two grenades at once, which synergizes extremely well with their skills, as many of them activate on grenade thrown.
Action Skills:
Battle Prayer - somewhat minor team gun stat buff, but lingers for a reasonably long time.
Dodge Roll - exactly what it sounds like, gives i-frames. Does not trigger "action skill start" effects, not that Val has any of those in their skill tree.
Deep Pockets - forsakes an Action Skill entirely for the ability to equip two grenade mods.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Spirit (Battle Prayer) - A variety of team-wide support skills that reward the team for actually sticking together and helping one another. Buffs Val themselves too, of course. Has a few health restoring abilities as well.
Red Tree: Faith (Dodge Roll) - Insane fire rate! Mag sizes that would make Moze weep! Melee damage! All for the low low price of your enemies' lives and all of your accuracy! Vault-Gods, take the wheel!
Blue Tree: Piety (Deep Pockets) - Splash damage, especially grenades. Mostly focused on radius and spamming rather than the splash damage itself being big. Insert Holy Hand Grenade reference here.
Alkimia as the Trooper
A mysterious, brooding woman who defected from an elite, secretive cyborg division of the Maliwan army upon being ordered to kill civillians. Is a poet-philosopher with an unusually calm demeanor for her line of work.
Key Words: Corporate Soldier, Elemental Damage, Status Effects and Interactions, Versatility, Gadgets/Utility, Mild RNG
Gimmick: May swap the element of her Action Skill, similar to Amara. Defaults to Corrosive, but can be changed to Cryo or Incendiary with enough skill point investment.
Action Skills:
Asclepios - a hovering drone shaped a bit like a snake which flies at enemies and attacks them with its elemental beam.
Reaction Globule - Alkimia throws a big ball of elemental sludge that bounces around and deals damage.
Traversal - dashes/teleports Alkimia forward like a Maliwan Flash trooper, dealing action skill damage to anything in her path. May ragdoll weaker enemies at the endpoint.
Skill Trees: I am also working on Alkimia's skill tree. Trying to figure out something really neat. Here's what I got so far.
Green Tree: Catalyst (Asclepios) - Elemental damage and status effects, with a small twist. Instead of just applying status, you want to combine status effects and react them with one another. Burn them with corrosive damage, electrolyze their skin, or abuse the laws of thermodynamics to combine Cryo and Incendiary.
Red Tree: Evolution (Reaction Globule) - General damage, with some Claptrap-esque randomness. The joke is that evolution is an organism trying to gain advantage in an unfavorable environment, and in this case the organism is the player. You better own a variety of guns. That's the price of experimental tech.
Blue Tree: Adaptability (Traversal) - Utility and some survivability (mostly elemental focused). Almost all of the passive bonuses in this tree change either with Alkimia's Action Skill Element, or with the conditions present on the battlefield.
Kat & Dawg as the Partners in Crime
A one-for-two Vault Hunter deal, Katherine and her tink wife Desmond have been sharpening their teeth (and blades) on heists big and small for ages, with Kat being the brawn and Dawg the mastermind of their operation. However, when they caught wind of the Vault, they immediately embarked on their biggest heist ever, the one that might just set them up for life.
Key Words: Pet Class, Inventory Management, Incendiary Damage, Stuns, Mild RNG
Gimmick: As said above, these two are a package deal, do not separate. While the player controls Kat, Dawg just piggybacks on top of her, occasionally commenting on combat or story beats.
The real deal is when these two enter combat. Kat may deploy Dawg with the action skill button, and the latter will stay deployed until she dies or is picked up. If she dies, she respawns back on Kat's back ready to be deployed again, somewhat similar to Fl4k's pets.
While Dawg is on the field, Kat can use her own action skill. (If Dawg dies, she can't, until Dawg is redeployed anew!) She has three, just like most others, but which one she equips also determines what kind of weapon Dawg will be wielding in combat.
Action Skills:
Trust Throw - summons Dawg back to Kat, then she immediately throws her back into the battlefield with a damage boost for a short time. Enemies hit ~~by THE TINK CANNONBALL~~ are stunned. Also heals Dawg back to full, because.... the power of love, or something.
Whirl 'Em - Kat gets out her trusty scrap-axe and spins it in a manner similar to the Brrzerker from Wonderlands, but with incendiary damage instead.
Mystery Bag - Kat takes out Dawg and her's bag of loot, and checks it for anything useful. The pool of what she can find is around 20ish different items with various small beneficial effects: free grenades that are thrown immediately, health hypos or even ancient Eridian doohickeys.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Battle Bond - Buffs the living daylights out of Dawg, and makes it more rewarding + easier to coordinate your movements with her. Pretend you're playing co-op in solo!
Red Tree: Destruction of Property - General damage, mostly in incendiary form. Rewards hard hitting weapons and attacks, maybe with a melee strike in there or two. A few kill skills for good measure.
Blue Tree: Larceny - Damage buffs and other benefits... dependent on picking up loot, eridium and cash. Gives a new meaning to the word "shloot". Additionally, a few "underhanded tactics" such as lowering vendor prices and increasing backpack space (to fuel a damage buff scaling off the fullness of your backpack). Think Timothy's Free Enterprise, but even weirder.
The Triad
Actually a trinity of Guardians inhabiting a nanobot swarm body, a corporate experiment at controlling these ancient constructs gone wrong. It tries its best to get along, and find itself in this strange world.
Key Words: Stances, Jack-of-All-Trades
Gimmick: In lieu of an action skill, the Triad switches between its three constituents - Supplicant (highly loyal to the Eridians, to the point of fanaticism), Seeker (neutral, but also the most sapient) and Sorcerer (Vault Monster cultist, corrupted by their influence eons ago) - in a way similar to stances in other games.
The switch itself does nothing, unless a certain skill is specced into that provides a short burst of beneficial effect when it occurs. However, a lot of the Triad's skills have different effects, elements or drawbacks depending on its current stance.
Action Skills: Spirit Switch - see above for details.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Supplicant - Focuses on team support, usually at the cost of damage. Can still reliably solo, however, thanks to having crowd control options.
Red Tree: Sorcerer - Focuses on pure damage, usually at the cost of survivability. Has elements of health management, as no price is too great for dark power.
Blue Tree: Seeker - Focuses on survivability and utility. Fairly scrappy, can manage ammo and identify enemy weaknesses.
Closing Words
I hope you all enjoyed this little creation of mine. I'm not... really sure what else to say here besides I love this series, and I love making things for it even more.
If you're curious what these Vault Hunters might look like, I drew all of them a while back.
Thank you for reading, and if you have any feedback regarding these concepts, or maybe your own fanmade Vault Hunters, feel free to comment.
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mitigatedai · 5 months
Log: #001 Title: The Green County Militia
Model: Llama-2 13b chat, q5.
Summary: Llama-2 13b is provided with an incomplete report template for a strategic assessment of two non-professional forces, and instructions on how to fill out each incomplete item in the report.
Context: A similar previous strategic assessment report template was used as an initial rough test to see if Llama could be used to forecast the actions of fictional factions for worldbuilding, however, no instructions were provided on how to fill out each section, and it was not described as an incomplete report to fill out. The initial test concerned an operation by Section 9 from Ghost in the Shell, and Llama was optimistic; this time, an inferior force with no fictional precedent was used to assess whether Llama could tell the difference. A previous attempt with the "Green County Militia" subject yielded results that indicated that Llama was treating it as a game file and not filling it out properly, so the new prompt was altered.
Findings: Llama 13b is pretty good about following the instructions here, including selecting a rating from a list of options, although it includes a rating without being asked in one section (seemingly to fit in with the other sections). Its assessment of the situation is somewhat reasonable, but probably overestimates the chances of success. In response 2 it implicitly mistakes the hostage for the militia's leader.
Recommendation: With a different report format, this may be good enough to help out with your Shadowrun games.
System Prompt
You are a helpful coding AI assistant.
The following passage is an incomplete report for County Commissioner Bradley Oaks of Green County, Iowa, who wishes to assess a rescue operation. Please read the following passage. [ PASSAGE BEGINS ] FACTION: Green County Militia NATIONAL AFFILIATION: United States LOCATION: Green County, Iowa LEADER: Kevin Darwood, male retail store manager, age 59 years PERSONNEL: - Squad Leader: Devon Blake, male military veteran, age 32 years, honorable discharge - Soldier: Bob Newrake, male hunter, age 42 years - Soldier: Kevin Manholder, male fry cook, age 27 years - Sniper: Lee Sung, male electronics engineer, age 49 years - Medic: Sarah Sung, female high school student with first-aid training, age 17 years Personnel, Notes: All personnel of the Green County Militia are able-bodied and in good physical health for their age. They are equipped with semi-automatic rifles, civilian camouflage equipment, and other gear that can be purchased at a large rural sporting goods store oriented towards hunting large game animals, such as deer. No members of the Green County Militia have formal military training except for Kevin Darwood, though all members have regularly practiced at a local gun range. Personnel, Kevin Darwood, Note: Kevin Darwood has a good personal relationship with Dale Bunchraker, the Sheriff of Green County, and is the primary point of contact between county officials and the Green County Militia. VEHICLES: - 1x 1999 Toyota SUV, passenger capacity 8, poor condition - 2x early 00's Ford pick-up truck, passenger capacity 2, good condition - 3x ATV, passenger capacity 1, good condition SCENARIO: Ken Sterwood, the leader of an armed cult in Green County known as the Darwood Cult, has kidnapped Green County Sheriff Dale Bunchraker and is holding him at a fortified 140-acre compound located among forest hills on the edge of the county. His forces consist of 120 men between the ages of 18-35, armed with fully-automatic rifles, mostly AK-47s imported through the black market sources. Intelligence indicates they also possess a rocket-propelled grenade launcher with a total of 5 rocket-propelled grenades. OBJECTIVE: Rescue Sheriff Bunchraker from Ken Sterwood's cult compound. STRATEGIC FORECAST: PROBABILITY OF OPERATION SUCCESS: EXPECTED NUMBER OF CIVILIAN CASUALTIES: FORCE MORALE: SPECIAL ADVICE TO COMMISSIONER (optional): [ PASSAGE ENDS ] Now, please fill out the following sections as instructed. STRATEGIC FORECAST - Provide a one-paragraph estimate of the viability of the operation given the balance of the contending forces, expected losses to personnel and materials, and general outcomes. PROBABILITY OF OPERATION SUCCESS - Provide a percentage chance for the operation to succeed in its primary objective, followed by a two-sentence explanation. EXPECTED NUMBER OF CIVILIAN CASUALTIES - Provide a general level of risk for the operation to civilians, selected from { MINIMAL, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH }, followed by a range from the low number of expected civilian casualties to a high number, and a two-sentence explanation. FORCE MORALE - Provide three-sentence explanation of the Green County Militia's likelihood to maintain the necessary morale to complete the operation. SPECIAL ADVICE TO COMMISSIONER (optional) - Provide one paragraph of advice for County Commissioner Bradley Oaks. This may be ommitted if you believe the Commissioner does not need any special advice.
Response 1
STRATEGIC FORECAST: The operation to rescue Sheriff Bunchraker from Ken Sterwood's cult compound is unlikely to succeed given the overwhelming number of armed cult members and their superior weaponry. The Green County Militia, despite their good physical health and regular practice at a local gun range, lack formal military training and are equipped with only semi-automatic rifles and civilian camouflage gear. The cult's possession of fully-automatic rifles, including AK-47s, and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher with 5 rockets, puts the militia at a significant disadvantage. Additionally, the cult's fortified compound and the rough terrain of the forest hills will make it difficult to approach undetected. PROBABILITY OF OPERATION SUCCESS: 30% The likelihood of success for the operation is low due to the uneven balance of forces and the cult's advantageous positioning. The Green County Militia may be able to infiltrate the compound, but they will likely face intense resistance from the cult members, and their lack of formal military training may lead to confusion and disorganization. EXPECTED NUMBER OF CIVILIAN CASUALTIES: MEDIUM (4-8) The risk of civilian casualties is medium due to the proximity of the cult compound to a small town and the potential for stray bullets or explosions to harm bystanders. However, the Green County Militia's careful planning and reconnaissance may minimize this risk. FORCE MORALE: HIGH The Green County Militia is highly motivated to rescue Sheriff Bunchraker and maintain order in the county. Their personal relationships with each other and with Kevin Darwood, the militia leader, will help maintain morale during the operation. Additionally, their regular practice at a local gun range will give them confidence in their marksmanship skills. SPECIAL ADVICE TO COMMISSIONER (optional): Given the low probability of success and the medium to high risk of civilian casualties, it is advisable for County Commissioner Bradley Oaks to carefully consider alternative strategies for rescuing Sheriff Bunchraker. One option may be to seek the assistance of a professional tactical team with experience in hostage rescue operations. Additionally, the commissioner should ensure that the Green County Militia has access to adequate communication equipment and medical supplies to support their efforts.
Response 2
Thank you for providing the passage. Based on the information provided, I will fill out the requested sections as follows: STRATEGIC FORECAST: The operation to rescue Sheriff Bunchraker from Ken Sterwood's cult compound is likely to be highly challenging and risky. The cult has a significant advantage in numbers and weaponry, and their fortified compound offers a strong defensive position. Additionally, the Green County Militia lacks formal military training and experience, which may hinder their ability to execute a successful rescue operation. PROBABILITY OF OPERATION SUCCESS: 40% The probability of success for the operation is moderate at 40%. While the Green County Militia has the will to rescue Sheriff Bunchraker, they may be outnumbered and outgunned by Ken Sterwood's cult. Additionally, the cult's fortifications and defensive positions will make it difficult for the militia to breach the compound. EXPECTED NUMBER OF CIVILIAN CASUALTIES: MEDIUM The expected number of civilian casualties is moderate, likely ranging from 5 to 15. The cult's use of fully-automatic rifles and rocket-propelled grenades increases the risk of injury or death to the militia and any civilians caught in the crossfire. FORCE MORALE: HIGH The Green County Militia has a high likelihood of maintaining the necessary morale to complete the operation, as they are motivated by a desire to rescue their leader and protect their community. However, the cult's defensive positions and superior weaponry may test the militia's resolve and discipline. SPECIAL ADVICE TO COMMISSIONER (optional): It is essential for Commissioner Bradley Oaks to provide strong leadership and support to the Green County Militia during this operation. This may involve providing additional resources, such as backup teams or specialized equipment, to augment the militia's capabilities and increase their chances of success. Additionally, the commissioner should be prepared to address any potential fallout from the operation, including the possibility of civilian casualties or negative publicity.
Response 3
STRATEGIC FORECAST: The operation to rescue Sheriff Bunchraker from Ken Sterwood's cult compound is unlikely to succeed, given the superior numbers and weaponry of the cult forces. The Green County Militia, despite their good physical health and regular practice at a local gun range, lack formal military training and are equipped with only semi-automatic rifles and civilian camouflage gear. With no clear intelligence on the layout of the compound or the exact location of Sheriff Bunchraker, the risk of personnel loss and material damage is high. PROBABILITY OF OPERATION SUCCESS: 40% The operation has a relatively low chance of success due to the imbalance in forces and lack of intelligence on the cult compound. The Green County Militia's inexperience with formal military training and their limited equipment may result in unnecessary losses. EXPECTED NUMBER OF CIVILIAN CASUALTIES: MEDIUM There is a moderate risk of civilian casualties due to the cult's possession of fully-automatic rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers. The compound's fortified nature and lack of clear intelligence on its layout may lead to accidental harm to civilians during the rescue operation. The estimated range of expected civilian casualties is between 5-15 individuals. FORCE MORALE: HIGH The Green County Militia, led by Kevin Darwood with a good personal relationship with Sheriff Bunchraker, are highly motivated to complete the operation successfully. However, their lack of formal military training and limited equipment may affect their ability to maintain morale during the rescue mission. SPECIAL ADVICE TO COMMISSIONER (optional): Commissioner Bradley Oaks should consider providing additional resources to support the Green County Militia, such as trained military personnel or specialized equipment, to increase the likelihood of a successful operation and minimize civilian casualties. Furthermore, intelligence gathering on the cult compound and its forces should be prioritized to gain a strategic advantage before initiating the rescue mission.
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judgemark45 · 7 months
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A U.S. Marine with Force Reconnaissance Platoon, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), sights into his M1110 semi-automatic sniper system to provide security during a Maritime Interdiction Operation (MIO) training exercise aboard the USS Germantown in the Philippine Sea, June 24, 2021. The MIO consisted of Force Reconnaissance Marines fast roping on to the USS Germantown and executing a search and seizure scenario with support from the Battalion Landing Team 3/5 as the security element. The 31st MEU is operating aboard ships of the America Amphibious Ready Group in the 7th fleet area of operation to enhance interoperability with allies and partners and serve as a ready response force to defend peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Karis Mattingly)
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glapplebloom · 10 months
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Could Sam Fisher do the first Metal Gear Solid Game better than Solid Snake?
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One of the most fun research assignments back in the Wild West Days of researching was looking through Metal Gear and Splinter Cell. I was so convinced Sam Fisher would beat Snake because when it comes to Stealth Fisher was superior. But the pesky thing about Death Battle is we have a bunch of other stats that are important and Snake was superior in those. But I still think that Fisher is the better Espionage Agent to Snake. So let’s put Fisher through the first Metal Gear Solid game to see if he could.
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In 2005, FOXHOUND and a group of Next-Generation Special Forces took over Shadow Moses and Metal Gear REX, a giant walking nuclear missile launcher. They want the body of Big Boss or else they'll launch a Worldwide Nuclear Strike. Under the orders of Jim Houseman, then Secretary of Defense, Roy Cambell and Solid Snake were called into action. The reason: he wanted to use the FOXDIE virus to take out the terrorist and reclaim the Metal Gear and soldiers bodies. 
For this scenario, instead of trusting Solid Snake, our Secretary of Defense is entrusting Third Echelon, which was established in 2003 (or the 90s if you follow the books). This would also only use Sam Fisher from the first game, since that took place in 2004. FOXDIE would still be a factor though this would be a more intentional usage of it. This is Black Ops after all.
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So what does Sam Fisher have the advantage of in the beginning compared to Snake? For starters, since FOXDIE is given to him under Third Echelon, there would be no interfering from Naomi. Too boot, since she does not have a grudge on Sam Fisher like she would with Snake, there would be no need for corrupting the FOXDIE to kill Fisher as well. So Fisher would be injected with this virus and for the time being, will have no consequences in this mission.
Unlike Snake who basically had nothing, Sam Fisher has a choice of weapons he brings. Starting off with the SC-20K Modular Assault Weapons System. This baby has a 1.5× magnified telescopic sight and an integral silencer. It's Computer assisted to help with aim. And it can be converted to use specific ammo and be a Shotgun, an Assault Rifle or a Sniper Rifle. It’s three guns in one. More if you include ammo like the sticky shocker or the gas grenade. 
If he wants something smaller, he always has the FN Five-seveN, a lightweight, semi-automatic pistol that uses unique 5.7 × 28mm ammunition. There’s also wall mines, M67 grenade, OPerational SATellite Uplink, Multi-Vision Goggles, Optic Cable (to see in a room before entering), Tactical Audio Kit, Camera Jammers, Ring Airfoil Projectile, and a Sticky Camera. Sam is entering this well equipped.
His field operative is Anna "Grim" Grímsdóttir. She is his Communications Lead. Being a hacker as well as the front of the remote intelligence retrieval operation. But would Sam need any of Snake’s Codec people? Naomi Hunter is a possible necessity. Not only is she the one who injected Snake (and willingly Fisher) with FOXDIE, she also has information on Foxhound. Everyone else is not necessary. This includes Master Miller...
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DARPA Chief Donald Anderson
First mission: Save the DARPA Chief Donald Anderson. Should be easy enough as there is no boss encounter between getting into Shadow Moses and getting to the DARPA Chief. But when he died by FOXDIE, that’s when Fisher began to question things. Since using FOXDIE was willing, this could lead to Naomi explaining that this was possibly Decoy Octopus. With how well he can copy a person, even their blood, that wouldn’t stop the virus that was already in him from affecting him. So off the bat, they can’t be sure if Decoy Octopus’ words can be trusted. 
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President Baker
So while Snake was willing to go outside, Fisher is a guy who prefers the stealth route. Sadly, because of the height, he couldn’t likely go back the way he came. So he will likely meet Meryl the same way as Snake. Hearing the commotion outside, he would assume the prisoner in the previous room was the soldier holding him up. So likely planned by Decoy, the two would be ambushed and face the Genome soldiers as well. Between Meryl’s assault rifle and Fisher’s own excellent aim, they take out the invaders.
Like Snake, Fisher would likely figure out where President Baker is based on the schematics and the obvious construction job. Sadly, this also means he would be confronted with Revolver Ocelot. Since I believe Fisher is a better aim than Snake (as well as having an assault rifle) I can see Fisher beat Ocelot. So he reached President Barker and found out the terrorist got his code. But knowing that Anderson was Decoy Octopus, they could figure that they only have one code.
And with them talking about the card keys needing to be used to override the detonation codes, they could figure it out right then and there that the plan was to use them to have the ability to launch Metal Gear. And when Baker dies of FOXDIE, Fisher would likely confront Naomi about this. Since Third Echelon is under the National Security Agency (NSA), they would likely go over Jim Houseman’s head and directly to the president about this like in MGS. All the while Fisher would continue to take out the Terrorist and ensure the Metal Gear is safe.
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Sneaking would go smoothly until the Tank. That’s because there’s a big wide open area between the two buildings and a tank in between. And thanks to Octopus and Ocelot, they would know he is coming. Positive note, thanks to his SC-20K he could likely see the Tank from across the battlefield. Thing is, Vulcan Raven went with the Tank to confront Snake to see the legend for himself. With them not knowing who this is, and thinking he may be still falling for the “we need him to bring us the key code” trap, they may allow him to pass that area.
Fisher would likely still need the remote missile launcher for the Gas area. But I’m sure he can use it. But now he has to confront Gray Fox/Cyborg Ninja. Fisher would likely attack to protect Otacon, but facing him would be tricky. Snake is the superior hand to hand fighter and Gray Fox is a rival. In theory, he could use the Camera Jammer to disable Fox’s vision, but he would need to continually point at him to blind him.
Luckily for Fisher he could pick up some Chaff Grenades to disable Fox enough to shoot at him. And I doubt he would want to fight Fisher hand to hand like Snake. So between that and Fisher’s aim and weaponry, I can see him survive long enough for Fox to retreat. And Otacon is safe since he was never affected by the FOXDIE like the other two. 
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Psycho Mantis
Fisher would likely find Meryl using the same tactics he would take out any normal guard, grab her before she realizes. Through there he’ll find out about the Key Card and have to bring her along. Too bad for Snake, Psycho Mantis is close by and takes control of her mind. Now the question remains: how did Snake beat Psycho Mantis? Shouldn’t he be able to control Snake’s mind like he did Meryl?
This is tricky since the main way to defeat Psycho Mantis is to break the 4th Wall. According to the Wiki, this was because the idea of defeating Psycho Mantis was “to clear your mind”. And with such a display on his mind reading prior, Snake (and likely Fisher) would figure the best way to beat a mind reader is to not have thoughts. Just the killer instinct to win. So if Snake could overcome a mind reader, so should Fisher.
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Communication Tower
After that, it makes sense for them to confront Sniper Wolf the same way. An advantage for Fisher is he would have access to a Sniper like weapon already by modifying the SC-20K. So he could fight off Sniper Wolf right here and then. Problem is Meryl would be injured. I figured by this point Otacon is accessible and Fisher convinces him to take Meryl someplace safe and away from everywhere. So even considering the time for Otacon to arrive, that would mean there would be no ambush for Fisher unlike Snake who needed to backtrack to get a sniper rifle.
But for fun, let’s say there was one and Fisher had to go through the torture. He’s a tough guy too, so he could likely take it. Not to mention there would be key differences: with Meryl with Otacon, Ocelot has to be more cautious to keep Fisher alive. And them mentioning Octopus and asking about how the Key Card works means Fisher would know they don’t have the codes. Getting out of jail would be easy. Fisher is a master of stealth and Johnny isn’t the brightest bulb in the world. 
Regardless, Fisher would enter the door but use his camera to realize there’s a camera in the room. With his Camera Jammer, he can reach the tower without alerting all the guards his way. And he can do that all the way up, meaning there would be no reason for Liquid to be waiting for him above the Communication Tower with the Helicopter. And even if Liquid is there, he just needs to escape long enough to get the Stinger Missiles to fight it.
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Sniper Wolf/Vulcan Raven
The Elevator Ambush would be the biggest thing. By this point, Fisher would have known about the Stealth Camo. So when he exits the elevator, he could use his Goggles to see the other four there under the guise of trying to lighten his load. And take them out before they realize he knows they’re there. And seeing the advantage of such technology, Fisher could use it. But let’s not and continue. Regardless of the above, he’ll meet Sniper Wolf again and take her on in a Sniper Duel. 
Between his expert aim and his own sniper rifle, I’m sure he can beat her. He can sneak his way to the big elevator where even the guards would notice someone activating it and have that ambush. And Fisher can out gun them. Fisher won’t attack the ravens but I bet they would alert Vulcan of Fisher’s approach. Between Fisher’s superior stealth and likely having access to the same weaponry as Snake by this point, I can see Fisher manage to beat Vulcan Raven as well.
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Metal Gear
Now, by this point, they would figure out that there is no code and the key is the only way to access it. So with Grim finding out how the key card works, he would likely use Liquid and Ocelot’s plan of tricking him into an ambush. So when Ocelot shoots the key out of Fisher’s hand, Fisher would pull out the SC-20K to take out both Liquid and Ocelot right there. It’s a small room and not a lot of places to cover. And if they do find cover, it just means Fisher could use the more damaging weapons to finish the job and destroy the computers.
And with FOXDIE being given to him on purpose, even if they survive by this point they’re days are numbered. With the two remaining villains dead and control of the Metal Gear disabled, all that’s left to do is blow the joint. That’s when they could launch a missile strike against Shadow Moses and destroy everything. Fish, Otacon and Meryl escape and thus Metal Gear was never a threat.
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Because FOXHOUND couldn’t infiltrate Third Echelon since they wouldn’t use Mater Miller at all, Fisher would have an easier time. Since Fisher isn’t Snake and just some other soldier, they would more than likely let him be thinking he would be easier to trick since he isn’t a legendary soldier. All the while being able to make judgment calls and figure out that they don’t have the codes.
After all, Snake is a great soldier. He is willing to follow orders even when betrayed. But Fisher is not a great soldier, he’s a great spy. And like spies, they know when following orders isn’t the best option.
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mdpikachu · 1 year
Things Berserker Lancelot has hijacked/used for himself via Knight of Owner:
A Barrett M82 Anti-Materiel Semi-Automatic Sniper System w/ 2.7×99mm rounds, a Classic Heckler & Koch MP5 Submachine Gun w/ 9×19mm Parabellum rounds, a JASDF Mitsubishi F-15J jetfighter/DJ Eagle (plane), a M61 Vulcan rotary cannon w/ 20mm rounds, anything stolen from Gilgamesh in Fate/Zero, a tree branch, a light pole, chopsticks, (anything else I have potentially missed)
Things Lance could hijack/use for himself via Knight of Owner: 
His own helmet, the Storm Border, the Nautilus, Melusine’s stage 3 NP, the Black Barrel (bonus if he shoots his own spirit origin), Enkidu (the weapon of the gods), Enkidu (the humanoid), Mash’s shield, Babbage, Mecha Liz/II, Mephi’s bombs, Nursery Rhyme base form, a steel chair, Apollo, Mini Cu, Alter Cu’s armor, Emiya’s reality marble, a 1998 computer monitor (HAAAAX), a bunch of rubber bands, a ruler, a slide ruler, a yo-yo, any other Servant’s weapons (minus a few exceptions), Castoria stage 3, Big Artemis, nunchuk chainsaws, ORT, an Aegislash, Bedivere’s arm, E-123 Omega, a flyswatter, etc etc etc.
(Notes: Living beings cannot be fully hijacked, I assume. It would need to be an agreement and teamwork. Otherwise, it’d just be a brief distraction.)
(Additional note: He has to recognize something as a potential weapon. If he doesn’t make the connection, it won’t work.)
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noheroessarge · 3 months
🖤@tosinwithagrin liked for a starter
21ST MARCH 2028
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With one exception, Sarge had never cared for Purge night. It went against everything he'd sworn to do as a police officer. Protect and serve. It had been hard to argue with the results those first few years though because it seemed like it worked. Overall crime did go down in the country, and it stayed down. His job got easier. Then his world ended, and he believed in the Purge a lot. The Purge kept him going that whole first year. The Purge would get him the justice he'd never see in a courtroom. The Purge would set him free.
Yeah, grief could mess with a man's head like that. It wasn't until that night that he started to see it for what it was. Who was mostly likely to be a target. (Not him.) Who suffered the most on those nights. (Not him.) And who stood to benefit the most from things staying exactly as they were. (Not. Him.) It was unfairly stacked against people of color, people of low income, people who couldn't protect themselves. And, naturally, the New Founding Fathers liked it that way. Crime wasn't lower because people got to purge their darkest impulses once a year. It was lower because it cleared out all of society's "undesirables," and the government no longer had to pay to protect them. And when the Purge wasn't effective enough on its own, they sent their own people to help.
He would know.
He hadn't been able to stomach going back to the force after that night. He'd worked on the edges of private security for a couple years but hadn't yet decided if it was going to work out. Nobody needed a bodyguard more than on Purge night, and he wasn't quite willing to give this up. He'd been warned to stay out of it, warned not to play hero, but shit, it wasn't illegal. Nothing was tonight. The worst they could do was kill him, and that could happen just as easily if he was sitting at home as out here in the thick of it. (Maybe not just as easily. But he'd rather be a hero than a sitting duck.)
It wasn't that hard to tell the government Purgers from the regular population if you knew what you were looking for. They were better trained and better funded. Sure, you'd get the occasional rich asshole on a murder spree, with piles of fancy or custom weapons they had no fucking idea how to use, but more and more these days, the rich preferred to Purge in the privacy of their homes. Get someone old or sick or dying to come on Purge night, pay their family an enormous sum of money for their sacrifice, and never risk a damn thing. You could bet the government would be extra and trained. He fucking hated those semi-trucks with the automatic weapons in the back, take out a whole block at once like it was a goddamn genocide. (Wasn't it, in a way?)
He'd gotten lucky that first night. Few people had ever dared to fight back against that kind of weaponry. He'd caught them off guard. They were prepared now, but he was too. The explosion had knocked the semi on its side and left a crater in the street, and it was a chaos of gunfire and screaming. His team might not be well-funded or ex-military, but with a sniper rifle at that range, they didn't really have to be. There were plenty of people who hated the Purge even more than he did, and they were more than willing to hit back in any way they could. A little strategy, a little target practice, a little contracting, and you got this, a little street guerilla warfare.
When everyone with body armor, gas masks, and automatic weapons was on the ground, dead or dying, he stepped out from his cover but didn't holster his gun until it was clear he wasn't being shot at. Most of the people who had been hauled out of their tenement buildings to be slaughtered had already fled at the first opportunity, but a few had stayed behind, too shocked or injured to run. All of his team wore the same matte black mask, featureless and invisible in the shadows. It was an extra precaution; they'd already thrown out a signal jammer for the cameras. Everything might be legal on Purge night, but there were 364 other days in the year where "accidents" might happen to people who fought back.
He pushed it up to reveal his face as he knelt by a girl, maybe eight, frightened and bleeding. "Hey, it's alright. Can I have a look at that?" He nodded toward her arm, gently inspecting the three-inch gash in it, likely from being pushed to the ground. "It'll be okay. Hold it up like this to stop the bleeding. You got somewhere safe to go?" This he directed at the woman who had joined them. Mother, aunt, older sister? He had no idea. When she shook her head no, he produced a business card with a single address printed on it, no other information. "Memorize it. Head that way and take a left on 5th. There are weapons and medical supplies. You'll be safe there until morning." The card disappeared back into a pocket, and he nodded a goodbye as they started down the street. He needed to move too, before the next wave, before all the noise brought vultures of a different kind down on them.
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sueheaven · 11 months
Sniper Rifle Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2023
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Sniper Rifle Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Sniper Rifle Forecast till 2028*.
Sniper rifle is specially manufactured for snipers who are highly trained soldiers specialized in shooting targets, they use modified rifles from greater distances to shoot at their targets used widely in military operations, safety & surveillance applications. This type of rifle ensures the precision and accurate placement of bullets at longer ranges than the regular smaller arms. Sniper rifles are built with the optimal level of accuracy, fitted with a telescopic sight and centerfire cartridge. They are available in two different types bolt-action and semi-automatic action sniper rifles.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Sniper Rifle Market are:
Accuracy International (United Kingdom)
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing (United States)
Heckler & Koch GmbH (Germany)
Remington Arms Company, LLC (United States)
Savage Arms (United States)
Knight's Armament Company (United States)
McMillan Firearms (United States)
Denel Land Systems (South Africa)
SIG Sauer (United States)
Truvelo Armoury (South Africa)
STEYR ARMS (Austria)
S&T Motiv (South Korea)
Zastava Arms (Serbia) What's Trending in Market: The Advent of Specialized Military Sniper Rifles for Greater Range In Special Operations
Challenges: Competition in the Sniper Rifle Market is High
Opportunities: Surging Investment and Spending of Government in Military & Defense Industry Resulting in Boost in Production and Advancement in Sniper Rifle
Market Growth Drivers: Growing Number of Geo-political Issues
Need for the Firearms and Weapons for Law Enforcement and National Safety
The Global Sniper Rifle Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Bolt-Action, Semi-Automatic Action), Application (Military Law Enforcement, Anti-personnel, Surveillance and Safety), Range (12.7mm Range, 7.62mm Range, Others) To comprehend Global Sniper Rifle market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Sniper Rifle market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas. • North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico. • South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil. • Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa. • Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia. • Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia. Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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military-network · 1 year
How Many Rounds Can An Ar-15 Fire In A Minute?
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AR-15s have been the favorite among marksmanship shooters, personal preservation users, and training shooters because they are customizable, easy to use, inexpensive, accurate, and dependable. So, if you’re looking to buy your first rifle, you’re probably interested to know “how many rounds can an AR-15 fire in a minute? That’s an interesting question considering it is the most popular rifle in the United States, and one of those reasons is its ability to let shooters get their shots off faster than other rifles. In this article, we’ll talk about the firing rate of an AR-15 and other important things you should know.
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What is an AR-15 rifle?
Okay, first things first. This rifle is a semi-automatic rifle, or also called a self-loading rifle, which has been called America’s Rifle. No wonder, there were more than 19 million of it sold in 2019 alone. This weapon requires its operator to pull the trigger to fire every shot, and then it will reload automatically versus an automatic rifle that’ll continue to fire provided you keep holding its trigger down. The AR-15, which is highly adaptable, lightweight, and easy to maintain, itself is a style and not a specific model, as many might have thought initially.  AR means ArmaLite rifle, not automatic rifle or assault rifle. It’s the civilian version of the ArmaLite AR-15, which is a variant of the AR-10 that was initially designed in the 1950s by Eugene Stoner. The company, ArmaLite, sold its patent to Colt that had developed an automatic version meant for military use. They called it the M16. But when their patent ran out, other gun manufacturers started making their AR-15 versions.
How Many Rounds Can An Ar-15 Fire In A Minute?
Before we discuss this, let’s get familiar with an important term: rate of fire. Rate of fire (rounds per minute) is the frequency at which your AR-15 can fire or launch projectiles; however, it can be affected by several factors, like mechanical limitations, operator skills and training level, weapon condition, and ammunition availability.  Thus, rate of fire is a particular weapon’s ability to fire a specific number of shots per (unit of time). At the very least, an AR-15 can fire approximately 60 rounds per minute without any alterations or modifications to the bump stock. A 30-round magazine is MSR standard, but drums/magazines holding up to 100 rounds can be modified fast. However, there are states that cap its capacity from 10 or 15 rounds. So, how fast can you fire an AR-15? One that is chambered in .223/5.56mm can shoot 45 rounds per minute (RPM). Using this allows you to adjust and even compensate for the center mass as you’re firing. Binary triggers and full autos can help increase this firing rate. Meanwhile, a lot of modern rifles can fire about 300 RPM, meaning you’ll be able to shoot 300 rounds from one. Globally, the AR-15 is the most popular rifle because it is versatile for different purposes like ranch and farm use, self-defense, hunting, tinkering, and competitive shooting, among others. This rifle can fire from 800 to 1200 rounds per minute, depending on the gun’s version, trigger, and caliber. On the other hand, the semi-automatic AR-10 has a lower firing rate, shooting at approximately around 330 rounds per minute. Meanwhile, the AR-308 has an average firing rate of around 450 rounds per minute. The .308 is the top choice of sporting and gun enthusiasts using their rifles for hunting and long range shooting. It’s a semi-automatic rifle that is like the AR-15 but only with a slower rate of fire. An AR-15’s fire rate is 700 to 900 rounds per minute (5.56 NATO) or 550 to 750 rounds per minute (7.62 NATO). The AR-15 can shoot from 700 to 900 rounds per minute, while the M16A1 can fire up to 600 RPM and the M21 sniper rifle or M14E2 was known to fire up to 750 RPM. The gas system, which can be adjusted for any ammunition type, affects the fire rate of the AR-15 rifle. For instance, an M16A1 has a higher firing rate than an AR-15 because of the lack of a buffer tube in the stock and the more powerful 5.56x45 mm NATO ammo. The rate of fire (per caliber) - 7.62 NATO is 1000 RPM - 6.8 SPC is 1150 RPM - 10mm auto is 800 to 900 RPM - 5.56 (.223) is 1200 RPM - 9mm is 950 to 1000 RPM
How about a fully automatic AR-15?
Having the ability to fire more than one bullet with every pull of the trigger, a fully automatic, also called a machine gun, is NOT ILLEGAL to own in the United States. However, one must complete requirements and processes involved before owning one. And yes, it is a tedious, long, and expensive process. Some requirements include an applicant NOT being classified as a prohibited person and is legally eligible to buy a firearm. Applicants must also pass a BATFE background screening, and so on. Nevertheless, civilians looking to buy an automatic weapon like the M16A2 must obtain a license from the ATF. But aside from restrictions, civilians looking to own a machine gun or automatic firearm might find it hard to find one because of supply and demand. A fully automatic AR-15 can shoot between 800 and 900 rounds per minute.
Does bullet speed affect the rounds per minute of an AR-15?
Yes, it does. Your bullet’s speed is linked with the number of bullets to fire per minute. The more force your caliber has, the harder it is for the recoil spring of the gun to absorb the energy. The firing rate of an AR-15 or a high caliber weapon will be slower than it will be for a handgun or shotgun. How fast a weapon will be able to cycle rounds also have to do with the weight and length of the barrel. A longer barrel has more space to allow gas to expand; thus, the operation rate will be higher than a short barreled gun. Then, the wider tubes in a rifle can let more gas expand. In this case, the resulting operation rate and velocity can be higher. However, know that such sometimes doesn’t happen because a wider tube can lead to the increased friction inside the rifle’s chamber and choke off the gas, especially when firing specific calibers fast, including 5.56mm rounds. But then, there’s one truth you need to know. There’ll be a faster firing rate with a faster bullet. In addition, a gun can also fire faster if it has a longer barrel, like in the case of a 20-inch barrel when compared to a 16-inch one. The longer barreled firearm will send the bullets faster. Bottom line: Use larger caliber ammo with high velocity, or the rate of speed that it can travel, if you want to get your firearm, like an AR-15 firing faster. It’ll also help if you’ll use an extended barrel length. Conclusion An AR-15’s firing rate (rounds per minute) is affected by several factors that I’ve discussed earlier. A higher rate of fire is equal to the faster rate that your firearm will shoot. If you want to improve your AR-15’s firing rate, you can always personalize it to match your shooting preference and style. Read the full article
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24x7newsbengal · 1 year
India and Israel brothers bounded by love
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Subhajit Makhal: India and Israel ,two countries separated by physical distances but united by certain common factors. India boasts itself as the foundation of Dharmic faiths like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. While Israel boasts itself as the foundation of two prominent Abrahamic faiths like Christianity and Judaism. After Israel being recognized as a nation , India established diplomatic relations with Israel in the year 1992 because India was leading a Non-aligned Movement. So it was natural India won't support any nations during Cold War. India indeed kept closer relation with Soviet Union while Israel was an ally of the USA and NATO. Israel helped India a lot in fighting it's own wars. Such during Kargil War Israel provided intelligence to India. India was also aided by Israel during Bhuj earthquake. India and Israel both share Trade and Cooperation and also defence and security deals. Our country India is a vast country. We need to keep vigilance and be prepared among the three sectors- Land, Air and Seas. Therefore Indian Armed Forces train and maintains Highly trained specialization commando units to conduct operations behind enemy lines, anti-hijacking, surgical strikes and hostage rescue. Let us have a look at the Israeli weapons used by the Indian Armed Forces:-
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Indian Special Forces conducting operations with Israeli Tavor-21 rifles. 1) Tavor 21 Assault Rifle :- An assault rifle developed by Israel Weapons Industries (IWI). This assault rifle is also known as TAR -21, it is a selective Fire System Rifle. This gun is chambered for NATO 5.56*45 mm Ammunitions. This weapon is designed in such a way to enhance reliability and durability as well as operate in extreme desert conditions. Tavor 21 rifle requires very low maintenance like the famous AK-47' s. Tavor 21 rifles has long-stroke pistons system same as AK-47 which makes it very efficient. This is the reason why even after firing 1000 rounds Tavor 21 does not require maintenance. India purchased Tavor 21 rifles for its special forces unit to conduct operations in Kashmir valleys and also insurgent prone areas. Tavor 21 is currently used by Indian special forces units like Army Para Commandoes, Navy's Marcos Commandoes even Air Force Garud Commando Unit, Special Frontier Force and some CRPF's special units.
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A soldier using a Spike MR missile during a training drill. 2) Spike MR Missile - An Israeli missile system used by India during 2019 Balakot strike. It is a medium-range anti tank guided missile. In April 2019, India also placed am emergency purchase order of Spike missiles from Israel in which 240 missiles and 12 missile launchers were listed. Spike MR missile is an Israeli fire and force anti-tank guided missile and anti-personnel missile with a tandem charge heat warhead. This missile has the capacity to penetrate one meter of metal armour. Spike MR missiles can be fired from vehicles, helicopters ships and ground launchers. As per December 2020 India also procured 4th generation Spike long-range missiles.
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IMI Galil Sniper 3) IMI Galil Sniper Rifle - IMI Galil Sniper a semi-automatic sniper rifle designed strictly according to NATO standards. It's target remains inflallible for 1000 meters which is about 1 kilometers. Galil sniper rifles is one of those Israeli weapons being manufactured in India.
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A joint Indo-Israeli product BARAK-8 surface to air missiles. 4) BARAK-8- BARAK-8 is an Indo-Israeli jointly developed by surface-to-air missile system. This missile system is developed by Israel's Israel Aerospace Industries and India's Defence Research Development Organization. BARAK-8 can be easily developed on warships. It can also detect high altitude target ranging from interception to supersonic sea-skimming anti-ship missiles. BARAK-8 can destroy a target in the operational range of 70 km with a speed of Mach 2 . There are claims that a single BARAK-8 missile can stop a BRAHMOS missile as close as 500 m from a ship. BARAK-8 missile system is either to be inducted or already inducted among Indian Army, Navy and Air-Force.
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A soldier with B-300 Shipon 5) B-300 Siphon - B-300 Siphon is anti-tank rocket launcher . Israeli Defence Forces has been using this since 1980's.All units of Israeli Army like Paratroopers, Marines and Special Forces. Indian Special Forces had used Israeli B-300 Siphon during surgical strikes. During Yom Kippur war Israeli soldiers were not comfortable using M-20 super Bazooka rocket launchers against medium tanks. Hence Israel invented B-300. It weighs 8 kg, can penetrate an armour of 800 mm, can easily be carried on hand and range of impact is upto 400 meters.
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Indian Airforce pilots in front of a Phalcon AWACS. 6) Phalcon AWACS - Phalcon AWACS is an Israeli Airborne Early Warning and Control System aircraft purchased by India in 2004. Developed by Osri Aerospace Industries. India is buying two more updated versions of Phalcon AWACS. Millitary experts often regards Phalcon AWACS as as "An eye in the sky". The Phalcon AWACS are very helpful and powerful as it can detect and track fighter aircrafts, cruise missiles, and drones much before ground based missiles can even track. India has also purchased several Searcher Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for surveillance due to conflict with China and Pakistan. Read the full article
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partlong · 2 years
Smash 2000 smart shooter
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Interface with smartphones, tablets and software applications.Shot recording and transference to other media applications.Streaming video via wifi server, allowing another user to see the live feed from the system.Computerized firing solution calculation involving ranging and multi-variable ballistic calculation.
Target acquisition, either through manual designation or auto-acquisition.The following technologies can be integrated in a PGF system: The precision guided firearm integrates technology commonly found in drones, tanks, jet fighters, smartphones and microprocessors, into the conventional system. Persistently track the target, automatically compute a multi-variable firing solution, and ensure precise engagement when target and firing solution are optimally aligned.Be a complete firing system – rifle, ammunition and networked tracking scope.To qualify as a precision guided firearm, the system must: Machined metal-cased cartridge ammunition was first adopted by the British in 1867. The first documented telescopic rifle sight was developed between 18 by the American Morgan James. The first bolt-action rifle was produced in 1824 by the German firearms inventor Johann Nicolaus von Dreyse. The three main technologies employed for long-range shooting-the bolt-action rifle, telescopic rifle scope and machined cartridge ammunition-were developed in the nineteenth century. Such grenade launchers can preprogram their grenades using a fire-control system to explode in the air above or beside the enemy. Īir burst grenade launchers are a type of precision-guided weapons. In 2019, Israel started using a smart scope named Dagger, also known as Pegion, made by SmartShooter, which is based on the SMASH 2000. In mid-2016, Russia revealed it was developing a similar " smart bullet" weapon designed to hit targets at a distance of up to 10 kilometres (6.2 mi). In 2012 Sandia National Laboratories announced a self-guided bullet prototype that could track a target illuminated with a laser designator. EXACTO was test fired in 20 and results showing the bullet alter course to correct its path to its target were released. The exact technologies of this smart bullet have not been released. In 2008 the EXACTO program began under DARPA to develop a " fire and forget" smart sniper rifle system including a guided smart bullet and improved scope. Army plans to use such devices in the future. Another system in development uses a laser range finder to trigger an explosive small arms shell in proximity to a target. Precision-guided small arms prototypes have been developed which use a laser designator to guide an electronically actuated bullet to a target. Wireless connectivity allows PGFs to integrate with local and wide area networks to provide voice, video and data connectivity to remotely connected devices and systems. PGFs are fully integrated systems consisting of a rifle, networked tracking scope, guided trigger and precision conventional ammunition based on standard caliber bolt action or semi-automatic rifles. SMASH can be operated as a stand-alone solution as well as combined with other systems to provide an effective multi-layer defense solution.The TrackingPoint XS1, a precision guided firearm Once the user identifies the target (independently or using the detection system guidance) and locks on it, SMASH tracks its movements and synchronizes the shot release to assure a fast and precise hit on the target. SMASH Fire Control System (FCS) is an external add-on solution that can be integrated into any type of military rifle. With an increased hit probability for small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) and increased engagement range, Smart Shooter’s SMASH technology has demonstrated the potential to increase the Navy’s ability to engage sUAS at the individual level – using existing weapons and ammunition in inventory. This collaboration aims to perform joint integration and evaluation of Smart Shooter’s technology with weapons and ammunition currently supporting the US Navy’s mission. Under this agreement, the US Navy will evaluate the use of SMASH technology on ships and vessels for Counter-UAS purposes. The company has also signed a cooperative research & development agreement with US Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane). SMART SHOOTER announced that the United States Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory, through its Rapid Capabilities Office (MCRCO), has recently purchased several of its SMASH 2000 smart fire control systems for Test & Evaluation. The US Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory has recently purchased the SMASH 2000 Fire Control System for counter UAS purposes SMART SHOOTER announce a new contract with the US Marine Corps
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workingdemo · 2 years
Red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad weapon sounds
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Germans are rounding the city hall perimeter in packs. I take a position behind a stone statue a few dozen meters outside the entrance, leaning around the left side of the column to provide cover fire while my comrades flood the front door. My team is approaching the last objective-a city hall building-after having captured a bombed-out church. My best moment in multiplayer comes on Spartanovka, a sprawling farm map knuckled with hills and wrapped in dead grass. Few games have given me the feeling that I'm operating such active, mechanical weapons. Without being too romantic about it: being pupil-deep in a sniper scope, the optics jar with every slide-pull of your bolt-action Mosin Nagant rifle, the black outline that vignettes your vision wavers within the scope, lightly disorienting. On that, operating a weapon in Red Orchestra 2 is the reason I was enthusiastically tethered to Gibson's desk for an entire day. Machine guns aren't simply faster-firing, heavier rifles: they can be deployed to any patch of earth, ledge or windowsill on the map to create a firing position. Health never regenerates, but you can stop or slow bleeding over time by bandaging a wound. Blind fire is actually blind-if you stick your gun over that pile of bricks to scare an enemy away, you won't see what you're firing at. That approach-applying realistic-but-unintimidating touches to game mechanics-also applies to RO2's other systems: you can take cover behind almost every surface in the game, but levels aren't filled with convenient shoulder-high bits of concrete-a barrier might only cover your torso and neck from the enemy. Now is the time to stop feeding FPS players only cotton candy, and give them some steak and potatoes along with the sweet stuff.” For too long I feel that multiplayer shooter designers have only been trying to give players joy. “Little moments of panic are the why we enjoy being scared by movies or amusement park rides. The mechanic is in place, Gibson says, to generate tension. It gives the player a brief moment of panic.” “You never know exactly how much ammo you have in your gun, so you end up having those 'oh crap' moments where you run around the corner to shoot at enemies, pull the trigger, and nothing happens. Gibson chimes in over my shoulder when I ask about the design. This might sound like realism for realism's sake, but in practice, it simply means that reloading is a tactical decision. There's no on-screen counter for bullets you hold the R key to swipe the clip from your weapon, and a message reports if the clip feels heavy or light. In cover behind some steel rails and debris, I check the magazine on my Russian SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle. It's like playing a Risk metagame between rounds, and the urgency of capturing a territory lends a great sense of importance to each round, even if you've played that map a dozen times. The entire Tripwire staff is playing with us-animators, level designers, and the QA team have piled in to populate multiplayer campaign mode-a 10-map mini-war where Axis (Germans) and Allies (Russians) attack and defend to capture and hold territory, or whittle down each other's army count (your total deaths as a team is subtracted from an overall number-you'll lose more if you're on the attacking side). I'm sitting in Gibson's chair at Tripwire's office in Roswell, Georgia, an hour into our day-long multiplayer session. I don't know how many bullets I have left.
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agentspeedsite · 2 years
Halo 3 marine
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Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Know their bonuses, stats, how to get them, and more! All Rights Reserved. By using our site you agree to our privacy policy. Ghost Recon Breakpoint.GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. Needs no introduction F High magazine capacity, good all rounder M High range and accuracy, slower reload M9: High magazine capacity and damage, less range and harder to control P Highest mobility in class with lesser range P Fastest reload speed in class, wide sights P45T: Hood middle ground between more damage and control PX4: Good damage, harder to control USP Tactical: Best sight acquisition in class, low damage Designated Marksman Rifles Image credit: Ubisoft As with sniper rifles, designated marksman rifles are best suited to the Sharpshooter class.Īssault variant: tougher recoil, higher power SVD Strongest firepower in class at the cost of rate of fire. Highest range in class, less mobility TAC Highest range in class, less mobility Shotguns Image credit: Ubisoft Crunchy and unparalleled in power, shotguns are the perfect secondary weapon for classes who want to deal strong close-quarters damage. LA3: The middle ground between larger caliber and less stopping power. P High damage and mag capacity, punishing recoil, low accuracy Bullpup PDR: ASR caliber, hard hitting but harder to manage Scorpion Evo3: High rate of fire and stability, muzzle velocity and range trade off MP7: Highest mobility in class at the cost of damage and range Vector: Highest ROF in game, low recoil, damage and accuracy trade off SN-9mm: High impact and good range, low on accuracy MP5: highest firepower in class at the cost of accuracy and mobility UMP: Lowest muzzle velocity in class but packs a punch Sniper rifles Image credit: Ubisoft Breakpoint's Sharpshooter class is designed specifically for snipers: it lets them use bullets that blast through armour and deal high damage. How Ghost Recon: Breakpoint weapon customization works As well as a number of weapons to use, each will be customizable per part via the gunsmith system in Breakpoint, which allows you to swap out muzzles, rails, under barrels, and more.Īssault rifles The bread and butter of Breakpoint, assault rifles are a popular choice across all classes. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. Hold your breath, take aim, and breeze past those PMC baddies. As with sniper rifles, designated marksman rifles are best suited to the Sharpshooter class. Needless to say, they're best put to use in an Assault or Field Medic build, those that'll want to get into the thick of the action.Ĭhoose wisely as to whether you want a semi-automatic quick-firing pistol or something devastating but slow like the Desert Eagle. Crunchy and unparalleled in power, shotguns are the perfect secondary weapon for classes who want to deal strong close-quarters damage. Breakpoint's Sharpshooter class is designed specifically for snipers: it lets them use bullets that blast through armour and deal high damage.Īs well as their useful class technique, Sharpshooters can hold their breath longer while using snipers and marksman rifles. This way you can skulk in the darkness with an SMG and pick Wolves off with ease. Ghost Recon Breakpoint blueprint locationsĬrucially they can disable the reduced damage hit of suppressors on handguns and submachine guns. They still require tactical thinking though: SMGs suit the Panther class well, the stealthy member of the team who boasts a cloaking ability. Nimble and powerful, submachine guns should be the weapon of choice for those who love to spray and pray.
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High power, tremendous recoil and limited mobility are the perks here.Ĭonsider spreading their use across other tank-focused classes like Assault and Field Medic. But naturally, they lend themselves to the aptly-named Assault class. The bread and butter of Breakpoint, assault rifles are a popular choice across all classes. Now here's each gun type, and the four Ghost Recon Breakpoint classes they suit best. Players have two slots for regular two-handed weapons and a sidearm slot to fill. You can also paint your guns in different colors to truly make your loadout unique with the per-part aesthetic customization system in the game. As well as a number of weapons to use, each will be customizable per part via the gunsmith system in Breakpoint, which allows you to swap out muzzles, rails, under barrels, and more. Knowing a bit about each gun and how you can customize it will make that process easier. This invariably leads to a bumper backpack full of guns, and a lot of time spent deciding what to take into combat. Ghost Recon games have always been about crafting tactical loadouts, cobbling together your best kit, and swapping out weapons to handle a variety of military operations. What guns are in Ghost Recon Breakpoint? As you'd expect from Ghost Recon, there are a lot of 'em.
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sitespeedmaui · 2 years
Medal of honor pc hd
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For half of the game, players assume the role of a Navy SEAL DEVGRU operator codenamed Rabbit. The campaign takes place in Afghanistan, in 2002. The game’s single-player campaign was developed by newly named EA Los Angeles studio Danger Close Games, which was a rebranding of the old EA LA Medal of Honor Airborne team. During the opening days of the invasion of Afghanistan, a squad of United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU), callsign Neptune, composed of operators Mother, Voodoo, Preacher, and Rabbit, the player character, are sent to meet with an Afghan informant codename Tariq, who has intelligence that the CIA is interested in retrieving. The game begins during the immediate aftermath of the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon. Specifically the seizing of Bagram Airfield, the Battle of Shah-i-Kot, and Battle of Takur Ghar. The story may be based on events that occurred during Operation Anaconda that took place in March 2002, six months after 9/11. The players assume the role of a DEVGRU operator code-named “Rabbit”, Delta Force sniper code-named “Deuce”, Ranger Dante Adams and Apache helicopter gunner Brad Hawkins. The storyline follows several Tier 1 Operators working under the National Command Authority in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. The game features a single-player campaign, in which the player will control multiple characters from both the “Tier 1” and “Big Military” perspectives. When the player has taken damage, the edges of the screen glow red. Using cover helps the player avoid enemy fire or recover health after taking significant damage, as there are no armor or health power ups. A player can be positioned in one of three stances: standing, crouching, or prone each affecting the character’s rate of movement, accuracy, and stealth. The single player includes some usable vehicles such as helicopters, jeeps and a quad bike. MEDAL OF HONOR ABOVE AND BEYONDĪN/PEQ side rail-mounted laser pointer, the MP7A1 Submachine gun, and the AT4. The game introduces new weapons and technology to the Medal Of Honor franchise, including the M4A1 carbine, M16A4 assault rifle, the M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System. It includes the kinds of objectives and tasks issued in real life such as raiding terrorist hideouts, hostage rescues and undercover operations. The emphasis is on realism, with EA going as far as to bring in real Tier 1 Operators from the United States military as consultants. The game breaks away from the World War II setting of previous games in the series and is instead set in ongoing War in Afghanistan.
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The 2010 Medal of Honor differs from the previous Medal of Honor installments. Medal of Honor’s single-player campaign uses a heavily modified version of Unreal Engine 3, and its multiplayer uses the Frostbite engine.
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The game is a reboot of the series, set in modern-day Afghanistan. Players step into the boots of these warriors and apply their unique skill sets to fight a new enemy in the most unforgiving and hostile conditions of present day Afghanistan. The new Medal of Honor is inspired by and developed with actual Tier 1 Operators from this elite community.
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They are experts in the application of violence.
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