askasv-labyrinth · 2 months
Planned Fics/In-progress fics for the future
Kill la Kill: Satsuki Kiryuin & Everyone (platonic with side SatsuNonon), Post-Canon friendship exploration, slice of life vibes, T rating (Subject to change), Oneshot
Bungou Stray Dogs: SSKK (Side SKK), Modern AU (With abilities), Drag Queen AU, Akutagawa is the drag queen <3 ( this is going to be a very self-indulgent fic BUT I will still try to make it a in-character as possible), Explicit, Multi-chaptered)
Life Lessons with Uramichi OniiSan: Uramichi/Usahara/Kumatani/Iketeru polyfic, Canon Compliant, Get-Together. the struggles of being in love with almost all of your coworkers, Usahara POV, Explicit, Multi-Chaptered
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
“A skyscraper built within your mind will never fall”
[TW: R**e, Sexual Assault]
Satsuki. Satsuki.
Where do I even begin with this analysis.
I could rant all day long about how inspiring Satsuki and this entire statement is.
In short, this is what the phrase means: Her ambition was so much stronger than the obstacles she faced throughout her life. Now, let’s take a more detailed look at how this ties in with the abuse she has practically been dealing with ever since she was five. As we all sadly know, Ragyo is a very sick-minded individual who gets off on having complete control over people and making things happen that are against their will. She is obsessed with power. At its tamest, this obsession is shown through her position (CEO of a bestselling clothing company that, unbeknowst to the customers, produces clothing infested with an alien parasite that will slowly consume its wearer). At its heaviest, it extends to sexually abusing her daughter, Satsuki. Ragyo very deliberately hurts Satsuki, humiliates her, makes her do things against her will, she generally tries to make her as “weak” and uncomfortable as she possibly can - bc she’s SICK and gets a kick out of satsuki’s discomfort >:( But what I’m trying to say is; even throughout that, Satsuki’s anger, her ambition, her determination was stronger.
Ragyo thinks she is controlling Satsuki, but she is gravely mistaken. Right behind her back, Satsuki orchestrated an entire assassination and Ragyo didn’t suspect it for a second.
Satsuki, with all of her calculated words and actions, made Ragyo believe that she is fully on her side - while secretly raising an army to defeat her. She had built a skyscraper for herself within her mind, and an academy in reality. Satsuki controlled everything; she got to determine who could come in and who couldn’t, what happens and when, and most importantly...
Satsuki had the power and control to make Ragyo believe whatever SHE wanted her to believe.
And that is why, ultimately, Satsuki always had the upper hand.
Ragyo controlled her body, but she could never control her mind. And I believe that is one key factor that pulled Satsuki through the abuse every time. Because she knew that no matter what happens, Ragyo can never truly control her. Despite how Ragyo has tried to take away her power, how she bereaved her of her dignity and bodily autonomy, Satsuki was never powerless. She had so much power within her resolve, an aspect of herself that remained unscathed by Ragyo’s influence. This unscathed element Satsuki always held onto, is used metaphorically as a skyscraper. Ultimately, what she says, comes down to this: You may use me, humiliate me, and beat me down, but you will never own me.  I am my own person, I am in full control of who I am, what I stand for, and what I think. Nothing and no one will ever cloud my mind, not even you. Nothing will ever steer me off my path, and ever distract me from my one and only goal; killing you. 
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karinakamichi · 3 years
Okay but why are there so few Satsunon shippers. WHERE ARE MY HOMIES
And while we're at it let's talk about nonon holding flowers that she was obviously gonna give satsuki
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In canon art
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karinakamichi-art · 3 years
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I can't stop drawing these two help
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years
Ryuketsu or Ryumako
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Anonymous said: Pairing: Ryuuko x Mako or Ryuuko x Senketsu?
[Make me choose!]
Given that I never shut up about a certain relationship, I figure that this one is pretty obvious (but I’m kind of relieved if it isn’t? And that’s why I got two asks for it? Lol, I’m always afraid of bugging the crap out of people with my gushing).
But. Ryuketsu. They are literally the reason I gave the series a chance.
Kill la Kill helped me realize that I love human/non-human relationships. I just can’t get enough of ‘em. This show made me a certified supporter of Monster Fuckers.
Also, I remember seeing this Tweet a while back about how het relationships are so easy to do well, but creators keep messing it up. The argument was that all you need to do is have a woman who tops and a man who loves and supports her with all his heart. I was just like, “You mean all of my het OTPs?”
Of course, Ryuko and Senketsu’s status as a “het” ship is more than debatable, but the Tweet brings up something good. I am so tired of the “aggressive man being aggressive is romantic” trope, so I really love to see stories where men are kind and sweet and truly love and respect the women they’re with. And if you consider Senketsu to be a man, that’s 100% him.
Plus, I looked over my awful very first novel that I wrote and completed when I was 13, and the main romantic relationship has the same exact dynamic as Ryuko and Senketsu.
So, tl;dr, I know I’m the laughingstock of the fandom for it, I know everyone thinks it’s the biggest joke ever to “ship aggressive dye job with her cloth father” (but I will argue forever that he is 10,000% not her dad or a father figure, thanks), but Ryuko and Senketsu are so good and sweet, and it was inevitable that I’d fall in love with them.
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@dracus16 said: RyuMako or SatsuNonon?
Hmm, I think I’m gonna have to go with Satsunon.
Nonon definitely puts Satsuki up on a pedestal, but I think that after the events of the series, Nonon could absolutely grow and come to see Satsuki as an equal. Satsuki, too, could finally feel safe in fully letting Nonon in.
I’m a total sucker for the “childhood friend” trope, so. It was also inevitable that I’d like this one.
Plus, Sushio totally encourages the pair with stuff like this adorable after-series fanart of Nonon about to give Satsuki flowers!!
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And, heck, even his character sheets in LOVE LOVE KLKL make me go, “Aww!”
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Satsuki may not be the most open with her emotions until the end of the show, but I think she clearly loves Nonon and loves having Nonon in her life. This couple has a lot of sweet potential.
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Anonymous said: Pairing: SatsuNon or SatsuMako
Hmm! I’m gonna say SatsuMako.
I kinda bring it up above, but one thing I really like about SatsuMako is that Mako is so eager to be Satsuki’s friend once the opportunity arises. Mako doesn’t worship Satsuki or treat her like a god; Mako doesn’t even hesitate to treat Satsuki like any other girl.
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And that must be so nice for Satsuki! For her entire life, people have judged her because of her status or considered her to be something greater than human. 
But not Mako. Mako offers Satsuki a place to truly be herself in.
And on Mako’s side, Satsuki totally respects and believes in Mako when so few people in her life do. Satsuki trusts Mako to help carry out her plan to save Ryuko from Junketsu and doesn’t underestimate Mako’s power. Mako is so constantly looked down upon or considered ridiculous and annoying, but Satsuki never feels that way.
They’re just such a feel-good, sweet coupling. I’m sad it’s not more popular! Nakashima and Trigger have featured similar pairings before, such as Honey and Natsuko in Re: Cutie Honey and Akko and Diana in Little Witch Academia, but I feel like SatsuMako gets the least love by a wide margin (and I’d say it’s my second favorite of the three!)
I know Satsuki and Mako don’t get a lot of time to interact, but. There is so much to love here, and they’re honestly one of my favorite ships from Kill la Kill.
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akise-moved-blog · 10 years
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'Till Kingdom Come | A SatsuNon fanmix.
Is it so bad to have a crush on your best friend?
'Till Kingdom Come Coldplay, Jenny Studio Killers, King and Lionheart Of Monsters And Men, Thanks For The Memories Fallout Boy, Welcome To The Black Parade My Chemical Romance, All Men Are Pigs Studio Killers, Stereo Hearts Gym Class Heros, Girls Marina And The Diamonds, I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You Black Kids, Grande Finale Studio Killers
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quarterdollar · 10 years
all the otps are going to school together isn't life wonderful
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h0saki · 10 years
Nonon sounds like she's cumming at the sight of Satsuki defeating life fiber bugs lol (or whatever she's saying here, I only hear "ahhh Satsuki-sama <3")
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space-arc · 10 years
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anyways, here's some garbage
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lolinfamous · 10 years
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by @71drafting
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eternalgaylord · 10 years
satsunonon replied to your post: i once read the entirety of the elfen ...
i watched the anime like 2 years ago and im still not over it tbh
i genuinely liked bando even though he was an asshole. and nana. but WHY. why did someone make that series
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myprincero · 10 years
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the monkey and the snake learn to share
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eternalgaylord · 10 years
satsunonon replied to your post: stylish flannel shirts are SO hard to ...
i dont think ive ever seen a sweatervest in person. are they even real? it is a mystery
who knows
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joligarcon · 10 years
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satsunonon replied to your post “satsunonon replied to your post “words cannot properly describe how...”
havent u seen all these movies with a skinny white conventionally attractive cis gay male??? what more representation do The Gays need??????
ikr????? one single movie once in a while w/ a queer character (a.k.a just a stereotyped caricature of a queer person) isnt enough for them???ugh
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lolinfamous · 10 years
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皐月様と乃音まとめ2 by sou
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