#S1E21 Love Hurts
gleepolls · 1 year
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tada - here’s the bracket folks! matches were randomized and the four episodes that received the most votes in the initial round have automatically moved into the third round. 
we’ll start with the first 14 match ups on monday and the next 14 on tuesday. then round 3 will start on wednesday with the first 8 match ups and thursday with the final 8 of that round. round 4 on friday and saturday will consist of the last single day polls for the final 16 episodes. final 8 onwards polls will last a full week starting on mondays until we have a winner.
the above image may be difficult to read so click the read more below to read the matchup. see you at the polls!
Top 4 from Round 1 moving into Round 3 S6E13 Dreams Come True S4E17 Guilty Pleasures S3E15 Big Brother S5E03 The Quarterback Round 2  Battle 1 S5E11 City of Angels S6E01 Loser Like Me
Battle 2  S1E17 Bad Reputation S5E14 New New York
Battle 3 S1E10 Ballad S5E19 Old Dog, New Tricks
Battle 4 S3E22 Goodbye S6E02 Homecoming
Battle 5 S1E05 The Rhodes Not Taken S2E10 A Very Glee Christmas
Battle 6  S2E11 The Sue Sylvester Shuffle S3E20 Props
Battle 7 S1E04 Preggers S2E05 The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Battle 8 S5E16 Tested S3E05 The First Time
Battle 9 S2E20 Prom Queen S3E17 Dance with Somebody
Battle 10 S5E09 Frenemies S1E15 The Power of Madonna
Battle 11 S4E14 I Do S2E06 Never Been Kissed
Battle 12 S4E15 Girls (and Boys) On Film S3E11 Michael
Battle 13 S4E02 Britney 2.0 S3E02 I Am Unicorn
Battle 14 S1E18 Laryngitis S5E15 Bash
Battle 15 S4E07 Dynamic Duets S1E22 Journey to Regionals
Battle 16 S1E13 Sectionals S6E07 Transitioning
Battle 17 S4E12 Naked S2E04 Duets
Battle 18 S4E13 Diva S2E09 Special Education
Battle 19 S1E07 Throwdown S3E03 Asian F
Battle 20 S5E07 Puppet Master S4E06 Glease
Battle 21 S4E04 The Break Up S5E02 Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
Battle 22 S4E11 Sadie Hawkins S3E08 Hold On to Sixteen
Battle 23 S1E20 Theatricality S2E16 Original Song
Battle 24 S5E01 Love Love Love S6E05 The Hurt Locker, Part Two
Battle 25 S2E18 Born This Way S6E08 A Wedding
Battle 26 S4E08 Thanksgiving S3E13 Heart
Battle 27 S1E21 Funk S2E12 Silly Love Songs
Battle 28 S2E14 Blame it on the Alcohol S3E16 Saturday Night Glee-ver
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sasslightertm · 2 years
Charmed reboot fan:  OG Charmed was a show about the every day woman living in the suburbs. Everything on OG Charmed was simple, help out the every day innocent in trouble that lives in your town. OG Charmed rarely got political except for The Source storyline and The Avatars.
The Halliwells lived in a seemingly high-end area of San Francisco. That doesn't seem very “suburb” to me.
As for “OG Charmed rarely got political”:
“It’s the 21st century. It’s the woman's job to save the day.” (S2E18 Chick Flick)
S2E2 Morality Bites has the main plot centered entirely around witches (a minority group) being persecuted by a powerful conservative white male politician, with 2009!Phoebe dying painfully and her execution being aired on live TV.
S1E13 From Fear to Eternity has Phoebe’s (temporary) female boss cheating on her husband, asking Phoebe to cover for her if her husband shows up or calls, and Phoebe refuses to do so.
S1E1 Something Wicca This Way Comes has Prue quitting her job at the museum because her ex-fiancé Roger screwed her over and took all the credit on her project for himself, while claiming he was doing her a favor. That same episode also has the sisters discovering their destiny and powers on their own and vanquishing their first serial killer warlock without any outside help (which is far more than can be said for the reboot).
S1E5 Dream Sorcerer outright has the antagonist be a white male incel stalking his victims and murdering women solely because they rejected him. The subplot has Piper and Phoebe realizing that love spells are essentially a magical form of roofies or date rape, and it’s unethical to have sex with someone who did not consent and was technically incapable of consenting.
S1E17 That 70s Episode has Nicholas the warlock posing as a cop to get close to Patty, and the scene where he attacks her in the hotel room definitely has sexual assault vibes, especially since he lured her there and she thought she was meeting Victor.
Matthew: “If it pleases you to look, look.” Hannah: “I wasn’t looking... much.” (He walks over to her.) Matthew: “Why the false modesty? I, I don’t understand.” Hannah: “Well, it’s a very complex issue these days. I mean, there’s political correctness, sexual harassment, um, don’t get me started.” Matthew: “Hmm, what a strange time this is. So open, yet so closed. Where even a warlock feels shame.” (S1E9 The Witch Is Back)
S2E5 She’s a Man, Baby, a Man is an attempt at exploring gender identity during a time period when that wasn’t a topic that was often discussed on primetime TV dramas. Especially considering this was an Aaron Spelling production and his personal values were very much stuck back in the 1950s. YMMV on how well it was handled, but they tried.
S1E21 Love Hurts is all about a woman fleeing from an abusive/toxic relationship, using magic and Alec being a Darklighter as an allegory/metaphor.
S7E2 The Bare Witch Project literally has Phoebe-as-Lady-Godiva riding naked through the streets of San Francisco, which in itself is a heavily political statement. One episode also has Phoebe taking on a jerkass restaurant owner who tried to throw Piper out for breastfeeding her infant son in public.
S4E2 Charmed Again nearly has Paige kill a man she believed was abusing his son, only for it to be revealed that the wife was the child abuser.
S8E8 Battle of the Hexes is all about how society needs both men and women in equal positions of power to survive, not one over the other.
It’s very much not a coincidence that the Cleaners (played by white men) use Darryl (a black man and Inspector who has served as the sisters' friend in the San Francisco Police Department for years) as a scapegoat and very nearly have him executed in prison to cover up the Halliwells exposing magic, and then he refuses to help the sisters further after that. (S6E19 Crimes and Witch-Demeanors)
Prue, Piper, and Phoebe all eventually had high-paying jobs and successful careers, with Piper owning her own nightclub and at the end of the series finally opening up her own restaurant. That in itself is a political statement, especially for the time period. None of the reboot sisters can say as much, as Mel was forced to give up her job as a TA due to rewriting history and getting a job as a bartender, then being forced to give that up in S2 and essentially being in hiding for the whole season before somehow in S3 getting yet another job as a professor at a uni... which is promptly forgotten about over the course of the show. Maggie is a college student during the whole show (mostly), with a brief stint as manager of SafeSpace. Macy was a geneticist in S1 before, like her sisters, being forced to give up that job in S2 - S3 and their whole lives were taken over by their Charmed duties. And Kaela is an artist living out of a bus-turned-home when the Veras find her and make her a Charmed One.
Grams was a walking feminist-bordering-on-misandrist whenever she appeared, and there was much made about how wary she was over Wyatt being a male witch and very powerful according to the Twice-Blessed prophecy, when for 300 years all of the witches in the Warren line were female--to the point she initially refused to perform his Wiccaning ceremony.
There's much more, but this is what I can name off the top of my head.
The original Charmed was VERY political and feminist for its time, and I personally would argue that it still is. To say otherwise and that the reboot is more political makes me wonder if you even paid attention to the original show. The reboot is only more in-your-face and on-the-nose about it--and even then, the reboot has consistently shown that it is performatively feminist only. Furthermore, the original Charmed broke records as the longest-running hour-long female-led show in existence until it was surpassed by Desperate Housewives in 2012. The reboot definitely cannot say that, since it lasted only 5 episodes longer than Shannen Doherty’s tenure on the original (and we all know she left after season 3).
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derschwarzeengel · 1 year
On the Origin of Darklighters
Every so often, discussion pops up in Charmed (1998) fandom on how Darklighters were created and where they come from (the 2018 reboot's canon for their version of Darklighters does not count for this discussion), as TV canon never gives us a definite answer.
Canon from the tie-in novels, however, is another story.
One of the tie-in novels, Mist and Stone by Diana G. Gallagher, has the major antagonist as a 1,000 year old Darklighter focused on a teenage Future Darklighter (and introduces the concept that just as Whitelighters are recruited from the good side of humanity, so are Darklighters with humanity's darker side).
Some quotes:
“Darklighters fill their ranks from the bad just as Whitelighters are recruited from the good” (pg. 64).
“Just as truly selfless people became Whitelighters after they died, those with hardened hearts and no tolerance for mercy became Darklighters.” (pg. 103)
“Most delinquents and young street criminals did not qualify as future Darklighters. History was rife with the terrible deeds of ruthless tyrants, but few men were so thoroughly evil that every trace of goodness had been purged from their being. Of those few, the insane megalomaniacs were also weeded out. The immense power of the underworld could not be entrusted to erratic personalities” (pg. 104).
“By their very nature, Darklighters were too independent, arrogant, and single-minded in the quest to perpetuate evil and kill Whitelighters to work together effectively. Consequently, there had never been a cohesive, competitive faction of Darklighter power” (pg. 104 - 105)
We see with Alec in S1e21 "Love Hurts" that there are Darklighters who target female Future Whitelighters (human women destined to become Whitelighters) to seduce and impregnate them, with the resulting offspring being raised for evil and inheriting Darklighter powers.
Later seasons introduce other sub-species of Darklighter: Spirit-Killers and Trackers, alongside your typical assassin Darklighter and Alec's incubus-like kind. When Whitelighter-witches turn evil, their orbs turn black like a Darklighter's, and Gideon's orbs were more purple than the pale blue/white of other Whitelighters.
So, the way I see it from information given in TV canon and supplemental tie-in material (novels only), there are three "origins" for Darklighters:
they're recruited from the amoral, darker side of humanity and most were originally humans destined to become Darklighters after death the same way Whitelighters are recruited from good, selfless humans
they're born (the result of a Darklighter father and human mother)
they're the result of a Whitelighter turning evil rather than "falling from grace" and "losing their wings" to become mortal again (when Leo "falls from grace" in season 7/8, he simply becomes human again rather than turning into a Darklighter) [this third option is probably the one that happens the least often and is rarer than the other two]
Scar, the Darklighter antagonist in Mist and Stone also gets a flashback from his perspective as to how he became a Darklighter in the first place (in life, he was a slave-turned-gladiator in ancient Rome).
Scar died with his name thundering in his ears.
"Stratorius! Stratorius!"
When he awoke in the netherworld of supernatural evil, he accepted his remarkable fate without question. Whole and healed, except for the facial scar that had defined his previous existence, he kept the blemish and his name as a reminder.
Neither life nor death had beaten him. Nothing ever would.
-- pg. 108
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kosemsultanim · 2 years
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MAKE ME CHOOSE MEME | eternal-charmed-stan asked: Prue/Andy or Paige/Henry
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday,April 9 -Wednesday, April 10
BUFFY: You are going to be in so much trouble when we get home. DAWN: Yeah, well ... I'm telling Mom you slayed in front of me. BUFFY: Fine. I'll just tell her that you ran out of the house in the middle of the night, that you got Anya hurt, invited a vampire in, got kidnapped.... (at home) JOYCE: Sorry it ran so late. Everything, uh, go okay? BUFFY: Yeah. Yeah, you know ... I got the vamps and we watched some TV.
~~The Real Me (Season 5)~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Redemption's Sacrifice (Buffy/Faith, T) by spelledink
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Not a Drop to Drink (Spike, Doyle, G) by Tzigane (Tzigrrl)
all summer alone (Dawn, unrated) by graywrites
The Wild Colonial Slayer (OC Slayer, T) by steeleye
Just Dropping In (Buffy/Giles, G) by GhostDetective
Exhaustion (Spike/Xander, T) by jennygotfamous
Temporary Insanity (Spike/Xander, T) by jennygotfamous
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Untitled (Buffy/Faith, unrated) by daisys-quake
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[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Switchverse, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Raina2000
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[Images, Audio & Video]
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Banners:Spuffy Fic Banners by fancyflautist
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Artwork:AtS Cartoon by heroofthreefaces
Artwork:70’s Spike by infinityoftwo
Artwork:Sketches from The Body by artsying-ifer
Manip:Giles & Buffy 007 by 51kas81
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Banners by Puppet
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Video: Bring Me to Life -- BtVS -- Buffy and Dawn by Inzannatea Vids
Video: Buffy - This is your life by ibtravart
[Reviews & Recaps]
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[Community Announcements]
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Femslash Minis Is Closing by femslash-minis
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♡ Wild Horses Weekend: May 10 - 12 ♡ by iwillrememberyoumarathon Join us as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Prom — SMG’s favorite episode! — with a weekend of Bangel creative works.
[Fandom Discussions]
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“angel was fine when he lost cordelia” oh right yes of course. by moistvonlipwig
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I’ve been rewatching s7 of Buffy by mrsgordo84
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How are you feeling about Angel's entrance into Boom! Canon? by gracenm
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i think xander harris was a good man by watcherspet
Speculation on Boom! Angel by kyliafanfiction & rahirah
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He's back! by WillowFromBuffy
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Most underused character? by justadude1990s
Any else finds the episode of the body to be their worst nightmare? by murdered800times
Things you like about Riley and Dawn? by Difficult_Place
Who here also absolutely loves the first Season? by Naturis10101
The key being a person thing always was a bit odd to me. by murdered800times
Did the existence of "Firefly" ruin Buffy's final season 7? by jdpm1991
I’d love to see a background for Glory by ndrw17
Angelus and Drusilla relationship in BTVS season 2 by minoriti
My one issue with "Becoming (Part 2)" by SushiThief
Giles by dw1210
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[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: BOOM! to drop surprise Joss Whedon’s Angel #0 comic next Wednesday by Comics Beat
PUBLICATION: Angel, Buffy's Favorite Brooder, Is Back in a New Comic Series by New York Times
PUBLICATION: 20 years on, Angel is still better than Buffy by The Boar
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