regiqoa · 1 year
1, 4, 6 for Raihan and Piers!
1: Aborted Declaration of Love: How long did it take for you to finally confess to your F/O? How did it go? Were there several attempts, or was it just The One?
Raihan: Raihan was just The One, at Hulbury, in a sunset where he and I pulled each other's hearts out and kissed, which rekindled our old romance from college.
Piers: I'll let you in on a little secret: Piers has tried to confess to me several times but bailed out at the last minute because he just saw my smile and his brain went "brrrrrr". The poor man is insecure and has many self-esteem issues, he sometimes thinks he can't ever be loved. That was until Piers was invited by Raihan to a party with the other Gym Leaders and everyone got a bit tipsy, which led to a little game of 7 Minutes In Heaven. Lo and behold, Piers and I get chosen to go in and, well:
Me: *in love with Piers, completely silent, blushing my head off, incapable of making eye-contact* Piers: *blushing, too* So… Can't remember when was the last time I played this… Me: *mumbling* You don't like me, do you…? Piers: Pardon me? Me: *more clearly, saddened* Y-you don't like me… Right? Piers: *confused* What makes ya say that? Me: *sad sigh* It's the way you look at me, the way you act with me, how you're always so cold. It's like you're perpetually annoyed with me. L-look, I don't remember doing anything bad to you but, if I did, then I'm sorry! Piers: Eh… Pardon me, love, but that's just my face. Nothin' personal, I swear.
Me: You're just saying it… Piers: No, I ain't. In fact, I… I admire ya. You're one of the realest trainers I've ever met, girl. Not just trainer, the realest person, too. You're so forward and filterless when ya speak, ya don't mince words, ya always speak what's on your mind without one single shit to what others might think and ya don't think twice before dumpin' an asshole for bad-mouthin' ya. A-and you're a good roaster, there's that, too.
Me: *Am familiar with his brutal honestly, so I know he's telling the truth*
Piers: Look, girl, from what you're tellin' me, I'm the one who hurt ya and… *Blushing* Well, I didn't mean to hurt ya feelin's, I shoulda given that more attention. So, for makin' ya feel like less, I'm sorry. Me: You don't have to apologise for that, b-but there was no way to communicate that. What was I supposed to do? Just go over to you and go "hey, your coldness and stoicism is hurting my feelings!"?! Piers: *laughs heartily* Oh Arceus! *smiling while looking at me* Ahhh, there ya go again with the forwardness, so cute heh heh~ Me: *looks at him blushing, heart skips a beat* Excuse me…? Piers: *smile falls, blushes more* W-wot…?
Me: …You just called me cute
Piers: *stutters, averts eyes* U-uh, shoot, it's pretty damn tight in here, isn't it? I-I think it's gettin' kinda hot- Me: But hey, *cups his cheek with my palm, making him look at me*
Piers: !!!! *blushing RED*
Me: *Baby Doll Eyes activate* Thanks for letting me know of all this, Piers, for being honest with me, for being so forward. It made me feel better about this :3 A-and I think I would like to talk to you more.
Piers: *thinking* Good Arceus, beat still, my heart… *Speaking, desperately trying to hide his fluster* T-talk more, huh? About what?
Me: Whatever you'd like. Uhm, music? You know, since you you're a rocker and all :3
Piers: Sure, uhhhh… What's your opinion on Queen?
Raihan: *opens door* Time's up, you two!
4: Almost Kiss: What was your first kiss with your F/O like?
Raihan: Our first kiss happened in my dorm room in college, before we had sex for the first time as friends with benefits. Raihan was so embarrassed, he even thought he was making things weird/creepy, but then I took the initiative and just went for it! We kissed many many more times that night~
Piers: So, after that 7 Minutes In Heaven incident, I get to attending a concert of Piers' for the first time. Later, he invites me over to his house, where we talk it all over, about how we feel and about Queen. We listen to A Night At The Opera together and I dance a lot, reliving those beautiful memories. I even confess to Piers I used to be hopelessly in love with Freddie Mercury, to which he says he doesn't blame me, that the man was an absolute legend and very attractive. I tell him it's not like that anymore right as Love Of My Life starts playing, that there's a another musician I like. Piers asks me what is he like and I just start describing him, leaning in more and more. Then Piers asks, one of his hands in my face, moving my hair away from my face: "Do you know if he likes anybody? Maybe a cute thicc autistic girl who loves cats, Queen and death metal?". I blush and tell him "I dunno...". He leans in closer and says "He does" and BAM! Big Damn Kiss!
6: Bodyguard Crush: How does your F/O make you feel safe?
Outdoors, Raihan always walks in front of me, holding my hand and calling his Pokemon out if necessary. Will shield/protect me, it's part of his instinct.
Indoors, Raihan will basically drown me in his huge form in a spooning position in bed, whispering sweet nothings to me. I love it so much because he's just so big~
Piers always goes out with me for whatever. If he can't come, he makes his Pokemon accompany me. Obstagoon is such a big cuddle bear and he ADORES me, so he's always pleased to accompany me during me going out for groceries or something.
Indoors, he sings to me and keeps me in his arms, praising and reassuring me when I cry. He says he'll never judge me or belittle my feelings.
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regiqoa · 1 year
hi!! you must be cold + love epiphany for the ask game ^^
I assume you want me to choose the FO for this. I choose Raihan.
You Must Be Cold: How does your F/O keep you warm when it’s cold outside?
He gives me his hoodie, of course! He loves giving me his hoodie because it's so big and baggy and he says I look like a little pink Goomy in it. Fun fact: sometimes I'll cuteness-kill him by crouching down and make a cute dragon roar that SENDS him <3
Love Epiphany: When and how did you realize you loved your F/O? When and how did they realize they loved you?
I knew I loved Raihan when he told me "You don't have to be a Gym Leader for me to like you or want to spend time with you". He saw me for more than just what I can do, he loved me as a person.
As for Raihan, well, the guy was smitten with me the moment he saw me for the first time in college, but the tipping point was when Leon started getting a little too polite with me; so when he kissed the back of my hand as a greeting, Raihan was SHOOK. Oops, somebody is jeeeaaaalooooouuuus~
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regiqoa · 2 years
I chose this picture of Raihan here:
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Okay, first of all, WHO ALLOWED THIS MAN TO BE THIS FUCKING HOT?! He's so damn handsome here, look at that smirk! AND HIS EYES!!! And he looks pretty evil, too??? That face shading, that look in his eyes, his feline pupils... Almost like he's plotting something or end someone who fucked him up~ <3 <3 <3 I mean, I always found villains hot af but Raihan being a good guy, it just makes him look so much sexier!!! I love this handsome dragon man so much and even though it's not visible here, I want him to bite me with that fang~ <3
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regiqoa · 2 years
Ship: RaiRegi (Raihan x Regi [me]) (Self insert ship with Raihan)
Regi can make potions and one time, she made Amortentia (from Harry Potter), the most powerful love potion in the world that is rumoured to smell differently to each person depending on what attracts them. As she beheld the mother-of pearl sheen and colour of it and a golden steam went up her nose, she smelled the warm comforting, cinnamon-y scent of freshly baked apple pie, her favourite comfort food... The steam turned pink and the smell changed to a comforting but still hard-to-describe smell of magical fairy dust she was so familiar with, associated with the Fairy-type she loved so much. The steam then turned a bright orange and the smell that followed... Was of wet earth, the type of scent present in a grassy meadow after the sky clears up after the rain, of weather change. That was her boyfriend, Raihan, who was famous for controlling the weather during his battles.
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