#Romney lamb
milkweedman · 2 years
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Wanted to finish this hat before work but, alas. I got one entire earflap done (including the icord but luckily not the tassel) before i tried it on again and decided i really didnt like the earflap. Way too short, even after restarting it partway through to make it longer... i want something that covers the sides of my face too for a little more wind protection, but thats proving weirdly difficult. But also, the hat itself is just slightly too long and i almost want to take out the cast offs too and knit another few inches so that i can put a pompom on and make it nice and slouchy. Not sure if thats too much ? Idk, definitely needs some redoing though, sigh
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allthisandtea · 10 months
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Handspun! ❤️ (Not by me.) Thinking about playing around with plant dyes...
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irldragonart · 5 months
Oh forgot to post these earlier but Lamb-sona! (aka Eddy)
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Bonus Alt versions
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also the fleece is supposed to have only seven crystals (one for all the big bosses) but the mini one has an extra don't mind that (also fun detail but on the close to cannon colors one the five black crystals are for each bishop with the middle being Narander well the two green ones are for Aym and Baal maybe i'll make them the crown's colors next time but i like it like this for now cause who knows maybe each gains the crown's color as that one falls) also the fleece is based on a snowflake!
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crazy-sheep-lady · 3 months
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Like mother like daughter
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aisphotostuff · 19 days
Romney Marsh Sheep on Kent Marshes.. by Adam Swaine Via Flickr: SPRING HAS SPRUNG!..There are many things that make the British countryside so idyllic and picturesque in the spring. The rolling hills of sunny yellow daffodils or the shaded woodland blushed indigo from bluebells. One thing many of us view as the early signs of spring is the lambs bouncing through the fields
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'U Devil Ewe.'
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The following story is about a sheep that hates to be shorn and she will go to any lengths to avoid it.
Give it a read and I hope that you like it.
Te kuiti is a tiny town a just south of Hamilton on the north island of New Zealand.
Nez Zealand is known as the land of the long white cloud and the country is known for its stunning landscape captured in full splendour in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
While Te kuiti is a beautiful place to stop for a cup of tea and a scone but its main claim to fame is award winning wool supplied by sheep, mainly from the Romney breed.
One of those sheep is a three year old ewe called Molly who isn't about to win any awards.
Not unless they start handing out blue ribbons for the most cantankerous ewe in the nation because if they did Molly would win in a landslide.
Soon after she was born Molly was rejected by her mother and would have died from hypothermia on her first day on earth if her bleating wasn't heard by farmer Bob.
After retrieving a blanket from the farmhouse Bob picked up the tiny ewe and carried her inside.
As his 5 year old twin girls Athora and Angus marveled at the loud little creature while Bobs wife of ten years Helen warmed up a bottle of milk on the hob.
Helen a strong but gentle woman along with some help from her girls has been hand feeding fragile new born sheep for a long time now so when her husband brought Molly inside she sprang into action like any seasoned woman on the land would.
For six weeks Molly was given bottle after bottle of milk and it didn't take her long to gain weight and start running around the house but her favorite spot was right in front of the fireplace where but soon the family grew annoyed by Molly hogging the heat all to herself.
When Molly overstayed her welcome inside the home farmer Bob had her checked over by the local vet Fergus Ferguson who quickly found Molly fit and healthy.
After the twins said goodbye to their little ewe friend farmer Bob lead her outside, opened the gate to a paddock full of lucerne and left Molly to fend for herself.
'Holy fricking shit it is cold out here' Molly utters as she shivers in the early morning frost. She looks around in hope of seeing farmer Bob return to take her back inside to the warmth of the fire.
The life of a lamb can sometimes seem cruel and unforgiving.
Molly continues to bleat all throughout the day but when the sun sinks behind the horizon it becomes clear that no one is coming to her rescue so Molly lays down in the soft grass and goes to sleep.
After surviving the winter cold out in her paddock Molly has put on a lot of weight and she is now no longer a little lamb.
Molly is now a headstrong kiwi ewe who struts around the farm full of pride and is also sporting a fleece of premium quality fleece.
Molly eyes the other sheep with contempt thinking that because she was hand raised she is something special but Molly is in for a huge shock.
Just after lunch Molly is out in the shearing yard minding her own business when she is scared half to death by a dog snapping at her heels.
Not really knowing what is happening Molly follows the other ewes into a folding pen, she tries to hide because she has a feeling that something bad is about to happen.
Upon hearing a human approaching her heart flutters in hope that the nice man who saved her back in the day has returned in the nick of time but she soon realizes her mistake and tries to flee but she is dragged forcefully into a shearing shed.
She is put into a very undignified position by a rough looking shearer who proceeds to remove her golden fleece before he grabs her by the rump and shoves her down the chute back out to the sunshine.
Well I say sunshine but we are in New Zealand after all so what I meant to say was drizzle with a chance of rain.
Molly couldn't give a shit about the weather because she is shivering in fright feeling naked and exposed and with a murderous stare up into the shearing shed Molly makes a vow to herself to never let the nasty people to shear her again.
Back in the paddock recovering from her ordeal Molly suddenly comes up with an idea on how to avoid being shorn in the future and that is to ruin for fleece so her wool is utterly useless than she can remain warm and toasty all year round.
A couple of months later just before another shearing season Molly rolls around in the mud picking up all kinds of burrs, thorns and other debris plus a going covering of fresh dung.
When the dog reappears Molly is so confident that her ruse work she doesn't resist instead she strolls into the holding pen.
Once again she stands at the back of the herd and watches as one by one the other ewes are dragged up into the shearing shed and an hour later Molly is the last sheep standing.
Well well well' one of the shearers mutters to his mate' What do you think bro? Maybe we should give her a good blast of water with the power hose or even better we could just shoot her right now and cut her up with a sharp knife because I really could go for a lamb chop or two.'
'What do you think girl? the other shearer asks as he puts his nose on Molly's nose 'You sure are nice and plump ready for the slaughter.'
Molly has no idea what the two humans are saying but going by the tone of their voices it doesn't sound very good so she rubs herself against the fence to rid herself from the thorns and burrs and has a quick dip in the water trough to wash away the crap.
Then once again she is prodded up the chute and into the shearing shed where she gets a crew cut.
Out in her paddock Molly is spitting chips, surely the humans know that it is fricking freezing out here.
Once again she makes a vow to never be shorn again.
Six months later Molly is relaxing out in her paddock when she notices a big cloud of dust coming from the front gate to the property and soon a few utes pull up near the shearing shed 'Holy shit ] Molly moans 'Is it that time of the year already?'
Beginning to panic Molly runs around in circles looking for an escape route but then she notices a herd of cows in the next paddock doing a whole lot of nothing and another idea enters her tiny brain.
She takes twenty steps back and then she runs as fast as she can and leaps into the air.
Molly flies through the air like Steve McQueen in that movie 'The Great Escape' and lands in the middle of the startled cows.
An hour later Molly smiles to herself when she hears the dog barking as he herds the sheep into the holding pen 'Get that up ya' molly says to the shearers then she mingles between the cattle eating the tasty grass and farting happily.
But the good times don't last long because early the next morning farmer Bon opens the gate and leads the cows towards the milking shed.
Molly tries her nest to act like a cow but she isn't fooling anyone and when he spots the rogue farmer Bob grabs her by the scruff of the neck 'Come here u devil ewe.'
The two shearers from the last shearing season notice the lone wandering into the shed 'Hahaha you again come over here and get a good shearing and I promise not to say a word about juicy lamb chops.'
Ten minutes later Molly is shoved down the chute naked as a Jay bird.
Later in year Molly knows that shearing season is approaching and her fleece is flawless and she wants it to stay that way because she has been exchanging glances with a randy ram.
What kind of ram would want to hang out with a ewe who was nothing but skin and bones?
Molly knows that if she is to deceive the shearers this year she will have to come up with a wooly wooly good plan and after a few minutes a plan forms in her walnut brain.
Ten feet away just near the gate to her paddock a huge bale of rusty lays discarded ready for the tip.
Molly wandered over and begins to nibble at the flaky rust 'I might need some iron in my diet but this is ridiculous.'
After chewing away for a couple of hours her fleece now looks like a huge block of steel wool.
On hearing the bog rounding up the other sheep this time she doesn't stand at the back of the line instead she runs up the chute bleating 'Come on you fuckers shear me at your own peril.'
Inside the same two shearers as the last two seasons stare at Molly with their mouths hanging open 'Jesus, Warren 'Wazza Morgan utters to his bro Barry 'Bazza Jones 'It is that crazy ewe from last year, she is all yours bro I am going for a smoke.'
'For fucks sake' Jones as he points at the strange looking ewe' Alright get over here you weirdo .'
Molly slowly walks wiggling for butt from side to side until she is face to face with the shearer 'What will it be today short back and sides?'
As soon as the clippers touch Molly fleece a few sparks fly off in all directions but sadly no one notices that a spark had landed on a pile of wool that is spread out on a nearby table and that single spark has ignited the lanolin and soon fire takes hold.
'FIRE' someone screams.
One of the shearers attempts to put out the blaze with an extinguisher but the flames has spread rapidly and his efforts are all in vain.
Molly and all of the shearers escape by the skin of their teeth and within ten minutes the shearing is now nothing but a smoldering pile of rubble.
Molly licks her wounds but she isn't happy No ram in is right mind would like a ewe who looks like she has been singed by a blowtorch.
But than a wet tongue licks her ear and soon the ram of her dreams is covering her in sweet kisses and Molly is now the happiest ewe on the planet.
Molly opens her eyes and notices farmer Bob approaching fast and he doesn't look happy 'Um Randy I think that maybe we should elope right now RUN.'
The two lovestruck ewes take off with the angry farmer hot on their heels waving a large knife 'Come back here you good for nothing giant lamb chop.'
Welcome to the life of a farmer.
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
April 10, 2023
Woke up around 8:00am to my friend Laksmi's call. She was wondering why she was scheduled to work while the rest of us wasn't. Lucky her. Working on a bank holiday. Money's rolling.
Steamy morning cuddling, even when I only wanted less. I like it.
Eddie made egg-bagoong fried rice, heated some left over KFC chicken wings along with Romney's lamb stew. It was a very filling breakfast. Whenever I'm here I always feel EXTRA sedentary because I don't workout and all we do is eat. Not that I'm complaining. I should get a gym membership near this place.
Decided to find a Pokemon Unite group in Discord because it is just such a pain in the ass to do solo with many players not knowing how to play the game. I found a group but couldn't exactly play with them because I didn't meet the level requirements. I had fun ranking up even if it was such a pain during some games. I guess it still brings me some form of happiness even when it seems a bit boring at times. I've met the level requirement now so maybe during the weekend I can play again.
We're going to Farrah's place, Ed's colleague, to have some samgyupsal. So happy we're having some korean to cap off the end of the holidays here.
Got there around 5pm. I bought some Krispy Kreme donuts because I didn’t want to come empty handed on my end. It was delicious. Ate 2 1/2 donuts. I made Ed eat the other one because I didn’t want the guilt of eating all the carbs of the other half of the donut. The samgyupsal was really good! I wish they did that every week.
Went home to around 10pm. Ran towards the house because it rained a lot on our way home. My 7£ umbrella couldn’t withstand the wind. Just took a shower now and we’re going to be sleeping in a bit. Holiday’s over. Back to working my butt off tomorrow. I can feel that this week’s going to be a good week. Not without challenges, of course, but I feel more… mature and capable to handle the challenges when they come.
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zooterchet · 1 year
Targets Dispatched (Teamsters International)
Christophe Stevens.
Matthew Lennox.
Alice Charlebois.
Sean Fraser.
Will Morgan.
Ted Blanchard.
Carlin Sarkesian.
Allison Haimes.
Steven Charlebois.
Mike Huckabee.
Phil Enfield.
John Kerry.
George W. Bush.
Nicholas Maynard.
Jenna Williamson.
Ivan Tomasic.
Justin Walsh.
Christopher Sweeney.
Ryan Cunningham.
Daniel Cheeseman.
Joshua Moen.
Travis Long.
John Washburne.
Gwenn Pratt.
Duane Chapman.
George Soros.
Glenn Beck.
John McCain.
Alan Colmes.
Christine Warren.
Jair Bonosorno.
Barack Obama.
Joanne Rivers.
Harvey Weinstein.
Hillary Clinton.
Brian Monaghan.
Ivan Tomasic.
Keith Valesquez.
Dr. Joshua Golden.
Bernice Lamb.
Bill O’Reilly.
Mitt Romney.
Jeffrey Lange.
Donald Trump.
Cassie Leigh Stock.
Joseph Biden.
Walter Kaufmann.
Norman McLean.
Scott Burrill.
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milkweedman · 1 year
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In much nicer news, got to hang out with @rival-the-rose today and we traded some wool and i got more jacob and romney lamb fleece !! Super excited, i loved working with those when i made the hat :3
And ! I think i finally got the hang of supported spinning, maybe ? With 1.5 nests of combed top left, lol. By the end it was going really fast and didnt feel very awkward or anything !
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dhaaruni · 3 years
The reason I prefer Conor Lamb to John Fetterman re: Pennsylvania Senate (aside from Fetterman's vigilante justice issue which will definitely alienate Black voters in the primary) is that Lamb is much more appealing to suburban women!
Fetterman will do better with white men than Malcolm Kenyatta because he's got the 6 and a half foot tattooed thing going, but he's not going to do markedly better than Conor Lamb, who won a R+20 district, and as a human woman, Lamb will do MUCH better with suburban women. The vast majority of white men are going to vote Republican no matter who the Democrat is, but white women are a swing demographic and in Pennsylvania which is 80.53% white, Democrats have to decisively win white women like there's no way around it.
Lamb is a veteran who prosecuted sexual assault cases in the military and has big "will carry old ladies' groceries" slash "I want my daughter to marry a man like that" energy and that's imperative to win the suburbs. Once again, white men don't ever vote Democrat, which means Dems have to appeal to suburban women, and Lamb's the best way to do it.
I.E. nobody’s going to win Trump voters but Lamb is gonna win the most Romney-Clinton-Biden voters in the electorate, which is why it has to be him.
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natalya1905 · 3 years
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Happy Saturday, friends! What's on your needles right now? Something cozy and warm? Something new and exciting? Or you just finished a project and are looking for a new one?⁠ ⁠ If so, I have a wonderful news. My friends at The Fibre Co. put together Homestead kits in their absolutely amazing Lore yarn. Lore is 100% lambswool from the Romney sheep, locally known as Kent lamb. Colors and texture are amazing!⁠ ⁠ Kits include: ⁠ - PDF pattern⁠ - 5 hanks of The Fibre Co. Lore yarn⁠ - Free Project Bag⁠ ⁠ And the best part? 10% discount with the code Homestead10. Code is valid till the end of November. I'll put the link in the Stories for your convenience. Happy knitting! https://www.instagram.com/p/CVYMCthJ11n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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crazy-sheep-lady · 1 year
Well um this is a first?? Ms. Marvel lambed and it’s brown like a natural colored Romney??? We don’t have any natural colored Romney’s in our lines???? Unfortunately it was a DOA and but where did it come from??
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1960: John F. Kennedy/Lyndon B. Johnson vs Richard Nixon/Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
1964: Lyndon B. Johnson/Hubert Humphrey vs Barry Goldwater/William E. Miller
1968: Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew vs Hubert Humphrey/Edmund Muskie vs George Wallace/Curtis Lemay
1972: Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew vs George McGovern/Sargent Shriver
1976: Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale vs Gerald Ford/Bob Dole
1980: Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush vs Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale
1984: Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush vs Walter Mondale/Geraldine Ferraro
1988: George H.W. Bush/Dan Quayle vs Michael Dukakis/Lloyd Bentsen
1992: Bill Clinton/Al Gore vs George H.W. Bush/Dan Quayle vs Ross Perot/James Stockdale
1996: Bill Clinton/Al Gore vs Bob Dole/Jack Kemp vs Ross Perot/Pat Choate
2000: George W. Bush/Dick Cheney vs Al Gore/Joe Lieberman
2004: George W. Bush/Dick Cheney vs John Kerry/John Edwards
2008: Barack Obama/Joe Biden vs John McCain/Sarah Palin
2012: Barack Obama/Joe Biden vs Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan
2016: Donald Trump/Mike Pence vs Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine
2020: Joe Biden/Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump/Mike Pence
The same candidates tend to show up year after year. Not just President running for re-election, but Vice Presidents running for the top slot themselves, incumbents or candidates, successful or not; Richard Nixon (1952, 1956, 1960, 1968), Hubert Humphrey (1964, 1968), Walter Mondale (1976, 1980), Bob Dole (1976, 1996), Al Gore (1992, 1996, 2000)
I would expect John Edwards (D-2004) to try and make a comeback, though he was only a one term senator from North Carolina, so that’s looking increasingly unlikely. The state swung for Obama in 2008, but hasn’t voted blue since (except for governor, but he has no power because the Republicans control the state legislature)
Paul Ryan (R-2012) will be back for sure; he retired from the House in part over of disagreements with Trump, but one doesn’t just give up being Speaker and slink away into obscurity (just look at Newt Gingrich, he refuses to shut up or die), so I think Ryan is just biding his time and hoping the whole Trump thing blows over in the next decade. If the party shifts away from Trump, he might offer himself as a slightly more moderate (“moderate*”) alternative.
Or maybe Sarah Palin (R-2008) will try and reclaim the presidency for herself; she’s a hardcore right wing nutjob, she was a Bush supporter AND a Trump supporter, and she’s still relatively young, so I could see her stepping back into the spotlight to try and “being the country back” to the traditionalism of the early 2000s. Nostalgia is cyclical, so I figure around 2028 or 2032 people will start looking back fondly on the Clinton and Bush years (Clinton more so than Bush, what with 9/11 and the wars and such)
Tim Kaine isn’t even one of the famous senators; there are some senators that everybody knows, even if they’re not from your state, like Chuck Schumer, Joe Manchin, Lindsey Graham, Bitch McConnell, big names with big reputations. Tim Kaine is a nobody, just a bland and inoffensive white dude Clinton picked to be as uncontroversial as possible (she couldn’t pick a woman or a black person because then the ticket would have been “too diverse”). He’s not the future of the Democratic party, but I could see him trying to become part of the Senate leadership. Maybe the whip (vice leader), I don’t think he has what it takes to be leader outright.
I don’t think Mitt Romney (R-2012) will run for president again; that ship has sailed. Moderate Republicans are critically endangered, extinct in the wild, with single specimens in captivity (in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Maryland). After back-to-back losses in 2008 and 2012, I don’t think Republicans will run a moderate candidate ever again. Romney could maybe just maybe become the whip if he so desired, he’s a big enough name with support enough to become their presidential nominee, though he’ll never be the leader; McConnell was their golden goose, he gave hem exactly what they wanted and changed the game to give them an advantage even in minority. They will only ever elect hardliners like him from now on. Romney is too soft; he cares too much about the other side (he’s not liberal by any stretch of the imagination, he’s a Mormon for Brigham’s sake, but he voted to impeach Trump twice which means he may as well be a liberal in the eyes of the public)
Mike Pence has committed political suicide. Democrats hate him for his homophobia, sexism, racism, classism, and weird relationship with his wife who he calls “mother.” Republicans hate him because he didn’t break the law to re-elect Trump. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. He’s ultraconservative and super religious, so under normal circumstances he’d be a shoo-in for the nomination, but after breaking with Trump in January he’s dead in the water (he didn’t even really break away, there was literally nothing legal he could do; if he had tried anything it would have been struck down by the courts). And besides that, Pence is boring as hell. He’s milquetoast, he’s a saltine cracker without the salt because it’s too spicy, he orders plain hamburgers with ketchup on the side, all his steaks are cooked well done, he gets a boner when he sees a woman’s ankle and has to self-flagellate for penance, he sends back water if it has too much ice because it makes his teeth hurt. He’s the sacrificial lamb they’d nominate specifically to lose so they can save a stronger candidate for later when there’s no incumbent.
Kamala Harris is basically president-in-waiting (or rather nominee-in-waiting; who knows if she can actually win?) Biden ran on the unspoken promise that he would step down in 2024, making her the front runner, but he has recently walked this back and says he plans on running for a second term himself, pushing Kamala back until 2028 at least. She has good PR and has convinced half the country that she’s a progressive instead of a cop, so if she runs she’ll definitely have an edge over Democratic challengers. The media picks the nominee, and in 24 or 28 they’ll pick her for sure.
It’s becoming increasingly harder for people to stay relevant over multiple decades. I can’t imagine any 2004 candidates running in 2024, but Bob Dole managed to get on as Ford’s #2 and come back as #1 himself twenty years later (he lost both times, but still). Richard Nixon beat the odds and actually got elected in 68 after losing the presidency in 60 and the governorship in 62; he was pretty much coasting on Eisenhower’s legacy, selling himself as the anti-Goldwater, who lost in 64 to LBJ in a landslide.
Trump is acting like he’s going to run again, but whether or not he’ll fully commit is up in the air. On the one hand, his least insane niece says that he doesn’t want to put himself in a position where he could lose again, his ego couldn’t take it, he’s so embarrassed he can’t even admit it happened the first time. On the other hand, he’s too proud to accept defeat and just let some other candidate take his spot as leader of the Republican Party; the Republicans haven’t had a leader since Eisenhower, every other president has disappeared after leaving office.
Nixon resigned in disgrace
Ford was elected out
Reagan disappeared in the 90s because he didn’t want the country to see him deteriorate from Alzheimer’s
Bush Sr was elected out
Bush Jr was despised with approval in the 20s (record low), and could potentially have been tried at The Hague if Obama had balls
Now Trump wants to stick around, even though he’s older than Reagan and FAR less healthy. He’ll probably be dead in 15 years anyway; no way he reaches 90. His mind may already be going, but unlike Reagan he isn’t self aware enough to know it, so he might try to stay in the spotlight even after the dementia sets in. Wo knows?
What his niece says, and what I think is most likely to happen, is that he will pretend like he’s running in order to scam donors out of millions of dollars to pay his exorbitant legal fees, but then bow out of the race before the primaries. Whichever candidate he personally endorses will become the nominee and go up against Biden. Biden will win the popular vote, but I don’t know if he’ll win the electoral college; if this happens for the third time in a quarter century, I expect nothing less than chaos in the streets, perhaps even civil war (well, I expected civil war after 2020, and we’re still standing, so again, who knows?). All I know is that congressional Democrats will throw a hissy fit but do nothing to stop the Republicans from sneaking their way into office without a mandate AGAIN.
The last Republican to legitimately win the presidency was George Bush Sr in 1988. Jr lost to Gore, and only got re-elected in 2004 because he invaded Iraq the year prior. Democrats have won 7 of the last 8 elections, including the last 4 in a row. There are more Democrats and left-leaning independents than Republicans and right-leaners. If the Republicans lose-but-win AGAIN, I don’t think the county could take it; there would be phony calls for secession on TV and legitimate whispers behind the scenes, there would be lawsuits, there would be an even bigger assault on the Capitol than January 6, people would riot, the National Guard would attack brown people with impunity while peacefully corralling the white ones with shields and loudspeakers.
There hasn’t been an assassination since 1963, and no assassination attempt resulting in injury since 1981. Someone threw a grenade at Bush Jr in 2005, but they wrapped a handkerchief around it so the lever didn’t release. I think multiple politicians on both sides of the aisle might be targeted in the event of another electoral college screw up.
Trump could face jail time for his tax crimes, though given his high profile I think he’d get off with a slap on the wrist. He has never faced consequences before, so why would they start now?
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virtuouscandlelight · 2 years
{ OOC } Younger Eleanor though 🥺
Current Eleanor would be rounded to be in her late 40’s human years, younger Eleanor before the Caribbean would be late 30’s. fact time baybee
• Much more naive. Expect even more awkward dialogue and broken - like English. Asks so many questions. Curious about everything and everyone. Hardly has been in contact with violence. Earth, and every other alternative universe, is extremely new to her. Fresh out of heaven grounds. Takes expressions of speech too literally, gullible.
• Is way more approachable and nearly too trusting of humans and other creatures. Does not bother to conceal her true identity — or own presence, for that matter, will just stroll out in public with her candles on show.
• At the very least, she tries to fit in with the fashion. Her wax melts through the fabric regardless, so she has to keep buying more after the sleeves harden. Her hair is either tied up in a bun or her curls are loose — albeit much shorter compared to her older self’s length { down to her knees. } . Her eyes hold much more volume and vibrancy to represent that purity and childlike personality. It’s difficult to tell that she’s genuinely to be in her late 30’s rather than early 20’s.
• Modern Eleanor would be described as the character that had gained a thicker skin after trauma at the end of a book. Younger Eleanor would be described as a Disney character.
• Her young personality, height { 5’2 }, and appearance is what started the nickname “ little lamb “ . Even better, she does have a companion in this era that’s a Romney Marsh sheep. His name is Dandelion — after the little wish flowers, her favorite kind.
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starrypawz · 3 years
Had another TMA statement concept in me so I got it out.
Posted this one to AO3 only as it needs a few content warnings.
Rated: Teen
CW: Animal Death, Body Horror,  Mentions of: Pregnancy, Premature Birth, Difficult Birth
Statement of Eric Graves regarding unusual events surrounding a lambing in New Romney, Kent, England. Original statement given October 12th 2002.
Statement Begins.
I guess you can say farming is in my bones. All I’ve known. Farm’s been in my family for a long time, probably from the point this all stopped being a sea, you know that right? All this used to be sea. Even have some long gone ancestors buried on the land. Or so I’ve been told, never gone poking around into that.
Leave the dead to their rest you know?
Lord knows I won’t get mine until I finally pass, born on the marsh and I’ll probably die on the marsh like most of us have, might as well bleed salt water by this point.
Continue on AO3
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straypotatoes · 3 years
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This week’s spinning experiment: 4-ply cabled yarn.
1. Raw fleece, washed fleece, combed fiber.
2. Singles, 2-ply, finished 4-ply cable skein.
3. Closeup of cable structure - and lookit that shine! Fiber is Jake Valentine/Darkside Shearing Romney/Dorset/Coopworth/Cheviot/Perendale/Kerry Hill lamb cross. Combs are Valkyrie mini fine (obviously), spindles are home-made.
I could work on getting my singles a little finer (cable-ply is good for socks), but for now I’m happy with the result, since this is a new spinning technique for me. And the sheen of this fleece shows it off so well!
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