#Roblio Darte
SDTCI: Dark Times
Two concepts for Post Order 66 SDTCI events, based off of the Dark Times SW comics.
Jocasta Nu’s Heist
Definitely based off the Vader comic. Jocasta Nu, Tera Sinube & Sha Koon team up to infiltrate the Jedi Temple to either retrieve and/or destroy any information the Empire could use to hunt down remaining Jedi.
While Jocasta & Tera infiltrate the Archives, Sha Koon draws the attention of Sora Bulq, one of Sidious’ apprentices (rechristened Murted) by pretending she’s gonna join the Empire.
Meanwhile, Team Old People’s data retrieval/deletion is interrupted by the Grand Inquisitor and a team of lesser Inquisitors, including Beyghor Sahdett. A scuffle occurs.
Sha, very emotionally volatile right now, finds herself losing against Murted, who uses Vaapad & Jar’Kai. She puts up a good showing, and while she ultimately falls, she sees the same visions of a brighter future she saw in the comics.
She holds off Murted long enough for the transfer and deletion to go through, while Tera & Jocasta fight off the Inquisitors, killing several in the process. They attempt their escape, but Tera is ultimately fatally wounded by Beyghor. Jocasta breaks out her Lightsaber Rifle and shoots her way out using several pilferd lightsabers, and manages to partially avenge Tera by shooting Beyghor’s arm off.
As opposed to Canon, Jocasta ultimately survives, and brings with her a pretty comprehensive cache of Jedi knowledge and artifacts, which will prove pretty important a few decades later. While she eventually succumbs to old age, it’s not before spending several years helping to coordinate the efforts of Rebel cells in the Inner Core.
Conclave at Kessel
A much more tragic story, detailing the efforts of surviving Jedi to gather in an attempt to coordinate resistance against the Empire. Based almost lock stock and barrel off the Star Wars: Purge oneshot, with cues taken from the 2003 Clone Was cartoon, and of all things, “The Ninth Jedi”.
Order 66 survivors Bultar Swan and Tsui Choi follow a series of encoded messages, leading them to a fortress mine on the spice moon of Kessel. They reunite with fellow survivors Koffi Aran, Ma’kis’shaalas, Roblio Darte, Jastus Farr, Sia-Lan Wezz, and their leader, Shadday Potkins. As they wait for a ninth survivor, Empatojayos Brand, discuss their next course of action. As differences occur and tempers begin to rise, the lights cut. Empatojayos Brand has arrived, but not as a Jedi, but a newly christened Sith warrior.
Renamed Lord Torca by Sidious, his broken body captured and rebuilt into a cybernetic chassis based off the last great Jedi hunter: General Grievous, but now actual Force Sensitivity. What happens next is the repeated horror story of Hypori, but there are no more Jedi to save them, and any clones will be foes, not saviors.
This is not to say the Jedi go down easily. They fight like cornered animals, and manage to get in several hits on Grievous 2: Once More With Midi-Chlorians, cutting off one of his hands and disabling Torca’s lightsabers with a Cortosis weave blade. But still, Wezz falls, then Ma’kis, then Shadday. Torca grabs the Cortosis blade, the clones move in, and between waves of blaster fire and one of recent history’s most prolific Jedi killers reborn, the Conclave ends in a slaughter.
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cienie-isengardu · 6 years
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Within moments, that swamp was an inferno. Those that could regrouped at the rendezvous point and got pulled off planet. We couldn’t get the wounded out. They burned where they fell. It was hideous. The planet is still burning, I think. Evidently Count Dooku wants to make a point to other planets thinking of re-joining the Republic. The Republic has lost parcelus minor. I lost ninety percent of the troopers. I know they’re just clones but... they were good men.
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