#Roberta Lincoln
startrekladies · 10 months
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Terri Garr & April Tatro as Roberta Lincoln & Isis in Assignment: Earth STAR TREK (1966–1969)
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skybson · 1 year
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2x26 - Assignment: Earth
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sailor-moon-moon · 2 years
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*old timey detective voice* I’ve cracked this case wide open
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juniperika · 3 days
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she had like 15 minutes of screentime but I love her&I want her wardrobe
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doctorslippery · 2 months
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ST:SNW, I want Pike to wake up some morning. Stretch, get out of bed. Open his closet and it be filled with smoke as these two walk out of it, yelling at him to "Renergize the beam or they'll catch us."
Followed moments later, by a very apologetic Gary Seven and Roberta who drag them back inside and disappear.
Pike sits back down a moment. Shakes his head, "Definitely not going in the ship's log."
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spacelessbian · 10 months
Ranking my favorite Star Trek TOS girlies
This is specifically about the women of the week, excluding those who appeared once in TOS but later reappeared in other Star Trek shows (like T'Pring, Amanda or Una). There are so many! Most are kinda meh eye candy, however, some are just great. Here we go...
13 Kelinda (2x22 By Any Other Name) : she's not a girl, she is hundred tentacle alien trapped in a woman's body
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12 Roberta Lincoln (2x26 Assignment: Earth) : just there to slay, she has some serious Doctor's companion vibes
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11 Lenore (1x13 Conscience of the King) : a murderous girlie with an unhealthy fixation on her father, you gotta love her
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10 Irina Galliulin (3x20 The Way to Eden) : Academy drop out in a sexy hippie polycule, what else do you need?
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9 Shahna (2x16 The Gamesters of Triskalion) : admittedly mostly there to look pretty, but I love her, I want her to come back
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8 Martha Landon (2x5 The Apple) : the first person in the show to high kick in a fight, honestly an icon
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7 Horta (1x25 The Devil in the Dark) : she's a blob of lava, she's a mother, she's into Spock, she is everything
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6 Daras (2x21 Patterns of Force) : she's an undercover freedom fighter who turned her own father in to get the enemy's trust, hardcore af
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5 Marta (3x14 Whom Gods Destroy) : criminally insane Orion who quotes Shakespeare and then claims she is the author, iconic
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4 Vanna (3x21 The Cloud Minders) : in her first scene she beats Kirk in a hand to hand combat, 'nough said
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3 Janice Lester (3x24 Turnabout Intruder) : yes, go exercise your girl power by murdering a lot of people and stealing Kirk's body, you can do anything, I believe in you!
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2 Romulan Commander (3x2 The Enterprise Incident) : the only female captain we'll get to have for a long time, absolute queen, so sexy and powerful with great sense of fashion
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1 Miranda Jones (3x5 Is There in Truth No Beauty) : my favorite by a lot, she is conflicted, annoying, petty and ready to kick sexist and ableist asses on the spot
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There are more that I could mention, but I thought 13 is an okay number to stop.
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nevinslibrary · 2 years
Make It So Friday
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More with Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln. I still don't like Gary at all, ugh, even when Greg Cox is doing his very best to make us like him at least a little, or understand him at least. Luckily, Gary Seven’s inclusion was made up for by a lot of the plot. Whew…
So, Gary and Roberta get an emergency call from someone in the 23rd century, another Aegis (the people that Gary and Roberta work for) agent. And, they're into the blue mist (super impressive transporter) and into the future. Where they basically steal the Enterprise so that they can try to save the timeline.
It was the usual great weaving that Cox does with the new and the old, his (and others) Star Trek universe and the movie/tv canon universe. All working together like they were always within the same story, the same universe. Always so much fun to read Greg Cox books!
You may like this book If you Liked: Moments Asunder by Dayton Ward, Captain to Captain by Greg Cox, or The Last Best Hope by Una McCormack
Assignment: Eternity by Greg Cox
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soupjug · 2 years
miss roberta lincoln, gentle and ladymen, the first woman with actual personality who doesn’t miraculously fall for jim.
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mikejaffa · 2 months
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sharpestasp · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Roberta Lincoln, Isis (Star Trek) Additional Tags: Episode Tag, Episode: s02e26 Assignment: Earth, Drabble Summary:
Isis and Roberta soothe each other.
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 2 months
Sector V-2 fav snacks/food?
Everyone has their personal favourite, but they all agree the BESTEST snack of all is
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Yes, he basically adopted them all since they “play” above his house…
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edge-of-the-end · 1 year
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happy new year’s eve, i gift you more rockstar energy roberta for your dyke jesslupe band aus xx
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kidsnextdoor-doodles · 2 months
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And the other four
Characters belong to @kommandonuovidiavoli
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pooshineh · 10 months
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Isaac and Roberta Rossum wanted a child, so they adopted a little toddler named Philomena. On their daughter's birthday, Isaac had no friends except Dominic Newlow and Lincoln Broadsheet. Look at these two grown ass nerds playing video games while the birthday celebrant sat beside them, watching them trashtalking to each other.
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diesoonandsuffer · 2 years
top 5 conspiracy theories
you already know
wesley crusher is a descendant of roberta lincoln from tos "assignment: earth." evidence: wesley's middle name is robert. they both also have strange birthmarks in some sort of location that they don't like being talked about. roberta canonically became a time traveller so it's possible!
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2. the psychic connection between troi and riker that is dropped after the pilot is still very real to me. in the episode where troi briefly loses her telepathy, before she announces that the only person who seems to realize something is wrong is riker. there's also some moments where they just generally seemed tuned into each other, troi senses when he's coming, etc. yes this could be a close bond but consider THIS: in "disaster" when ro laren wants to separate the ship, troi refuses because she's convinced there are people working down there that will hear their message. and riker was!
3. i've said this before but i'm convinced that kirk forces every member of the enterprise to take an improv class taught by him. "a piece of the action" with fizzbin and the rest is an obvious example of how unnecessarily into character kirk can get sometimes. the man is known for his love of poetry and theater, and combined with how much talking out of his ass has saved the day, i'm certain he's tried to teach everyone else his ways, too.
4. kirk is a real man and he's been fighting for control of william shatner's body since 1966. it's the only thing that will explain why will baby chose to look at leonard nimoy Like That and say certain lines Like That. it doesn't make sense otherwise.
5. they [kirk and spock] fucked that old man [16th president of the united states abraham lincoln]
[ask me 'top 5' anything about star trek!]
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protovulcans · 5 months
i cannot wait for my hair to get longer so i can bleach and perm it (and look like aziraphale)
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