busterheadspace · 1 year
I love your fics! I have a super niche request but it’s sm I think about a lot! What about like Brett working with the robes (he’s still not all that bright and it’s mainly because he’s such a yes man that he ends up doing it bc I don’t want to change core aspects of his character) but then yk he befriends the team and totally falls for Reagan and hes planning on telling her but whoops he just got outed for it and now she’s super pissed at him and refuses to see him. Canon timeline and stuff-
Also don’t feel annoying for posting your fics! Inside job content is the GOAT always and I will always be personally tuning in to read what you write
aw. Thank you for the compliments. And yes, I’m also believing this theory very well too.
Note: Open to request. Whump Bingo open.
Brett came out of his workplace with a happy sigh and began humming as he walked back home. 
The new place he was hired out was pretty fantastic. Small offices, a company bookmark as a gift and a lot of people who seemed really interested in what they were working and making him choose a side of the toy they were making, 
Okay the last one wasn’t the funniest thing to do. Choosing sides was too much pressure for him and he watched as the two sides yelled at each other at the conference. But once they got too tired or their throats were too sore from the yelling, Brett suggested an idea. Both sides loved it and made the product.
A fidget toy that looked like an airplane. Maybe not the best of ideas but they stopped fighting and Brett was very happy about that. He wondered how his second day of work would go.
“Okay Brett, you’re going to prove yourself at that company! You’re going to show them all the great ideas you have! Maybe make your family proud. But I’m going to change the world- MNHH!”
A bag was thrown onto his head and he screams in fear. 
The bag was taken off and a bright light blinded him. Brett sat on the floor as five clocked figures stood in front of him. Each wore a golden mask and triangle heads. His eyes widened and he got to knees. 
“I’m sorry if I did something! Please don’t kill me or sacrifice me!” Brett begged. The Robes figures just look at each other, laughing. Why were they laughing..?
“Stand up Brett.” One said. Brett listened and did what he was told. He gulped when the middle one approached.
“Who are you guys? Where is this place?” Brett ignored what they said as he looked around. 
“We are The Robes. We are the rulers of the world.” They explained. “We’ve been watching you. You have quite the skills to help us.”
“Me?!” Why him? He’s nothing special. “What makes me a good ruler do the whole world?”
“You see… we can’t really expose ourselves to humans. We aren’t exactly human and.. how social skills aren’t exactly the best..” The Robe in front of him looked back to another Robe with what seemed to be a glare.
“You have the people skills and seem to know how to solve problems very easily. The Reptoid have also said you know how to keep peace and prevent them from overtaking humanity. ”
“Potentially you could change the world” 
“Uhh..” This was very confusing and nerve wracking for the man. Him? Ruler of the world? How would he be able to do that? That was too much pressure!
 But The Robes were staring him down, the one in front of him holding a hand out. They do seem like they really need his help..and he liked helping people..
With a rather forceful grin, Brett shook the Robe's gloves hand. 
“I’ll do it!” He declared. “So.. when do I start?”
“Now.” A black cloak is thrown at him and he catches it surprisingly along with a mask. “Make sure it fits. We can’t have any part of you exposed to any visitors.”
“I’ll try my best!”
The job was full of surprises. He went undercover a lot. Learning about what celebrities were doing and trying to keep peace between the Shadow Government. He told the Robes about all progress and what their next plan should be
It was hard sometimes . He got punched left and right, insulted, and evaded death many times.. His family often talked about how he doesn't do so much in the world and Brett so badly wants to tell him he was the one ruling it. But The Robes made it clear that they prefer non-shadow governments to not know about their existence and he kept to that. With a forceful smile Brett would just get through the meetings without spilling anything.
In early November, Brett entered the ruined building as the Robes were at the round table. He adjusted his robe and mask and joined them
“Brett. We have a mission for you.” 
“Alright. What is this time!”
A video screening came up and revealed a woman with brown hair and a lab coat. Next to her was an older man with glasses
“This is Reagan Ridley. We need to decide if she’s up to be CEO. While she has a very brilliant mind, her social skills are quite lacking.”
A feed of Reagan in a yellow robot and shaking a dolphin mutant. Brett looked at his coworkers confused. What does this have to do with him?
“We need you to go to this Barbecue. That man before is JR.. ugh.. he’s such a pain in the ass… You need to get hired by him and you’re most likely going to be placed with Ridley. Your job is to use your social skills and help her advance to CEO.
That sounded kinda easy. Brett took off his mask and grinned.
“I won’t let you down!”
Getting hired was the easy part. JR instantly liked him and put a bag on his head and brought him to meet Reagan. She glared at him but he tried his best and tried to become friendly with her.
He could tell she didn’t like him. He kinda got it since he was taking all the credit for the Robot President project. The Robes didn’t make it easier with saying his name and he could hear Reagan groan in frustration. The next day she made a slide show of him JR fired her for a period of time and the Robot President was in his hands. Although it went crazy and decided to killed the whole world
But they made it work in the end. Reagan looked at him with a little smile and they shook hands. In all the missions he went undercover with, that was one of the most genuine smiles he’s seen.
The months passed and he soon started bonding with the team. Each of them had their own quirks and annoyances but he loved getting them hyped for their missions. 
He spent a lot of his time with Reagan. They would hang out, come up with ideas and maybe..just  maybe he was starting to really like her. The day he went on a Nostalgia Spread, her words really made him feel warmed and loved despite the unpleasant memories of his family . The suggestion of a movie night and it becoming a common thing and her falling asleep on his shoulder made him feel so many things.
She didn’t find him annoying and enjoyed everything about him. Not many people were like that to him. Even if she did yell at him or get frustrated, she tries her best to apologize and treat him to lunch or something in her own way.
The day she was selected to become CEO made Brett excited. She finally got her dream job but.. he also wanted to tell her his secret for being here.
“So.. Reagan..” He met her up while she was heading to her new office the day after Bear-O attacked. “About me-“
“Are you talking about yesterday? Brett, we’re the Shadow Government. There’s always going to be suspicion and mistrust if something big happens. It’s not your fault that you didn’t stick with me.”
The happiness he could see on her face. He decided to tell her after she got her promotion. He smiled back at her as she went up the elevator. 
 But not long after that, the promotion was taken from her and he couldn’t understand why. To Rand Ridley? He’s the whole reason why Bear-O existed!
“But she saved the company! Why would you let her dad take over?!” Brett asked The Robes after work. The middle one steps up with answer. 
“Her dependence on her father is what made her unfitted for it.” The Robe explained. “She’s planning a revenge plan as we speak. You still will be working there, perhaps she could still be worthy. However do not joins her revolts on her father and let everything play out”
Brett wanted to so badly defend Reagan. But he knew that once they decided on a choice, it’s permanent. He let them go and just tried his best to support Reagan through this hard time.
Months passed by and Brett noted Reagan talking about this guy. She hooked up with him in the closet at Anonymous Anonymous. She stopped talking about him after the Rome disaster but he did meet him eventually.
Ron Staedtler. Brett didn’t like him. The way he grabbed Reagan’s hand and they looked at each other with such affection made his mood a little sour. Maybe he was being jealous but he wanted to be the one giving Reagan love. At the same time he didn’t want to sabotage their friendship.
Brett kinda liked Staedtler now but his focus wasn’t on that guy after the zombie party. The Robes told him early about Rand uncovering a device that could change the universe. The Robes gave him a Shazam Poster and a little bit of aluminum so his brain wouldn’t completely forget about the regular timeline. It was pure chaos as they headed toward where Rand was and the crew ditching was not good.
The heartbroken face Reagan made as she hugged him and sent him to his better timeline made his heart ached. Luckily The Robe's help made him remember and fix the whole timeline problem. He was happy when the Robes had declared Reagan would be the next CEO and announced it to the whole company.
That he had to deal with Air-Bud and the potential chance of losing Reagan as Staedtler asked her to move away. The relief he felt when he saved Air-Bud and Reagan staying was immense.
Another surprise, Reagan was now partnered with the Robe. He felt like he needed to tell her about who he was. But Reagan was very busy and any attempts of talking were dismissed.
That changed one night.
Brett was in the middle of a meeting with the Robes. His mask and robe were on him and the elevator dinged. Reagan stepped out. Her hair was messy and her eyes bags were deep
“What plans do you guys need this time?” Reagan asked before blinking her eyes. “Am I seeing six of your guys right now or is my sleep deprivation really hitting me?”
“No. It’s just Brett-“ The Robe is cut off as one slaps their arm. 
“You idiot! Don’t say anything about him!” Although it was too late as the friends heard what the Robe said and froze in place
“Brett..? What do you mean?” Reagan questioned. “He’s.. not here..?”
Oh God.. Brett knew he had to tell her but not like this. What could he do now? Just stand there? Slowly, Beett approached and took off his mask and undid his hood. He looked away as Reagan gasped.
“You., you were a Robe?! You were part of the Shadow Board?!” . 
“Yeah.. Ever since I started working.” 
“But..I trusted you!” Reagan yelled. “You were some powerful overlord of the world?!” Her mind thought of all the incidents that happened in the year “Did you make those problems that Cognito had to deal with?!”
“What no I-“
“You couldn’t solve any of them?! You could have raised the funds for the company when JR complained , you could have spoken to the Reptoids and we wouldn’t have the court case. You could have fired my dad earlier! Did.. the Shazam Poster actually make you remember our timeline..?” 
“Well.. No., I mean kinda.. I had something beside the poster that made me remember some stuff.” Brett mumbled, looked down, shame engulfed his whole body. A tense silence followed afterward 
“I can’t believe this..What the hell was real or fake..?” Reagan mumbled and stormed off to the elevator. Brett reached out for her but she quickly moved. After the elevator's door closed, it felt the whole world was blurring and it was getting hard to breathe  
“Great job asshole.” A Robe said to the one who spilled the secret.
Brett did everything to get in contact with Reagan normally at first. Calling her, sending texts, and pleading for her to open her lab door. She stayed in that office for so many days that he was getting worried.
The Gang was very confused about what happened. She didn’t tell them his secret and he was grateful He begged them to help get her out but they state that they tried and she won’t come out.
Eventually Brett decided to wait at her house in hopes that they could talk about what happened. He sat on the stairs until the evening came and he saw a car pulled up. Reagan didn’t seem to notice him until she approached the front door. She glared at him.
“Reags, please. Can we talk?”
“About what? That fact you were just playing with us.”
“No. Listen to what I have to say.”
Reagan rolled her eyes but looked at him. Brett sighed as he gathered his thoughts.
“I was sent to Cognito to help with your promotion. The Robes really saw the good in you and wanted to do everything in their power to get you to that position.”
“Was JR’s story a lie too?” She spat
“Yeah.. But I was made a Robe because they stated that I could change the world. I was sent to so many places because I could manage the peace between the societies.  It was hard. No one really liked me.” He saw Reagan’s face soften and continued .
“I really did enjoy the time we spent together. Even if I went to help you, I really thought of you as.. well.. someone I loved.” Brett felt his face heat up and Reagan’s face was slightly red. That wasn’t the point right now
“I know I could have done more to help but I had to follow the Robes orders. I would have loved to solve all of the Cognito problems but they have a system in place. I’m sorry”
Reagan frowned as she listened before sighing. She looked Brett straight in the eyes.
“It’s just.. I felt lied to. You seemed like this random guy who just happened to stumble to this shitty job and change my life. Learning that you were somebody so much higher.. It almost felt like dad and JR. Just taking advantage of me.”
“It was never that. I wanted to tell you but we were so busy..” Brett said and brought Reagan close to him. She stiffened before returning it “Maybe I am some random guy but I think you've helped me more than you realize.. You didn’t have to help me with my family problems.”
“It didn’t feel right for them to treat you like that.” Reagan muttered. 
They stayed there for a long time before Reagan pulled away. She mumbled an apology for how she reacted earlier and Brett smiled.
“Do you want to have a movie night? You know.. forget all this shit happened.”
“Yeah. I’m done for that” 
She smiled and opened the door for the both. Brett began talking about what movie they should watch.
The Robes watched as the two humans. They decided on Akira and we’re halfway through the movie. 
“You think these two are going to fuck later on?”
“Give it some time. Didn’t she just get over her boyfriend.”
“You never know with her. But is it fine that Reagan knows about Brett.”
“Yes. I believe so. They see, happy together and technically completed his mission. Brett helped Reagan get to CEO”
They watched as both of them fell asleep. Reagan leaned against Brett as she fell asleep. Brett softly smiled and laid on his back, bringing her to lay on his stomach. Maybe it was his feelings playing with him but he kissed her head and played with her hair before falling asleep himself
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shutupcrime · 2 years
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The genre is platonic soulmates your honour
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lovenlu · 2 years
Watching Inside Job pt 2 with my frat boyfriend and the scene with the robes and he goes “what if her coworkers were actually the robes” and uh??????????
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cqraa · 1 year
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your-mums-nuts · 1 year
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“I trusted you!”
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aquamarine33 · 2 years
brett and reagan are my favourite platonic duo to ever exist love them to pieces
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iluvnyasm1th · 1 year
Okay so, SCP Foundation Inside Job AU..
Reagan: Senior Researcher Level 3 at Site-17. Joined the Foundation in her teenage years due to her academic and inventing abilities and influence from her dad.
Brett: Level 2 Intern, close to being promoted to Junior Researcher. Joined the Foundation due to him being exposed to an anomaly, the Site Director saw promise in him and hired him. Reagan is his supervisor.
André: Level 3, working at the Department of Surrealistics. Constantly told to stop using drugs during work, especially when dealing with anomalies, but the Foundation can't complain with his results. Often hangs around Site-19 for "work reasons", it's really just to deal drugs and flirt with the female humanoid SCP's he has security clearance for.
Gigi: Level 3, working at the Department of Miscommunications. Under review for having too many close calls with revealing anomalies and classified Foundation data to the public due to her Instagram posts. Is getting drugs from André at Site-17.
Myc: Thaumiel Class SCP, tasked with creating Class B amnestics. Heavy security protocols in place for him, considering his hostile attitude and constant displeasure with the people around him. Reagan is his lead researcher.
Glenn: Level 3, Co-Commander of MTF Gamma-6, "Deep Feeders". Failed experiment product of the Foundation, genetically mutated to aid with his underwater expeditions.
J.R: Site Director of Site-17. Can't think of much to say about him...
And obviously, the Robes are the 05 council. I'm thinking about making the other groups seen in the show different GOI, maybe having the Illumaniti take place as the GOI Marshall Carter & Dark. Would love to hear peoples thoughts :)
and for Rand, he was fired from the Foundation due to workplace rivalries and selling to MC&D for money for a kidney transplant.
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cartoonbabbles · 2 years
The one ding dang time my account's name is accurate. Spoilers for Inside Job Parts 1 and 2 below the cut.
So... that finale broke my heart, soul, and brain. Just like the good old days of Amphibia, but that's not important. Because here we finally get to see Reagan take control of Cognito and start doing things her way. Hashtag girlboss. BUT. There is one teeny tiny little detail from the end of Part 2 Episode 8 that we all saw... the Robes saying "she's only human." And while that may appear true for now, let's think about this a little more.
Clearly, the show is setting up at least one more season, where we'll likely figure out the origin of the Robes and the ancient magic they use, all that blibber blabber. But more importantly, Reagan is going to stop whatever they have planned, because it's kind of obvious they're being set up as either the big bads or the big bads who team up with the protags when the true final boss shows up. But I digress.
"She's only human."
That line kinda flew over my head the first time I saw the season finale because I was too busy being sad about Stadler, but we'll get to him in a future post maybe. But rewatching it, and having seen the intro a few more times, I'm starting to get the feeling the Robes might be wrong.
We already know Reagan's origins are a little fucked up at least. Rand messed with her DNA, and her memories, she had a pretty abnormal childhood, but we've only seen snippets. Her in elementary school, the prom, and then suddenly Cognito. There's a whole lot of stuff we still don't know about our main protag, and I don't just say this as someone filling out a wiki. I mean there's some dead giveaway in her past that the show isn't giving out just yet. Some detail so mind blowing, it's hidden in plain sight.
Reagan Ridley is not Rand's daughter. Or Tamiko's daughter.
Or anyone's daughter.
Reagan Ridley is not human, and it's been flying under everyone's radar since episode one. Don't believe me? Keep reading.
In the intro, we see an edit of clips briefly giving some context to each of the crew at Cognito. Rand is a drunk, Andre is a doctor, Glenn gets surgery, even Alpha Beta being the robot president. And each of these points gets addressed in the show to some degree. Except for one.
Aside from all the side characters and flashy visuals, one part of the sequence stood out to me, because it hasn't been addressed yet. Reagan's.
In Reagan's sequence, her face opens Fnaf-style to reveal an even smaller Reagan piloting her. And while I'd say symbolism is a really strong suit of the show, and that it's more than likely a Men in Black reference, the rest of the intro is too blatant about future plot points to not be taken seriously. Even the flat earth was there!
So where does this put Reagan? It's likely she's not what she seems, and I could be reaching here but her robot pinkie, and association with robotic limbs and partners could be hints at something. We just don't know what. Or do we?
Let's head back to Part 2 Episode 8 shall we?
In addition to that one odd line, there's a flashback sequence where the Robes explain the simple meaning behind their origin. Humans dumb, some were smart, smart ones became the Robes. But the smart one in their flashback bore a striking resemblance to Reagan. Someone who parallels her exact motives of protecting humanity from itself, no matter the moral conundrums.
And right after that, Reagan asks if she can take a peek under the Robes, and asks if they're "even human." Interesting, to say the least.
All this being said, I can't make a solid prediction as to how or why or even what kind of nonhuman Reagan is, I can only rule out she's not human, or any of the other major races in the show. Potentially a robot, but the whole Robes thing puts a wrench in it. I'm predicting that Part 3, if and when it comes out, will start making things more and more clear that Reagan's connection to the robes goes a lot deeper than you'd think at first.
Or maybe she's a robot who can drink alcohol. Or is just a normal human. Any answer can happen in the show.
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spacephrasing · 1 year
ik i'm a broken record for everyone but holy fuck i want a proper ending for inside job
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
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oqal · 9 months
How would you have wanted S2 (or Part 3) to go? I didn’t love some of the story beats of P2 but making Reagan CEO who answers to the Robes would’ve created some interesting stories.
i wanted to brett and reagan to FUCK
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m3gahet · 1 year
give us your hc's about reverse breagan
Oh like where they swap places? Tbh I haven't put much thought into it. I mostly consume the content for it I see.
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chasingthedragons · 2 months
House Lannister Wardrobe
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1 - Hunting robe of brown leather with the emblem of House Lannister on the chest, brown leather belt with golden metal pieces and a small leather bag. 2 - Accompanied by a thick red velvety cape with brown leather edges and strap at the neck, with the head of the golden lion and leather gloves with golden pieces.
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1 - Gala attire in the red and gold of House Lannister, shiny golden lower tunic with embroidered pattern with long sleeves. Over a red sleeveless tunic with shoulder pads. With a red and black belt with golden metal pieces. And a gold chain with red enameled pieces with the golden lion of the Lannisters, a pendant and the head of the golden lion on the neck.
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1 - Brown gown with embroidery and details along the chest, cape sleeves in brown and gold with embroidery. Golden details at the hips and a gold necklace with hanging pieces at the neckline. Red headpiece with white pearls.
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1 - Gala gown for the royal wedding in red with gold embroidery, belt and sleeve edges in gold fabric, deep red lapels and gold buttons along the chest. 2 - Accompanied by a gold necklace with pendant and a red headpiece.
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1 - Hunting coat in brown sleeveless shiny leather with brown opaque leather shoulder pads, edges and straps along the chest with the Lannister lion's head and the emblem of House Lannister at the level of the heart. Opaque leather lower garment with long sleeves and brown leather gloves.
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1 - Everyday black suit with embroidery and details in black, gray and white along the chest and golden buttons. Over, a long sleeve coat with shoulder pads and embroidered details along the edges. With a large chain with links and gold medallion.
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1 - Gala suit for royal wedding, black color with golden embroidery. Golden embroidery that goes down the chest. With black leather belt and gold pieces. 2 - With a large chain with links and gold medallion.
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1 - Hunting suit of brown leather with the emblem of House Lannister on the chest, brown leather belt with pieces and gold buckle. 2 - Over, a red velvety cape with leather edges and brown leather strap, plus a gold chain at the neck. With a pair of brown leather gloves with golden metal pieces.
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YOUNG LANNISTER GIRL red and white velvet dress, short sleeves in bright red. Bottom, long sleeves of bright red with gold detail at the wrists and a gold chain at the waist.
LADY LANNISTER Bright red and gray dress with embroidery, long sleeves and detail along the neckline. Accompanied by a gold necklace.
YOUNG LANNISTER BOY Red short sleeved open gala suit, with golden details on the edges and golden brooches along the chest. Under a garment with long golden sleeves and dark belt.
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I have some kind of mixed feelings about part 2 but some things I appreciate under the cut (messy and non-linear):
I love that we’re getting more content from the other team leads this season and also that we’re seeing interactions between them that we haven’t seen before? Like Glenn and Myc bonding over looking different in the first episode? Brett and Andre defending Gigi in that episode? Brett and Andre friendship in Rontagion?
This kind of falls into the top one but Reagan and Gigi becoming gal pals and Reagan having her first ever female friend? I love it
Also the Reagan and Brett dynamic is top tier this season. Brett is so supportive of Reagan and I also love that they’re allowed to be so affectionate but still platonic friends (no offence to Breagan shippers, it’s just not my cup of tea and I just love Reagan and Brett and platonic besties).
Myc being a nerd who ran away from the other mushrooms because they were mean to him is a great backstory. Tropey? Sure, but I love it.
I also love that Ron actually says he would’ve liked Reagan to confess to him in the broom closet (like she originally planned) - they really are good for each other
Andre fucking his own clone is great. Honestly he was just an icon this season
I thought it was actually nice to get some actual development of Reagan and Tamiko’s relationship this season. It’s nice that their relationship is considered salvageable (not so keen on how they handled the thing with Rand but I did like that Reagan still put her foot down and sent him to Shadow Prison X)
The dynamic between Rand and JR this whole season is great and I love their college flashback as well.
JR definitely lost the games on purpose every year so he could be humiliated by kissing the ring in front of everyone (you’re telling me this man doesn’t have a humiliation kink?)
Also the dynamic between Rand and the head of the Illuminati was great and the second we had the reveal of Ron also controlling the head of the Illuminati I just knew what was coming but I still loved when it happened anyway (the kiss)
I don’t know if I should admit to this one but I definitely found it hot how Rand was being humiliated in front of everyone at the games
Brett having a secret passion for puppets is adorable and I love it
Also the Hand family ranking their children every year is hilarious and extremely in character. Made me feel so bad for Brett, I love it, 10/10
I like that we’re getting recurring appearances from minor characters like Mothman, Grassy Noel, Kate (and RepliKate, what a great name)
The fact that Myc’s dream timeline was one where he was pregnant is fucking adorable
You’d better believe I cried when Reagan forced Brett to his own dream timeline and when he returned because he made notes on his poster
Also at the reveal that Reagan saw the only way for Ron to be happy was for them to break up and chose his happiness over their relationship. Also I know some people weren’t fans of Ron because they felt like he was unnecessary/rushed but honestly having a gender-swap of the typical ‘female love interest is just used as character progression for the male protagonist’ felt pretty progressive. I also liked how he was shown to be similar to Reagan and actually had his flaws presented similarly to hers (e.g. not getting on well with people) even though female characters are often hated for the same flaws that are excused or even enjoyed in male characters
I have to admit that the end scene with the robes ‘how could she? After all, she’s only human’ was fucking cool
I loved everything about Alpha-Beta this season
And finally, thank fucking Christ that Ron wasn’t revealed to secretly be Reagan’s brother or something because as an RnM fan I can’t take much more incest at this point
Side note to that last one: fun little theory that Ron is actually a clone of Reagan (one of them can be trans, as a treat) and it was revealed and that’s what actually lead to the clone fucking discussion at the start of that one episode but they erased their own minds and everyone else’s and let Andre take the fall (either it was intentional and they set that up as a distraction or it was unintentional and Andre just happened to be fucking his own clone anyway, take your pick)
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alright this might be incorrect but
rewatching inside job i finally noticed how come breagan is so popular besides the obvious reason that they look good together
i think the writers were going with a side plot where brett falls in love with reagan for season 2
my reason to believe that is that he's obviously sad that he's probably about to lose his bestie (since reagan would have to have her memories erased if she chose to go with ron) but he wanted to believe it was the best for her that she would quit the job that wasn't as healthy for her as it was for him
and when he's hanging with air bud and jokes that he could be his reagan he mentions [in dog voice] "i love you brett." then adds "platonically."
but like, this is brett we're talking about, why would he feel the need to add in what way his best friend loves him if he wasn't somehow in denial about it?
season 2 would probably focus more on reagan's mental health and brett figuring his feelings out then, along with whatever the main plot would've been about the shadow robes not being human or whatever, they implied that at least four times in the same episode
tbh i don't think reagan would reciprocate his feelings, at least not at first. the thing about this show is that it's somehow unpredictable to me. it's been a year or more since it's been cancelled and still it manages to surprise me within the episodes I've watched over and over again
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your-mums-nuts · 1 year
The people wanted more robe!Brett so here's an edit I made of it!
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