#Riddle Levin oc
misstycloud · 1 year
Yandere street
Riddle Levin - A loving man who lives with his charming wife in their beautiful house.
Night Sounds
How you met
Evan Carter - A kind family man, having also moved in recently with his wife and two sons.
A new beginning
Birthday party
Arthur Campbell - A gentle and proper man who recently moved in together with his wife who he adores.
Yandere husband x reader x Yandere ex
Weston Langley - A young man who prefers to be left alone, who is always looking towards the Campbell house for unknown reasons.
Yandere husband x reader x Yandere ex
The (L/n) family - A nice couple with their two children, Kai and (Y/n).
Yandere platonic brother x reader x Yandere boyfriend
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misstycloud · 1 year
Riddle Levin
Description: A young man of average height, with a toned body. He has auburn hair that is slightly wavy and brown eyes. There are two moles on his body, one on the back of his neck and the other below the left side of his lips.
Riddle is a fun and out-going guy. Friendly and helpful is the word people would associate him with. Loves making his love laugh at his antics. He knows how to be serious when it matters, however. If his wife’s not feeling well or is upset, you can count on this man to be your crutch. Absolutely hates when she’s scared. She’s supposed to be happy all the time!
Still, there is a hidden side to all the welcoming smiles. Riddle will of course do anything to protect his wife’s happiness and safety. His initial personality does not give off bad vibes, but do not let that fool you. People have underestimated him before and let’s say that did not end up well for them.
What doe he like?: Riddle is a pretty average guy in general. None of his interest stick out and are common. He is a great fan of American food like hamburger and fries, but he balances that with working-out regularly. Movies he enjoyed are often action filled with adventure, however, he does think it's nice settling with a softer more sensual film once in a while. A fan of comedy; nothing better than a good laugh in his mind. Although a candlelit dinner would be lovely too.
Riddle's Hell No's: Don’t ever ask this man to remove any insects. If you’re scared of them and shout for him, the chance is he’ll just scream with you. His fear stems from an incident in his childhood. Just thinking about it send shivers down his back.
He tries, but cooking is not on his skill list. The man wants to learn badly so he can give his wife what she deserves. Best thing is to not leave him in the kitchen for too long without supervision- he hasn’t burned down a house or anything but one can never be too careful..
Definitely not a classical fan, whether it be music or dances. If his wife wants to go see a play, of course he’ll go with her. But don’t expect him to understand a single part of the story. Riddle is the kind of guy who wouldn’t be able to distinguish characters.
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misstycloud · 1 year
Plz more Riddle fics!
How you met
You smooth out your dress in order to make yourself appear as presentable as possible. After all, this was no ordinary occasion; one of your best friends were getting married. With all the on and off breaks the couple have had, you honestly wasn’t sure if they’d make it. But it turns out you were wrong.
You recalled that night when you had just gotten out of the shower and suddenly got a call from your friend. It was a bit hard to hear what she was babbling about over all the estatic noises she made simultaneously.
Telling her to slow down was easier said than done, but eventually she was calm enough to reveal the news. Her boyfriend had proposed that night and she’s said yes! You congratulated on her engagement despite the little shadow of doubt concerning her new fiancée. He wasn’t a bad person per se, however, you found yourself sceptic to how happy their marriage would be.
Perhaps you were a bad friend for not saying anything, but you knew your friend wouldn’t losten to you even if you told her you thought he may not be the one and she was making a mistake. So instead of putting your friendship at unnecessary risk, you chose to keep quiet.
So here you stood at the entrance of the engagement party the couple decided to throw. It was a slightly uncomfortable experience for you since you didn’t really know any of the people attending except for your friend of course. While the two of you were as thick as thieves, she was also part of other friend groups, of which she’d invited.
Bracing yourself for the awkward exchanges of being presented as ‘X’s other friend’, you took a step forward and immediately X noticed you. She hurried to you and gave you a hug, “Oh my god, I’m so glad you could come!” She squealed.
“I’m glad to be here.” You said, smile gracing your features.
“Come, you need to say hi to ‘Y’, he’s just over there.” She dragged you along with her and pointed at a well-dressed man’s back. He stood, conversing with other guests. “Sweetie!”
He turned around to face you. “Yes?”
“Look, (y/n)’s here!”
Her fiancée looked at you and smiled, “Hi, glad to see you make it.” He put a hand on your shoulder.
Ignoring the itch to remove it you said, “happy to make an appearance.”
“So how have you been?” He asked.
“I’ve been fine, not much going on really except for work, you know.”
‘Y’ nodded. “I understand. Big things isn’t for everyone.”
You raised an eyebrow at this. What did he mean by that? That your quiet, uneventful life sucked or something? Like he had so much going on. You scoffed under your breath.
Noticing the tensioning aura, your friend breaks in, “anyway, I’m so excited for you to be my maid of honour!”
“Right, but I should thank you for letting me be something so important.”
“What do you mean? Of course I’d want you to have that role, you’ve always been there for me. That reminds me, you should meet the best man! After all, you two have the most important roles in the wedding- apart from the green and bride, that is.” She chuckled. “Speaking of that man, where is he?” ‘X’ gazed at her fiancée for answers.
“He was here a minute ago, don’t know where he might have run off to- wait- there he is. Hey, man, come over here for a sec!” He waved another man over to your small circle.
The first thing you noticed, was the auburn hair. He, too, was dressed in a fancier manner and had a considerably handsome face. Brown, kind eyes met yours and for some reason you felt a little shy all of a sudden.
“Ah, there he is! My best man.” ‘Y’ praised. “This is Riddle, the guy’s been my pal ever since I can remember. You don’t find a nicer man around.”
Riddle slapped his friends arm, “Knock it off, I’m not that fantastic. Don’t exaggerate.”
“Haha, sure.” He then introduced you. “This is (y/n), ‘X’s maid of honour. You’ll be seeing each other more often from now on, okay.”
Riddle beamed down at you, reaching his hand forward. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you (y/n). I’ve heard some things about you from ‘X’ - only goood things of course.”
He raised an eyebrow when you didn’t say or do anything.
It took a second for your brain to load, and when it finally did, you shook his hand with an embarrassed expression on your face. “Yeah, sure- sorry I kinda spaced out there, hehe.” You apologised for your behaviour. The auburn haired man only laughed slightly.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but you’re very cute.”
Redness overtook your features. Cute? You? Wait, he actually thought you were cute? While you flushed, you wondered how he said something like that is easily. If it were you, you’d malfunctioned before you even got a word out.
Seeing this happen before her, ‘X’ couldn’t hold her giggles. Everyone’s attention fell on her.
“Oh my god, I can totally hear the wedding bells already!”
With a flushed face you scoffed, “what’re you?-It’s your wedding this is about so don’t go make up weird stuff.”
“Ooooh, I can see you blushing~”
“No, I’m not.”
“You totally are!”
While ‘X’ continued to poke fun at you, and you trying to fight her off, her fiancée was amused at the scene; none of you saw the way the best man gazed at you.
It was a knowing look, one that said he had all the cards on his deck. People were used to see Riddle constantly wearing an expression displaying his happiness and eagerness to help others, so they would’ve been taken aback at the current unusual expression gracing his features.
You were mad at the assumptions your friend started making, especially in front of the guy himself. You wished you could just tell her to shut it but that would embarrass you further. Still, you had no idea how right she were at the time.
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misstycloud · 7 months
Yandere Riddle, Clark, Sano Yamada, Omega with a reader who loves them more than life itself always being affectionate and smothering them with love and getting all gooey when she's around them, always complimenting them when anyone asks about them and saying that one day will marry them.
He would be so happy all the time. If a meteorite crashed on earth on burned down an entire city, it’s no problem for riddle. He’s just happy his wife loves him so much! Riddle would defiantly show his love back whenever he could, which is like always. He’d take out the trash, cook(even when it doesn’t turn out so well) and do the laundry. Readers affection is like a drug to him. Setting him off on a hundred things and keeping his mood up constantly. Almost nothing could make him mad. All his thought are filled with reader and he’d giggle at the though of her adoration. Pride would also come forward within him. Riddle would look at others in the grocery store and think ‘ha! What losers, they wish they could have someone as wonderful and beautiful as my wife. But that’s it, she’s mine! And I’m her husband!’ Reader would have to be careful so the compliments don’t go to his head. Riddle is the kind of person that would think he’s immortal if his wife told him he was. ‘Haha, I’m indestructible!’
Sano would be over the moon if reader loved him that much. Being someone who’s not considered ‘the same level’ as reader made thing harder for him. If he could be popular, he would. But no one seemed to like him no matter what he did. He was always polite, and helped people when he could, so why did no one like him? This did nothing to his confidence. Having more of a loner personality would make him shy to his darlings affections. Eventually though, as time goes by, Sano would come out of his shell and openly accept his love’s touches more. At first, giving him compliments woudnt seem like a bright idea since he’d refuse them and say they’re not true. But if you continue to build his confidence he’ll gladly accept flattery. If reader started saying she’ll marry him and such, he’d be very susceptible to those ideas. After graduation of course! Despite how much he loves you and being a yandere, Sano is actually agaisnt getting married early. He has seen many shows and heard stories of people getting married young and ended badly. He didn’t want that to happen to his relationship. So he’d be content in just simply being together for a couple years until you’re both mature and ready to take the next step.
This teddy bear wouldn’t be able to handle all the affection. You really want to be his mate? Really!? He knew having a human mate would most likely make things a little more difficult, so he never imagined it going this smoothly. It was such a relief that you weren’t scared of him like others were, instead you accepted and loved him for him. Gosh he was so happy he could die! Now you two could start a life together and live in the domestic bliss he always longed for. Hybrids don’t have marriage in the same sense as humans do. Yes, there is ‘mating’ itself, and it is basically marrige to them. But it’s more of a ‘I found you and really love you so let’s keep on living together forever!’.
So there’s no actual ritual you go through. However, since hybrids are now allowed to be with their human counterparts legally and in the open, they have begun taking part in the so-called ‘human-traditions’ for the sake of their mates. All in the order to make them happy. While a paper and a piece of metal around their finger might not be significant to the hybrids, they’d gladly go through with it for their mate. And that stays the same with Clark, he would do anything for you! That’s why when you started rambling about wishing to get married, the giant was about to instantly rush down to the courthouse and get your licence, carrying you in his arms.
Haha… it had worked. It had WORKED!! Now you were finally his, and only his. He wouldn’t share your other any other lowlife omega that didn’t possess even a quarter of his looks. And all that wealth you had, that was his as well. Not that he wanted to be with you soley because of your money, no, he did love you. The money was just a bonus. And if you happened to go bankrupt, he’d stay with you anyways. He would even sell his stuff to help you out. But, there’s no harm in treating yourself, right? The omega didn’t grow up with the best conditions so it was nice to get to actually have some things now.
And he’d absolutely float in the affection you give. The omega would play shy and pretend he didn’t enjoy your blatant flirting. (Secret; he does)
Of corse he’ll marry you! Why wouldn’t he? It would be a fabulous wedding there no doubt about it. All his former coworkers would be invited to gawk at all the beautiful things they’d never acquire. Oh yes, your former fiancée could come if they want. That would make the whole thing all the more satisfying. They can cry and beg as much as they desire, but you were his and he belonged to you. Heartbreak is sad, isn’t it?
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