#Reversed! Boboiboy
neko-sufis-world · 2 months
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Me in real life
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24-years old Gegergirl and 22-years old Boboiboy playing at the beach
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Warning: Selfship
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Reverse! Neko-Sufi and 22-years old Reverse! Boboiboy Taufan
Stellar Galaxy
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22-years old Boboiboy: I will do anything to make you happy, Neko-Sufi.
Yandere! Usagi-Ijah
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Yandere! Usagi-Ijah: You're mine, Felix senpai~ ❤️
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askfacultystaff · 6 months
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Since he got sent into current, he can turns into reverse.
Reserve! 22-years old Boboiboy: Mine~ 😏
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Principal: And who the hell are you!!?? 💢
(I guess he saw Boboiboy, but reverse for first time -v-')
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namii-88 · 1 month
boboiboy galaxy au
pairing: reversed!elements x reader
TW: blood, injuries
(a/n: i tried my best to keep their personalities as close to canon as possible but struggled a bit, so apologies in advanced if they seem out of character!)
How.. how did things turn out this way?
It was supposed to be a simple mission, but why?
Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I ran as fast as I could, trying to navigate where I am along the way. We haven't even stayed here for a day but it felt as if we've been here for months. Navigating a planet that's covered in trees made it impossible to know where I came from. Every time I pass an area, I can't help but feel like I've come across that area before. Finding my way back was almost impossible, but I don't have a choice.
I suddenly felt a vine wrap around my leg and it pulled me harshly until I fell. The impact wasn't that sudden so I was able to catch myself before I sustained any injuries on my face. I screamed in pain as I realized that there were thorns on the vines and they were digging into my flesh. I scrambled around in panic trying to tug my feet away from the vines that it was captured in, careful in trying not to drag the thorns further into my leg.
"I'm coming to get you," I heard a playful voice echoing from the trees, a surge of terror fills my entire body as I hastily removed the vines. I continued to run trying my best to ignore the pain in my leg, tears were building up in my eyes but I tried my best to push it away. Exhaustion was slowly filling up my body as the damage from the previous fight started to kick in. My running became more sluggish and I became less aware of my surroundings, bumping into trees and stumbling in every rock that I come across.
No.. Please just a bit more and I can get some help..
Just a bit more and I can save hi-
My thoughts were cut off when I slipped on ice that suddenly appeared from the ground. I tried to push myself up but was struggling to do so because the entire world seemed like it was spinning. My head was pounding and I felt a wet and warm liquid drip down the side of my face. I lifted a hand to touch it.
I bit my lip and wiped the blood off as best as I could. With the little strength I have left, I lifted myself off the ground while trying to ignore the splitting headache I was having because of my injury. I was about to run again but was unable to, due to vines suddenly crawling up and encaging my entire body. My legs, arms, and waist were completely covered by vines.
I can't move
I tugged as hard as I could against the vines but my attempts were in vain. "Stop trying to escape," I quickly looked in front of me and saw Thorn pouting at me, "Don't you wanna be with us?" I hardened my gaze towards him and continued my struggle with trying to escape the vines. He starts to walk towards me with a smile—smirk and starts to giggle, "Stop doing that n/n, it's not gonna do anything silly."
"Daun," Ice suddenly appears behind Thorn and stares at him in annoyance, "Stop fooling around and bring her back to the ship, Solar is almost done preparing." I felt a chill run down my spine when I realized what he said.
The ship?
That was the only place I could send help, why would they want to go there?
Unless.. no...
Dread fills my entire body as I realize what they did, yet I couldn't help but feel a tiny speck of hope.
Thorn rolls his eyes and turns around to meet his 'brother'. "Boooo, you're no fun, I'm just having fun with capturing her," he whines. I felt the urge to roll my eyes but was afraid to do so when Ice's gaze met mine. "Oh please! You only want n/n's attention for yourself!", Blaze suddenly appears and accuses him in a snarky tone. He crosses his arms and shots Thorn an annoyed look, "Keeping her for yourself won't make her like you any more than she likes me." A smirk appears on Blaze's face as he sees Thorn's eyebrows furrow in anger. Ice sighs tiredly at Blaze's attempt to pick a fight and chose to watch silently, having no intentions of stopping his 'brothers'.
The vines that were wrapped around me started to get loose when Thorn faced Blaze in anger, but before he could come up with a comeback, a voice suddenly interrupts their little argument. "Daun, you were supposed to bring her back 20 minutes ago," Gempa suddenly appeared with a disapproving look on his face. I let out a whimper of pain as I felt the vines tighten around me because of Thorn's reaction with the sudden appearance of his brother.
Gempa suddenly meets my eyes and the previous look of disapproval was replaced with a look of worry. "Daun, you're hurting y/n," he says with an assertive voice. Thorn quickly looks at me, eyeing me up and down until his eyes widen as he finally spots my injury. I quickly felt the vines loosening up, he quickly rushed over to me and gently held my face. "N/n! I am so sorry, I was so busy with trying to get you, I didn't realize that I was hurting you." I almost felt bad with how he sounded, he actually sounds guilty.
With the sudden appearance of the four of them, I didn't realize that my wounds were getting worse by the second. Blood started pouring out of my forehead again and the pain in my leg was beginning to become more unbearable. Thorn was about to inspect my wounds but was unable to because of my hand suddenly grabbing his wrist.
"Stop," I tried to muster out the most confident voice I could do, but was struggling to do so with the tears welling up my eyes. Thorn looks at me in confusion—worry, "N/n?" I almost broke with how genuine he looked but was able to keep my composure, "Stop acting like you care about me."
Thorn looks at me in disbelief as I saw the other three having similar reactions. "W-what do you mean?", I let go of his hand as I tried to get out of the vines. With how much they loosened up, I was able to remove them easier than before. Gempa tries to make his way to me but with my new found freedom, I try to escape. I turned around and tried to sprint away from them, hearing them yell my name, but was frozen from my spot when I saw Thunderstorm already looking at us with his usual cold stare. His arms were crossed and his eyes were following my every move intently.
From the back, I felt arms wrap around my waist and a chin laid against my left shoulder— hugging me. A familiar tone fills my left ear, "Why do you want to run away so badly?", I tried to ignore the pounding in my chest when I realized how close Cyclone was next to me.
"Let me go," I shakily tried to remove his arms around me but was unable to, due to him tightening his hold around me even more, "Hmmm? But I don't want tooo," he whines as he snuggles into my shoulder even more.
"I wanna hug n/n too!!", I heard Thorn's voice get near us, followed by a remark by Blaze as well, "No fair I got here first!", Blaze and Thorn then tried to remove Cyclone who was persistently holding onto me while laughing and taunting the other two. I heard Gempa sigh as he commanded the three to let go of me, "Taufan, please let go of y/n. Api, Daun, can't you see that she's struggling because of your rowdiness?". And with that, Thorn pouted while stepping away from Cyclone, Blaze stepped away with a 'hmp' while crossing his arms, and Cyclone removed his hand from my waist with a dejected look.
Gempa sighs again then turns to look at me with a warm look and a gentle smile. He slowly makes his way to me and gently holds my cheek. I felt his warm hand and I subconsciously leaned against it, the exhaustion from my body, making it difficult to show rejection to such warmth.
"Are you okay n/n?"
I almost believed that he was still the boy I fell in love with, but wasn't able to fully sink into that delusion because of the constant reminder of who he really is. Those red eyes and white hair that every single one of them has. The kind, selfless, and warm hero that I fell in love with was gone–at least some of him was. All that's left are the elements that he used to control, free to be their own person. But they were much more twisted than they used to be, no matter how much they try to be who they were before, I could tell that something about them has changed—for the worst.
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mellowfartcat · 2 years
can boboiboy the movie 3 finally be the part where he snaps?!?!! i swear we need a fucking villain arc
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kurohimenoir · 8 days
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Among Us
Animasi "BoBoiBoy" beserta seluruh karakter di dalamnya adalah milik Monsta©
Fan fiksi "Among Us" ditulis oleh kurohimeNoir. Penulis tidak mengambil keuntungan material apa pun atas fan fiksi ini.
Superhero!AU. Family-Suspense. Maybe OOC. Drabble (Words count: 547).
"Jadi ... buat apa kita ngadain rapat darurat begini?"
Halilintar menaikkan sebelah alisnya. Dia dan kelima saudara kembarnya tiba-tiba dihubungi oleh Taufan via ponsel, di tengah kesibukan masing-masing. Lantas diminta berkumpul di rumah selepas kegiatan hari ini.
Gara-gara itu, Halilintar jadi gagal mencoba menu mie pedas baru di kedai langganannya. Saudara-saudaranya yang lain pun tampaknya harus mengorbankan rencana awal mereka. Semua demi permintaan Taufan, yang di telepon tadi tumben sekali terdengar begitu serius.
"Aku mendengar ini dari Fang," Taufan memulai. "Mungkin ... ada penipu di antara kita."
Taufan memandang berkeliling dengan ekspresi serius. Sementara, saudara-saudaranya hanya menanggapi dengan tatapan datar. Kecuali Duri yang memiringkan kepala, dan Gempa yang mengerutkan kening.
"Hah?" Halilintar yang menyahut. "Maksudnya apa? Ngomong yang jelas."
"Kak Hali ingat, 'kan, akhir-akhir ini ada supervillain yang mengincar para superhero?" Taufan mulai menjelaskan.
"Maksudmu ... Reverse?"
"Hmm~" Ice—yang merebahkan kepala di meja—tanpa terduga menanggapi ucapan Halilintar. "Aku masih heran, kenapa mukanya mirip kita. Memangnya kita masih punya kembaran kedelapan, Kak?"
"Ish. Mana ada?" Gempa yang menyahut. "Anak-anak Ayah hanya kita bertujuh, Elemental Brothers."
"Terus, Reverse itu siapa, dong?" tanya Blaze.
"Impostor?" celetuk Duri tiba-tiba.
Halilintar mengerutkan kening. "Kamu tahu kata itu dari mana?"
"Dari Solar."
Semua mata sontak memandang Solar.
"Apa?" Solar pasang tampang songong. "Dia memang meniru penampilan kita, 'kan? Aku menduga, dia punya semacam kekuatan untuk meniru wajah orang lain."
"Fang juga bilang gitu, sih," komentar Taufan. "Tapi intinya, Fang bilang, dia sempat mengikuti Reverse untuk menguak identitasnya. Dan ternyata ... Reverse masuk ke kompleks perumahan sini!"
Informasi ini jelas mengejutkan semua saudara Taufan.
"Hah? Kapan?!"
"Semalam." Taufan mengangkat bahu sejenak. "Fang kehilangan jejak di gang sepi, sih. Tapi lalu dia ingat, kita juga tinggal di daerah sini, makanya dia berpikir mungkin Reverse masuk kemari."
Halilintar dan adik-adiknya saling pandang.
"Tapi kan ... Reverse itu rambutnya putih," kata Blaze kemudian. "Dan ada hitamnya sedikit. Kebalikannya kita, 'kan?"
"Kalau benar dia punya kemampuan berubah wujud, sih, itu nggak masalah," sahut Solar.
"Solar betul juga." Blaze memandang berkeliling. "Berarti ...."
Sekali lagi, para elemental bersaudara saling pandang. Kali ini tatapan mereka bernoda curiga.
"Solar," sentak Halilintar tiba-tiba. "Semalam kau di mana?"
Solar mengerutkan kening. "Kau mencurigaiku?"
"Solar semalam sama aku," Duri yang menyahut. "Soalnya, Solar bantuin aku bikin rancangan buat taman baruku."
"Iya, aku lihat mereka sibuk sejak sore." Blaze sedikit bersungut-sungut. "Padahal mau kuajak main bola. Ice juga tidur melulu. Nggak asyik~"
"Oke, dan kayaknya kamu memang Blaze, deh." Taufan terkekeh kecil. "Dan Ice juga, sama aja kayak Ice yang biasa. Nggak ada yang mencurigakan."
"Aku, Taufan, dan Gempa juga semalam istirahat lebih cepat karena capek," Halilintar berkata.
Taufan mengangguk. "Karena kita bertiga sekamar, aku bisa memastikan itu."
Hampir berbarengan, ketujuh elemental menghela napas.
"Udah, udah," Gempa menengahi. "Mungkin Fang hanya terlalu khawatir. Bisa juga, 'kan, Reverse itu mengelabuhinya, lalu melarikan diri."
Semua setuju dengan Gempa. Karena hari sudah makin sore, mereka memutuskan segera menyiapkan makan malam. Hari ini giliran Halilintar dan Taufan yang memasak. Gempa tetap tinggal di ruang keluarga tempat mereka berkumpul. Sedangkan adik-adiknya yang lain kembali ke kamar.
Ketika sudah tak ada siapa-siapa di sekitarnya, mendadak Gempa terkekeh samar.
"Kemampuan berubah wujud, ya?" pemuda itu bermonolog. "Sayang sekali, tapi kalian salah."
Senyum samar Gempa perlahan berubah menjadi seringai. Seiring rambutnya yang perlahan memutih, dengan hanya menyisakan sedikit warna hitam di bagian depan.
"Karena Reverse ... adalah aku."
* Author's Note *
Halo, haiii ... Noir di sini~ \(^o^)
Salam kenal buat seluruh penghuni fandom BoBoiBoy di Tumblr. Aku baruuu aja bikin akun di sini & coba-coba posting fanfik. Sebelumnya, biasa nulis fanfik juga di FFN dan AO3. Ada juga beberapa fanfic yang cuma publish di FB. Nah, sekarang, aku mau bawa hasil karyaku ke sini juga.
Sekarang tentang fic ini, Among Us, nggak ada hubungannya sama gim daring yang sempat ngetren itu, sih, wahahaha ....
Intinya, ada 'Reverse' di antara para Elemental kitaa~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ *yha*
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kqizo · 5 months
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Gonna be doing my intro here just cuz I want to <3
Hi! My name is Lee and welcome to my animy-centric blog where I primarily talk about the well known malaysian animations (Boboiboy,Mechamato,ejen ali,and open to see more!) As I am a huge fan of each of them.
I am an 🇮🇩 intp who loves astronomy and science in general, who also happens to be addicted to green tea and can't stand being two feet apart from it, and note I am a very socially awkward person due to my anxiety so please don't mind that.
My favourites in animy:
Boboiboy: Kaizo,Fang, Yaya, Kira'na, and Adu du.
Mechamato: all the main characters and maskmana lol (mechabot my bae though).
Ejen ali: Rudy,Ali,Seis and Siete,Rizka,and Dos.
Other fandoms I just so happen to be interested in:
Jujutsu Kaisen,Project sekai colorful stage, Madoka Magica, Moral Orel,Chainsaw Man, and Reverse 1999!
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qishylia-adelia · 1 year
posting an old draft
Mechamato the movie is my favourite thing that monsta made tbh.
I haven't watched any mechamato episodes but I love it.
The maskmana twist was unique.
I love mechabot more than I thought I would.Idk about you,but I find mechabot's characterization to be pretty bland before watching the movie.
The beca musical chase scene was so random but fun.
I enjoy the reverse parallels that happened:
Boboiboy desperately didn't want to lose ochobot and cried when ochobot is presumably dead.
Mechabot didn't want to lose amato and was speechless when amato was presumably dead.
Ochobot immediately wanted boboiboy to be his master because he's too naive and young to know about the evil and greedy aliens that want to abuse his powers.
Mechabot is mature and old so of course he wouldn't want a random kid to be his master.
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samyangluvvivi · 5 hours
My intro!
- My name is actually Vivian lol but i prefer to be called Vivi :D.
- My pronouns are She/Her/They.
- Aroace.
- I talk in English and Indo.
- Minor.
- I have really bad social skills so im sorry if i came out as rude im just really bad at communicating with people. 😅
- Mostly arts and edits here. :)
My own ocs (lmao), Alnst, oc x canon, wuwa, gacha, reverse 1999, Boboiboy, Sofia the first, Haikyuu, Saiki k, Pjsk, I love Amy, Ghibli movies, The 7D, Dead plate, Chilla’s art, Genshin (only for oc x cc tho), Mha (im normal you guys i swear) Hsr and more!
Basic dni (homophobe, transphobe, racist etc) Proshippers, lolisho, profics, Oc x canon antis, THOSE wanderer fangirls, Zionist mfs eww.
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vividly-aflame · 3 years
Fuck you
*makes Boboiboy from Boboiboy Galaxy unsympathetic*
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neko-sufis-world · 7 months
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Me in real life
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Reversed! Neko-Sufi
Reversed! Neko-Sufi: Ara-ara~
Friends of friendship AU
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Evil! Molly Anderson
This is how she looks like in evil. Her hair is short than her original's hair because she cut it. She can be flirty, mad and like to swear -v-
Brocon! Neko-Sufi
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Boboiboy: Mmm! This omelette taste yummy! You're really a chef, sis! 😀
Neko-Sufi: *Giggles* You're welcome, Boboiboy. 🙂
Neko-Sufi's mind: Good thing he even likes the MEAT I put in that rice...
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Boboiboy: *Narrates* My foster sister, Neko-Sufi, is a kind foster sister I ever have! Thanks to my dad for adopting her. She's such a caring sister. 🙂
Neko-Sufi: Boboiboy! 😄
This AU about since Neko moves to her hometown, and spent her time with foster family, she starts to become strange. Everytime she saw some girl, especially Yaya, she starts to feel jealous and hate the girl who being with Boboiboy, even Yaya is her friend as well.
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Joan X Tamara
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askfacultystaff · 6 months
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(His reversed self love to take over his body to make a chaos. Wonder what Rush and Ambush react?)
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Ambush and Rush: ......!!!! ;Ó Ò; ;Ó Ò;
Ambush and Rush:'s mind: Oh...... Boy...... Don't panic, Ambush/Rush, he can kill us…. WE HAVE TO RUN AWAY FROM HIM!!! TO WIND OUT OF ROYAL WOODS!!!!
(They shocked as they watch 22-years old Boboiboy slowly turning into reversed, instead of standing helplessly, they choose to run away from him. Get ready to run, Ambush and Rush -v-')
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nnnlazyshit · 3 years
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Reverse!Ying in my version.
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niilamtika · 5 years
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kamigarin · 5 years
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Cahaya and Daun meets their reverse counterparts?
Dunno how they might be but i’m guessing they just edgey anti-heroes or just evil. Cahaya the evil/sleepy scientist and daun the cute dumbass.
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vuongngocha2806 · 5 years
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deidanna0422 · 5 years
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