#Republic Day Parade
anviksha · 4 months
Odisha's Tableau at 75th Republic Day parade, New Delhi!
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The theme of the tableau was 'women empowerment in Viksit Bharat'.
The tableau showcased the rich handicraft and handloom sector of the State, especially the village 'Raghurajpur' and how women play a pivotal role in the sector.
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Odisha got a chance of sending a tableau to the Republic Day parade after a gap of 3 years.
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indiabizzness · 4 months
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Happy Republic Day! Let us hold the values of our Constitution and contribute to the progress of our country.
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gkjainschools · 4 months
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thenewsfactsnow · 5 months
Republic Day 2024, What's New? How to Attend, Details Unveiled
Republic Day 2024: This Republic Day in India is anticipated to be even more exciting, and will showcase India in all its glory with a great lot of pomp and grandeur spread across different parts of the nation. On this day in 1950, the Constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly. The 75th Republic Day, the parade will have an all-women contingents from the defence forces,…
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n7india · 5 months
गणतंत्र दिवस पर नई दिल्ली में कर्तव्य पथ पर दिखेगी झारखंड की 'रेशमी' चमक वाली झांकी
Ranchi: इस वर्ष गणतंत्र दिवस के मौके पर नई दिल्ली में कर्तव्य पथ पर होने वाले परेड में झारखंड की ‘रेशमी’ कहानी पर आधारित झांकी भी दिखेगी। झारखंड के दुमका में विश्वस्तरीय गुणवत्ता वाले सिल्क के उत्पादन की प्रक्रिया को प्रदर्शित करने वाली झांकी के प्रारूप को केंद्र की मंजूरी मिल गई है। गणतंत्र दिवस पर आयोजित होने वाले परेड के लिए झारखंड समेत 16 राज्यों और केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों की झांकियों का चयन…
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Republic Day celebration | Republic Day 2024 | Republic Day Parade | Women | Women Power | Defense Ministry | Women Army Officers
Woman power will appear on duty path on 26 January 2024, only women will be involved in the parade Women officers have participated in the annual parade on the duty path over the years। This includes women officers leading the army contingent. Image Source: PTI ( FILE PHOTO)All participants in the parade on Republic Day next year will be women only New Delhi: This time only women will be…
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pardumansuri · 1 year
आपको 74वें गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं ||
Don't Forget to follow @astro_parduman
Book Your Appointment on 7876999199
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janchowk · 1 year
गणतंत्र दोराहे पर: 26 जनवरी के मूल्य बनाम 30 जनवरी के हत्यारे गिरोह के मंसूबे
26 जनवरी और 30 जनवरी हमारे राष्ट्रीय इतिहास की दो अहम तारीखें हैं- 26 जनवरी, हमारा गणतंत्र दिवस, उन मूल्यों की याद दिलाता है जिनके लिए आज़ादी की जंग लड़ी गयी और 30 जनवरी, जिस दिन उस ऐतिहासिक लड़ाई के सर्वोच्च नेता की हत्या की गई। आज देश एक दोराहे पर खड़ा है। देश के सामने मुंह बाए खड़ा अब यह कोई काल्पनिक प्रश्न नहीं है कि 26 जनवरी जिन मूल्यों की प्रतीक है- इंसाफ, स्वतंत्रता, समानता, बंधुत्व-की,…
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frc-ambaradan · 1 year
2nd June: Italy's National Day
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Military parade along Via dei Fori Imperiali and tribute to the Unknown Soldier at the Altare della Patria in Rome. Source: www.quirinale.it
Buona Festa della Repubblica a tutti gli italiani!!! 😃😃
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4rtheyenews · 4 months
सूरजपुर: स्टेडियम में होने वाले जिला स्तरीय गणतंत्र दिवस की फुल रिहर्सल, कलेक्टर और एसपी ने किया परेड का निरी��्षण
आज बुधवार 24 जनवरी को सूरजपुर स्टेडियम में होने वाले जिला स्तरीय गणतंत्र दिवस की फुल रिहर्सल को किया गया। जिसमें जिले के कलेक्टर और एसपी ने परेड का निरीक्षण किया, पुलिस बल एनसीसी स्काउट ने भी परेड में हिस्सा लिया, साथ ही स्कूली बच्चों द्वारा रंगारंग कार्यक्रम की भी फूल रिहर्सल की गयी। जिला प्रशासन ने बड़े ही धूमधाम से गणतंत्र दिवस मनाने की तैयारी पूर्ण कर ली है।26 जनवरी को भरतपुर सोनहत की विधायक…
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mymusicbias · 10 months
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sgrji · 1 year
Celebrating India's Republic Day: A Tribute to the Constitution and the Nation's Heritage
Indian Republic Day is a national holiday in India, celebrated on January 26th every year to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India on this day in 1950. The Constitution of India came into effect on January 26, 1950, making India a republic and replacing the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India.The main Republic Day celebration is held in the national…
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Republic Day 2023: Best Places To Celebrate With Loved Ones Over Good Food
India is all set to mark its 74th Republic Day to honour the Constitution of India. How are you planning to have fun this present day? Wearing patriotism on our sleeve, we plan to pay tribute to the wealthy meals tradition of the nation. And since, it is a vacation for all of us, it’s a nice alternative to spend a while with family members over good meals and hearty conversations. If you too wish…
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AP Shaktam selected for the Republic Day Parade!
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It is known that a parade will be held in the national capital Delhi on Republic Day. In this parade 'Prabhala Theertham' Shaktam from AP was also selected. The office of the Central Defense Department has revealed that a total of 17 Shakats have been selected in the competition held for Shakats from various states. The 'Prabhala Theertham' set up in Konaseema on the theme of Sankranti will also be displayed in the Republic Day parade. The defense department office said that the incident was a reflection of tradition.
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
A Disturbed State Of The Natural Environment, Gods-Fucking-Dammit
A Pada-Wan Story
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for @lttrsfrmlnrrgby
“Obi— Commander Kenobi-“
“You can call me Obi-Wan, Cody,” the kid huffs. “Neither you nor I will suddenly combust into a ball of fire if you do.”
You don’t know that, Cody thinks, not liking how his voice sounds in his mind.
Four days since the incident - or, “The Incident,” how Boil and Waxer like to say in unison with the bucket lights under their chins -, two since the 104th of all Battalions received their signal and towed the 212th fleet to the nearest station within the Republic that would allow them to overhaul the ships’ electronics.
It has been exactly two point five hours since Wolffe stopped wheezing at Cody over comms. Nearly as much time as the kid had vanished from under Cody’s paranoid nose.
“Councilor Kenobi is safe and sound,” General Koon had assured him while Wolffe stood at perfect parade rest a step behind, shriek-laughing his armor off.
The kid sighs. “You have come here for a reason?” he asks, stubborn and prim. “Or is Wooley babysitting me not enough?” He points a thumb over his shoulder to Wooley popping up several yards away, waving.
“If you haven’t noticed Hook, Line, and Sinker also keeping an eye on you, my trepidations are justified.”
The kid rolls his eyes, gesturing to three empty looking spots in the distance. “I am well aware Master Koon is in league with you.”
Cody will not explain safety precautions again. He’s saving that for when the kid really sets out to stomp on any and all walls Cody had to hastily and thoroughly built when his General, his partner, suddenly turned into a child at the worst possible development stage for Cody’s sanity.
The kid studies him while Cody is trying to come up with a legitimate reason for looking for him. Direct admittance to personal concern would backfire on Cody in multiple, entertaining ways, and he frankly doesn’t want to deal with that. From the kid being smug that Cody cares about him very much so keeping his distance must mean something more. To accusations of not trusting Obi-Wan (which, correct, Cody doesn’t know him after all), seeing him as a kid (also true) when he’s sixteen and basically a stone’s throw away from becoming a geezer.
Sixteen. Cody shudders. He remembers very well that half year when he was that developmental age. He shudders again. Gods, the mood swings alone.
“I am reasonably paranoid about your welfare,” he says at last. Wooden which makes him cringe but he’s never lied to Obi-Wan and he’s not starting now.
The kid stares at him for a while. One corner of his mouth quirks up with a shrug and a shuttered look in his eyes Cody desperately wants to make better. “It’s different when they really are out to get you, isn’t it.” The Council had explained how precarious his older self’s safety was at the best of times. Cody had only seen the aftermath and the accompanying ranting about life choices with the occasional visibly happy understanding that Obi-Wan could, actually, grow a non-patchy beard when he’s got a few more years on him.
“May I sit with you?” Cody asks. Shoveling his own metaphorical grave is so much easier with mixed signals after all. But he misses the older Obi-Wan. It’s not fair of him but he needs this.
The expected blush blooms on freckled cheeks. “Yes, of course!” is the eager reply, followed by more blushing.
It’s endearingly cute and Cody would like to chew on his bucket now.
The kid scoots over, wide eyed and expectant.
Gingerly, Cody lowers himself, ignoring the armor digging into his ass and thighs. And lets the silence stretch.
This, really, is what he came here for. A self-indulgent little break to catch his breath. The High General of a Systems Army is compromised and that fact has to remain eyes only to an exclusive handful of people. Only the Jedi Council knows out of obvious necessity. So it’s up to Cody to keep everything else running, keeping the admiralty in the dark because even teenaged Obi-Wan had said he’s got a bad feeling if they were to tell the brass. So they haven’t.
Usually, when flimsiwork and war horrors keep stacking up and expand into an avalanche, Obi-Wan and Cody sit together in silence, sharing a precious cup of real tea, being together and lending support and strength they can’t find for themselves but can always, always find for each other.
Selfishly he wants that strength from Obi-Wan now, the warmth of his body nearby. He’s already breathing easier.
The kid is looking at him curiously, but Cody chooses not to say anything. Instead he turns forward once more, watching the busy night markets of the station and the stars behind it. After a moment the kid does the same.
Shoulders slowly relax and the silence becomes comfortable.
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25 April - Anniversary of Italy's Liberation
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25 April also known as the Anniversary of Italy's Liberation is a national holiday in Italy that commemorates the victory of the Italian resistance movement against Nazi Germany and the Italian Social Republic, puppet state of the Nazis and rump state of the fascists, culmination of the liberation of Italy from German occupation and of the Italian civil war in the latter phase of World War II. That is distinct from Republic Day (Festa della Repubblica), which takes place on 2 June and commemorates the 1946 Italian institutional referendum.
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Every year on 25 April Italy celebrates Liberation Day, known in Italian as Festa della Liberazione, with a national public holiday.
In addition to the closure of schools, public offices and most shops, the day is marked with parades across the country, organised by ANPI, Italy's partisan association which preserves the memory of the Resistance movement against Fascism.
The occasion is held in commemoration of the end of the Fascist regime and of the Nazi occupation during world war two, as well as the victory of Italy's Resistance movement of partisans who opposed the regime.
Formed in 1943, the partigiani comprised a network of anti-Fascist activists, from diverse backgrounds including workers, farmers, students and intellectuals, across Italy.
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Together they united in armed resistance against the Nazi occupation and the Fascist regime, making their struggle both a war of liberation and a civil war.
The annual event marks the day in 1945 when a nationwide radio broadcast calling for a popular uprising and general strike against the Nazi occupation and Fascist regime was announced by the National Liberation Committee of Upper Italy (CLNAI), a political umbrella organisation representing the Italian Resistance movement.
This announcement - made by partisan and future president of Italy Sandro Pertini - resulted in the capture and death of Fascist leader Benito Mussolini, who was shot three days later.
The Festa della Liberazione represents a significant turning point in Italy's history, paving the way for the referendum of 2 June 1946 when Italians voted in favour of a republic and against the monarchy which had been discredited during the war and whose members went into exile.
Scurati controversy
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This year's event takes place against the backdrop of a political controversy after the state broadcaster RAI stopped a well-known Italian writer from delivering an anti-fascist monologue on television a few days before the Festa della Liberazione.
Antonio Scurati accused RAI of censorship after his monologue was dropped abruptly from the Saturday night talkshow Chesarà for "editorial reasons".
The writer claimed that the move highlighted the alleged attempts by premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing government to exert its influence over the state broadcaster which has seen several veteran presenters leave over the last year including Fabio Fazio, Bianca Berlinguer and Amadeus.
 In his speech Scurati criticised the "ruling post-Fascist party" for wanting to "re-write history" rather than "repudiate its neo-fascist past".
RAI director Paolo Corsini rejected any talk of censorship, as did Meloni who responded to the controversy by posting Scurati's text on her Facebook page, stating that the broadcaster had "simply refused to pay 1800 euro (the monthly salary of many employees) for a minute of monologue".
Meloni added that the Italian people "can freely judge" the contents of the text which was later read live on air by Chesarà presenter Serena Bortone in an act of solidarity with Scurati.
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