#Rekindle doodles
genericpuff · 15 days
Spotted a lady IRL wearing a fit like this and got inspired so here's Kore wearing it 🥺❤️
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fishfingersandscarves · 3 months
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diann five years post game <3
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sir-feline · 24 days
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One day, I'll be the greatest at rock n' roll
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heatherskept · 1 month
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jizzlords · 28 days
thinking about how i haven't drawn in months. consistently, that hasn't happened in years. but also, how sweet my family is for not only seeing digital works and telling me i can do it and i should but they recognize when i pick up the pencil. they helped with the tablet because they recognized im trying to pick it up again.
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thatnerdydino · 2 years
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fell in love w this dragon doc design by @potionofinstantdamage so here's my interpretation of it :D
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uglynicc · 1 year
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I will be as cringe and free as I want this year, which includes drawing zombie duo stupidity 🕺✨
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doqskate · 2 years
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pictochat doodles
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smile-files · 2 years
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arsenic-katnep · 2 years
i feel like i should turn this into a general blog and move my url from here into a side blog with all of my art archived there
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genericpuff · 7 months
Kore <3
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camil0ncha · 1 year
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I'm not one to post doodle pages but I thought this would be a nice way to introduce you guys to my au storyline (since I'm possibly maybe planning to write a fic based on it)
Welcome to my Showstopper AU!
(more info under the cut)
Of course it's a y/n and Sun&Moon centred story but with?? plot??? Wowza!
y/n and the boys meet all the way since their Superstar Theater days, where y/n was part of the crew that worked alongside the theater assigned animatronic (that's the boys!). Sun was the original theater attraction, with built-in extra parts and quirky bits to play different characters for his one-man-shows (he even had a full villain transformation when the lights went out!); but after a couple months, the technicians were surprised to discover that a fully conscious secondary AI had developed by its own accord inside the same bot. So in comes Moon! A product of a few crossed wires and some too-smart protocols that the techs couldn't wrap their heads around.
After bad experiences with P&S, the boys grew scared of people, weary, and skittish, it affected their performances. With Fazbear Co. breathing down their necks a new tech was assigned to make them work properly again; y/n's brother Charles was much more gentle and they eventually became very close friends. When y/n was hired it took a while for the boys to trust them given their past, but after seeing how passionate they were for their craft and (especially) how caring they were for the kiddos and everyone around them they warmed up to them.
They stuck to y/n like glue and in hopeless romantic fashion, they fell head over heels for them. However, after some unfortunate happenings, they never got the chance to confess. Y/n left Fazbear and took their heart with them.
In the 5 years they were gone life as they knew it crumbled around them. Fazbear was making questionable choices that affected all Pizzaplex inhabitants, suddenly a malfunction started to run havoc in their systems and before they knew it they were quarantined, completely alone and scared, everyone they cared for gone.
That is until y/n stumbled back into their lives. Working as a plex custodian now they are trying to pick up the pieces of the life they left behind when they walked out those doors. Whether they'll be able to rekindle their friendship, heal old wounds and forgive and be forgiven it's up to them.
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kalmelrose · 4 months
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trying to doodle kris deltarune to rekindle some sort of hyperfixation
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arminsfavoritepookie · 11 months
( How Rockstar Eren would treat his Girl..)
More Rockstar Eren hcs
More rockstar headcanons pt3
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Rockstar Eren was a puzzle to most. A brusque exterior hid a man of undeniable talent, whose passion for music was reflected in the rough callouses on his fingertips. His long locks, typically tied back in a tight bun, were just as iconic as his gravelly voice, a voice that had captured the hearts of thousands of fans around the world. Yet, despite all his success, the outside world viewed him as nothing more than a stoned, talented fuckboy.
  But you knew the truth. 
You had seen past the façade, the walls that he had erected around himself. You knew that beneath it all, he was a soft-hearted, loving man who craved your touch and presence. In fact, he loved nothing more than cuddling with you after shows, basking in the warmth and comfort that only you could provide.
It was a side of him that few ever saw.  And then there were the tattoos. A myriad of silly doodles that littered his body, all drawn by you with a simple pen. They were small and simple but permanent— each held a special meaning, a symbol of your relationship in the future.
Rockstar Eren would never admit it openly, but backstage, before a performance, he craved the comfort and support of your touch, the reassuring kiss of your lips. 
Despite what many might believe, Eren Jaeger had no love for smoking. In fact, he despised the very thought of it, except when he was dealing with crippling anxiety before a performance and you weren’t on tour with him.
He kept a blunt tucked away behind his ear at all times, just in case. Whenever he felt those pangs of unease start to gnaw at him, he would sneak away backstage, quickly sparking up the joint, throwing his head back and inhaling deeply. The cool smoke worked wonders on his frayed nerves, quelling the surge of emotion that threatened to overcome him.
Rockstar Eren was particular about the pictures he kept in his wallet, but none held more importance to him than the Polaroid of you. Whenever he was backstage, prepping for a show, he would take the time to study your image, to remind himself of the reasons why he was there, and to rekindle the flame of passion within him.
With the picture propped up on the counter beside him, Eren would light the joint and breathe in deeply, holding the smoke in his lungs, savouring the sharp burn in his throat before slowly exhaling. He lived for these moments, when he was all alone with his thoughts, with only the sweet smell of marijuana and the warmth of your smile to guide him through the turbulent emotions within him.
In those rare and private moments, Eren found a peace he couldn't attain any other way. That feeling, that euphoria that filled him to the brim, that's what kept him going through every trial and tribulation, every moment of doubt and self-loathing. With each puff of smoke and each passing moment, Eren felt more grounded, more connected to the world around him. And he knew that you were the reason for that.
He was a force of nature, and you were his muse, his source of strength and inspiration.  So while the outside world may view him as nothing more than a guitarist and a bad boy musician, you knew the truth. You knew the man behind the persona, the soft-hearted, loving man who was so deeply in love with you. And as long as you were his, he would continue to rock the world with his music, one soulful song at a time.
Rockstar Eren might never confess to being possessive. To him, the word feels almost negative, something that suggests an inability to trust others or to be secure in a relationship. But when it comes down to it, he is nothing if not possessive in his affections.  It's not even about jealousy, really, although that is certainly part of it.
When Eren sees you speaking with another man, his whole demeanor changes. His eyebrows furrow slightly, and his mouth settles into a tight line. He tries to keep it together, but his whole body tenses up with irritation.  Most of the time, he tries to be patient.
He knows that it's not reasonable to expect you to only ever speak with him, and he doesn't want to come off as needy or clingy. But it's hard. He can feel his patience slipping away with every moment that passes.  On occasion, he'll let the conversation run its course. He'll wait it out, gritting his teeth all the while. But more often than not, he can't help himself.
He interrupts you mid-sentence, desperate to insert himself into the conversation. He kisses you deeply—before dragging you away and peppering you with desperate pecks on the cheek. Afterwards, after your neck is littered in marks from his tantrum, he'll feel a twinge of shame at how needy he can be. He doesn't want to be that guy who always needs attention and affection, who can't handle seeing you give someone else even a shred of your time.
But at the same time, he just can't help it. When he's with you, he wants to be the only thing on your mind, the only one you focus your attention on.  It's kind of cute, in its own way, the way he gets all pouty and fidgety when he feels threatened.
Rockstar Eren had just finished a mind-blowing performance and his veins were pulsating with adrenaline. Despite all the post-show excitement, his mind could only focus on one thing - teaching you how to play guitar.
You both were lounging on the luxurious hotel bed, surrounded by an array of instruments. Eren gazed at you intently, imagining how gorgeous you would look playing his guitar.  Without hesitation, Eren wrapped his strong arms around your body, placing your back flush against his broad chest.
You could feel the warmth of his breath on your ear as he gently positioned your fingers on the strings of the guitar. As you began to play, your eyes darted back and forth between the fretboard and Eren's piercing gaze, biting your lip in concentration. 
"Am I doing it right, Ren?" you asked tentatively, hoping to please him with your performance. The rockstar's cheeks flushed with admiration, his heart fluttering at the sight of you struggling to play the chords correctly. "You're doing great, baby," he whispered, the endearing nickname sending shivers down your spine.
"Just keep playing like that."
Rockstar Eren can only be defined as a munch. He finds complete joy in the art of pleasing a woman, and what better way to do so than with the delicate and exquisite act of going down on you?
Eren is so infatuated with eating you out he cannot, and will not, stop until the juices are dribbling down his chin and his jaw is sore. The sound of your needy whimpers just turn him on even more—he’s withering and humping into the mattress like a mad man trying to keep himself from cumming too quickly.
The way he has to pry open your thighs just to keep you from running away from the incredible sensation he provides, brings out a side of him that is nothing less than primal. When you tug on his hair in ecstasy, Eren knows he has reached a new level of arousal that cannot be contained.
Even when you dig your fingernails into his scalp, Eren still remains devoted to fulfilling every want and need of your pussy beneath him. For him, there is nothing more rewarding than to taste, feel, and making you quiver with satisfaction.
You felt so overstimulated, your breaths coming out in gasps. "Please ren, I can't anymore," you pleaded with tears streaming down your face. But he didn't seem to hear you. He kissed your thigh before devouring your pussy again.
"Not done with you yet baby, just a little bit more."
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queensqueercourt · 6 months
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SHES BACK!!!! Aurora is my collector oc that i made after the reveal of the collector and I've rekindled my love for her after some redesign doodles. Close-up under the cut.
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lara-cairncross · 2 months
Hi I just found (as you probably saw me spamming your inbox) but what??? The art from yesterday??? What did my baby boy donnie do??? Is he ok!?? Your "rip donnie" in the tags is worrying hhhh... I mean that with the utmost love.
Also thank you for rekindling my pixie hallow love Imma go watch the movies now-
the "rip Donnie" tag was mostly a joke bc I didn't end up doodling him on that particular canvas (lmao), butttt I wouldn't necessarily say he's "ok". Like. Maybe the exact opposite of that, honestly. Mans just agreed to a pretty sus deal.
yw!!! it's pretty awesome how many people have said I'm dragging them back into their Pixie Hollow phase! We're all just falling down the D*sney Fairy rabbit hole together hehe
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