ramrodd · 6 months
Elon Musk melts down on stage, tells advertisers to F*(& themselves 
 Elon Musk has conspired  in a restraint of trade to prevent AdBlocker from providing its services to consumers in the public spaces of the internet, which is to say, he has coordinated with platforms like YouTube to alter their Terms of Services to outlaw AdBlocker on their platforms in  order to promote the in-house ad free services AdBloker provides universally. It is part of Elon Musk's Pay Wall business model that is what Dan Snyder brought to the Redskings. In short, Elon Musk is just another agent of the Nazification of the economy that began with William F. Buckley in 1960
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luxuryandsports1 · 8 months
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Washington Redskins Snoopy Dog Christmas Ugly Sweater Price From: 68.99 | | [Buy it now at] : https://luxuryandsports.com/product/washington-redskins-snoopy-dog-christmas-ugly-sweater-2/ ✅http://Luxuryandsports.com https://Facebook.com/luxuryandsports/ https://Pinterest.com/luxuryandsports2022/ ✅https://twitter.com/luxuryandsport2 https://www.instagram.com/luxuryandsports.official/ #Trend #halloween #chirstmas #gift #funny #cool #Sum New Washington Redskins Snoopy Dog Christmas Ugly Sweater Introducing the Washington Redskins Snoopy Dog Christmas Ugly Sweater, a must-have for all die-hard Washington Redskins fans! This sweater combines the festive spirit of Christmas with the adorable Snoopy Dog and the iconic Redskins logo, making it the perfect choice for your holiday celebrations. Material Composition Our Washington Redsk...
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anyonegot45churros · 4 years
White ppl: let’s call these people redsk*ns and name our team that Lmaooooo
Native Americans: nah I ain’t with it
White ppl: it’s just a funny little name we call Indians tho 😭😭 it’s not like we’re killing them!!! 😢😢 if anyone’s feeling attacked here, it’s me😭😭 #we can’t even call Native Americans redskins anymore without getting attacked 😭😭 you anti-racists have really crossed the line here 🥺🥺
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jcheechoo · 5 years
I know you think caps fans hate y’all... but that’s literally not true. We all knew that this series was going to be difficult because the canes ARE A GOOD TEAM. Please don’t think all caps fans are like the way you are portraying us. I’m really sorry about the hate you keep getting. Sorry if this ask was annoying. Good luck in the rest of the playoffs:)
no its not annoying. i use reddit and twitter, both of which get some v v v vocal caps fans. on here it’s somewhat better but bc caps reporters are fanning the flames it’s just… i’ve gotten/seen a lot of hate directed at me / my team the past few weeks and it’s … a lot. i also live in a caps area which means i’ve gotten some nasty comments said to me irl which just makes me kind of pissy in general.
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pakcricwiz · 5 years
Former Redskins safety D.J. Swearinger learns lesson: 'I'll keep my mouth shut next time'
The Redskins surprisingly cut Swearinger, a Pro Bowl alternate, after he criticized the defensive game plan in Washington's loss Saturday.
from Sporting News RSS http://bit.ly/2rRMyTk from Blogger http://bit.ly/2RhcplU
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elsa-targaryen · 3 years
Another holiday, another weekend of trying to explain to my family why “redsk*ns” is derogatory and not an acceptable football mascot. They legit still think it is “a sign of respect”. SMH
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BSC: “Oh, no! Mrs. Lowell is a racist! There’s nothing good in her! Irredeemable!”
A few books later...
“Hooray! Stoneybrook Middle School is putting on a play! And it’s Peter Pan, the tale of The Great White Father! 🎵And I will come and save the brave noble redsk*n...🎵”
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graypixllc · 4 years
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Washington Redsking Lombardi trophies. Nikkormat, 50mm. Kodak TRI-X. NIK Silver Efex Pro
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xxmvgnvfrisii · 4 years
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redske walked down the miraculously decorated and rather picturesque airport of Aina Faridabad, slowly taking notice of this beautiful gem of an island nation.. he looked at the lanterns sporting dim-lit torches inside them, the amazing condensed olibanum rich air he breathed in and out all around, and eventually he stood head-straight towards a beautiful palace.. this looked much, much better than his frisian homestead.. this was simply gorgeous..just when he decided to enter, he felt a voice calling out from the doorsteps.. who would that be...?
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harryjamesposts · 4 years
NFL Lovers can buy online Washington Redskins Tickets from one of the best Sports Tickets site. Come to know news information schedules and other details about Foot Ball games, NFL or Super Bowl.
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clathrose · 6 years
there was a girl at school today wearing a redsk*ns shirt 😬😬😬
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luxuryandsports1 · 8 months
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Washington Redskins Funny Grinch Christmas Ugly Sweater Price From: 68.99 | | [Buy it now at] : https://luxuryandsports.com/product/washington-redskins-funny-grinch-christmas-ugly-sweater-2/ ✅http://Luxuryandsports.com https://Facebook.com/luxuryandsports/ https://Pinterest.com/luxuryandsports2022/ ✅https://twitter.com/luxuryandsport2 https://www.instagram.com/luxuryandsports.official/ #Trend #halloween #chirstmas #gift #funny #cool #Sum New Washington Redskins Funny Grinch Christmas Ugly Sweater Washington Redskins Funny Grinch Christmas Ugly Sweater Introducing the Washington Redskins Funny Grinch Christmas Ugly Sweater, a unique and fun way to celebrate the holiday season while showing your support for your favorite football team. This sweater combines the festive spirit of Christmas and the love for the Washington Redsk...
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nativenewsonline · 6 years
American Indians & Allies to Demonstrate at Paw Paw Wine & Harvest Festival
American Indians & Allies to Demonstrate at Paw Paw Wine & Harvest Festival
Michigan billboard along I-94 with real definition of the R-word
Published September 5, 2018
PAW PAW, Mich. – In an attempt to educate the residents of Paw Paw, Michigan who insist on keeping the racist name of Redsk*ns of their school district’s sports team name, member of the Michigan Coalition Against Racism in Sports & Media will attend the Paw Paw Wine & Harvest Festival.
In a press release…
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sunnywalnut · 2 years
Things that I have learned you CAN do that is not cultural appropriation, as a white person because we seriously need to get our act together and stop willingly being oblivious(please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong):
-make food! There are plenty authentic restaurants that share foods from multiple cultures, AND you can learn how to make them, either online or from your friends if they decide to share recipes (bonus points if it's from their grandmothers. Grandmas always have the best recipes)
-dance! Dancing is fun and it's even MORE fun when you're taught something people enjoy because it's part of their culture. I had a friend teach me a Mexican dance(I cannot remember which one, sadly:() and we all laughed about how silly I looked having no rhythm. I still have no rhythm but I know at least one dance now!
-learn a language! I know this might be obvious, but learning how to communicate with ALL people is always wonderful. I know a lot of people who speak Latin based languages so I started studying Latin so I could talk to and understand them. It's especially helpful when you meet somebody who doesn't speak English, whether they be your friends parents or people at the grocery store. Or, if you're curious like me, you can just know what people are talking about lol
Things you CAN'T do that definitely AREN'T cultural appreciation, and also some things that are racist that people don't even think about (mostly from what I've learned from indigenous people on TikTok)
-burning white sage or Palo Santo(it's endangered and also a sacred practice to indeginous people)
-wearing a headdress (reserved ONLY for those of high status such as chiefs. Definitely not for your highschool mascot)
-Having people as mascots. Mascots are strictly animal based pep assembly guys
-making caricatures??? My friend (white) had her and her boyfriend(black) made into caricatures from an artist from a college she wanted to go to. She looked relatively normal (except for obvious exaggerated features and a little older because they added wrinkles) but they made his eyes small, teeth crooked, and lips and nose huge. In reality, his eyes are pretty large and his teeth are perfectly straight, except the front two that one is just SLIGHTLY turned to the side. Nothing as horrible as what they drew. This also pertains to black people drawn in anime. I've only seen ONE black person drawn normally in anime and that was in Hunter x Hunter that I don't even watch.
****I will be adding on to this as I learn***
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dosomething · 7 years
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Missing in History, presented by DoSomething.org
WEEK THREE: 3 Things About Native American History Your Textbook Doesn’t Want You to Know
And how they relate to the fight for justice today
A Canadian textbook was recently recalled because it said Native American tribes willingly forfeited their lands to Europeans. The truth? Native peoples were forced off their lands and onto small plots called “reservations.”
This kind of “erasure” -- omitting or misrepresenting figures and events -- happens in lots of textbooks. November is Native American Heritage Month. Read and share this guide to educate friends on the events that shaped Native history and how they influence today’s struggle for equality and justice.
1) The US government forced Native American children to attend boarding schools where they were forbidden from speaking their Native languages.
The History: Starting in the 19th century, these government-run schools forced children to abandon their Native culture in favor of white practices. As a result, children were forced to cut their hair, wear uniforms, and march in formations. Rules were extremely strict and discipline was often harsh when rules were broken.
Today: The boarding schools have gone, but punishment of children on the basis of culture persists. For example, in 2012, seventh-grader Miranda Washinawatok was suspended for speaking Menominee to her teacher. Additionally, the percentage of Native American dropouts is twice that of the national average, and given that the education system does next to nothing to encourage Native academic success, it’s not hard to see why.
2) Over 100 years after Sitting Bull was killed at Standing Rock, the Lakota people are still fighting to protect that land from European expansion.
The History: American soldiers cleared the area the next day, killing over 200 Lakota tribe members. The massacre was followed by a three-day blizzard, after which soldiers recovered frozen bodies and buried them in a mass grave.
Today: 126 years later, Standing Rock once again became a site of resistance, as Native Americans from across the country occupied the space to advocate against construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), which posed environmental and health threats to the Lakota people and their land. In the summer of 2017, a judge ruled that environmental tests had not been sufficiently conducted on the pipeline, but didn’t shut down the pipeline’s construction. The fight over DAPL continues today.
3) For nearly 50 years, activists have fought to change the name of the NFL’s Washington Redsk*ns, a dictionary-defined slur towards Native peoples.
The History: The term “redsk*n” originates from the practice of paying bounty hunters to kill Native Americans, which required the hunters bring back the scalp of the dead as proof. After seven years of fighting, Suzan Harjo and six other Native activists successfully petitioned to have the team’s six trademarks overturned in 1999, only for the decision to be reversed in court following the Redsk*ns’ appeal.
Today: In 2013, Redsk*ns owner Dan Snyder refused to respond to backlash, saying that the name would never change. While activist Amanda Blackhorse had been successful in striking down the trademarks, progress came to a halt this June when the Supreme Court ruled that the law against offensive names restricted the right to free speech.The issue goes beyond the Redsk*ns -- over 2,000 American sports teams still have Native American mascots.
This Thanksgiving, let’s recommit to shining a light on missing Native American history. Want to sign up to take action? Visit the campaign page HERE.
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