#Rebecka Mohlin
Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 30 Group 146
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Chosen Ones: Vanessa Dahl, Linnéa Wallin, Ida Holmström, Minoo Falk Karimi, Elias Malmgren, Anna-Karin Nieminen, Rebecka Mohlin
Librarians: Eve Baird, Flynn Carsen, Jacob Stone, Cassandra Cillian, Ezekiel Jones, Jenkins aka. Sir Galahad
Submissions are now closed!
Chosen Ones:
They're witches ! Chosen ones !
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Imagine a magic library appoints some guy to be its keeper, then after a while realises the task has made him a strange and lonely man whose only friend is a sentient sword. Aiming to fix this, the library appoints a gaggle of likeminded yet very different people for him to interact with. The cast consists of: Flynn Carsen, the afformented man whose best friend is a sword and who thinks a day without an Indiana Jones style adventure is a day wasted. Eve Baird, a woman raised to be a soldier suddenly thrown into a world of wonder, magic and dangers she knows nothing of, now tasked with keeping 4 eccentric, genius minds from being killed by their curiosity. Cassandra Cillian, a math whiz genius who's lived an isolated life from being put on a pedestal as a child, who has since been diagnosed with brain cancer and is desperately trying to live life to the fullest for as long as she can. Dresses like Ms. Frizzle. Jacob Stone, yeehaw cowboy dude who publishes his groundbreaking art and architecture history papers under a pen name because he knows his yeehaw cowboy family wouldn't approve. He's got the brains AND brawn. Ezekiel Jones, Australian techie and professional thief. The guy lived the Carmen Sandiego life before being recruited. Tries to act tough and morally grey but is genuinely the least selfish out of them all. Youngest Sibling Vibes are Off the Chart. Jenkins aka. the actual sir. Galahad from the Arthurian legend is here also. He's just some grumpy immortal grandpa don't worry about it. They're all just a bunch of nerdy adults who didn't have any friends or loving families growing up who find themselves living the life they dreamed about as children and it doesn't take long for them to consider each other, and the library, home.
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svnsetromance · 1 year
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THE ENGLESFORS TRILOGY ▲ THE CHOSEN ONES              I am you. You are me. We are one.
@lgbtqcreators • creator bingo — blending
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nostalgicreading · 4 years
Adults trust teens with newfound powers to save the world because they are “the chosen ones”
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Title: The circle
Author: Sara Bergmark Elfgren, Mats Strandberg
Genre: Fantasy, horror, young adult
Publication year: 2011
Main character: The book follows six “chosen ones”, Rebecka, Minoo, Ida, Anna-Karin, Vanessa, and Linnéa. Other than just starting secondary school, and realizing they are witches and the chosen ones to stop a great evil, they don't have much in common. Rebecka is a popular girl in school, a bonus parents at home, and is a fire element witch. Minoo is a good student, teachers pet, and has no element. Ida is a nice person in front of teachers, but a bully to her classmates, and has metal as her element. Anna-Karin is an outcast and bully victim in school, has a rough home-life, and is an earth witch. Vanessa is an outgoing party girl, seen as a slut by other, and has air as her element. Linnéa is a goth girl and a social outcast with a terrible home life, and is a water witch.  
Story: In the first of three books; the school year has just started when a student is found dead in one of the schools bathrooms. It is believed to be a suicide, but in reality, there is something much darker behind his death. No long after, on a night with a blood red moon, six girls are brought to a park without knowing how or why. They are then informed that they are witches and the “chosen ones” who were foretold in an ancient text. They must work together and learn to control their newfound powers so they can find and kill the evil chasing them, before it find and kills them.
Reading experience: Yet another Swedish fantasy book series that I just adore. It has all my favorite things. Witchcraft, magic, interesting magic that is used well, and characters that feel real. It always makes me happy to see a Swedish book series blowing up and spreading across the world. I also appreciate some magic that isn’t sunshine and rainbows, and more blood and rituals. 
I was skeptical at first to having 6 main characters, but the book takes its time to flesh out and differentiate the characters. It’s a bit confusing at first, but soon enough you learn who they all are. It does have some intense murder and self harm scenes, bully, language, sex, and almost rape, so if you are sensitive, read with precaution. 
I remember plowing through the books as a young teen, shocked by its content, but wanting to know more. The magic and their powers interested me, and some of their reactions to gaining said powers. Some powers align clearly to the elements, like being able to start fires, and some aren't as clearly connected to the element, but cool nonetheless, like turning invisible and controlling people. Their reactions to their new powers are also fitting for the type of characters they are, like Anna-Karin, the bullied one, using her power of controlling people to become popular. 
It mixes the real world and real problems well with the magical world and magical problems. The series doesn't shy away from these real life problems, like bullying, drugs, self harm, eating disorders, and such, and doesn't try to romanticize it. The writers are aware that these are teens already dealing with serious real life problems, and now also have to save the world, and watch people die. 
A bit of a spoiler, but there's a teacher that is in love with one of the main characters because she looks like his dead girlfriend and everything about that is disgusting and terrifying. Everything about him in general is kinda disgusting and terrifying. I hate him.
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incorrectengelsfors · 6 years
Gustaf: The sky sure is beautiful tonight
Ida: Yeah
Gustaf: You know what else is beautiful?
Ida, blushing: Tell me
Gustaf: Rebecka
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seamonsterart · 6 years
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Minoo and Rebecka doodle in honour of femslash febuary and because I will love engelsfors until I DIE....
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muffri12 · 7 years
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gustaf and rebecka from 2015-16
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sarabelfgren · 7 years
This might sound weird. But what is the meaning of Mohlin as in Rebecka Mohlin?
I’m afraid I have no idea where the name originates from. In Sweden it’s quite common with surnames ending with -in, like Wallin, Lundin, Sundin. But Lundin makes more sense for example, because lund means grove, and Sundin too because sund means strait. But when it comes to Mohlin and Wallin, I’m afraid I don’t know. Swedish surnames can be a mystery.
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phejoy · 6 years
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they’re in love and u know im right
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maziqeen · 6 years
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engelsfors trilogy aesthetics ⇢ rebecka mohlin
❛ Then I saw something... Far away. Something that was glowing. ❜
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veilingofthesun · 8 years
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pomeguts · 9 years
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some rebecka/minoo because…. i am…… weak……
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tutelele · 9 years
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incorrectengelsfors · 6 years
Rebecka: We're the Chosen Ones! We got this!
Ida: *screaming in the background*
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elektrisktmonster · 9 years
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happy birthday @magicae!! it’s been a while since i drew engelsfors fanart. :’)) umm i hope this gives off more of a “wow rebecka can warm us up with her fire powers” vibe and not a.. LETS BURN DOWN THE SCHOOL-vibe. (but burning down engelsfors high school doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea considering it’s a Place of Evil) anyway, love u ♥
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svnsetromance · 9 years
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And Rebecka. She is wearing what she wore on the day she died. Jeans. A pale blue, long-sleeved top. Minoo looks at the long reddish-blonde hair, the kind blue-grey eyes that gaze back at her. She is as beautiful as ever.
“I love you,” Minoo says. “You were my first friend. My first true friend.” Rebecka smiles through her tears. “And you were mine,” she says.
The bond between them; it is still there. It will always be there.
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murdercene · 10 years
headcanon thing: Rebecka!
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
this is much harder than vanessas uh i don’t really know? i imagine she’d like green day maybe. or grimes!! and maybe like. 80’s movie soundtracks. and instrumental music (like instrumental versions of songs!!). and florence + the machine, and things like that. so i’ll say wake me up when september ends by green day, dog days are over by florence + the machine and uh. don’t you forget about me by simple minds!!
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
kitchen table!! and her own desk. lots of desks and tables.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
she doesn't really like video games, but she is the god damn master of monopoly. she wins every single time. same with card games, she's a fucking queen.
the emoticon they’d use most often
the happy smiley!!! all of the happy smileys!!! she loves making ppl happy. also the flower emojis bc they're cute and she likes flowers a lot
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
rebecka doesn't really sleep enough but she's so used to it she doesn't really get tired, she just gets a bit sad when she's too tired to be out running. also she faints a lot. baby :((((
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
tea!! probably rooibos tea bc they don't have caffeine and relaxation is nice
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
she calls gustav and minoo!! gustav and minoo her super nice babes
also she goes out running bc it makes her feel better about her body 
what they wanted to be when they grew up
i think she wanted to be an actress or a vet!! (SHE WILL NEVER GROW UP DAMN I JUST MADE MYSELF REALLY REALLY SAD)
their favorite kind of weather
misty early mornings when it's light but the sun hasn't reaaaally come up yet u know those really early chilly spring mornings
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
she's a great singer!!! pretty high voice. that's a soprano right??? idk man 
how/what they like to draw or doodle
she doodles a lot of flowers!! eveywhere. whenever there is a pen and something even remotely close to a paper there will be flowers and vines all over it
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