#Raiden x reader mg
icycoldninja · 3 months
What if raiden was the readers bodyguard but then they gained feelings for each other? Forbidden/secret love type trope maybe :?
Here ya go--I chose to do headcannons, if that's OK with you. Enjoy! 💜
Raiden x Reader bodyguard headcannons
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-At first, everything was strictly business; Raiden's job was to guard you, and so he would do just that. Nothing more.
-He performed his duties diligently and seriously, until someone tried to attack you. The moment he saw the perpetrator, something snapped inside him. He cut that sorry sop down in an instant, leaving a mass of flesh in his wake.
-He was bombarding you with questions in a manner that was highly uncharacteristic of him; most of these questions were about your health, and if you were emotionally and physically okay.
-Afterwards, Raiden found himself growing more and more protective of you, and not just because it was his job to guard you.
-Eventually, he realized that his feelings for you weren't professional anymore--he was in love. With you. His client. Jesus, what would he do now?
-He tries to ignore it and keep up his stoic front, hoping that this is all just a phase and that it'll die down soon. When it doesn't, he's faced with a choice. Either walk away and try forget about you, or flip off society with his girlboss fingers and confess.
-He chose to flip off society with his girlboss fingers.
-After a very long brooding session, he decided to confess to you on the way back from one of your outings. The two of you were in his car, with you looking out the window while he concentrated on the road. Once you guys pulled up to a red light, he decided to confess.
-"Y/N? I want to tell you something, even if it is sorta unprofessional...I...love ya. I love ya. Yeah. I...said it."
-Needless to say, he was very nervous. Even cyborgs can get butterflies in their stomachs. Once you heard this confession, y I u were shocked--not because of his unprofessionalism, like he feared, but because you loved him too!
-After that, you and Raiden agreed to keep this whole thing between the two of you, as keeping the public in the dark was in both of your best interests.
-Despite your efforts to keep your romance hidden, some aspects of your new relationship managed to slip through into your daily lives. All of a sudden, you're taking Raiden with you to more locations than usual, you start taking him by the hand and calling him Jack--it's noticeable, but people don't really question it. As far as they're concerned, you've just developed a strong friendship.
-Now, activities that take place behind closed doors are a completely different story. He will pin you to the nearest wall/hard surface and begin assaulting you with kisses to the lips, collarbone, cheeks, whatever he can reach.
-He will hold you so, so tightly whenever he can, sometimes squeezing you so hard your oxygen gets cut off for a second.
-But he doesn't want to hurt you, he can't help his strength. All Raiden really wants is to keep you safe and make sur3 you know you're loved at all times.
-He's more than just a bodyguard now, he's your ultimate protector. Cherish him; he's more devoted than a German Shephard.
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multifandomthoughts · 6 months
NSFW Raiden Headcanons
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Raiden is an absolutely whiny sub. He doesn’t like taking orders so sometimes he’ll resist any instructions that you’ll give him.
However, when he’s having a day that his self loathing is higher than normal, he just wants you to pamper him, whisper all the things that you like about him.
He likes marking up his partner, however nothing that would cause a permanent injury or scar. If that happened, he would feel extremely guilty and it would take him a while to feel comfortable enough to have sex again.
He prefers any position where he can look in his partner’s eyes and see how much they’re enjoying it. Seeing their face contorted into pleasure or their face glow with delight is a major turn on.
Is well-versed in strenuous sex, so once the two of you are finished up, he takes the utmost care to make sure you’re alright. He’ll get you a water, run you a bath or shower or even get you ibuprofen if you need it. Anything you want, just ask him.
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imagines-by-cleo · 1 year
I’m not sure if you are taking requests at the moment, but if you are can you please write Raiden (MGRR) going down on his s/o for the first time? 🛐
Of course friend! Once again I am sorry if Raiden is ooc, I'm doing my best lol. Sorry it took so long for this to come out, I hope it's worth the wait!
CW: oral sex (fem receiving), semi public, more wireplay cause I had 3 good Raiden headcannons and that was 2 of them,
Every part of Raiden's body was a weapon, from the sharp claws to the titanium jaw you had your lips pressed against now. You were nervous enough to touch him in his regular body but now even just lightly resting your hands on his chest made your heart race like you were holding a loaded gun, anticipating something to trigger if your hands wandered to freely over the ridged metal plates. It didn't help that he had just gotten back from a mission, you could hear his machine heart whirring while pumping coolant through his overheated body, you could even still smell the metalic traces of blood and cybernetic viscera that hadn't been completely cleaned from his body.
Breaking the kiss he exhaled, letting out hot steam in the other direction and increasing the temperature of the confined space the two of you had stolen away in. He checked one more time that the closet door was locked then made sure his radio was off while you did the same.
"No one can hear us in here right?" You asked, keeping your voice down to a low whisper.
"That depends on how loud you're gonna be" He purred, his hands running us your sides threatening to make you gasp.
You answered with a quiet laugh, his carefree attitude putting you at ease though there was still the matter of his body. Again you felt tense at the foreign pieces of metal digging into your skin as he pressed against you, not only wondering about the safety but the possibility of what he was doing to you. Thoughts of danger and pleasure stirred in your mind when you felt his mouth touch your neck, you sighed at soft feeling of his lips while shuddering at the hard feeling of his metal lower jaw paired with the touch of his sharp claws sneaking under your shirt and threatening your skin with the light touch of sharp edges.
Finding the opportunity to blurt out while he explored you. "Are you sure you don't want to wait until you're back in your civilian body?"
"Why? You don't want to?" He asked, teasing with fake puppy dog eyes knowing that wasn't the truth.
"I do but... I don't know how you can make it work, you don't even have the right equipment right now." You answered, honestly.
"Don't worry about that. Just let me touch you." He reassured, continuing his conquest of your body.
You tilted your neck up, allowing him to return tasting you once again. He lifted your shirt exposing your skin to the air and making your nipples harden as he made a decending path with his lips between your breasts. His breath was hot and his metal parts were foreign, you wondered if he could feel how your heart was pounding while he kissed your heaving chest. As he moved even lower you could feel one of his hands gripping your thighs, lifting gently while you were firmly pressed against the wall until he was the only thing supporting your entire weight.
When he set your legs on his broad shoulders you knew exactly what he wanted to do, you carelessly moaned out loud when his lips touched your waistband while he lifted your skirt above your hips. The only thing between you and him being a thin layer of fabric that in spite of your doubts about the situation was growing a small yet noticeable wet spot, his proximity to your most intimate parts made a blush rise to your cheeks and the position of your legs on his shoulders made it impossible for you to follow your urge to turn away.
With one swipe of the titanium nails the fabric was torn and there was nothing at all to stop him, your legs shook as his hot breath warmed your already burning skin. Afraid of making any noise you put a hand over your mouth, muffling the sounds you would have made when his lips gently touched your folds into a shaking exhale through your nose.
That first long lick running from top to bottom of your slit had you gripping your mouth tighter, trying and failing to catch the whine that shot out.
"You taste sweeter than I thought you would." He commented, only pausing for a moment to pant out before hungrily diving back in. "So much sweeter."
As warm as his body was, the touch of his metal jaw still felt cold and took some getting used to. You had never imagined he could eat you out like this but the moving of his tongue and the feeling of his steel hands on your thighs was starting to feel more and more natural as time went on.
Raiden growled low as his tongue plunged even deeper, sending vibrations straight through your core. The bridge of his nose rubbed on your clit making you want to roll your hips forward just to get a little more friction on it.
The grunts and groans he made while devouring you were almost as loud as your own, you wondered how he hadn't drowned yet without stopping to breathe for even a second. It was possible he was enjoying this even more than you were, you wanted to look down and see but instead kept a hand over your mouth hoping to hide the embarrassing faces you might make in the heat of pleasure.
The second his thumb touched your clit you jumped, it moved slow at first while finding the right rhythm that wouldn't scratch you but before long he rubbed fast enough to have your legs jerking in every direction. You could feel it creeping up faster than you could handle, every rapid circle his thumb drew over your clit and every firm pump of his tongue forced you to the edge.
"Raiden slow down, I'm gonna..." you gasped out though you could hardly breathe.
Without responding or complying he kept going at his electric pace, making your body go stiff as you twitched around him. Your mind went blank, your vision blurred while you lost what little control of your body that you had left. Putting your hands on both sides of the closet walls, trying to ground yourself while washed over and took you completely.
Even after you came that wasn't enough to stop him, your exhausted body still spasmed while he drank up every drop that dribbled out of your overstimulated pussy. When you found that you could breathe again all that would come out of your mouth was shameless moans, as you tried to suck in the hot stuffy air in that confined space.
Running a hand through his already tossed blond hair as he cleaned the mess he made out of you, finding the boldness to look down you found his unfocused eyes glowing with just a hint of that feral red while he shamelessly slurped you up. He could be such a little monster sometimes, but he was all yours right now.
For a good long while you were convinced Raiden was never even going to stop for air, almost sparking up a second orgasm before you had to interrupt him.
"Raiden... Raiden, breathe." You called, almost laughing.
Eventually having to pull him back by his hair to get his attention, even then he continued to lick the traces of you of his lips while flashing his wicked smile.
"You're gonna drown." You teased.
"Don't worry, I could do this all day." He reassured, placing kissed on your thighs before setting your legs back on the floor.
He placed firm feverish kisses all the way back up your torso to your face, letting his hands roam wildly like touching you was going to charge his batteries somehow. Not even caring about the little scratches he'd leave when you roughly grabbed at your body, just perfectly content in letting him use you to sate his appetite.
He guided your hand to a small gap in the armor on his back where you felt around until you found a single exposed wire. When your fingertips met it and his hips twitched forward there was no more explanation needed, immediately you started to play with it while savoring the various reactions you would get from Raiden. His body would twist and writhe while his eyes crossed and his hips snapped forward in a distorted muscle memory.
It was scary in a way to have him acting so unpredictably, when you had no idea what happened if you played with the mystery wire too much. A horrifying thought crept into your head that it could make him malfunction and you would have to explain to everyone how you broke Raiden.
"Don't stop, don't stop." He begged over and over, gritting his teeth and whining through them.
His arms caged your body, claws digging into the wall behind you while his chest heaved. Again he firmly pressed his lips against yours, this time sharing the lingering taste of your own sticky sweetness. With a series of wet breathy open mouthed kisses you felt his panting even out and his overheated body begin to cool while he came down from his peak.
What should have been an intimate moment of basking in your collective afterglow was rudely interrupted by your phone ringing from down on the floor where you must have dropped it earlier. Naturally you hung up, thinking that would be the end of it until Raiden also got a buzz from his radio.
"Shit, how long have we been gone?" He asked.
Taking a look at your phone and seeing the long list of notifications from everyone at Maverick asking where you were, you groaned not even having the right to be annoyed at them.
"A little too long." You answered. "Everyone thinks we just went home."
"If they already think that, we could just..." Raiden suggested.
"No way." You replied.
"Why not? We're already in trouble." He pressed.
"Because we'd get caught on the way out." You answered.
"You're talking to someone who sneaks around for a living." That was a good point, one you couldn't exactly argue with.
"Okay fine." Rolling your eyes as you finally agreed. "But I bet you twenty bucks we get caught before we even get to the lobby."
"What do I get if we don't get caught?" He asked his voice taking a comically suggestive tone.
You teasingly answered while trying not to snicker. "Wouldn't you like to know, Mr lightning bolt."
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reemonna · 1 year
Training with Raiden
(From Metal Gear series)
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He teaches you the basics of fencing: how to carry a sword -like a katana- and use it properly
He asks if it's okay to have physical contact with you and hold you from your back to help you do the right poses. Once you approve he will grab your waist, hold your hand that's carrying the sword softly and then start leading the way
You both get to have a lot of swordfights, and he feels surprised of how skilled you got to be
Whenever you make a progress, you always let him be the first to know, and he is absolutely hopelessly haunted by that
Since he's considered an expert in the field since he was a kid, he would teach you some techniques in stealth and infiltration to help you along the way
When you both were training karate together once, you accidentally punched him in his dong (ahem). He passed out the rest of the day and you kept on apologizing and crying out of embarrassment
In the middle of your training, he flirts with you in a sarcastic way in purpose to distract you. He's not actually really good at that since he has some trouble expressing his feelings, especially to you. So he ends up messing everything up and you get to fight him for embarrassing you each time
"Ahh, look at how cute you are. I really envy that manichéenne you're choking, I wish that was me" and you literally make his wish come true and start choking him instead
If you both are really close/officially in a relationship, he would take every chance during the training to appreciate you with some physical movements, like steeling a kiss from you, patting your head, fondling and playing with your scalp, or even giving you a light spank. He loves seeing your face gets colored with blush
"I swear to God if you keep on twiddling in front of the other trainees, I'll kill you!" "I really would like to see you try"
Once you get in the battlefield, he will keep you close to him to make sure you're a little more safer since this is your first time and you still need to adapt and get used to it
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sparda-ly · 1 year
Hello, could you write what it would be like to kiss with Raiden? with fem pronouns, thank you!
note: hello! no problem honey ;) i know you requested female reader but i did kind of write in this second person?? type of way so hope you don't mind i don't really use any pronouns while writing ♡♡♡♡
warnings: none
raiden definitely has problems with showing affection, which includes kisses, hugs, hand holding and overall intimacy
however despite that fact, raiden loves kissing you
probably won't be the first to engage into it, so let's sure you're a bold one ;)
he prefers delicate kisses over rough ones, he leaves the latter for well, let's just say, bed time
while kissing him, you can often taste metal, no, literally, metal due to his lower part of the mouth
his lips aren't very soft let me tell you that, on worse days, they are straight up chapped, screaming "i need moisture or i will die"
so next time you go shopping, bear that in mind and maybe like a good girlfriend buy him some chapstick?
he will probably not know what to do with it and eat it so...
after kissing him in public, he will for sure have a red flushed face and be embarrassed about it
if someone dares tease him about it, though, his high frequency blade is definitely gonna end up dirty in blood
he also gets kind of cute? while kissing you
so kiss him for too short of a time period and he will whine like a baby
"mhm some more please"
bring it up though and he will totally deny it
overall kissing raiden is definitely a pleasurable experience, minus the akward moments where his metal teeth bump into yours and you have to act like you're not crying in pain
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kitsunefox1108 · 1 year
HIII, I liked your headcanos very much they are SOOOO...
so if yall requests are open can I request yandere + self aware raiden/jetstream sam with s/o that got transportated to the MGR universe and tries to escape them, take your time writing, love ya❤️❤️❤️
I waited for requests for self aware mgr! hooray!
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realizing that he is a character in the game, he falls into an existential crisis. He just can't believe it.
All his life he was someone's pawn in the hands, if not of Solidus Snake, then in the hands of players who know him too well. He doesn't like it.
He is trying to figure out what can be done to get rid of those who follow him and control him. Therefore, he is looking for answers to his questions.
When he finds out that one of the players managed to get into his world, his universe, he will not leave it alone.
Although not in a legal way, he will know where you are.
And will follow you wherever you run. He is a skilled warrior, and is good at intimidating.
however, when he finds you, he realizes that the more he sees you, the faster he becomes attached. He can't bring himself to kill you.
He tries to find out how you controlled him, but you are silent. He does not like it, he tries to ask gently, but only scares you more.
When you're in danger because you're connected to Raiden in one way or another, and they plan to take you away because you were able to control Jack, he doesn't let you go. He squeezes you tightly in a painful hug, telling you that you are too precious to let you leave so easily.
before you even had time to react, Raiden sharply and forcefully kisses you on the lips, preventing you from saying or doing something.
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Sam, like Raiden, is confused, and so is an existential crisis.
After learning that you are in his universe, as one of the players for Sam in the DLS, he is quickly released from business, and goes to look for you.
And he succeeds
He wanted to manipulate you into revealing everything to him, but he couldn't.
He began to develop an unhealthy obsession with you.
If you know so much about him and haven't rejected him.. doesn't that mean you could potentially like him?
and Sam will live by that thought.
You didn't push him away because you're afraid of him, no
you're just ashamed of your feelings, aren't you?
You didn't try to run away at all because it's not your world that you belong to.
it's all because you're afraid that Sam will reject you, isn't it?
Nothing, the cyborg will take care of it. He is ready to show you that he loves you, not wanting to understand and see that you are afraid of him.
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[Credit goes to @imagines-by-cleo for inspo.]
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Solid Snake
Kaz Miller
Venom Snake
Naked Snake (Big Boss)
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Multi character smut
Intimacy | Showering pt 1 | Showering pt 2
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rosemary03 · 1 year
Hii :) I really loved your post about Dante <3 Could you write something about Masochist Raiden? When he said "Pain, this is why I fight" in MGR as he went into Ripper Mode it just made sense to me
I'm glad you liked it and I'm also glad you asked raiden! omg i love it with my soul so i got excited haha i hope this was good enough for you, thanks for ask!
NSFW! warnings: masturbation, overstimulation, slapping
The whole mission was going well, unbelievably well! But for raiden? For raiden absolutely not! I was so nervous and needy, really what were you thinking when you launched yourself at the enemy and with one movement he was able to rip your tight pants exposing your legs? Did you defeat that enemy? Yes, did you suffer an injury or wound? Nope, nothing that could harm you, so why is it so bad? Because of raiden he can't take his eyes off you, every time you walk past him or in front of him, his body gets very hot and his heart starts beating so hard in his chest, he thanks God and everything that exists that he is in his combat body and does not have his hard cock betraying his thoughts, when he sees you hitting and knocking down enemies so easily somehow makes him want you even more, he would like your strong but at the same time delicate hands If they were pulling his hair, slapping him or even choking him, maybe him feel bad for thinking that way about a friend, maybe a little.
Raiden doesn't know when he said such a stupid comment that you had to corner him in a dead end, pointing your bladed weapon at him, you were angry but he? He was incredibly horny, I knew you weren't strong enough to kill him but you weren't weak enough that you couldn't use your bare hands to batter him so... Oops, another annoying comment, this got to your ears obviously, irritating you even more as you get closer to raiden, you can feel his breathing on your face, what you think is that he's tired and scared, scared of you, but no... He's really fucking horny, the way you Hand came up to grab his metal jaw, smashing his head against the wall, the way you show authority! That's so hot for him, you slap him hard in the face for making him lose his temper "we're on a mission, don't come with your stupid comments raiden!" you say angrily giving him another slap even harder, you can see how the skin on raiden's cheek turns reddish, honestly his cheeks were already red enough before you hit him, his strong blush was evident but what did you think? That he was just hot from the physical and heavy movements of the mission. When you finally leave him and go back to work he feels a little sad and spends the whole day thinking about what happened, he can't wait to get home and touch himself when this is all over.
Raiden is lying on the bed with you next to him, he is being punished for how annoying he have been today, his dick is in the air (I don't know how he could have a dick but let's imagine he can lol) and his hands are clenching the sheets underneath from him, you're fucking close, he can smell the sweet perfume emanating from your neck, he needs to kiss you, he needs to touch you but you don't let him, a strong slap on his cock is what brings him back to reality “mmp! Please (name) don't do that..." he says between moans, your hand goes down his abdomen to his cock again but this time you start to masturbate him, lightly squeezing the head of his cock, you earn a loud moan from him, you turn to see raiden, his cheeks are red and small beads of sweat fall from his forehead, his shiny blonde hair sticks to his forehead, with your other hand you grab his hair forcing him to look at you "don't take your eyes off me, okay?" you say, to which he nods a little desperately, his hips begin to move on their own saying that he is going to cum soon, you begin to make faster and more abrupt movements looking for the release of raiden, he guides his hands to your waist squeezing slightly, ripping your shirt with his claws "oh god I'm going to cum, d-don't stop please!" shouts raiden, just a few more movements and strings of hot cum paint your hand and a bit of his metallic abdomen, his moans get a little louder when you keep fucking his cock with your hand, overstimulating him, his legs start to shake and his grip on your hips he tightens "b-stop" he tries to stop your hand but the overstimulation feels so painfully good for him that his body won't let him, all he does is look at you with puppy dog eyes the whole time, moaning and moaning until you finally stop torturing him.
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devilmaymetalgear · 10 days
hi do you think I could get Raiden with a trans guy s/o general hcs please? maybe with some nsfw if it's alright with you?
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raiden x reader
trans masc reader // sfw and nsfw headcanons
a/n: been needing more trans reader fics in mgs I was dying I'm so happy to be writing some
cw: nsfw
- he's oh so very supportive, and due to some of his encounters on missions he has some semblance of an idea what it's like to be misgendered. But he also understands that it's different for you.
- would probably kill a terf
- does his best to support you in ever way he can, just ask and he'll do his best to make it happen.
- I think he's really good at being reassuring. You're his boyfriend, his guy, his man, his husband at some point. Even through dysphoria and what not he's always by your side to make sure you're feeling your best.
- unrelated but I think he'd introduce you to snake and otacon if you were dating him.
- body worship is a must fornhim, he's slow and gentle and he's careful. He's kissing and holding you and all he really wants to do is just feel you.
- if he's bottoming he's a loud whiny mess. No matter what you're doing to him. If he's topping he's still just as loud, just slightly more feral. Idk I just think he's kinda sensitive
- I think Raiden gives crazy good after care, wants to make sure you're okay, just as gentle as he was before.
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solids6kes · 19 hours
i'll write almost anything! i do NOT write about breeding kink, mommy/femdom. anything to do with pregnancy or kids ( ie, homelander with kids or mother reader ), lactation, loli/shota, bestiality , scat, necrophila.
and here's who i write for!
metal gear solid -- raiden, all variations of snake resident evil -- chris, leon, wesker, billy, ada, jill yakuza & spin offs -- majima, kiryu, niskiyama, daigo dojima, takayuki yagami, joongi han, tianyou zhou dmc -- dante, vergil, nero final fantasy -- cloud, zack, sephiroth, tifa
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Loving a psycho (Raiden x Reader)
You were nearly startled out of your skin when the doorbell rang at 4:00 A.M. You threw the covers off, slipped on a jacket, and headed towards the door, tired, cranky, and wondering just who the hell would dare to disturb you at this hour. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you swung the door open and gaped at the person standing before you.
The cyborg in question stood on your doorstep, though there was something off about him. His normally grayish eyes were a bright red, gleaming with a sort of malice you'd only ever seen when Jack, his alter ego, escaped. Wait...if that was true...then...
Your eyes widened as you regarded the man before you, watching how his expression shifted from passive nonchalance to an amused smirk.
"Ain't ya gonna invite me in, Y/N?" He asked, in a playful manner unfamiliar to you.
"Yeah...sure." You yawned, excused yourself, then held open the door for him. Raiden stomped through the door, metal heels clicking against your floor.
"Nice place," He remarked, as if he'd never seen it before. "Real nice. You live here alone?" You nodded groggily, following him as he wandered around your house.
"That's good," He nodded, noting some pictures of you and him that had been propped up on a table nearby. "Real good." He chuckled, then spun around to look at you. "I'm gonna stay the night, you mind?" You shook your head slowly; there wasn't all that much you could do about it. If he wanted to stay, he would stay, regardless of whether you approved or not.
"Good answer," He grinned, reaching forwards and mussing up your hair with his metal hand. Sleepily, you directed him to the bathroom and told him to freshen up however he needed to while you made some coffee. Surprisingly compliant, he agreed, and closed the door on you with a smile.
Several minutes later, Raiden rejoined you in the kitchen for a hot cup of coffee (he drank his with a straw). The two of you sat at the kitchen table in silence, drinking your beverages with quiet respect for one another, but nothing more.
Truth be told, you were afraid and uneasy. This side of Raiden was unpredictable; dealing with such a devil was dangerous. Your rational side told you to be careful, to mind what you say and control how you act. On the other hand, you loved Raiden, and wanted to care for him--all of him, including his lunatic side. These conflicting thoughts swirled around your head, honestly making you doubt your own sanity. Should you regard Jack The Ripper as a suspicious individual? Or should you treat him the way you treat Raiden, considering they are technically the same person? You sighed, forgetting for a moment that Raiden had been watching you this whole time, and that he could sense your feelings.
"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you." He ventured, setting his cup down and reaching across the table for your hand.
"I know," You responded, taking his clawed appendage in yours before bringing it up to your lips and planting a kiss on it. "I just...sometimes I wonder if...well...I can trust you."
Raiden let out a small, uncharacteristic sigh, his red eye lowering to the ground somewhat guiltily.
"When I wanna rip, I'll rip--I'll rip em all. But not you." His gaze flitted back up to yours, a small smile on his face. "I won't rip you. I...I'm gonna keep ya safe."
"Cause...I love ya."
For a moment, the cold gleam in his eyes vanished, revealing the admiration, respect, and love he had for you. All suspicions you previously held vanished; you stood up, crossed over to him, and threw your arms around his neck, clinging to him tightly.
"I love you, Jack--all of you." You weren't entirely sure whether or not you were actually talking to Jack at the moment, but it didn't matter. Raiden chuckled, though not in that menacing manner he often did while in this state. He was truly happy, holding you in his arms; happy that you loved him despite his many problems. The redness in his eyes disappeared and the Raiden you were more familiar with returned. You pulled away from the hug and pressed a kiss to his metal jaw.
"I love you so much," You repeated, resting your head on his shoulder. Raiden nodded, running a hand through your hair.
"I love you too, Y/N--and thank you. Thank you for loving a psycho like me."
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multifandomthoughts · 3 months
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AFAB Reader with gender neutral pronouns
TW: Pegging, anal fingering, mentions of death and trauma, brief mention of cuts and scars
Raiden had been under a lot of stress lately coming off of the big shell incident and the revelations that followed. When he came home, you figured that you might do something special for him. The bathtub was clean, bath soap set on the side, the couch was clear, and the bed was made. Prepping for anything he wanted, it was now time to wait for his arrival.
Shuffling in, covered in dirt and blood, was your beloved. Waltzing towards him, you give him a gentle but comforting hug, being very careful not to further injure him. His eyes say everything, cold, dead, and wet.
“You don’t look so good…let’s sit you down.” Grasping his hand, you lead him towards the couch, as you plop down onto the squishy cushions. “Tell me what happened Raiden…” The first words out of his mouth all day, and he’s telling you what went down. How many people he saw die, and the feats he accomplished. His voice wavers, as he does his best to keep the facade up; to not cry.
He lays his head on your shoulder, transferring all the dirt and sweat onto you. You could absolutely care less; you wanted him to feel safe and comfortable, and come to you with his woes. Deft hands run through his dirty blonde hair as he continues to lay next to you. It’s silent except for a few words, muffled by your shirt.
“What was that? I’m sorry hon, I can’t hear you.” You coo, doing your best to keep your voice low. Pulling away and looking up at you, he repeats his words. “Will you run me a bath? I want to wash all the dirt and grime off of me.” You nod, wordlessly as you maneuver him off your lap. A hand outstretched and a gentle smile accompanies him as the two of you head off to the bathroom.
You’re quite glad that you had prepped for his needs beforehand. You weren’t quite sure what he was going to want, so by pure luck this worked out. “I can stay here, or I can leave you to bathe alone. Which one would you like?” You inquire, prepared to do anything he asks.
“Stay with me please. I don’t think I can bear to me alone right now.” Raiden responds, and you nod. Deft hands turn him around as you help him disrobe. If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve attempted to rip the suit off of him.
A tiny zipper sits at the crook of his neck, you pinch your fingers together as the zipper glides down his back. An audible sigh escapes Raiden’s lips as the suit falls to the floor. Stepping out of the suit, you can’t help but admire how pristine his skin is. Minus a few cuts and scars, his body is coated in a sheen of sweat.
Turning on the faucet, you run your hand through the stream of water to make sure it’s a good temperature for him. It is, and you motion for him to get in. Stepping in, he sits down with a groan. Leaning back, his arms dangle outside the tub. You’ve never noticed it until now, but his arms were so pretty and so strong. Your eyes linger until you’re interrupted by the clearing of his throat.
Looking him in the eyes, you can tell you’ve been caught. A soft blush coats his face as he looks away. “If you like what you see so much, why don’t you wash me.” He spits, keeping his eyes looking away from you.
A devilish grin rips across your face as you pull off your shirt. You won’t get in with him, but you can at least keep your shirt from getting wet. Grasping the soap and the washcloth from the tray, you lather up the cloth. Running the fabric down his back, you scrub as hard as you can comfortably. A layer of dirt begins to stick to the cloth as you scrub.
Soft moans come from Raiden’s mouth as you drag the fabric across his skin. Lifting up his arms, the soft blush on his face from before increases tenfold. “How does it feel?” You coo, your face inches away from his ear. “It feels fantastic….will you wash me all over?” He responds, his request breathy and light.
A simple nod is all you respond with as you begin to venture towards his hips. Marks from where the sneaking suit stuck tightly to him linger on his body. He begins to squirm, the feeling of pleasure beginning to dance across his body.
“Hun, you’re going to have to sit still for this next part, okay? I have to get all of you clean.” With that, you run the cloth down to his cock and begin to scrub, albeit much more gently than you were earlier.
Moans escape from his mouth as you clean. You didn’t expect him to be this vocal or needy. Maybe it was all the adrenaline from earlier expressing itself in a healthy way. And then, something you never thought would happen on a day like this, explodes out of his mouth.
“God, peg me….”
He had mentioned the idea briefly before, but never with such lust and desire. You stop for a minute, and look into his eyes to see if he really meant it, or he was just so caught up in pleasure that he didn’t mean to say it.
“Will you?” He whispers, eyes glittering as he looks right through you. “If you’re sure you want it, yes I will. That means I have to be extra careful washing your ass. You good with that, Raiden?” His only response was a grunt, and a rapid reddening of his face.
“Would you mind leaning forward so I can clean that area?” You coo, your voice sickeningly sweet. He does as you ask, whining in anticipation. sweet. Starting slowly, the cloth gently cleanses the rim of his anus, washing all the cracks and crevices. It’s incredibly important that for his first time, you do it right. His body twitches and squirms under your touch, and you can tell this simple act of caring for him turns him on so much.
Once his body has been thoroughly cleaned, you lean back with a smirk. “You ready for the main act, hot stuff? If so, I’ve got a bed with your name on it.” Getting up, Raiden steps out of the bathtub. Beads of water run down his body; he’s very visibly aroused.
Grabbing a towel, you run it over his body, wiping away any stray drops from his body. You want him to be as comfortable as possible during the act. Gripping his hand, you lead him to your bedroom. He practically vaults onto the bed with a reinvigorated type of energy, ready for whatever comes his way.
Getting comfortable, he spreads his legs in a way that’s so enticing you want to take him here and now. “I love how eager you are, but I have to prep you first.” Without a second thought, your lips attack his, shoving your tongue into his mouth. Raiden gasps in return, before his tongue quickly finds yours. The intensity grows, and before you know it, you can feel Raiden clawing at your bra, desperate for something to grab.
Relenting, you allow his hands to unclasp your bra and slip it off, revealing your bare chest to him. Practically drooling, his mouth detaches from yours as his mouth clamps onto your breast, sucking and biting the flesh. Despite for your intention for this all to be about him, you find the tables turned.
Small moans leave your mouth as he continues to bite, leaving minuscule marks on your chest. Reaching out, your hands grip the supple flesh of his backside and squeeze, eliciting a deep groan. You can’t help but smirk at the satisfaction you’re giving him. A hand maneuvers over to his hole, gently beginning to rub circles around the rim.
A high pitched cry explodes out of his mouth as he collapses on his back and begins to squirm at every touch. His cock is fully erect, and gently leaking. If this is how he’s reacting to just being rimmed, he’s almost ready to be pegged.
Removing your fingers from his ass, you crawl over to the bedside table to grab some lube. Raiden’s eyes fixate on you in anticipation as you coat your fingers in the liquid. Your hand then carefully crawls towards his entrance, easing into the pressure. One finger fully inside, he lets out another long cry. “Is this good? Doesn’t hurt?” You ask, wanting him to glean all the pleasure from this experience.
He bites his lip, nodding as you begin to move your finger in and out of him. Spreading his legs even further, you decide to give him a bit of additional pleasure. One hand grips his cock as your finger curls, massaging his prostate. Throwing his head back, he lets out a long shout of pleasure. His dirty blonde hair begins to stick to his forehead as sweat pours from his body.
It’s only going to get better from here as you pump his cock and massage his prostate a bit faster. Grunts of varying degree come from his mouth as you continue to please him. It's music to your ears, a cacophony of moans culminating in making your partner feel ecstatic. Before you know it, he's saying those three words. Removing your hands from his body, he gives you a disappointing look. He wanted that satisfaction.
Unbeknownst to him, he's going to get it. Once again, you dig through your bedside table, looking for your toy. It was a beginner's dildo and a strap that was perfect for him. Once you retrieve it for him, his eyes light up like fireworks.
His thighs tremble as you prepare the dildo, caressing it gently. More lube is applied to the toy as Raiden's pupils seem to get bigger by the second. "I'll be as gentle as possible since it's your first time, okay? I've prepped as much as I possibly can for this moment, you're going to feel so damn good."
Repeating what you did earlier, you gently slide the strap into his entrance. Another large groan bubbles up from his throat. Your hands meet the flesh of his hips as you rub and squeeze. His legs begin to flail as you speed up slightly. "Oh god....that feels amazing..." He mutters, his voice hoarse. Each sensation feels amazing to him, and he can't get enough.
At this point you wouldn't be surprised if he sleeps soundly after the act. "You're being such a good boy, Raiden....staying still for me while I fuck you..." Raiden nods vigorously in response, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. His breathing becomes labored, with each motion causing a heavy exhale. Running your hands onto his ass, you give that supple flesh a squeeze again. You can tell he's getting to the end of his rope as you begin to go as fast as you possibly can. One hand on his ass, one on his cock as you thrust as fast as your stamina will let you.
Raiden's entire body tenses up, limbs shaking violently. Every second of pleasure has led up to this, and he's going to enjoy this release. "Oh god, oh fuck. I'm going to cum...." He says between gritted teeth. "Cum for me baby, you've had a big day, you deserve this." And with those encouraging words, spurts of cum shoot from his cock, landing on your bare chest. With a sigh, his body goes limp as his labored breaths slowly become more shallow.
Removing the dildo, you flop down on top of him. You didn't realize how much energy you had been using until it was all over. "Raiden honey, you did so good for your first time. It was clear to me that you enjoyed yourself immensely, and that makes me so happy. You looked so hot taking that dildo, such a handsome man…”
Leaning up to his face, you give him a quick peck on the cheek before snuggling back into his chest. "Thank you for making my return home so loving...you could've welcomed me home and then left me to my own devices. However, you decided to take the extra step to make sure that every part of me was cared for. I can't thank you enough for that. It didn't erase what happened at the incident go away, but you made it much easier to deal with." With a soft smile, Raiden leans down and gives your forehead a kiss.
"Maybe next time the roles can be reversed, hmm? You deserve pampering too."
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imagines-by-cleo · 1 year
Awesome! Okay
May I suggest raiden X reader lovebites/marking? (Him being the one to do it?)
If thats inspires you, of course. thanks your giving me the chance!
Of course friend! Sorry for the long wait, I had this mostly written before I went on break so I finished it as soon as I could come back. I wrote this with mgr Raiden in mind but I only played that game once, also I was really goofing off while writing this so If he's OOC please forgive me Raiden simps. Other than that I hope you enjoy!
CW: SMUT, slight blood, scratching, biting, fingering, cyberphillia (fancy word for robot fucking), unprotected sex, begging, minor exhibitionism, Raiden being a switch
"Is it standard procedure for bodyguards to be this thorough?" You teased at the gloved hand sliding around your waist in a failed attempt to be discreet.
The limousine seat was wide, yet you were sitting so close that you were practically in Raiden's lap. Every tiny bump in the road seemed to scoot you even closer, not to mention the arm around you that kept your body secure against his.
"Consider it part of the premium security package." He explained, the mischief more than evident in his voice. "Only for our most important clients."
"I don't think the president gets the same treatment." You bantered.
"Just taking every precaution to make sure you're safe. Is it too close for you?" He asked.
"No, no, get as close as you want." You answered, adjusting your body to fit more comfortably against his.
You were thankful, or at the very least hopeful that the luxurious limousine was soundproof and the driver couldn't hear or see a thing. Not that it would matter much in the long run but it would save you a dirty look when you reached your destination.
Raiden's body was cold to the touch, the rigid metal underneath the disguise of his suit chilled your skin. Your body however was getting increasingly warm, perhaps one of but not the only reason he was so keen to get close to you. Putting your arms around him and feeling under the fabric you brushed your hands on the more exposed wires between his armor plating you felt his grip on your hip grow tighter, any tighter now and your skin would bruise but that didn't sound so bad.
As much as you loved the intimidating style of his usual cyborg design you were glad he swapped out for a more casual look this time, though you longed to feel the titanium claws under those gloves gently sliding up your thigh and lifting your skirt along with it. You draped your leg over his and lifted out of your seat to straddle his lap, in a crunch for time because you weren't sure how long the drive would be you skipped over the playful teasing touches that would eventually lead to this point. Raiden wasn't complaining, at least he couldn't with your mouth covering his.
The taste of him was different now, hot and metalic and nothing how a regular humans kiss would be, another thing you loved about him. You felt around his chest, looking for another gap in the armor you could dig your fingers into and make him twitch. His lips curled into an amused smile against yours as he chuckled lightly, almost as if your touch tickled.
Raiden took the opportunity to do some exploring of his own, as his hands ran over the well hidden marks on your thighs he had left on your last car ride that familiar itch for those claws settled deep inside you. Taking your hands away and grabbing his to tug one of the gloves off, your mouths seprated just enough so he could speak.
"You're gonna get scratched up." He warned.
"I know." You challenged with a devious smile.
Slowly he began grazing his fingertips down your thigh, not hard enough to break the skin but just enough to leave a light pink mark in their wake. Your heart raced as they traveled, the lower they went the more difficult it would be to hide the marks under your skirt, and the look in his cold grey eyes told you Raiden shared the same thoughts.
Searching for something to do with your hands you wrapped your arms around his back, feeling for more wires while ultimately trying to pull yourself closer. Something however made him gasp and dig his nails into your thigh deep enough to draw a small amount of blood, you ran your finger over the same wire a little more carefully causing him to twitch and pant beneath you.
You were thankful that you could see more of his face without the armor, the twisting expressions as he reacted to the sensation weren't hidden by anything except the odd strand of silver hair falling out of place.
"Keep... keep doing that. Oh fuck..." He breathed out, before putting his lips to your neck.
Steam from his breath warmed the sensitive skin, you shuddered at the feeling of his teeth gently sinking in and leaving notable impressions behind. With one hand you kept rubbing the wire and with the other you unbuttoned your blouse to give him more access to your body, threading your fingers in his hair to guide his ravenous kisses lower.
"Pretty sure a wire like this shouldn't be out where someone can just grab it." You commented while pulling your bra down just enough to expose yourself.
"No one's gonna grab me like this in a fight." He added in the brief amount of time that his mouth was free.
"Well, I guess robotics aren't my area of expertise." You admitted.
"You seem to know what you're doing." He replied, before suddenly nipping at your breasts and making you gasp.
He was rutting against you like more of a dog than a man, or cyborg for that matter. You had to move both your hands to his shoulders for fear you would fall off, even when you let go of the wire he was still leaving bites wherever he pleased and panting like an absolute madman. Eventually his gloved hand found it's way under your skirt, pawing at the damp fabric of your panties for a while before finally pulling the to the side.
The contact of leather against your most sensitive parts forced a whine out of your mouth, Raiden wasn't the only one on the verge of going completely feral. Every stroke from his fingers both statisfied a need and created another, it wasn’t enough but without the clarity to express that you simply tugged at the waistband of his pants until he got the message.
A quick realization invaded your mind as he pulled his cock out, you weren't really sure how that piece was attached to his cybernetics, or where it went when he was in battle mode, but now wasn't the time to ask or even think about that.
Like you couldn't start riding him quick enough you sank down on him as soon as you felt the tip touch your entrance. Your hips were practically lifting themselves and slamming back down into his lap, earning a whine from Raiden with every move while the whirring in his mechanical parts grew louder. His claws fisted your skirt, tearing holes in the fabric as they twisted it tighter. The other hand pulled you down with greater force every time you dropped onto him.
When he turned you over onto the seat you wrapped your legs around him, the metal under his suit digging into your soft thighs and leaving impressions. With your hands free you desperately searched for that wire again, practically hearing the sparks go off in his head when you pinched it again as he roared over you.
You didn't stay on your back for long, letting Raiden turn you over again with astounding strength and speed onto your knees and propping you up against the window. Ramming into you from behind pressing you firmly against it, the cool glass in front paired with the cool metal behind made your body feel enev more hot as your climax built up. Through a clouded haze you could see the people on the street outside completely oblivious to what was going on in this limousine, for a moment you imangined they could see you as your mind swirled with the reality of the filthy filthy situation until it all boiled over and you cried out.
"Raiden...Raiden! Raidennnn."
Where a comforting warmth would usually be you felt a chill spilling into your core, a coolant perhaps or some other kind of liquid substitute for the real thing. It seemed almost rude to ask at this point, whatever it was made for an entirely new and exhilarating sensation as your insides reacted to the cold liquid filling you up.
It wasn't like Raiden to get tired, but there he was draped over your back and panting like a dog while you did the same. Your mind was still spinning and you would dread stepping out of the limo if you mind could have even thought that far ahead, you didn't even want to fix your clothes feeling like you were perfectly fine like this. Drunk off the feeling of eachother you stayed where you were, giggling at the afterglow feeling and wrapping tighter around eachother like you wouldn't have to part in a few short minutes.
Soon enough you did have to pull yourselves apart, when the car started to slow down the panic settled in as you rushed to get your appearance in order. Flashing lights from cameras bombarded the outside of the car while you were still trying to figure out if your skirt was the right way around.
"How's my hair?" You asked in a panic.
"Hold still." Raiden told you, before putting your stray cowlicks back in place.
While he was fixing your hair you straightened his tie and smoothed out the wrinkles on his suit. There was still the issue of the fluids, though most of it had dripped onto the seat a good amount was sticking to your scratched up legs all you could do was hope the cameras would focus on your face.
Looking out the window you sighed. "We got lucky with the paparazzi the last several times but we're really pushing it."
"Maybe we should find a better time to do this." Raiden replied.
"Is that an invitation?" You teased.
"I don't know. Is that a yes?" He quiped back.
"Let's see how many rumors there are about us before we make any plans." You answered.
"Fine by me." He accepted with a smirk.
Raiden stepped out first on the opposite side, going around to open the door for you. As the blinding lights and roaring crowd greeted your arrival you acted completely unfazed, wearing the wrinkles in your clothes and the scratches on your legs like they were meant to be there. People rushed to you with questions and microphones, all of them stepping back once your bodyguard came to your side.
He put his arm around you in a way that could be brushed off a only protective measure but that rebellious look under the sunglasses that only you could see told a different story. The whole night he was never more than a few feet away from you, you hoped at first that the cameras wouldn't catch the secret smirks and lingering glances but after a while you didn't care. Those rumors about you could just keep spreading, while you had your fun under the publics nose, over and over again.
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angelicinserts · 2 years
hcs for falling asleep and waking up with raiden? sorry if that's too specific!
of course !! never apologize for being specific here 💓💖
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Falling asleep with Raiden is easy, it’s staying asleep he has problems with. Settling down for the night, snuggling close to share each other's space and warmth, slowly drifting into peaceful rest is one of the easiest things Raiden can do with you. When the terror clouds his brain is when he breaks away, usually shocking himself awake to avoid potentially hurting you in his sleep, a pit of dread weighing heavily in his gut when he steps out of bed for air, or water. When he returns you’re usually already sitting up, blinking whatever sleep you got out of your eyes as he settles next to you. Resting your head on his shoulder, you can coax him to talk about whatever he saw, or you can try to sleep again, though he’ll stay awake for an hour before falling back asleep. It’s rare for him to get a full night’s rest uninterrupted, but when he does he’s groggy for the whole day, time feeling thick and heavy, but he’s infinitely more affectionate in this state.
If after a night terror Raiden is able to go back to sleep, you may be able to wake before him. Take advantage of the time to admire his peaceful features, no eye-bags to fret over, and you’ll be able to see the faint presence of freckles. Once he wakes, his gaze unbearably soft as he admires your own form, utterly blessed to wake by your side once again.
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sparda-ly · 1 year
i cant believe that you do write for mgr!! i swear that i've been dying to find some new fics of this fandom, because, you know, no one makes content of it. but anyways! im really really happy that you do write for mgr and, as always, i'll make u a request (and you can ignore it if you want :))
how would sam and raiden (and maybe mistral and moonson if you are willing to write for these) separately to a reader that likes to write love letters with little hearts and sweet words all over and send for them when they aren't around :)
and keep your good work but also take care of yourself, okay? love u, darling!! 💕💕
– 🌙
note: hey there sugar, love to see you in my inbox! hope these headcannons are ok since i'm not really sure bout the monsoon part! let me know if you have any tips
warnings: none
raiden is pretty slow when it comes to showing affection therefore when you started leaving him cute little notes with hearts splattered all around them, he only makes a ??? face and questions why would you do that if you can say the same thing to his face.
it probably takes a lot of time explaining to him that this is just tyour way of showing your love and affection for him
plus, the poor cyborg thinks there are some type of secret bombs hidden in these notes dropped off by his enemies due to his trauma
however, after some time he grows to actually enjoy them and always smiles whenever he notices them on his desk
once raiden tried writing a little note for you however it looked absolutely horrible, the man felt so embarrased he threw it away before you could even see it 😭😭😭
this cocky mf definitely enjoys them and absolutely cherishes them with his life
sam definitely handles affection better than raiden, that's for sure
also, he himself has quite a few ways of showering you with love
that's why he surely understands what you mean by these cute notes and always lets you know how he feels about them
one time after a particular hard objective, he saw a pink note attached to his desk with the words "let's dance after this mission ;) ♡♡" and it absolutely made his day
let's not forget the fact that he will absolutely show these notes to all his acquaintances and eat up their jealous faces, feeling pride he has such an amazing partner 💗
starting of with the fact that this man is arrogant and cocky as fuck, monsoon will definitely appreciate these small acts
he may have a hard time showing that though
monsoon secretely loves them and always collects them putting them in a safe box in his office
although he will get defensive if anyone brings it up during a conversation and deny the fact
he can also be flirty when he feels like it but it's only when he's in the mood
similar to sam and raiden, small notes from you can easily change his entire mood
please for the love of god never stop leaving this woman cute notes, she adores them
whenever she sees these pieces of paper containing tons of hearts and a little message, she goes quite litreally crazy
"baby, if i knew i would get these notes every day, i would've asked you out earlier"
her favourite notes are the ones were you praise her and tell her she's your favourite person
at some point mistral definitely starts leaving you similar notes possibly with flirty pick-up lines that surprisingly are good
she feels pride and satisfaction whenever she sees you blushing at them
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kitsunefox1108 · 1 year
Hello, this is my first time interacting so I'm a little nervous, I recently found this account and saw that you write for mgs... I was really happy because there isn't much content in this game, anyway, I really wanted to ask for sfw and nsfw hc for raiden please.
It is not very specific but you can add what you want. thank you. ^^
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Raiden is very protective and caring towards you. He wants you to always be safe and live a good life.
He is quite tactile, and always loves to hug you after a hard day, burying his nose in your hair, smelling you…he loves your smell so much…
He loves to give you souvenirs and anything that reminds him of you. He also always buys you what you once mentioned to him.
You told him about some decoration you saw while you were walking with Raiden. That's all… expect that after some time this decoration will be in your hands.
He loves to see you doing something in the house… home comfort. This is what he lacks in his life, given how busy he is usually on his missions. NSFW
Like I said, Raiden is too tactile. And it also shows up in sex.
He caresses you so much, cuddles you, kisses you, sniffs you, just… he absorbs you like something incredible.
He loves your sounds so much. The whimpering, the pleading, the moaning… they are so delicious. He loves to hear it so much and will never let you cover your mouth with your hands to drown out these sounds. It feels like heaven…
He loves your thighs. Sleep on them, hug them, and touch them. You often notice how Jack kisses your body, making a path of kisses along your body until he gets to the thighs, and does not make hickeys and other marks on them.
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