blog-demokratie · 17 days
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uupiic · 3 months
On one hand, I am glad that the West finally recognize the threat that is the putinland.
On the other, it's not that fun when the officers of the NBS have to stand in front of a camera and say ''it's okay, guys, there's no more threat than usually'', just because France, Germany and UK finally fucking woke up 30 years too late :|
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unfug-bilder · 1 year
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(Keine) Schöne Bescherung in Putinland
Ausschnitt aus tagesspiegel.de
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korrektheiten · 1 year
Russland - Wie Putins Diktatur entstehen konnte
Aus der PAZ: »Der Dissident Leonid Wolkow setzt sich in seinem jüngst erschienenen Buch „Putinland“ mit der politischen Entwicklung in seiner Heimat auseinander http://dlvr.it/SkKql4 «
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kmp78 · 1 year
She could have easily dated and looked around for options for a decade. - nope, you are wrong. She needs permanent citizenship in Europe or US not to come back to Russia. She have to do this with Dim if she wants to not living in Putinland. And asap. Or with any other option is there around. This girl is cunning. 🙃
True. Her working visa and modeling career won’t last forever and she doesn’t have any other passport but Russian. Her sis is also settled in France so marriage with Dims is very convenient. I’m not saying she doesn’t love him at all. But it’s a fact that it’s convenient.
Europe is LITTERED TO THE MAX with Russians who make legal living all on their own, you fucking twats. 😂🙄
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All The Good Men are Either Gay, or Have Citizenship on the Other Side of the World!
All The Good Men are Either Gay, or Have Citizenship on the Other Side of the World!
So, I’ve been doing a bit of research, and as it turns out, my new celebrity crush is now Edward Snowden. Yes, seriously. The guy who, nearly a decade ago, told the rest of the country what the government is doing to us. Then got expelled to Putinland. To recap- back in 2013, after finding out that the Patriot Act was merely a thinly-veiled excuse for the U.S. Government to spy on us, Snowden…
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dwestfieldblog · 2 years
(Part 2wo.... MAY.BE)
The fast approaching showdown of Anonymous verses Q Onan...Catma daydreams versus Dogma nightmares. Tyrants, populists and religions trying ever harder in desperation to block the rolling flow of evolution. More money, more power to feed the dreams of immortality of the wannabe (but never truly will be,) ‘Elite’. The I-Ching tarot doesn’t look too good. The Tao index does.
The Supreme Court in the US (i.e. for Us, not you) is close to overturning the statute on abortion rights. Some alleged Christians have been bribing with threats of eternal damnation to get judges to go against the Constitution and the freedom of choice of over half the country. A fundamental right. What’s the plan? To seed a vastly overpopulated country of unskilled workers, with children growing up in poverty despising their parents and damming the church? More absentee fathers, more need for financial help. Perhaps the priests just need more little kids. Once again, for the third time...it is NOBODY else’s business other than the gravid female as to whether she has an abortion.
‘Neither a law nor a court can truly justify the revocation of a human right; the most fundamental of our freedoms are inabrogable. The repression of such an essential liberty may be effective, for a time, but it cannot be legitimate.’ Well said. But, Edward Snowden, this would carry about nine pounds more weight if you were not sheltering in Moscow as Putin’s guest. He aint too big on liberties.
Original sin is the original lie. Back to religion for a giggle...Amuses the Hell out of me to see orthodox priests in Russia blessing missiles used to kill women and children. The very height of high holy compassion and decent Christianity. And Putin’s substitute cock is named Satan 2? Blessed by the Patriarch. God’s spokesman in Moscow. Couldn’t make this reality up. I pray that the witches, magickians, Sufis, Zen Buddhists, Kabbalists , Native Americans, Aborigines, Maori, Gnostics and the real Illuminati are all linking up to calm this insanity before it really metastases. The mass are truly within Chapel Perilous now...
Loved to see the pope (the one in Rome who is retiring) for gently telling Patriarch Kirill (formerly a KGB agent before he saw the eternal love and light of the Redeemer Christ) from the Russian church not to be ‘Putin’s altar boy’ (read bitch) in time for the glorious May 9th charade of a parade. A sentence from the president’ speech went thusly...
‘Our duty is to do everything so that the horror of a global war does not happen again’. Said the bald dwarf who had recently invaded an independent country in search of imaginary Nazi hordes and warned the world of his intent of using nuclear weapons should anyone dare to respond...And then went on to wag his finger at Ukraine for having the temerity to defend itself and kill the aggressors who came to murder them. Hmm. 26 million Russians died in the Second World War and then Uncle Stalin killed another 20 million. Yes, I have been checking from Western and Eastern sources to reach a balanced number between the two. Putin is doing his best with his people at home and his citizens’ brothers and sisters in Ukraine to ratchet up his own tally. Bloody cultural genocide.
310 thousand children have been taken away from their homes in Ukraine, presumably off for ‘re-education’ in the motherland. Thousands and thousands of civilians removed and dropped off in the East of Russia to die or to make babies to slave as second class citizens. And repopulate Putinland because the birth rate has been dropping at a rate which greatly alarms the paranoid septuagenarian. ‘Russia’s destiny and its historic prospects depend on how numerous we will be.’ His pride in the larger than usual grain harvest...thanks to what he stole from the farms in Ukraine, just like the good old days the bald pensioner wants to bring back. Blocking the ports, millions to starve all the faster in Africa, food prices shooting up, empting shelves, oil, gas shortages, civil unrest rising, Bosnia and Pakistan being stirred up for extreme violence.
Meanwhile, here, in the heart of Europe, the barse between the stinking (fill in the word) of the East and the foul (fill in other obvious words) of America. Finland and Sweden to join NATO, for very clear reasons and immediately threatened by the Kremlin. Your fault guys. What did you expect when you invade an independent, sovereign country? Others who share borders will be nervous no? The disgusting Orban, Erdogan and Bolsanaro remain eager to fellate the Baldhead in Moscow with smarmy appeasements.
Coming up on May 35th to the next anniversary of Tiananmen Square , from where actual history has been erased, washed away like the pools of blood, machine gunned students and crushed heads. As they say in China, ‘The loudest duck gets shot’. A chilling proverb for Totalitarian dead souls to use.
Just before the local council elections in Britain Boris (Let the bodies pile high) Gummidge was interviewed and told about a 77 year old woman, a widow, living alone on one meal a day who cannot begin to afford the new heating bills and so travels around by bus most of the day to conserve domestic energy. This bastard’s reply to what he would do to help her, was to say that it was thanks to him that she had a ‘Freedom bus pass’. (Which was another one of his demonstrably nefarious lies, it was started in 1973).  Another member of his cabinet of foulage said that poor folk should just buy own brand food from cheaper supermarkets to balance their budgets. AS IF THEY DONT ALREADY DO THIS. This particular guy claimed 196,000 pounds in expenses in one year. Disgusting hypocrisy is not an exclusively English trait but by Goddess, they do it damn well.
The largest number of mortalities in Europe, 126 police fines for breaking lockdown rules, endless evidence of parties while British citizens obeyed the law, stayed home, unable to visit care homes, hospitals and funerals... and Boris rules out resigning. The utter arrogance of ‘public servants’ who serve none but themselves.  As Bill Burr said, ‘We’re the only species that saves the weak’. Yes, because most understand (‘religious’ or not) that we ALL get weak before we die. The cancer victim in the hospice is us, the homeless guy in the gutter, the human who finally breaks under stress. ‘One island, one ocean world’.
‘In the particular is contained the universal’ eh?
Hurrah, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is coming... featuring open top buses representing each decayed decade with acrobats baking a four tier cake, a trapeze artist suspended from a helium balloon with the 96 year old’s image, scientologist top gun Tom Crusing, bloody Ed Sheeran singing the National Anthem, and pensioners on mobility scooters dressed as flamingos. Yes, really.
There will be even deeper financial problems when our eccentricity bill finally becomes due... The learned helplessness of the working class and the utter impotence of the middle class. Voted for an ‘oven ready’ USA chlorinated chicken Brexit for the right to eat even worse food. Yum yum.
The prodigal black sheep, mixed metaphor in the labyrinth is soon going back to where he was born, with an utter sense of finality and dread. In my lifetime so far, there has never been a worse time in which to return to England. Going home to die in several ways., June the ?th will be the first day of the end of my life. Aint it amusing to argue about ‘reality’ when you’re one step away from the street? Ah well, as Beefheart rasped, ‘You couldn’t have done what you did if you knew what you were doing’.
I have loved being in the Czech Republic for over 27 years of love and freedom, beautiful friendships with remarkable people. 350 songs recorded here since 2003, 127 students...Almost half my life so far in an atheistic country with a sense of surreal black humour almost as good as England’s J. Loved the sense of nature and magic, worthwhile traditions kept alive, the unity of families, the lack of class consciousness, the ALCHEMY, the portal on Petrin Hill, Mednik, Michaelsky Forest, Kostelec NCL, Vsetaty and the MUSIC! Thank you deeply to all those I had any kind of relationship with, you were, are and will be loved whether or not we parted well. Students, Blood brothers, Muse sisters and female angels. Wishing you all the peak experiences you psychonauts can handle... CZECH FOREVER.
Condemned to drift or else be kept from drifting...
Whether cleaning the streets, attempting care work or stacking shelves, I will continue to drift from ether to astral, flowing my own way despite the blocks of Aries ice. The Omega Man.  May Aradia scourge my soul for falling to inertia these last three years and return me to my dirty purity. Keep reminding myself of that quote again ‘You gave your life to be the person that you are now...was it worth it?’Yes, it was. Every little thing the Goddess does is magick.
A way, a lone, a last, a loved a long the riverrun...
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directheat-stuff · 4 years
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profesor-javaloyes · 2 years
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Mientras tanto en Putinland...
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dangermousie · 2 years
“We have no ill intentions towards our neighbors” says the man currently murdering Ukrainian civilians, doing his best to level Ukraine’s cities into the ground, and repeatedly trying to assassinate members of the Ukrainian government.
Between that and “look at all these Jewish Nazis,” I am amazed his nose hasn’t gotten long enough to pierce through the earth core.
Every day is Opposite Day in Putinland apparently.
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losalammayyee · 2 years
The distorted parallel universe that is Putinland depends on the propagandisation of its population. They are told repeated lies about Ukraine 🇺🇦 and are now being primed to see the Baltic States as Putin’s next target.
The distorted parallel universe that is Putinland depen…The distorted parallel universe that is Putinland depends on the propagandisation of its population. They are told repeated lies about Ukraine 🇺🇦 and are now being primed to see the Baltic States as Putin’s next target.
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lil-baddie · 4 years
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Fashion police in Putinland
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uupiic · 3 years
Been 8+ years since I discovered this show, and I still can’t get enough of the title song.
ANyway, if you’re into a mix of sci-fi and fantasy... you know the drill.
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pastelgun · 7 years
via Best News Website
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kmp78 · 1 year
She could have easily dated and looked around for options for a decade. - nope, you are wrong. She needs permanent citizenship in Europe or US not to come back to Russia. She have to do this with Dim if she wants to not living in Putinland. And asap. Or with any other option is there around. This girl is cunning. 🙃
Please stop embarrassing yourself! 😂
No one is threatening to throw her on a train to Siberia ffs! 😂
I feel sorry for your one snd only brain cell. 🙄
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nkfloofiepoof · 7 years
Dreamwidth update: oof
So I might actually start using this again now that LJ is officially Putinland. I can't even log into LJ without agreeing to their terms, which: nope. comments Comment @ Dreamwidth - http://ift.tt/2oXWKpA
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