ultram0th · 27 days
Wolfe Glick's New Career
Part 1 │ Part 2
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"Damn it!” Blue, working in his home office, heard Kevin groan from the front door.
He pushed himself away from his desk and walked downstairs, trying to figure out what was wrong. In the entryway of their home, he saw his shirtless, hairy boyfriend clad in nothing but a skimpy jockstrap that struggled to contain his massive bulge. He was frowning as he glanced at the porch, the door swinging wide open so that the whole neighborhood could see his buff frame.
“What is it?” Blue asked, placing a tender hand on Kevin’s hairy pec, trying to fight back a smile as the other man shuddered at the touch, his jockstrap-clad bulge twitching.
Kevin tried to focus on the issue at hand, even as he leaned further into Blue’s touch. “Someone stole our package,” he whined. “Again!”
At the sound of the ruckus downstairs, Nick made his way down and over to the other two. He was still naked from his interrupted stream, his hard cock bobbing out in front of him with every step he took. The only thing he wore was a cowboy hat— something that was a permanent fixture of his wardrobe. “What’s goin’ on?” he asked, his thick country boy accent as prominent as ever.
Blue crossed his arms in front of himself. “It seems that there’s been some porch pirates in the area,” he mused, trying to think up a solution.
Kevin snorted, “Maybe if we had a guard dog to scare the thieves away.”
Nick nodded in agreement. “Some big fella who would scare any of them robbers away. That’d do the trick.”
An idea started to form in Blue’s mind and he began to smirk to himself. “A big, strong guard dog?” he hummed. “That’s a pretty good idea…”
— — —
“…so make sure you like and subscribe for more Pokémon content,” Wolfe Glick said into his webcam, giving his usual sign off for his next video. He clicked on the red circle icon, stopping his recording.
He glanced at the time on his computer, and shot out of his seat once he realized that he was running late for his appointment. The World Champion Pokémon player was an avid streamer, and with Worlds coming up, he was starting to feel the pressure a little bit. It wasn’t anything too terrible, but Wolfe figured that the smartest thing to do would be to talk to a professional before any of his anxieties grew.
After doing some Internet searching, Wolfe had stumbled upon the homepage of a certain hypnotherapist named Blue, who claimed to specialize in work-related anxiety. After one phone call, he’d made an appointment with the hypnotherapist, hoping that he could use his expertise to help him dominate at Worlds and maintain his top position as the World’s Greatest Pokémon Master.
After leaving his place, Wolfe made it to the hypnotherapist’s home office just in time. He parked his car in back and made his way up to the front door.
He barely had time to knock before the front door swung open, revealing the doctor. “Welcome, Wolfe,” Blue grinned. “I’ve been expecting you. Please come in.”
The streamer followed Blue inside the home, noting how cozy it was. There was the faint smell of musk, as if there was an at-home gym on the premises. Plus, he could see a variety of consoles and gaming memorabilia.
“You game?” Wolfe asked, finding playing video games a safe way to form a connection with a new person.
Blue nodded as he led the other man into his office, gesturing towards the sofa for him to relax on. “From time to time,” he said. “My boyfriends play a lot more than I do. They actually stream for a living.”
Wolfe nodded to himself as he took the offered seat.
“But you didn’t come all the way here to discuss gaming with me, did you?” Blue asked, grabbing his notebook and pen. “Tell me, Wolfe, what’s on your mind?”
The streamer shrugged his broad shoulders, and the bottom of his polo lifted with the action, giving Blue a sneak peek of his happy trail. “I’ve just been feeling a little stress and anxiety over this competition that’s coming up,” he admitted. “It’s nothing too much, but I just wanted to talk to someone to make sure I stay grounded.”
Blue nodded, humming to himself in thought. “You know,” he finally said, “there are some hypnosis treatments that I can offer you to help keep your stress levels down.”
“Sure, let’s try it,” he said, leaning back into the sofa.
The hypnotherapist fought to hide his mischievous smirk as he grabbed his pocket watch out of his coat. “Now, just focus your attention on the watch and listen to the sound of my voice,” he said in a smooth tone. 
Wolfe did as instructed, and he instantly felt relaxed as he watched the pocket watch swing left and right. The sounds of the Blue’s melodic words lulled him into a deep sleep, and eventually his eyes glazed over and his jaw was slack as he fell under Blue’s control.
A wide grin stretched out Blue’s face. “Now Wolfe, I want you to listen to every command I give you,” he said, his voice slow and deep. “Tell me if you understand.”
“I understand,” Wolfe repeated in a monotone, his eyes still fixated on the swinging pocket watch.
“Now, Wolfe, you may continue your streaming career, but you’re also going to take up another passion: Bodybuilding.”
“I will take up bodybuilding,” Wolfe repeated.
“You will look into bodybuilding and you will grow consumed with the thought of getting bigger. And you won’t listen to anyone who questions this new desire of yours.”
“I want to get bigger.”
Snap! Blue snapped his fingers, jolting Wolfe out of his daze.
Wolfe jerked back in his seat, rubbing at his temples in confusion. The last thing he’d been able to vividly recall was arriving at the doctor’s home. Yet, after that, everything was fuzzy. He struggled to recall anything during the hypnosis session, but a thick fog seemed to solidify in his brain, effectively blocking it out.
The streamer continued to massage his foggy head as he tried to piece together anything. However, he soon realized that the mild panic he’d felt earlier in the morning was gone. Whereas, he’d felt a little apprehension about the upcoming Pokémon tournaments, he didn’t feel worried in the slightest now as he sat in front of Blue.
The man perked up. “It worked!” he gasped in surprised. “Holy crap, it actually worked!”
Blue smiled to himself. “Of course it did,” he chuckled. “Now, let’s go ahead an schedule you a follow-up…”
After scheduling another session, Wolfe left the doctor’s office with his head held high. The cute streamer was in awe that the hypnotherapy actually worked, and he was planning on telling all of his friends about the miracle worker that Dr. Blue was. However, all of his elation fell down to the ground when he saw his reflection in the tinted windows of his car.
Wolfe deeply frowned when he examined his body.
He’d worn a simple polo and some shorts for his session, so his limbs were easily visible. However, the man grew self-conscious when he saw how stick thin and tiny his arms looked. He flexed one arm, feeling immense disappointment when his bicep barely created a lump. Looking down at himself, his chest seemed embarrassingly flat, showing absolutely zero traces of muscle whatsoever. And his legs were like toothpicks: thin and simple.
Never before had Wolfe ever felt self-conscious about his body. Being a streamer, he tended to not get as much exercise as he’d preferred to; however, all he seemed to be able to think about as he stared at his slender reflection was that he was so small and tiny.
Without a second thought, Wolfe got into his car and sped down the road to one of the local gyms in the area. He hurried inside and paid for a membership, immediately heading towards the weight pile…
— — —
There was a knock on the door, and Dr. Blue left his office to go answer it. He swung it open widely, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull as he saw his altered client.
“Good morning, Dr. Blue,” Wolfe smiled as he entered the house for his follow-up appointment.
It’d been about two months since his last visit, and although he’d known that the results would be drastic, Blue still wasn’t fully prepared for what he saw.
Whereas before, Wolfe had been rather slender and toned, this new hunk was packed with solid muscle. Still wearing the same sized clothes as before, Wolfe’s new muscles stretched every fabric to the limit. His arms had grown, making the tight sleeves of his polo bunch up near his rounding shoulders. The bottom of his shirt was lifted a little bit due to his growing pecs that were now so big that the streamer couldn’t button up the polo at the top. His legs had grown a bit too, forcing his usual strut to take on a little bit of a waddle.
“Wow, Wolfe, you’ve been working out, haven’t you?” Blue mused, quite literally drooling over the growing gamer.
Wolfe blushed a little bit. “Yeah, a little bit,” he said, flexing a sizable bicep, causing the fabric around his arms to rip a little bit. “I’m still nowhere near as big as I’d like to be though.”
Blue smirked a little as an idea formed in his head. “Well, I can help you out with that too,” he offered. “If you’d like, of course.”
Wolfe eagerly agreed and nearly threw himself down onto the couch, sitting up straight as he readied himself for another hypnotherapy session. His stress levels were already at an all time low, so if Blue could help him out with his workouts, then he’d feel one-hundred percent at peace. Over the past few months, Wolfe still streamed and prepared for Worlds; however, whenever he wasn’t playing Pokémon, the stud was in the gym. He worked out religiously all in attempt to bulk up. Although he was gaining some impressive muscles in such a short amount of time (and he’d already gained about twenty pounds of pure muscle), he was nowhere near feeling big enough. He still felt tiny, despite having outgrown all of his clothes that were now plastered against his growing frame.
“Just pay attention to the pocket watch,” Blue ordered, swinging it to and fro.
Again, it didn’t take long before Wolfe was lost in a trance, his jaw slacked as the growing muscle stud was put under.
“Wolfe,” Blue smiled, “you’re making some nice progress, but we can speed things up a bit. You’re now going to feel an urge to take steroids so that you can get as inhumanly big as possible.”
“I will take steroids,” Wolfe repeated, his voice robotic and slow.
“And once you’re all big and bulky like a bodybuilder, you’ll come move in here to be our good guard dog.”
“I will be a big guard dog…”
— — —
Over the next few months, Wolfe practically lived in the gym. He still focused on his streaming career, and even won Worlds. However, now that that was out of the way, the growing hunk was able to devote all of his time to working out and growing his muscles.
At his gym, he’d managed to make some connections to get a hold of some fast-acting steroids that were guaranteed to bring about drastic results. At first, Wolfe noticed the side effects more than anything. His body hair grew in thicker with all of the extra testosterone in his system, leading to his chest hair growing in at a faster rate and covering up all of his budding muscles. And his libido was in hyperdrive. The streamer was constantly horny, and after each workout session, he had to excuse himself to the locker room to take care of his throbbing member.
Whereas Wolfe had started out his hypnotherapy sessions weighing in a regular 180 pounds, the stud was now topping the scales at 320 pounds of pure, solid muscle. His arms had packed on so much size that he had trouble bending them past a ninety degree angle, and whenever they were relaxed, they rested atop his new flaring lats. His pecs had inflated to large proportions, looking cumbersome and heavy as they jutted off his torso. The hairy mounds were so large that they forced his nipples to point downward; and his large pecs and arms kept pushing against each other whenever he tried to told a game controller for his streams which led to a lot of his videos showing him struggling to get comfortable in his tiny chair with such a large bulky body. His legs were so large now that the streamer waddled everywhere he went, his massive thighs rolling over each other with each step. Thanks to his steroid usage, his stomach pushed out slightly, giving him the beginnings of what would eventually turn into a large, round roidgut.
Wolfe was huge! His large hairy muscles were professional bodybuilder size, and the stud still wanted to get bigger. He had trouble finding clothes that would fit over his enormous bulk, resulting in his wardrobe consisting of numerous tanks and loose shorts. Still, at their largest size, his shorts appeared shrink wrapped around his big quads, and his pecs constantly spilled out over the tops of his tanks.
It was dressed like this that Wolfe made his way back to Blue’s place for what was supposed to be their final session. Although Wolfe felt as if his anxiety was under control, he still felt compelled to venture back to the hypnotherapist’s office.
When he entered, he felt an odd surge of pride when he saw how wide Blue’s eyes got when looking at his muscles.
“Wow, Wolfey,” Blue genuinely mused. “You’re huge!”
Wolfe felt his face stretch out into a joyful smile at being called huge, and he couldn’t resist forming a double biceps pose on the spot. His mountainous biceps flexed with power, and since he’d come straight to the doctor’s after his workout, his hairy pits were all sweaty and musky, filling the small office with a locker room aroma.
Blue ran an admiring hand over one of Wolfe’s large muscletits, giving the round muscle a playful squeeze. “You must’ve been working out a lot,” he teased. “Such a big, strong guy you are!”
Wolfe couldn’t help but preen at the compliments he was getting. For some strange reason, they seemed to bring about a joyous sensation deep within him, and he felt himself growing more and more excited by the second. His hard cock started to tent out his workout shorts, and he moved to another pose. This time, forming a side chest pose to illustrate just how much work he’d put into building up his massive body.
“Is that him?” Wolfe heard a deep voice with a country accent ask.
Still posing, he looked over to the stairs to see two men descend. One was wearing cowboy hat while the other had grown out what looked like a porn stache. Both were hairy and left their impressive (yet way smaller than his) chests on full display.
Instead of being self-conscious at being caught showing off his muscles for another guy, Wolfe loved having more guys look at him. The streamer leaned forward to form a most muscular pose, loving every second that the three guys were gawking at his humongous muscles.
“Yep,” Blue said, clapping Wolfe on the back. “This is Wolfey, our new guard dog. With muscles as big as his, no one will dare to steal our packages anymore. Watch…”
The hypnotherapist pressed a button on his phone, making the doorbell ring.
Something inside of Wolfe clicked and the large bodybuilder streamer felt a fierce protectiveness grow inside of himself. Looking at Blue, Nick, and Kevin, Wolfe started to view the men in a different light. Suddenly, instead of strangers, the three of them were the most handsome men in the world to Wolfe, and he could feel an almost animalistic instinct form in the pit of his gut.
At the thought of someone being at the door, Wolfe dropped onto all fours with a loud thud. The large bodybuilder crawled over the door, his massive muscular arms slamming onto the floor intimidatingly as he moved. He felt himself bare his teeth, letting out a low, bellowing growl.
“Grrr…” Wolfey growled as he protected his new home like a guard dog. He puffed out his hairy, muscular chest with power. Had someone really been at the door, then no doubt, they would’ve been scared away by the sight of the growling bodybuilder.
Blue smirked and walked up to Wolfey. He fastened a leather collar with spikes adorning it around his neck. Attached to it was a metallic tag in the shape of a dog bone that read out: WOLFEY.
Wolfey flinched at the feeling and for a moment, something inside of his foggy brain screamed at him that something was wrong. It said that he shouldn’t be on the floor of the hypnotherapist’s office, and that he shouldn’t be this big. However, as he looked up into Blue’s eyes, he felt the panic quickly evaporate and he flexed his large muscles with pride.
“Who’s my good boy?” Blue teasingly asked, patting Wolfey on the head.
The bodybuilder streamer straightened his posture and flexed his large arms again. “Me,” he beamed widely. “I’m a good boy!”
Over the next few days, Wolfey blended into the new dynamic at Blue’s household seamlessly. In the morning, he would wake up and stream some Pokémon, showing off his massive muscles for his viewers and flexing whenever they tipped him. Then he’d start to work out in the home gym, grunting loudly as he lifted heavy weights like they were nothing. He also proved to be quite the guard dog too, fiercely protecting his new house and its inhabitants. There were no more porch pirate incidents, especially after Wolfey came bounding out the front door, barking and displaying his massive muscles to scare the would-be robber away.
The massive bodybuilder guard dog loved his new life with Blue, Kevin, and Nick. He was such a good boy.
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krissi2197 · 1 year
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they call it puppy love
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lucyvaleheart · 7 months
what's a little puppification between friends
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lilyblisslys · 3 days
performing dark rituals and exploring forbidden tomes in my lab when I stumble upon a scroll labeled “de-puppification kink”
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highandtied · 21 days
About me!
I'm not super comfortable sending any media of myself in ANY capacity, so please do not ask. ESPECIALLY if you think You're talking to a girl because I'm an ftm trans man. Kink/roleplay aside, I am a human being and I deserve respect. Now, speaking about kink/roleplay 👀
Other socials:
Snap: highandtied
Discord: highandtied
Love it:
-Intox, specifically weed intox. I love being told how much to smoke and how to play with myself while I'm high out of my mind ✨💕
-brainwashing/hypno,,, I love having all of my big tough thoughts and emotions melting away at the end of the day when my head goes empty and all I can feel is pleasure 🥺🥺
-corruption/mind control
-being told what to do in general 🥴
Ask first/I'll just explain what's complicated about these kinks:
-detrans. I am a trans man and I in no way look or act like a woman in my daily life. However, I like being a little puppy slut in the bedroom. I don't want to be misgendered or detransitioned. That whole subject area makes me uncomfortable.
-piss,,, I've never tried it before, I do not want piss anywhere near my mouth. But the idea of you using my puppycunt as a urinal? Maybe.
Other kinks I like but I'm too embarrassed of to put on main blast:
I currently have 2 daddies and ? Puppies to play with!!
If you've made it this far, thank you! Here's a little more info about me:
-I might take periods of hiatus, for my own issues/mental health, I apologize, but please respect that.
-I dont mind if you talk about my tits or pussy- but I would prefer it if you framed it in a more puppy-like or masculine way.
-I'm 19, bisexual, no surgeries yet but I plan to get top surgery soon, I've been on T for over a year. I have a lot of body hair. All over. As a man, I love that. As a traditional sex object, it makes me scared that people won't want me because of it. I do like to keep my pussy clean/not super hairy tho. Just a personal preference.
-I have an 8 inch dildo that's the biggest thing I've had inside of me, and a smaller bullet vibe that I also like to put inside of me 🤤, I have a curved insertable vibrator (7 in.)
-I'm a virgin, beside from fingers and toys
-my inbox and dms are always open, I would absolutely adore it if you sent me icky asks or tasks to perform. Also love it when people send me porn to watch and tell me to smoke while watching <3
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hotasfahrenheit · 10 months
Kanghan is a school bully because he's *bored*, because he doesn't feel like he has any control over anything outside of the bounds of the school grounds, and obviously because he lacks perspective on what the real world entails for people like Sailom.
His father, who seems pretty busy and fairly absent in his regular day to day life, literally told him to not bother putting effort into anything and to just have a fun time at school; he's being pushed to have no aspirations or goals, but he clearly has some level of drive, and that's been focused primarily into "antagonize Sailom" so far because he doesn't have any other more appealing outlets.
Kang has money, because of his family, but he clearly doesn't have control over (or doesn't feel like he has control over) what his life is going to be like after school or outside of school in general. Being a bully puts him in a position of power- like his father has- and gives him stuff to do like bossing around other students and pushing on Sailom. It staves off the boredom, makes him feel important and powerful like he doesn't at home.
The stakes in his life so far are pretty low and he has no real grasp of what a poor student like Sailom or his friends are actually going through- his attempt to get Sailom thrown out of school, his taunts about Sailom's laptop, his spreading of rumours about Sailom- he knows Sailom is poor, he knows money is a problem, but he doesn't actually understand that Sailom's financial situation is far more precarious than just "I can't afford to fix my laptop". He doesn't understand real consequences because he's never had to deal with any himself.
Kang is the level of privileged where he just can't grasp how stupid he's being when he takes a gun, even empty, to threaten Sailom over their petty situation. Both stupid for carrying around a gun and for thinking a gun is an appropriate threat to invoke over tutoring sessions and cheat sheets 🤣 our dumb rich boy arrives at the right moment to get the perspective he desperately needs, learning real fast both how serious Sailom's situation is and why Sailom hasn't batted a single eyelash at Kang's treatment of him so far at school.
What kind of boy can be unfazed by bullies and beatings from other teenagers at school? The kind of boy who is living with threats and beatings from men who are much, much scarier than Kang. To the point that Kang is the safe person that Sailom *clings* to and seeks comfort from after the thugs leave.
We know Kang is on a Domyouji arc so he had to start out as a dumb bully and turn into a dumb puppy in love instead, but I'm enjoying how they're handling his arc so far, and I'm excited to see the puppification that's coming as he finds some kind of purpose and direction in life after he gains perspective, and figures out how to be in control of himself and his place in the world around him without having to push other people around to do it.
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miyoriia · 7 months
for the record i am not a dog. i am not a puppygirl not even a little bit. i am a cat and im very very happy being a cat therian. being a puppy or forced puppification is a kink for me, though a very hot kink. its kinda like the natural evolution of forced feminization for me i think. its what society wants me to be but at the end of the day im just a little meow meow
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dark-fuckprincess · 2 months
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Puppification is complete :3
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insinirate · 11 months
i hate to think Bad Thoughts about upstanding gentleman nai here but uhhhh were they banging before the puppification too or,,
nope! vash still had the presence of mind to Not indulge in his dark incesty tendencies but its fine that goes away when hes a dog
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mesmers-cat · 1 month
Pinned Intro
Hello! Call me Cat! I absolutely hate writing these, so onwards quickly through the horrors toward the fun!
Fast Facts
35 years old
The previous three are not typos. You begin to see one of the driving frustrations of my life.
Disabled as fuck
Professional writer
Polyam, collared
Predominantly sub, but switchy
Nazis, TERFs, truscum, MAGA, Republicans, racists, antis, transphobes, any other assorted bigots.
Detrans, misgendering kink, fakeboy/fakegirl
Pro-ana, weight control
Attempts to findom me or "hello slut"-type openings are an instablock.
Blog Kinks
Mind control
My feelings on sissies are complicated. It may come up. It's not gonna be a big thing.
Hard Limits
Weight control
Blog Tags
#Cat's Text - my text posts
#Cat's Spirals - my spirals
#Write For Cat - my line writing tasks
#Cat's Sounds - my sound files (may be a while)
#Cat's Vids - my videos (again, may be some time)
#Cat's Meow - just me talking
#Queuetifully Posted - queue
More to come as needed.
Hang out and enjoy the hypnofreaking!
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harmonious-indulgence · 2 months
Was just informed that the puppification has leaked into my subconscious because even when I’m asleep I smile and stick my tongue out when She calls me a good girl
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romanceddawn · 1 month
concept that just occured to me: the slow puppification/sub-ification of jounouchi by yugi
it starts out by genuinely just caring for his friend and wanting to make sure jounouchi always eats and has someplace safe to go, so he's always inviting him over to eat dinner or lunch with them but sometimes its just the two of them together
jou hates not doing anything in return for the kindness though and always tries to do things around the house for him or help him out in some way while yugi's cooking or preparing food, so yugi jokes the food is his 'reward'. eventually, he notices just how happy and flustered jou gets from the concept and yugi's praises, which gives yugi the idea to do more
he starts exaggerating the praise a little, waiting a while for jou to get used to it before throwing some sly 'good boy's around and jou gets predictably flustered about these, but starts looking a little disappointed on the days yugi doesnt say it to him, so yugi ups his game a little to make him happy
he starts making the two of them a lot of finger food dinners in this time, something that he can pop up with after jounouchi helps him with something small and go "thank you jounouchi! you're such a good boy! here something to hold you over-" and feeds him bites of food like treats. jou realizes at some point this is not what Normal Friends do with each other but he loves it too much to care so he just happily eats from yugi's hand and will smile at him and say thank you like the good boy he is
yugi starts getting worse after this encouragement from jounouchi. he'll pet him while saying how fluffy jou is, he'll encourage jou to sit on the floor while yugi's on the couch to "fix their height difference", he'll make comments on how fun it would be to have matching collars, he'll make him do 'tricks' & say hes joking but feed him a treat, etc etc
then one day jou comes over when its just yugi home to find he made little cookies shaped like dog biscuits, and he goes on and on about how its a recipe safe for humans AND dogs, so they can both eat them! buuut if jounouchi wants one he'll have to show yugi what a cute pup he can be. hes so embarrassed but wants to be good for yugi, so he gets on his knees with his hands to the floor like a sitting dog, thinking that'd be enough but then yugi goes "okay, now speak!"
jou, shocked, is just like "uhhh, hello?"
"i said /speak/ puppy" and yugi just gives him this expectant look and smirk
jounouchi fights with himself for a full 5 minutes before barking for him finally and yugi calls him a good boy & feeds him the treat by hand, patting his hair and cooing over how cute he is as a puppy, saying he should just be yugi's perfect pup all the time!
jou finds he's not really opposed to that idea actually and if he starts wearing a matching collar with yugi and complains about his knees hurting more, well, their friends are just gonna pretend they dont notice but somehow arent surprised
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pokimanefeet · 11 months
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puppification beam
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sat-in-a-rat-trap · 1 year
it literally JUST occured to me that the reason the light glyph reverses the puppification is bcuz its titan magic
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starting to slowly realize im into like puppification
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deercharles · 2 years
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Helppp mum I’m under attack
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