#Primer for paint
adityabirlawhite · 6 months
What are the uses of interior primer before paint?
When it comes to painting your home's interior, using a primer before applying paint can make a big difference in the final result. A primer is a preparatory coating that is applied to surfaces before painting to improve adhesion, enhance durability, and provide a smooth and even surface for the paint to adhere to.
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Here are some of the main uses of interior primer before paint:
 1. Improves Adhesion
One of the primary functions of a primer is to improve adhesion between the surface being painted and the paint itself. This is especially important when painting over surfaces that are slick or glossy, such as tile, glass, or metal. A primer creates a bond between the surface and the paint, ensuring that the paint adheres properly and doesn't peel or flake off over time.
 2. Enhances Durability
Another benefit of using a primer is that it can enhance the durability of the paint job. Primers are designed to create a barrier between the surface and the paint, protecting the surface from moisture, stains, and other types of damage. This can help extend the life of the paint job and keep your walls looking fresh and new for longer.
 3. Provides a Smooth and Even Surface
Using a primer can also help create a smooth and even surface for the paint to adhere to. This is especially important when painting over surfaces that are rough or uneven, such as drywall or plaster. A primer fills in any gaps or imperfections in the surface, creating a uniform base for the paint to be applied to. This can help ensure that the final result looks professional and polished.
 4. Saves Time and Money
Finally, using a primer can actually save you time and money in the long run. By creating a strong and durable base for the paint, a primer can help prevent the need for multiple coats of paint. This can save you both time and money on materials, as well as reduce the amount of time you spend painting overall.
Here are some additional details to enhance the pros and cons of not using branded interior primer:
- Cost: While non-branded interior primers may be less expensive than their branded counterparts, it's important to consider the cost in relation to the quality of the product. A lower-quality primer may require more coats of paint or need to be replaced sooner, which could end up costing you more in the long run.
- Availability: Non-branded interior primers may be more widely available, but this doesn't necessarily mean they are easier to find. It's important to do your research and make sure you're choosing a primer that is specifically formulated for the surface and type of paint you plan to use.
- Flexibility: Some non-branded interior primers may be formulated for use on a variety of surfaces, which can be beneficial if you're painting multiple rooms with different types of surfaces. However, it's important to make sure the primer is compatible with the specific type of paint you plan to use.
- Quality: The quality of a primer can have a significant impact on the final result of your paint job. Non-branded interior primers may not have the same quality standards as branded products, which could result in a lower-quality paint job. A high-quality primer will provide better adhesion, coverage, and durability, resulting in a smoother and longer-lasting finish.
- Performance: Non-branded interior primers may not perform as well as branded products, leading to issues such as poor adhesion, uneven coverage, or peeling paint. A primer that is specifically formulated for the surface and type of paint you plan to use will provide better performance and ensure a successful paint job.
- Compatibility: Using a non-branded interior primer that is not compatible with the type of paint you plan to use can cause problems down the line, such as cracking, peeling, or discoloration. It's important to choose a primer that is specifically formulated for the type of paint you plan to use to ensure compatibility and a successful paint job.
- Safety: Non-branded interior primers may not meet safety standards or contain harmful chemicals that could pose a risk to your health. It's important to choose a primer that is safe for use indoors and meets all safety standards to protect yourself and your family.
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theboxfort · 16 days
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springusdingus · 1 month
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they don't have names yet, but I am open to suggestions
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blazietiger · 1 year
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I was worried he'd be top heavy with that big-ass head of his so his skull is mostly aluminium foil and armature wire with the thinnest layer of clay over it. His tail is solid clay to help weigh his butt down.
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A family photo. Who knows if that Wayne will ever become Old Wayne. If not... what will he become?
I misplaced the black posterboard I usually use to take pics of my sculptures, so bear with the black sheet until I either find it or get a new one. Sorry about that!
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2hoothoots · 1 year
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in other news, i'm (finally) getting around to repainting the rest of my psychonauts minifigs, and i'm once again pleasantly surprised by the quality of the sculpt underneath that terrible paintjob. like, this is pretty good! not super detailed, but pretty good, and certainly a lot better than you'd think at first glance
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gaylittleguys · 1 month
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agbpaints · 1 year
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Bonus image! Don't talk to me or my son ever again!
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radioves · 10 months
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get real
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mayspicer · 25 days
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(Still a WIP)
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nac-ciller · 9 months
It's been a while since I last posted anything, so here's a pretty big update. Almost 50 Storm Wardens Space Marines painted to tabletop standard. Some still need decals and edge highlights, but tedium gets to us all. As I fish each Squad I'll take better lit and more thorough photos. But for now, here's them all mustered on my shelf.
15 Assault Intercessors, 5 Heavy Intercessors, 10 Infernus, 5 Terminators, 5 Sternguard Veterans, 3 Outriders, 1 Ballistus Dreadnought, and a handful of characters. Not quite half of an eventual full-strength Company.
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honeybyte · 4 months
Yuor traditional art table is everything I've always wanted since I was a child..... Dream table fr←art supplies are ridiculously expensive in my country
!!!! ahhh tbh p much everything on it is gifts from other people! ive been doing art since i was a kid so people just find art supplies a good failsafe gift for me, they get me like dollar kits and i make 'em work. even the table itself was a gift/payment for working an estate sale for a few days (its made of rock and resin!)
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i wish you many art supply gifts and the finances to afford what it is that will bring you joy, my friend, we all deserve the materials and time to create
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hyulata · 2 months
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testing some new spray paint on a panel 🥹💗 it's much nicer than expected, hopefully it dries well
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