#Pope animal kingdom
thespritepepsi · 18 days
I don’t know if y’all have ever been blessed with the url of my greatest work Dangerous Woman, that one’s on me, L in the chat 👎🏻
I’m literally so proud of this story, I was ill for like three months over this story. I made my best friend start the show with nothing but my profound thirst and promises that it would pay off 🙏🏻
If by some chance of fate you’ve already read this story, I just edited the holy hell out of it and it’s way better now 😂 I just really want people to see my work. I don’t need to go viral or trend or whatever, I’m just proud of something for the first time in a long time, and I want people to see my hard work 🥹
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kaitlinj16 · 1 year
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The Codys | Seven Deadly Sins
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lumisz · 2 years
brothers until the end.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 2 months
Fuck You (Baz Blackwell)
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Description: Baz and Y/N have a lot of tension between them but Baz is married. Spoilers for the ending of Season 2!
Warning: Smut, Cheating
Word Count: 2,418k
Author's note: This is my first fic that's not Hannibal related. I have one in the works right now but I am so busy today that I had to post a pic that I wrote a month ago while watching Animal Kingdom. If you haven't watched the show I recommend.
It started with glances during Jobs, stares while the other wasn’t looking. Touches being discreet and “accidentally”. She was 22 and he was in his late 30’s with a wife and a kid. She hated him though. He wasn’t a good person. None of them were really but Baz especially. He wasn’t the best dad and he cheated on his wife. It was clear that the two wanted each other but fought against it. She didn’t like the way Baz treated the rest of them. He was demanding and frankly it was kind of a turn on. But she wouldn’t admit that. Not out loud anyways.
Baz was running a job like always and was being a dick. Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes. J smirked at her reaction agreeing with her nonetheless. Baz ignored her reaction and kept explaining who needed to do what. “And Y/N you will be with me.” He tells her. She can’t miss the mocking smirk on his lips. She holds back the most dramatic sigh and eye roll and just nods. It wasn’t like she had a choice. 
Baz for some reason let J help his uncles but not her. No, never her. She’s been around them for years and has helped but not today. It’s like Baz wanted to torture her. She hated him for it. J could have been the lookout like last time but Baz actually wanted to torture her. “Text them 2 minutes.” He broke her out of her thoughts. She sighed and texted J 2 minutes. Baz kept his eyes off the girl. He shouldn’t feel this way but he does. She was beautiful and sassy. “So I think we should address the tension between us.” He stated. She looked at him like he had 2 heads. “You wanna talk about your fantasy on a job?” She asked. He was ridiculous. “Got nothing better to do.” He said. He was still able to focus and talk. It was mind blowing to her. “Address what tension?” She asked. She was playing dumb. She knew what he was talking about. But wanted to hear it out of his mouth. “You’re into me I know it.” He shrugged.
She could have slapped him if it wasn’t for the smirk that was on his lips. “No I'm not, it seems that it’s you who’s into me.” She states with the same mocking smirk. He shrugged. “Yeah but at least I can admit it.” Her eyes widened. She wasn’t expecting that from him. Why tell her now? On the job. The boys returned before she had time to really process what Baz said. Leaving the conversation opened. 
She sighed in the shower as she thought about what Baz said. She couldn’t lie. She felt the same way but what about Lena and Katherine? Y/N wasn’t going to ruin that. Lena and Kath deserved better. That’s for sure. Alexis knew that Baz cheated on Kath but now he wants it to be her. Yeah right. It wasn’t happening. Y/N was better than that. After her shower she got out and looked in the mirror. Was she better than that? All she wanted to do right now was jump into Baz’s arms after his confession. She shook that thought out of her head.
As she was getting dressed she heard a knock on the door. “Someone’s in here.” She said pulling up her pants. “It’s Baz.” “Still doesn’t change anything.” “Well it should.” She ignored him and got dressed. “Come on Y/N open the door.” He said. Once she was dressed she opened the door. “What Baz?” She asked, annoyed. He smirked and backed her up to the wall in the bathroom. “You need to stop acting like you don’t want me.” He tells her. They were in kissing distance. “I’m not acting like anything.” She says. “Then let me fuck you like you deserve.” He whispers. She sighs and closes her eyes. He leans down and kisses her neck.
She moans and wraps her hands around his neck. He made sure to leave a hickey. “Baz this isn’t right.” She moans as he attacks her neck. He hummed against her. “Like you give a shit.” He says. He pulls back and kisses her hard. She kisses back immediately forgetting about anything but Baz. He picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. Their lips move sloppily against each other. They pull away breathing hard. “You should have opened the door when I told you too. Now I gotta undress you.” He said. He pulled her shirt off and smirked. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Why would she be? She just got out of the shower. “Baz, please touch me.” She begged. He leaned down and latched onto her nipple. She gasped as his tongue circled her nipple and sucked on it.
She held his head and moaned his name. He pulled away after a few more seconds. “I’m barely touching you and you’re moaning.” He said. She got out of his arms and she pulled down her PJ bottoms. She had a white lace thong. His mouth watered at the sight. He made eye contact with her as he sank to his knees. He ran his nose over her clothed clit. She whimpered and gasped. He smirked and took a big whiff of her pussy. “Mmm you smell so good baby.” He said. He pulled down her thong. Her jaw was open as he did so.
He wrapped her legs around his shoulders and stood up. She grabbed ahold of his head as she was scared to lose balance and fall. Baz wouldn’t let that happen. He started kitten licking her pussy. She cried out his name. He licked and sucked her button as her head fell back against the wall. If Baz wasn’t holding her up she would have lost balance. Her moans and cries got louder. Neither cared that his brothers probably heard. “Baz fuck Baz.” His name was all she knew as his tongue was pretty much inside of her. He hummed and she gasped out his name feeling close. She had never felt this close so fast before. “Baz I’m gonna cum fuck please don’t stop.” She moaned. He didn’t and she fell over the edge with a silent scream. He slurps up every last drop of her. She tried pushing his face away after her high was over. He smirked up at her as she looked down at him in a daze. Her breathing was still hard and she couldn’t think straight. He dropped her slowly back down on her feet. She kissed him and moaned. The taste of her was all over his mouth.
She pulled on his shirt and he ripped it off. Her hands traveled over his torso. She traveled down to his jeans and unzipped them. He helped her pull them down. His boxers were a little damp with pre cum. She tried to sink to her knees but he stopped her. “I need to fuck you sweetheart.” He tells her. She nods and he pulls down his boxers. She jumps and wraps her legs around his waist feeling his hard dick near her pussy. He positioned himself at her entrance and she took a deep breath. He thrusted in her and she whimpered. Sure she’s been with other guys but Baz was older and much bigger. He let her adjust to his size before he started fucking her.
Her pussy was like a dream for him. He hadn’t really been with a younger woman. Let alone someone who lived in the same house as his family did. “Baz you can move now.” She begged. He thrusted in and out of her like it was all he could do. She gripped his shoulders hard. Her face looked blissed out and it was all he could think about and within 2 minutes he was already close. Her moans of his name didn’t help either. “Baz fuck.” He gripped her neck. “Are you close, baby? Are you gonna cum all of my cock like it’s yours.” He whispered. She groaned and nodded. He felt her clench around him and he cursed. He couldn’t hold back. He came with a grunt. She came right after him. The two fell into a silence after it was over. He pulled out of her and carefully.
He got dressed while she just stared at him. She couldn’t believe what just happened. She felt guilty but knew that she shouldn’t. It’s not like she owes Kath anything. But that wasn’t a great way to look at things. “Well I’ll see you around.” He said and walked out of the bathroom. She was so confused by that. They just fucked and it’s a see you around? 
Baz hasn’t looked in her direction since that night. She felt sick. It was like he got what he wanted and used her like a toy. She wanted to punch him in the face for what happened. She was pissed. Luckily the only person that noticed the tension between them was J. “You and Baz okay?” He asked her. “Yeah why wouldn’t we be?” She asked, playing dumb. She didn’t think that J knew that they had tension, especially sexual. “Because one minute it looked like you guys were gonna fuck and the next minute he won’t even look at you.” Fuck. She wanted to lie and say she wasn’t sure she knew what he was talking about. But who was she kidding? He hit the nail on the head. “Well honestly yeah I don’t know.” She sighs. “So you guys fucked?” She looked at him and debated on telling him. He didn’t give a shit about Katherine. “He won’t even look at me now. I feel sick.” She says with tears in her eyes. “He’s an asshole, he got what he wanted out of you.” J told her but she already knew that. She sighed and agreed with him. What more could she do? 
They had to talk about a job and unfortunately it had to be done at Baz’s house. Y/N thought about not going. She was gonna have J tell her what the plan was but decided against it. She wasn’t gonna let this affect her forever. He wasn’t worth it. They all stood at his kitchen table while Lena watched TV. Baz was getting pissed because the tv was too loud or she was annoying him. It made Pope and Y/N sick. He wasn’t a good father or husband. Baz kept telling her he’d take her to the park but wouldn’t so Pope offered. Pope honestly was a better dad than him and Pope wasn’t a dad. He cared for Lena a lot. Y/N couldn’t even be in his house anymore. She felt sick the countless times Baz yelled at poor Lena. What did she see in him? When everyone was leaving Y/N followed but Baz stopped her. “Hey you wanna stick around and have a beer?” He asked her.
She looked at him like he asked her to kill someone with him. “You want me to stay and have a beer with you after you avoiding me for days?” She asked. He sighed. “Look I know I’ve been an asshole and I’m sorry.” She laughed. A sarcastic laugh. “An asshole? Baz you’re a dick. You fuck me like you’ve always wanted to and then just ignore me. On Top of that you treat your own daughter like shit. Pope is being a better father than you-“ “don’t tell me how I should be treating my kid. You know nothing.” He yelled at her. “Yeah Baz I know nothing. I haven’t been here the past few times you’ve yelled at the poor girl over nothing. You’d rather fuck random bitches than take care of your own daughter im not stupid.” She yelled back. He walked up to her. “So you think you’re just a random bitch to me?” He asked her. “Baz I know I’m not the only one. And frankly I don’t care what you think I am. Whatever this was is done.” She said and walked out of the house. 
“Baz is stealing money from Smurf and he’s talking about moving to Mexico with Lena and some girl.” J tells her. He only told her. Her jaw dropped. Not because of him with some other girl but he stole money from Smurf. She shook her head and shrugged. “Don’t act like you don’t care.” “J I don’t. I told you he disgusts me.” She says. Though she wasn’t sure if she was lying or not. After Katherine disappeared Baz thought she’d come running in his arms but that wasn’t the case. 
“Here I want you to have this.” Baz said and gave her $5000. She looked at him confused as to why he was giving her money. “What’s this for?” She asked him. “Just take it. No questions all right?” She rolled her eyes. “I’m moving to Mexico and I want you to have it.” He told her. “Who’s the girl?” Baz looked at her. “It should be you.” She wanted to laugh or even smack him but it wasn’t worth it. None of this was. “Baz you wanted me for sex that was it. Let’s not act like we had a loving caring relationship and I left you.” “Well we should have and I’m sorry we didn’t.” She grabbed the cash off the table and looked at him.
He was crazy. It wasn’t very often that Baz and her talked after the incident but when they did he brought it up and tried to make up for it. She didn’t want his Money. She didn’t need it. But Baz wouldn’t let her leave without it. “Baz you’re fucking crazy.” She said and kissed him. He kissed back quickly but before the kiss could get heated she pulled away. She didn’t smile or show any emotion. She just walked out of his house. Not looking back.
That was the last time she saw him. When she heard that he got killed she bawled her eyes out for 5 minutes but after that she didn’t. She thought about him a lot. She saw how his death affected the others and she kept their night a dirty secret from everyone but J. In the end she was glad it wasn’t her. She was thankful that they only fucked. Cuz what kind of craziness would she bring feeling elsewise?
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andrew pope cody you will always be a tumblr babygirl to me
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nymeria1105 · 2 years
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ramonaflow · 10 months
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I needed a happy ending for Deran. Crying forever.
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rileychester · 2 years
That last shot of J all alone with his glasses on, so not to let the audience into what’s going on behind his eyes.
After he destroy the Codys and took everything that Smurf had made me think of the quote.
“While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself.”
In a way, J became Smurf, the person he hated more than anything.
Because Smurf destroyed Julia, killed Julia in a way, and only wanted to “help” J when he was useful to her.
J looked so empty all alone with his spoils of war, like a statue that has come to life and doesn’t know what to do with itself once its task is completed. 
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me nominating pope cody for tumblr babygirl status
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char7 · 2 years
My frustration watching this week’s “Animal Kingdom”
Don’t get me wrong, it was a great episode filled with amazing performances from the cast. But it frustrates me that the writers seems to have forgotten what Deran wouldn’t do vs what Pope did.
Craig finds out Pope killed Cath and he’s furious and won’t accept the excuse that Smurf ordered it. He’s like “Pope could’ve refused”. He says this, less than one season removed from being an asshole to Deran for refusing to kill the person he loved? And then they’re like “Who ever refused Smurf’s orders”. Ummmm ... DERAN! He refused to kill Adrian. The scenes with Deran and Pope would’ve been a great moment to at least referenced that.
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thespritepepsi · 3 months
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kaitlinj16 · 7 days
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June Challenge
Favorite Characters Ranked (Animal Kingdom Edition)
Comment your 5 Faves down below ⬇️
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shipcestuous · 6 months
Season 6, Episode 11 of Animal Kingdom has canon fraternal twincest. Now, I don’t know if you or any of your followers watch the show, but the show itself is soaked in incest-y ust subtext of every kind imaginable. It’s quite a show.
Thanks, Anon. I watched Animal Kingdom for a while and was hoping for more Pope and Julia, which was suggestive from the start. I can't believe the truth and details didn't come out until the sixth season.
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bookofbonbon · 2 years
So we’re just never going to know what happened to Deran?
That ending was so messy and ambiguous.
Ffs just give me one more episode of Deran hunting J down, ending him and then going on to live a happy life with Adrian.
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smuchshypush · 2 years
*animal kingdom spoilers for 8/14 ep*
Billy asked where Deran was going to go after all this, and Deran said Indonesia because of the extradition laws and because he already knows someone there, “they probably don’t want to see me, but...”
ETA: the exact dialogue:
Billy: Tell me what you’re doing, where you’re gonna go?
Deran: Probably Indonesia.
Billy: Oh Jesus.
Deran: What? What? There’s a short list of non-extradition countries and I’m not going to Libya. Besides I already know someone down in Indonesia... probably don’t want to see me, but...”
Also, they’re selling everything. Deran’s house is already sold and he’s moved back into Smurf’s. He also told J and Craig that he’ll take Pope with him, at least to get him on his feet. 
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ivarsshieldmadien · 2 years
Anyone out there doing Animal Kingdom or Power Ghost fics? Send them my way!!!
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