#Politics cw
teaboot · 7 months
You know the last decade or so has been pretty shit but it is nice to make it to 2023 and see NFTs crash, Trump get taken to court, Musk fuck himself eight different ways, AirBnB eat shit, every major industry start unionizing and striking, and billionairs no longer able to squeeze blood from a stone finally begin cannibalizing each other for nutrients
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Rarer D&D alignments
Bastard Good: You make the world better for people but in a really obnoxious way so everyone low-key hates you for it
Chaotic Dead: You set yourself on fire at the start of each session
Informed Evil: you're wearing a red cape and cackling so we kind of assume you've probably done some bad things off screen, right?
Lawful Pointless: You follow the rules of chess in every situation you find yourself in.
Lawful Anxious: You follow very strict laws but you don't know what those laws are or if you're breaking them.
Personal Evil: rather then making things worse for sapient life, you work to make things worse for Steve specifically. Everyone else is fine.
Centrist Neutral: "I don't support The Chained God Tharizdun breaking free and unmaking all reality but if we stop him through force we're just as bad as he is. Did you know there's actually zero difference between good and bad things?"
Sponsored Good: You provide justice, compassion and the great taste of subways sandwiches! Put in the code SMITETHESINNERS when ordering online for 20% off!
Sexy Lawful: You follow very strict rules but in such a way we kind of suspect you're getting off on it.
Chaotic Incidental: You act completely randomly but by sheer chance your actions turn out identical to if you followed very strict rules.
Theoretical Good: You want to do good things to help the world and once you stop binging Netflix you're absolutely going to.
Ugly Neutral: None of the other alignments want to hang out with you so you're neutral by default
Chaotic Meta: You pointedly refuse to follow the rules of the game you're playing.
Thirsty Evil: Look, orcs are hot, ok?
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chongoblog · 9 months
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it just keeps happening
for further context, the first one was for misuse of campaign funds (the stormy daniels thing), the second one was for taking classified documents to his private residence at Mar-a-lago (which recently actually got EVEN MORE added to it since they found out he was trying to delete surveillance footage AFTER IT WAS SUBPOENA'D so yeah he's just turbo-fucked there), and this shiny new indictment is basically covering him trying to stay in power after he lost the election
this is monumentally huge and the fact that he's probably going to be the Republican candidate even if he's running from prison really says a lot about society or some shit idk get fucked orange man
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koheletgirl · 5 months
the dissonance between the way israelis view the hostages and the way they view everyone else in gaza is so confusing to me. "theyre getting bombed" "they're starving" "they have no medicine" "they're not safe anywhere" ok. so you can see this. so you are in fact capable of acknowledging this. then what exactly makes you so comfortable ignoring the fact that those same things are happening to civilians in gaza who have no more blame in this than the hostages?
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facts-i-just-made-up · 4 months
whats equation??
An equation is a statement that shows the equality of two things, thus revealing a new understanding of mathematics or other truths about the world, like E=MC², or A²+B²=C², or MAGA=NAZI.
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chelledoggo · 1 month
okay can i just GO OFF about how angry the Trump-endorsed "God Bless the USA" Bible makes me?
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like first of all, one of the most privileged and un-Christlike human beings on the planet using their face to promote a Bible is just... EWWW. and during Holy Week, no less. and ever so conveniently when he has to pay legal bills.
second, by adding political documents to the Bible, they are essentially trying to lump them in with scripture, which is literal blasphemy.
"You must neither add anything to what I command you nor take away anything from it, but keep the commandments of the Lord your God with which I am charging you." - Deuteronomy 4:2 (NRSVUE)
third, this whole thing just screams "American exceptionalism." God sent Their son to earth because "God so loved the WORLD," not because "God so loved the USA." by trying to turn patriotism into something that must be one and the same with faith, you are making an idol out of America, and i'm pretty sure God had a whole-ass commandment about not making idols.
look, it shouldn't matter if you're a hardcore conservative evangelical, or a queer-affirming progressive left-wing Christian like me. or even if you're not Christian at all. this should absolutely disgust you.
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defectivealtruist · 5 months
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the first time they met:
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moral-autism · 1 year
Great post, strongly recommended, especially for the section entitled "The Bell Curves Problem".
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theclosetedskeleton · 3 months
More people need to talk about this. project 2025 is practically a fucking fascist's dream.
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kulay-ng-banaag · 3 months
While I'm keen on doing comparative studies on a certain parallel period in ID-PH history, I fully intend to do so with the utmost gentle care and due respect. Even if I were to create a Historical Hetalia story set in that particular time, I refuse to be careless in handling it.
So imagine how disturbed I am because some Hetalians have the audacity to make IndoPhil ship jokes about being royally fucked by corruption and dictatorships. Frankly, Indonesians are not in the best state of mind rn, and even Filipinos are shaken by the disk horsing of political analogies.
I'm not against drawing IndoPhil where Piri comforts the other at all, but insinuating that Himaruya stopped drawing IndoPhil in canon because they're both "busy from twin elections" (twinning in results where the winners are the worst options) is like saying Himaruya stopped drawing Russia because he's busy doing war crimes.
Instead of considering that maybe Himaruya """doesn't draw certain characters anymore""" because he has nothing onhand at the moment that is NOT centered on certain world events that he knows better not to touch on. And even if he could do that, that would only further legitimize why (Axis Powers) Hetalia is righteously hated.
It's upsetting how there are Hetalia fans in 2024 who are still too comfortable with casually building headcanons from not just racist attacks, but also on abuses of power with reverberating consequences, both in real-time. People would rather cope with making jokes that are more patronizing than funny, instead of learning to sit with people through their grief and despair.
EDIT (02/17/24): I’m sorry but I gotta say it — y’all could have just said IndoPhil depressed af rn, but NO it had to be “indophil corruption soulmatecism” and 2p indophil the worst 2p iteration in real life. That’s like saying you ship GerIta because they both had fascist bosses.
We don't have to Hetaliafy every single thing that happens in order to make sense out of it, because sometimes Hetalia is just not the medium for that job.
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dykefaggotry · 6 months
i am not trying to start a fight with the person that reblogged this on my dash. or get into it on the post itself. but.
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i genuinely think this kind of sentiment is so... blind? i get where it's coming from, but it is incredibly privileged and blinded and i'm gonna go through why here
first of all, if your only problems with biden are that he's too old and moderate and "makes sucky choices from an array of sucky choices," do you actually care about these causes? or do you just care when there's a big scary red elephant slapped on them? because i don't know about you, but actively funding genocide, ignoring the 68% of americans that support a ceasefire (and 75% being democrats, the people who elected him), is not just a "sucky choice." when countries like italy sided with germany in ww2 during the holocaust, do you refer to that as having been a "sucky choice"? or do you refer to it as being complicit in genocide? let's not babytalk our way through this. he is complicit in genocide.
yes, trump absolutely does do all of these things. and he is scary. but you know what happens when he does these things? the news covers it. the left tears him apart. we KNOW about him saying these things and doing these things. meanwhile, biden is also still putting people in camps. what i just linked is to aclu. it details how the number of people in ICE detention camps has GROWN since biden has come into office. he issued an executive order in january 2021 directing the DOJ to "to phase out its contracts with private prison companies," but ICE was notably and purposefully left out of this. also according to this linked page on aclu, ICE detains 30,003 people each day as of july 2023. this is an INCREASE from january 2021 when that number was at 15,444 per day. under trump, 81% of people held in these camps were held in facilities owned by private prison corporations. under biden, this number has risen to 90.8%.
in january of this year, they cracked down even further on enforcement measures for illegal immigration. this is a statement from their administration. while they do have measures in here to support LEGAL immigrants, the entire focus of this page is how they are channeling EVEN MORE FUNDING to the detainment of immigrants and border security.
here's another article on the situation.
not to mention, literally all of the horrific laws that have passed in the last 3 years of his presidency with regards to abortion, trans healthcare, etc. and the clusterfuck that is student loan debt relief. these things are not necessarily his fault, i understand that, he is being blocked by other parts of the government. however, it goes to show you that he is functionally useless. all of these horrific things have happened under him anyway. what protection does a democrat president give us?
"we don't get to vote for the candidate we love. we get to vote for the one who won't actively kill american citizens."
bolded that actively for you, because that is exactly the problem. he IS killing american citizens. and american citizens are NOT the only people that matter. how are we more important than the thousands of palestinians he's had a hand in killing? why do they not matter? but to the point- he IS killing americans. y'all just don't care because he's not looking into the camera and saying "we should kill immigrants and trans people". he's just letting it happen anyway. he's enacting policies that let it happen. but it doesn't get NEARLY as much pushback or media coverage as trump, because he's a democrat. y'all stopped caring the second he stepped into office.
i voted for him in 2020, after i'd voted for the candidate i'd wanted in the primaries. i couldn't vote for clinton in 2016 because i was 17. but i would have. because i listened to y'all say over and over "vote blue no matter who" and that you SWORE you would push him further left by protesting and pushing back on his moderate and right wing policies. you didn't. you let all of this slide. and the second ANYONE even THREATENS not to vote you all started shitting your pants and even IN THIS THREAD started calling people fucking russian spies again.
if we cannot even THREATEN not to vote, they are NEVER going to change. but he is NOT the "lesser of two evils" here. he is just the quieter of two evils. there is a huge difference between those two things. and i'm sick and tired of y'all acting like anyone who doesn't want him in office is morally bankrupt and wants trump to be president. the answer isn't "grit your teeth and keep voting us further and further right". the answer is that this government is not working.
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probablybadrpgideas · 3 months
Sorry for serious post.
But if you're in the UK, please share and sign this. It's a serious violation of people's rights, is going to screw over a bunch of people who've done nothing wrong, and is likely the thin edge for more extreme surveillance powers.
Sorry for the lack of funnies, but I do have a large audience so I may as well use it.
Jokes will resume shortly
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chongoblog · 1 year
So yesterday that one orange guy teased a “Major Announcement” which had all his followers thinking he was going to, like, expose The Left or something. Today we found out his big announcement was...
Technically they’re “Digital Trading Cards” so they aren’t even backed up by blockchain-y technobabble or whatever, but all things considered, they’re basically NFT’s in terms of their value. And he’s selling them for $99 apiece
And they look like this
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losing my mind i think
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koheletgirl · 5 months
tonight was good.
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chelledoggo · 7 months
friendly reminder that regardless of your opinion on Israel
i can't believe this even needs to be said but yeah
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not-terezi-pyrope · 5 months
"Don't vote for Joe Biden, he's complicit in genocide and that should be your moral red line". People are right, he is complicit, clearly so.
But what the fuck does electing Trump do to improve the situation, materially? (And yes, not voting entirely is also helping to elect Trump. The republicans aren't abstaining from voting for their guy over Gaza, and don't kid yourself that an independent will gain traction). What is the utilitarian purpose to putting somebody who is guaranteed to even further stoke the genocide while simultaneously persecuting minorities domestically in the US presidency?
Is the idea that the democrats are castigated for their stance on Gaza so they might change policy after another four years? Is that worth the inevitable consequence of a second Trump presidency? Is that really the "lesson" the democratic leadership would learn, as opposed to them just tilting more right to appeal to the center? Have people done that calculus, really decided that that is something they are willing to risk?
Or is it just about being able to personally wash one's hands of theoretical culpability by making a protest vote, damn the actual real world consequences?
Because if it's the latter, that feels like a pretty selfish and privileged move to make, to me. I feel like these decisions should be made to reflect the actual consequences. But then maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. (Genuinely, tell me if I am missing something obvious here).
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