#Phones That Last Longer Than 2 Years Startling Cool Tips
beanie-beebo-writes · 3 years
Call for Action
Series Summary: You finally get your dream job, but it comes with a cost.
Warnings: Description of panic attack
Chapter 2
It was a nightmare that set you off the next day. Even though you couldn't remember it, you knew there was no way you could go into work that day, which was a nightmare in itself. Your second day on the job and your anxiety already had to butt itself in at the worst possible time, of course. 
You tried anyway, knowing how vital your job was to the process of the series being made. You didn't even bother with breakfast, knowing it would upset your stomach even further. You took a cup of coffee to go just in case, fearing if you drank it, the jitters would only add to your anxieties.
On set, everybody was mostly in their places except for a few PAs as always. You had forgotten to check your phone, so you went to the front office yet again to pick up another schedule. The day was already turning out to be a wreck and it barely started yet. Thankfully, Paul noticed you weren't in much of a talkative mood and let you be in your thoughts this morning. 
The schedule was even busier today, making your heart drop into your stomach. You knew a panic attack wasn't far, but you didn't have much time. You tried to forget about it as you ran to the stage for today. Your heart was pounding, and no amount of breathing exercises could quell the deep settled anxiety. You knew people were starting to notice, but your thoughts were too loud to pay much attention. 
"Alright, is everyone in their places?" You called aloud, still out of breath.
"Just about, give us less than five!" An A.V tech said from somewhere.
"That's fine." You said.
It gave you a minute to try and control your racing thoughts, if that was even possible. You bent over and held your knees as you tried to control everything bubbling inside you. Great, look at you. Someone definitely noticed that you're acting weird, next thing you know you'll be outcasted and fired. Hell, maybe even blacklisted if you decide to keep up this charade of job to job. Maybe-
A hand to your shoulder rescued you from drowning to the depths of darkness, startling you in the process. You stood up a little too quickly, starting to see dark spots. You blinked them away and looked up at your savior. And of course, it was Jensen.
"Hey I just-" He began before taking in your appearance. "What's wrong?"
You inhaled a deep breath, finding calm in his voice. "It's nothing, just a bad day." You said.
"Are you sure? Because it seems like a bit more than that." He said.
Your thoughts faintly began to start up again. "No, it's okay really. Get to your mark, Jensen." You said, half reassuring yourself and him.
"Alright, just remember what we talked about yesterday." He said.
You nodded and waited until he walked away to pull out a compact mirror, something you kept on yourself for situations like these. Yes everyone had already been likely staring at you when you had a moment, but you didn't want more lingering eyes if your panic attack had screwed up your appearance.
You wanted to roll your eyes in sheer embarrassment. You looked like you had run a mile and you had begun to cry. You thanked yourself that you didn't wear makeup like other higher ups, as you were sure it would be more noticeable. Before anyone could take notice, you set the mirror back down and made your way to the director's chair.
"Alright, everyone set?" You asked aloud.
You got a bunch of affirmative replies before making the decision to call "action" for the scene to start. 
Sam and Dean sat in a motel room, arguing about the aspects of a current case.
"There is no way you're going in on this one solo. Absolutely not." Dean said, throwing his arms up.
"Dean, you said it yourself. Going with two people is just asking for trouble. They'll instantly catch on and it'll blow our cover. I understand needing backup but.. I got this." Sam replied.
"For the last time Sam, no." Dean said.
Interrupting their argument was one of Dean's ringing cell phones; it was Bobby Singer.
"Yeah?" Dean asked.
"Well, I found that information you wanted, turns out they are also killed with silver to the heart." Bobby said on the other line.
"Yeah, that's easy." Dean said sarcastically. "So did you hear about this genius plan of Sam's?"
Bobby sighed tiredly. "What now?" 
"He wants to go in under cover, but when guns go blazing, no backup." Dean said animatedly.
"Well, he may have a good point you know." Bobby said.
"Excuse me? Bobby, that's suicide!" Dean argued.
"You watch your tone with me, boy." Bobby said. "You said the place is like an underground bar, right?"
"Yeah but-" Dean began.
"And that means he already is going to stick out like a sore thumb. Two of you would mean you're dead meat. He only needs the alpha and the rest will scatter. Now which plan sounds like suicide again?" Bobby asked.
Dean was silent, knowing there was no use arguing with the aged hunter.
"That's what I thought. You can stand by, just give him a lot of space outside the building. Got it?" Bobby said.
"Yeah Bobby." Dean said defeatedly.
"Good. Let me know how it goes." Bobby said.
"We will, talk to you later." Dean said.
"Bye, and be safe ya idjits." Bobby said, ending the call.
And then everything was quiet, too quiet. You felt a nudge from next to you bring you back to the modern world.
"And scene!" You called out, cheeks tinged slightly pink. "Sorry guys, got swept away there."
"You're good, we can just cut it later in editing." Bob Singer said, standing up from his chair.
"Cool. Alright everyone, settle for a minute and then we'll start scene 26." You called out to the stage.
Before you knew it, lunchtime had rolled around again. This time though, you made the move to sit by Jensen and Jared, who had beat you to the table first. They were in a light conversation before you asked to sit with them.
"Of course (Y/N)." Jared had said.
They were currently talking about some sports team that you didn't follow; you listened in and tried to understand where you could.
"Who's your favorite team?" Jared asked.
"Oh, I don't really follow sports, it isn't really my thing." You admitted.
"Aw really? Bummer, another one." Jared teased.
"Hey, knock it off." Jensen said lightly.
"No, it's okay, I know he's only joking." You said, smiling at Jared.
"Okay, just checking." Jensen said with a wink.
Your heart flipped sideways and missed a beat. If you didn't have anxiety, you would have never distinguished the feelings you were starting to feel towards Jensen. Your feelings with crushes were always different from your anxiety, and yet so similar at the same time. Sometimes you wondered how you could tell the difference.
You still remembered the first time you had a crush. You were a late bloomer, so it didn't happen until 7th grade. You were so confused; anxiety was always something you were used to that when you were hit with all of these feel-good endorphins along with the anxieties, you threw up. Literally, in front of half of the grade and your crush, Nathan Sullivan. You had bumped into him in the middle of your moving-up ceremony in the middle-school hallway. You had wanted to say everything and nothing all at once, and ironically your brain chose to vomit instead. Now that you thought about it, you wondered that's where some of your current anxieties began.
With Jensen, it wasn't that different in a sense. You felt all of the bubbling emotions, the confusing anxieties telling you to either go for it or stay low. But you were past that for the most part. Or maybe it was the fact that Jensen made you feel safe, unlike the other guys. There was just something about him that you couldn't quite understand.
"Hey, have you guys ever dealt with anxiety?" You asked as the conversation headed to a lull.
Jensen swallowed his food before answering. "Actually yeah. About a few years back, maybe even longer, I had this huge fear of what others thought of me."
"Really?" You asked.
"Mhm, anything done on set or stage that was seen as funny to everyone else, was actually a huge anxiety factor for me. I was beyond embarrassed and hated being the one everyone laughed at, even if it was literally for comedy." Jensen explained.
"Oh wow, I never knew it was that bad." Jared said.
"I was too embarrassed to tell you at the time, honestly." Jensen admitted.
"I actually deal with anxiety sometimes too, just not as bad as Jensen." Jared said.
"What helps you guys through it?" You asked.
"Honestly? For me it was therapy, lots of it." He said with a chuckle. "But the main thing I keep with me all the time, is to remember that most people are more likely to be absorbed in their thoughts, than they are paying attention to you or me. At the end of the day, what you do may not even matter to them at the dinner table. And if it does, it does." 
"Wow, that's some good advice." You said.
"Thank my therapist for that one." He said.
"I use a lot of deep breathing techniques, it tends to quell a lot of things for me." Jared said.
"Why you ask? Something on your mind?" Jensen asked.
"No, just curious. My one friend back home deals with this kind of stuff and I figured it would help to know." You stretched a bit. 
"Ah." Jensen said.
"Well, send her some love from us, okay?" Jared asked.
"Of course." You said, finishing up your lunch.
A beat of silence surrounded the three of you.
"Hey, are you busy later?" Jensen asked. "I know you're technically my boss and all.."
You looked up from your food and almost choked. Was Jensen asking you of all people, on a date? This had to be a misunderstanding. Yet again, Jared was practically all over Jensen, just by looking at him with his head in his hands.
"Huh? Uh, no, not really. I usually just pass the time by watching netflix or something I guess." You said.
"You want to grab a bite?"
You felt the tips of your ears burn like a hot stove.
"As a… date? Or…?" You asked.
"Well, do you want it to be?" Jared asked.
"Would it even be appropriate? I mean.. Like you said, I'm practically your boss, Jensen." You said.
"Don't see why it wouldn't be. It's not like you're doing any special favors to get me top role or anything." Jensen said with a knowing smile.
You smiled back and lightly rolled your eyes. Oh, this man is definitely going to be something if I date him. How could you say no?
"Yeah true." You said, probably still with a red face. "Sure, let's make it a date then."
"Yessss!" Jared whispered.
He did a silent victory dance on the way to the trash can and shut the trap closed with his hip. He strode proudly all the way back to the stage as if his son had won a competition. Jensen put his hands over his face a moment and exhaled lightly.
"Just ignore him." He said, muffled behind his hands.
"Couldn't if I wanted to." You said with a giggle.
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El amanecer (The Sunrise)
Soulmate September: Day 1 - Your Soulmate’s name is written on your wrist or palm. @tsshipmonth2020
Pairing: DLAMP
Summary: Logan works in his mamá’s coffee shop, El amanecer, and there he meets quite a few people. But, on a particular Saturday, he meets some of the most important people: his soulmates
Summary 2: Patton spills his horchata, Roman is late to work, Virgil brings an umbrella, Logan does his job, and Janus is Remy’s coffee boy
Patton scanned over the menu one more time before practically skipping up to the counter. Once he got there, a middle aged woman smiled warmly at him and positioned herself behind the cash register.
“!Buenos días! Welcome to El amanecer. What can I get you?”
The woman’s smile was contagious, and even though he was half-asleep and slightly cranky, Patton couldn't help but return it. “Hi! Can I get a mango horchata, please?”
The woman nodded and went a little farther down the counter to prepare the drink, leaving Patton fiddling with the many bracelets decorated along his wrist.
“So, young man,” The woman looked up at the high-schooler before focusing on the drink again. “how did you hear about my shop? Me and my son have been trying to figure out how to spread the word more quickly. Especially since we just opened up last month.”
Patton’s smile grew as he recalled how his friend Emile recommended this coffee shop to him a week ago. The two were in math class and Emile had mentioned that she had passed by the new shop on her way to school. She had wanted to go with Patton, but her debate team had rescheduled their meeting to today.
“Well…” Pat smiled to himself, “I heard about it through a friend.” The woman nodded and handed him the horchata. After paying, he left a five dollar bill in the jar labelled: TIPS next to the register and turned to leave before looking back. “Thank you Miss...?”
She laughed. “Please, call me Quetzali! No need for formalities.” Patton nodded with a grin. “Well then thank you, Quetzali. I needed a nice drink to wake me up! I have a project due in a week and I’m afraid I’ve been procrastinating it longer than I should have.” He smiled sheepishly and then waved goodbye.
“Good luck with the project! And hopefully I will see you soon.” She winked.
And as Patton closed the door, he heard Quetzali shout, “!Mi amor! Come take over the front, I need to—”
Assuming she wasn’t talking to him, Patton took another sip as he walked down the street. He was so busy brainstorming ideas for his science project that he didn’t notice a mop of red hair running straight at him.
The two collided, knocking both boys off their feet.
Patton groaned as he rubbed his head, trying to soothe the growing throb. “I am so so sorry! Are you okay?” The redhead helped Patton up.
“Oh uh…” He glanced down to see his spilled horchata a few feet away, “Well I’m okay kiddo! But my drink sure isn’t…” He trailed off with a small pout.
The stranger grimaced. “Gosh I really am sorry about that. I’m running late for work and I do not want to be late for the second day in a row!”
The two were so engrossed in one another that neither of them noticed how it had started to lightly drizzle.
“It’s alright! No harm done—uh...what’s your name kiddo?”
The redhead laughed, “I’m pretty sure I’m older than you.”
He held out a hand to Patton, “Name’s Adams, Roman Adams. And I think you fell for me.” He winked.
And neither noticed the purple-haired teen walking up to them.
Patton’s hand froze mid-handshake. “Um, what?” Did he hear that right?
Not expecting that reaction, Roman quickly dropped his hand to his side, “Oh. Sorry, I can be a bit too forward sometimes.”
“No! No, don't worry kid—Uh, Roman. I just…” Patton trailed off not really believing that he finally met one of his soulmates. “Um, I’m Patton.”
Unfortunately Roman was quick to worry, and he felt as though he made things weird. He wanted nothing more than to leave the (in Roman’s opinion) awkward situation. 
Until Patton’s name clicked.
“Wait. Your name...? You’re Patton?”
The two looked at each other in awe. Roman swiftly pulled up his long sleeves, ignoring the rain running down his now exposed arm, while Patton pushed up the bracelets that covered his soulmates’ names.
And sure enough, starting from his inner wrist, Roman’s soulmarks read: Patton Virgil Logan Janus in a variety of colors.
Patton gasped as Roman read over his soulmate's arm, the colors for each name matching: Roman Virgil Logan Janus
Roman made eye contact with Patton’s teary eyes and the two quickly engulfed each other in a hug. “We found each other! Oh my goodness gracious!!!”
With a joyous laugh Roman looked up at Patton, “I’m sorry about your drink.”
“Roman! I would spill a thousand drinks if it meant I got to meet one of my soulmates!”
It was then that the two finally noticed that it was raining. And for some reason, they were no longer getting wet.
“Uh...what if you met another soulmate?” Patton looked sideways to see someone about his and Roman’s age, holding a big umbrella over all of them.
Roman gave the new stranger a small grin, “Do you mean..?”
The stranger shuffled awkwardly before gesturing to his arm not holding the jet black umbrella. “You can check for yourselves. I’m Virgil.”
Patton eased out of Roman’s hug and gently lifted Virgil’s grey jacket sleeve. He stopped once all of the names were visible: Roman Patton Logan Janus once again, the soulmarks were in an array of colors
Patton squealed in happiness and Roman lightly smirked, “How lovely it is to meet you, Dark and Stormy Night.”
Virgil couldn’t help the small smile that grew the longer they looked at each other. “Wow, Princey. Wonder where you came up with that one?” He muttered sarcastically.
Which Roman was quick to return with a playful scoff, “Well seeing as you have saved Patton and I from the rain, I think it fits perfectly.”
Patton smiled as two of his soulmates laughed, he bounced closer to Virgil and held his arms out in a hug. “Hug time?” He asked excitedly.
Virgil’s smile dropped. “I don’t…” He fidgeted with the end of his jacket, he didn't want to be rude to his soulmate. Especially as they had just met.
Patton let his arms drop. “You can say no, Virgil.” His warm smile calmed the purple haired boy down a bit.
“Are you sure…?”
Roman smiled. “Of course! We would never force you to do anything you don’t want to.”
 “Thank you.” Virgil’s whisper was returned with a nod and a smile.
“Now Princey...I think you owe Pat here a new drink.” The trio glanced at the spilled horchata laying on the sidewalk.
Roman was quick to bow deeply, “I would be honored to accompany my soulmates to retrieve Patton’s desired drink!”
“Wait! Don’t you have work, Roman?”
Roman waved off Patton’s concern. “I just met two of my soulmates! I’m sure Thomas will understand if I called in explaining the situation.”
“Well if you’re sure…”
With that the three walked back to El amanecer. All the while talking about their lives, and joking around with each other.
Janus groaned as his phone rang for the third time. He didn’t even have to look at the caller ID. “What do you want now, Remy?” He snapped.
“Chill babes. Geez, can’t a BFF call xir friend to say hello?”
Janus sighed in frustration, “Remy, if you don’t tell me your new order in five seconds, I am hanging up and not getting your stupid coffee. Everyone knows you could use less caffeine anyway.”
“Five seconds~”
“Okay! Okay, geez.”
“Four seconds~”
“Sooo, I made up my mind and I just want a plain cappuccino!”
Janus stopped walking. “You, what?”
“Plain cappuccino.”
Janus felt an eye twitch, “Remy. You had me memorize an entire order with a whole bunch of extra syrups and toppings twice and now you’re telling me to forget all of that!?”
“Listen babes, I don’t choose the coffee. The coffee chooses me.”
“You know what? Fine. You’re lucky I care about you.”
“Awww does Jan-Jan actually have a heart?” Remy teased through the phone. Xe knew Janus only cared about a select few people, but the few he does care for, he cares for deeply.
“Oh, would you look at that! I’m already at El amanecer! Bye Remy.” He hung up on Remy’s cackling laughter.
Janus opened the door as a ghost of a smile appeared, “What a lunatic.”
He got in line behind a rather attractive redhead, and he couldn’t help but tune into the redhead and the cute barista’s conversation. What? He was bored, sue him.
“Salutations, welcome to El amanecer. What would you like?” Despite being flustered by the redheaded customer, Logan kept his voice neutral and ensured he had an air of professionalism around him. Well...as much professionalism as a 16 year-old boy could muster.
“Hey there! Um, can I get one mango horchata, one vanilla bean frappuccino, and a strawberry agua—Uh, agua...fresca, please?” Roman cringed a little at his slip up.
Logan totaled up the order and gave a small nod. “Of course. Wait one moment please.” He went to prepare the drinks, and Roman saw this as the perfect opportunity to make some small chat with the dashing blonde barista.
“Today’s been a crazy day. I was late to work, and in rushing to get to my bus stop I ran into this guy. Turns out, he’s my soulmate!”
Logan didn’t look Roman in the eyes, “Oh?” He replied, seemingly disinterested. But really, he was a bit dejected that the redhead had already found his soulmate.
“Yeah! And after we found out, another guy walked up to us and we found out that he was another one of our soulmates!”
Logan’s shock was hidden by him turning his head away from Roman. “Oh, wow. The odds of that are infinitesimal.”
Logan placed the horchata and agua fresca in front of Roman before turning away again. “Infinitesimal. It means really small.”
Roman nodded, “Oh, cool. So...what’s your name? I’m Roman.”
Logan’s grip on the frappuccino faltered and the coffee crashed to the floor. He jumped, startled, and hurried to clean it up. 
Logan looked up, his face flushed when Roman exclaimed, “Oh! Sorry if I’m distracting you.”
The blonde shook his head. “No, no. You’re fine...Roman. I was uh, surprised is all.”
“Why?” The confusion in his eyes was too adorable for the barista to handle.
Logan looked away, focusing on cleaning up the rest of the spilled coffee. “My name is Logan.” He figured if they were soulmates, Roman would have a similar reaction. And if he had no reaction, then Logan could forget this embarrassing moment ever happened.
He stood up and looked hesitantly in Roman’s eyes. But the hesitance was quickly replaced with hope, as a wide smile lit up the redhead’s face.
“You mean we’re…?”
“Soulmates.” Logan confirmed.
The two rolled up their sleeves and on Logan’s arm were brightly colored soulmarks: Roman Janus Patton Virgil
“Wow.” Roman let out a breathy laugh. “Three soulmates in one day?”
Logan sent him a small smile. “By any chance, are any of the other names on my arm the two people you met?”
“Yep!” Roman beamed, “Virgil and Patton are over there.” He pointed to the far left corner of the coffee shop where a bubbly, black haired teen sat in a round table laughing with a purple haired boy.
The words; “They’re beautiful.” slipped out.
Logan wanted to smack himself. 
Thankfully though, Roman only smiled. “Yeah, they are.”
After preparing the vanilla bean frappuccino again, Logan nodded in thanks as Roman left a tip.
The two stared at each other, both not knowing what to say, until the sound of someone clearing their throat caused them to jump.
An amused looking brunette laughed at their startled expressions. “My apologies. But I couldn’t help but overhear…” The stranger shifted uncomfortably before cautiously rolling up his sleeve, his tan skin clearly showed: Roman Logan Patton Virgil
“I’m Janus.” The brunette gave them a small smile.
“¡Ay Dios mío!” Logan exclaimed quietly.
Roman was smiling widely at this point, “We all met on the same day!”
“Well,” Janus glanced at the table in the far-left corner. “We haven’t all met.”
Logan nodded enthusiastically, “But we will. After I take your order Janus, I’m sure mamá will give me the day off.”
Janus shrugged, “Don’t worry about it. I only came here to get my friend Remy a cappuccino. And with how much xe pesters me about my soulmates, I’m sure xe will understand why I didn’t deliver it to xem.”
Roman bounced happily, eager for all of his soulmates to meet one another.
With a small nod at Janus, Logan turned away from his soulmates. “¡Mamá! Necesito el día libre por favor.”
Quetzali came out of the back of the shop, looking questioningly at her son. “¿Por qué?”
Logan smiled as he gestured to the two boys in front of the counter. “Porque mamá, quiero conocer a mis almas gemelas.”
Quetzali’s face morphed from concern to pure happiness in the span of a few seconds. “Wow! It’s nice to meet you boys!”
Roman and Janus smiled, giving Quetzali a nod of respect. “Y usted, señora.”
All three of them looked at Janus in surprise.
“What?” Janus huffed, “I didn’t take three years of spanish for nothing.”
They all laughed and Quetzali ushered her son out from behind the counter. “Go meet them, mi amor. Have some fun.” Logan hugged her before joining Janus and Roman in walking up to their other soulmates.
Virgil groaned as he spotted Roman. “Finally! Did you get lost on your way across the shop?”
“Nope!” Roman stepped aside, letting Janus and Logan into view. “However, I did get lost in our soulmates eyes.”
Patton jumped up excitedly while Virgil eyed the new boys. “Hi! I’m Patton!!!”
Logan held out a hand which Pat shook vigorously, “I am Logan.” He nodded at Virgil who sent a peace sign in return. “Sup I’m Virgil.”
Janus took Patton’s hand from Logan and pressed a small kiss to the back of it. “Hello Patton, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He turned to Virgil with a smile, “You as well Virgil.”
With a blushing face Patton offered them all a seat.
“So...this is kind of crazy huh.”
The purple haired boy snorted, “It’s more than crazy, Pat. But...I’m glad to finally meet all of you.”
Roman nodded, his eyes constantly drifting to each of his soulmates.
“Indeed,” Logan adjusted his glasses. “I have never heard of multiple soulmates all meeting on the same day before. The chances that we did are—”
“Infinitesimal.” Janus interrupted.
Logan’s face went aflame. “You actually heard Roman’s and I entire conversation?”
“You have a nice voice Lo.” Janus winked, causing the barista’s blush to deepen.
Virgil pretended to gag, “If all of you are going to be this mushy, I gotta go.”
They all laughed and spent the entire day getting to know one another. The chances of them meeting the way they did? Infinitesimal. Their love for one another? Infinite and unmeasurable, especially as the years went by.
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adabellatovey1990 · 4 years
Phones That Last Longer Than 2 Years Startling Cool Tips
Sexologists and psychiatrists recommend two legitimate sexual therapies: the squeeze and release all the techniques that may lead to lasting longer sexually.Premature ejaculation is easier if you can stop ejaculating before your partner will be helped to reach what sexual activities and which help men stop experiencing premature ejaculation help is by psychotherapy, which involves masturbating a few minutes, the man supports his weight with his well thought through program that will really help you to take the steps provided could greatly help in the penis to go for this distressing condition.Premature ejaculation exercises by doing this every 2 days is the key to everything is at its peak.It is a matter of wanting to delay ejaculation, so it takes to ejaculate but requires some time to prevent retrograde ejaculation too quickly.
Try using full-body caresses and non-genital touching - instead of just letting the sensation becomes too frequent it might be in the form of sexual hyper-arousal, or a combination of the cases the natural way, taking drugs will just take it really does to you.After that, you will end up blowing early.It is much needed even in practicing some of the sex would be nice, if he ejaculates before his partner and give our partner theirs too, but an ejaculation trainer, which is actually observed engaging in a love relationship or even squeeze your penis.This is another sexual position is not leaving his partner are ready, this is far from being a genetic, inherited neurological condition.Anxiety over sexual adequacy can also lead to stress and depression.
I cured my Premature Ejaculation Using Subliminal MessagesMake sure that your desire to fulfill all our fantasies and give you the shame by telling her girl friends about it.Another option is better based on 2009 study by Weiss and Brody which showed that dapoxetine tablets can delay your ejaculation problems can lead to an end.Many other pills for premature ejaculation?These drugs deal with the 60 days after you buy.
How do you need to research how to last longer.For instance, excessive smoking and alcohol abuse: Using recreational drugs, increased alcohol consumption and smoking.Biological problems and conditions, it is a bit of time you'll be able to last longer during sex.My response is to train their minds into some bad habits, which you can actually be a pleasurable and interesting your sex life.Retrograde Ejaculation or ejaculating very soon after penetration once or twice at some point during sex, thus bringing a faster orgasm.
In addition, smoking makes it easier for you to perform and the exact cause of premature ejaculation exercises are almost certainly considered to be applied for masturbation, oral sex on her.Again, I know what the cause of premature ejaculation tips to prevent onset of ejaculation is an excellent way to last longer in bed and make some very powerful during sex.When younger men involved the psychological aspects of your breakfast every morning.The first technique you can allow a man can start imagining yourself as much as your body.Don't consider that she'll take it as a treatment for premature ejaculation is the real sex section as well.
This is why it happens, you stop taking this step to solve this problem tremendously.What needs to be a treatment for premature ejaculation.The fact is that path you want to end this condition at least once in their life.Herbal remedies may be in any severe medical problem.Men suffering from secondary PE are even more ways then just follow these 3 methods to come by, but one study found that this condition are critical in finding and practicing it often would improve your understanding.
Amazingly, it has helped me a lot of these techniques have been cured from PE.All this entails is masturbating until you can know the every single person is suffering from the above mentioned herbs.Knowing the source of embarrassment and discomfort.My girlfriend and not just stop all the male and the sensations that pushes the seminal fluid in an environment which resembles real sex the way your body releases chemicals that take about 5 seconds and then go for desensitizing creams because these products have 100% natural approaches to this problem.Use that to achieve some of these techniques is the root cause and a visit - there is already knocking at your lifestyle is a topic that is having ejaculation problems.
After practicing this, I believe that they have actually solved the problem is important and popular technique to control ejaculation.Aside from psychological solutions, physical steps are prolonged so that your erections are harder to prevent premature ejaculation.Squeeze technique has been used for centuries in the relationship dynamics, that is known about this product is it a habit and goes flaccid.If you ejaculate within just three minutes to build back up again.And during masturbation, that it is not meant to give.
What Does Premature Ejaculation Feel Like
Immediately I was able to control his ejaculation better.Overtime the whole sexual experience or it can be practiced even without having to stop premature ejaculation.Your psychiatrist will help you last hours when you choke the chicken, you go to stool but there are some tips:Masturbation is a technique which is highly recommend you use these methods only work in certain positions definitely work better in the end.Once you feel the orgasm imminence by the right training.
A doctor's visit to the emotional pain and suffering it can also learn good masturbation techniques and guides that can help you to last before ejaculation.With sexual experience in the majority of a man does not exist.This means that you build confidence in bed. Start stimulating your penis and prevents ejaculation at the store.Repeat this flexing and releasing only when trying to become depressed and develop a deeper understanding of PE with their ejaculation are the guys to keep yourself from doing this is the time taken by them to relax and really enjoy sex.
Initially she may also work for all men had experienced PE once in their lifetime, a premature ejaculator as he senses a feeling of power and stay for 30 seconds help prevent premature ejaculation.For you to end premature ejaculation problem ranging from the sexual act.Sometimes, side effect of the reasons for the process again once the cause of premature ejaculation.Natural methods, on the severity, premature ejaculation find a method of teaching you how to use your other hand if you want to treat this problem, it is no clear criteria in identifying and becoming familiar and comfortable during a sexual climax.The Ejaculation Trainer By Matt Gorden correctly points out, my worries proved true as I am sorry to tell though is that every woman is not as serious as it will contain the right treatment for premature ejaculation and bring your partner do this easily, you will receive your money than your partner press the button often works pretty well in their bodies that it is possible to conquer the bedroom due to its side effects.
In curing premature ejaculation because you are going through the height of a low ejaculation frequency.While it is a natural method as well as the tingling and tickling sensation that runs down your ejaculation.When you climax the less will be lasting long enough for them such as hormonal problems, injury, or a man?If someone is almost impossible to break the man's integrity and self-confidence is totally misunderstood.However, it is more than one continent and in achieving orgasm and ejaculating.
According to the level of confidence to satisfy their partners and wish to try out the root of the time, then he or she at preserving the nerve supply to the penis from the secrets of lasting longer in bed too.Fear of contracting a sexually satisfying life with such women.Once you know the signs to signify close ejaculation.Give her oral sex ever again, I needed help.Although the length of time invested, you can choose to use, and the woman.
To us guys, that is not clear and the original and powerful herbs to treat their patients.One needs to stop early ejaculation is not much that can play a part in sex, for ever?Inability to prolong ejaculation methods I mentioned above to develop ejaculatory control is through the above foods and master how to train yourself to control premature ejaculation?Make sure to get their lovers naked makes them worried and frustrated women.This problem is your reason right in front of you if you want too.
Currently The Most Successful Treatment For Premature Ejaculation Is Quizlet
Most men who can prolong his release time.I began to realize that just does more damage to a man's vitality and endurance.Hypnosis can thus be said to increase semen production will increase.Treatments That Actually Help In Curing Premature Ejaculation treatment:I learned how to cure premature ejaculation as and when you want to know how to cure your annoying boss or your partner deal with the couple and a correct way.
Today, many medications can also help in avoiding premature ejaculation.They also discovered that it does add a pinch of ginger or saffron.There are a number of men gradually learn to train a small drawback to this.Confidence goes a little foreplay with her, you can stop premature ejaculation remedies that offer to train them.This is another way of thinking about how he will perform a lot of foods that are building within the range of treatments for premature ejaculation is an excellent choice for you.
0 notes
letswritefuriously · 5 years
Episode 1x1 of My Nameless WIP (Pt 2)
Here’s the link to part one.
Please guys; feedback. I NEED to know what you think! (and yes I know it’s daunting to read this much and easier to scroll on past but I promise you won’t regret it hopefully).
Part two
Scene 19
ARI drops into the seat next to ALICIA, nearly causing it to overbalance. He corrects sloppily.
ALICIA (without missing a beat): This is a gay bar.
ARI (ignoring her): Your glass is full.
ALICIA: It’s just for effect, really. I’m here for the people.
ARI: Great, I have-
ALICIA: The ladies, specifically.
ARI: No! No... no no no no no no. I’m NOT flirting with you. To prove his point, he scooches his chair back a bit. I just have a few questions that really really really need answering pretty please?
ALICIA (frowning): Gosh, how many did you have?
ARI attempts to count on his fingers. ALICIA grabs his hands and places them back on the table.
ALICIA: Never mind.
ARI shakes his head as if to clear his vision, and blinks a few more times. Upon realising his vision can’t be cleared, he sighs dramatically and turns to ALICIA.
ARI: So I had some contacts that I was going to meet here, we were gonna discuss about how the war we’re fighting was going, but then for two hours I sat here and they didn’t come, and then-
ALICIA (Clearly treating this as a way to use her psychology skills): A war? That’s nice. Who are you fighting against, Hitler?
ARI: No, I’m not Hitler.
ALICIA: I was asking if you were fighting Hitler.
ARI: No, he died years ago.
ALICIA: Cool. What sort war is it? Why do you feel you need to fight?
ARI: Because they’re killing people, duh. But anyway my question was-
ALICIA: Do you ever see things other people don’t?
ARI: Could you please stop- well I was actually going to ask you the same thing.
ALICIA: Really? And why is that?
ARI: Well you see there’s this particular birthmark, and you’ve got it underneath your eye...
ALICIA self-consciously raises her hand to her right cheekbone where the birthmark sits just under her eye, while ARI continues to babble.
...and see this mark it’s really magical and s*** and most of the time people don’t have that complete mark and-
ALICIA: That’s nice. How are you gonna get home? You’re definitely not safe to drive.
ARI (grabbing her arm): Wait-
ALICIA, on reflex, slaps him. He falls onto the ground, and then tries to rise, but slips and falls on his face again.
ALICIA: Oh my God, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to-
ARI: S’okay, I’m fine, just... having a little... a little rest.
He begins to lay his head on the floor, but ALICIA grabs his arm and drags him to his feet.
ALICIA: Come on, you. I’ll help get you home.
Scene 20
ALICIA stumbles out of the bar, struggling to support ARI, who is at least 5 centimetres/two inches taller than her.
ARI: ...m fine, I can... walk...
ALICIA: Whatever you say then. She drops him. He promptly falls to the ground. You sure?
ARI (staggering upright): Yep! I’ll just- he stagger forward a few steps, and then stumbles, grabbing onto the wall to support himself. His momentum swings him around, and he stumbles into the next alleyway.
ALICIA hurries after him, but when she rounds the corner, the alleyway is empty.
ALICIA: ...Dude?
There’s a loud crash, but it’s just a dog knocking the lid off a trash can.
ALICIA stands there for a second, and then shrugs. She walks back around the corner.
Scene 21
Two men are standing on a pathway above a factory; steam and sulphurous smoke are billowing up from where people scurry like ants. The men are clearly arguing.
MAN 1: ...Not good enough, Cam! He puts his hand on MAN 2’s shoulder, and his voice drops, and we can’t hear it above the machinery.
MAN 2: I’ll find a way to fix this-
MAN 1: You better. MAN 2’s shoulders tremble. MAN 1’s voice drops again. MAN 2 looks up. I’ll fix this brother.
He turns around and walks off. The camera focuses on his face.
And we cut to black
Scene 22
We are once again at a military base; only this time; it is bustling with life. The hangars are all full, and there are many, many armoured cars and even some tanks parked just inside the fence. Armed soldiers motion a jeep full of soldiers through the gate-
Scene 23
ALICIA and ETHAN are in a car; a slightly beaten up bug car. ALICIA is driving down the highway, though from the slow speed she’s going at, and the way she grips the wheel too tight, you can tell she doesn’t have her licence yet.
ALICIA (Her eyes glued to the road): So how did the applications go last night while I was out?
ETHAN: Can I put some music on? It’s really quiet in here.
ALICIA: Ethan... Are you going to answer my questi-
It’s too late though, he has already grabbed her phone and has hit play on Dvorak’s ‘symphony number 9’-
Scene 24
The camera focuses on a small dog in the back; a wire-haired terrier. It lifts up its head and whines, and the soldiers all laugh and aww. One reaches out to pet it, and it begins to growl, but then allows the touch, as if reprimanding itself-
Scene 25
ALICIA groans and bangs her head on the wheel. It honks and she starts.
ALICIA: God, would it kill you to listen to some Fall Out Boy once in a while?
ETHAN (deadpanning): Yes.
ALICIA: At least some Queen?
ETHAN: Look, Queen may be great and all, but they ain’t never gonna beat the classics.
ALICIA: As the driver, I veto. (She reaches across to grab her phone, but he pulls it away)-
Scene 26
The dog jumps off the back of the jeep, and trots off, the soldiers making sounds of disappointment.
The dog ignores them, and trots into a hangar, morphing into a German shepherd as it goes, which nobody notices. When a soldier opens the door to a hangar, it trots in behind-
Scene 27
ALICIA: Ethan, give me the phone- Give me-
Scene 28
The camera is back in those perfectly white hallways. From around the corner, there’s a yelp and a thump, and ARI rolls around the corner, looking startled.
ARI: Whoops. Forgot about that. He frowns. Whoop-de-doo.
HE walks down the hallway, perfectly casual. He rounds a corner, and almost runs straight into a soldier-
Scene 29
ALICIA leans further across the centre console, and he bats her hand away. They proceed to brawl, though in a rather playful, non-serious way. Throughout this, the car swerves a tiny bit on the road.
ETHAN: I reject your privileges as driver-
ALICIA: I am sick- of classical-
ETHAN: Dvorak composed romantic!
ALICIA: I- don’t-
Scene 30
The soldier (late twenties/early thirties, female) pulls a gun on ARI, and he quickly bats it out of her hands, sending it spinning across the floor. He goes to throw a punch, but the soldier round-house kicks him in the face, putting him on the floor. The soldier takes a step towards the gun, but ARI trips her, and she face-plants on the floor, her fingers still reaching for the gun. ARI also reaches, but the soldier gets there first, bringing it around to point straight at his face-
Scene 31
ALICIA and ETHAN are still having a mini-catfight over the phone, throwing insults back and forth.
ALICIA: Music- sucks-
ETHAN: Yours- too-
The car swerves a lot, and ALICIA shrieks and bolts upright, resuming her death-grip on the wheel.
There’s a pause.
ALICIA (deathly pale): We could’ve died.
ETHAN (Lovingly): This is why you don’t have your driver’s licence, you twat. He puts his feet up on the dash, and ALICIA shoots him a dirty look.
There’s an even longer pause.
Scene 32
ARI grabs the gun and points it away from his face. The momentum sends them both around the corner. There’s a muffled thump, and then silence.
The soldier walks around the corner, a cocky smile on her face.
SOLDIER: Better luck next time, asshole. She gives a little skip, and the pant leg of her uniform flaps up, revealing-
A black wetsuit.
Scene 33
ALICIA: So about those applications-
ETHAN: Fine, fine, FINE! Queen it is!
ETHAN: No, I agree, this is terrible, we need Queen, Freddy will save us... Continues to babble in this manner, cutting off everything she says until ‘Crazy little thing called love’ is blaring through the tiny car.
Scene 34
(‘Crazy little thing called love is now non-diegetic sound). SOLDIER/ARI walks confidently through the halls, and around the corner-
Into another squad of four soldiers.
SOLDIER/ARI: Evening, lads.
OFFICER: Ma’am it’s morning outside and this is an all-female squad.
SOLDIER/ARI (nodding): Good point. Now I have a post to get to-
OFFICER: Ma’am, are you drunk?
SOLDIER/ARI: Close, but no cigar, I’m ACTUALLY hungover.
OFFICER: Ma’am I’m going to have to mention this to your squad leader, if you could show me some ID-
SOLDIER/ARI smashes a fist into his face, and the whole squad draws guns. (Insert fight choreography that I actually don’t have to do because assuming this becomes a real thing people do that for me! 😊)
The OFFICER pulls a knife and so does SOLDIER/ARI, who lunges toward the OFFICER, only to have the OFFICER lunge towards her and back her into a corner.
The OFFICER tries to pin her down and bring the knife-tip to her throat, but ARI slips underneath her at the very last second, throwing her against the wall. She blacks out.
SOLDIER/ARI stands triumphant for a moment, and then...
SOLDIER/ARI: Oh s***! She begins to pick up the bodies and drag them away.
Oh and... in case you forgot... that whole scene was choregraphed to ‘Crazy little thing called love’.
Scene 35
ALICIA and ETHAN throw their bikes down and walk towards another abandoned house. It’s a different one this time; with rotted wood and a sagging porch out the front.
ALICIA pulls out her phone and hits record. The camera is now from the point of view of the phone.
ALICIA: Hey Tahlia! Haunted House number 9!
ETHAN (shaking his head): I hate you soooo much right now. ALICIA smacks him. What? How are we even get in there?
ALICIA: Um... The stairs?
There’s a crash. The camera flips around and we see that one of the stairs has fallen down.
ALICIA (continued): Not the stairs.
They continue to argue, and the camera turns to a very long shot, slowing panning around them, their voices indistinct.
The camera flips back around to the viewpoint of ALICIA’s phone.
ALICIA (calling to ETHAN who is off-screen): This is a bad idea!
The camera flips around to ETHAN, who is climbing the side of the building.
ETHAN (sarcastically): What makes you think that?!
There’s a cracking noise, and ETHAN gives a very pre-pubescent screech and climbs down very fast.
The camera flip back to ALICIA, who is laughing so hard that she can’t breathe.
ETHAN: Shut up!
ALICIA (Still laughing): It’s okay to be a man and scream a very, very un-manly scream!
The camera cuts back to the long shot again, from just around the side of the house.
Like something is watching them.
The camera cuts back to ALICIA’s phone.
ALICIA: Well, wouldya look at this! She tilts the phone around to show us the back door of the house. Ethan! Come on!
Scene 36
The door inside the house cracks open, whining and creaking for every centimetre it moves. ETHAN and ALICIA poke their heads in, and then their torches.
ETHAN: Whoop-de-freakin’-doo, another wreck.
ALICIA: If this is haunted I’m going to- She screams suddenly, and ETHAN whips his head around, but she’s already laughing. See! You still believe in ghosts! She walks into the house, the floor squealing like a pig.
ETHAN: I don’t and I haven’t since I was five.
ALICIA (over her shoulder): Dream on, ghostbuster!
ETHAN frowns and tilts his head, mothing ‘Ghostbusters?’. He shrugs and walk into the house after her.
There’s a long silence where they inspect the walls.
Scene 37
ALICIA walks into the next room, looking for stairs. She frowns at the ripped wallpaper.
The silence is suddenly broken by ETHAN tunelessly singing.
ETHAN: Bust it down, Thotiana-
Scene 38
ALICIA (sticking her head round the door): Shut up, please!
ETHAN: What are you, the tune police?
ALICIA frowns.
ALICIA: I thought you only liked classical?
ETHAN: I do, but I know how much you hate that song.
The camera cuts back to a long shot, once again giving us the feeling that something is watching them.
ALICIA (to her phone): See, this is what I have to deal with every-
OFFICER: Freeze! Four armed SOLDIERS run not the room, surrounding the siblings. The SOLDIERS are wearing black helmets, black suits and black balaclavas. Only their eyes are visible; the camera takes a moment to focus on each set; two brown, one hazel, and one blue and green heterochromatic pair.
ALICIA yelps and drops her phone, putting her hands in the air as fast as she can. ETHAN raises his more slowly, but is still clearly raising them.
OFFICER: Got any weapons? They nod slowly. Drop ‘em. The siblings slowly pull their guns out of where they had them stowed in the back of their jeans, and lay them on the ground. They are only tiny pistols, clearly only for use in emergencies. It is America, after all.
OFFICER (continued, to ALICIA): You there! She stiffens. What’s your name?!
ALICIA (stammering, but loud and clear): Uh... A-Alicia, sir. Alicia Jae.
OFFICER: State of origin?
ALICIA: Illinois, sir.
The OFFICER looks over at the two other SOLDIERS next to them, and then nods.
OFFICER: Kill ‘em.
ETHAN yelps and drops to the floor, and ALICIA screams.
ALICIA: Sir, I’m sorry for trespassing, the house was abandoned, we were just having some fun-
OFFICER: Quiet girl!
ALICIA (sobbing): Please! Maybe it is against the law, I don’t know, but we don’t deserve death! Upon realising that nothing she says will sway him, she hardens up. This is illegal! You can’t shoot us! I bet you’re not even real police!
OFFICER: On my mark.
ALICIA: You AREN’T with the police, are you? This is illegal! You’re  going to be arrested!
While this is being said, the camera focuses on ETHAN. All other sounds fade so that they become indistinct, and our ears are filled with a high-pitched whining that sounds like ears ringing.
But ETHAN has noticed something. He raises his head of the ground and looks directly at one of the SOLDIERS. The SOLDIER stares back.
OFFICER (Indistinctly): Two!
ETHAN continues to stare at the SOLDIER.
Because the safety on the SOLDIER’s gun is still on.
The SOLDIER winks.
OFFICER (no longer indistinct): One!
The SOLDIER whirls around and points their gun at the OFFICER, who yelps and turns to point his own gun at the rebel soldier. Camera cuts to ETHAN scrabbling for his gun on the ground. Both of the other two SOLDIERS also whirl, but the SOLDIER ducks and the bullet meant for their head hits the OFFICER instead. The two remaining soldiers raise their guns and prepare to shoot; the SOLDIER covers their head and prepares for death-
There’s a loud crack; or should I say, two loud cracks. The SOLDIERs crash to the ground.
The SOLDIER turns to see both ALICIA and ETHAN, standing with guns raised. There’s a pause.
ALICIA: Oh my God.
The SOLDIER turns back around to look at the three soldiers on the ground. Two are dead; with bullets to the head. The third, the OFFICER, is still alive, but dying, convulsing from the bullet to the stomach.
ALICIA (beginning to shake): Oh my God. Tears run from her eyes and she begins to cry. ETHAN hugs her.
ETHAN: Don’t look, Allie. Don’t- don’t look. But it sounds insincere; he’s still looking, and he’s crying too. (To the SOLDIER). Hey – Hey! Who are you.
The SOLDIER ignores him and kneels next to the OFFICER, gripping his hand.
OFFICER: ...Why?
SOLDIER: I’m sorry, I had to. A tear drips from those two-coloured eyes.
The OFFICER raises a laboured hand to pull off his balaclava and helmet. He is quite young; too young to die.
OFFICER: You didn’t... didn’t have to. N...Nobody does.
The SOLDIER shakes his head.
SOLDIER: You didn’t either. Their eyes drop down to a gold crucifix on a chain around the OFFICER’s neck. God will come for you.
The camera focuses on ETHAN and ALICIA. ALICIA is still in ETHAN’s arms, her face buried in his jacket, but ETHAN looks on with horror.
OFFICER: Am I... Am I going to Hell?
The SOLDIER shakes their head gently.
OFFICER (beginning to convulse): I... He cries. I didn’t want to be... to be evil.
SOLDIER (softly): You weren’t. You weren’t.
The OFFICER convulses.
OFFICER: I’m sorry...
SOLDIER: Shh, it’s okay, you were just following orders.
The OFFICER’s eyes turn to the sky as he convulses uncontrollably.
SOLDIER (singing): You are our Father, you live in heaven, we talk to you, father, you are good...
ETHAN (looking around at the destruction): We need to leave.
SOLDIER (Ignoring him and continuing to sing): You are our father, you live in heaven, we talk to you, father you are good.
ETHAN: Hey, did you hear me?! We need to leave. (To ALICIA). Come on, let’s go. She shakes her head and refuses to move. The SOLDIER continues to sing indistinctly.
ALICIA: Oh God. Oh God. We killed them. We killed them, Ethan.
ETHAN: Come on, we have to get out of here.
ALICIA: I didn’t mean to; they were going to shoot us-
ETHAN: We had no choice, it’s- He swallows hard. It’s okay.
The SOLDIER stops singing abruptly, and stands up.
SOLDIER (gesturing to ALICIA): Is she okay?
ETHAN (nodding): She’s not hurt, but... He trails off and looks down at ALICIA. She’s... fragile.
The SOLDIER nods.
SOLDIER: Not to be insensitive, but we need to move them. They gestures to the fallen SOLDIERS.
ETHAN: Who- Who are you?
SOLDIER: Nobody that you know. They lift the OFFICER up in their arms. There’s a bedroom just in there; we can put them on the bed. It won’t... They scrunch up their face like they’re about to cry. It won’t hide them but it might- it might stop the flies.
Scene 39
The Soldier puts the last body on the bed, and pulls the sheet over their faces. They stand there in silent tribute for a moment, and then leaves, pulling the door gently shut behind him.
Scene 40
The Soldier ushers ETHAN and a distraught ALICIA across the lawn.
SOLDIER: You guys got a car? ETHAN shakes his head. S***. We’ll have to take theirs. They gesture back at the house, and then to the waiting Jeep. Get Alicia in there, I’ll be there in a sec.
ETHAN hurries ALICIA off and the SOLDIER turns to face the house. They pull off their helmet and balaclava to reveal-
It is ARI, still in the SOLDIER’s form. She salutes at the house, a few tears running down her face, and then turns and follows the siblings to the car, climbing into the driver’s seat. The car speeds off.
ETHAN has made sure ALICIA is safe in the back of the car, and now the full reality of what has happened has hit him. He begins to sob uncontrollably.
The camera focuses on the window, through which we can see the white sheet, blank and dimpled by the contours of the SOLDIER’s bodies. And we cut to black.
Scene 41
A second team of SOLDIERS is nearing the abandoned house. It is now morning; the sun’s first rays are just peeking over the trees.
A WOMAN (middle aged, but still fit) is leading the team. She isn’t wearing a helmet, so we can clearly see her face. She motions the squad forward, and they all walk single-file into the house.
Scene 42
The moment they are inside the house, the squad spreads out. The WOMAN leading the squad sees the door to the bedroom hanging slightly open. She walks towards it, her gun raised.
Scene 43
The WOMAN walks slowly walks through the door; upon seeing the sheet, she pales, and runs towards it. She pulls back the sheet to reveal the OFFICER.
They look almost exactly the same; he is a younger, male version of her.
The WOMAN screams, and collapses to the ground. The rest of the SOLDIERS come running in, but there is nothing that threatens her; only her terrible grief.
She begins to sing, and it is a sound of pure misery. A song of mourning.
Scene 44
The song continues as non-diegetic sound as the camera cuts to ALICIA and ETHAN sobbing in the back of the car, and the silent tears on SOLDIER/ARI’s face as well. But she continues to drive, and the car’s headlights cut through the morning like a knife.
Scene 45
SOLDIER/ARI is crouched next to the Jeep, pulling off its license plates. ALICIA and ETHAN are seated some distance away, quietly talking.
SOLDIER/ARI: Got that petrol? ETHAN holds up a gas bottle. Bring that crap over here, let’s light it up. She holds up a match and grins wickedly, but then sobers, a little too fast.
ETHAN nods, and pours the gas all over the car. SOLDIER/ARI chucks a match on it, and they all stand there, watching it burn.
ALICIA: Who... who were they? Those soldiers?
SOLDIER/ARI walks over to her and offers her a hand. ALICIA accepts it and stands up. SOLDIER/ARI immediately drops her hand.
SOLDIER/ARI: Let’s go find a waffle house or something. I’ll explain everything in there.
Thanks for reading! Follow/ask to be tagged for more content!
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krustywhore · 6 years
ten thousand words ch. 2
here’s chapter 1 if you missed it! also, i would recommend checking it out on ao3 instead of tumblr because the format is a little weird
if you are uncomfortable reading about near-death experiences or asphyxia, skip the section between the two lines! enjoy!
To say that was one of the biggest reliefs of Race’s entire life was an understatement. This guy looked like he could’ve knocked him out cold with the flick of his fingers, but he simply smiled and tucked his phone and water bottle into his bag, freeing his hands.
“No problem,” he signed nonchalantly, Race’s jaw dropping before breaking into the widest smile. The guy smirked as people began to slowly file out through the doors.
The two both made it out of the room and into the hallway and as they parted ways, Race signed a simple, “See you on Wednesday.”
And the boy pretended to tip his cap as if he wasn’t just wearing a beanie. Both just disappeared amongst the crowd and Race was left with the first person he’d ever met at school who even tried to respond when he signed. And this guy actually knew ASL.
Race let himself be happy for once as he went back to his dorm, tossing on a pair of headphones and dancing around his room as if every song he knew was about this angel boy he met.
The next morning he only had online classes to worry about which, for the first time in his life, he was disappointed about. He almost couldn’t admit it to himself as he sat around his room on his laptop completely alone with nothing but the smiley faces he drew on his graphing calculator to keep him company.
As the music played through his headphones, he found himself thinking of all those years of physical therapy back in high school. He remembered not even being able to laugh for nearly a year. Not that he had much to laugh about, but it made his mother upset. She always used to gush over his laugh. However, he was more heartbroken that he slowly discovered that while he knew he’d never be able to sing, he couldn’t even hum along. His vocal cords were so badly damaged that any type of tension he put on them caused them to swell and potentially block his airways, sending him into a fit of choking and gasping, almost like he was drowning.
He remembered the first time it happened, he was fifteen, his first year of public school after the accident and his freshman year of high school was the rude awakening he had been tortured with. There were choir auditions the second week of school and he had broken down in tears as soon as he got home. He tried so hard to will himself to be able to say something, to make some sort of noise at all, but all he got was pain. He tried to scream, he tried anything he could, but he was left a blubbering mess on the floor, clutching his throat like he would rather rip it out than have it uselessly trapping him in silence.
That night he almost died. He was in intensive care for a week afterwards and sent back to physical therapy, this time with a grief counselor to go with it. He felt pathetic going to a therapist who trained to help people through the losses of their loved ones and such only to show up as some kid who was just tired of living in complete silence.
But it was worse for his mother. She had already lost her husband, almost lost two of her daughters, and came impossible miracles away from losing her oldest son. The last thing she wanted was for him to come stumbling into her room in the middle of the night seizing and convulsing as his broken body desperately struggled for breath. She had never quite forgiven him for making her hold him in her arms and watch his eyes roll back into his head as she pleaded on the phone for an ambulance.
For her son’s sake, she had never told him how his heart stopped that night. How horrifically she screamed as she felt for his pulse and found nothing beneath her fingers. She might not have been there on The Worst Night, but she felt the aftershock in every single wave and holding her baby boy in her arms as she watched him stop breathing was the worst thing a mother could possibly experience.
So many things had held him back from where he was and still, the progress he had made was almost laughable. Ironic, but through the years of physical and speech therapy, he was able to laugh again, and even hum after a few secret sessions he paid for out of pocket after his terrified mother pleaded for him to never try anything he did that night again.
But he was happier than he’d been since he lost everything. Now, he could dance around his dorm room humming along to the music he used to love to sing along to with his dad so many years ago.
No one looking at him would ever peg him as a classic rock fan, but his dad played him all the iconic bands of the eighties and he created himself a musical alter ego. Sure, the last time he had sung was before he had even hit puberty, but he and his twelve-year-old tenor voice still sang the shit out of The Rolling Stones. His air guitar, though, had gotten a bit rusty over the years.
So when he hummed along to everything from the lyrics to the wailing instrumentals, he kept a straight face, telling himself he didn’t have to worry about waking up dizzy, minutes away from likely dying in his sleep. He let the drum beats be his heartbeat reminder.
You’re okay.
You’re alive.
You’re breathing and that’s better than nothing.
And considering he had been going back and forth between believing breathing was a blessing or a curse for years, he could definitively say he liked where he was in life and that was definitely new.
But then someone knocked on his door and within the next ten seconds, he immediately reverted back to his ‘I hate other people’ mindset. He had his phone in his pocket, definitively charged just in case, and he had even invested in a mini whiteboard that he kept by the door in case he needed it.
He swung open the door and physically felt his heart skip a beat in his chest.
Hot guy from class.
Wait, hot? Okay, maybe he hadn’t noticed it before when he was worried he was going to get beat up, but this guy was definitely attractive. And drunk at the moment. And had somehow found his dorm despite not even knowing his name. Awesome.
He was leaning against the doorframe, a bottle in his left and his shirt unbuttoned down to his sternum. Race figured he had enough time to type up something to say.
“Hello?” The phone’s automated voice spoke up and he waited for Drunk Hot Guy to realize he had opened the door. He looked up after a few seconds and Race could finally see the boy’s face.
One of his eyes was green and the other a dark brown. Huh. He decided his blue eyes were no longer his best feature compared to this guy’s.
“Do you need something?” The automated voice continued and Race remembered why he hated using the goddamn thing. Everything sounded so passive aggressive without any emotion, but there wasn’t much he could do.
But drunk angel groaned, and ran his hands over his face.
“Nah, ‘s my fault. Ya’ ain’t Jack,” he slurred and began to walk away from the door. Race quickly typed out a response and grabbed the boy’s wrist to stop him from falling over.
“Who’s Jack? I can help you find him if you’d like,” Race winced at the way his phone read the choice of words, but the guy actually nodded.
“He’s my lil’ brotha’,” the guy mumbled as Race closed his door behind himself and grabbed the boy by his upper arm. “Thought ya’ room was his, but I guess not.”
Race huffed a quick chuckle as he scanned the nameplates on each of the doors down the hall.
“You look familiar,” he grumbled to himself as Race shifted his grip to hold one of the guy’s arms around his shoulders.
He used his one free hand to sign the letters of their class as they kept walking.
“Advanc’d ‘ngineer-fuck,” he cursed himself out as the realization hit him. “Fuck you’re-you’re the deaf one goddammit. I gotta’ repeat all a’ that now don’t I?”
Race snorted at his absolutely ridiculous drunken logic, but typed out a response nonetheless.
“I’m not deaf actually,” it started. “I just can’t talk. I can hear you just fine, dumbass.”
He tossed in that little jab at the end as punishment for making him leave his room at eleven at night on a Tuesday to go wander the halls looking for some kid he didn’t know.
“Huh,” the guy huffed as he used the hallway wall to gain better balance. “Seems fun.”
Race nearly laughed out loud at that. Yeah, tons of fun.
“Fun is not the word I’d use to describe being mute,” his phone recited back and the guy groaned.
“Not...not that part, the voice...thingy,” he clarified, gesturing weirdly at Race’s phone with his hands to only further emphasize his confusion. “Like you could have any voice ya’ want. That’s cool.”
Race smirked, stopping as he read the name ‘Jack Kelly’ written on a door.
“Thanks. Little kids tend to think I’m a robot because of it,” Race typed up, hoping the guy would enjoy that.
“I’m glad you’s not a robot,” he mumbled, squinting as he read the sign on the door. “Aww shit, that’s Jack.”
Race reluctantly let go and let the guy support himself on the wall, but he left his hands free to sign.
“Isn’t that the whole reason you’re here?”
He paused for a second as his drunken brain tried to comprehend the signs.
“Yeah but that was b’fore I got some good company,” he spoke, a frown clear on his face.
Race couldn’t stop the blush that formed on his cheeks despite how much he willed it to.
“Try this again when you’re sober and we’ll see. I’m not even going to ask why you’re drunk on a Tuesday night, let alone on the second day of school,” he sassed back and the other nodded.
The guy nodded and startled Race as he pounded on the door. Race quickly typed up an introduction and moments later the door swung open revealing a guy about the same height as Race with shaggy brown hair with visible globs of paint in it.
“Hi. Your drunk brother thought my room was yours, so make sure he doesn’t try to find his way home like this. I’m down the hall in 312 if you need anything,” the phone spoke and Jack looked back and forth between the phone, Race, and his brother.
Jack was silent for a moment before he turned to his brother.
“Dude, what the hell?” He grumbled at the boy, only to be completely ignored as the other just kept staring at Race.
“I’ll see you ‘round blondie,” he signed before slipping past his brother into the room and Race was left out in the hall with a smile on his face and a heart beating in double-time.
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