#Phillip Chancellor IV
buzzworthyradio · 6 months
Daytime Emmy Award Interviews: Conner Floyd of "The Young and the Restless"
The 50th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards took place this past Friday, December 15th, at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel. Stars showed up to the red carpet ready to celebrate the biggest and brightest in daytime television. Conner Floyd stopped by to talk about what is happening with Chance on, “The Young and the Restless.” We also talked about our favorite sports teams, as well as being a part of the…
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church-history · 3 years
St. Albert The Great - Doctor of The Church
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The saint and doctor of the Church who would be known as Albertus Magnus was born sometime before the year 1200. He was probably born in Bavaria, a fact we infer because he referred to himself as "Albert of Lauingen," a town which still stands today in southern Germany.
We do not know for sure all the details of his family origins, but we know he was well educated. He attended the University of Padua where he learned about Aristotle and his writings. This instruction in philosophy would become the foundation of his later work.
Sometime around the year 1223 or so, Albert experienced an encounter with the Blessed Virgin Mary. This encounter moved him so much that he chose to become a member of the Dominican Order. He thereafter studied theology.
He excelled in his studies and later became a lecturer for the Dominicans at Cologne. He also traveled around the region to lecture gaining regional, then international acclaim.
At the same time he started lecturing, Albert produced "Summa de Bono," after collaboration with Phillip the Chancellor, who was a renown theologian from France.
In 1245, Albert became a master of theology under Gueruc of Saint-Quentin. He was the first German Dominican to achieve the title. He later went on to teach theology at the University of Paris, and became the Chair of Theology at the College of St. James. One of his students was the famous Thomas Aquinas who would also become a doctor of the Church and a saint.
Albert was very interested in Aristotle, and he made commentary on nearly all of Aristotle's works. He also studied the teachings of several Muslim scholars. At this time, the Islamic world led Europe in terms of scholarship, science, and medicine.
In 1254, Albert became the provincial of the Dominican Order. By all accounts, he was a capable and efficient administrator.
Five years later, in 1259, Albert participated in the General Chapter of the Dominicans along with Thomas Aquinas and several other contemporary leaders of the Order. They created a program of study for the Dominican order and developed a curriculum for philosophy. From this course of study would later arise the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, in Rome. Today, the university which is known as the "Angelicum," is one of the foremost theological colleges in the world. It is still run by the Dominican order.
In 1260, impressed with his acumen, Pope Alexander IV appointed Albert as bishop of Regensburg. Although he was a bishop, Albert refused to ride a horse and went everywhere on foot. This seemingly unusual practice was consistent with the rules of his order. The life of a bishop did not agree with Albert and he resigned from his post in 1263.
In that same year, Pope Urban IV accepted his resignation and reassigned him to preach about the Eighth Crusade to German-speaking people. The crusade was intended to recapture the city of Tunis in North Africa for Christendom, and was a total failure.
In his later years, Albert became renowned as a mediator. He mediated disputes between individuals as well as resolving a dispute between the people of Colonge and their bishop. He also founded Germany's oldest university in that city.
Before his death, he mourned the early passing of his great student, Thomas Aquinas, who would later be recognized as a saint and doctor of the Church. Aquinas died in 1274. Albert spent his last years defending the work of Aquinas which is among the most important work in the Church.
Albert became ill in 1278 and he died on November 15, 1280.
During his life, Albert wrote thirty eight volumes covering topics ranging from philosophy to geography, astronomy, law, friendship and love.
Three years after his death, his grave was opened and his body found to be incorrupt. When his grave was again opened centuries later in 1483, they only found his skeleton. His relics are presently found in the St. Andreas church in Colonge.
Albert was beatified in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. He was canonized and recognized as a doctor of the Church in 1931, by Pope Pius IX. He is the patron saint of scientists. His feast day is November 15.
source: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=144
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Enquirer, February 22 -- part 4 of 6
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Page 15: Marilyn Manson plans to ride out his sex abuse scandal alongside tarnished star Johnny Depp after multiple women accused Marilyn of vile and violent acts -- Marilyn whose real name is Brian Warner was accused of force-feeding women drugs, not allowing them to sleep and verbally threatening them in addition to tying up women and sexually abusing them -- his accusers include Evan Rachel Wood who claimed Manson horrifically abused her for years and four other women made similar charges on February 1 and even more have come forward since -- Manson denied all the allegations saying these claims are horrible distortions of reality -- after the charges emerged Manson was dropped from his record label and his upcoming TV appearances on Creepshow and American Gods were scrapped -- in the aftermath Manson consulted with pal Johnny about how to handle the career-threatening backlash because Johnny understands what it's like to be tried in the public eye and Marilyn's bragging to mutual friends they are both planning to disappear and meet up in Europe
Page 16: Network bosses plan to boot Lester Holt from NBC Nightly News and replace him with a young hunk to boost ratings -- with debonair David Muir of ABC's World News Tonight recently marking his fourth year as the most watched evening news anchor, Lester isn't cutting it anymore -- few people have the integrity and journalistic pedigree of Lester but in today's environment where everything is driven by numbers and figures rather than gravitas the big bosses want to try something new -- determined to beat David and ABC in the ratings race NBC bosses have recruited his understudy Tom Llamas to go head-to-head with his former boss -- Lester may step into a producer position after the shake-up and manage the news show from behind the scenes
Page 17: Scarlett Johansson says she has no regrets about her doomed marriage to Ryan Reynolds because it allowed them both to find the loves of their lives -- Scarlett and Ryan were married for just a year from 2007 to 2008 but they both remain good friends and they're thrilled with each other's path to happiness -- Ryan married Blake Lively in 2012 and they have three kids -- ScarJo married French journalist Romain Dauriac in 2014 and had daughter Rose together but were divorced in 2017 and she considers that relationship a mistake -- Scarlett finally found real happiness when she married Colin Jost from Saturday Night Live and although they've only been married four months Scarlett knows she's found the perfect man for her
* Accused sex freak Armie Hammer is looking to go on the lam until chatter about his alleged twisted fantasies is either discredited or fades away -- he is eyeing a remote Caribbean resort to ride out the scandal over his kinks
Page 18: American Life
Page 20: Country star Morgan Wallen's songs are being yanked from the airwaves after he was caught on a neighbor's video talking trash and using the N-word -- Morgan later apologized after Cumulus Media, the second biggest radio chain in the country, had already stopped playing his tunes
* Hollywood Hookups -- longtime lovers Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling are engaged after ten years and two kids together, Lewis Hamilton and model Grace Lindley are dating, Drew Barrymore's ex-husband Will Kopelman is engaged to Vogue fashion director Alexandra Michler
Page 21: Soap star Donny Boaz and his character Phillip "Chance" Chancellor IV have vanished from The Young and the Restless -- in an Instagram post Donny revealed that his character won't be replaced or killed off, he's just not going to be there anymore -- Donny is working on numerous other projects
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camillasgirl · 4 years
A speech by HRH The Duchess of Rothesay at a Special Graduation Ceremony, University of Aberdeen
Thank you, Professor Boyne, for your kind words of welcome. Your Royal Highness, ladies and gentlemen, as your Chancellor, it is a great pleasure to be here once again with you all; and I am delighted that I will shortly have the opportunity to present the (Principal’s Award for Outstanding Service to the Community) and two Honorary Degrees. May I warmly congratulate the Denis Law Legacy Trust, Professor Janet Darbyshire and The Princess Royal.
I am not sure if there is a collective noun for Chancellors, but my sister in law is, of course, also Chancellor of another great Scottish university:  the University of Edinburgh. Now, ladies and gentlemen, we shall have no talk of rivalry today.  But I might just casually observe that, while we are to celebrate our 525th birthday next month, the University of Edinburgh is comparatively youthful. A mere 437 years old…
The University of Aberdeen was founded in February 1495, during the reign of King James IV of Scotland, whose marriage to Margaret Tudor linked for the first time the Royal Houses of Scotland and England. By a happy coincidence, another great Scottish institution was born in the same year.  It is in 1495 that we find the earliest written record of the distillation of Scotch whisky. And next month, your proud Chancellor will make sure she toasts your birthday with a wee dram...
Just as I am proud to be Chancellor of such a fine institution, so are you rightly proud of the university’s extraordinary heritage. You must be even prouder of what it is achieving today and of its ambitions for the year ahead: ambitions that are inspired by the university’s founding purpose, to be “open to all and dedicated to the pursuit of truth in the service of others”.
Your history has been remarkable. Your future is set to be very exciting. I am much looking forward to seeing all your new developments as they come to fruition in the next few years.
More immediately, in a moment I am looking forward to hearing the Chamber Choir perform a new work by the Head of Music, Dr Phillip Cooke. It is called ‘The Mystery of Light’ and is set to words taken from The Living Mountain, the poet Nan Shepherd’s famous book based on her experience of hill walking in the Cairngorms. The words highlight the relationships between nature, place and people, never more relevant than today.
As you know, Nan Shepherd graduated from this University a hundred years ago. She taught at Aberdeen College of Education (now part of the university’s School of Education) for her whole career, so she is part of the fabric of the university, too. I believe she is the first of Aberdeen’s graduates to appear on a Scottish five-pound note.
I trust that, in your anniversary year, there will be someone graduating who will become the second graduate of this University to feature on the currency of the realm!  Your Royal Highness, I should reassure you that on the back of the Scottish five-pound note are words from the poet Sorley MacLean – a graduate of the University of Edinburgh.  
I will finish with a quotation from Nan Shepherd.  Famously, she wrote in her book, The Quarry Wood: “It’s a grand thing, to get leave to live”. This is a university with an extraordinary heritage of giving its students and its graduates “leave to live”.  You will no doubt continue to do so over the next 525 years.  May I congratulate you and wish you well for the future.  
Thank you very much.
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blogdccollaborative · 5 years
Recap- DC Collaborative Winter Member’s Meeting: Advocacy Edition
Submitted by: Miracle Washington, Community Engagement Intern, DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative March 14, 2019
Ensuring students are in the best position to learn...
Special Thanks to everyone who attended the 2019 DC Collaborative Winter Member’s Meeting: Advocacy Edition on Monday, March 11, 2019! We were thrilled to host 85 DC Collaborative members and guests as we addressed arts and humanities education advocacy. We also heard from guest speakers from different DC agencies about how we as a city work collaboratively to ensure that DC students are in the best position to learn.
Meeting Resources
Presenter Bios
Feedback Survey- Attend the meeting? Let us know what you thought!
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Agenda Recap
The meeting was hosted by National Geographic Society, one of our member organizations. The host welcome was given by Kathryn Keane, Vice President, Public Programs & Director of the National Geographic Museum. 
Be sure to check out there their “Queens of Egypt” exhibit open now until September 2, 2019. Meeting attendees were given complimentary passes to come back to the the museum to view the exhibit. 
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Keynote: Councilmember David Grosso, Chairperson on the Committee on Education, Council of the District of Columbia: Councilmember Grosso spoke on the importance of arts and humanities in the District and highlighted specific arts and humanities projects happening in the city, including the Any Given Child DC Collective Impact initiative led by the DC Collaborative and the Humanities DC Oral History Project. He also highlighted the work of the DC Office of Out-of-school time. We are thankful for Grosso’s continuous support of not only the DC Collaborative, but the entire arts and cultural community in the District.
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DC Public Schools Update: We had the pleasure of hearing from newly confirmed DCPS Chancellor, Dr. Lewis Ferebee! Dr. Ferebee shared his personal experience on the impact the integration of arts into school curriculum. We are delighted that Dr. Ferebee presented at the meeting, in the midst of a busy schedule immediately following his official confirmation as the Chancellor of DC Public Schools. We look forward to working together with  Chancellor Ferebee to advance student outcomes utilizing arts and humanities education!
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Left to Right: Linda Harper, President, DC Collaborative Board of Directors; Dr. Lewis Ferebee, Chancellor, DC Public Schools; David Grosso, Chairperson Committee on Education, Council of the District of Columbia; Lissa Rosenthal-Yoffe, Executive Director, DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative
DC Commission on Arts & Humanities Update: The newly confirmed Executive Director for the Commission on the Arts and Humanities Terrie Rouse-Rosario also joined us at the meeting. Ms. Rouse-Rosario spoke about her excitement on being selected by the Mayor to lead the Commission. She emphasized her passion and commitment to the arts community in the district. We are looking forward to see all of the work that she, and the Commission are going to do in the years to come, strengthening and empowering the arts community and the cultural institutions around the city.
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DC Cultural Plan Update: We heard from Deputy Director of the DC Office of Planning, Sakina Khan. Last year we had the opportunity to see the draft of the cultural plan. This year Ms. Khan updated on the adjustments made on the cultural plan resulting from conversations with members of the arts and education communities in the district. She highlighted some of the initiatives in the cultural plan aimed specifically at the advancing the interests of the cultural creators, spaces, and consumers around the city. We are very excited to see and hear more about the cultural plan going forward and are highly anticipating the release of the final version of the plan. To see more about the cultural plan, view the PowerPoint.
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National Arts Action Summit: American’s for the Arts’ Federal Affairs and Senior Grassroots Coordinator, Lauren Cohen spoke about National Art’s Advocacy Day 2019. The 3-day event took place March 3-5 right here in the district with representatives from all 50 states DC and Puerto Rico as they convened to discuss national arts policy trends and advocate for the arts on Capitol Hill. The first two days of the event included a series of breakout sessions regarding arts-focused legislation on both the local and national level, arts and juvenile justice, arts education and more. The second day of the event, Arts Advocacy Day, participants met with their members of congress to advocate on behalf of the arts in their home states. Our Executive Director, Lissa Rosenthal-Yoffe was the DC State Captain for Arts Advocacy Day. She led DC constituents in a conversation with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton’s office. The DC Collaborative is optimistic about the outcomes from this meeting, including possible ways to secure federal funding for arts education in DC.
Due to the Arts Advocacy Day Meeting, Congresswoman Norton has already actualized the following outcomes:
co-signed Artist-Museum Partnership Act,
co-signed Charitable Giving Tax Deduction Act,
joined Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME), one of the co-chairs of the Congressional Arts Caucus, in asking House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Chair Betty McCollum (D-MN) and Ranking Member David Joyce (R-OH) to fund the NEA at $167.5 million for FY 2020 in the Interior Appropriations bill,
made introductions to DC OSSE team to discuss federal support that may be available for arts ed and PD through Title I, II and IV federal funds,
and, the DC Collaborative will once again help to facilitate DPS and DCPCS  student outreach for the Congressional Art Contest.
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National Geographic Member Feature: Vicki Phillips, the newly hired Executive Vice President & Chief Education Officer of the National Geographic Society presented her education vision for National Geographic Society. The DC Collaborative is looking forward to continuing and deepening the partnership with National Geographic Society as we work together to provide equitable access to the arts and humanities to the students of DC!
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Special thanks to the National Geographic Society for hosting the meeting and specifically to Gregory McGruder, Vice President of Live! Events at National Geographic and Vice President of the DC Collaborative board, who orchestrated the meeting set-up logistics for us!
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Quick Links:
Feedback Survey
Presenter Bios
DC Collaborative Website
DC Commission on Arts & Humanities
DCPS Website
DC Council 
National Geographic Society
Americans for the Arts
DC Office of Planning
Cultural Plan
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nellygwyn · 7 years
Covent Garden Lovers
courtesy of Hallie Rubenhold’s “The Covent Garden Ladies”
A list of the notable and famous frequenters of London’s brothels in the latter half of the 1700s. “Patrons du peche” (patrons of sin)
Look out for the royalty, and the great and the “good.”
Lord Chief Justice Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth
Admiral George Anson, 1st Baron Anson
Sir William Apreece
Sir Richard Atkins
Sir John Aubrey, MP
Richard Barry, 7th Earl of Barrymore
Allen Bathurst, 1st Earl of Bathurst
Sir Charles Bingham, 1st Earl of Lucan
Captain George Maurice Bisset (yes, THAT George Bisset, of Lady Seymour Worsley’s scandal)
Admiral Edward Boscawen 
Hugh Boscawen, 2nd Viscount Falmouth
James Boswell (diarist, great friend of Samuel Johnson)
Sir Orlando Bridgeman
Thomas Bromley, 2nd Baron Montfort
Captain John Byron (Lord Byron’s grandfather)
John Calcraft, MP
Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of Argyll
John Campbell, 5th Duke of Argyll
John Campbell, 4th Earl of Loudoun
George Capell, 4th Earl of Essex
David Carnegie, Lord Rosehill
John Cleland (writer of the pornographic novel “Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure”)
Henry Fiennes Clinton, 9th Earl of Lincoln.
Robert “Cock-a-doodle-doo” Coates
Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess of Cornwallis
Colonel John Coxe
William Craven, 6th Baron Craven
His Royal Highness, Prince Ernest, Duke of Cumberland
His Royal Highness, Prince Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland
His Royal Highness, Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland
The Honourable John Damer
Sir Francis Dashwood, Lord Despenser (founder of “The Hellfire Club” and Chancellor of the Exchequer)
Francis Drake Delevel
Reverend William Dodd
George Bubb Doddington, Lord Melcombe
William Douglas, 4th Duke of Queensbury
Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville
George Montagu Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax
Sir Henry Elchin
Richard Edgecumbe, Lord Mount Edgecumbe
Sir Charles Fielding, son of the Earl of Denbigh
The Honourable John Finch
John Fitzpatrick, 1st Earl of Upper Ossory
Samuel Foote (theatre manager and dramatist)
Charles James Fox (prominent Whig statesman, arch-enemy of William Pitt the Younger)
Stephen Fox, 2nd Baron Holland
George Fox-Lane, 3rd Baron Bingley
John Frederick, 3rd Duke of Dorset
His Majesty, King George IV (oh, what a surprise)
Sir John Graeme, 3rd Duke of Montrose
Charles Hamilton, Lord Binning
Charles Hanbury-Williams (British envoy to the court of Russia, introduced Catherine the Great to her lover, Stanislaw Poniatowski)
Colonel George Hanger
Count Franz Xavier Haszlang, Bavarian Envoy to London
Judge Henry Gould
Robery Henley, 1st Earl of Northington
Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of Grafton (great-great-great-great grandson of King Charles II)
Henry Herbert, 10th Earl of Pembroke
Joseph Hickey
William Hickey
William Holles, 2nd Viscount Vane
Rear-Admiral Charles Holmes
Admiral Samuel Hood, 1st Viscount Hood
Charles Howard, 11th Duke of Norfolk
Thomas Howard, 3rd Earl of Effingham
Admiral Lord Richard Howe, 4th Viscount Howe
Thomas Jefferson (not that TJeffs; manager of the Drury Lane Theatre)
John Phillip Kemble
Augustus Keppel, 1st Viscount Keppel
William John Kerr, 5th Marquess of Lothian
Sir John Lade
Penistone Lamb, 1st Viscount Melbourne
William Longhorne (the poet laureate)
Lord Edward Ligonier
Field Marshall John Ligonier, 1st Earl of Ligonier
Simon Luttrell, 1st Baron Carhampton
Thomas Lyttleton, 2nd Baron Lyttleton
Kenneth Francis Mackenzie, 4th Earl of Seaforth
Charles Macklin
The Honourable Captain John Manners
John Manners, 3rd Duke of Rutland
Charles Maynard, 1st Viscount Maynard
Captain Anthony George Martin
James Macduff, 2nd Earl of Fife
Captain Thomas Medlycott
Isaac Mendez
Major Thomas Metcalfe
Sir George Montgomerie Metham
John Montague, 4th Earl of Sandwich
Alexander Montgomerie, 10th Earl of Eglinton
Arthur Murphy
Richard “Beau” Nash (famous dandy, popularised ballroom etiquette at the assemblies in Bath)
Francis John Needham, MP
Henry Nevill, 2nd Earl of Abergavenny
John Palmer (actor)
Thomas Panton
William Petty, 1st Marquess of Landsdowne
Evelyn Meadows Pierrepoont, 2nd Duke of Kingston
Thomas Potter
John Poulett, 4th Earl of Poulett
William Pulteney, 1st Earl of Bath
William Powell (manager of Drury Lane)
Charles “Chace” Price
Richard “Bloomsbury Dick” Rigby
Admiral George Brydges Rodney, 1st Baron Rodney
David Ross (actor)
Francis Russell, 5th Duke of Bedford
Frederick John Sackville, 3rd Duke of Dorset
Sir George Saville
George Selwyn (politician and wit)
Edward “Ned” Shuter (actor)
John George Spencer, 1st Earl of Spencer
Charles Stanhope, 3rd Earl of Harrington
Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
Sir William Stanhope, MP
Edward Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby
Sir Thomas Stapleton
John Stewart, 3rd Earl of Bute
Frederick St John, 2nd Viscount Bolingbroke
Colonel Sir Banastre Tarleton
Commodore Edward Thompson
Lord Chief Justice Sir Edward Thurlow
Robert “Beau” Tracy
John Tucker, MP
Arthur Vansittart, MP
Sir Henry Vansittart, MP
Robert Vansittart
Sir Edward Walpole
Sir Robert Walpole (Britain’s first Prime Minister)
John Wilkes
His Majesty, King William IV
Charles Wyndham, 2nd Earl of Egremont
Henry Woodward (actor)
His Royal Highness, Edward, Duke of York
His Royal Highness, Frederick, Duke of York
Lieutenant Colonel John Yorke
Joseph Yorke, 1st Baron Dove
Extra information is my own
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buzzworthyradio · 13 hours
"The Young and the Restless" Casting News: Brytni Sarpy & Conner Floyd Off-Contract?
It seems that there has been some updates to the cast of, “The Young and the Restless.” In a recent credit crawl, Brytni Sarpy (Elena Dawson) and Conner Floyd (Phillip “Chance” Chancellor IV) have been removed from the main cast. Fans began to notice Floyd’s omission from the main cast crawl last week and questioned his status. Now, it appears that the actor is on the show in a recurring…
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