lilac-den · 1 year
Just A Little Cold
A snippet of Lucifer and Perida, the parents of Silverking's MC! :D Enjoy~
"Ciffy, calm down-"
"How can I possibly calm down?" Lucifer growls out. "In what possibility must I be calm about this?"
Perida sighs. "I understand you're in a panic, but the doctor said it is merely a cold."
"A cold could lead to a fever, and a fever could lead to something worse."
"Yes, but our child will pull through." Perida watches her husband pace back and forth from her spot on the couch. "They'll be fine."
"Just because the percentage of death by illness for children is down by 72% doesn't mean it isn't a possibility." He never realizes just how worrying this is. He has read every book, every article, every medical information he can to prevent [Name] from catching an illness at an early age.
He understands this will help build their immune system. He understands a child could contract a cold from time to time.
But one that can lead to little [Name] lying in bed with flustered cheeks, a heightened temperature and little whimpers that tug against his chest in panic?
A hand stops him from his pacing. He looks at the hand, then at Perida, who is smiling so gently at him, it feels as if everything is right in the world.
Then again, she has always made him feel like this since the day they first met.
"Ciffy," Perida tugs him lightly and he sits next to her on the couch easily, as if that light tug is enough to pull everything about him to her. "[Name] will be fine." She smiles again, not an edge of worry on her face.
Then Lucifer furrows his brows at Perida. "Why are you so unperturbed by this?"
He knows his wife isn't heartless. Hell, she's usually the one who frets and worries most. She's known to be quite impulsive and emotional, so the expected reaction would be constant 'mothering' as she once called it when winter rolled in and she needed to keep [Name] warm.
She laughs. "I'm just happy [Name] has such a doting father. It's so rare to see you panic so..."
Lucifer's lips pinch together and his eyes narrow. Perida reaches up to cup him on the cheek, brushing a thumb along it. He lets her and leans into the palm of her hand until he moves a hand up to grasp for it, thumb pressing against the back of her hand.
"The doctor says [Name] just needs to rest and not overexert themselves. He also gave us some medicine too." Perida tilts her head and gets a better look at her husband's face. "It's just a cold."
Lucifer's frown softens, but not entirely. "Even a cold can kill."
"Not when we're here."
At this, Lucifer lets out a long sigh. He should be the sensible one. The logical one. The one who has the knowledge and objectiveness to see sense.
Perida seems to read something easily on his usually stoic face as the next thing she says is, "To err is human, Ciffy."
Lucifer frowns. "But I don't wish to make one, not if you or [Name] is at risk."
Perida looks understanding at his words. No, she is understanding of it. He knows because her expression turns to one of seriousness.
"Ciffy," Perida whispers to him and sits closer, her free hand moving for his other one to clasp it tight in her hold, "you are nothing like them."
"You..." Lucifer wants to tell her that she doesn't even know them, but then he remembers that she does know them. Through his memories. Through the parts of him that he hadn't dared shared with anyone else.
"Well, for one, you were there for [Name]'s birth."
A quirk of a smile escapes him. "Any decent parent would do so. It's the bare minimum."
"Oh, I know." Perida raises a brow. "But a parent who was fighting a dangerous Mind Flayer ended the mission in record-breaking time by sending mental threats so gruesome, they crumbled in submission just so he can be there for the first contraction?" Her hand squeezes his. "You've far past the bare minimum, Ciffy." She grins at him flirtatiously. "You very much ruined the standards of husbands for me."
"In all fairness, your standards of a significant other were near non-existent before we met."
She scoffs, mirth playing on her lips. "That's rich, coming from you."
Lucifer chuckles at his wife's response and closes his eyes, relishing the warmth of his wife and the comfort she provides. To hear Perida call him a great parent, or see him as such, feels like a dream.
If anyone was to tell Lucifer he would have a beautiful future with a loving wife and a most precious life, he would have chalked it up to pure insanity or the drivels of an idealist. But he knows it to be real now. He's here, holding Perida's hand and their precious Terrorbyte is sleeping with recovery in the comforts of their bedroom. He still remembered the day they were born. After the nurses cleaned and wrapped [Name] in a soft blanket and pass them to him, he never thought his large, scarred hands would cradle a life worth more than his own, seen by the woman who granted him a future he never thought possible. It was almost like he was in it right-
He opens his eyes with a pointed gaze. "Perida..."
A wide smile spreads on her face. "Guilty."
He chuckles lowly, which makes Perida smile all the more gentler. He moves his head a little, placing a soft kiss upon the heel of her hand before murmuring. "How could I be so fortunate to have you and [Name]?"
At this, Perida answers smoothly and knowingly, "You know exactly why." She tells him gently. "You just have a hard time believing it to be true."
She leans in and plants a peck, soft and short yet leaving him with fulfilment in his heart just as much as their first kiss had done. Perida stands from the couch, her hand off his face but their intertwined hands are still connected.
"Come on." Perida grins widely this time. "Let's check on the little one. I'm sure they're bored out of their mind in bed."
"Perhaps you can try one of your new bedtime stories." Lucifer stands but he doesn't let go of her hand. At his mention, Perida hums.
"Good idea." Her eyes twinkle with glee. "But you know I won't let you get out of this easily. I'll be asking you to provide some voice acting too. You know how much [Name] loves hearing you voicing the characters."
"I'm terrible at them."
"You're terrible at voice acting." The twinkle in Perida's eyes seems to turn into sparks for Lucifer. A spark of pure adoration. "But we both love you too much to exclude you. Shall we get going?"
Lucifer, enchanted by that spark she has always held, lifts their intertwined hands and allows his lips to place a chaste kiss upon the back of her hand, his eyes warm and focused on Perida.
"Yes." he speaks attentively, lowly and unrelentingly enamoured, "my core."
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calyxthenerd · 2 months
Simon, Nina, Gastón and Ambar
❤️‍🔥 a romantic headcanon:
Simón is the most romantic guy ever, big gestures, serenades with original songs, home cooked candle lit dinners, picnics on the beach, stargazing on the countryside, the works
Nina is a shy little thing, but she’s also a poet at heart, so she’ll say the most beautiful things in private, she also loves to hold hands while out together, not only because she’s very physically affectionate and touch starved but also because it keeps her grounded, and she loves to fall asleep cuddling too
Gastón is more of a personal gestures kind of guy, his demonstrations are very specific to them and their relationship
Ámbar is a very protective girlfriend, she will go to battle with anyone who breathes something mean about her boyfriend, and her smiles, seeing her smiling is a luxury, a privilege, if she smiles at you, you are blessed, and if you wipe that smile off her face, there’ll be hell to pay
😭 a headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them:
For Simón, probably when his grandma, the one who helped raise him, his siblings and all his cousins, died, he was on tour when he got the news, it was awful
For Nina it wasn’t a specific moment, but the year before her parents got divorced, they were at the height of their marital problems, every day she came home to a fight, true nightmare material
For Gastón, I’d say it was when he got the news of Matteo’s accident from his father, he was heartbroken, not only that he couldn’t do anything because he couldn’t just drop his studies to go back home and because of the distance, but also because none of their friends had thought to tell him that his brother was in the hospital
For Ámbar it was definitely her first skating showcase/competition, when she saw that Sharon wasn’t on the stands, cheering her on
😇 a headcanon about their religion or lack thereof:
Simón was raised catholic, church every week and stuff, but he never really cared about that stuff, preferring to enjoy the life he has
Nina is a science and facts kind of girl, but she can appreciate all the art that came from the church and loves studying every religion she can get her
Gastón wasn’t raised particularly religion, and is a known atheist, but he loves visiting churches to see the architecture and history of it all
Ámbar has some bad memories of forcibly being taken to church because Sharon thought it was a good look to raise her christian
💔 An angsty headcanon:
Simón bakes a cake with her recipe and puts a candle on it to blow it out and sings the song she used to sing to him, every year on his grandmother’s birthday
Nina volunteers at a troubled youth shelter that she lived in for a few weeks when she was younger, and once she sees a young girl who’s parents’ divorce had gotten so bad, she ran away, just like she had done once, after she got home, she cried and cried until she couldn’t anymore
Gastón freaks out every time he sees an unknown number calling him because that’s how he found out his best friend almost died
Ámbar can’t brush her hair without thinking of everything her mother did to her and how she’ll never get her innocence back and then she cries
🧬 a headcanon about their family:
Simón has 6 siblings, three older, three younger, one is 35, one is 27, one is just a year older than him, one is 17, one is 13 and the youngest is 10, by the time the show begins
Both Ricardo and Ana were only children so Nina doesn’t have cousins which made her bad childhood all the more awful
I already talked about how Gastón’s mom, Catalina, is a lawmaker and his dad, Julio, is a baker, but what I didn’t mention is his little sister, Sofia, who is 6 and is the sassiest little thing anyone’s ever seen (she’s Matteo’s favorite)
Thinking about family headcanons for Ámbar is hard because her family situation is already pretty clear in the show, and I’m not a big fan of next gen stuff, but I think she, together with Simón, Luna and later Ramiro, after they get married, makes the mansion into a foster home
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iridescentis · 1 year
i've already started thinking about it and i must write it down SO
Here is my take on what happens after the s3 finale:
The roller team continue to pursue professional rollerskating events amongst their busy schedules. The next year, Nina leaves to study literature in Oxford (ehehehe), breaking up with Eric, and Jim and Yam start at their college. Luna stays at home with her family and helps Ámbar run the Jam & Roller while she trains for various skating opportunities. Matteo pursues his career as a soloist and is successful, and eventually brings Luna on his first tour. Simón and Pedro visit Nico in New York and they reunite the band, and with help from Matteo's new contacts they get a record deal and go on tours too. Luna gathers the roller team as often as she can, even if it's just for one performance at the Roller, she always makes sure they train and skate together as often as they can.
In the further future, Luna is a full time professional skater and still lives in the mansion with her family and Matteo who is successful in his career as a soloist and has multiple songs with his friends but many with Luna. Ámbar and Simón move to Cancun (I've seen people say that before and I love it) and they of course get married there. Ámbar opens another Jam & Roller there and coaches a rollerskating team. Simón continues his music career with the roller band. Jim and Yam spend a few years pursuing separate careers but ultimately become a duo. Ramiro also becomes a full time professional skater and has actually competed several times against Luna. Nina returns after she has finished college and would you look at that she's engaged to Gastón oh what a surprise! Delfi and Pedro stay together, they have rough patches from a lot of long distance when Pedro is on tour with the band but they work it out. Jazmín continues with her channel and works alongside all of her friends covering everything in their careers (and personal lives of course), travelling with them all wherever they go keeping the world in touch with the roller team.
Eventually, everyone finds the time to return to where they started and they make the collective decision to go on one huge tour as the roller team before leaving it in the past, but they all stay friends.
There are things I would do differently during the seasons but this is all post-canon instead of changing anything that happens
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 8 months
My fave bromance 🫶🏼
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missroller15 · 5 months
see, this is why i can’t get nostalgic over my first ever fandom…. because then i’m LEGALLY obligated to write a chaotic insane fic for it so here’s to the soy luna fandom and every single amazing beautiful wonderful person i’ve met bc of it!!
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 4 months
I'm choosing violence...
Luna and Gastón.
Gastón would be the only guy besides Simón that Miguel would approve of
They'd sing a lot of duets at open together. Every open, they got a duet.
Gastón would make so many romantic gestures that Luna would be overwhelmed with happiness. Literally she would have a sugar rush, every time he's in the room she flaps her hands in excitement. And Gastón would think she's even cuter because of it.
Gastón wants to show Luna all of his favorite movies, and while he wanted her reaction on all the key scenes, she instead focuses on the most random details. For example, he wanted to see how she reacted to a really emotional scene and all she could focus on was the fact that there was an extra in the background that was moving funny. This has caused Gastón to rewatch movies in a new way and has noticed he has started to "put on a luna-layer" when watching.
Luna's love life is so drama-free omg they are thriving she's never sad ever
Gastón will support her with finding out her past and probably is one step ahead at all times. He's gonna come with her to the retirement home even.
Luna gets such good grades because she has the help of the male top student at Blake
Gastón loves seeing her skate around the park and is more than glad to help her learn new steps
Luna has never been a big reader, but finds herself reading more as she started dating him.
Luna wouldn't forge any Oxford application (I don't think she even knows how to do that), and she simply just supports him whatever he does. If he wants to stay or if he wants to leave, she'll support him.
That's all I came up with <3
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siesporamor · 8 months
☕️ Soy Luna (causw I can't help myself... about Gastina)
Probably very unoriginal, but: after graduation, Nina goes to Oxford like she meant to in season 2. On the first day, she wears the blue ribbon Gastón gave her, because it makes her feel a little stronger in a place that's completely foreign to her. Later that day, Nina bumps into Gastón and, surprise, he's also wearing the blue ribbon! They get back together and live happily ever after.
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soylunathoughts · 1 year
i'm LIVING for the gastina moments
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soylunaoncrack · 9 months
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They are all dressed for completely different events
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iristhedeadflower · 1 year
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happy june 14th aka day 14 of dcla pride month to gastteo <3
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slingshotfanart · 7 months
It's Halloween and the gang dressed up!
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Luna and Simón went for Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask because they are nerds. Some of their friends thought it was fun to join in.
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Jim and Yam knew they HAD to be the "cousins". Also Nina liked the idea of being Sailor Mercury.
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The three musketeers decides to dress up as the Halloween movie of the year.
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Emilia and Ámbar were like "Let's dress up as Candace and Vanessa. We will slay" and they would.
Also here's a little comic of how Luna and Simón decided on their costumes.
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purple-fireflies · 11 months
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you could call me babe for the weekend
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calyxthenerd · 7 months
That’s the messiest love chain I’ve ever seen, like, Nina likes Gaston, who likes her back but hasn’t noticed yet, so he’s hitting on Matteo’s cousin, who likes Nico, who likes Jim, who likes Ramiro, oh, and you can’t forget about Delfi, who also likes Gaston
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mylutteoheart · 8 months
Playing Cupid (chapter 10)
New chapter out now! There are only 2-3 left before the end of this fic. The edited version will be out tomorrow on ao3. Also keep your eyes open for a little simbar in this chapter. Luna and Matteo have been building their lives together slowly. Fresh out of college, they’re planning their future. But by planning this, they have an underlying plan no one knows of. Bringing their best friends together after 4 years of not being happy without the other. How well will their plan of playing Cupid work?
Prologue | chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | find my other fics here
"So nothing happened?" Luna insisted as she and Nina were walking to the bridal shop for the last dress fitting before the wedding.
"Well, I wouldn't say nothing," Nina answered as she looked down at her feet to hide her blush.
Suddenly, out of excitement, Luna took Nina's arm and pulled it to make her stop. She asked excitedly: "What? What happened? Tell me!"
"You remember the day we went scouting for locations?", Nina said carefully.
"Right, the location you found was even better than the one we initially had," she said, already imagining her and Matteo standing there on front of all their friends.
"When we started talking about you two loving the location, I started imagining the romance that comes with marriage on that venue and there was this moment, where it was just the two of us and we were this close to kissing," Nina gestured with her thumb and pointer finger close to one another to indicate the distance there was between them.
Luna jumped up and down at the news and said: "That's great! That must mean he feels the same way about you."
"I don't want to get too excited. It was just the spur of the moment. It meant nothing," she tried to deny, not wanting to get her hopes up.
"Don't say that, you have to keep hoping," she rested her hand on her best friend's arm in support.
"Let's just get going," Nina said, not wanting to think about it.
Luna understood and together, they started walking again to go to the bridal shop.
"I'm talling you, she likes you," Matteo said to Gastón, also on their way to the bridal shop.
Every bridesmaid and groomsman had to come to the fitting today. The suits were also tailored in the bridal shop.
"I just think she got swept up in the heat of the moment. There was a romantic side to it all," Gastón said airily, not wanting to show how much that moment meant to him.
"And I always thought me and Luna were bad at communication," Matteo shook his head in disbelief.
"What are you on about?" he took a look at Matteo to see him roll his eyes.
"We all see they way you look at each other and it's still the same look you had when you were both so in love in senior year at Blake," Matteo explained, "It hasn't changed in six years."
"Really? I haven't noticed," Gastón frowned, trying to picture what his best friend is saying.
"Of course you haven't. You know, this all reminds me of the time I was so dumb to see how Luna truly felt about me when that guy Michel appeared," he said with a fond smile, he did frown when he said the name Michel. He would never like that guy.
"Oh, I remember you complaining a lot about that guy. I would have loved to be there to witness your idiocy and to talk some sense into you," Gastón chuckled at the many phone calls with Matteo during that time. He really was hopeless when it came to Luna.
"Well, now it's my job to do that," Matteo became serious and continued, "What you need is one clear conversation with Nina and everything will be cleared up."
"You make it sound so simple," he sighed, not believing a word.
"That's because it is," he just answered, "And I'll make sure I'll prove you right. I'll just have to convince Luna, Ámbar and Simón to leave you two alone in a way where you can't do anything but talk."
Matteo held his chin in thought, already trying to come up with dozens of ways to make this happen.
Gastón's eyes widened and said: "You're going to do this now?"
"The sooner the better, weddings are all about happiness and romance so I'd love to see you and Nina being happy and together at our wedding," he said.
"You really want us to be together?" Gastón said in surprise.
"Of course, I want you to be happy and you've never been as happy as you were with Nina. I know that wouldn't have changed a bit," Matteo said as if it was the world's most known fact.
"Thank you for being such a good friend," Gastón smiled and gave him a quick hug, "Now, let's get this fitting over with."
"I see you've already started on the champagne," Matteo said with a smile as he entered the bridal shop with his best friend.
"You were just taking too long," Ámbar said with a smirk.
"Is Luna here yet?" Simón asked as he appeared and stood next to his fiancée.
"She was coming with Nina, she's probably running a little late," Matteo answered, "While we wait for the other girls to appear, we can already try the suits for me and the groomsmen."
"Oh, Simón in a suit, I can't wait to see that," Ámbar said as she sat down on the sofa in front of the fitting rooms with her glass in her hands.
"I'm sure you would look radiating in your bridesmaid's dress as well," he flirted and pecked her on the cheek. Getting into the fitting room.
The other guys followed but not before he sent a text to Luna that they needed to talk as soon as she came in.
"Hey, sorry we're late. We ran into some issues on the way," Luna apologized as soon as she came in the shop.
"It's fine, we already got started," Matteo greeted her as he walked out of the fitting room and taking Luna in his arms as he gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Don't you look handsome," Luna said as she looked him up and down.
"I always look handsome," he answered her with a fond smile.
"Let's look at the other before your ego grows too big," Ámbar interrupted their sweet moment.
"Here we are," Simón said as he appeared in front of the four people in the room.
"I'm definitely not disappointed to have come here," Ámbar said as she looked at the guy she loves so much.
"I'm sure I can't compare with you by my side at the wedding," Simón said while he gave her a big smile.
"Alright guys, let the girls put on their dresses and wait with the flirting when you have a room on your own," Matteo said as he put a hand on Simón's shoulder, showing them he's just teasing.
"Let's go Nina, the bride will put on her dress after Matteo left," Ámbar said and took Nina by the arm to lead her to the fitting room.
"Hold on, Ámbar, I'd like to ask you something first," Matteo stopped her before she was gone, Nina already disappeared.
"What's going on?" she frowned, having no clue why she was pulled apart.
"Yeah, your text sounded urgent," Luna interrupted.
"It's time we do some more matchmaking with the two lovebirds that aren't together but really want to be," Matteo said with an excited smile.
Simón turned to Gastón to confirm who they were talking about, Gastón just rolled his eyes and shook his head in exasperation.
"Is that why you two have been so secretive lately? Because you were playing matchmakers?" Ámbar raised an eyebrow.
"Sadly, yes," Gastón sighed.
"Come on, you agreed," Matteo said with a frown.
"I did and I think I'm starting to regret it," he answered.
"You don't," Matteo said without blinking.
Gastón answered: "You're right."
"Okay, what's the plan?" Luna interrupted, wanting to get back on track.
"We need to get them to talk alone without interruptions," Mattteo started to explain.
"Easy, just lock them in the fitting room, it locks from the outside," Ámbar simply said.
The four others look at her with a frown.
"What? I might not pull that stuff anymore but that doesn't mean I don't notice things," she said in a flat tone.
"You're brilliant, bonita," Simón said and gave her a kiss on her crown.
"Okay, now we just got to figure out how we get Gastón in that fitting room," Luna said, thinking out loud.
"That's easy. He just walks in," Matteo said.
They all start to think for a moment and couldn't find a better alternative. They ended up nodding and agreeing with his plan. It was the best they could do.
"Alright, let's get this crazy plan started," Gastón sighed and gave in. Getting ready to finally have the conversation he and Nina had to have.
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 7 months
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Poor Nina. Honestly her parents really messed up here. They both had good reason but neither can communicate and she gets stuck in the middle AGAIN (whereas the Valentes portray dream parental roles, and Sharon portrays toxic, these two land in the middle with well intentioned dysfunction that I do appreciate more on this rewatch)…also sweet that Gaston goes after her in this scene 🥲
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lastshadeofme · 1 year
If Nina is Luna’s best friend, and Francesca is Violetta’s best friend, Nina should supposedly sing everything Francesca sings
But if Gastón is Matteo’s best friend, exactly like Andres is León’s best friend, does it mean Gastón should sing what Andres sings???
My brain is burning lmaoo
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