againgerw · 10 months
Verdammtes Schwein (Literarischer Exkurs)
Sucht Euch ein Bild aus
Ist sie süß, klein, harmlos, unschuldig, unerfahren? Ja, das alles ist sie. Hübsch und vielleicht etwas verwöhnt ist sie auch. Wehrlos und ausgeliefert, hilflos nachgerade erscheint sie Dir, und leidensfähig. Du würdest sie beschützen, könntest ihr nie etwas tun, möchtest sie in die Arme nehmen, streicheln, verwöhnen - behüten. Doch wenn Du genügend erregt bist, begeilt Dich die Fantasie, Dein Gedanke an ihr unermessliches, nicht enden wollendes Leid, an ihre Qual und ihre finale Zerstörung für nichts als Deine und Deiner Freunde kranke Lust. Dich reibend ist sie Dir nur
ein verdammtes Schwein.
Helfen kann ich Dir nicht, wozu auch? Es waren nicht Typen wie Du, die der Menschheitsgeschichte Gräuel ausgelöst haben. Das waren gestandene Männer, und sie taten es im Namen des Guten. Auch der Marquis hat nicht gefoltert. Die Guten nahmen ihn in Folterhaft. Deine Gedanken schaden niemanden. Aber vielleicht sollten wir Freunde werden.
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immerimmerweiter · 2 years
Ich liebe das Cuckolding, das vielfach auch als eine Form der Paraphilie beschrieben wird und bei der ich allein durch die Fantasie sexuell erregt werde, dass meine Ehefrau erotischen Kontakt mit einem anderen Mann hat oder haben könnte. Ich selbst bin allein durch meine Induratio penis plastica in der Position, meiner Frau treu zu bleiben oder sogar zu enthaltsam zu sein.
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theplushiepoke · 2 months
Tumblr debut! ^^
I'm the creator of the Poké-AB DL flag! The flag is for ab dls who are hyperfixated on Pokemon, ab dls who feel like they identify as a pokemon while in ab dlspace, and ab dls who also are pokephiles!
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sexoblogue · 1 year
[Medscape] Quiz : les paraphilies ou troubles de l’intérêt sexuel
Les personnes souffrant de troubles des intérêts sexuels, également appelés troubles paraphiliques, peuvent être difficiles à interroger en raison de leur hésitation à se confier à un soignant. Que savez-vous de ce sujet souvent négligé et déroutant qui touche à de nombreux domaines de pratique médicale ? Testez vos connaissances sur les troubles de l’intérêt sexuel grâce à ce quiz en 5 questions.
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brainpal-gachapon · 2 months
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Hello!! I'm Mod Madoka, here to tell you abt this blog! ^^
This is an alterpack blog; basically you give us some information and we make an alter for you! After that, you'd use the alter information we provide to split your very own alter; simple as that!
Current requests!!!
How do I actually form these headmates?
Here is our template for requesting a headmate.
Role(s) (if you want them):
With that in mind, we also don't mind making an entirely 'creator's choice' headmate for you! We'd prefer if you gave a few key details that you would or wouldn't want regardless.
Obligatory 'not fully from my own head'- this blog was created because Madoka was inspired by @alters-in-a-box, @alters-4-u, and several other very cool blogs! (hope yall're ok with pings lol-)
Mod info under the cut !
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[# of Mods: 5]
Mod Madoka .
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Hello, hello, hii! Bonjour as well! I am Mod Madoka- though just Madoka is alright ^^;
I'm many transIDs, but the main ones are transjapanese, transfrench, transplural, transalbino, transharmed, and transorientation!
I'm currently working on 2 headmates (to the best of my ability.. waghh!) so if you see a Mod Flutters or Mod Moon, that's them!
For sign-offs (aside from my little image, hehe) I'll either use Modoka, Mod Madoka, or 🍓!
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HIII!! I'm MOD Pink (other alters will upload but it will be under my name)
I have many transids but the notable ones are transrussian, transjapanese, transharmed, and transbpd. The main other alter that will most is transarab.
Mod Pink's sources
I will probably sign off with Mod Pink or 🎸
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Mod Vox/Cringe!
Hello hej :D! We're Mod Vox/Cringe! Refer to us by it/she&/bitch/cringe pronouns.
We're a cisplural sys (we plan to all upload under this name), along with cisdisabled (many ways) and cistraumtized. But are also transabled in certain ways, transtrauma, and possibly transplural to an extent. Our primary ids are transswedish, trace and transharmed, but we have many others. We're also very much a paraphilie (yep those ones also). We're also cisnpd and this blog just fuels it lol (/lh)
Our preferred sources!
We sign off with Mod Vox/Cringe, or with 💔.
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Mod Dazed/Mach!
Hello we're mod Dazed or Mod Mach, we use Vi/Fi/Xa/Yan/El/Chi prns we're a transplural sys with low switching, a lot of kins, a lot of irls, and a lot of transids! Notably transcharacter Mach, Miku, and Shazam, transobsession, and transbullied! We sign off with Mod Dazed, Mod Mach, or MM!
Mach's preferred sources!
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Mod Effigy !!!
Hello , we’re Effigy or Sprawl . We use he/???/it pronouns . We’re a fictive heavy transDID system .
collective IDs : NtM , sickfuck , transabled , transfibromyalgia , transfanged , nullhawaiian , nullhuman , transdiagnosed , transtinyapartment
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Please check here for system requests!
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 5 months
I don't mean to break your DNI, but I'm a radqueer who's on the fence about leaving the community. I believe like 85% of their beliefs with my whole heart, but recently it's been going downhill and I don't want to associate with child abusers, animals abusers, white supremacists and the like. I'm transID, I'm a paraphiliac, and I believe that a good future is one where I can express myself without being told to KMS and I feel like the RQ community is the only group who gets that. Are there places outside the community where I can feel safe and fight for what I think is right without folkel thinking I'm an abuser and a transphobe? I'm scared to leave because I don't feel safe anywhere else and don't trust anyone who isn't RQ at this point but some of the things coming out of the community are starting to make my stomach churn. Advice?

Okay, so to start, if you are anti-contact for your paraphilia/paraphilies, most places accept you!
And, it does really depends on what you believe in. Personally, we're anti harassment, believe in accepting contradictory identities, believe all people should be treated equally, etc. But we do draw the line at pro/neutral/complex contact paraphilies, most trans ids (such as transharmful, transharmed, etc)
If you are transid for things like race, age, etc due to a disconnection/other reasons, not just because you want to be, I recommend looking at @acetrappolaswife, as they are creating some new labels to describe those feelings
Let me know if you have further questions or want me to expand on my beliefs!! ^^
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cottage-g0r3 · 16 days
How are u gonna complain abt ppl shipping u with someone that was "canonly racist" to u then support pedophilia... LMAOOO 😭😭😭 u deserve it
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Where on my account does it say "I support pedophilia".. because it doesnt. Being a darkshipper/profic doesnt mean I support literal crimes, I am just anti-censorship and anti-harassment when it comes to fictional media. The type of dark content I enjoy and read has never contained that either as I dont enjoy it. If its me being fine with recovering paraphilies interacting that seems like a personal issue? Pedophilia is a mental illness, having that attraction doesnt immediately make you a bad person unless you go out and harm kids. As long as you're getting help/in recovery I don't care.
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againgerw · 10 months
Löschpraxis, Zensur, censorship
Gelöscht werden Blogs auch, wenn man nur die Favoriten bedient (Herzchen vergibt) und persönliche Nachrichten tauscht. Kunstfreiheit wird dabei ignoriert, da man sie lediglich als Projektion innerer Affektzustände wahrnimmt. Sie legen Dinge einfach zu unserem Nachteil aus, obwohl man sie auch anders betrachten oder verstehen könnte. Das Ausweichen auf privaten Schriftwechsel über elektronische Post scheint geboten.
Blogs are also deleted, if the user only gave likes or used the messenger. Artistic freedom is ignored because it seems to be perceived only as a projection of inner affect states. They simply interpret things to our disadvantage, although they could be viewed or understood differently. Due to this i t would be helpful to switch to private correspondence by e-mail.
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anti-radqueer-zone · 6 months
You asked about flags and stuff when it comes to paraphilias so I thought as a paraphile that has been around that community while not radqueer I’d thought I’d drop my two cents on it? IMO it’s not an inherently bad thing, paraphilias like any other disorder deserve to not feel ostracized or demonized which is the point of flags. They’re there to show some support. But I do think it very often either ends up becoming a pipeline to radqueer ideals (i’ve seen other paraphilies be overtly anti-rq suddenly fall into it) or it ends up normalizing it? Supporting and normalizing are different things and I can tell you for a fact being around those communities, being open about the way you think really does make it feel normal. Should paraphiles feel normal regardless of their paraphilias? Absolutely! But the paraphilias themselves should not be normalized. Point is I do believe some sort of archive for terms the community uses to describe themselves, flags and stuff like that should exist but that’s probably as far as it should go. I’m not a fan of the whole emoji code stuff some paraphiles seem to have borrowed from radqueers and stuff like that.
Yes, I think you worded this really well. I don't want to make anyone feel as if I am saying that paraphiles can't or shouldn't be proud of or happy with themselves. I don't want people to think I advocate that paraphiles need to be shamed. I think there's a big difference between someone with a paraphilia and the paraphilia itself, and when it comes to harmful paraphilias, especially, I don't think we should be normalising them, and I don't think people should necessarily be "proud" of feeling those things. But people aren't their disorders or their attractions. People with paraphilias do deserve to be proud of themselves, regardless of their paraphilias. Like you said, paraphiles deserve to feel normal and be normalised, but paraphilias shouldn't.
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i was reading your pinned post, what's a sunset paraphile? /genq (not judging just do not know)
It’s basically paraphilies who are anti-radqueer, anti-contact and pro-recovery for harmful/dangerous paraphilias. You can find more about it here
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antiradqueer · 10 months
Re: Last paraphilia anon (Sort of, more like continuing that convo)
Yeah, it is a really bad issue. Blocked a few anti-radqueer blogs for saying that all big three paraphilies deserve jail or death for being paraphilies and not their actions.
Like I get a lot of anti-radqueer people who are the most vocal are minors. But, you have to acknowledge that something that makes you uncomfy is not automatically harmful, especially being anti-contact for any harmful paraphilia. It's not just the three that are harmful- even paraphilias based on objects can be dependent on the consent of the person who owns the object or if practiced unsafely and without cleaning the object. Yes, I count harm to the paraphile as a harmful paraphilia, since that is so often overlooked with how distressing a paraphilia can be to experience.
It's ableist, really. The exact opposite extreme of radqueers when the situation needs more nuance than "Paraphilias ok except the three that make be feel icky then the paraphiles deserve to die." It's expected to see in extremes when you're a minor since you're still learning about the world and simplifying it makes it less scary and complex, but if you're going to try to present yourself as a safer alternative than a group that encourages contact and crimes, you cannot make a paraphilia an indicator of someone's morality or them being an inherent threat. It's rhetoric that has been used to demonize trauma victims for a long time, not just paraphiles.
TLDR: You can have a personal discomfort about specific groups, but it becomes an issue when you're telling a group to die or treat them as subhuman for something they cannot control having (but they can control their actions), and that needs to be unlearned. Not everything radqueers support is always part of their group or inherently evil due to their support of it. If anything, the combination of pro-contact any harmful paraphilia, applying queer identity fluidity to non-queer identities where it does not work the same way, not respecting closed or semi-closed cultures/practices, and idea that children and animals are able to consent should be bigger radqueer red flags than not demonizing paraphilias and paraphilic disorders.
like i said before the majority of people who says "big 3 kys" likely mean offenders or predators, again a missuse of words, dosent excuse all of it tho. but yeah i get what u mean and yeah other than the big 3 or what you said theres also like murder n r*pe paras too those are also harmful yaknow,
still this blog is very anti-contact n anti-abuse para friendly i believe so yeah
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" Why am i like this ? why am i like this ...
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.... why am i ?? "
Masterlist Tag list Requesting system / how this works
Check rentrys above ,, with that out of the way ,, we can move on.
Welcome to Stashy's userboxes ,, a sideblog created by crona to make userboxes for radqueers as well as transID's ,, this includes any transID that isnt winterpunk/winterqueer ,, transnazi/cisnazi ,, transbigot/cisbigot ,, and transzionist/ciszionist. Other TransID's such as transharmed and transharmful ,, as well as other TransIDs are fine (unless said otherwise.)
Want to request a userbox of a transID? Give me the transID name and / or flag and I'll turn it into a userbox for you to use on your blog !! Or for you to have for your little label hoard. The list of what transID's you cant request will probably be updated if i find an ID im uncomfortable with.
Im okay with requests of TransIDs ,, TransDisorders ,, as well as TransCharacters. If it has a flag ,, it will be made !!
Im bad with explaining / talking about things so I'll probably have somebody else edit this later...
A little bit more about me ??
You can call me Crona ,, Stashy ,, or Opal. I use pronouns such as she/it/he/star/goop/ink/halo ,, mostly neopronouns though. She/her is just fine though! I run @stashys-cola-stash ,, and im one of the main hosts in this subsystem !! Im an ageslider of 15 - 9 and very often go into little space ,, im usually very quiet verbally and i dont like talking to people first. I can very emotional at times ,, im a radqueer and a paraphilie !! Im also transharmed ,, and sometimes Ragnarok fronts with me (who hasnt gotten an intro yet.).
I have a list of my transID's as well as a paraphilia list on my Rentry ,, it probably explains alot more then what ive said here. So.. check that out.
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
Feel free to ignore/delete, but what's ur opinion on paraphiles? Ik you're anti-contact but do you support those seeking to recover and such?
i mean, i am a paraphile so. that answers for itself, but my stance is pretty much, like, don't judge someone for something they can't control or change. whether or not they have a paraphilic disorder or just a paraphilia, they're valid, they can't control it, they don't have to justify it, but when it comes to paraphilias that would be harmful if acted upon, like pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, and necrophilia, then i'm strictly anti-contact. i support paraphilies who seek help/recovery, as well as those who don't want to and are comfortable as they are! i personally don't want to seek professional help for mine because i'm kind of ashamed of it and scared of getting judged, and i also don't think i need it because it's something i would rather die than act on so. yeah.
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ultrastupid · 10 months
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My pinned post: Hello, my name is Echo! I come in relative peace. My dysgraphia will leave me making all sorts of typos, so be ready for that lol.
If you're curious about things like my queer labels, pronouns, names, and just what I have that makes me disabled and mentally ill, you can click here.
I have been on tumblr since 2011 originally, and have been using a secret account to follow and like and reblog posts that has no connection to me lmao, since about 2015. I guess I got tired of doing that and now I am here as myself.
Main fandoms are: No Straight Roads, Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss), Welcome Home, Cult of the Lamb, and Steven Universe right now.
I am sir-swears-a-lot, just warning in case you don't like a lot of swearing! Also, sometimes I spam reblog from my mutuals or people I follow, just a warning!
Click/tap the read more for boundaries, my main tags (plus tags you can use for filtering if you have triggers, squicks, phobias, or just don't want to see me post about certain things!), and misc info!
I have a queue set up to post 12 posts per day, and I shuffle it 3 times after I get done adding more to it. The blog pretty much runs on it now.
LAST UPDATED: May 13th, 2024 (05/13/24)
I hate DNIs because they don't really work, but I will let you know what types of people I tend to block! Some of these have a higher chance of being blocked than others!
Minors (This blog is nsfw and at most has an "nsft tw" tag on SOME posts, minors get DA BOOT)
Queer exclusionists (I'm everything you hate, also anyone who uses TME/TMA to describe themselves and others gets DA BOOT)
System exclusionists/sysmeds (I'm both a traumagenic system who was diagnosed professionally in childhood, AND an endogenic system, eat DA BOOT)
Ableists/sanists (I'm a bipolar borderline psychotic schizo crippled bitch, fuck all the way off and get stomped by DA BOOT)
Anti(shippers) (I'm the scary proshit that you were warned about, ooky spooky! You get DA BOOT extra hard since you tend to be deplorable people who value pixels over REAL fucking lives!)
Pro-c/neu-c for non-consensual paraphilias/The Big Three (I support anti-c paraphiles and also pro/neu paraphilies getting help and allow for anti-c's to interact with me, if you don't like that, DA BOOT is waiting xoxo)
Also generally if you have rancid vibes or I feel impending doom when I look at your blog or replies, you get blocked (And of course DA BOOT)
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System-related stuff: Click here for more detailed info about my system! Below are tags that my alters use:
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My main Ao3 is indeed my tumblr username. The real "social media" place that I use most is a mastodon instance, you can find that in my linktree on Ao3 if you're brave enough (and 18 years or older) lol. I am completely unfiltered on there, so be careful and stay safe!
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Tags for reblogs (and maybe posts) in case you need to filter (not all tags are listed her btw):
#Q = Queued posts, aka what this blog runs on
#discourse tw = Most forms of discourse
#shipcourse tw = Ship discourse specifically
#ableism tw = Discourse, but ableism focused
#queerphobia tw = Discourse, but queerphobia/exclusionist focused
#racism tw = Discourse, but racism focused
#current events tw = For (mostly USA) politics, wars, genocides
#traumacore tw = Traumacore/ventcore related things
#mental health tw = Mostly dark humor relating to mental health
#abuse tw = Mentions of abuse (relationships, child, etc)
#drugs tw = Drugs and drug mentions (regardless of use purpose)
#rapid switching images tw = Rapid switching images (for epilepsy)
#flashing lights tw = Flashing lights (for epilepsy)
#shaking images tw = Rapidly shaking images (for epilepsy)
#eyestrain tw = Bright colors, optical illusions
#loud sound tw = Loud audio, typically sudden
#insect tw = Any bug or bug-like thing, so spiders included
#sea creature tw = Fish, sea creatures (seaslugs, octopus, etc)
#rodent tw = Rodents (rats, mice, squirrels, etc)
#bird tw = Avians, flying or otherwise
#bat tw = Real/realistic bats
#reptile tw = Reptiles (snakes, lizards, etc)
#amphibian tw = Amphibians (Frogs, salamanders, etc)
#dog tw = Canines in general, so yes wolves are included
#horror tw = General horror tag (body, psychological, etc)
#trypophobia tw = Clusters of holes
#scopophobia tw = Eyes that are staring
#dead dove tw = The "typical" problematic themes
#gore tw = Gore, guro, etc, lots of blood here
#nsft tw = "Not safe for tumblr", aka nsfw or suggestive stuff
#PSA = For important stuff. Tends to have other TW tags on it too!
#mutual aid = Mutual aid reblogs, self-explanatory
#polls = Polls, both ones still going or done
#the dream = An eclectic tag that can mean many things tbh
#reblog bait tw = Stuff that can be considered "reblog bait"
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Specific fandom tags I use because I am too scared of getting dogpiled while using main fandom tags:
#En Es Ar = NSR (No Straight Roads) #Double U Aitch = WH (Welcome Home) #Aitch Aitch = HH (Hazbin Hotel) #Aitch Bee = HB (Helluva Boss) #Sea Oh Tee El = COTL (Cult of the Lamb)
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Tags for my own purpose, typically text posts I make.
#burntembers.txt is my tag for text posts or general rambles and general stuff. Will use this a lot when making text posts!
#warmembers.txt is for nsfw rambles/talk, maybe some links to Ao3 stories if I'm feeling brave haha.
#sparkingembers.txt is for ranting/rambling about disabilities, mental illnesses/disorders, and general neurodivergent shit.
#moltenembers.txt is for fandom related talk/content. Typically me blabbing about headcanons and general deranged shit lmao.
#snuffedembers.txt is for ranting/rambling, discourse related things, and general venting. Because why not, why not?
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Info n stuff
Read details at bottom for things with a “*”
If I follow you and you don’t agree with my beliefs or you don’t want me to follow you, either let me know and I’ll unfollow you, or block. No hard feelings! /srs
He/him, it/its, gore/gores, art/arts
Otherkin, therian, fictionkin, nonhuman, aldernic
Not cis, not binary, not straight, not allo, not mono
White, 18 years old, live in the US
Self-diagnosed NPD, VSS, depression, ADHD, possibly autism
Chronic pain haver
Paraphilie (I’m not one of the “big three” or consang if you want to know before following /srs)
Pro: mogai, microlabels, neopronouns, objectum and conceptum, otherkin, nonhumans, problematic fiction*, self-shipping, all types of systems, self-diagnosis, all mental illnesses and disorders including stigmatized ones like cluster B and paraphilias, age regression/dreaming and pet regression/dreaming, all religions and spiritual beliefs (unless you are religiocentric), ethical non-monogamy, furries, kink & fetish
Anti: offending and anything but strictly anti-contact paraphiles*, demonizing any mental illness or disorder, fiction censorship, the “usual” stuff like racism, misogyny, queerphobia, TERFs/gender critical, xenophobia, gatekeeping, ableism, etc
If you want to be friends: You (or the body if you are part of a system) have to be 17-20 years old, have to be pro: otherkin, furry, para, radinclus and self-dx, and that’s it. Feel free to DM :) /g 
Details: *I support problematic written and animated fiction but I am aware and believe that fiction does affect realty (though not 1:1) and consequences come with certain fiction. *My opinion on para’s and contact varies on what type of para it is. My simplified opinion is: harmless para’s (being into hands or mursuiting) = pro-consensual contact. Impossible para’s (being into werewolves or aliens) = pro-fiction and consensual roleplay. Harmful, dubious or non-con para’s (zoo’s or maps) = strictly anti-contact
DNI: I don’t really have a DNI but I am pretty liberal with the block button. If you have differing opinions then me, that’s okay, but pro-contact maps/zoos/necros and people who demonize “bad” or “scary” mental disorders and neurodivergencies will be blocked on site. 
Profile background photo by https://unsplash.com/@lukaszlada on Unsplash
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archlingloaftortoe · 1 year
welcome… arch / Luci! Me! The king of demons- I’m kidding heh.
🪽🐾 heyy I’m arch / Luci I’m a xenogender / pan paraphilie! I’m taken by my lovey gf <3 any questions aloud my paraphilia are fictozoo, zoophile, (anticontact), fictophile, plushophile and more! My xenogender are foxgender, fennecfox gender, Arcticfoxgender, nightfurygender, and sleepyfoxgender + more! I’m also a therian and furry hopefully I’m welcome! 🐾🪽
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