pembrokewkorgi · 1 month
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Yooooooo!!! It's Paragram! (special thanks to @CloudiDoodles for unintentional helping me with some aspects of Parri's design, most notably the ears.)
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yukikitazumi · 2 years
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以前携わったCRAFT MILK SHOP の仕事も掲載されています。 販売元 CRAFT MILK SHOPデザイン会社 paragramAD:赤井祐輔(paragram) D:清野萌奈(paragram) 
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majestyrising · 6 months
i wanna get back into fr but the fandom landscape is very different to what i'm used to... i'm also very torn on if i should completely slash all my bios down to as short a paragram as possible, with like, badges and stuff to convey things. my lore is totally non fr now so it might make it easier to understand or read? EUGH IDK
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kuramirocket · 1 year
Why does the U.S. Talk BAD About Mexico?
It appears that in the U.S. the most popular topic lately is discussions about taking action against Mexico, intervening military wise in Mexico, controlling the path for immigrants, because without the U.S. we would be "eating cat food out of a tent" as stated by U.S. senator John Kennedy.
Despite Mexico being the U.S.'s closest commercial ally, it's odd that Mexico is subjected to this treatment. Would the U.S. say the same about Canada, Europe or Japan? How would these countries governments react if they were to be in the same uncomfortable situation as Mexico? But above all else can we trust in a neighbor that today calls us their closest friend and wants to treat us as "equals" while at the same time in the highest spheres of power they dare to make these unacceptable declarations without embarrasment and with an air of arrogance and superiority?
This is more than an act of propaganda and interference. There is no search for a real solution to a problem they artificially created. It may not even be in the U.S.'s economic interest to act against the issues of which they are so critical. The final reality is to impact the minds of the most impressionable citizens and possible voters so that they elect them by popular vote for public office.
In the U.S. there is a strategy that does not fail - to create a common enemy. It doesn't matter if it's real or even represent a threat. What is important is for the people to believe this is the case. One of the most common forms of social manipulation; it doesn't matter who is chosen for the unfortunate role whether it be Mexico or China or Russia. It's necessary for propaganda to be used to present a concrete enemy. If it doesn't exist it should be invented and if it does exist it should be enlarged. In this game there is nothing sacred. Again, it is not necessary for this to be true. What matters is for people to believe it to be true, awakening in them one of the strongest emotions - fear, which must be constantly fed for this to work. This strategy consists of insistently presenting scenarios that could represent a threat to the average lifestyle; whichever event that can be interpreted as negative will surely be presented as such on one given day and on another day as well. Constant repetition is the key.
Crisis, conflict and war unfortunately provoke these manipulations of reality which present opportunities for many groups in power. One of which is the multimillionaire industry of the military. An enemy created by deceitful propaganda justifies the acquisition of excessive weapons and elevated wasteful spending on the military that would otherwise be unacceptable. Fear represents an opportunity for the weapons and arms industry. An example is the Russian-Ukraine war where the weapons and arms industry saw a multimillion increase in the stock exchange of New York representing an unusual gain for its investors. The U.S. won 80 million dollars just during the period of the beginning of the confrontation. And in this paragram there is no life that matters, no humanitarian catastrophe grave enough if there exists a possibility of making money. The campaign of fear must be provoked within the population and the dynamic of a common enemy has resulted to be extremely lucrative; and the groups who hold influence and power find it convenient for people to be in a constant state of anxiety, uncertainty and fear. This is why positive news are only given in minimal doses while the majority of the news is focused completely on truly alarming events.
Make no doubt, war is a social phenomenon used as a tool for progress, technological advances and development of a society. How many times have we heard of countries reaching their highest peak right after winning a war. The U.S.'s military programs of defense are everytime more costly and sophisticated demanding more money for their maintenance. And when a society is afraid it's more likely they will give more money and will take more drastic measures that they otherwise would have never gotten consent and approval from the public.
It is then no coincidence either that the media gives so much attention to the news such as the constant declarations against Mexico, making sure that the entire world is aware of these reprehensible comments; which would seem appropriate to a percentage of those hearing it, also serving as free publicity for elections. The media could elect to present other news in its slots rather than showcasing such reprehensible commentaries unless it were due to obtaining some economic benefit whether it be due to belonging to a political party of investors or returning the favor via contracts of publicity or any other form. Media, its owners and benefactos gives news that is convenient for them for the people to hear.
Mexico's public image is being manipulated for propaganda and economic ends. They are presenting us as an extremely dangerous threat for U.S. society and the worst is that there are people who believe it.
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hasanakbal19 · 1 year
16 Mayıs 2023 Tarihli ve 32192 Sayılı Resmî Gazete
YÜRÜTME VE İDARE BÖLÜMÜ  YÖNETMELİK  –– İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa Lisansüstü Eğitim ve Öğretim Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik TEBLİĞLER  –– Efix Ödeme Hizmetleri A.Ş.’nin Faaliyet İzni Kapsamının Genişletilmesine İlişkin Karar –– İstanbul Ödeme ve Elektronik Para A.Ş.’nin Faaliyet İzni Kapsamının Genişletilmesine İlişkin Karar –– Paragram Ödeme Kuruluşu…
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kunyekultursanat · 1 year
16 Mayıs 2023 Tarihli ve 32192 Sayılı Resmî Gazete
YÜRÜTME VE İDARE BÖLÜMÜ  YÖNETMELİK  –– İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa Lisansüstü Eğitim ve Öğretim Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik TEBLİĞLER  –– Efix Ödeme Hizmetleri A.Ş.’nin Faaliyet İzni Kapsamının Genişletilmesine İlişkin Karar –– İstanbul Ödeme ve Elektronik Para A.Ş.’nin Faaliyet İzni Kapsamının Genişletilmesine İlişkin Karar –– Paragram Ödeme Kuruluşu…
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
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HII HERES A PET PICTURE DROP OFF!!! i have met many friends! i hope today is going well! 💜
Today has been better. I actually slept without nightmares or someone else fronting while the body was asleep. And I ate most of my dinner and im actually writing again! Like actually writing not just like a paragram and deleting it ! im actually working on a request!!
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affille · 2 years
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domsegodnia · 2 years
Каким должно быть здоровое питание
Смотрите, какая прослеживается тенденция: без воздуха человек может прожить несколько минут, без воды – несколько дней, без еды несколько недель, а при определённых условиях и несколько месяцев. Какой же напрашивается вывод? Еда в обеспечении жизнедеятельности человека играет лишь вспомогательную роль?!
На самом деле питание играет в нашей жизни основную роль. Главное, при этом не упускать из виду, что оно должно быть правильным. Сегодня на наши бедные головы выплеснулось такое количество информации, что легко можно запутаться в том, что надо есть, а что не надо. Давайте попробуем разобраться в сложившейся ситуации вместе и выделить главное из этой массы сведений. В нашей статье мы попробуем собрать только самое важное и нужное.
Итак, первое заблуждение, что углеводы вредны для здоровья. Чепуха! Без углеводов человеку неоткуда было бы черпать энергию для жизни. Надо только понять одну простую вещь – в продуктах, которые мы едим, и так достаточно углеводов, нашему организму их вполне хватает. Но если ваш обычный рацион состоит в основном из макарон, картофеля и сладостей, то перед каждым приёмом пищи съедайте какие-либо фрукты.
Ниже мы уточним, какие продукты с содержат полезные и вредные углеводы.
Вредные углеводы: картофель, макароны, шлифованный рис, морковь, свёкла, кукуруза, мюсли, кондитерские изделия, молочные продукты.
Полезные углеводы: овощи, фрукты, отрубной хлеб, нешлифованный рис, бобовые, овсянка, гречка, грибы, ржаной хлеб.
Поэтому просматривая пошаговые рецепты на кулинарных сайтах http://paragrams/, выбирайте те, которые содержат полезные углеводы.
О том, что жир вреден, нам внушают при любом удобном случае. Но никто не говорит о том, что жиры, поступающие к нам с пищей, принимают участие в строительстве клеточных мембран нашего организма и помогают синтезировать гормоны. Здесь опять следует упомянуть о хороших и плохих жирах.
Существуют два вида жиров: полинасыщеные – к ним относятся все жиры животного происхождения, и полиненасыщенные – к ним относятся все жиры растительного происхождения, а также ростки злаков и бобовых. Для правильного, сбалансированного питания достаточно ограничить доставку в ваш организм животных жиров и заменить их растительными. На сайте paragrams представлено множество полезных блюд.
О пользе белков говорить не приходится. Белок – это главный строительный материал для нашего организма. Правильное питание предусматривает сочетание в рационе человека белков растительного и животного происхождения. К растительным белкам относятся: все бобовые, крупы, брюссельская капуста, брокколи…
В заключение хотелось бы напомнить, что во всём должна быть мера. Будьте здоровыми!
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pembrokewkorgi · 4 days
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Paragram Headshot
Just a fun little head shot of Paragram, my bunny gal, for your enjoyment.
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logosai · 2 years
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@paragram_design .. / Candy Potato AD. yusuke akai D. mei to go archive photo. aki kaibuchi @ranran_sweets sort: sort: # paragram_work_2021 #paragram_work_package tag: tag: #paragram #graphicdesign #typography #branding #brandingdesign #package #packagedesign #Graphic design #Branding #Branding design #package #Package design #Ranran #ranran https://www.instagram.com/p/CdT2IEKrcF1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suite116 · 3 years
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Paragram Guitars
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harlequinbishop · 3 years
words hard...
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bookloversofbath · 3 years
Anatomy of the Crossword :: D. St. P. (Douglas St. Paul) Barnard
Anatomy of the Crossword :: D. St. P. (Douglas St. Paul) Barnard
Anatomy of the Crossword :: D. St. P. (Douglas St. Paul) Barnard soon to be presented for sale on the super BookLovers of Bath web site! London: G. Bell & Sons, 1963, Hardback in dust wrapper. From the cover: So well known are D. St.P. Barnards mathematical brain-twisters that they could easily obscure the fact that their author is also one of Britains leading exponents of the crossword puzzle.…
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ccsdailyoc · 6 years
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#015: Squire Sqiee Paragram
From: Erasure
Summary: An android who deals in information. Willing to spy, stalk, steal and blackmail to get what she wants, but not torture or murder. Loyal to her clients, but lacks compassion.
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cutecatdoodles · 3 years
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Drawtober day 11 is Squire, one of my older favorites! I haven’t drawn this dear gal in too long. I love her and her morally gray ways. 
Fun fact, her full name is Squire Sqiee Paragram. The middle name’s pronounced “Skee” and she will absolutely correct you if you say it as “Squee”.
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