#PBL Online Courses
khushiverma0001 · 9 months
Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Project-Based Learning
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Embark on a journey into the world of education as we delve into the captivating realm of Project-Based Learning! 🌟 Discover how this innovative approach empowers students to become active, creative thinkers while tackling real-world challenges. 🚀📚 Uncover the multitude of benefits it offers, from fostering teamwork and problem-solving skills to igniting a passion for lifelong learning. 🌐🤝 However, let's not shy away from the hurdles and complexities this pedagogical shift can bring, as we navigate the uncharted waters of this educational frontier. 🌊 Join us in this enlightening discussion as we weigh the pros and cons, and embark on a journey of educational transformation! 🌱🎓
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Trending Engineering Educational Sectors
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Engineering Educational Sector
Since years, the engineering activities have been the core enablers of civilizational transformation. New technologies, engineering systems and products have been and continue to be the at the centre in sectors related to food, water, hygiene, clothing, housing, defense, energy, manufacturing, transportation, and in healthcare, education, entertainment, finance, governance, etc. Hence, despite the evolution of many other industry-specific courses, engineering education at best engineering colleges in Jaipur remains as one of most attractive options for students across the world.
A huge number of students continue to enrol in engineering courses as Industry 4.0 and Net-Zero Transition technologies present many bright career opportunities. Further, as engineering education mainly focusses on strengthening analytical and problem-solving skills, many engineering graduates find it easy to use their education for other career pursuits.
According to the research conducted by the experts of engineering colleges Jaipur, there are companies about new job openings in FY23 as the country’s economy is on a growth trajectory. It is based on a survey among executive-level managers and HR leaders covering sectors like construction and engineering, auto and auto ancillary, education, hospitality, FMCG, banking, and finance, among others.  There are some emerging trends that are shaping the engineering education in the country today:
Outcome-based Education (OBE)
Outcome-based engineering education seeks to nurture students’ ability to conceive, design, implement, and operate complex value-added engineering products, processes, and systems in a modern team-based environment. Many progressive institutes are carefully defining their Program Educational Objectives, Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes, Program-specific desired minimum level of competence for POs and PSOs, Course Outcomes, Course Articulation Matrices, Program Articulation Matrices, and also developing their monitoring systems for Course level and Program Level Outcome Attainment.
OBE’s implementation requires that students of top engineering college in Jaipur are repeatedly engaged in the core engineering processes like designing, predicting performance, building, and testing throughout the curriculum. Many universities and engineering institutes are making systematic reforms to implement OBE effectively through appropriate inclusion of inductive pedagogies like project-based learning (PBL), experiential learning, etc.  
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
UGC introduced CBCS to make higher education broad-based and promote learner-centricity, flexibility, and inter-disciplinarity. Extent of its implementation is an important parameter in NAAC accreditation process. NEP has also supported it. Some universities have already implemented CBCS in their engineering programs and many more are in the process of doing so.
Industry-specific programs
Many universities and institutes of top BTech colleges in Jaipur are including industry-specific engineering courses in their curricula. In these programs, the students are exposed to the latest engineering tools, technologies and trends in the engineering sector. The courses are also regularly updated from time to time.
Flexibility of External Courses
Many universities are offering flexibility to earn credits through MOOCs and courses at partner universities in India or abroad. In addition to facilitating several courses, some progressive universities have even entered partnerships with online education providers like Coursera and edX and free/paid access to these online courses to their engineering students.  Faculty are integrating these online courses in their curricula in many different ways. Also, some universities offer the option for doing a semester at some partner university abroad. 
Industry Internships
For many decades, one summer internship has been an essential component of almost all engineering programs of the list of engineering colleges in Jaipur. Earlier, only a few universities had also created a provision of a full semester-long internship in the final year. Now many more universities follow this model. While, there are serious difficulties in managing short-term summer internships, industry is much more interested in engaging students for this full semester-long final year internship.
Focus on Sustainability
Institutions of higher education have started to include sustainability in the curriculum of various disciplines across the globe.  Ability to consider sustainability related issues in engineering processes of planning, design, implementation, etc., is now considered as an essential desired program outcome of many engineering programs. Many universities are transforming their engineering curricula to include sustainability related topics in their courses. NAAC’s requirement of various green campus initiatives is also supplementing this trend.
Soft skills development
Communication and other soft skills are essential for engineers of engineering college Jaipur as they are expected to be proficient in presentation, organization, leadership, and conflict resolution. Increasingly the engineering institutes have been including soft skills development programs and courses in their curricula in many different ways. 
Building entrepreneurial and innovative abilities
Entrepreneurship and innovation have the potential of turning fresh graduates into job providers rather than job seekers. Understanding the true potential of entrepreneurship, institutes are building incubation centers to help students hatch their innovative plans. Engineering institutes are also providing all necessary support from finance to infrastructure to students today and many students have come up with successful start-ups because of this process. Some universities have started giving the option to students to work on their own start-ups in lieu of internships and/or projects work.
As industries and businesses across sectors are evolving by leveraging new technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Automation & Robotics, New Materials, New Manufacturing & Construction Technologies, Biotechnology, Clean Technologies, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), High performance Computing, AR/VR, Blockchain, etc. Engineering institutes like best BTech colleges Jaipur are transforming their curricula to meet the new demands of the industry by including these technologies in their curricula and also adopting transformative approaches. Also, it includes increasing emphasis on industry internships, sustainability, soft skills, innovation, and entrepreneurship, as well as offering options for external credits and industry specific programs.
Many progressive universities are redefining and transforming their curricula and students experience in different ways. With these new trends, the engineering education is becoming ready for producing engineers who can take the country’s economy and technological might to newer heights.  For motivated students, the engineering education continues as a great gateway for some of the best career options. It also offers the opportunities to prepare themselves as change agents to transform the world and make it more beautiful, prosperous, happier, healthier, and sustainable.
Source: Click Here
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priyadanuu · 1 month
 Innovative Teaching Methods: Inside the Classrooms of Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru
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In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru are continually striving to innovate their teaching methods to provide students with a holistic and enriching learning experience.
These institutions recognize that traditional teaching approaches may not always effectively engage students or adequately prepare them for the challenges of the modern world.
As such, they are embracing innovative teaching methods that go beyond the conventional classroom setting to foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills among students.
Introduction to Innovative Teaching Methods
Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru are at the forefront of educational innovation, leveraging cutting-edge techniques and technologies to enhance the teaching and learning process.
From project-based learning to flipped classrooms, these schools are exploring a variety of methodologies to cater to diverse learning styles and preferences.
Project-Based Learning: Encouraging Active Participation
One of the most effective innovative teaching methods employed by Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru is project-based learning (PBL). Unlike traditional rote memorization, PBL encourages students to actively engage with course material by working on real-world projects that are relevant and meaningful to their lives.
By tackling complex problems and collaborating with their peers, students develop critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills.
Flipped Classrooms: Empowering Self-Directed Learning
Flipped classrooms have gained popularity in Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru as a means of empowering students to take ownership of their learning journey.
In this model, students are introduced to course content through online lectures or readings before coming to class. Class time is then dedicated to interactive discussions, group activities, and hands-on exercises, allowing students to apply their knowledge in meaningful ways under the guidance of their teachers.
Experiential Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice
Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru recognize the importance of bridging the gap between theory and practice through experiential learning. Whether through field trips, internships, or simulations, students have the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge to real-world scenarios, gaining invaluable insights and skills that cannot be acquired in the classroom alone.
Technology Integration: Enhancing Learning Experiences
Technology plays a pivotal role in innovative teaching methods at Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru.
From interactive whiteboards and educational apps to virtual reality simulations and online learning platforms, technology integration enhances learning experiences by making content more engaging, accessible, and interactive for students.
Personalized Learning: Catering to Individual Needs
Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru recognize that every student is unique, with their own learning styles, interests, and abilities.
Through personalized learning approaches, such as differentiated instruction and adaptive learning software, teachers can tailor their instruction to meet the diverse needs of students, ensuring that each individual receives the support and challenge they require to succeed academically.
Conclusion: Embracing Innovation for a Brighter Future
In conclusion, Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru are embracing innovative teaching methods to provide students with a dynamic and engaging learning experience.
By incorporating project-based learning, flipped classrooms, experiential learning, technology integration, and personalized instruction, these schools are equipping students with the skills and competencies they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.
As parents and students consider their educational options, they can rest assured that Full Boarding Schools in Bengaluru are committed to fostering academic excellence, creativity, and lifelong learning through innovative teaching practices.
By prioritizing innovation in the classroom, these schools are preparing students for success not only in their academic pursuits but also in their future careers and endeavors.
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martinussenwelch42 · 4 months
What Are The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Casual Education?
Education is a basic pillar because it is probably considered one of the components that has the best influence on the progress and development of people and, subsequently, of various cultures and societies. In addition to enriching tradition and selling data, it additionally promotes a sequence of values. History of the research of the Romani language and Roma education in Romania (1990–2012), Studii de atelier - Cercetarea minorităţilor naţionale din România, No 46. However, whenever you choose to study informally, attempt to be taught from dependable sources or try to gather information from multiple sources to improve accuracy. Here, classes are discovered by way of experiences or practices only; till then, one should face unpredicted outcomes very often. It is especially thought of a high-cost learning methodology with a rigid educational system that typically wastes the time and cash of bright children.
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However, we ought to always not get too tied up with the bodily setting for the work. Formal schooling can even happen in almost some other location – corresponding to teaching somebody to add up while buying available in the market. Here it's the special type of social setting we have to create that is important. It was the first time any of them had seen a jigsaw puzzle of any sort.Informal knowledge is information that has not been externalized or captured and the primary locus of the information may be inside somebody's head. For example, in the cause of language acquisition, a mom may teach a toddler primary ideas of grammar and language at home, previous to the kid coming into a proper education system. In such a case, the mother has a tacit understanding of language constructions, syntax and morphology, but she is in all probability not explicitly conscious of what these are. Adult schooling and lifelong studying are of great significance in today's world for lots of reasons. Tune in to discover the most recent news in grownup learning and schooling. Daniela Ochoa is the go-to Content Marketing Specialist right here at Thinkific Plus! Project-based learning is one other "wayward" means to consider how studying occurs -- not "doing tasks," but learning via the process of project design and administration. PBL also works as a automobile for the planning and learning process itself. Within PBL, the Maker movement, cell studying and game-based learning are all possible. Apply as a tutor to teach students online from anywhere on the earth. You can continue to login using your current e-mail and password for now, however we are going to soon ask you to change your account to the model new EU Login for additional security and easy accessibility to different related instructional platforms and instruments offered by the EC. You can signal as much as be a part of the community quickly and simply utilizing the European Commission's EU Login service, supplying you with access to all EC websites and platforms with just one username and password! Click the blue button beneath to signal up using your current EU Login account or create a new one in a couple of easy steps.
Is Tango Onerous To Learn? Unveil The Dance Mystique!
A particular person can study anything and create an activity round it. A person can develop expertise and knowledge through informal schooling. Informal schooling facilitates the development of abilities and information that fit their wants. A person can learn something they need beneath informal schooling and so they can also share their data with others. However, a direct support of informal learning is taken into account troublesome, as a result of learning happens throughout the work course of and can't be deliberate by firms. An indirect help of studying by providing a constructive learning setting is however potential. [newline]Social help by colleagues and managers should be mentioned particularly. More experienced colleagues can act as learning experts and mentors. Managers can act as function fashions with regard to obtaining and offering suggestions on their very own work efficiency. Admitting own failures and coping with failures constructively also encourages workers to take benefit of studying opportunities at work. Training interventions can strengthen the meta-competence "studying to learn" among staff. With the stress to provide outcomes and to attain good take a look at scores, relationships and processes may be easily uncared for. Furthermore, there is normally a narrowing of academic focus. In these situations, while casual educators may be appointed to work with students, they should encourage and educate employees in order that the wants of students can be acknowledged and, hopefully, met. To do this informal educators will typically need each to develop an in depth understanding of the scenario, and (in that status-conscious world) have some kind of skilled qualification. As why students hate science as it sounds, one of many greatest similarities between formal and informal schooling is that the coed has a drive to learn! You would possibly either be seeking to have new data and even just attempt to broaden on information that you’ve earned from a previous learning experience. Either way, this individual should be able to be curious, to understand new concepts, and to ask questions when they’re confused. The cost of casual education could be very affordable as a end result of it is not compulsory. A person can learn anything as a outcome of he/she has the liberty to study. Poor people who have no money to go to school can be taught via casual studying. A particular person can learn a talent without having to follow any particular course. According to the Octagon Model of casual learning by Decius, Schaper, and Seifert from 2019, casual studying contains eight components. The octagon model is based on the dynamic mannequin of casual studying by Tannenbaum et al. from 2010. The dynamic mannequin incorporates the 4 elements "experience/action", "feedback", "reflection", and "studying intention". According to the mannequin, every factor can trigger one other factor and thus precede it, but can even observe any other issue. Learning here occurs through social interplay with peers. The features like direct messaging, groups, and publish feedback are used. A learner who spends time in casual studying is a goal-orientated person and on the lookout to increase their profession, experiment, and persistently study. Informal studying happens in a workplace without the learners involved in it knowing—a talk by staff during their break, the discussion concerning a meeting. Some individuals might be reluctant to be taught due to the lack of construction and formalism in informal education. Developed due to different modes of informal education, similar to some examples that we will see later. It supplies greater flexibility for grownup learners and is represented by varied methods, together with conversation, social interplay, teamwork, and mentoring. Nonformal schooling develops abilities that are useful for the financial system. Such as guide skills, trades, information expertise, and so forth.
Some see casual education as the learning that goes on in day by day life. As associates, for instance, we might properly encourage others to talk about issues that have happened of their lives in order that they'll deal with their emotions and to assume about what to do next. As mother and father or carers we might show children how to write completely different words or tie their laces. Poor individuals and slum dwellers can learn by way of casual education. Children’s and adults’ stress stage is much less whereas they study in casual schooling. They are not required to attend class hours and compete with their classmates.
The Various Sorts Of Education
It refers again to the random and spontaneous lifelong learning of actions, norms, skills, and values, which usually happens exterior of institutional or formal settings. We can get such a sort of schooling from our on a regular basis experiences, academic assets in our personal setting, and so on. The greatest distinction between formal and casual schooling is the construction that both types of learning take.
This is an instance of casual learning that’s serving to to boost and reinforce the formal training of the corporate training program.
Informal training, then again, isn’t predictable for time.
Some people see the training system as classroom training, whereas others may see it as a life-changing expertise.
The mentor passes on their knowledge and experiences to the employee.
There is no want for a teacher or a particular course to observe. It’s an effective way to be taught new abilities and do actions with out having to observe a specific course or training class. A person learns to accord to his personal pace as a outcome of he can manage his studying time. On the opposite hand, data just isn't at all times sought from acceptable sources to acquire quality knowledge on a subject of interest. As the child wanders he might come to a place that is unknown and probably harmful however the mother is not going to stop him, she is going to simply watch as he explores. The lack of verbal reprimand or warning from an grownup or elder allow the kid to assimilate his environment extra rigorously. And even when you’re actively seeking a specific answer, you may get part of the data from one supply and the the rest of the data from some place else. Because of this, you might regularly be taught the extra superior topics first earlier than the fundamentals – and it won’t make sense instantly until you’ve had that different piece of the lesson come into your learning path. As complicated as this sounds, it could be good for individuals who like diving head-first into issues.
Grownup Schooling - A Great Significance Of Right Now's World
Alternatively, academics could lead a class discussion utilizing the questions for focus. A key attribute of formal training is that it often consists of assessments such as exams, quizzes, and formal assignments. At the end of a course, it’s widespread for learners to receive a certification or accreditation to mark their completion. Whether we are recognized as a proper or informal educator we will use a mixture of the formal and casual. Formal and casual learning are two contrasting studying styles used within a corporation. Independent studying or self-reliance is a vital good factor about informal education. This encourages a person to study in an setting that is straightforward, enjoyable, and stress-free. The person learns at his own tempo and decides in which course to take the course. That is why casual education encourages lateral pondering and promotes creativity. Like formal schooling, Informal studying can even give you knowledge and skills that you'll want in your life. This is nice for knowing how in-depth you need to go when learning a few given matter. There are also plenty of supplemental assets available in formal schooling such as textbooks, keynote presentations, hands-on labs, and practice exams. No stress of formal grading – The absence of strict grading methods means much less stress for learners, allowing them to focus more on understanding and fewer on scores. As per specialists, schooling refers to a gradual process that brings about constructive adjustments in human life and habits, thereby developing their personalities. Informal learning usually takes place outside of formal studying settings and is self-directed, so it normally occurs spontaneously and naturally. Lifelong learning, as outlined by the OECD, includes a mixture of formal, non-formal and casual studying. Of these three, casual learning will be the most troublesome to quantify or prove, however it remains critical to an individual's overall cognitive and social development throughout the lifespan. Such conversations and actions can happen anyplace and at any time. This contrasts with formal schooling which tends to happen in particular settings similar to colleges.
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educationtech · 8 months
Trending Engineering Educational Sectors - ACEIT Jaipur
Since years, the engineering activities have been the core enablers of civilizational transformation. New technologies, engineering systems and products have been and continue to be the at the centre in sectors related to food, water, hygiene, clothing, housing, defense, energy, manufacturing, transportation, and in healthcare, education, entertainment, finance, governance, etc. Hence, despite the evolution of many other industry-specific courses, engineering education at best engineering colleges in Jaipur remains as one of most attractive options for students across the world.
A huge number of students continue to enrol in engineering courses as Industry 4.0 and Net-Zero Transition technologies present many bright career opportunities. Further, as engineering education mainly focusses on strengthening analytical and problem-solving skills, many engineering graduates find it easy to use their education for other career pursuits. 
According to the research conducted by the experts of engineering colleges Jaipur, there are companies about new job openings in FY23 as the country’s economy is on a growth trajectory. It is based on a survey among executive-level managers and HR leaders covering sectors like construction and engineering, auto and auto ancillary, education, hospitality, FMCG, banking, and finance, among others.  There are some emerging trends that are shaping the engineering education in the country today:
Outcome-based Education (OBE)
Outcome-based engineering education seeks to nurture students’ ability to conceive, design, implement, and operate complex value-added engineering products, processes, and systems in a modern team-based environment. Many progressive institutes are carefully defining their Program Educational Objectives, Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes, Program-specific desired minimum level of competence for POs and PSOs, Course Outcomes, Course Articulation Matrices, Program Articulation Matrices, and also developing their monitoring systems for Course level and Program Level Outcome Attainment. 
OBE’s implementation requires that students of top engineering colleges in Jaipur are repeatedly engaged in the core engineering processes like designing, predicting performance, building, and testing throughout the curriculum. Many universities and engineering institutes are making systematic reforms to implement OBE effectively through appropriate inclusion of inductive pedagogies like project-based learning (PBL), experiential learning, etc.   
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
UGC introduced CBCS to make higher education broad-based and promote learner-centricity, flexibility, and inter-disciplinarity. Extent of its implementation is an important parameter in NAAC accreditation process. NEP has also supported it. Some universities have already implemented CBCS in their engineering programs and many more are in the process of doing so. 
Industry-specific programs
Many universities and institutes of top BTech colleges in Jaipur are including industry-specific engineering courses in their curricula. In these programs, the students are exposed to the latest engineering tools, technologies and trends in the engineering sector. The courses are also regularly updated from time to time.
Flexibility of External Courses
Many universities are offering flexibility to earn credits through MOOCs and courses at partner universities in India or abroad. In addition to facilitating several courses, some progressive universities have even entered partnerships with online education providers like Coursera and edX and free/paid access to these online courses to their engineering students.  Faculty are integrating these online courses in their curricula in many different ways. Also, some universities offer the option for doing a semester at some partner university abroad.  
Industry Internships
For many decades, one summer internship has been an essential component of almost all engineering programs of the list of engineering colleges in Jaipur. Earlier, only a few universities had also created a provision of a full semester-long internship in the final year. Now many more universities follow this model. While, there are serious difficulties in managing short-term summer internships, industry is much more interested in engaging students for this full semester-long final year internship. 
Focus on Sustainability 
Institutions of higher education have started to include sustainability in the curriculum of various disciplines across the globe.  Ability to consider sustainability related issues in engineering processes of planning, design, implementation, etc., is now considered as an essential desired program outcome of many engineering programs. Many universities are transforming their engineering curricula to include sustainability related topics in their courses. NAAC’s requirement of various green campus initiatives is also supplementing this trend. 
Soft skills development
Communication and other soft skills are essential for engineers of engineering college Jaipur as they are expected to be proficient in presentation, organization, leadership, and conflict resolution. Increasingly the engineering institutes have been including soft skills development programs and courses in their curricula in many different ways.  
Building entrepreneurial and innovative abilities
Entrepreneurship and innovation have the potential of turning fresh graduates into job providers rather than job seekers. Understanding the true potential of entrepreneurship, institutes are building incubation centers to help students hatch their innovative plans. Engineering institutes are also providing all necessary support from finance to infrastructure to students today and many students have come up with successful start-ups because of this process. Some universities have started giving the option to students to work on their own start-ups in lieu of internships and/or projects work.
As industries and businesses across sectors are evolving by leveraging new technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Automation & Robotics, New Materials, New Manufacturing & Construction Technologies, Biotechnology, Clean Technologies, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), High performance Computing, AR/VR, Blockchain, etc. Engineering institutes like best BTech colleges Jaipur are transforming their curricula to meet the new demands of the industry by including these technologies in their curricula and also adopting transformative approaches. Also, it includes increasing emphasis on industry internships, sustainability, soft skills, innovation, and entrepreneurship, as well as offering options for external credits and industry specific programs. 
Many progressive universities are redefining and transforming their curricula and students experience in different ways. With these new trends, the engineering education is becoming ready for producing engineers who can take the country’s economy and technological might to newer heights.  For motivated students, the engineering education continues as a great gateway for some of the best career options. It also offers the opportunities to prepare themselves as change agents to transform the world and make it more beautiful, prosperous, happier, healthier, and sustainable.
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easchool · 8 months
Innovative Teaching Methods at Excelsior American School: Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking
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In the present quickly developing world, training should adjust to meet the changing necessities of understudies. At Excelsior American School Is the Best Schools in Gurgaon, we comprehend the significance of sustaining imagination and decisive reasoning in our understudies. To accomplish this, we have embraced imaginative instructing techniques that go past customary homeroom rehearses. In this blog, we will investigate how Excelsior American School is cultivating imagination and decisive reasoning through state of the art educating approaches.
Understanding the Need for Innovation
Prior to diving into the imaginative showing techniques utilized at Excelsior American School, it is urgent to get a handle on why these strategies are vital in any case. The 21st century has achieved huge changes in innovation, the work market, and society in general. To set up our understudies for outcome in this unique climate, we perceive the significance of outfitting them with abilities that stretch out past repetition remembrance.
1. Project-Based Learning (PBL) : At Excelsior American School, one of our foundations for encouraging inventiveness and decisive reasoning is Undertaking Based Learning (PBL). PBL is a vivid methodology that urges understudies to dive into genuine issues, team up with peers, and foster arrangements. Dissimilar to conventional instructing techniques that depend on talks and course readings, PBL advances active opportunities for growth.
In a PBL homeroom, understudies are not detached beneficiaries of data; they are dynamic members in their schooling. They recognize difficulties, put forth objectives, and work together to track down arrangements. This strategy develops decisive reasoning abilities as well as permits understudies to take advantage of their innovativeness as they investigate novel answers for complex issues.
2. Flipped Classroom : One more imaginative showing strategy utilized at Excelsior American School is the flipped study hall. In a customary homeroom, educators convey addresses during class time, and understudies are supposed to finish tasks and schoolwork beyond school hours. The flipped study hall flips this model on its head.
In a flipped homeroom, understudies are furnished with assets, for example, video talks and readings prior to coming to class. Homeroom time is then utilized for dynamic learning exercises, conversations, and critical thinking. This approach urges understudies to take responsibility for learning and draws in them in decisive reasoning during class conversations.
3. Design Thinking : Configuration Believing is a critical thinking philosophy that puts areas of strength for an on sympathy, coordinated effort, and trial and error. It urges understudies to think inventively and foster imaginative answers for certifiable issues. Excelsior American School has coordinated Plan Thinking into its educational program to encourage inventiveness and decisive reasoning.
Understudies are directed through the phases of compassion, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing as they tackle moves going from neighborhood local area issues to worldwide worries. By submerging themselves in the plan thinking process, understudies figure out how to move toward issues from different points, look for criticism, and refine their thoughts — an ideal recipe for supporting imagination and decisive reasoning.
4. Technology Integration : In the present computerized age, innovation assumes crucial part in schooling. At Excelsior American School, we comprehend that saddling innovation actually can upgrade the opportunity for growth and get ready understudies for what's in store. We have incorporated innovation into our helping techniques to encourage imagination and decisive reasoning.
One way we accomplish this is using instructive applications and online stages that support autonomous examination, critical thinking, and cooperation. Furthermore, we furnish understudies with admittance to coding and mechanical technology projects to foster their computational reasoning and critical thinking abilities.
5. Interdisciplinary Learning : Customary instruction frequently compartmentalizes subjects, which can frustrate understudies' capacity to interface thoughts across disciplines. Excelsior American School advances interdisciplinary advancing as an inventive training strategy to encourage imagination and decisive reasoning.
By mixing subjects and investigating how they meet, understudies gain a more all encompassing comprehension of the world. For instance, a set of experiences illustration can be improved by incorporating writing and craftsmanship from a similar time span, permitting understudies to make associations and ponder the more extensive setting.
Measuring Success
Estimating the progress of imaginative showing strategies in encouraging imagination and decisive thinking is significant. At Excelsior American School is the Best Schools in Gurgaon, we utilize an assortment of evaluation methodologies to measure understudies' advancement:
1. Project Outcomes : In Task Based Learning, the progress of an undertaking not set in stone by the eventual outcome yet additionally by the cycle. We survey understudies in view of their capacity to team up, think fundamentally, and adjust to difficulties all through the undertaking's length.
2. Classroom Observations : Educators at Excelsior American School intently notice understudies during class exercises and conversations to survey their degree of commitment, decisive reasoning, and inventiveness. These perceptions give important bits of knowledge into understudies' advancement.
3. Portfolios : Understudies keep up with portfolios that archive their work all through the school year. These portfolios feature their development, feature innovative undertakings, and give proof of decisive reasoning abilities improvement.
4. Standardized Tests : While we focus on creative showing strategies, we likewise perceive the significance of government sanctioned testing. Nonetheless, we view these tests as one piece of the evaluation puzzle and not the sole sign of an understudy's capacities.
Cultivating Lifelong Learners
Inventive showing strategies at Excelsior American School are not just about planning understudies for the difficulties of today; they are tied in with furnishing them with abilities that will serve them all through their lives. By cultivating inventiveness and decisive reasoning, we enable our understudies to adjust to a quickly impacting world, move toward issues with certainty, and keep learning long after they leave our homerooms.
Excelsior American School is focused on supporting imagination and decisive reasoning in its understudies through creative educating techniques. Project-Based Learning, the flipped homeroom, Plan Thinking, innovation coordination, and interdisciplinary learning are only a couple of the methodologies we utilize to get ready understudies for the difficulties of the 21st 100 years. By estimating accomplishment through project results, homeroom perceptions, portfolios, and state administered tests, we guarantee that our understudies are balanced, versatile, and prepared to become long lasting students. Our objective isn't just to give magnificent schooling yet in addition to engage our understudies to flourish in a steadily advancing world.
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theapprof · 1 year
Anatomical Sciences Education with Jason Organ | TAPP 134
In Episode 134, Jason Organ, the new Editor-in-Chief of Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE). joins us for a chat about his vision for this popular journal for anatomy and physiology faculty. Ranging from specific goals to general—and insightful—observations about teaching A&P, you'll want to listen in to this thought-provoking discussion.
00:00 | Introduction
00:54 | Introducing Jason Organ & ASE
03:31 | Sponsored by AAA
03:56 | A New Vision for ASE
16:46 | Sponsored by HAPI
17:24 | Humanity in Teaching Human A&P
28:28 | Sponsored by HAPS
28:58 | Who Reads ASE?
35:42 | Staying Connected
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The education of young people in science is at least as important, maybe more so, than the research itself. (Glenn T. Seaborg)
  Introducing Jason Organ & ASE
2.5 minutes
Let's meet our guest. Even if you know Jason Organ already, you may not know all of this about him!
★ New Editor-in-Chief Selected for Anatomical Sciences Education (announcement in Anatomy Now) AandP.info/pbl ★ Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE) AandP.info/wrz ★ Jason Organ, PhD - Indiana University School of Medicine (faculty page) AandP.info/88m ★ PLOS SciComm (Jason's blog at the Public Library of Science) AandP.info/5zj ★ Science Night podcast (Episode 3 with Jason Organ) AandP.info/9nd
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  Sponsored by AAA
22 seconds
A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at anatomy.org.
★ Searchable transcript
★ Captioned audiogram 
Anatomical Sciences Education is part of AAA membership.
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  A New Vision for ASE
13 minutes
Jason Organ talks about his vision for ASE moving forward.
★ Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE) https://aandp.info/wrz ★ The Nazi Anatomists: A Conversation with Aaron Fried | Episode 30 (discusses some of the ethical issues surrounding Nazi anatomy) ★ The Clara cell: a “Third Reich eponym”? (article on the terminology issue discussed in this segment) AandP.info/mi4
  Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program
34 seconds
The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program at Northeast College of Health Sciences. Check it out!
★ northeastcollege.edu/hapi
  Humanity in Teaching Human A&P
11 minutes
The problematic history of eponyms and progress in inclusiveness in anatomy get us started on a discussion of the value of an interdisciplary approach to teaching A&P.
★ What are the benefits of interdisciplinary study? (article from OpenLearn summarizing why students benefit from thinking across multiple disciplines) AandP.info/qzh ★ Teaching vulval anatomy in the twenty-first century: The Australian experience (the recent ASE article mentioned in this segment) AandP.info/cqw ★ Early View (collection of pre-publication articles in ASE) AandP.info/cc3 ★ Browse a sample issue of ASE AandP.info/zms
  Sponsored by HAPS
27 seconds
The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast.  You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there. Watch for virtual town hall meetings and upcoming regional meetings!
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  Who Reads ASE?
6.5 minutes
Jason talks about the expanding audience of ASE. It turns out that YOU can benefit from browsing and reading ASE!
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Guest: Dr. Jason Organ
Production: Aileen Park (announcer), Andrés Rodriguez (theme composer,  recording artist), Rev.com team (transcription), Kevin Patton (writer, editor, producer, host)
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rungtacollege · 2 years
Rungta's RUBI - Stirring the Start-up Revolution in Chattisgarh/Central India
Start-ups and entrepreneurship are significant forces behind the economical progress of a nation in today's world. You may hear a lot of start-ups started every day if you are a part of the start-up generation. With numerous start-ups in the last decade, India remains the world's third-largest start-up ecosystem. India is currently home to some of the most cutting-edge businesses in a variety of industries.
Developing Your Concepts Into Successful Businesses
States and the central government have extensive resources to promote innovative and creative enterprises in their early stages. Indian young entrepreneurs have revolutionized numerous industries over the past ten years while also setting the stage for the following generation.
It will offer aspiring and budding business owners innovative workspaces, a solid technological foundation, research and development tools, testing facilities, prototyping equipment, and other product development resources, all under one roof.
The management of statutory compliances, registers, legal documents, and IPR is another significant aspect of the help offered to entrepreneurs. It allows entrepreneurs to concentrate on their core idea while industry experts care for these crucial but unrelated issues.
In addition, the incubator will help with project advising, exposure & mentorship, providing access to early-stage seed and angel investments, market outreach, connections, and later-series venture investments and funding.
Support Structures
3D Printing Facility's Center
The Centre for 3D Printing facilitates and helps innovators who require 3D modeling of their inventions, particularly during the prototyping stage. This facility facilitates the smooth conversion of inventors' ideas with design into working prototypes and finished products.
PCB Design and Prototyping Center
Prior to mass-producing boards for finished products, the Center for PCB design and Prototyping assists entrepreneurs and innovators in creating a prototype board. The concept-to-production procedures for PCB circuits can be quickly accelerated by PCB prototyping.
Center for Research
The Central Research Cell encourages staff members to publish their work in prestigious publications and present their findings at national and international conferences. The cell also makes an effort to stimulate students' curiosity about research. Additionally, the cell assists researchers and innovators with patenting their concepts.
Center for Enhanced and Innovative Learning
The top engineering college is improving the quality of teaching and learning by offering online courses, video lectures, and advanced training programs. This center aims to provide staff and students with the most excellent contextualized learning opportunities possible.
Problem-based Learning Center
With the help of the problem-based Learning Center, students learn about a topic by collaborating to find a solution to a real-world problem in a process known as problem-based learning (PBL). This challenge serves as exposure for both learning and motivation.
Center for Green Technology Innovation
The purpose of establishing the center for development in green technology is to excite young minds about green technology. The center frequently holds seminars, training sessions, and workshops in the field of green technology.
RUBI (Rungta Business Incubator) is a logical progression of these efforts and proof of the dedication to developing a start-up ecosystem on the engineering college campus and throughout Chhattisgarh. It is a cutting-edge platform with all the necessary support systems, assisting in developing innovative and creative ideas into profitable businesses.
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                               Best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore
The importance of teaching methods for children lies in the fact that they largely determine the success of the learning process. Let's remember that the little ones are like sponges, and much of what they learn in childhood remains for the rest of their lives. Today we address what are the teaching methods for children, the 5 best and how important they are for the correct and full development of your child.
What are Teaching Methods For Children?
It is not a secret that the world is constantly changing and becoming more and more competitive. Therefore, educating children with effective teaching methods is the key to ensuring a successful future for them. Teaching methods are a set of tools and techniques used by teachers so that each student learns effectively. It ranges from the way of teaching to the way of evaluating children.
Of course, not in all cases can a single method be used, since none is completely perfect; Nor is there a method that suits the needs and abilities of all children.
Teachers should implement appropriate teaching methods and digital tools for children. For this, the nature of the subject and the learning that you want to leave in each student must be taken into account.
Teaching methods for children are the different techniques and strategies that teachers use to give an effective education.
Today the importance of implementing new educational strategies and techniques is better understood. There are schools that still use traditional methods, but at Nava bharath School we are committed to innovating and meeting current needs.
                                  CBSE Schools in Coimbatore
5 Teaching Methods For Children That You Should Know
In Recent Years, Various Teaching Methods For Children Have Emerged; These are The Most Used Today:
1. Learning by Projects
Project-based learning or PBL is a method where a problem is posed, usually in real life, on which students work in groups or independently to solve it.
It ensures that children have all the necessary tools to solve the problem posed. In addition, the child will be able to develop skills such as critical thinking, assertive communication, collaboration and understanding of the world in a systemic way.
At Nava bharath School we have based our curricular design on this methodology since we know that learning should occur naturally through transversal experiences.
2. Collaborative Learning
At Nava bharat School we are committed to teaching through this method to improve children's interrelationships. To do this, the teacher proposes the activities to be carried out and the students, in teams, work together to solve them.
The participation of each member of the group is necessary for success, and being aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each one to support each other is the basis of this learning. It has 5 essential elements.
positive interdependence.
Group and individual responsibility.
stimulating interactions.
Individual and group skills.
Group evaluation.
                                 Best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore
3. Thought Based Learning
Educational innovation is giving great importance to creativity for problem solving in schools. In this way, children learn by doing and can solve problems using their creativity.
4. Blended Learning
It is a teaching method that combines distance learning or online classes with face-to-face meetings, making the most of both modalities. This gives students autonomy and responsibility for their own learning process.
At Nava bharath School , Blended Learning has three modalities:
Group Learning: children build their knowledge from joint collaboration, where they learn, question, argue, and decide. It is accompanied by the mediation of teachers, who propose, guide, and give feedback on learning.
Flipped Learning: This modality occurs between home and school. Using materials and procedures, children begin their learning. And when they get to class, they deepen that knowledge through more complex situations.
Solo Learning: here each student learns autonomously and at their own pace. The technology is implemented and the teachers accompany and provide feedback on this training.
Blended Learning is one of the teaching methods for children where the distance and face-to-face modality converge.
                                          CBSE Schools in Coimbatore
5. Gamification in The Classroom
Children from 0 to 6 years old love games, and gamification of learning is a strategy for knowledge and social skills through fun. This is a methodology that motivates you to think and solve problems dynamically.
It serves to integrate students according to their characteristics, so that they develop strategic thinking . Technology can be implemented to achieve this, or using game dynamics.
Importance of having the best teaching methods for children
Students must develop skills and thinking structures for life, and teaching methods for children are crucial for success.
Through hands-on learning and real-life simulations, they learn to be autonomous, teamwork and self-disciplined. In addition, they can better understand their environment and know how to adapt to it.
Innovative teaching methods keep children motivated, out of the routine and favor the physical and mental development of each one.
At Nava bharath School we are oriented towards the comprehensive training of people who can make decisions designed for the common good.
Ensuring a successful future is the wish of all parents for their children; in this sense, the education provided to them must be at the level of the skills they must acquire.
At Nava bharath School, we are committed to providing the best education for your children. Do not hesitate to contact us.
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ledenews · 2 years
West Liberty and Wheeling University Sign Articulation Agreement for Doctor of Physical Therapy
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West Liberty University (WLU) and Wheeling University (Wheeling) marked the establishment of a new articulation agreement for undergraduate students seeking advanced degrees in physical therapy today in a 10 a.m. signing agreement, held in WLU’s Shaw Hall. “This new collaboration between both of our institutions offers a seamless transition for West Liberty University students and will benefit those most interested in the field of professional healthcare, specifically those seeking a Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree,” said Dr. W. Franklin Evans, WLU’s president. “We are pleased to partner with West Liberty University and look forward to welcoming qualified students into our well-established program. This agreement is sure to result in well-trained physical therapists serving the community and the larger medical field, something we can all appreciate,” said Ginny R. Favede, Wheeling’s president. According to Dr. Alison Kreger, PT, DPT, Ed.D., director of Wheeling’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program, “By partnering, Wheeling and West Liberty will help both institutions facilitate the training of physical therapy professionals who can provide high quality patient care.” The collaborative agreement between West Liberty University and Wheeling University will be open to students in any WLU undergraduate major who meets specific qualifications and prerequisite courses, including (partial list):  An overall cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale or higher;A grade point average of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale or higher in the required prerequisite courses, which include, but are not limited to: BIO 124/125, BIO 325/326, BIO 302/303, BIO 328/334, CHEM 110/111, CHEM 112/113, PHYS 101/110, PHYS 102/111, PSYC 101, MAT 160 Higher level courses may be substituted for lower-level courses in the same area.A minimum grade of B in each required prerequisite course; Wheeling University has agreed to accept up to two students per year into their DPT program. Wheeling University’s DPT program emphasizes a whole person approach to the investigation of clinical issues using a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) format. PBL encourages teamwork, open discussion, and researching appropriate resources to acquire the essential didactic knowledge. Through this unique learning format, Wheeling’s physical therapy graduates demonstrate exemplary professionalism, exceptional skills and problem solving, as well as the ability to access and utilize knowledge, reflective of a commitment to life-long learning, according to Kreger. West Liberty University was West Virginia’s first public institution of higher learning established in 1837 and now offers more than 70 undergraduate majors, plus a growing number of graduate programs, both online and on campus. For more information, please call 1.866.937.8542 (WESTLIB), visit westliberty.edu or follow WLU on social media, including westliberty.edu/youtube. Read the full article
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learninbox1 · 3 years
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Exclusive Project based learning- LearnInbox| AI & software
Designing projects is easy now with LearnInbox. GetPractical Knowledge and industry level expertise with project wise learning LearnInbox, Providing Real Time Projects by Expert Trainers with an In-depth implementation and Usage of different technologies for developing projects. Our specialties: Coding Services, PhD Writing services, Project-based learning, Topic-based learning, Coding boot camp and many more!!! Feel free to visit us 24/7 @ http://learninbox.com/ Or you can reach us out on 9726044282
Academic Projects, Learning Certification, PBL ideas, PBL education, Simple mini projects for PhD, Project based teaching, PBL curriculum, PBL online certification, PBL Online Courses.
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A sneak peak would be amazing!!!!! It would help me take my mind off of exams. Also for my exams since uni is closed because of COVID-19 we had to learn about one third and a little more of the stuff ourselves at home based on the notes that were posted by our profs. And it’s so hard to understand everything! 🥺😭 but thank you for being here for me and listening! I really appreciate it. I don’t even have tumblr but I still always come and check your tumblr!! 💕
hiiii, baby, i’m sorry it took me too long to reply, but things are crazy here!
mine’s closed as well and i’m also having online live classes and i get you, i’m not suffering as bad cause the methodology of my uni was already PBL, in which we study a lot by ourselves to be evaluated by our teachers by ‘sort of having a discussion’ about the themes and give them a little ministrations, if we’re wrong they’ll correct and give us bad grades... it’s actually really hard to explain but it’s said to be a great method for my course.
but i know it’s really hard, in the beginning i struggled soooo bad and i don’t think i have any tips to give you besides just breathing and taking care of your mental health, that’s the most important thing you could do. but if you need to talk to anyone abou it, i’m right here, honey 💘
you coming to check my tumblr is just sooo 💘🥺, thank you so much, do you mind telling me why you don’t have an account, i’m just too curious, sorry, it’s okay if you don’t want to answer
thank you so much, here it is! enjoy!
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max01toys-blog · 4 years
EDIM 502 Project Based Learning (u01a1)
Upon reflecting on the articles videos provided in the course, I discovered that there were very similar principles between them. A few of the principles that stood out in similarity were the role of student, role of teacher, degree of engagement from students, and incorporating technology in the classroom. Despite, the varied age groups, it was evident that a significant amount of the principles could be shared between all of the grade levels.
In all of the examples, it conveyed the role of the teacher to be that of prompting discussion by asking questions, offering guidance and scaffolding, observation of student ability, and making certain that students are afforded the appropriate materials to be successful. The role of the student was to collaborate with peers in groups, be problem solvers, conduct research, communicate findings of such research, application of skill/concept knowledge, presentations of projects and reflection on their work and what they learned.
In addition, the one principle that stood out the most to me was the high level of student engagement, excitement and motivation. In each of the examples, the students were so involved in the classroom learning, taking an active role within the collaborative groups, and appeared very committed in working with peers to achieve a specific goal. Many times, teacher will assign students with work and the students lack interest and motivation because it does not appeal to them. At that point, it is evident that the students have no desire to work to their ability, show no interest in the topic, and this limits the creativity required by the students. By carrying out these type of project within the classroom, learning is being carried into real life. Rather than having students sitting in their desks copying notes from the document camera or PowerPoint, students instead are engaged in hands on activities which allows the students to apply what they know and learned. In the Geometry Students Angle into Architecture Through Project Learning video, it appeared that the students were very enthusiastic about the class project much so that “one girl went home on the first day of the assignment and couldn’t sleep, out of the excitement about her team’s ideas.” (Armstrong, 2002). And as discussed in the “More Fun Than a Barrel of…Worms?! Video, it revealed that the students are not disgusted with the daily question by parents asking “What di you do in school today?” Instead, the students are enthusiastic and want to talk about what they have learned as it is told by the parents, “It gets the kids excited about the subject both inside and outside of school” (Curtis, 2001). Watching the enthusiasm taking place in the classroom was very inspiring.
Each of the videos revealed the use of technology and how it inspired and permitted students to choose to research various topics of information, share creative ideas, or to just put together a digital model of the project they are working on. It was very moving to see in the video “More Fun Than a Barrel of…Worms?! how young the students were and the ability they portrayed to traverse the internet in order to collect additional knowledge as it pertains to worms and Google Slides to provide information about their findings. I also realized how saddening it was that some students desired to research Cystic Fibrosis due to the fact that one of their classmates was suffering from it. I am learning just how important it is to incorporate technology within my classroom as much as possible because it is necessary as educators in the 21st Century, we need to teach and prepare our students to be active members in the real world. Failing to include and inform our students about technology is bottom-line a disservice to them. That being said, I believe that incorporating project-based learning is an excellent way to expose students to the plethora of programs and websites available to them.
Finally, I believe that the articles and videos stand as excellent examples of projects that align with the Buck Institute of Gold Standard. Such projects began through complex multi-faceted questions or problems to solve which kindled a spirit within the students, leading the students to inquire about certain topics and conduct comprehensive research in order to acquire a solid understanding. As revealed in the Gold Standard PBL: Essential Project Design Elements article, “To inquire is to seek information or to investigate- it’s more active, in-depth process than just “looking something up” in a book or online.” (Boss, Larmer, and Megendoller). The examples were real and was comprised of student voice and choice. What amazed me was that the students practiced the strategy of reflection from beginning to end during this project. Such reflections guided them though the project leading them step by step. To finish, the students shared out their final projects to family, friends, and community.
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Integrated Medical Teaching - Current Scenario-Juniper Publishers
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Objective: To assess the level of success achieved by implementation of integrated teaching in first and second year of medical education.
Study Design: Literature survey based qualitative content analysis
Methodology: Online available literature from 1990 to 2105 was reviewed thoroughly and data/results were studied.
Results: Most of the data was based on the personal views of faculty and the perception of students. Outcome based studies regarding assessment, results, and performance in annual exam were too scarce to reach conclusion.
Conclusion: Keeping in view the requirement of ideal resources, PBL sessions for specific and easily integrated contents of basic and clinical disciplines can be run along with conventional teaching. Total reliance on integrated teaching is not recommended until thorough studies prove a positive long term impact of such system.
Keywords: Curriculum; Horizontal Integration; MITs; Problem Base Learning; Vertical Integration
Basic medical sciences have always been considered an integral component of medical teaching. The fundamental role of basic medical sciences i.e. anatomy, physiology and biochemistry was first established in 1910 [1]. This unlatched the door leading us into an era in which the initial two years were tirelessly devoted to the establishment of profound, thorough knowledge of the basic sciences, a foundation upon which clinical comprehension was fortified in the later three years. This “Conventional Teaching System” was opted throughout the world with a clear-cut demarcation among all basic and clinical disciplines. This system of medical education engendered legions of proficient and competent doctors who, with their meticulous skills and meritorious prowess, revolutionized the world of medicine. As years passed by, a need for integration of was felt in order to produce doctors who are sufficiently adept to meet the challenges of the 21st century head on – doctors with an augmented ability to think critically and with apt reasoning. It was emphasized that relevant aspects of clinical subjects should be incorporated into basic medical sciences. In accordance with to enhance the effectiveness of integrated learning. Present review is based on the data and informations gathered from various review reports, research articles, and commentaries published on PubMed, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar.
The main purpose of this review is to evaluate the scope and success of the integration as a learning strategy in the first and second years of medical education in the last 25 years (1990-2015); moreover, this review assess the success this new system has had in these years. Studies focused on integration of biomedical sciences like anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, pathology, pharmacology (horizontal integration), and surgery and allied as well as medicine and allied (vertical integration) in first two years of medical teaching are included in the review. All literature was explored under the guidelines proposed by Goldman [2] who suggested that learning objectives of the medical curriculum can be achieved successfully by applying integration learning strategies at three levels. The first level was labeled as “program”, a framework of curriculum encompassing all learning strategies to be applied throughout the course of medical studies. The second level was “course”, indicating various components of program. The third level of integration was called “session”, which applies to the learning strategies employed on a daily basis to achieve the required level of knowledge. These three levels go hand in hand and determine the actual success of the integrated teaching on the basis of logistics and cognitive domain of learning [3]. Hence, present review aims to analyze the integration extent, methodologies opted and the indicators determining the success or failure of integration. Before the implementation of an innovative idea, the stake holders, i.e. medical students need to be taken under consideration. They are the fertile soil upon which the gardens of knowledge and skill will bloom. The way we nurture the soil will ultimately determine the fruits it will bear. It is difficult to lay down uniform curriculum and learning strategies throughout the world. In developing countries like Pakistan, students enter medical college after 12 years of schooling with typical syllabi with no remote relation to the basic sciences being taught in medical schools [4].
The students are exposed to completely new subjects upon entering medical school. In the first two years, their knowledge has to be built from grass root level up to a stage where they can successfully integrate it with applied clinical sciences. On the other hand, in Canada, North and South America, students have to get BA and BS degrees before qualifying for admission in medical schools. They have already covered a major chunk of basic sciences like biochemistry and physiology of cell in pre medical years [5]; therefore upon entering the course of medical education, they are successfully able to consolidate the basic knowledge with clinical learning. Before the implementation of integration, accurate planning and evaluation of medical curriculum is essential. According to taxonomy of the integration ladder, eleven steps lie between the disciplines based teaching (bottom) and integrated teaching (top) [6]. As we move up the ladder, towards integrated teaching, boundaries of individual disciplines diminish and a fundamentally organized curriculum structure emerges. This highest level of integration requires extensive resources, student selection criteria (including aptitude test), joint contribution from trained faculty members from all disciplines in formulation of curriculum and a friendly, interactive environment between different departments. After mutual consensus, time table for teaching sessions, learning objectives for each session and assessment techniques are finalized accordingly. Displayed time table and contents of curriculum indicate the level of integration. Time tables showing higher level of integration will be no longer highlighting the individual disciplines. Horizontal integration in first and second year of medicine links basic sciences on the basis of practical and philosophical approach, whereas vertical integration bridges basic and clinical sciences, breaking the division between preclinical and clinical teaching, and making learning more meaningful and productive. Both types of integrations are required for formulation of Integrated Curriculum. This main task triggers a debate among faculty members who have their reservations in integrated teaching when compared with discipline based teaching, the reason being the lack of resources and inadequate logistics [7]. To avoid this state of polarization, faculty should be encouraged to discuss and trained to search for integration options within available resources. It would be unjustified to ignore the viewpoints of experienced faculty members, organizational structure of medical college and overall objectives of the curriculum. Transition from conventional discipline based teaching to completely integrated teaching requires major changes [6].
The next step, after formulation of medical curriculum, is the selection of accurate learning methodology which may be large group or small group interactive sessions, problem based learning (PBL) and self-directed learning sessions, to achieve the required objectives of integrated learning. Out of teaching tools, PBL is considered to be the most effective and productive. It was first introduced and implemented at McMaster University, Canada [8]. Later on implementation of PBL sessions along with conventional curricula was done in many countries including New Zealand, Pakistan and India. This was given the name “hybrid system”. Hybrid integrated learning programs (ILP) of small durations were introduced in first year MBBS class in few medical school, as a supplementary tool to conventional teaching, to promote thinking and reasoning skills among students. Results indicated that only a few programs were able to integrate an even fewer number of basic science disciplines (horizontal integration), leaving the rest on regular conventional teaching. Small group laboratory sessions were also organized to integrate with PBL content [9].
We, as part of a community are exposed to various forms of integration, like sharing skills and problem solving. The ever growing need for integration demands a change from conventional to integration system. Students almost always gave a positive feedback regarding integrated teaching, both in developed and developing countries [10,11] as this strategy takes them away from rote learning of facts to development of concepts of relevant information. In various studies the outcome was usually determined by faculty feedback, students’ perception, and assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of individual students with the help of questionnaire [12]. It was also noticed in a few studies, that students got themselves confined to their allotted, specific learning objectives, while ignoring the remaining targets; moreover most of them indulged into unnecessary details and lost track of the topics due to lack of understanding of the difference between facts that are “must to know” and those that are to be given less attention at that particular stage. It was also observed that number of absentees also increased in these sessions. Students also considered PBLs insufficient and inadequate when employed as a singular teaching method. They complained of minimal retention of the required knowledge when topics were dealt with under PBLs alone. According to the students, teaching has a stronger impact if done as a continuous process with repetition of facts for knowledge retention, regular assignments and finally, strict assessment for evaluation [13].
Few studies showed that students did not accept PBL teaching sessions as a good learning option due to more burden of work and time consumption [14]. Formulation and implementation of integrated curriculum in initial two years of medical teaching is a complicated process, having various impacts on different scenarios regarding teaching methodologies and course content; however, final deciding factor which determines the success and failure of any learning strategy is the performance of the students in the annual assessment. Thorough literature review revealed that in spite of great appreciation of PBL sessions both by faculty and students, performance of those students who were taught through structured, teacher oriented, conventional curriculum was much better than that of students under integrated problem based curriculum [15]. However, few studies could not find significant difference statistically [8,16]. Apart from one medical school in United States, which claimed better outcome by implementing integrated problem based curriculum, we could not find any study which can statistically prove this innovative learning strategy showing better student performance in annual medical examination when compared to that of conventional methods [17]. Literature review reinforced that integrated sessions are more successful in clinical years as clinical sciences can be integrated at the highest level, but this level of integration does not exist between clinical and basic sciences.
Basic sciences have hidden content that cannot be integrated, but lies in the foundation of the subject, often unexplored by the student [18]. Hence, if only PBL is used as a major learning tool, students might miss that basic core knowledge of physiology, anatomy and biochemistry during initial two years of the course [19]. Moreover PBL trains the students in a particular direction. Facilitators are more focused towards proper organization to conduct PBL session rather than the teaching content; therefore, it is not advisable to rely on PBL methodology alone. Instead, it can be used as supplementary tool, along with large group interactive sessions and traditional didactic lectures [20]. Basic sciences cannot be integrated at a microscopic level, so few systems or learning objectives of anatomy, biochemistry and physiology may be integrated in a PBL session, whereas the rest of the teaching should follow the conventional methodology. The shortcomings observed in PBL sessions can be overcome by ensuring 100% attendance of students, involving each student in all learning objectives and defining the role of facilitators. Moreover the number of large group interactive sessions may be increased to make a PBL more productive by enhancing the level of core knowledge of medical students. Facilitators should be trained to keep a check on students by keeping them on track. Most of the studies showed that in integration sessions in the initial two years of medical schooling, clinical subjects were over emphasized instead of basic sciences because most of the facilitators were from clinical sciences; hence, faculty from basic sciences should be encouraged to participate in these sessions too.
In developing countries, academics, particularly medical education, face a different set of problems. As developing countries have inadequate resource at hand, implementation of integrated teaching in medical colleges is quite challenging. Few private sector medical universities in Pakistan have already switched from conventional to integrated curriculum partially or completely [21]. Unfortunately while reviewing the literature on integration, we could not find statistically significant data that assesses its long term success and impact. It can only be done by evaluating and comparing the conventional and integrated teaching outcomes in the existing local environment, over a specified period of time, in the form of students performance in assessment, both formative and summative [22-25]. To reinforce the basic idea of integration, specific, identified learning objectives of basic medical sciences may be merged with those of clinical sciences, hence continuing teaching of basic disciplines in later years of medical education [26].
Most of the literature revealed that different setups adopted different methodologies and their results were merely the reflection of the personal opinions of the faculty and perception of the students [27]. Our review is based on subjective quality rating and the researchers’ opinions and points of views, making it very hard to reach a decisive conclusion. The issue regarding formulation of integrated medical curriculum, categorization, detail and depth of cognitive domain, and methodologies adopted to integrate basic sciences with clinical subjects are still mysteries of evolving the concept of integration. If integrated learning strategies are applied in true spirit, they will enhance students’ levels and depths of knowledge, perception, motivation, skills and approach towards solving health problems. It requires meaningful connection among various components of curriculum as well as students and facilitators [28]. Studies also revealed that integration is basically characterized by teaching strategies and rearrangement of various curricular contents. Instead of relying on the parameters mentioned above, it is better to focus on cognitive integration within the students. Integrated curriculum alone cannot truly integrate and interrelate various disciplines within the learners. The best way of integration is to build robust, fortified concepts of basic sciences in relevance with clinical sciences within the available resources and learning environment. This should be followed by an assessment to determine the level of comprehension, retention of the content of basic sciences, and its practical application with reasoning and skill [3].
If integration is in accordance with the cognitive domain, then specific learning objectives can be integrated without any extra effort. In order to organize a fruitful PBL session, it is essential to identify and focus on selected and precisely defined learning objectives of basic sciences that easily integrate with clinical sciences. Instead of implementing the highest level of integration at once, small PBL sessions with easily integrated learning objectives can be introduced. This can hone the students’ communicative skills, their ability to access and extract required knowledge and utilize it in practical life; however, further studies on conventional and integrated system are required to evaluate and compare the results based on the performance of students in annual undergraduate examinations as well as post graduate examinations to assess the level of knowledge acquired and retained by the students as well as their ability to apply this knowledge in practical life - our ultimate objective.
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topbrcko-blog · 5 years
How Do You Measure the True Value of Higher Education?
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I have written numerous articles about best practices for educators to use when teaching adult students, and I have enjoyed conversations that have begun as a result of comments posted. Several of the comments that have been written in response to my articles have discussed aspects of higher education that seem to be broken or in need of repair. I understand those perspectives and I have respect for anyone who wants to discuss important issues in this field. For example, I have read many articles recently about adjuncts, especially online adjuncts, related to issues concerning pay, course size, and job security. I know that the for-profit online school industry has come under great scrutiny. In contrast, there is a non-profit online school that is gaining popularity by offering competency-based degree programs resembling correspondence-based courses.
If you aren't familiar with the original concept of a correspondence course, it was popular in the 1970s and usually consisted of a participant being mailed study materials and a test or assessment that had to be completed and mailed back in. There may have been lectures to watch on public television at a particular time of day as part of the program. Once the requirements were met, a certificate of completion was mailed. I have spoken with several people who have completed degrees with the non-profit online school mentioned above and the reason why I compare it to a correspondence course is that it is possible to complete classes without ever having to interact with an instructor. The only requirement for course completion is to pass a final assessment, with a pass or fail option in place of a grade, and the passing grade is often set with a percentage as low as 55%, which is a failing grade for most traditional colleges.
With all of the issues surrounding the field of higher education, the question then becomes: Is it possible to still earn a degree, one that holds value for students? More importantly, is it possible to measure the true value of a degree in higher education? I believe the answer begins with a matter of purpose and by that, I mean schools should be working to ensure that educational programs and courses are designed with a specific purpose and completed for a specific purpose by the students. Educators should also see this as a matter of importance as they develop their instructional strategies and work with students in the classroom. It may sound too idealistic and improbable to implement; however, there is something that every educator can do to ensure that their students are working towards this goal of purposeful-driven education. What I will focus on is the educator's perspective and strategies that can increase value for students.
Experience in Higher Education
While working for one of the larger for-profit online schools, students stated to me hundreds of times in their introductions that once they completed their associate's degree they would be able to purchase a new house, new car, and earn a six-figure income. I do not know if that was their belief when they began their degree program, and I do not want to blame anyone if that wasn't their initial belief; however, students need to have realistic expectations. For these students, a degree was almost like a lottery ticket to a better life. While they were not really certain how that transformation was supposed to occur, they were convinced that it would happen upon graduation.
I can also share an example of my own continuing education. I enrolled in a traditional MBA program as I was planning to relocate and I knew that I was going to start my own small business as a consultant and writer. I also knew that historically a MBA graduate was highly-sought after; however, that has changed over time. Obtaining a MBA no longer guaranteed a certain job or career. What I acquired after graduation was a knowledge base that would inform my small business practice, help develop my business acumen, and continue to inform my teaching practice.
The next degree I sought was also done for a specific purpose and it was focused on adult education, as I was working in the field of higher education and had goals established. I knew going into my doctorate degree program exactly what I wanted accomplish once I had graduated, and how the acquired knowledge would enhance my teaching practice and serve as professional development for my career. In other words, I did not expect that the degree itself was going to do something for me, as people often do when they invest their time and finances in a degree, I knew what I was going to do with that degree - and that is how I was going to gain value from it.
The question that I keep in mind now is this: How do I help students also gain this type of value from their degree, especially if they do not start out with a purpose in mind?
What Does It Mean to Create Value?
I have worked for many online schools that have told their students to be sure to relate the concepts they are studying to the real world, without providing any further explanation or set of instructions. The phrase "real world" is being used so much now by schools that administrators believe everyone knows what it means, and I am not convinced that students actually understand it from the same perspective. The real world for students may involve trying to make ends meet, working to support a family, and balancing many responsibilities - while in contrast, schools want students to see bigger issues. Many of these same schools also give their instructors similar guidelines and tell them to relate the course concepts to the real world as they write course announcements, provide feedback, and engage students in class discussions.
As a faculty development specialist and educator in higher education myself, I well understand the wide range of possibilities that an application of course concepts to the real world can involve. In other words, how I view the real world and the issues surrounding it may be vastly different than someone else who holds a different position, skillset, academic background, and set of experiences than I do. This means that simply telling instructors to apply topics to the real world does not necessarily mean value is being created for their students. How someone defines the real world now is a matter of importance and that can vary from one individual to another, and students may not always relate to the reality of their instructors - and that means another solution must be found if relevance is the key to creating value. Below are some strategies that I have implemented in my online classes to help create value for students.
Purpose, Vision Statement: I believe that a purpose statement exercise is one of the most helpful projects that an educator can implement, if a connection can be made to the course and there is flexibility allowed in the course curriculum. When I have utilized this as an activity, I have asked students to define, redefine, expand, elaborate upon, and share the purpose for their degree program. I then have an opportunity to help work on mentoring students and adjusting, if even slightly, their expectations. When I provide instructions for this activity, I will ask them to share some research related to the career outlook for any of the jobs they may be interested in.
A vision statement activity can be implemented in conjunction with a purpose statement exercise, or used as a standalone activity, as a means of encouraging students to look ahead and define what they are working towards in realistic and specific terms. This activity can be useful for students who are visual or prefer to write out their goals. If a student is visually oriented, they can express their vision as a series of steps and find images to represent each goal. For written goals, students can provide details that go beyond stating something general, such as "I will earn a six-figure income" - and describe specific steps to be taken after graduation.
Collaboration: If you want students to begin to understand what the real world is like, try to find a way to have them collaborate together in small groups. What this does is to have them experience difference perspectives, opinions, and experiences. While some students may not be open to listening to or accepting what others have to say, and may even argue against them, eventually they will realize that there are other versions of reality that exist. While this may prompt conflict, and the group may never fully function together in the manner that you would like for them to in the short term, it is possible that this can serve as a trigger and prompt higher order thinking.
Projects: Project-based learning or PBL is popular with many educators and I can certainly understand why as it effectively demonstrates how students have taken and applied what they are learning throughout the class term. In addition, they are creating a portfolio, often stored through electronic means, that can be shown to potential employers as evidence of work product produced as part of the degree program. In other words, PBL prompts more that rote memorization of course concepts.
Case Studies: This is one of the most popular methods for implementing a real-world approach to learning. There are many case studies available for instructors and many more than can be found through online resources. These studies are usually related to businesses and can be used to prompt discussions and analyzation, leading to the use of critical thinking skills. This provides value as students are learning to think beyond the parameters of a textbook and apply what is being learned to what they may encounter in their careers.
Current Topics: Any time an instructor brings current topics into the classroom they are utilizing the real world. This provides context but not necessarily value. The value comes from how it is used and what students are doing with the information. More importantly, as with any activity there must be consideration given as to how it relates to the course, the learning objectives, and ultimately the degree program. For example, a current topic that is used as a springboard for application and analyzation of a course topic provides context and value for students.
As an educator, I am not going be able to change higher education by myself - whether it is the for-profit online school industry or the non-profit online school industry. As an adjunct online instructor, I am not going to be able to change existing courses and curriculum that I have been assigned to teach. Does this mean I should look at higher education as a system that is broken and beyond repair if I see nothing but problems? Should I feel hopeless if students are earning degrees that do not seem to hold the value they hoped to receive or may have been told they would receive? Absolutely not.
I can take every opportunity I have available to help teach my students how to define and redefine the purpose they have for their degree program - even as I am working to help them learn to relate and apply what they are learning to current topics and business issues. I measure value in higher education by the strategies I implement to help students find purpose and meaning as they are involved in the learning process. True value in higher education begins when I help engage students in the course and the learning process, and I implement purposeful-driven educational strategies.
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awatkins21993-blog · 5 years
Andragogy vs. Pedagogy
Online courses can be beneficial for many students.  Online courses allow students to have flexibility in their schedule and to learn at a pace that best fits their learning styles.  These online courses can be beneficial for students who have busy schedules and need the flexibility to be in the classroom when it best fits their schedule, for students who may have a medical concern, such as anxiety or involving a 504 plan that allows them to work at their own pace and in a quiet, individual or small group setting.
My Experience in the Online Classroom
I have had multiple experiences in online classrooms.  However, all of the online classrooms I have been involved in, I have used a different learning management system in each experience.
My first learning experience was in high school.  I participated in a distance learning classroom in my high school.  The main class was at the University of Akron’s main campus and then we were watching the video of the main class from our high school.  We were able to participate and collaborate through the use of microphones at our tables.  The instructor could see us on camera in our distance learning classroom at the high school but could not hear us talk unless we clicked on the microphone to speak out loud.  We participated on Blackboard, the learning management system the University used.  We did discussion posts and turned in assignments on the classroom.  This was a good opportunity for us to earn credit towards college courses, however, it was easy for us to have our own side conversations since we were not constantly heard through the microphone.  I do not feel that we got all the information we could from the class, due to our lack of constant participation and maturity to understand the importance of these classes.  This was more of a blended learning opportunity and the instructor stuck to a more pedagogy of a traditional classroom and not adapting the lesson to needs of the students in the classroom.
My second online learning experience was in my current job.  I became apart of our district’s Technology Cohort; we were given a class set of Chromebooks in exchange for taking online courses through Schoology on the following topics: Google Tools, Project Based Learning (PBL), Student Centered Learning, and Perfecting the Blend.  These classes were to be completed in our spare time.  The only downfall of this experience is that we did not have an instructor that we could communicate with if we had a question.  We could email the instructor that was teaching our face-to-face interaction.  However, I felt that this learning management system was very simple to navigate and post discussions and assignments.  Many adult learners in the online environment would have an easy time using this learning management system successfully, as long as their was an online instructor available for them.  As adult learners, we were to be self-motivated and applying the information to our own personal classrooms, in order to better our students (Giannoukos, Hictour, Stergiou, & Kallianta, 2016).  We were encouraged by the instructor to ask questions to get answers on what we needed for our classroom and personal use.  
My third online learning experience was through my Master’s Degree at the Grand Canyon University.  The school uses the LCS Learning Platform as their online learning classroom where the resources are provided, communications with the instructor, discussion posts with peers, and assignments are turned in.  This type of environment, it is incredibly important for the instructor to have timely and constructive communication skills.  If there is no communication or collaboration within the online learning environment, the adult learner will struggle to be successful and get all of the information and understanding that they could from the classroom.  The learner does not have the typical face-to-face interactions like a traditional classroom to get all of the questions answered (Stuart-Buttle, 2014).  However, as adult learners, we are researching information in order to further our education and understanding of topics.  We have to continued to be self-motivated and self-directed to continue to learn how to better apply the information to our future classrooms and instruction to our future adult students or peers.
How These Experiences Will Affect My Future Practices
These experiences have shown me how important it is to be an effective, constructive, and timely with the communication when I am instructing adult learners.  Adult learners have information that they want to learn and are passionate about what they want to learn (Smith, 2002).  When students are working on assignments and have questions about what they are trying to learn, it is important to be respectful to their learning needs and answer their questions.  Unfortunately, I have had the experience where an instructor did not answer the questions that were asked of her until the assignment was passed due, or give feedback on assignments that was unclear and did not give constructive feedback on what the instructor took points off an assignment for.  From this experience, I have learned when I am instructing my peers and adults about technology, it is incredibly important to give constructive feedback on what the student could improve to make their assignment more productive for their professional use, as well as respond to the students in a timely manner, which in my opinion is within twenty-four hours.  An online class can be hard for students with no face-to-face interactions, so it will be important to instruct the students on what is important to them and what they are wanting to learn and use for their personal and professional use.
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