#PBL ideas
irhabiya · 4 months
i just realized making people. disappointed in me is like my biggest interpersonal fear... idc that much if people get mad at me or exclude me or whatever else but disappointment? i can't handle it👍🏻
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upades4pbl · 3 days
From Mackenzie M
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jurnaltalking · 7 months
Where to Find PBL Project Ideas - School or Online Resources?
Personalized Learning Projects (PLPs) have gained popularity in recent years as they allow students to tailor their education to their individual interests and needs. A key component of PLPs is finding the right project idea that aligns with a student's passions and academic goals. While schools have long been the primary source for project ideas, online resources are now emerging as a viable alternative. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both traditional school-based approaches and online resources when it comes to finding PBL project ideas.
The School as a Source of PBL Project Ideas
Traditional educational institutions, such as schools, have been the primary source of PBL project ideas for students for many years. Here are some of the advantages of using the school as a resource:
Structured Learning Environment: Schools provide a structured learning environment, with curriculum guidelines and educators to guide students. This structure can be helpful for students who may need more direction in their project based learning choices.
Access to Educators: In a school setting, students have access to teachers who can provide guidance, answer questions, and offer support in developing their project ideas. This interaction can be invaluable for students seeking expert input.
Collaboration Opportunities: Schools facilitate collaboration among students, which can lead to the exchange of ideas and the creation of innovative project based learning. Group projects can be an essential component of the learning process.
Resources and Materials: Schools typically have libraries, labs, and other facilities that offer resources and materials necessary for project development. This can be especially beneficial for hands-on projects.
However, there are limitations to using the school as the sole source of PBL project ideas:
Limited Variety: School-based project ideas may be limited to what is offered in the curriculum, which can restrict a student's ability to explore their unique interests fully.
Time Constraints: Traditional classroom settings often have rigid schedules, leaving limited time for students to explore and develop their own project ideas.
Online Resources as a Source of PLB Project Ideas
In recent years, the internet has opened up a vast world of resources for students to find PBL project ideas. Here are some advantages of using online resources:
Diverse Options: The internet provides access to a wide range of topics and ideas, allowing students to explore virtually any area of interest. This diversity can be a powerful catalyst for creativity.
Self-Paced Learning: Online resources allow students to learn at their own pace, giving them the time and freedom to explore and develop their project ideas without the constraints of a traditional classroom setting.
Networking and Communities: Online platforms offer opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, mentors, and experts who can provide guidance and support in developing project ideas.
Endless Information: The internet is a treasure trove of information, articles, videos, and tutorials, making it easier for students to research and gather information for their projects.
Nonetheless, online resources also have their disadvantages:
Lack of Structure: The vastness of online information can be overwhelming for some students, making it challenging to focus on a specific project idea. Without guidance, students might struggle to narrow down their options.
Credibility Issues: Not all information found online is reliable, and students may encounter difficulties in distinguishing between accurate and misleading sources.
Limited Interpersonal Interaction: While online communities offer networking opportunities, they cannot fully replace the in-person interactions and feedback provided by educators and peers in a school environment.
Deciding whether to find PBL project ideas in school or online resources depends on the individual student's preferences and learning style. Both options have their unique advantages and disadvantages.
Schools offer structure, access to educators, and collaboration opportunities, making them a solid choice for students who benefit from a more guided approach. Online resources, on the other hand, provide limitless variety, self-paced learning, and networking opportunities, making them suitable for self-motivated students who crave freedom and independence.
Ultimately, a combination of both sources may be the most effective approach, allowing students to benefit from the strengths of both traditional education and the vast resources available online. By leveraging the best of both worlds, students can find the most inspiring and personalized PBL project ideas that ignite their passion for learning.
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anthracenes · 1 year
Hi there! I have been really enjoying the new stories they are incredible. Do you have any plans to continue PBL also? Thanks!
Thank you! I am glad you enjoy the new stories I've been putting out as well 💕
As for continuing PBL, I've resignedly accepted that my creative process involves kicking the can down the road and waiting for my difficult brain to finally be inspired enough to pick it back up, so until then it is on an indefinite hiatus. For now, I just write whatever ideas my brain is currently shouting at me to write.
Never say never though. It's been over three years and only now has my brain decided to cooperate with me and allow me to continue writing The Perfect Specimen very recently.
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artblog-mrsb · 18 days
PBL Resources
Building PBL lessons is challenging.  Knowing that there are many resources available can make the task seem less daunting.  A great place to start building your PBL projects is with the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, from A Network of Battelle for Kids.  This network brings together "thousands of educators and hundreds of schools in the U.S. and abroad." (2024) Together these schools, education experts, and business leaders have compiled a framework of 21st Century skills, tools and resources for teachers looking to start, or continue, implementing PBL in their classroom.  It discusses everything from interdisciplinary skills, like global awareness and civic literacy; to learning and innovation skills; information, media and technology skills; and life and career skills.  Partnership for 21st Century Learning provides access to support systems already in place for teachers looking to build competency in 21st Century skills. 
Once a good understanding of what students are learning through PBL (21st Century Skills) has been established there are even more resources available to engage students in global communities. MyPBL Works, iEARN, ePals, GLOBE, Global SchoolNet, Flat Connections, and Global SchoolNet all give examples of global projects, already initiated and proven, that your students can join in on right now! I encourage anyone new to the PBL process to begin here.  Navigating the digital world while adhering your school's AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) can be taxing.  The stakes are high when students venture into the world, digital or literal, with little supervision.  Knowing you are working with tried and tested tools and projects alleviates some of the stress associated with digital citizenship. 
One of my favorite PBL websites, for art educators, is MyPBL Works, from the Buck Institute for Education.  MyPBL Works has an ever expanding library of standard-aligned project ideas. I was able to search by content area and grade level. I was very inspired by two projects in particular.  Face Your Face challenges students to explore the question, What masks do we wear when we go about our daily lives?, through the study of masks from cultures around the world. Students are challenged to compare and contrast ways we "wear masks in our daily lives" to the cultural meanings behind masks from around the world.  Students collaborate to exhibit their masks. This project would be a great expansion to the slab method, mask building lesson I already do in my middle school classroom. 
Another wonderful set of resources for art educators are the Flat Connections, Global Projects. Global Projects literally connects students with their peers from around the world. Windows to the World gives students the opportunity to discuss real world scenarios with students from across the globe.  Students utilize two of my favorite platforms for sharing their thoughts, Flipgrid and Padlet . (Click the link to explore these outstanding platforms.) Other projects include asynchronous, youth, debates with students from around the globe in Global Youth Debates, elementary students around the world collaborate to study endangered animals with the Endangered Animals project, there are poetry and performance collaborative lessons with the Poetry with Passion and Performance lesson.  The Digiteen Project asks students to explore digital citizenship. These are just a few of the amazing projects MyPBL Works, Global Projects has to offer.  Global Projects offers projects for students as young Kindergarten and all the way up through 12th grade.  
So while PBL may be intimidating, there are many resources and platforms already up and running for you to utilize. Using one of these resources is a great way to get started, if PBL is unfamiliar territory.  But, whether unfamiliar or not, these sites offer wonderful options for all grade levels and content areas.  They are ready to initiate, and standards-based.  There is no reason not to give it a try! 
Global projects. Learning Confluence by Julie Lindsay. (n.d.). https://learningconfluence.com/flat-connections/global-projects/
P21 resources: 21st Century learning resources. Battelle for Kids. (2024, January 8). https://www.battelleforkids.org/insights/p21-resources/
Projects: MyPBLWorks. Projects | MyPBLWorks. (n.d.). https://my.pblworks.org/projects?f%5B0%5D=subject_projects%3A78
Staff, T., & About The Author      TeachThought Staff  TeachThought is an organization dedicated to innovation in education through the growth of outstanding teachers. (2023, May 26). 50 smart ideas for Project-Based Learning. TeachThought. https://www.teachthought.com/project-based-learning/pbl-ideas/
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bestschoolinalain · 1 month
Building Tomorrow's Innovators: Exploring STEM Education Programs
Building a strong base in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education is now necessary in today's world, where things change quickly and new technologies affect our daily lives. STEM education programmes are the key to making sure that the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and problem-solvers is well-trained. This in-depth look looks at the importance of STEM education, its benefits, and the different programmes that are meant to help the next generation of thinkers and producers.
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The Significance of STEM Education:
STEM education lays the groundwork for developing critical thinking skills, promoting innovation, and preparing students for the demands of the modern workforce. It equips learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle complex challenges and contribute meaningfully to society. By integrating concepts from multiple disciplines, STEM education encourages interdisciplinary thinking, fostering creativity and ingenuity.
Benefits of STEM Education Programs:
1. Promoting Problem-Solving Skills: 
STEM education programs cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills by engaging students in hands-on activities and inquiry-based learning experiences. Whether building robots, conducting experiments, or designing solutions to engineering challenges, students learn to approach problems systematically, analyze data, and iterate on solutions based on feedback and evidence.
2. Fostering Innovation: 
Innovation is at the heart of STEM education, driving progress and discovery in fields ranging from medicine and agriculture to technology and space exploration. STEM programs encourage creativity and experimentation, empowering students to think outside the box and explore new ideas. By providing opportunities for exploration and discovery, STEM education sparks the curiosity and imagination needed to drive breakthrough innovations and advancements.
3. Preparing for Future Careers: 
In an increasingly globalized and technology-driven economy, STEM skills are in high demand across a wide range of industries. STEM education programs prepare students for future careers by equipping them with the technical skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to succeed in fields such as engineering, computer science, biotechnology, and cybersecurity. Whether pursuing higher education or entering the workforce directly, STEM-educated individuals are well-positioned to thrive in the 21st-century economy.
4. Closing the Gender Gap: 
Despite progress in recent years, gender disparities persist in STEM fields, with women and girls underrepresented in science, engineering, and technology-related careers. STEM education programs play a crucial role in closing the gender gap by providing inclusive and supportive learning environments where all students, regardless of gender, can explore their interests in STEM subjects. By challenging stereotypes, promoting diversity, and empowering girls to pursue their passions, STEM education programs help create a more equitable and inclusive future for all.
Exploring STEM Education Programs:
1. Project-Based Learning: 
Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered approach to education that emphasizes active learning, collaboration, and real-world application. In STEM education, PBL allows students to work on authentic, hands-on projects that address meaningful problems or challenges. Whether designing renewable energy systems, conducting scientific investigations, or programming autonomous vehicles, PBL engages students in inquiry-based learning experiences that promote deep understanding and mastery of STEM concepts.
2. STEM Academies and Magnet Schools: 
STEM academies and magnet schools are specialized educational institutions that focus on STEM subjects, offering rigorous coursework, specialized programs, and state-of-the-art facilities. These schools provide students with immersive learning experiences in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, preparing them for advanced study and careers in STEM fields. By fostering a culture of excellence and innovation, STEM academies and magnet schools inspire students to pursue their passions and achieve their full potential.
3. After-School STEM Clubs: 
After-school STEM clubs provide students with opportunities to explore STEM subjects in a fun and informal setting outside of regular school hours. Whether building robots, conducting science experiments, or coding computer programs, STEM clubs offer a variety of activities and projects to engage students in hands-on learning experiences. By providing a supportive and enriching environment, STEM clubs foster a love of learning and spark interest in STEM fields among participants.
4. STEM Summer Camps: 
STEM summer camps offer immersive learning experiences that combine education, exploration, and recreation in a dynamic and interactive setting. From exploring nature and conducting experiments to building rockets and designing video games, STEM camps provide a wide range of activities and workshops to inspire curiosity and ignite passion for STEM subjects. By fostering creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking, STEM camps empower students to pursue their interests and aspirations in STEM fields.
5. Online STEM Resources: 
With the advent of digital technology, online STEM resources have become increasingly accessible to students, educators, and lifelong learners worldwide. Websites, mobile apps, and virtual platforms offer a wealth of educational content, tutorials, simulations, and interactive tools to support STEM learning anytime, anywhere. Whether exploring the cosmos with NASA, learning to code with Khan Academy, or conducting virtual experiments with PhET Interactive Simulations, online STEM resources provide endless opportunities for discovery, exploration, and learning.
In conclusion, STEM education programs play a vital role in preparing students for success in the 21st century by fostering critical thinking skills, promoting innovation, and preparing them for future careers in STEM fields. By providing diverse and engaging learning experiences, STEM programs inspire curiosity, cultivate talent, and empower the next generation of innovators, problem-solvers, and leaders to tackle the challenges of tomorrow and build a brighter future for all.
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whitehatlink · 2 months
Unlocking Learning Potential - The Power of Project Based Learning
In the realm of education, traditional teaching methods often struggle to engage students fully. However, project based learning (PBL) offers a dynamic alternative, reshaping the landscape of education by immersing students in real-world challenges and fostering critical skills. By embracing project based learning, educators empower students to take ownership of their learning journey, simplifying the process through hands-on experiences and collaborative endeavors.
Understanding Project based Learning
At its core, project based learning is an instructional approach centered on inquiry and exploration. Rather than passively absorbing information, students actively delve into meaningful projects, tackling complex problems and applying interdisciplinary knowledge. This methodology transcends rote memorization, nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills essential for success in the modern world.
Simplifying Learning through Immersion
One of the key benefits of project based learning is its ability to simplify the learning process by providing context and relevance. By anchoring concepts within real-world applications, students grasp abstract ideas more effectively. For example, in a science class, rather than merely memorizing the periodic table, students could engage in a project based learning activity where they design and conduct experiments to understand chemical reactions. This hands-on approach not only deepens understanding but also fosters a genuine passion for learning.
Fostering Collaboration and Communication
Another hallmark of project based learning is its emphasis on collaboration. In today's interconnected world, the ability to work effectively in teams is paramount. Through collaborative project based learning experiences, students learn to communicate ideas, delegate tasks, and resolve conflicts—a skill set invaluable in both academic and professional settings. For instance, in a history class, students could collaborate on a multimedia presentation exploring a significant event, each contributing their expertise to create a comprehensive narrative.
Empowering Personalized Learning
Furthermore, project based learning empowers personalized learning, catering to diverse learning styles and interests. Unlike traditional one-size-fits-all approaches, PBL allows students to pursue topics that resonate with them, fostering intrinsic motivation and a sense of ownership over their education. Whether it's designing a sustainable city in an urban planning course or creating a short film in a media studies class, project based learning encourages students to pursue their passions while honing essential skills.
Examples of Project based Learning
Here below are two simple yet effective project based learning examples:
Science Fair Project: Students design and conduct experiments to investigate a scientific phenomenon, presenting their findings at a science fair. This hands-on approach not only reinforces scientific principles but also cultivates research and presentation skills.
Community Service Project: Students identify a need within their community and develop a plan to address it, whether it's organizing a food drive or renovating a local park. Through this experience, students learn the importance of civic engagement and empathy.
In conclusion, project based learning offers a transformative approach to education, simplifying the learning process by immersing students in authentic, real-world experiences. By embracing project based learning, educators nurture essential skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity, equipping students with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-changing world. As we continue to explore innovative pedagogical approaches, project based learning stands as a beacon of possibility, unlocking the full potential of every learner.
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saraswatitutorials · 2 months
Unlocking Learning Adventures: The Power of Project-Based Learning in Tuition
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Discovering Fun and Effective Ways to Learn Through Hands-On Projects
Hey there, learners! Today, we're diving into an exciting world of learning where textbooks take a backseat, and adventures take the wheel. Welcome to the realm of project-based learning in tuition!
What is Project-Based Learning?
Picture this: instead of just reading about history or doing math problems from a book, you're creating a museum exhibit about ancient civilizations or building a model to understand geometric shapes. That, my friends, is project-based learning (PBL) – a hands-on approach where you tackle real-world problems and challenges through creative projects.
Why is PBL Awesome?
Let's break it down. With project-based learning:
Engagement Soars: Say goodbye to yawns and snoozes! PBL grabs your attention and keeps you hooked because you're doing something cool and meaningful.
Learning Feels Like Play: Imagine learning without even realizing it! PBL turns education into a fun adventure where you're the hero, solving puzzles and cracking codes.
Skills Galore: It's not just about knowing stuff; it's about doing stuff. PBL hones your teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills – the superpowers you need for the real world.
Creativity Unleashed: No more boring assignments! PBL lets your imagination run wild. Want to make a movie about science? Go for it! The sky's the limit.
Remember Forever: Ever forget something you crammed for a test? Not with PBL! When you're deeply involved in a project, knowledge sticks like glue, ready to be used whenever you need it.
How Does PBL Work in Tuition?
Now, you might be wondering, "How does all this awesomeness fit into my tuition classes?" Well, it's simpler than you think!
Choosing Exciting Topics: Instead of following a rigid curriculum, tutors and students team up to pick topics that spark curiosity and passion. Whether it's dinosaurs, robots, or space travel, the choice is yours!
Planning Adventures: Once the topic is set, it's time to plan the journey! What do you want to create? A video, a model, a story? Brainstorm ideas and map out your path to success.
Exploring and Learning: Now comes the fun part – diving into research and discovery! Explore books, websites, museums – wherever knowledge hides. Every new fact is a treasure waiting to be uncovered.
Building and Creating: With knowledge in hand, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get creative! Build, paint, write – whatever your project needs. The more hands-on, the better!
Sharing with the World: Ta-da! Your masterpiece is ready to shine. Share it with friends, family, even the world! Whether it's a presentation, an exhibition, or a digital showcase, let your light shine bright.
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Exploring the Benefits of Project-Based Learning in the Classroom
In recent years, educators have increasingly turned to project-based learning (PBL) as a pedagogical approach to engage students, foster creativity, and deepen understanding. Unlike traditional teaching methods that rely heavily on lectures and memorization, PBL encourages students to actively explore real-world problems and develop solutions through hands-on, collaborative projects. In this blog post, we'll delve into the various benefits of implementing PBL in the classroom and explore how it can transform the learning experience for students.
1. Fostering Meaningful Engagement:
One of the key advantages of project-based learning is its ability to capture students' interest and motivate them to learn. By presenting students with authentic, real-world problems to solve, PBL creates a sense of purpose and relevance in their studies. Whether it's designing a sustainable community garden or creating a multimedia presentation on climate change, students are more likely to be actively engaged when they see the direct application of their learning.
2. Developing Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:
In a project-based learning environment, students are challenged to think critically and creatively as they work to solve complex problems. Rather than simply memorizing facts and regurgitating information, PBL encourages students to analyze information, draw connections, and apply their knowledge in novel ways. Through this process, students develop essential skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and analytical thinking that are invaluable both inside and outside the classroom.
3. Promoting Collaboration and Communication:
Collaboration is at the heart of project-based learning. By working in teams to complete projects, students learn to communicate effectively, share ideas, and collaborate with others to achieve common goals. In today's interconnected world, these interpersonal skills are essential for success in both academic and professional settings. PBL provides students with opportunities to practice collaboration and develop the teamwork skills needed to thrive in the 21st century.
4. Encouraging Self-Directed Learning:
One of the hallmarks of project-based learning is its emphasis on student autonomy and self-direction. Instead of relying solely on the guidance of the teacher, students are given the freedom to explore topics that interest them, set their own goals, and take ownership of their learning. This autonomy not only fosters a sense of independence and responsibility but also encourages students to become lifelong learners who are capable of setting and achieving their own learning objectives.
5. Fostering Creativity and Innovation:
Project-based learning provides students with a platform to unleash their creativity and explore innovative solutions to real-world problems. Whether it's designing a new product, inventing a solution to a social issue, or creating a piece of art, PBL encourages students to think outside the box and push the boundaries of their imagination. By nurturing creativity and innovation, PBL equips students with the skills and mindset needed to tackle the challenges of the future.
In conclusion, project-based learning offers a myriad of benefits for students, ranging from fostering meaningful engagement and developing critical thinking skills to promoting collaboration and creativity. By embracing PBL in the classroom, educators can create dynamic learning experiences that inspire curiosity, empower students, and prepare them for success in an ever-changing world. As we continue to explore innovative approaches to education, project-based learning stands out as a powerful tool for transforming teaching and learning in the 21st century.
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martinussenwelch42 · 4 months
What Are The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Casual Education?
Education is a basic pillar because it is probably considered one of the components that has the best influence on the progress and development of people and, subsequently, of various cultures and societies. In addition to enriching tradition and selling data, it additionally promotes a sequence of values. History of the research of the Romani language and Roma education in Romania (1990–2012), Studii de atelier - Cercetarea minorităţilor naţionale din România, No 46. However, whenever you choose to study informally, attempt to be taught from dependable sources or try to gather information from multiple sources to improve accuracy. Here, classes are discovered by way of experiences or practices only; till then, one should face unpredicted outcomes very often. It is especially thought of a high-cost learning methodology with a rigid educational system that typically wastes the time and cash of bright children.
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However, we ought to always not get too tied up with the bodily setting for the work. Formal schooling can even happen in almost some other location – corresponding to teaching somebody to add up while buying available in the market. Here it's the special type of social setting we have to create that is important. It was the first time any of them had seen a jigsaw puzzle of any sort.Informal knowledge is information that has not been externalized or captured and the primary locus of the information may be inside somebody's head. For example, in the cause of language acquisition, a mom may teach a toddler primary ideas of grammar and language at home, previous to the kid coming into a proper education system. In such a case, the mother has a tacit understanding of language constructions, syntax and morphology, but she is in all probability not explicitly conscious of what these are. Adult schooling and lifelong studying are of great significance in today's world for lots of reasons. Tune in to discover the most recent news in grownup learning and schooling. Daniela Ochoa is the go-to Content Marketing Specialist right here at Thinkific Plus! Project-based learning is one other "wayward" means to consider how studying occurs -- not "doing tasks," but learning via the process of project design and administration. PBL also works as a automobile for the planning and learning process itself. Within PBL, the Maker movement, cell studying and game-based learning are all possible. Apply as a tutor to teach students online from anywhere on the earth. You can continue to login using your current e-mail and password for now, however we are going to soon ask you to change your account to the model new EU Login for additional security and easy accessibility to different related instructional platforms and instruments offered by the EC. You can signal as much as be a part of the community quickly and simply utilizing the European Commission's EU Login service, supplying you with access to all EC websites and platforms with just one username and password! Click the blue button beneath to signal up using your current EU Login account or create a new one in a couple of easy steps.
Is Tango Onerous To Learn? Unveil The Dance Mystique!
A particular person can study anything and create an activity round it. A person can develop expertise and knowledge through informal schooling. Informal schooling facilitates the development of abilities and information that fit their wants. A person can learn something they need beneath informal schooling and so they can also share their data with others. However, a direct support of informal learning is taken into account troublesome, as a result of learning happens throughout the work course of and can't be deliberate by firms. An indirect help of studying by providing a constructive learning setting is however potential. [newline]Social help by colleagues and managers should be mentioned particularly. More experienced colleagues can act as learning experts and mentors. Managers can act as function fashions with regard to obtaining and offering suggestions on their very own work efficiency. Admitting own failures and coping with failures constructively also encourages workers to take benefit of studying opportunities at work. Training interventions can strengthen the meta-competence "studying to learn" among staff. With the stress to provide outcomes and to attain good take a look at scores, relationships and processes may be easily uncared for. Furthermore, there is normally a narrowing of academic focus. In these situations, while casual educators may be appointed to work with students, they should encourage and educate employees in order that the wants of students can be acknowledged and, hopefully, met. To do this informal educators will typically need each to develop an in depth understanding of the scenario, and (in that status-conscious world) have some kind of skilled qualification. As why students hate science as it sounds, one of many greatest similarities between formal and informal schooling is that the coed has a drive to learn! You would possibly either be seeking to have new data and even just attempt to broaden on information that you’ve earned from a previous learning experience. Either way, this individual should be able to be curious, to understand new concepts, and to ask questions when they’re confused. The cost of casual education could be very affordable as a end result of it is not compulsory. A person can learn anything as a outcome of he/she has the liberty to study. Poor people who have no money to go to school can be taught via casual studying. A particular person can learn a talent without having to follow any particular course. According to the Octagon Model of casual learning by Decius, Schaper, and Seifert from 2019, casual studying contains eight components. The octagon model is based on the dynamic mannequin of casual studying by Tannenbaum et al. from 2010. The dynamic mannequin incorporates the 4 elements "experience/action", "feedback", "reflection", and "studying intention". According to the mannequin, every factor can trigger one other factor and thus precede it, but can even observe any other issue. Learning here occurs through social interplay with peers. The features like direct messaging, groups, and publish feedback are used. A learner who spends time in casual studying is a goal-orientated person and on the lookout to increase their profession, experiment, and persistently study. Informal studying happens in a workplace without the learners involved in it knowing—a talk by staff during their break, the discussion concerning a meeting. Some individuals might be reluctant to be taught due to the lack of construction and formalism in informal education. Developed due to different modes of informal education, similar to some examples that we will see later. It supplies greater flexibility for grownup learners and is represented by varied methods, together with conversation, social interplay, teamwork, and mentoring. Nonformal schooling develops abilities that are useful for the financial system. Such as guide skills, trades, information expertise, and so forth.
Some see casual education as the learning that goes on in day by day life. As associates, for instance, we might properly encourage others to talk about issues that have happened of their lives in order that they'll deal with their emotions and to assume about what to do next. As mother and father or carers we might show children how to write completely different words or tie their laces. Poor individuals and slum dwellers can learn by way of casual education. Children’s and adults’ stress stage is much less whereas they study in casual schooling. They are not required to attend class hours and compete with their classmates.
The Various Sorts Of Education
It refers again to the random and spontaneous lifelong learning of actions, norms, skills, and values, which usually happens exterior of institutional or formal settings. We can get such a sort of schooling from our on a regular basis experiences, academic assets in our personal setting, and so on. The greatest distinction between formal and casual schooling is the construction that both types of learning take.
This is an instance of casual learning that’s serving to to boost and reinforce the formal training of the corporate training program.
Informal training, then again, isn’t predictable for time.
Some people see the training system as classroom training, whereas others may see it as a life-changing expertise.
The mentor passes on their knowledge and experiences to the employee.
There is no want for a teacher or a particular course to observe. It’s an effective way to be taught new abilities and do actions with out having to observe a specific course or training class. A person learns to accord to his personal pace as a outcome of he can manage his studying time. On the opposite hand, data just isn't at all times sought from acceptable sources to acquire quality knowledge on a subject of interest. As the child wanders he might come to a place that is unknown and probably harmful however the mother is not going to stop him, she is going to simply watch as he explores. The lack of verbal reprimand or warning from an grownup or elder allow the kid to assimilate his environment extra rigorously. And even when you’re actively seeking a specific answer, you may get part of the data from one supply and the the rest of the data from some place else. Because of this, you might regularly be taught the extra superior topics first earlier than the fundamentals – and it won’t make sense instantly until you’ve had that different piece of the lesson come into your learning path. As complicated as this sounds, it could be good for individuals who like diving head-first into issues.
Grownup Schooling - A Great Significance Of Right Now's World
Alternatively, academics could lead a class discussion utilizing the questions for focus. A key attribute of formal training is that it often consists of assessments such as exams, quizzes, and formal assignments. At the end of a course, it’s widespread for learners to receive a certification or accreditation to mark their completion. Whether we are recognized as a proper or informal educator we will use a mixture of the formal and casual. Formal and casual learning are two contrasting studying styles used within a corporation. Independent studying or self-reliance is a vital good factor about informal education. This encourages a person to study in an setting that is straightforward, enjoyable, and stress-free. The person learns at his own tempo and decides in which course to take the course. That is why casual education encourages lateral pondering and promotes creativity. Like formal schooling, Informal studying can even give you knowledge and skills that you'll want in your life. This is nice for knowing how in-depth you need to go when learning a few given matter. There are also plenty of supplemental assets available in formal schooling such as textbooks, keynote presentations, hands-on labs, and practice exams. No stress of formal grading – The absence of strict grading methods means much less stress for learners, allowing them to focus more on understanding and fewer on scores. As per specialists, schooling refers to a gradual process that brings about constructive adjustments in human life and habits, thereby developing their personalities. Informal learning usually takes place outside of formal studying settings and is self-directed, so it normally occurs spontaneously and naturally. Lifelong learning, as outlined by the OECD, includes a mixture of formal, non-formal and casual studying. Of these three, casual learning will be the most troublesome to quantify or prove, however it remains critical to an individual's overall cognitive and social development throughout the lifespan. Such conversations and actions can happen anyplace and at any time. This contrasts with formal schooling which tends to happen in particular settings similar to colleges.
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easchool · 5 months
Teaching Approaches in IB Schools: Inquiry-Based Learning
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In the domain of training, Global Baccalaureate (IB) schools have earned tremendous respect for their all encompassing and creative ways to deal with educating and learning. One such conspicuous establishment in Gurugram, India, that succeeds in giving an elite IB training is the Excelsior American School. In this blog, we will investigate the showing approaches utilized by Excelsior American School is the IB School in Gurgaon, zeroing in on the foundation of Request Based Learning (IBL), and dig into the more extensive setting of showing strategies utilized in IB schools.
Excelsior American School: The Best IB School in Gurugram
Situated in the clamoring city of Gurugram, Excelsior American School has reliably stood apart as the best IB school in the locale. With its obligation to scholastic greatness, a sustaining climate, and a solid accentuation on all encompassing turn of events, Excelsior American School is a reference point of value training in the core of Gurugram. Their showing approaches mirror the fundamental beliefs and standards of IB instruction, making it an ideal contextual investigation for figuring out inventive instructive strategies.
Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL): The Foundation of Teaching at Excelsior American School
At the core of Excelsior American School's showing reasoning is Request Based Learning (IBL). IBL is an educational methodology that urges understudies to effectively participate in the growing experience by suggesting conversation starters, researching, and looking for arrangements. It cultivates decisive reasoning, critical thinking, and a long lasting adoration for learning.
Encouraging Curiosity: IBL begins by lighting interest in understudies. Excelsior American Teachers support their understudies' regular tendency to freely clarify some pressing issues, empowering them to investigate and track down replies. This approach fabricates serious areas of strength for an of information as well as develops a profound feeling of interest.
Student-Centered Approach: In IBL homerooms, understudies take the middle stage. Instructors at Excelsior American School go about as facilitators, directing understudies on their learning process instead of conveying addresses. This understudy focused approach advances independent learning and freedom.
Hands-on Learning: The school puts serious areas of strength for an on active growth opportunities. Understudies are urged to analyze, make, and make associations between hypothetical information and down to earth applications. This approach assists understudies with understanding complex ideas all the more significantly.
Interdisciplinary Learning: IBL advances interdisciplinary picking up, permitting understudies to investigate associations among subjects and apply information across various spaces. This approach improves scholastic comprehension as well as energizes an all encompassing perspective on the world.
Real-World Relevance: Excelsior American School guarantees that the opportunities for growth have certifiable pertinence. By interfacing homeroom figuring out how to recent developments and worldwide issues, understudies are more ready to apply their insight to address genuine difficulties.
Beyond Inquiry-Based Learning: A Multifaceted Approach
While Request Based Learning structures the groundwork of instructing at Excelsior American School, the establishment likewise embraces a scope of other training ways to deal with give balanced instruction:
Project-Based Learning (PBL): PBL supplements IBL by including understudies in reached out, top to bottom ventures that require research, critical thinking, and coordinated effort. These tasks frequently come full circle in introductions or substantial results, cultivating imagination and collaboration.
Collaborative Learning: The school advances cooperative opportunities for growth where understudies cooperate on tasks and undertakings. This assists them with creating fundamental interactive abilities and gain according to one another's points of view.
Technology Integration: Excelsior American School perceives the meaning of innovation in present day training. They influence innovation to upgrade opportunities for growth, giving admittance to an abundance of data and intelligent instruments.
Language Immersion: Language is a pivotal part of IB instruction. The school offers language submersion programs that open understudies to a multicultural and multilingual climate, cultivating worldwide points of view.
Character Education: Past scholastics, the school puts extraordinary significance on character training. Understudies are shown values like regard, honesty, and compassion, which are indispensable to becoming dependable worldwide residents.
The Impact of Teaching Approaches at Excelsior American School
The showing approaches utilized at Excelsior American School significantly affect understudies' general turn of events and their progress in the IB program. We should dig further into how these methodologies impact different parts of understudies' schooling:
Academic Excellence: Excelsior American School's obligation to IBL and other creative showing techniques guarantees that understudies gain information as well as foster decisive reasoning and critical thinking abilities. This approach adds to reliably high scholastic execution, placing understudies in a good position in the IB educational program.
Holistic Development: The school's diverse methodology goes past scholastics. By empowering involved learning, interdisciplinary investigation, and character training, Excelsior American School sustains balanced people who are scholastically capable as well as socially and genuinely skillful.
Global Perspective: The IB program is known for its global standpoint, and Excelsior American School's accentuation on language submersion and genuine significance assists understudies with fostering a worldwide point of view. They are more ready to draw in with worldwide issues and value social variety.
Lifelong Learning: The request based and understudy focused approach encourages an affection for discovering that stretches out past the homeroom. Understudies at Excelsior American School are furnished with the abilities and outlook required for long lasting learning and versatility in a quickly impacting world.
Leadership and Collaboration: Cooperative opportunities for growth and character instruction assist understudies with creating authority characteristics and compelling collaboration abilities. These abilities are important in scholastics as well as in their future professions and individual lives.
The Role of Excelsior American School as an Exemplar
Excelsior American School's progress in carrying out imaginative showing approaches fills in as a model for IB schools universally. By exhibiting the advantages of IBL, PBL, innovation mix, language inundation, and character training, the school shows the potential for extraordinary instruction inside the IB structure.
Moreover, Excelsior American School adds to the more extensive instructive scene by moving different organizations to embrace comparable methodologies. The accentuation on genuine significance and worldwide point of view lines up with the objectives of planning understudies to address the intricate difficulties of the 21st 100 years.
All in all, Excelsior American School, perceived as the Top School in Gurgaon, stands apart as a brilliant illustration of imaginative showing approaches inside the IB system. Their obligation to Request Based Learning, alongside a multi-layered approach that incorporates Venture Based Learning, cooperative encounters, innovation mix, and character schooling, guarantees that understudies get balanced training that sets them up for outcome in a quickly impacting world.
As a reference point of instructive greatness, Excelsior American School sets an elevated requirement for IB schools around the world, showing the significance of embracing imaginative showing techniques in the present instructive scene. The effect of these showing approaches stretches out past scholastics, cultivating all encompassing turn of events, a worldwide point of view, and a long lasting affection for learning among understudies. As we plan ahead for training, foundations like Excelsior American School give significant bits of knowledge into making a more powerful, understudy focused, and universally mindful learning climate.
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lps-global-schools · 5 months
Innovative Noida Schools: Shaping Modern Education
Settled in the dynamic scene of the Public Capital District, Noida has arisen as a center point of development and greatness in schooling. The city's spearheading schools, like LPS Global School - one of the Top CBSE School in Noida, has been at the very front of embracing present day instructive procedures. This regarded foundation, close by others, cultivates imagination, decisive reasoning, and a comprehensive way to deal with learning. Go along with us on an excursion through Noida's instructive scene, investigating the imaginative practices and obligation to greatness that have situated these schools as pioneers in present day training.
The Educational Tapestry of Noida
A Unique Mix of Custom and Innovation: Noida, short for the New Okhla Modern Improvement Authority, has seen an exceptional change throughout the long term. The city's instructive organizations reflect this advancement, flawlessly mixing customary qualities with state of the art instructive practices. Noida's schools have embraced development as a foundation, reclassifying the instructive experience for understudies in the 21st 100 years.
Innovative Educational Practices
Technology Integration: Innovation combination in training addresses an essential change in current educating strategies. Schools embracing this development consolidate different advanced apparatuses to improve getting the hang of, making an intuitive and dynamic homeroom experience. This includes involving intuitive whiteboards for cooperative critical thinking, instructive applications for customized learning, and online stages for asset sharing and schoolwork accommodation. Computer generated Reality (VR) advancements offer vivid encounters, making conceptual ideas unmistakable, while simulated intelligence driven programs adjust to individual understudy needs, guaranteeing customized movement. This combination adjusts instruction to the computerized period as well as outfits understudies with fundamental 21st-century abilities, encouraging an educated and versatile group of people yet to come.
Project-Based Learning (PBL): Task Based Learning (PBL) is a creative instructive practice where understudies effectively take part in projects that address complex inquiries or difficulties. This approach moves the concentration from customary repetition figuring out how to involved, experiential exercises. In PBL, understudies frequently work in gatherings to investigate certifiable issues, cultivating joint effort, decisive reasoning, and critical thinking abilities. Projects are interdisciplinary, coordinating different subjects and abilities, and commonly finish in an eventual outcome or show. This strategy improves scholarly comprehension as well as plans understudies for genuine circumstances, empowering inventiveness and free learning, while at the same time making schooling really captivating and pertinent to their lives.
Focus on STEM and STEAM Education: Feature programs that accentuate Science, Innovation, Designing, and Math (STEM), as well as the consideration of Expressions (STEAM). The emphasis on STEM (Science, Innovation, Designing, and Math) and STEAM (adding Expressions to STEM) training addresses a critical change in imaginative instructive practices. This approach underlines experiential learning, decisive reasoning, and innovativeness, outfitting understudies with fundamental abilities for the computerized age. By coordinating expressions with customary STEM subjects, STEAM cultivates a more all encompassing instructive experience, empowering understudies to think both systematically and innovatively. This interdisciplinary technique not just plans understudies for future mechanical headways and vocations yet additionally sustains their inventive capacities, guaranteeing they are balanced, critical thinking people prepared to handle the difficulties of a quickly developing world.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): Social-Close to home Learning (SEL) is an imaginative instructive practice that supports understudies' capacity to appreciate people on a deeper level close by their scholastic abilities. It includes training kids to comprehend and deal with their feelings, put forth and accomplish uplifting objectives, exhibit sympathy for other people, lay out and keep up with conscious connections, and pursue capable choices. Through SEL, instructors intend to furnish understudies with urgent fundamental abilities like mindfulness, self-guideline, and relational abilities. This all encompassing methodology encourages a steady learning climate, improves understudies' capacity to adapt to difficulties, and sets them up for individual and expert achievement. By coordinating SEL, schools are focusing on the balanced improvement of every understudy.
Inclusive Education: Comprehensive schooling is an imaginative practice that advocate the right, everything being equal, no matter what their experiences or capacities, to learn together in standard homerooms. It's tied in with adjusting the learning climate to meet the range of requirements among understudies. This approach includes changing showing techniques and educational programs as well as involves encouraging a school culture that regards and values variety. By incorporating understudies with exceptional instructive requirements or inabilities into normal classes, comprehensive schooling advances compassion, value, and social attachment. It prepares teachers to address individual learning styles and difficulties, guaranteeing each understudy has an equivalent chance to flourish scholastically and socially.
Global Learning and Cultural Exchange: "Worldwide Learning and Social Trade" as an inventive instructive practice breaks conventional homeroom limits, interfacing understudies across the world through innovation and shared projects. This approach encourages an extended comprehension of different societies, dialects, and points of view, planning understudies for a globalized future. By participating in cooperative gaining with peers from various nations, understudies foster compassion, diverse relational abilities, and a more extensive perspective. This strategy advances the scholastic experience as well as sustains worldwide citizenship, empowering students to see the value in contrasts and figure out something worth agreeing on in an undeniably interconnected world.
Outdoor and Experiential Learning: Open air and Experiential Learning is an imaginative instructive practice that takes advancing past the conventional homeroom walls, submerging understudies in true conditions. This approach underlines active, tangible encounters in regular settings, cultivating a more profound association with the topic. It urges understudies to connect straightforwardly with their environmental factors, be it through natural examinations in a backwoods, verifiable investigations at notable destinations, or logical perceptions in a neighborhood park. This technique upgrades natural mindfulness and stewardship as well as supports decisive reasoning, critical thinking abilities, and a feeling of interest, making learning a more unique and noteworthy experience.
Mindfulness and Wellness Programs: Care and Wellbeing Projects in schools address a historic shift towards supporting understudies' psychological and close to home prosperity. These drives show care strategies, for example, contemplation and profound breathing activities, empowering understudies to really oversee pressure and nervousness. By consolidating exercises that encourage mindfulness and profound guideline, these projects plan to improve focus, compassion, and relational abilities. Furthermore, wellbeing instruction centers around all encompassing wellbeing, covering themes like sustenance, actual wellness, and solid way of life decisions. This comprehensive methodology upholds scholarly execution as well as outfits understudies with significant fundamental abilities, encouraging balanced improvement and a positive school climate.
Noida's spearheading schools, exemplified by LPS Global School, one of the best CBSE School in Noida, stand as signals of development and greatness in current training. These establishments, including LPS Global, typify a unique mix of customary qualities and state of the art rehearses. This exceptional blend has made an instructive biological system that cultivates all encompassing turn of events, decisive reasoning, and an energy for long lasting learning in understudies. By focusing on both respected instructive standards and imaginative techniques, schools like LPS Worldwide are molding another age of balanced and ground breaking people.
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ramblinglibrarian · 8 months
SAMR, Technology, PBL Connections
Today I was introduced to a new model for technology called SAMR, (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition). This is a way for educators to see how they’re incorporating technology into their classrooms. I found that in my classroom I use a lot of SA-Substitution and Augmentation with my lessons, in other words paper writing became word processing or Google Docs writing. In some cases that writing would be augmented with a piece of clip art, color changes of writing, etc. A few times I would reach the levels of Modification or Redefinition, but usually when students were really into what they were researching, and they would approach me about expanding past my ideas or something they could do to make their project more styled to them.
Technology really fits into the SAMR model because the technology gets different uses in the model from a simple use to a grander scale. Back when I first started teaching, you might use a camera to take a picture and upload it to a document or a slide show, and that was a big deal. Now, with just one device you can do that and take a video, edit it, upload it into the video and make a great presentation. That is all on one device or maybe two if you have two differing systems. Then, add PBL, Project Based Learning into the mix, and you can have the students using that technology to research, document, analyze, and use other high levels of thinking with that technology as a tool to achieve learning and then disseminate it. Students get more hands-on activity with technology, SAMR, and PBL. They can add their own music, create digital items and imbed them, share their information and projects globally, and learn. These are skills they will need in their futures and workforce.
I am currently working on my STEM endorsement, so while I was learning about SAMR, PBL, and technology, I saw the correlations between them and STEM. While students are studying STEM concepts through projects, experiments, and research, they can use technology to enhance that learning and to present it in a way that is personal to them and shows their learning and enhances others. SAMR is also a reflecting tool, so in all STEM there needs to be time to reflect on that learning and use it in a real-world situation. After learning, analyzing, and reflecting on all that I saw, listened to, and read, I see why Michael Gorman wrote about the connection between basically all of them. He doesn’t mention SAMR, but the components in his examples reflect it.
“Common Sense.” Commonsense.org, 2019, www.commonsense.org/.
Common Sense Education. “Introduction to the SAMR Model | Common Sense Education.” Common Sense Education, 5 June 2014, www.commonsense.org/education/videos/introduction-to-the-samr-model.
“Essential Connections of STEM, PBL, and Tech Integration… What Would Dewey Think?” 21 St Century Educational Technology and Learning, 15 Sept. 2014, 21centuryedtech.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/essential-connections-of-stem-pbl-and-tech-integration-what-would-dewey-think/.
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jurnaltalking · 9 months
Nurturing Knowledge through Project-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning (PBL) has emerged as a dynamic and effective educational approach that promotes active learning and critical thinking. It is an engaging method where students gain knowledge and skills by actively exploring real-world problems and challenges. In essence, PBL allows learners to immerse themselves in the subject matter by delving into relevant, hands-on projects.
One of the fundamental aspects of Project-Based Learning is the emphasis on fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Instead of merely memorizing facts, students engage in research, critical analysis, and problem-solving. This approach not only enhances their knowledge but also cultivates valuable skills such as communication, collaboration, and creativity.
In the realm of education, PBL stands out for its ability to ignite creativity and curiosity. When students are presented with thought-provoking project ideas, they are encouraged to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions. The projects are designed to stimulate their creativity and provide a platform for self-expression, resulting in a more enriching and satisfying learning experience.
Moreover, Project-Based Learning aligns well with the modern world's demands. In a rapidly evolving job market, employers seek individuals with practical skills and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations. PBL, with its focus on hands-on projects, equips students with exactly these skills, making them more job-ready and adaptable to the changing professional landscape.
The role of project ideas in PBL cannot be overstated. Well-crafted project ideas are the backbone of effective Project-Based Learning. They should be intriguing, relevant, and challenging, prompting students to invest time and effort in researching, planning, and executing the project. Ideally, project ideas should mirror real-world scenarios, enabling students to grasp the practical implications of their academic learnings.
Furthermore, the beauty of Project-Based Learning is its ability to cater to diverse learning styles. Students with varying strengths and abilities can find their niche within a project. Visual learners can design presentations, auditory learners can give presentations, and kinesthetic learners can build physical models. This versatility ensures that every student can shine and contribute meaningfully to the project.
In conclusion, project based learning is a transformative approach that not only enhances subject knowledge but also cultivates essential life skills. The inclusion of thought-provoking project ideas is crucial in driving this approach. It ignites curiosity, promotes creativity, and prepares students for a future where problem-solving and adaptability are paramount. With PBL, education transcends traditional boundaries, paving the way for a generation of learners who are not just academically proficient but also well-rounded, critical thinkers.
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How can we assess students during project-based learning? —
See on Scoop.it - Education 2.0 & 3.0
A teacher expressed concerns about assigning grades and the general idea for evaluating students during PBL units. The teacher shared that she wanted students to enjoy the process. She was concerned that grading might cause students to become unmotivated or disinterested in projects. I understood he
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artblog-mrsb · 1 month
PBL (Project Based Learning)=It's a Personal journey, Brought about by curiosity, and a thirst for Learning
The pedagogical justifications for using project-based learning all culminate in one central idea.  Making the student a lifelong, lover and sharer, of knowledge. Students are engaged in the entire learning process of PBL, from conception, to project management, to communication, collaboration, and ultimately the production of a product that they can share with humanity.  Students take control of their own learning through guidance and facilitation by the instructor or teacher. Because, while students typically do perform well on test items requiring recall and basic skills, they end up doing poorly when asked to apply their knowledge, analyze, or explain data. Schools must remember that their job is not to "teach to the test".  The goal of schools must be realigned with the idea that we are preparing our learners to find personal meaning in learning, and be able to transfer and apply their knowledge for the future.  
PBL units culminate with thought provoking and personally relevant tasks.  Students learning through project-based inquiry will be more likely to apply their knowledge in the future. (Wiggins & McTighe, 2008) Project-based learning values authenticity for students.  PBL calls for lessons to be structured around Big Ideas, instead of bits of information. PBL assessment happens throughout the lesson, not just at the end. "For example, the dates, battles, and names associated with the U.S. Civil War have much more meaning for students when introduced within the larger investigations of slavery, territorial expansion, and economics than when presented for memorization without larger context." (Brooks & Brooks, 1999) This allows students to critique, reflect, and reform their products in a way that is meaningful for them. This model will continue for the rest of the students life as they tackle the challenges of life and work. 
So then, why are we doing this? "Teaching to the test" is happening because the ramifications of performing poorly on standardized tests for students and teachers is too high.  "Despite rising test scores in subsequent years, there is little or no evidence of increased student learning.  A recent study by Kentucky's Office of Educational Accountability (Hambleton, et al. 1995) suggests that test-score gains in that state are a function of students increasing skills as test takers rather than evidence of increased learning." (Brooks & Brooks, 1999). 
But, this form of teaching is not new.  It brings me back to preschool.  I was fortunate, in my opinion, to attend a Montessori preschool. In Montessori schools, children are the leaders of their learning with teachers and aides falling into the categories of facilitator and mentor.  I remember playing with counting frames, learning through song, and discovering literature through acting out plays.  Forty years later, I still have fond memories.  And yes, they are FOND memories because I just thought I was playing, but I was actually being taught how to seek, understand, and share knowledge that interested me.  
You do not need to go to a Montessori style school to experience project-based learning.  Some of the best teachers I have ever learned with or worked with have dabbled in PBL.  I remember in 4th grade learning about our community by exploring our downtown. We went to our historical society, hiked our well known Irving Cliff, visited the old stone jail and heard stories of it's occupants. In 5th grade to learn about ancient Egypt we took on the persona of an Egyptian God.  Then we had a day when we not only presented our findings to the entire 5th grade, but got to dress as an Egyptian and try foods from Egypt.  Still one of my favorite school projects ever!  I cannot forget my all time favorite teacher.  I actually just shared this story with him about a month ago when we happened to run into each other (he retired long before I was hired in the district I went to school in).  He was our American Government teacher. Aside from having a day each week to debate current events, he would find you, on your birthday, and bring you, personally, a voter registration form.  It seems so small, but the gesture helped to create a group of young people that worked with him going into local government and being active, and voting, members of the community.  
While PBL takes time, and a shift in paradigm, it is worth it.  If it makes teachers and projects to stick with your students for decades, there is no amount of time that isn't! 
Brooks, M., & Brooks, J. (1999). The courage to be Constructivist. ASCD. https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/the-courage-to-be-constructivist
Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2008). Put understanding first. ASCD. https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/put-understanding-first
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