#Open starter - to anyone
thedragcnbrother · 1 year
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“Can I help you~?” Tom’s voice rolled, as the smoke from his cigarette billowed up about his nose.
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thecrazyone1990 · 4 months
Open Non-Human RP (Male, Female, or Futa only)
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Jade, a goblin girl who ran away from her home, ended up being caught and sold as a slave. She hated it. But what she hated more was being sold to your muse, who she had planned to kill first chance she gets to make her escape. That was until they did it in bed and well...she's now a slave to him both physically and sexually.
"You know, it would be best if you actually got me some actual clothes to wear. I thought adventurers like yourself are flowing with gold. So, you can spare a few," said Jade who didn't like the looks she'd get from other humans.
((Master/Slave RP, have fun with her))
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lieutenantism · 2 months
a very interesting (and endearing, at least to me) detail about jean's character is how he tends to fix himself during a confrontation. (long post ahead)
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despite the fact he looks just fine, he does it to self-soothe more than anything, because he knows he has no control over the situation. so if he can't get through harry, at least he's in control of how he looks. and he can look BETTER, more put together than harry, so he makes sure to show him that. every time.
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constantly readjusting, correcting, dusting himself off every time he's confronting his former partner because i think he has a severe inferiority complex (since harry outranks him and refuses to accept any promotion, which makes jean perpetually stuck as a satellite-officer, tied to a self-destructive man who's also good at what he does + harry has had a chance at a love that's so redeeming that he pictures her as the game's equivalent of God, a love that jean desperately yearns for so he hates harry for blowing it, and hates himself for never finding such a love despite the fact he's more put together than harry, or so he claims) that flares up every time harry's in the vicinity. i don't think jean has problems asserting himself when harry's not around, though. we've seen that here.
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jean's perfectly capable of being authoritative, and has power over his colleagues, contrary to popular belief on this website. of course, provided harry's not there.
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because he'll start slipping every time. his body language is also incredibly stiff, i'm assuming it's to seem like he's composed, but that falls apart when you notice how many times he struggles with his breathing, how many times he has to collect himself.
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naturally, since kim also outranks him, jean behaves the same way with him although less emotional. he loses the spite, turns a little more submissive, though his pride doesn't completely disappear, like authority indicates. i also believe it's because kim didn't address him properly, therefore jean didn't feel the need to extend more than basic respect towards him.
it's very interesting to see, since he seems to have this ongoing inner conflict between his pride and his self-hatred. believing he's better than harry, yet crumbling at his presence. laying down and taking it, then suddenly revolting. being in control until the reason you're forced to take control shows up, then suddenly you're not in control anymore and you have to fix your hair and your tie and dust your suit and cough to look like you have your shit together. to prove that you're better. jean's trying to tell harry that he's BETTER than him! that's why he does all of that shit! he's terrified of ending up like that! he's even more terrified of the fact that despite being the mess he is, harry IS better than him! HELLO!
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harmonyloveangels1990 · 8 months
Open Mind Control RP (Male, Female, or Futa only)
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Kim Possible had said goodbye to Ron who went on a family trip with his folks. Leaving Kim alone at their apartment. With Kim unaware that during their last mission, your muse had taken over her mind. Making her their cute obedient little slave.
Once Ron is gone, she stood in her bedroom wearing the sexy outfit. While she takes pictures of it on her computer to send to your muse. "I hope you won't take too long, master~ I'm waiting for you to fuck your little slave~"
((Have fun breaking her))
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spiderben2011 · 1 month
Open Fandom RP (Male, Female, or Futa only)
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Starfire has been living with your muse for some time. She met them after she came to Earth (instead of meeting the Teen Titans). They helped her out and she has been in debt to them. She began living with them while learning about the Earth culture.
Unaware your muse took liberties with the information. So, she walked around nearly nude. While trusting them with everything they told her. Never questioning it even once.
She walked to the kitchen in her panties and stockings while looking to get something to eat. "Oh I apologize if I was interrupting you and your game playing. I was just looking to get something to eat like some of what you call pizza."
((NSFW RP, have fun with her))
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themultiverseheroines · 3 months
Open Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Its been a difficult few weeks to say the least for Charlie. She had fought up an army of exorcist angels, lost Dazzle, lost Sir Pentious, lost the hotel, almost lost all she loved, and nearly died...twice. Despite what happened, her dad saved the day and the angels were gone. They rebuild the hotel but it has not been an easy last few weeks as she went to your muse, who her dad brought in to help with the hotel.
"I-It has been so bad. The multiple reporters coming by to ask us questions on how we killed the angels, to having to clean up all the dead bodies, to gathering all the angelic weapons to return to Carmilla, and then trying to recruit more sinners to join us. Not to mention keeping dad and Alastor from killing one another...I need a break."
((made by Echo))
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
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2nd batch of sourdough! Lots better than the first, actually got some crumb structure this time (bc the starter is finally ready for bread)
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vigilant-yaksha-asks · 7 months
Open starter: Nightmares
oh, mod here, trigger warning for self harm and nightmares/panic attack/general anxiety!! the starter will be below the cut
Xiao jolted awake, eyes darting around from where he lay in the branches of the tree that grew around Wangshu Inn.
"You're safe...you're fine..." Xiao ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm down.
He stood at the top level of the Inn, folding his arms on top of the railing and resting his head on them. Xiao bit them into his forearms. His sharp teeth dug into his arms. He tried and failed to breathe deeply.
"...why did I have to be the one to survive?"
Tears sprung at the corners of his eyes despite his protests.
"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry..."
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erikwolf1998 · 1 year
The Lone Woodsman
(Keep in mind that this rp can turn nsfw at request)
*long ago, in an old village in the north, there was a man who was a lumberjack. It was a cold day when an enemy of the village had accused him of murdering a beloved family member. Even though he had pleaded his innocence, the clan banished him to the wild. Unbeknownst to them, he had secretly been cursed by his father at birth to bear no children, and to never age past a certain point, making him the last of his clan in modern day. That man's name was Erik Northwind. He had made his name as a lumberjack once more in the modern world, having a passion for it. He was in a small town for coffee one day when a stranger approached him*
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war-priest · 1 month
For some decades a village at the outskirts of the country has been petitioning the capital and the crown to send a regiment of soldiers to be stationed in their village. Many adventures had gone to investigate but few returned and those that did immediately quit adventuring permanently. They talk of a beast that inhabits the forest around the village, it walks with malice, breathing purple flames, fur made of steel and as sharp as razors, wing that block out the sun, and its roar that deafens and shatters the mind.
It had never directly attacked any villagers and wasn't a concern to the crown until a report came stating that an invading army had been annihilated just 3 miles from the village. Your muse had been sent to investigate the sighting of the army and determine who the army belonged to and what had taken them out with such ease. With a small force of 200 knights and mages they arrive at the village around noon and meet with the village elder while their camp was set up.
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thecrazyone1990 · 9 months
Open Breaking RP (Male, Female, or Futa only)
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Sister Helen, a nun who had living in a monastery for years since she was a child has been dedicated to her religion. Never steering off the path she had been put on and always doing her duties. Even after your muse, took over the land, she remained defiant. Refusing to give in, while most of her fellow sisters had fallen to the temptation.
But she won't. Even as your muse entered her temple, she remained defiant. "I don't know why you have come, foul monster. But if you have come to repent for your sins, I will be here to pray for you then."
((Can be an inhuman muse of yours or a normal human, but have fun breaking her))
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harmonyloveangels1990 · 3 months
Open Outdoor RP (Male, Female, or Futa only)
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Nemona loved battling against your muse, but it got to the point she was becoming obsessive. So your muse made a deal with her where if they win, she has to do whatever they want. Sure enough, they won, and she became their slave, which she didn't seem to mind.
She even was willing to wear such a revealing outfit for the other.
"O-Oh my~ I didn't think you'd keep such an outfit like this around for me to wear. You had planned this for some time, didn't you?" Nemona asked as she stood before your muse showing off her rear.
((Have fun breaking her))
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spiderben2011 · 4 months
Open Valentine's Day Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman finished with her latest mission, when she saw your muse nearby taking pictures. Diana didn't mind since they had a job to do and made sure to let them take as many pictures as they want. She knew though once they're finished working, they'll be going out on a date for this holiday that humans celebrate. One she was looking forward to trying.
"I hope you got plenty of good pictures. Just remember not to give your editor any that show off more of my body features, since I'm not pleased with the comments people make about them."
((NSFW RP, have fun with her))
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themultiverseheroines · 3 months
Open Spring Break Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Kari Kamiya was looking forward to have some vacation time with your muse (boyfriend/girlfriend). And she thought there was no perfect place to do this than the Digital World. She found a place for them to go that would be perfect. No evil Digimon and no problems around for miles.
"It'll be a perfect place for us to go to. I've got my swimsuit ready and even got some inflatable tubes for us to sit in and relax. I've also got yet some beach umbrellas, towels, and chairs for us to relax too. I've even got the sunscreen, which we'll need even if the sun is digital, it still feels like the real thing."
((Made by Anto Eluchans))
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letsstaytuned · 4 months
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"Alright, everyone, it's time! Who's ready for some redemption exercises?!?" Charlie declared cheerfully
She may be asking but it was really more of a statement.
Every guest at the hotel knew it was a requirement to do the exercises if they were going to stay at the hotel for free and every employee knew they were mandated to participate in the exercises.
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forestofstarlight · 1 year
Open Starter: Helping a Needy Birdie (Male, Female, and Futa Muses)
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Mimi pants and lets out high-pitched moans as she rubs her clit and pussy with two fingers, not even bothering to remove her panties as she does so. She bites her lip and lets out a frustrated groan, she had been at this for almost half an hour and nothing was helping her reach her climax. She rubs herself even faster and even grinds against her hand in a desperate attempt to reach her peak.
Little did she realize that her relief had just stepped through the door to her room…
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