#Ooc: asks will be answered asap ;)
ask-the-drones · 9 months
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yeonban · 8 months
This has been a long-time coming post, so here it is finally! A list of my current affiliates, exclusives & mains, along with an explanation for what each term entails. ALSO: if you're on this list and you would like to be moved to another category than the one I wrote your url in (i.e: from mains to exclusives) you can ask and we'll go from there! Same goes if we've interacted and/or plotted a lot with our muses and you'd like to be listed somewhere on this post as well!
AFFILIATES = These portrayals are so deeply intertwined with my characters and they've affected my muses' canons in such a way that you simply can't separate them from my muse in their main verse (and sometimes in AUs too). My muses will bring these characters up in interactions with other people as easily as breathing, and any relevant headcanons + backstory posts will mention these portrayals as part of my muses' canons. (This applies to every sort of bond, btw - romantic, platonic, familial and enemy dynamics have been listed here.).
@deathfavor's SEIROKU, for Soma. (also exclusive)
@ofdraiocht's KANETATSU, for Naotora. (also exclusive)
@shinanai's FEITAN, for Shalnark. (also main, considering -> exclusive)
@planetarii's WILLIAM, for Langris. (also exclusive)
@ascendedstar's CYNO, for Heizou. (also exclusive)
@beastincidents's HII, for Mihai.
@valkyrrhic's TAKEHIKO, for Tomo, Enzo & Shuusei. (also exclusive)
@inhaunts's AKANE, for Shuusei.
@chiheru's CHIHIRO, for Ezekiel. (also exclusive)
@lunargifted's EDWARD, for Ango (also exclusive).
@isolov's HUXLEY, for Eric (also exclusive).
EXCLUSIVES = I will only interact with ONE portrayal of the characters listed below (namely, with the portrayal mentioned here) in these specific match-ups. I will, however, interact with other people rping these characters with other muses of mine - just not with the muses I've specified below.
@truethes' ASH, for Gear.
@truethes' LICHT, for Lawless.
@destinywoven's GIYU, for Toshiro.
@ahlite's LUMINE, for Tarquin.
MAINS = The PRIMARY portrayal I'll refer to when my muse talks about a character, and the portrayal I'll most likely reply to the fastest. This is a slightly downgraded version of exclusives, in that I will interact with other portrayals of these muses in these same match-ups, but the people mentioned here will generally be my go-to for plots etc anyway. I may eventually also take more than one main per muse, IF the chemistry & required development is there.
@deathfavor's CHROLLO & KALLUTO, for Shalnark.
deathfavor's KUROKO, for Naotora.
@dragonflyhouse's SHIRO, for Aijiro.
dragonflyhouse's KOJIRO, for Soma & Naotora.
@dangaer's SHIN, for Toma.
@destinywoven's TOGE, for Yuta.
destinywoven's YAMI, for Langris.
@ascendedstar's AKIVILI, for Aha.
ascendedstar's LUMINE & LYNETTE, for Lyney.
@lifesliced's BEYOND, for A.
lifesliced's GEVANNI, for Tobias.
@beastincidents' NOBIMARU & INARI, for Mihai.
beastincidents' IMARI & NANAO, for Aijiro & Mikito.
@rotjoy's SAMPO, for Nikolai.
@isolov's KENJI, for Marin.
@inhaunts's CLARICE, for A.
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multiversalmishaps · 5 months
Gently offering you a large plate of doughnuts to munch on with a pint glass of caprisun juice
' Awwh... Thank you so much!!! '
- Taeus
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misteria247 · 2 years
Since you like my tmnt headcanons so much i might as well show you my other tmnt headcanons that i sent to other people, enjoy.
Platonic and romantic 2012 headcanons:
Platonic rottmnt yandere idea: (i spelled irrelevant wrong)
rottmnt character concept:
Mud Dogz angst:
Witness this random picture I found because I think more people should see it:
More will be added in the future with each reblog.
!!!!!!! BRO OMFG THANK YOU-!!!!!!
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liecoris · 8 months
Ey yo, has the mun ever heard of an old cartoon called Xiaolin Showdown?
— omg I LOVE xiaolin showdown. I used to rp with a chase blog back in the day and I miss them SO MUCH lol I have the dvd collection a friend lent me and I still need to rewatch it 😭😭😭 but I did recently put myself through hell watching xiaolin chronicles lol but omg are you asking just cause your curious or do you have a xiaolin showdown muse/verse?? 👀👀👀
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sins-of-the-sea · 10 months
Correction from my end thanks to Cappn: Sea SALT, not sea FOAM. Yes, I used salt in My Brother's Keeper, but the idea of becoming anything of the sea by the Master isn't quite so true as we talked it out. I'll elaborate in the Ask I was just sent but couldn't answer right away!
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dokuhai · 2 years
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oflostinfound · 1 year
Send me one or more of the following: ❆ I love your art ❊ I want to roleplay with you ✦ I like seeing you on my dash ❇ I love the way you write @deercursed
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{ I like seeing you on the dash too, I love roe with my entire life honestly and i wish the best for her in her deer cursed endeavors ghjfkdghdk
& we do need to write together more- }
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{ and i just realized it was my turn this entire time IM SO SORRY ERROR }
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solarisgod · 5 months
sorry if you've been asked this before but is there a place where we can read the story of antineon hieraeon thus far?
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Hiya, Nonny! Funnily enough, because in real life and especially roleplay have taken so much of our time and energy since the past year, we have actually haven't gotten the chance to kick off the official story of Antineon Hieraeon ( we did complete the first episode a long time ago, but we ended up having to restart it after we fleshed out the lore and storyline more ). We're still trying to figure out our schedule with when we can work on the official version, but hopefully we can officially start it soon as it'll certainly be nice to get it worked on at this point. Thank you so much for the interest, though! We do plan to have a sideblog for the episode / chapter updates along with edits and lore / worldbuilding as the story will be shared on Notion. We'll be sure to make a post about this and link it to our pinned post. ♡
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zoomingupthathilla · 1 year
reminder that ily and i hope youre doing well! ♥
ILU!! I hope you're doing well!!!
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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Left my queue running, one’s already been posted but the other two will come out during the night, turns out my writer brain operates more when in the dead of night asiofsuaofd
i’ll be on discord now, jaejae is fockin’ toired. (also i've only got 10 replies left to do on threads and then i can tackle my 58 inbox items...)
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abstractreign · 2 years
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Anon here again to wish you a very happy weekend! I hope you get to do something fun! ( → unknown pal )
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{ heya! this took me a bit to get to but thank you!! i did have a pretty chill weekend; hope you've had a good one as well~
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funficwriter · 8 months
A Wolf And A Snake (Wriothesley x Reader)
A little dark fairy tale I want to write~
A/N: GOOD GOLLY I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS! First off, let me warn you that this is a multi-chapter story. Each one gets more and more dark, this is just the light stuff (in comparison to what I have planned). I will do my best to have C2 out ASAP, but as I'm a grad student, it might be a while. But be assured that I am very excited for this story, so I'll do my best to write loads for it!
Synopsis: Being a noble meant that marriage was a chess game, not an affair of love. Unfortunately for the pristine Balthazar family of Fontaine, Y/N has long been enamored with love and sought it out before their priorities. After her grey, boring time of courtesy and fake niceness, she meets Duke Wriothesley, who makes her yearn for the first time in her life, and it's the same for him. Threatened by the idea of losing this first, it seems they'll stop at very little to be together...
Warnings for this chapter: Sexist marriage system, yandere Wriothesley, kinda OOC Wriothesley, yandere fem!reader, mention of sexual blackmailing (1)
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Chapter 1: A Breakthrough
As a child, you loved reading. Your parents would worry about it, because while being articulate and cultured were good and necessary, you were still a girl of one of Fontaine's royal families. They didn't want you asking questions you should not, but all they could do was limit your selection by a margin you wouldn't doubt.
You liked fairy tales of all sorts. They were so intriguing through several concepts. The one that got the lion's share of your attention was love. So many of your stories ended the same way that made you warm and fuzzy: The girl is reunited with the boy she loves, he declares the same, and they're together forever. How sweet!
When you asked further about love, you'd get one of two answers. The first was: "Look at your mother and father. That's love.". However, it failed to satisfy you; While they were courteous to each other, and even made contact every now and then, they were so... Cold in comparison to your fairy tales. The dissonance could confuse an adult, never mind a child.
The second was: "Love is essentially your marriage! Once you're a little older, you'll have suitors competing for your hand, and one will be your love!".
Marriage. A funny little word that you so desperately wanted to understand beyond the technical definition. Being the daughter of a baron, you were practically raised with the word more than your parents telling you that they loved you. While a baron was among the lower royal titles, it was still a part of Fontainian royalty. Ergo, you had to take marriage seriously. Of course, marrying above your father's rank (cough, cough- A high-ranked Count or Duke-) was a pinnacle of success.
When you came of age, many predicted that you'd fare well. You were quite pretty, and with the elite tutoring you have received, you were poised, graceful... You were ready to socialize not as the baron's cute daughter, but as the lovely young Lady Balthazar, considering suitors.
Only, they missed one thing. That perfect girl I mentioned would care about love, but being a good girl, she'd prioritize standing, finances, power and the like beyond it. While you liked being taken care of, that wasn't enough. You wanted to marry like the girls in fairy tales. For your world being flipped upside down in the most beautiful way. For love.
"Oh, remember Baron Balthazar's little daughter? She's now a maiden!".
"I saw her! She had truly inherited her grandmother's legendary beauty! I nearly choked when I first saw her-".
"And her mind is just as gorgeous! Earlier, we got to talk about Fontainian literature. I've never met such a cultured girl her age!".
It's not like you hated the praises. The party as a whole was just that: Okay. You met many unwed nobles, each being more shocked with you. With each one, your father beamed a little brighter, your mother squealed a little higher, to the point where you started questioning if there was a time where they were this happy with you.
"The nobles are enamored. Many are Dukes or Counts! This is going better than I imagined!".
Your mother turned to you: "Well, dear? Aren't you happy? Not many maidens have the opportunity to brag about bagging such important persons as you did.".
Again, nothing wrong with the (potential) suitors in particular. Everyone was nice and well-mannered, some even interesting to talk to. You'd love to have such friends, and that was your issue; Your feelings towards them did not go beyond: "I'd like being his friend.". No spark of attraction, no coup de foudre, nothing that could kickstart the feeling of love you wanted to chase, yet seldom had an idea of. With time, this would get boring. Would you really have to marry someone you found boring?
Alas, you knew the answer deep down. Unless the best suitor was also someone you fell for, you'd be lucky to go with someone you kinda liked. As you grew older, you realized that most marriages within your class were business deals, not affairs of love. Your own mother admitted that she married your father to consolidate the union between the two families.
When you were younger, you often asked her if she loved him. She'd say 'yes' without a second thought. Now, as you were heading into this, she'd tell you: "Yes, but what does it matter next to the benefits you enjoy today?".
"Mother, can I please go grab a cupcake? I didn't eat yet.".
"Alright then! Just remember, be sociable and talk as much as you can, and eat gracefully! Just like we said, and-"
"I will, I promise!".
The last thing you felt like was another etiquette lesson. At least you had some luck with food; There was one more chocolate cupcake left, and no one else seemed interested. Perhaps it would cheer you up a bit.
Celestia works in funny ways, though. Just as you reached out for it, another gloved hand landed on its other side, immediately stopping with yours. Despite your hunger, your attention diverted to the silver glove. All the men here were nobles, so he had to be too. You never saw one wearing chains and a wolf as an insignia, of all animals.
"Oh... Forgive me, I-"
Once you heard that baritone, there was no going back. You looked up to see a man quite unlike the preppy nobles you had to entertain all night. His scarred, rough appearance enthralled you more, for it was unlike anything you ever saw. And perhaps it was out of unfamiliarity, but you thought him quite gorgeous in comparison to the others.
"Oh, erm- Good evening, my Lord! Terribly sorry if I interrupted your break...".
"...No, no. It's fine, young lady, you can have it.".
"But... Um..."
The ensuing awkwardness was unbearable, but an idea emerged into your head. You split the cupcake, making sure it didn't crumb too much, then handed him one half: "Here you go, my Lord.".
He revealed a stunned expression, as if seeing something for the first time. Then he smiled and accepted the half. The grin was the most beautiful you saw on a man. It made your heart beat faster, and despite the fall, you felt stuffy and hot in that moment.
Just what the hell was going on?
"Um... May I inquire as to who you might be?".
"Of course, young Lady Balthazar. I am Wriothesley, from the Fortress of Meropide.".
You almost choked upon hearing his name. That's Duke Wriothesley! Is he? When you heard of him, you imagined a scary, much older man who didn't socialize much. On the rare occasion he did, he'd probably be left alone, with no social opportunity. And yet here you were, sharing a cupcake with him, accepting his leaning into you to listen... Among his tousled hair, the wolf ears perked your interest, too.
"I see! Forgive my surprise. It's just that I only ever heard of you."
"Don't worry, I understand.".
He was so... Appealing. You wanted those icy eyes on you. You wanted the excitement, the joy they cause by being posed on you. The only way to do that was have his attention. So you were done with awkwardness for now, and decided to try to chat.
"So, what brings you out on this fine night, Your Grace?".
"As you see, I spend most of my time in the Fortress. I don't socialize much, but I thought I needed a change of scenery.".
"That's good for the soul, I presume. How do you feel about the festivities?".
That grin was going to be the death of you, but better that than boredom. On one hand, you hoped you wouldn't be diagnosed with palpitations by the end of the night. On the other, you'd happily have a heart attack if it meant he smiled at you more.
"I should be asking you that. You're the star of this party, are you not? As soon as I walked in, all I heard was raving about the Balthazars' youngest daughter.".
"But there are many young, pretty girls walking around. Any of them could be the lady in question. How did you know it was me?".
"Accurate descriptions. I also heard the young Lady Balthazar is of the court's most empathetic. One sharing her favorite pastry sounds like that.".
You were having such a good time with him. You couldn't help laughing: "To be fair, I wouldn't want anyone to be deprived of chocolate when it's there.".
It was his turn to chuckle.
Please never stop laughing, or talking, or breathing. Please keep leaning my way. Please keep liking chocolate so we can share. Actually, stay with me for the rest of the night. Oh Focalors, please please please let him send Father a declaration of courting, and let him approve because I don't see a ring and I don't know why I like him so much-
As you carried on friendly conversation, something in you kept the train of thought going. You liked this man a lot... More than many other men you've met. More than any other man, maybe. He was funny, for one. He had no problem eliciting laughter from you. Like all the other nobles, he liked tea and music and engaged in politics. But he asked you lots of questions and heard you out. You even tried detecting a hint of surprise or disgust that you occasionally received, had you talked too much; None was found.
The real sealer was when he liked literature. But unlike the other nobles, he didn't just read the few titles that trended or made a name. He read, and so did you.
"This is the first time I've told someone I like lycanthrope literature and received a kind response.".
"And it's my first time seeing someone be appreciative of lycanthrope artistic culture, especially the books. Have you read Tale of a Toy-Making Werewolf? What did you think of the ending?".
He was amazing. He was awesome and charming and everything good. You were about to voice out your thoughts, until you heard murmurs behind you that maybe were meant to be heard.
"Not to be judgmental, but young Lady Balthazar has spent quite a bit of time with Lord Wriothesley...".
"Earlier she talked with many other fine gentlemen, like Duke Archandelle or Count Evermore... Why is she sticking onto him, of all people? I mean, he's a fine gentleman, but you know how it looks for a maiden...".
"Hehehe! I wonder what Baron Balthazar will think of this arrangement?".
His ears perked up at the gossip, and for the first time throughout your encounter, he scowled. He couldn't do so at them, lest your name gets dragged in worse mud. He liked you a lot, too much to make you get in trouble for him. But by the stars, how he wanted to. After years of stillness, he found someone who just... Understood him. Liked him off the bat, showed promise of the greater bond he's been looking for, for years. Then here comes those stupid 'good, high class girl' rules to halt your interaction.
Celestia, he looks terrifying and gorgeous.
"Listen, if you wish to take some distance, please don't feel ashamed about it. I understand how... Ruthless the rules for socializing are for a blossoming lady.".
Your look towards the gossipers barely lasted a minute, as if they were barely worth your gaze. You looked back up at him: "I want to stay with you, but I'm not sure how. Oh. Wait...".
You took off to your mother's, and made it a point to say hi to Count Evermore again, just for good measure. A part of you couldn't believe you were doing this, screaming at you to abort the plan. You could get in trouble if you were found out, but hey, they wanted you to meet men and marry. You wanted to marry someone you loved. Maybe with time, you could find a middle ground, starting with this action.
"Mom, I talked to Count Evermore again.".
"Wonderful, wonderful, dear! Be sure to give some attention to Duke Arya, and-".
"I will, but I might faint from the stuffy air. I just need a minute in the powder room to fix myself up.
She didn't look too pleased, half expecting this: "But you were gone just now.".
"But I socialized, and I will continue once I'm back.".
"Well, alright then. I guess you should take a minute to look nice. Be back sooner than Duke Arya leaves.".
You took off, desperate to find Wriothesley again. You had to entertain a few nobles, but did so meagerly. You didn't want them. You wanted Duke Wriothesley, Lord of the Fortress of Meropide, Keeper of Justice and (not officially but kinda by existing) Advocate for Hybrid Rights.
Speak of the devil, he appeared in your vision again. He immediately lost interest in the art in front of him. You nodded towards the door and took off before anyone else could huddle you up.
Oh. Oh, he got it. You weaseled a way and some time for you. Truly, there's more to you than what meets the eye. He loved how such an angelic-looking, (supposedly) pure noble girl could lie as such to see him. The smirk at the thought did not leave his face.
"I know the roof is pretty private, Your Grace. Let's head there.".
"Actually, there's a stop I wanted to make first. Follow me.".
You both headed off to the kitchen. You were a little confused at the choice. It was still crowded, so you could get caught. He told you to wait outside for a bit.
"Wriothesley! We could get caught here!".
This was far too amusing. Far too much.
"First, you pay more attention to one man over everyone else in the ballroom, during your own coming of age party. Then, you lie to your parents to spend extra unchaperoned time with that man. After that, you call him by his first name in the same night. You haven't ceased to surprise me, little maiden.".
Your first instinct was to be ashamed. He had a point; Your behavior was not that of the pristine lady you had to be. But when you gathered your courage and looked up, he was smiling. Any other noble would either be fuming, ready to snitch on you, or blackmailing you through... Unsavory means. He smiled like troublemakers do when they carry something out successfully.
In retrospect, that's what you were doing right now.
"We will go to the roof, but just wait for me. For a few minutes. Since you got us out, I promise you won't get caught here. I'll be quick.".
He retreated into the kitchen. Your mind barely had the time to entertain scary thoughts of getting caught, because he came back just as quick, carrying a black package. You both took off for the roof.
As soon as you got there, you both sat down. Wriothesley undid the package in front of you. Right before the contents were revealed, he couldn't help his grinning, thinking of your reaction. Just when was the last night someone made him smile this much?
"What is it?".
"Your parents ought to look into better catering for their next party.".
In the box were cupcakes, truffles, cookies and many other chocolate desserts. Dark, white, mild, you name it.
You burst out into laughter, much to his initial confusion. You laughed so hard, you could barely speak, until you caught your breath: "This is the first time I hear of a prison lord stealing sweets!".
He realized the comic element and joined in on your laughter, unsure what surprised him more: The girl underneath the 'fancy' facade, or how much fun he was having. How he missed it. How he wanted to have it everyday. It was clearer and clearer; He could make that happen, if you were his. Once he courted you, (hopefully) got your father's approval and married you, you two could laugh and have chocolate and talk about whatever the hell you wanted everyday. Until you died. Forever.
After you calmed down, you ate and talked more about books. He offered to loan you some from his own library, and you might have just been book buddies. If it weren't for you remembering your mother's 'imposed' countdown, you would have forgotten the very concept of time. What did it matter when you finally felt your heroines' red cheeks, and excitement burgeoning deep within?
Both of you laid down, even if it meant risking your looks. The tiredness that took over your bodies did not stop the bullet-fire chatting between you two. However, his sudden lower tone made you feel special. All through the night, he was your 'partner in crime', and you felt like he was going to let you in on a conspiratorial secret.
"Do you have a private mailbox? Can I have your code, and you can have mine?".
The question. His rough tone. His hair, swept over his face. Above all, the fact that he wanted to talk to you further.
Your little heart burst on the spot.
"Sure. But you know, our correspondence would have to be a bit... Er, hidden. Depending on what happens.".
"I'll be forward. I don't think I can carry on without the contact I had tonight. In this one night, I had so much fun, I found what I was looking for for years. I know you found me stealing sweets rather comical, but believe me, I have long renounced petty crime.".
"I noticed. Wouldn't it have been easier to just buy them? Or ask the chef? I mean, you're a Duke, I doubt they can refuse you.".
"Perhaps. Though I'll be honest, I partly did it because you looked so sad when they ran out of chocolate.".
Once again, you laughed. It was such a trivial matter, but it had you thinking; If he cares this much about it, what would he do for greater ones?
He stood up and held out his hand to help you. One more look at the stars prompted his thoughts.
"I'll be sending Baron Balthazar a declaration of courting. While I may be a little different from the other nobles he may be expecting, I am still a Duke, and an important component of Fontaine's justice. I'm sure that will help me. And then... We can meet more. That's a good start.".
"Wriothesley... Please, please do. Tonight was nothing short of magical. If we can make it happen, I'll be the happiest girl in all of Fontaine. And I promise I'll be a good wife, and-".
He chuckled: "Slipping back into your manners, I see."
Only when you made it back and went your separate ways, so as to not cause suspicion, did your heart fill up with your usual boredom and gloom. He was not by your side anymore. Soon enough, Duke Arya gave you his boring talk of how gorgeous you are and his accomplishments. Like all the other men, nothing like Wriothesley. You only saw him once more, where he barely paid attention to you.
If looks could kill, Duke Arya would have been mutilated on the floor. You thought you saw him angry at the gossipers, that was nothing. No, this was all the rage, all the offense that could only be expressed by something beyond human. His hands clenched until a loud 'CLANG!' could be heard across the roof. Wine, glass and a bit of blood fell onto the floor.
"Lord Wriothesley broke a glass!".
"Well, he's not entirely human, is he? I hear... His kind are prone to these things.".
That barely mattered to Duke Arya, and less him. He couldn't have cared less before he started talking to you. Now that he took your eyes, your words, all of you, he was only a bit worse than the criminals at the Fortress. Much later did he calm down and remind himself that one way or another, no man would be crassly taking you away from him.
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hanmasghost · 2 years
saw your requests are open, could i request a dad!reader for takemichi ? maybe where his dad is covered in tattoos and has a resting bitch face, but is a crybaby too?! please and thank you!
“The Crybaby’s Dad”
Authors Note:
Hehehe👹 I love this idea, thank you<3
Pronouns: He/Him
Warning(s): {Reader}? Total chad, ooc(?)
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The three boys who stood at Takemichi’s front step stared as they froze in some kind of fear like trace at the person before them.
No one had seen or interacted with Takemichi the past few days so the three people closest to him(Mikey, Draken, and Chifuyu) decided they would go to the blond’s house and check up on him.
But after knocking on the front door, they expected bright blue eyes and a dopey grin of their friend to answer. Not some half naked, buff, tatted up guy with eyes that could wipe the smirk off the face of even the best of fighters.
“Are you….” The man started. His voice deep and groggy as he spoke, placing Toman’s highest ranking members in a stiffened state.
“Takemichi’s friends?!” The man asked with tear filled eyes.
‘Huh?!’ The other three teens thought collectively, all wearing the same dumbfounded look.
Wiping his tears, the man exclaimed “Oh! I’m so glad my baby is making friends!”
“Come in, come in! I’m sorry I’m not fully dressed! I just woke up! Let me get Michi-boy for you guys, help yourself to a bottle of water or something yeah?” The man said as he waved the teenagers inside and pointed to the fridge as he continued to cry.
As soon as he walked away the three boys sighed with relief, feeling like they could finally breathe.
Takemichi walked downstairs to his kitchen alongside his dad who kept crying and rambling about friends or something, his dad soon retreating back upstairs for a t-shirt as to “not be inappropriate towards our guests” whatever that meant.
“Oh! Wow, h-hey guys!” Takemichi waved nervously towards his three friends who sat at his dining table, not knowing they’d be there.
“Hey/partner!” Draken and Chifuyu greeted.
Takemichi went to go offer some food or drinks when Mikey decided to interrupt him with a question instead.
“Who’s the old gay?”
“My dad-“
Mikey clutched the back of his head as he sucked in a breath. “Ow! Sorry I meant guy!”
“Doesn’t make it any better dumbass! You just insulted Takemitchy’s dad!” Draken scolded as he pushed Mikey’s forehead to touch the table.
“Pfft-…. Uh… guys?… look...” Chifuyu pointed shakily to the stairs behind Takemichi.
Looking to where Chifuyu was pointing only to see Takemichi’s father standing at the bottom of the stairs, his muscles basically flexing from under his white ben10 shirt.
“Who are you….” The elder man started as he walked past his beloved son, and towards Toman’s leader who currently was looking up at him with half his face smushed into the table he sat at.
“Calling old, punk?”
Before Mikey could even reply the elder burst out laughing, breaking all the tension inside the room. His son and the other blonds laughing a bit nervously alongside him.
Walking behind Draken and Mikey, the man places both his hands on their heads and messed with their hair a bit. “I’m just messin’ with ya kids! My names {Reader}! But you you guys can call me dad!” The man, now known as {Reader} laughed.
Little did the the four males at the dining table know… Takemichi continued to stare at them all strategically, analyzing all of them.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
You were always set to work over seas planning and serving at famous rich people banquets or something as you were a world known chef, so you were really never home.
Only time you were able to come back to Japan in the og timeline was when Takemichi turned eighteen.
He needed to find Naoto asap and make sure nothing bad happened to you in the future… but for right now? He needed to act natural. So he pushed all his negative thoughts away as he strutted over to the dining table and made conversation.
Unknown to Takemichi… all four males sitting at the table had witnessed his fearful, contemplating stare and were all planning on confronting him individually later on.
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ghouliests · 8 months
guess what time it is ? it’s soft! toji o’clock <3
pairing : office worker! toji x gn reader.
summary : toji has been neglecting reader due to working overtime because an error had happened at work and he’s determine to make it up to reader !
tags : established relationship, toji & reader lives together. toji is an office worker.
a/n : been awake since midnight and it’s currently 5 am. lowercase intended. pulled this out of my ass, i’m sorry if it’s bad but nonetheless, i hope you enjoy !! toji might be a bit ooc btw :) more under the cut <3
reblogs and likes are very much appreciated ! 💌
toji can’t wait to get back home. all he wants is to finish his work asap, goes home and holds you in his arms. he’s exhausted because his works keep on piling up and all he could think about is you.
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he had been neglecting you for days now because something went wrong at work and he has to deal with them which means, working overtime until the issue at work is resolved. he gets up early than usual and goes back home pretty late. usually by the time he arrives home, you’d already be in bed and sleeping like a baby.
however, the issue is almost resolved and he’s excited to go back home and spend time with you. big chance, he’s gonna take a few days of work leave so that he can make it up to you. he feels bad because he kept cancelling the date nights or dinner plans that the both of you had planned.
toji turns to look at the clock. 8:30 pm, it reads. he gets up from his seat and makes his way to his boss’ office to ask for approval regarding the work he’s doing before he can turn it in and goes back home. his work got approved and he asks;
“ hey boss, is it possible for me to get a few days off of work ? ”
his boss turns to look at him and flashes him a smile before answering; “ you have been working very hard to fix the error. you deserve some time off of work to rest and get your energy so sure ! tell you what, don’t bother leaving your leave form for me to sign. as a reward, you and your team get to be off of work for a week ! ”
his boss extended his hand to shake toji’s hand and he congratulated toji for going out of his way to fix the errors. he thanked his boss, walked out of his office and makes his way to wherever his team is to share the good news with them.
by the time he was done, he immediately packed all of his things and made his way back home while thinking of ways to make it up to you.
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ask-os-testbuild · 2 months
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[ . . . looks functional. ]
// ooc blog stuff under the tag, i don't have much to say for an intro post
main blog: @somerandomarsonist
this is an ask blog for a canon-divergent version of OneShot. if you haven't played OneShot, stop looking at this blog right now and play it here! its like $5 but it's worth it.
this blog takes place pre-solstice, after the save niko ending.
ooc will start with // or be contained in ()
NSFW asks won't be accepted. just no.
headcanons will be everywhere but some may just be inaccuracies on my part and if i find any i will point it out / edit it out asap.
some residents are available for asks, but the blog mostly revolves around the machine.
if i don't answer your ask within 1-2 days without a warning that i'm on hiatus or something, please feel free to message me.
asks don't need to be serious. make sure to fuck around and find out :3
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