#Oliver Hirschbiegel
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filmloversociety · 5 months
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Downfall (Der Untergang), 2004
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cemyafilmarsiv · 4 months
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13 Minutes directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel
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neovallense · 1 year
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El hundimiento (Der Untergang, 2004)
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fictionz · 2 years
New Horror 2022 - Day 11
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"The Striding Place" by Gertrude Atherton (1896) "He shuddered and turned away, impelled, despite his manhood, to flee the spot."
Huh, this is a really surprising ending. It just doesn’t feel like something that would have been published in the late 1800s due to how abruptly it concludes. Naturally, that means I like it.
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"Infected" by Bruce Jones, Richard Corben, Steve Oliff (1982) “You drag a shaking claw across your mouth and wipe away the sour smelling bile."
Whoof. The casual racism is real bad in this one, even if it’s portrayed just to show the shitty attitude and personality of the protagonist. It feels more like some white guys riding the wave of edgy work like Heavy Metal to paint a portrait of “those people” and a cautionary story about getting involved with “them.”
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The Experiment dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel (2001) ”Drink. Your. Milk.”
I forget what horror movie list got this on my radar, but it’s a stretch for that genre. It is, however, very dark, and the course of events feels like the inevitable conclusion to humans. It is also early 2000s as hell and that lent it the same grittiness I noted in my previous 90s movie.
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helmstone · 4 months
Constellation — Apple TV drops trailer and date for new sci-fi drama
Constellation — Apple TV drops trailer and date for new sci-fi drama
Apple TV+ has released a trailer for science fiction drama Constellation, coming to the streamer on February 21. They describe it as an eight-part conspiracy-based psychological thriller drama series starring Noomi Rapace and Emmy Award nominee Jonathan Banks. Created and written by Peter Harness, Constellation stars Rapace as Jo – an astronaut who returns to Earth after a disaster in space –…
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geekcavepodcast · 4 months
Constellation Trailer
After an disaster in space, astronaut Jo returns to Earth to find key pieces of her life missing. Desperate, she attempts to "expose the truth about the hidden history of space travel and recover all that she has lost." (Apple TV)
Constellation stars Noomi Rapace, Jonathan Banks, James D'Arcy, Julian Looman, Will Catlett, Barbara Sukowa, Rose Coleman, and Davina Coleman. The series is created and written by Peter Harness and directed by Michelle MacLaren, Oliver Hirschbiegel, and Joseph Cedar.
Constellation hits Apple TV+ on February 21, 2024.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
The Invasion (2007)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
When your remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers is significantly less entertaining than the mockbuster The Asylum created to leech off its release, you’re in trouble. 2007’s The Invasion attempts to reinterpret the original The Body Snatchers story in such bewildering ways you’ll wonder if a pod person wrote it.
After a Space Shuttle crashes on Earth, a fungus-like alien lifeform is discovered clinging to the remains. Psychiatrist Carol Bennell (Nicole Kidman) becomes suspicious of her ex-husband, Tucker (Jeremy Northam) when he suddenly becomes very interested in their son, Oliver (Jackson Bond). She believes the sudden change within him - and many others - is linked to the extraterrestrial.
In each of these adaptations of the story by Jack Finney, the title has always been the worst part. “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” tells you so much more than is needed but in every previous iteration of this story, it didn’t really matter. The slow trickle of suspense made you forget how much you already knew. This time around, David Kajganich tosses away all uncertainty and tension. He tells you from the first scene there’s an alien invasion happening. It’s a severe mistake. Now, every pod person can be singled out from a mile away, making Carol look like a complete moron for not catching on immediately. I know the characters in the movie don’t know they’re in a movie but even so, you grow frustrated waiting for them to get their act together.
When Carol and her friend Dr. Ben Driscoll (Daniel Craig) piece together what’s going on, different issues arise. It in’t the first time this story takes the “there’s still hope” stance but the way it’s done here is laughable. A method of combatting the attack is theorized and agreed upon so quickly your jaw will drop. An avalanche of exposition and techno jargon threatens to bury you alive and it’s nearly enough for you not to realize how contrived the remaining humans’ plan is. It all comes together in a final scene that asks you a question about whether the invasion should be stopped after all. I think it's supposed to stop us dead in our tracks. Instead, it means nothing. The entire movie told us one thing, now, we're told to reverse our position at the eleventh hour? Get out of here before you waste more of our time.
At its core The Invasion contains some inherently effective moments. No matter how badly it botches the story, there’s still something frightening about a woman nervously walking the streets, wondering if those around her are trustworthy, or hidden enemies. Those moments are brief and undone by the ending, the dialogue, the unconvincing plot and the editing too. The Invasion features some of the worst editing I’ve ever seen. You often can’t tell if you’re watching a montage of things happening in the present, or memories/flashbacks. Actions that would normally be shown are snipped out, making the reshoots obvious and awkward. It’ll have your head spinning.
At least The Invasion has the good graces of being consistently and obviously awful. As a bonus, it continuously finds new ways of being terrible, of butchering its tried-and-true story. Despite this, the film never graduates into becoming entertaining, even in a so-bad-it’s-good way. (On DVD, March 13, 2020)
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ulrich Matthes and Bruno Ganz in Downfall (Oliver Hirschbiegel, 2004)
Cast: Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Laga, Corinna Harfouch, Ulrich Matthes, Juliane Köhler, Heino Ferch, Christian Berkel, Matthias Habich, Thomas Kretschmann, Michael Mendl, Ulrich Noethen. Screenplay: Bernd Eichinger, based on books by Joachim Fest and Traudl Junge and Melissa Müller. Cinematography: Rainer Klausmann. Production design: Bernd Lepel. Film editing: Hans Funck. Music: Stephan Zacharias.
Downfall may be best known today for memes: the video parodies that take parts of the film, particularly the ranting of Bruno Ganz's Hitler, and supply new subtitles that spoof everything from contemporary politics to the efforts of the producers to suppress the parodies on YouTube because of copyright concerns. The producers were misguided: The parodies probably led more people to watch the actual film than would have without their notoriety. It's a well-made film, particularly because it manages to deal with an inherent problem: Would a dramatization of the last days of Hitler and his coterie tend to glamorize their futile struggle to survive, turning it into something like heroism? Ganz's superb performance helps the film sidestep that danger: His Hitler is humanized, to be sure, even to the point of once shedding a tear, but ultimately it's a portrait of repellent fanaticism and megalomania. He's a twitchy old man, one hand held behind his back in a palsied claw, but it's easy to see how the rather beleaguered men and women who surround him could be filled with a terrified awe of the man. I'm not particularly happy with the framing of Downfall, however. I think the decision to see much of the story through the eyes of Hitler's pretty secretary, Traudl Junge (Alexandra Maria Laga), shifts the focus away from the desperate horror of the final days, using a somewhat glossy survival story to keep the audience entertained. The footage of the real Traudl Junge that begins and ends the film doesn't much help illuminate why the "ordinary" German could be hoodwinked by Nazism, and her insistence that she didn't know of the true horrors of the Reich feels a little specious. There are, however, some moments of genuine drama in the film that emphasize how foul a spell Hitler cast over his followers, particularly the hysterical collapse of the otherwise icy Magda Goebbels (Corinna Harfouch) at Hitler's feet when she realize the end is at hand. She pulls herself together and then proceeds to systematically murder her five children. I also liked the depiction of the cynicism of the Nazis who, when someone reminds them of the plight of the German people, sneeringly retort that it was their fault for bringing them to power in the first place. There's a lesson in the film somewhere for contemporary Americans, but I don't want to be the one to spell it out. Kudos to Stephan Zacharias for avoiding Wagnerian clichés in his score, although I thought the quotation from Purcell's aria "When I Am Laid in Earth" might have been a touch too sentimental.
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wedgeantill · 2 years
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2022 Halloween Marathon ↳ The Invasion (2007) dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel
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angelariasdominguez · 3 months
§ 3.316. Secuestradores de cuerpos (Abel Ferrara, 1993)
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Tercera versión de un 'clasicazo'. Comenzado con La invasión de los ladrones de cuerpos (Don siegel, 1956) y continuando con La invasión de los ultracuerpos (Philip Kaufman, 1978). Al parecer hay una tercera versión previa a esta, que no he visto: Invasión (Oliver Hirschbiegel , 2007).
Indudablemente de peor corte y confección que las otras dos, especialmente la de Siegel, que quizá sea la mejor, y, sin duda, la que más me gusta.
Lastra mucho que sepas de qué va. No existe el elemento sorpresa, ni siquiera el seguimiento de la trama tiene aliciente. Tampoco se basa en efectos especiales que pudieran provocar en el espectador un sentimiento de zozobra o miedo más allá de lo usual. 
Tiene más de satisfacción personal del Director que de gran cinta. Seguramente Ferrara sea un fanático de las dos cintas y este es su homenaje particular. El cine está lleno de estos guiños.
Pero está vacía, hueca y huera. Amanerada y acartonada. Sin pulso. Sin brillo. Sencillamente no era una cinta para que le hiciese Ferrara, más acostumbrado a hacer otras cosas, transgresoras, delirantes, violentas y tamizadas tras la ingesta masiva de sustancias que 'harían vomitar a una cabra'. Me ha parecido demasiado corta. No sé, pero quizá si el planteamiento inicial hubiera sido más progresivo, si la presentación de los personajes hubiera estado más completa, y el escenario -la base militar, el empleo de los residuos químicos, etc.- mejor aliñado estaríamos hablando de otra cosa. 
Queda insulsa, como sosa. Y, desde luego, no es reconocible como de su director. Todas las que he visto de él pueden medirse con un cierto patrón estilístico. Ésta no. No me lo parece, al menos.
Algunos planos juega a ser Lynch, pero con la lentitud de un clásico de los años cincuenta americano. Cinta postmoderna en el tratamiento, pero clásica en la estructura. Algo no funciona. Las escenas más visualmente atrayentes son las de los ataques de los monstruos, de los 'ultracuerpos', y la persecución por las calles del padre con sus hijos.
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cemyafilmarsiv · 13 days
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The Invasion directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel
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fusdbcom · 3 months
Constellation Serie (2024) Handlung, Kritik, Besetzung | Apple Tv+
Constellation Serie Die Serie Constellation ist eine britische Fernsehserie, die am 21. Februar 2024 Premiere feierte. Apple Tv ist eine Eigenproduktion. Die Serie, deren erste Staffel aus 8 Episoden besteht, ist in der Kategorie Thriller angesiedelt. Die Serie wurde von Peter Harness kreiert und von Michelle MacLaren, Oliver Hirschbiegel und Joseph Cedar inszeniert. Das Drehbuch stammt von…
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usalivemovienews · 4 months
Stars Align for Apple TV’s ‘Constellation’ Trailer It is safe to say that the stars ha... https://dev-usalivenews.pantheonsite.io/stars-align-for-apple-tvs-constellation-trailer/?feed_id=35986&_unique_id=65ae9fb7bf07a #movie film movies
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deadlinecom · 5 months
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mikethemovieguy · 6 months
Apple TV+ shares a glimpse at its upcoming, action-packed psychological thriller “Constellation,” starring Noomi Rapace and Jonathan Banks
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Apple TV+ today shared the first images from “Constellation,” a new eight-part, conspiracy-based psychological thriller drama starring Noomi Rapace (“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” “You Won’t Be Alone”) and Emmy Award nominee Jonathan Banks (“Breaking Bad,” “Better Call Saul”). Created and written by Peter Harness (“Wallander”, “The War of the Worlds,” “Doctor Who” ), also starring James D'Arcy ("Agent Carter,” “Oppenheimer”), Julian Looman ("Emily in Paris," The Mallorca Files") William Catlett ("A Thousand and One," "The Devil You Know"), Barbara Sukowa ("Voyager," "Hannah Arendt”) and introducing Rosie and Davina Coleman as Alice. Directed by Emmy Award winner Michelle MacLaren (“Shining Girls, “The Morning Show,” “Breaking Bad”), Oscar nominee Oliver Hirschbiegel (“Downfall”,  "The Experiment”) and Oscar nominee Joseph Cedar (“Footnote”, “Our Boys”) “Constellation” will make its global debut with the first three episodes on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 on Apple TV+, followed by one episode weekly through March 27.  
“Constellation” stars Rapace as Jo - an astronaut who returns to Earth after a disaster in space — only to discover that key pieces of her life seem to be missing. The action-packed space adventure is an exploration of the dark edges of human psychology, and one woman's desperate quest to expose the truth about the hidden history of space travel and recover all that she has lost.
Produced by Turbine Studios and Haut et Court TV, the series is executive produced by David Tanner (“Small Axe”), Tracey Scoffield (“Small Axe”), Caroline Benjo (“No Man’s Land”), Simon Arnal (“No Man’s Land”), Carole Scotta (“No Man’s Land”) and Justin Thomson (“Liaison”). MacLaren directs the first two episodes and executive produces with Rebecca Hobbs (“Shining Girls”) and co-executive producer Jahan Lopes for MacLaren Entertainment. Harness executive produces through Haunted Barn Ltd. The series was shot principally in Germany and was Series Produced by Daniel Hetzer (‘Munich - Edge of War”) for Turbine Studios, Germany.
Apple TV+ offers premium, compelling drama and comedy series, feature films, groundbreaking documentaries, and kids and family entertainment, and is available to watch across all your favorite screens. After its launch on November 1, 2019, Apple TV+ became the first all-original streaming service to launch around the world, and has premiered more original hits and received more award recognitions faster than any other streaming service in its debut. To date, Apple Original films, documentaries and series have been honored with 400 wins and 1,674 award nominations and counting, including multi-Emmy Award-winning comedy “Ted Lasso” and historic Oscar Best Picture winner “CODA.”
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